
What is the grading system in your country?

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Here it starts from 2 and goes up to 6 and 3 is the passing grade. If you land between 2 numbers the grade is rounded mathematically, except if you land between 2 and 3, where you always get rounded down. In the past there was also a 1, but it was used only if you cheated during a test.
The grading system here is different at each level of education. I think elementary to high school still uses 4-10, the matriculation exams have latin letter grades and in universities it's the standard 1 to 5. Not sure about vocational schools, the universities of applied sciences or various community colleges.
0-10 0 being the worst possible 5 being just enough to pass and 10 being a chad
0-50% you fail
50-60% you pass but no one cares
60-70% you pass
70-80% you pass with praises
80-100% you pass with with praises + a dinner with the pope
0-10, your average grade for the year has to be 7 or more in all subjects to pass, but I cannot guarantee that this is the case for the entire country.

This is how it works until high school.
1 is for absence of work and sometimes not used at all.
2 is not passing.
3 is barely passing.
4 is good.
5 is great.

Reyalp51 wrote:

0-10 0 being the worst possible 5 being just enough to pass and 10 being a chad
A = >90%
B = 80-89%
C = 70-79%
D = 60-69%, sometimes considered a fail
F = <60%, always a fail

Then we also have an overall GPA calculated from our grades. A average = 4.0, B aversge = 3.0, C average = 2.0, D average = 1.0, and F average is less than 1.0. So like I had a 3.9 GPA when I graduated high school, meaning I had almost straight As every semester, but one or two Bs. You can technically have over 4.0 due to extra credit or some bullshit like that, but I couldn't be assed to do any. My day ended and I just wanted to play computer games.

But when I was in kindergarten, we had S (satisfactory), U (unsatisfactory), and F (Fail). I think this is some Colorado thing.

All this ended up meaning mostly jack to my employers.
We cannot be consistent.

Primary schools use the ABCDE sysyem.

A - Outstanding
B - Good
C - Sufficient
D - Approved but needs reinforcing
E - Failed

Now in secondary schools we use a 01-20 scoring, minumum to approve is 10/20.

And in universities it varies but mine uses a 0-10 system, minimum to approve is 5, or in some exceptional cases, 7.
[ Sebastian ]
A = 100% to 90%
B = 89% to 80%
C = 79% to 70%
D = 69% to 60%
F = Below 60%

Getting an F in a class means you've failed the class.
A for Average
B for Bad

nah, just joking

For college gpa:

A for 80%+
B for about 70%
C for 60%
D for 50%
K for less than 50%

A range from 1.0 to 4.0 iirc

For school:
0 - 100

The pass grade differs from each school. Iirc, mine was like 75 for minimum passing grade
i dont fucking know
Here's the grades for school

4 - 80% - excellent
3.5 - 75% - very good
3 - 70% - good
2.5 - 65% - quite good
2 - 60% - moderate
1.5 - 55 % - fair
1 - 50% - satisfied the minumum requirements
0 - <50% - below minimum requirements aka. fail

some subjects only have pass/fail system:
ผ (ผ่าน) - pass
มผ (ไม่ผ่าน) - fail

ร (รอ) (wait)- did not take the tests/ did not hand in a very important work for that class
มส (หมดสิทธิ์สอบ) - cannot take exams cuz u skipped the class too much lol
in my native country (ukraine) we use 1-12
1-3 = terrible
4-6 = ok i guess
7-9 = good
10-12 = great

finlands grading system was already explained
1 ~ 90% - 100% Sehr gut! (Very crazy omg! o_o)
2 ~ 81% - 89% Gut! (Cool!)
3 ~ 63% - 80% Befriedigend (Good)
4 ~ 50% - 62% Genügend (Alright)
5 ~ unter 50% Nicht genügend (Eww...)

If you are in an advanced high school then getting a 4 is already considered an accomplishment lol.

Then there is a sub-genre for the new middle school grades...

(I actually could NOT find the exact percentages and I never went into a middle school before... But damn seriously how the heck can the search system get so inaccurate at times? I was trying to search how high the percentages are for that lower class and I got like no percentage thingy... >=/)

Grundlegend Befriedigend => something around 36 - 49%
Grundlegend Genügend => something around 21 - 35%
Grundlegend Nicht genügend => something around 0 - 20%

If you somehow get a Grundlegend Nicht Genügend, you either must have slept after the first 10 minutes of learning or you didn't do the test or you cheated oh no...
everything above 50% is a pass
What the heck america? Under 60 fail? Here our fail is under 50 (50-59 is D/Level 1)
A (outstanding)
B (great)
C (sound) - treat this as an average grade
D (basic)
E (limited)
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