
April Open Master's Challenge (Challenge Over)

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Spreadsheet link is in the OP, and all players have been added.
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Little over a day left for the pre-challenge sign-ups!
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The Open Master's Challenge has officially begun!

Just a few reminders:
1.) You are NOT constrained to playing one map per round. You may play any map, at any time, until the end of the challenge. Of course, said plays must be dated during the challenge.
2.)This will perhaps be the only challenge I will not issue penalties for not participating. I may or may not dq players who don't submit for at least one map by the 16th and issue penalties for them.
3.) Sign-ups will remain open until the end of the 20th! don't hesitate to tell others about it and have them join in, too!
4.) If a bracket drops to a single-player bracket due to drop-outs, the remaining player must have viable submissions for all maps to still receive the winning prize.

Scores thread is here.
Anaxii 3
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*remembers when you were over 400K*

*sheds tear* Just look at our boy...

*ahem* anyways, go make your scores post.

ALSO, I have the next polls up now! These will be the last poll for the 2024.2 nominations, so if you have any other picks you want to see (that aren't already chosen), now's your last chance!
Anaxii 3

Voidedosu wrote:

*remembers when you were over 400K*

*sheds tear* Just look at our boy...

*ahem* anyways, go make your scores post.

ALSO, I have the next polls up now! These will be the last poll for the 2024.2 nominations, so if you have any other picks you want to see (that aren't already chosen), now's your last chance!
*remembers when thetm was rivaling acroba (o7)*

damn... it's been a long time, and now im no longer 150k
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Alright, the first loop of submissions have been added. Points distribution will happen tomorrow (Monday). So far all but the two extremes (900K+ and <10K) have at least one person with at least one submission, so hopefully those participants will fill them in sometime soon.

I admittedly don't want to kick anyone this time around, but I may cut anyone who hasn't submitted anything once sign-ups end on the 20th. I will likely send out warnings on the 15 or 16th as well to those people.

For everyone else, you obviously have no rush to submit for all of them, as barely a third of the month has gone by. Just remember the more (and better) submissions you make the higher the chance you'll win even by default!

(oh, and another reminder to cast your votes for the artist polls. I could always just select an artist myself, but I feel like this is a great way for each of you to have some kind of input into what challenge happens next, so you should let your opinion be known through your vote!)
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The point totals have been added to all brackets. Be aware that point calculations have been done before I add in anyone else tonight, so in the next go-round I will edit them in the affected brackets to reflect the additional participant.

Current leaders:
900K+: None (no submissions yet)
899-700K: F0R9eT (by 19 points)
699-500K: Phenyaretard (by 30 points)
499-300K: Wimpy Cursed (by 4 points)
299-200K: Yomi Yori (by 8 points)
199-150K: [[[[[[ (by 18 points)
149-100K: Ferminick (by 78 points)
99-50K: [Ellie] by (20 points)
49-10K: Pristine (by 38 points)
<10K: None (no submissions yet)
Anaxii 3
oh, can i get dq'd for clinbing up ranks too much?
Wimpy Cursed
4 points lmao
why do I always troll an fc :(
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Reminder bump for everybody. Also a reminder that sign-ups are still ongoing until the 20th, and to vote in the polls if you haven't already!
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Halfway mark reminders have been sent out (late by a day, but still). I'm in the process of doing the 2nd wave of points calculations and should have them done today or tomorrow.
Wimpy Cursed
I declare war on my bracket
Starting April 20th
Unless I am doing something for my birthday... and maybe some planning for my future.
But war is coming soon!
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War can always wait for birthday cake.
Wimpy Cursed
nuh uh
family event

or.. I will bring my family to the war!
Anaxii 3
im leaving so that i don't have stress anymore lel
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Current leaders:
900K+: None (no submissions yet)
899-700K: F0R9eT (by 57 points)
699-500K: Phenyaretard (by 12 points)
499-300K: Tied at 15 points! (Wimpy and Roiolk)
299-200K: Yomi Yori (by 8 points)
199-150K: [[[[[[ (by 18 points)
149-100K: Ferminick (by 78 points)
99-50K: Aveil (by 44 points)
49-10K: Pristine (by 44 points)
<10K: None (no submissions yet)

As stated, I sent out reminders for the halfway point, so hopefully more people who likely completely forgot will start posting scores soon. I also noticed the new channels thing that popped up last week, and while it's likely too late to do anything with it for this month, depending on how it functions I might be able to use it to send group dms and such, which would be a huge benefit since I don't use discord.
Wimpy Cursed
wtf how am I tied
Oh. Didn't include maps further than map 5
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Sign-ups are now officially over. May the best player (or I suppose, most submitter) win.
Ok let's see..
Anaxii 3
im sorry for submitting literally nothing
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The challenge is over. The final tallies will begin now. Please give me a couple days to calculate everything.
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Finally got a chance to finish counting everything. Now, the winners!

From the 899-700K bracket: F0R9et!
From the 699-500K bracket: Aspen_01!
From the 499-300K bracket: Wimpy Cursed!
From the 299-200K bracket: Yellowbadbeast!
From the 199-150K bracket: [[[[[[!
From the 149-100K bracket: Ferminick!
From the 99-50K bracket: Aveil!
From the 49-10K bracket: Pristine!
From the <10K bracket: Emerald Ages! (by dint of having all submissions while in a single-player bracket).

Furthermore, the following players have earned extra supporter:
Aspen_01, for all FCs
Controversial, for all FCs
Ferminick, for all FCs

You will have to wait until Thursday at the earliest when I get paid to receive your rewards, but I should hopefully have them out to you by the end of the weekend. Hopefully.

Thank you to everyone who participated.
Wimpy Cursed
and now I shall enjoy getting my shit rocked
Topic Starter
Your supporter rewards have been sent out. Once again, thank you for your participation.
God bless you \o/
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