
April Open Master's Challenge (Challenge Over)

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The point totals have been added to all brackets. Be aware that point calculations have been done before I add in anyone else tonight, so in the next go-round I will edit them in the affected brackets to reflect the additional participant.

Current leaders:
900K+: None (no submissions yet)
899-700K: F0R9eT (by 19 points)
699-500K: Phenyaretard (by 30 points)
499-300K: Wimpy Cursed (by 4 points)
299-200K: Yomi Yori (by 8 points)
199-150K: [[[[[[ (by 18 points)
149-100K: Ferminick (by 78 points)
99-50K: [Ellie] by (20 points)
49-10K: Pristine (by 38 points)
<10K: None (no submissions yet)
Anaxii 3
oh, can i get dq'd for clinbing up ranks too much?
Wimpy Cursed
4 points lmao
why do I always troll an fc :(
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Reminder bump for everybody. Also a reminder that sign-ups are still ongoing until the 20th, and to vote in the polls if you haven't already!
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Halfway mark reminders have been sent out (late by a day, but still). I'm in the process of doing the 2nd wave of points calculations and should have them done today or tomorrow.
Wimpy Cursed
I declare war on my bracket
Starting April 20th
Unless I am doing something for my birthday... and maybe some planning for my future.
But war is coming soon!
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War can always wait for birthday cake.
Wimpy Cursed
nuh uh
family event

or.. I will bring my family to the war!
Anaxii 3
im leaving so that i don't have stress anymore lel
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Current leaders:
900K+: None (no submissions yet)
899-700K: F0R9eT (by 57 points)
699-500K: Phenyaretard (by 12 points)
499-300K: Tied at 15 points! (Wimpy and Roiolk)
299-200K: Yomi Yori (by 8 points)
199-150K: [[[[[[ (by 18 points)
149-100K: Ferminick (by 78 points)
99-50K: Aveil (by 44 points)
49-10K: Pristine (by 44 points)
<10K: None (no submissions yet)

As stated, I sent out reminders for the halfway point, so hopefully more people who likely completely forgot will start posting scores soon. I also noticed the new channels thing that popped up last week, and while it's likely too late to do anything with it for this month, depending on how it functions I might be able to use it to send group dms and such, which would be a huge benefit since I don't use discord.
Wimpy Cursed
wtf how am I tied
Oh. Didn't include maps further than map 5
Topic Starter
Sign-ups are now officially over. May the best player (or I suppose, most submitter) win.
Ok let's see..
Anaxii 3
im sorry for submitting literally nothing
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The challenge is over. The final tallies will begin now. Please give me a couple days to calculate everything.
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Finally got a chance to finish counting everything. Now, the winners!

From the 899-700K bracket: F0R9et!
From the 699-500K bracket: Aspen_01!
From the 499-300K bracket: Wimpy Cursed!
From the 299-200K bracket: Yellowbadbeast!
From the 199-150K bracket: [[[[[[!
From the 149-100K bracket: Ferminick!
From the 99-50K bracket: Aveil!
From the 49-10K bracket: Pristine!
From the <10K bracket: Emerald Ages! (by dint of having all submissions while in a single-player bracket).

Furthermore, the following players have earned extra supporter:
Aspen_01, for all FCs
Controversial, for all FCs
Ferminick, for all FCs

You will have to wait until Thursday at the earliest when I get paid to receive your rewards, but I should hopefully have them out to you by the end of the weekend. Hopefully.

Thank you to everyone who participated.
Wimpy Cursed
and now I shall enjoy getting my shit rocked
Topic Starter
Your supporter rewards have been sent out. Once again, thank you for your participation.
God bless you \o/
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