
[Archived] Ban Appealing

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Inamaru wrote:

spam | 24 hours
that message should totally read
"You are banned. If you think this is an error, please wait an hour or two before reporting".

Or actually give the reason/time for the ban/silence.
@Mukku: More specifically, a 24-hour IP ban for all of your irc clients. I've seen at least the mukku ones all online at once on a daily basis; are they really all needed?

[01:32] * BanchoBot sets mode: +v hirvio_mur
[01:32] * BanchoBot sets mode: +v mukku<3
[01:32] * BanchoBot sets mode: +v mukku
[01:32] * BanchoBot sets mode: +v kaunis_prinsessa
[01:32] * BanchoBot sets mode: +v ArgusTangentti
[01:32] * BanchoBot sets mode: +v loigb<3
[01:32] * BanchoBot sets mode: +v mukku_
[01:32] * BanchoBot sets mode: +v mukku__
[01:32] * BanchoBot sets mode: +v mukku___
Beuchi-chan made ​​a ban for making a joke, just ask me something and she gets a ban for 24 hours, this is too much, I have not evaded anything to make the ban is long :/

LANZER wrote:

Beuchi-chan made ​​a ban for making a joke, just ask me something and she gets a ban for 24 hours, this is too much, I have not evaded anything to make the ban is long :/
Don't joke about cheats. Also, this isn't your first chat offense.

Derekku wrote:

LANZER wrote:

Beuchi-chan made ​​a ban for making a joke, just ask me something and she gets a ban for 24 hours, this is too much, I have not evaded anything to make the ban is long :/
Don't joke about cheats. Also, this isn't your first chat offense.
24HRS not think too much, did not know what to say "lend me your cheats nvid4x" as a joke could be very wrong, I can first having silenced?
I've already told you in PM, no.

You were literally "asking for cheat links because certain people linked you some and the links didn't work", it doesn't matter if it was a joke or not and it's even worse if you involve people in it that has nothing to do with it. You deserve the ban and it's not going to get shorter, sorry.
I can shorten the time to 20 hrs?

LANZER wrote:

I can shorten the time to 20 hrs?
Yakety Saxer
Why was I banned for 1 hour and then unbanned again #Lulz
I wasn't there but my first guess is someone's autocomplete misfired? You should always wait a few minutes in case your ban is an accident.

Derekku wrote:

@Mukku: More specifically, a 24-hour IP ban for all of your irc clients. I've seen at least the mukku ones all online at once on a daily basis; are they really all needed?

[01:32] * BanchoBot sets mode: +v hirvio_mur
[01:32] * BanchoBot sets mode: +v mukku<3
[01:32] * BanchoBot sets mode: +v mukku
[01:32] * BanchoBot sets mode: +v kaunis_prinsessa
[01:32] * BanchoBot sets mode: +v ArgusTangentti
[01:32] * BanchoBot sets mode: +v loigb<3
[01:32] * BanchoBot sets mode: +v mukku_
[01:32] * BanchoBot sets mode: +v mukku__
[01:32] * BanchoBot sets mode: +v mukku___
Oh so thats why. You are very right, they are not needed at all. I don't know how it works but I didn't make all that on purpose. I guess I should try and find out how to actually stop those clients from automatically connecting over and over again. Just closing them doesn't seem to do the trick.
how many time >_>?
There isn't any ban under your name at this moment. It must have finished sometime ago.

Starrodkirby86 wrote:

There isn't any ban under your name at this moment. It must have finished sometime ago.
._. okay
So I've got banned. Why and for how long?
Enna Alouette
i know why but for how long?
Bass/Sekai: 24 hours for near-daily spam in chat. IRC is not your personal chatroom, so if you want to spam emotes and such then go somewhere else like MSN or a PM. You both have been warned multiple times, yet you keep doing the same thing (especially in empty channels like #videogames where you think no one will see you).
Enna Alouette

Derekku wrote:

Bass/Sekai: 24 hours for near-daily spam in chat. IRC is not your personal chatroom, so if you want to spam emotes and such then go somewhere else like MSN or a PM. You both have been warned multiple times, yet you keep doing the same thing (especially in empty channels like #videogames where you think no one will see you).
lol i wasn't meaning to spamming with bass and thanx anyways =.="
I wasn't getting any warning from you Derek and rest of staff so what the fuck?
But you've been warned in the past about doing this kind of things in #videogames by the staff...
07 Ghost
I've been banned, but how do I know how long?
Edit: I know what I've been banned for already. And its for a NSFW link.
I apologize for what I did, and it won't happen again. I leave it to you to decide what consequences are given.
I'll accept anything. Once again, I apologize.

07 Ghost wrote:

I've been banned, but how do I know how long?
Edit: I know what I've been banned for already. And its for a NSFW link.
I apologize for what I did, and it won't happen again. I leave it to you to decide what consequences are given.
I'll accept anything. Once again, I apologize.

24 hours
07 Ghost

Inamaru wrote:

24 hours
Alrighty, thanks for the information.
I was silenced in chat for using too many lines when saying goodbye and while I was silenced I spammed "llama" a little bit to pass the time. My osu froze while doing it so I decided to spam it again (still silenced) to see if it would freeze again but I found myself banned.

I didn't mean to flood the chat or do any harm to Bancho. Is this permanent? :(

SoND wrote:

I was silenced in chat for using too many lines when saying goodbye and while I was silenced I spammed "llama" a little bit to pass the time. My osu froze while doing it so I decided to spam it again (still silenced) to see if it would freeze again but I found myself banned.

I didn't mean to flood the chat or do any harm to Bancho. Is this permanent? :(
If you didn't mean to flood the chat then why did you try to flood again?

Anyways, your ban is 24 hours for silence evasion and heavy spamming. Don't do it again otherwise your next ban could end up longer.
I figured that because I was silenced it wasn't reaching the chat and I could do what I wanted.

Guess not, thanks. :lol:

EDIT - There was no intentional evasion of the silence if it appeared that way.
Just something: when silencing, isn't it a good idea to give a reason or something? (well if you already do that then nvm this). Like !silence CXu Don't Spam. or something similar to that. Atleast that way people might actually get that a silence is a warning or something? Oh and reason/time to show up when you're banned, since right now this topic seems to either deal with those who don't know what they did or don't know for how long they've been banned, something that could be easily solved if this information is just shown to the player.
There's already a feature request for that, as far as I know. Let me dig it up...


The silence reason would be useless though, as you can still read the chat while silenced, and the moderator can easily tell you what you did there.

Gens wrote:

There's already a feature request for that, as far as I know. Let me dig it up...


The silence reason would be useless though, as you can still read the chat while silenced, and the moderator can easily tell you what you did there.
Liek they ever do. No mods give a shit they just get happy they have a power and use it. If you ever ask afterwards it usualy ends up with another silence or ban. Or when you prove them wrong they dont even bother apologizing. They dont care to even look into what happened. Just another group of people with power who dont use their head. DISREGARD THAT I SUCK COCKS

SilentKiller wrote:

Gens wrote:

There's already a feature request for that, as far as I know. Let me dig it up...


The silence reason would be useless though, as you can still read the chat while silenced, and the moderator can easily tell you what you did there.
Liek they ever do. No mods give a shit they just get happy they have a power and use it. If you ever ask afterwards it usualy ends up with another silence or ban. Or when you prove them wrong they dont even bother apologizing. They dont care to even look into what happened. Just another group of people with power who dont use their head. DISREGARD THAT I SUCK COCKS
Because thats very mature and a prime example of what im talking about.
magic and pixie dust used to be here
I lol'd
Requesting bancheck for Brass the Hedgehog.

Beuchi-chan wrote:

5h ban, silenced and banned for not behaving correctly in chat, then evaded the ban with a multiaccount (no matter if it's not yours, you used it to evade the ban).

You guys know about multiaccounts cause of IP addresses or... IRC stupidity saying it's your multiaccoutnt... or?

Frozen wrote:

You guys know about multiaccounts cause of IP addresses or... IRC stupidity saying it's your multiaccoutnt... or?
it's not your problem.
why and how long for?

Frozen wrote:

why and how long for?
nonsense in #osu | 2 hours

Galkan wrote:

Requesting bancheck for Brass the Hedgehog.
Should already be over. o.o

Frozen wrote:

why and how long for?
2 hours for nonsense in chat after being silenced twice.

[15:07] <Frozen> you Frozen ?
[15:07] <Frozen> yes i am
[15:07] <Frozen> hi
[15:07] <Frozen> hi
[15:07] <Nadina120> i ask [peppy] a question or send a message and he is not message me
[15:07] <Nadina120> like pfft what ever
[15:07] <Nadina120> i farking wont then
[15:08] <Frozen> nadina : peppy is busy sniffin it up *wink*
[15:08] <Frozen> thats how he came up qith osu
[15:49] <Frozen> e___________________________________-e
[16:02] <Frozen> hika is with me now NO QUESTIONS
[16:02] <Hika> ..
[16:02] <Frozen> ill pay

Inamaru wrote:

Frozen wrote:

why and how long for?
nonsense in #osu | 2 hours
I really should learn to stop trolling ... :X
Hi, ive been banned, and i beleive it's because i relogged when i got silenced. I havn't been playing for long and did not know you could get banned for that reason. Id like to appologize for the abuse and ill calm down in the future, or stay muted 8) Please let me know if theres a possibility of unban, or what the duration is gonna be :[

thx alot ~ shank

NrGshaNk wrote:

Hi, ive been banned, and i beleive it's because i relogged when i got silenced. I havn't been playing for long and did not know you could get banned for that reason. Id like to appologize for the abuse and ill calm down in the future, or stay muted 8) Please let me know if theres a possibility of unban, or what the duration is gonna be :[

thx alot ~ shank
[17:38] <NrGshaNk> CANNOT
[17:40] <NrGshaNk> JESUS CHRIST
[17:40] <NrGshaNk> SOMEONE LOVE ME
[17:43] <NrGshaNk> one more
[17:43] <NrGshaNk> or FUCK it
At this point you were silenced.

[17:44] <NrGshaNk> DONE son
And then banned for evading the silence. Don't spam anymore and don't evade silences!
will do sir haha. sorry for that

how long is this gonna last T_T??
The duration is one hour.

mm201 wrote:

The duration is one hour.
but thats sooooo lonnnnnnnggggggggggggggggggg :D

thanks mate. ^_^

edit: oh by the way, sick response time. lol keep it up
Banned, Not sure why completely, I think it is because I Cap spam, if so how long?

If not why? and how long?
TBTE: 6 hour ban for spamming and nonsense

Yeah the caps spam didn't help anything

James2250 wrote:

TBTE: 6 hour ban for spamming and nonsense

Yeah the caps spam didn't help anything
Agreed. Got excited for Lv. 50 tho.
I just wanna know how long have i been banned?

sallygwizz38 wrote:

I just wanna know how long have i been banned?
1 hour

Inamaru wrote:

sallygwizz38 wrote:

I just wanna know how long have i been banned?
1 hour
we are going to bed in 1 hour! see you tomorrow morning then! [google:a9446]tomorrow morning[/google:a9446]
I just wanna know how long i am banned for :?

RommelDawg wrote:

I just wanna know how long i am banned for :?

3 hours
Oh shit i'm banned cause i was spamming in PM o_o
Well , i have asked my friend if i can do it only for some seconds (not really spamming o_o , just doing it for fun) , and i think i'm banned.

How long i am banned?

(and i'm so sorry , I'll not do it again , I did not know it had such consequences ._.)
And if he's banned can I be banned for the duration too? ;o; Since we were both doing it cause we both wanted to do it to eachother~

Edit: Leave Elly Alone OTL

_LRJ_ wrote:

Oh shit i'm banned cause i was spamming in PM o_o
Well , i have asked my friend if i can do it only for some seconds (not really spamming o_o , just doing it for fun) , and i think i'm banned.

How long i am banned?

(and i'm so sorry , I'll not do it again , I did not know it had such consequences ._.)

Bancho Spam protection | 1 hour

Elly-chan wrote:

And if he's banned can I be banned for the duration too? ;o; Since we were both doing it cause we both wanted to do it to eachother~
:I no
om my g, for the 24 hour ban (which is sooooo long) that i got about 10 AM central time ( 2 1/2 hours ago) , why not subtract about 25 minutes and that is still a long time or take out 30 seconds which still makes it a long time. i will chat only about the topic and stay on-topic in chat.
What is the topic? 10:02 AM 8/25/2011 and give me internets (spam link)
I know why; just tell me how long \:D/
72 hours for trolling
Shohei Ohtani

sallygwizz38 wrote:

om my g, for the 24 hour ban (which is sooooo long) that i got about 10 AM central time ( 2 1/2 hours ago) , why not subtract about 25 minutes and that is still a long time or take out 30 seconds which still makes it a long time. i will chat only about the topic and stay on-topic in chat.
What is the topic? 10:02 AM 8/25/2011 and give me internets (spam link)
Yeah admins don't generally shorten bans, especially with such a minimal amount, unless there's some drastic reason (ie. ban name or duration typo.). Just wait the full duration and do like, something else. You know, like actually play the game.
how long :D?
96 hours for repetitive spam/flooding in #spanish. You get silenced multiple times per day, and haven't seemed to learn how to stop.
Banned like a bawss for "discriminating" oranges, but I only love one. How long? kthx.

btw hi wmm
Love: Banned for 1 hour for trolling in chat

Love your "maps" btw. *wink wink*

Oh, and if I was banned for this, then why wasn't I banned nor silenced for the same thing a few days ago. mmkbai
I'm kind of wondering how you get silenced for that because I agree with Love;

I should have been silenced a VERY long time ago..well banned, same thing.

Derekku wrote:

96 hours for repetitive spam/flooding in #spanish. You get silenced multiple times per day, and haven't seemed to learn how to stop.
Add leaking how to get secret achievements to this.

GladiOol wrote:

I know why; just tell me how long \:D/

An answer would be sexy.

GladiOol wrote:

GladiOol wrote:

I know why; just tell me how long \:D/

An answer would be sexy.
I understand that publicly saying "I relog whenever i get silenced so i can continue my personal conversations" is pretty much tantamount to admitting I 'silence evade', however, as there is no evidence of any chatting going on (especially during the times where it's a legit disconnect -or- i don't talk at all in pm) since I don't publicly chat, there shouldn't be any wanton banning.

no time request since i'm going to bed soon and the ban is under 8 hours (at least, it better be or there's something up), just wanted to say.

Shiirn wrote:

I understand that publicly saying "I relog whenever i get silenced so i can continue my personal conversations" is pretty much tantamount to admitting I 'silence evade', however, as there is no evidence of any chatting going on (especially during the times where it's a legit disconnect -or- i don't talk at all in pm) since I don't publicly chat, there shouldn't be any wanton banning.

no time request since i'm going to bed soon and the ban is under 8 hours (at least, it better be or there's something up), just wanted to say.
You know everyone does that when they get silenced in multi...
i speak
a lot.
Well I don't play osu that much anymore anyway.
you banned me in my sleep !!! how much time is left in the ban?

sallygwizz38 wrote:

you banned me in my sleep !!! how much time is left in the ban?
48 hours
48 hours??? thats a long time?? might as well view other games (except osu) for 43 hours.
also, what is the time of the ban ( CDT) ?
You can still play regardless of a ban

Randy96 wrote:

You can still play regardless of a ban
except scores don't submit afaik?
They do as long as you don't remove your hash from config or log out.
nice thread

sallygwizz38 wrote:

48 hours??? thats a long time?? might as well view other games (except osu) for 43 hours.
also, what is the time of the ban ( CDT) ?
Your banned longer now for Ban evading.

Plz don't ban evade.
Id really love to know what I just got banned for >.>

SilentKiller wrote:

Id really love to know what I just got banned for >.>
Silenced for inappropriate conversation (porn), and then killed for 1 hour for silence evading.

Derekku wrote:

SilentKiller wrote:

Id really love to know what I just got banned for >.>
Silenced for inappropriate conversation (porn), and then killed for 1 hour for silence evading.
I was never silenced.... Nice try bro. Maybe you should get your facts straight next time.

inb4 "I d/ced" That cover story doesn't fly. Especially since you called it out so plainly as your first message after relogging.

mm201 wrote:

inb4 "I d/ced" That cover story doesn't fly. Especially since you called it out so plainly as your first message after relogging.
If you say so. Wasnt a story but if that floats your boat.
I was wondering how long im gona be banned for >.>?

mebins wrote:

I was wondering how long im gona be banned for >.>?
One hour, porn conversation.

mm201 wrote:

mebins wrote:

I was wondering how long im gona be banned for >.>?
One hour, porn conversation.
Even if you legtimately disconnect while silenced, don't be a retard and wait out your silence.
Too bad I didnt use facebook. You honestly think I would your find your moms phone number. House address etc on fb? And I honestly did not know that I had been silenced.

SilentKiller wrote:

Too bad I didnt use facebook. You honestly think I would your find your moms phone number. House address etc on fb? And I honestly did not know that I had been silenced.
Hi. Please stop causing trouble and wasting people's time. Last warning.
how long is 37 banned for?

sallygwizz38 wrote:

how long is 37 banned for?
48 hours for ban evading on irc while your osu account was banned.
Again, please don't post in this thread if you're not contesting a ban or constrctively adding to a discussion. :/ Spam and flame posts will be deleted.
K i R i N O
how long my ban XD:::
banned for spamming in the #polish channel, for how long is that? ;c

K i R i N O wrote:

how long my ban XD:::
24 hours for excessive spam.

ciastek wrote:

banned for spamming in the #polish channel, for how long is that? ;c
96 hours for spam/harassment and ban evasion.
How Long?

and i know what i was doing this time don't post it.
24 hours for daily caps spam and nonsense in #osu.

Derekku wrote:

24 hours for daily caps spam and nonsense in #osu.
alrighty then, I'll see you tomorrow. btw thanks for the quick response
another suprise ban! why do people "!kill sallygwizz38" every time im AFK???
also how long is this ban? im guessing between 72 and 172 hours. anyway, i might be gone for longer than that anyway so that might be a few weeks of no sally, sorry fans, but time flies, doesnt it?
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