And So it Is, And a Better Life Final Map Sn ( Some-Time i->n 2025 ) Some Lst Writngs Sn ( Some-Time i->n 2025)
Gun osu Die die heirloom to The Airman Throne, DomintesFangirl Will Full combo a 11 Star Map with Low accuracy, The PP of it will be High, but Not Enough. When Will The Lords of Hard Rock come down To A Fantasy World of Triple Time, Quadruple Time, and Flashlight-Easy to Show the World the True Destiny of the Hyper-experience. I Keep Falling Asleep, As is my Body, my Brain is Sedated.. but I am not Special they Just want to keep me For themselves. As is Your-Self for? Your Spirit is Much stronger Than mine, Even if you are Weak. As Long as You Think you are Hu Man. I Love to Jump, Shooting my Cursor Far Across the Screen, It Lets me Enter into a Little Loli Girls Mind. In 2011 A Blue and White Globe similar Looking to the AT&T Logo startled Me so Much It led To me Becoming a Recluse. It was All So Foreign, So Empty, but I understood It Once. I Am Told a Lot of The Roman Scrolls, The ways I must Behave. It's Like sometimes They Worry About Me.. but I only Present it as So, so there Work is very Useless. It was My destiny for Me To Become who I was, but I will Melt Into Goop Soon, and Then it Will have another chance. The Kaleidoscope Goes way Deeper than We will ever Know, Living Closer to Delusion and I will Be A Love Bomb, Because Please check my Credentials, Beneath My World lays all the Insects Clawing and Sh#**#ing Over Every Where! So Stay With me,, OKAY ?
perhaps It is good to Say, because Some-OnE may be Read. . , There is no Wrong in being a Noisy and Unstable player like Me. If you Align with The moon then PerHeps you should Go for Self Expression above and Up over PerfactIon. there iS a Sertaien beautyIn Noise, and Osu SOuuuuuuuuuut is Not made For any Ways,, soYou can Do HowEver Always.
Rot Ii see splotches Of Brown growing Rot Rot Rot Rot but It is Fed, i Could of Seen it From Skies away - - - Why do You think It is now? but I do miss Her some times. . .
I HIT every Note (Full Combo) OF . Ten. S-seven Star Maps!!! . Fours Was INSane, FiveLudicr ous, Six a Miracle, and Seven an Impossibility. It Is a Show, A Play, A Land, and It was my Work. It can Be Liked by Some, Can It ? The Eight Is the Secret, the Nine is the Order, the Ten is the Present, so show me Your Fiesta! What Will your Destiny Be ?
ii used tyo be EASY. (the hardest FREKIGN mod ) PLAYER in teh gme.. BUt then PEPPY NERVFED all my ESSY (hasrdest) plays into the Game.. NOW i must play HARD Mod. Chaneg of the Seasons, Nevir Can rest . Huff Puff. I'm All Tire.d. outt.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- my ACC is SO AEWOESME (70 EPRCENT.. So you May Not Kno wabout my AWESOM 7 star (UPDATE AND 8) FCS. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 Star FCs: Wonderful Heart DT, Fireflight - Unbreakable, Black Rover, Fascin
ation Marisa + DTSD, Vivid + DT (not on bancho) TODAYT guna beat GREAT DAY DT FC , gUNEEA pig BRIDGE, SO MANY AO MANY TOO MANY ARTERGTEhya ! O FCED THJSOE I FC ED THOSE MAPS I THSOPE WERE THE FREAKING 7star map.... HAHAhahahahahaha.
YUP I DID 8 STAR C TYPE . YUP. I mbthe bgest palyer. ONLY COOKIE ZI FC 8 STAr but me Too M E FREAKing too ! !! ! !
SUPERMAN osu player (bgest in the world) my best achiev eements ements ments (OLD dont'; look thes FREAKUNG sUCK!!!S) grrr --------------------------------------------- (OLD dont'; look thes FREAKUNG sUCK!!!S) grrr
kyshiro 9 star jump godmoddeeee
uttaaaa AlmostFull combo (very close only poopmiss)
hidamare 2000 overstream BPM deathstream Mermaid fast
CYCL HIT [CRAZY DIFFICULTY[ One thousand combo and FIRS PASS 90 + % Acuar c c . ...
NEW bes s s s s sstst Osu Play Cekasis (player) New Playing PUSHING limit LOK NOW
C-TYPE 8 Freaking Starts. ONLY 3 Misses? ARE YOU CRAZI!! (Updet::::: I hit AL the note PEORFECTLY in SUCESION. (<!-- m --><a href='' rel='nofollow'>ss/17124805/cd8a</a><!-- m -->) ) NEED TO SEE. NOW.
UMM MERAMI IS surpisd... WTHJT Did you do. THREE (3) THREE [3] THREe <3> bpem>?? Fredum FREAK dive DOUL EITMME. Urrggggggg all the Liquuiwdssss. TEN STar FC m MRe, HAe (Hwo much P ?P )
more SCORES ciom ing *cominnamin sci srose scores mir THese better even . .It never Ends ! ! ! ========================================================================= goals longeterm ter plyer
dethrone whwite catc (updait: mrek) NUMBER 1 (MORE PP then him Im Betetr)
GILYL GABY. IM GUner Learn yto plyy AR NEGATIVE (WHen U put AR 0 wit hHALFTIME) Then ILL BE THE SLOWETST EVER!!! (new GOal)
Get BIG 99 9 9 9 300000BPM Stam ina CONSINSTETN (Can do whenver I want)
beat BIGEST RIVAL Lesjuh (Best Old Top Player) Score on Shotugn Symphony (hardest osu map)
AIM over 9 STAR patern PERFECLS No MISS or Nurthing (NEW VGOAL gbjfm)
Be The bes Bes I can (Super Good Im Awesome)
Gret RestrUcted Again . r .hh. .h .
OH YEAH. ONE GOAL DONWEN , FIFE more to GO!!! *Hands up in the Air!!* -=-=-==--=-=-=-==--==-=--=-=-=--=-=-==-=--=-=-=--= faq: mindset: all tapping style: TAP FAST TAP FAST GO FAST FAST FAST TAP like WOOOOO goooooo WOOOO gooo WOO GOO (woo goo method) 2000 Dos PEr Inch. HI dpi. Fast! <!-- m --><a href='' rel='nofollow'></a><!-- m --> MoUSE IM A MOUSE PLAYER did you khow that .
love: i lvove.. gooo... the gooo flowing into my loveLy little Heart!!! lvoes Mroe.. ist's so col d wieothut the goo..
ApriL 2018 - JuNe 2019 = Dormancy JuNe 2019 - AuGust 2019 = Sprouting AuGust 2019 - OcTober 2019 = Super Jump, Super Streams! OcTober 2019 - DeceMber 2019 = 9+ Star Easy Doublartime Super Streamiest Decessar 2019 - Mays 2020 = RESATIKKKCTD __XX__ Mays 2020 - NovaMbur 2020 = SUPER aiming Sprout, SVN Star FC NovaMbur 2020 - Octabar 2021 = Aim FASATS, SUPER Aim, EGHT Star FC OcTasbireate 2021 - NOW = Mastar of All Element, Cakases Player of Old