Hi! I along with some other users have noticed that osu!Skills doesn't see hiscores set on Lazer. I had a similar issue with osu!track, and I've recently updated it to support Lazer.
The root of the issue is that the v1 API user top 100 plays endpoint simply doesn't return scores set on Lazer. You have to use the fancy new v2 OAuth-based API and manually set a special API version header to get that data.
I really wanted to avoid having to extensively update the decade-old PHP code for osu!track to use the new osu! v2 API with OAuth - which has a completely new data model. Instead, I built a tiny standalone bridge service that proxies just the user top 100 hiscores endpoint from API v2 (which includes Lazer hiscores) and returns its data in as close to the same format as v1.
This makes it as close to a drop-in replacement for the v1 hiscores endpoint as possible while still including Lazer hiscores.
I have open sourced the project and included some basic docs to get it running:
https://github.com/ameobea/osu-api-bridgeIt hopefully should be as easy as setting your OAuth tokens in the config file and launching it, then updating the URL in osu!skills to point from the v1 hiscores endpoint to the proxied one from the bridge service.
I've been trying to get Tillerino to switch over to it since his bot is having the same issues with ignoring Lazer hiscores. He's expressed interest, but hasn't switched over just yet.
I've set the vast majority of my current top plays on Lazer at this point, and I'd really love to see my current actual skill reflected on osu!Skills! I'm more than happy to help out with setting this up if it's something you're interested in - just let me know.
Anyway, even if you're not interested in using the bridge, thanks very much for creating osu!Skills and providing it to the community to use