- This is a ROCKET LEAGUE tournament aimed for the osu community, NOT an osu! tournament.
- International tournament but the matches will be played in EU server, so please take this into account when registering.
- European schedules.
- 2vs2 game mode (teams of 2).
- The format has yet to be determined depending of the amount of registrations.
- The players will be divided into two tiers (Tier1 and Tier2) and two independent tournaments will be held.
- Players' tiers will be decided based on their peak elo in 2vs2 or 3vs3 and their current maximum elo in 2vs2 or 3vs3 according to the "rocketleague.tracker.network" page.
Formula used - Rating=0.8*(Max.Elo)+0.2*(Current.Elo) - Players will be able to register their team once the registrations have been finalised with players from the same tier. Players who do not form a team will be shuffled into a randomly formed team.
- Bracket stage: double elimination.
- You will have to have at least 2,000 pp in any of the osu! gamemodes.
- Smurf accounts will not be allowed.
- Schedules will be in UTC+0 but default schedules will always favour European timezones.
- On grand finals, there's the possibility of bracket reset if the team coming from losers' bracket wins the first match.
- All of the staff can play the tournament.
- Registrations: 21th of March - 9th of April
- Swiss format or Group stage(?): TBD
- Bracket stage: TBD
- Banner. 2 Months of osu!supporter (one for each member of the team, both for TIER1 and TIER2). Custom role.
Runner up - Banner.