- My profile is a meme. Nothing matters. Pop off. - candian debuff - I play without hitsounds (Stop calling me a Plasma wannabe I've been doing this since I started the game) - I absolutely refuse to retry spam anything for the sake of pp - Lazer player - I make banners n' stuff - Glorified 6 digit - Member of 5WC2025 GFX - $619.12CAD given away in Supporter. That's roughly $432USD
Host of Crown (Shut down as of 1st/April/2024) Host of osu!Challengers (Begun on 1st/Nov/2024)(Rebranded from Weekly Challenge on 15th/Mar/2025)
Thank you AznYoon for SIX MONTHS of Supporter! Check out this man out on Twitch Thanks to my friend Tax on Discord for drawing me a custom profile picture (not in use) and banner (not in use)... for FREE?!
An extra thanks to everyone who helps me with my maps. I’m very lazy at times, so I often end up procrastinating even the shortest map. With so many people agreeing to do Guest Difficulties, I can actually create mapsets that don’t take months on end
If even just a single person enjoys one of my maps, then I’ve a achieved my goal.
I took up skinning a while back. It took a lot of effort and fighting myself not to procrastinate the smallest things, but I finally finished my first skin
Ivey This is the one who first got me into the game. I remember it like it was yesterday. It was a hot summer day, and summer break was just around the corner. I couldn't go outside because of the overwhelming heat, so I was in all day on a voice call with my friends on Discord. I heard him talking about the game and was interested, then he showed me and I was hooked instantly. From the moment I first played the game I loved it, but because of school I couldn't pour much time into it. That all changed about a week later when summer break began. I spent tens of hours a week for the whole break playing this game. I didn't go outside, I hardly slept, hardly ate, I was infatuated from day one. I surpassed his play count in a little under a single month, and have continued to put in many hours since then. He doesn't play anymore, and we've long since stopped talking, but I still think of him from time to time.
Briosh This man was one of my first rivals ever. While it's true that Ivey was my first, and until Briosh was my only, this guy was a longer lasting and harder rival to overcome. Even if he didn't know it, he became a close friend of mine, and he pushed me to become better and better in a short amount of time, just so I could one day surpass him. And surpass him I did. When I look back at it, he, like Ivey, is a massive reason as to why I am where I am, and I am glad I met him. I've had many memorable interactions with Briosh, and if you ever meet him, be respectful, he's a great guy.
WhiteCat WhiteCat was one of the very first players I ever saw when I first started out. I learned about him very early on, along with mrekk, and ever since I have wanted more and more to be as good as him at aim and such. I even created an alias using his name, WalmartWhiteCat, the fifth member of the Walmart Clan. I continue to strive toward reaching his skill level to this day, and vow to one day become as good, and even surpass him.
Binfy It may be a bit jarring to see a name such as Binfy after a legend like WhiteCat, but in my eyes, these two are equals. Binfy may not be the best at the game, hell he may barely play, but that doesn't make him any less deserving of being an inspiration. Binfy is one of the coolest people I can think of, not only is he funny, but he's caring, considerate, and generous, three things many people spend their whole lives trying to achieve. He is all of this and more at such a young age and has entertained hundreds. He is truly one of the greats in my mind, and will continue to be so.
- Give away $1K CAD in Supporter - In progress - Reach 4 digit - Getting closer every day >:) - Contribute something to the improvement of the community - Host events for the community - Completed/Currently doing - Have fun - Completed