soulfear wrote:
Sorry, my Chinese is bad so I am replying in English.
Removed Kiai Time
I set it, although it doesn't make a big difference because the preview point is from the beginning.
Removed, I don't know why osu keeps adding this...
Video...? The original BMS does not have video.
It will be great if you can give me a higher quality mp3.
Thank you~
soulfear wrote:
OFFSET往前提一條大白線比較好. Fixed~
http://u.115.com/file/dnavuer3 谢谢!
BGA VIDEO的OFFSET是-6000ms,遊戲里的EDIT設置不了-6000ms,你用記事本打開.OSU文件設置
http://u.115.com/file/clia6f94 好的...
I think it is fine... but I'll add "Shijugonen" and "Yonjugonen"(this is not the actual reading, but to make stuff more convenient) to the tags so it will be easier to search. Thank you for pointing this out.
公式で配布されている音源をダウンロードした際に同梱されているテキストによるとTakos wrote:
soulfear wrote:
OFFSET往前提一條大白線比較好. Fixed~
http://u.115.com/file/dnavuer3 谢谢!
BGA VIDEO的OFFSET是-6000ms,遊戲里的EDIT設置不了-6000ms,你用記事本打開.OSU文件設置
http://u.115.com/file/clia6f94 好的...
I think it is fine... but I'll add "Shijugonen" and "Yonjugonen"(this is not the actual reading, but to make stuff more convenient) to the tags so it will be easier to search. Thank you for pointing this out.
検索の利便性を考えて"yonjugo"もタグにいれてみることにしましたSuzully wrote:
Thank you for mod!banvi wrote:
audio lead-in 2s fixed
全diff全体的にhitsoundが少なすぎると思いました(特に全く入れてないところは少しでも入れるといいかもです) 考えてみます
00:07:421 (3) (4)と平行にする fixed
00:13:774 (3) new combo? fixed
01:40:598 (1) 実際spinnerが終わる途中に音量5%にしているため、ボーナス音が途中で小さくなることになるので緑線は01:42:715に置くことを推奨 fixed
01:55:421 (3) new combo? fixed
HP -1 ? ok
00:38:127 (9,10) spacing fixed
ファイトー!good luck (:
Thanks for mod banvibanvi wrote:
[S o r d a's Normal]
00:22:245 (7) こういう長いsilderは対称的に整形したほうがいいかも silder Change
00:34:951 (n) add note? Fix
01:24:715 (4) 後ろの方ちょっと傾けてるのはわざとでしょうか?スライダーの形を変えてみました
01:58:245 (5,1) uh... spacing too far for normal...oops,Fixed
02:15:539 (1) spinnerに変えた方がいいかも(変えたくなければ後ろの方の緑線消してください)added spinner
Thank you for moddingbanvi wrote:
全diff全体的にhitsoundが少なすぎると思いました(特に全く入れてないところは少しでも入れるといいかもです) add whistle...![]()
00:02:127 (8) new combo?
00:04:245 (7) ^
00:06:362 (10) ^ (特にコレcombo数長い)
00:08:480 (10) ^
00:10:598 (8) ^
00:14:833 (10) ^
00:16:951 (10) ^
00:25:421 (10) ^
00:28:245 (6) Ctrl + R ?
00:33:892 (10) new combo?
00:51:362 (8) ^
00:56:833 (9) ^
00:57:362 (14) ^
01:48:186 (14) ^
01:52:245 (8) ^
02:15:539 (1) sildertickが聞こえないように音量下げたほうがいいかもです change to 5%
beautiful~ arigatooo
All fixed~
什么难度没指定VIDEO?? 我想没有问题...soulfear wrote:
Thank you for the suggestions~_Kiva wrote:
Edit 1 :
Change kozato to Kozato .. as me and Mystica both used "Kozato"
No change D:
I understand your point, to be consistent with other beatmaps makes users identify the artist easily
However, I don't want to change this because his official BMS name is "kozato" ...
I searched for details to find that his name is "kozato yuzuki"(雪月こざと)
kozato_snow is his id on twitter... so I believe "Kozato Snow" is inaccurate, but it's fine for you to use it because Mystica has his beatmap ranked![]()
Edit 2:
use "45Nen no Yukizakura" maybe batter?
No change
hmm... since capital letters should be used for the leading character to emphasize that word, I think it is not appropriate to change the 'n' to an 'N'.
You wouldn't say "1St" or "2Nd" right?
oh...谢谢~Mystica wrote:
fulled with streams.......some not fix this map....
So good luck.
OD-1 not fixMystica wrote:
00:30:009 this patten may set as this....the original sounds not good..00:43:421 why this following patten has such a low volume....may up 10~15%
01:39:539 add whistle
02:03:892 cancel the slider whistle
Thank you for modding Mystica!Mystica wrote:
About the artist I think It's important to search it..May many users search "kozako" to find maps...So it may not a big problem with the artist. Yup, shouldn't be a problem.
Nothing wrong...But may use more whistle to make it more interesting.. Added some whistles
00:03:186 new combo
00:13:774 cancel the slide whistle
00:43:421 this follow two sliders may revise three times plays more suitable..When I play this patten I got break three times I'm not sure what you mean here, I'll ask you in-game or you can reply here.
00:52:951 cancel the slider whistle
00:54:716 (9) - ^
00:56:127 (2) - ^
00:57:186 (4) - ^
00:58:598 (7) - ^
and so many.....
I don't like slider-whistle...Sorry about it.
AR+1 I kind of want this diff. to be more relaxing, so no.
All fixed except for AR and the slider
.when I mod it something strange happend.....Here is
Hope ranked soon...Good luck.
If you need further modding...ask me in-game
:OTakos wrote:
Thanks for mod ><
Since I moved to Japan, I don't have my main pc atm.
I will fix those when I get access to osu.
thanks for mod wmfwmfchris wrote:
00:13:774 (1,2) - whistle at ending? Fix
00:44:127 (3,4) - (3) down 1 grid, (4) left 1 gridFix
00:14:833 (2) - whislte here?Fix
01:21:951 (x) - breakno
01:30:009 (1) - left 1 grid to make it symmetricalfix but symmetrical not fix
lol ok._Kiva wrote:
i know it will be better with hit sounds
[any KD for previous post with hit sound pack
对不起,我已经有四个难度...Yumeko Yuki wrote:
噢对了 难度的话大概是I
实在不行就别传进去了 不过我还是会做的
All fixed thank you~Ryafuka wrote:
Slider Tick Rateがこのdiffだけ0.5になっているので他のdiffと同じ1に変更
00:52:951 (7) - new comboを追加
01:06:362 (3,3) - 綺麗にstackしていません
01:39:539 (8) - new comboを追加
02:15:539 (1) - 終点を02:17:657まで伸ばす? (他のdiffは全てそこで終わっていたので)
modありがとうございました!Ryafuka wrote:
hi~ ></
from my modding queueSPOILERnice song and mapset全て提案程度ですので気に入らないものがあったら無視してくださってかまいません
・LetterBox during breaksのチェックを外す ok
・KIAI TIMEがあったらもっと盛り上がって良いなと思いましたちょっと考えてから決めます、ノートがぴかぴか光るのが曲の雰囲気に合うかどうかわからないので;w;
00:03:187 (7) - new comboを追加
00:33:892 (8) - ^
00:36:716 (5) - ^
00:42:363 (4) - ^
01:27:892 (7) - ^
01:53:304 (9) - ^
All fixed
[S o r d a's Normal]
00:30:009 (7) - 終点のwhistleを削除?
02:12:362 (5) - new comboを追加
All fixed
01:53:304 (2) - スライダーがまっすぐになっていません
All fixed
gogo ranked!