
Protip: Don't support/participate in rank-restricted tournaments

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daniel_ wrote:

this is such a sad way to look at tournaments imo as someone who isn't a deranker but plays in tons of tournaments i feel like if ur not playing to have fun ur pretty much wasting ur time. yeah losing or getting swept isn't that fun but the people i've met and the fun i've had has made it completely worth it. draft tournaments are also really nice for people who aren't derankers as well since it gives everyone a completely fair chance regardless of your skill level. but anyways i think u just need to not play tournaments if u don't like them it's so easy to not sign up
I think that having fun playing tournaments and noting that derankers are a massive problem do not have to be mutually exclusive.

It is rather unfair to tell people to stop playing tournaments because extreme sandbaggers are ruining the fun for them -- all the more it calls for action to be taken to mitigate such behaviour.

Perhaps you were addressing OP's claim to stop supporting rank restricted tournaments, which i do agree is not the move.
Topic Starter

Speed of Snail wrote:

I think you're also going to run into a massive issue classifying what a deranker is. In my head, deranker is specifically talking about players that intentionally "score v1" their scores to lower pp values to lower their rank, (and perhaps one or two people that have been banned and simply refused to fill out their set of scores again). Realistically, this is a WAY WAY smaller portion of players than people imagine it to be.
I am using the term 'deranker' super loosely, pretty much anybody that doesn't belong in the rank-range that they're playing. If we take a look at elitebotix which does its best to give an 'updated' rank based on tourney performance, you can see the huge discrepancies between the rank-range they play and their tourney rating.

daniel_ wrote:

Junkmaniac wrote:

It is rather unfair to tell people to stop playing tournaments because extreme sandbaggers are ruining the fun for them -- all the more it calls for action to be taken to mitigate such behaviour.

Perhaps you were addressing OP's claim to stop supporting rank restricted tournaments, which i do agree is not the move.
i mean yeah i was mainly talking abt his claim to stop supporting them and i do agree that derankers are a huge issue in 5 digits but i feel like if your main enjoyment out of tournaments is not losing you will dislike them regardless of whether the issue is solved. there are always gonna be people who are unbelievably consistent or amazing at a gimmicky skillset that will beat you even if they aren't in the arbitrary definition of what you would call a "deranker". just a shitty mindset to have any game in general especially something as competitive as tournaments in osu

and to add onto this i'm not super familiar with how the 5 digit or 5k scene is nowadays i mainly just play 4 digit which really isn't bad in terms of derankers in my opinion
Idk I think it's just rather infuriating to see people sandbagging hard in general. Oft cited examples are zeph (who has top player speed skillcap), polski (who has top player/3 digit stream skillcap), 3bdooo (who has top player tech/mechanics skillcap), etc. It just seems ridiculous that some people like that are allowed to play in rank restricted tournaments that's all.

Losing isn't really an issue with me personally because I generally don't try for podium -- as you mentioned in the prev post, vibing with your team is where its at (and for any normal tournament I'd need to either social climb or sandbag really hard to touch podium, which I'm not going to do)
Topic Starter

daniel_ wrote:

this is such a sad way to look at tournaments imo as someone who isn't a deranker but plays in tons of tournaments i feel like if ur not playing to have fun ur pretty much wasting ur time. yeah losing or getting swept isn't that fun but the people i've met and the fun i've had has made it completely worth it. draft tournaments are also really nice for people who aren't derankers as well since it gives everyone a completely fair chance regardless of your skill level. but anyways i think u just need to not play tournaments if u don't like them it's so easy to not sign up
I'm just putting this out as a PSA for people who are unhappy with the way rank-restricted is run. I don't play tournaments anymore and haven't for over a year.

It's just that its not okay for some of these people to just run rampant in skill brackets that they clearly do not belong in, even some of them being toxic while they're doing it. It ruins the experience of newer tourney players which results in either, they become derankers themselves, or they're just turned away from this side of the game. This isn't gonna grow the scene in a positive way.

[darkness] wrote:

daniel_ wrote:

this is such a sad way to look at tournaments imo as someone who isn't a deranker but plays in tons of tournaments i feel like if ur not playing to have fun ur pretty much wasting ur time. yeah losing or getting swept isn't that fun but the people i've met and the fun i've had has made it completely worth it. draft tournaments are also really nice for people who aren't derankers as well since it gives everyone a completely fair chance regardless of your skill level. but anyways i think u just need to not play tournaments if u don't like them it's so easy to not sign up
I'm just putting this out as a PSA for people who are unhappy with the way rank-restricted is run. I don't play tournaments anymore and haven't for over a year.

It's just that its not okay for some of these people to just run rampant in skill brackets that they clearly do not belong in, even some of them being toxic while they're doing it. It ruins the experience of newer tourney players which results in either, they become derankers themselves, or they're just turned away from this side of the game. This isn't gonna grow the scene in a positive way.

One of the most common things said (also mentioned on this thread) is just to "get good" which is like ????? when you're facing some guys with 600s in private servers, or you're facing people that decide to rank up for owc (and get into the respective owc teams) after playing 5wc. Surely there's a limit to how much you should be expected to "get good" in a restricted tournament lol.
(And unlike giga sandbaggers, some people actually rank up after "getting good" because they don't want to do the same things that those people are doing)

Speed of Snail wrote:

I think you're also going to run into a massive issue classifying what a deranker is. In my head, deranker is specifically talking about players that intentionally "score v1" their scores to lower pp values to lower their rank, (and perhaps one or two people that have been banned and simply refused to fill out their set of scores again).
You gotta change that mindset as well my guy. Note that "derankers" was not the only term used in this thread, "sandbag" was used as well. Players with countless plays set in tournaments that is worth more than their top plays or close to (Jolly Ranchers, MyzeJD, many more), with unranked plays worth much much more than their top plays (polski1 #18k just did a 950pp unranked), private server accounts with 12kpp should obviously also fit the bill.

raynald wrote:

That's not my point. We can't control the derankers. So do the host.
You can! Or at least, I think hosts can. Be stricter with screening (BWS = rank^(0.9^badges) maybe, if you still want to use BWS), limit the prize pools, are some ways that could improve the scene.

[darkness] wrote:

Tutka wrote:

hot take: just be better than them at the game
you think "derankers" didn't practice for a long time to be able to win anything?
Are we just gonna ignore all the players that have unranked 600-900pp plays or have 12kpp+ on other private servers that still farm their badges/banners in 10K+ rank tourneys? Or the amount of people that seem to just instantly halve their rank once they decide they're done with a certain rank bracket?
also give me an example of 10k+ player having 800pp+ play, i'm sure this actually never happened, and if it happened, pp system is still so fucked up it doesn't even represent skill well
if you wish you could yourself improve as much to make high pp plays on private servers and then just win in rank restricted tournaments, noone is stopping you from doing that, and probably noone from the osu staff ever will, just accept that "smurfs" exist in every game and osu tournaments are no exception.

megahello wrote:

you sound like you just got dogged on by someone

How do you derank i cant derank Lol
skill issue

LeFerraille wrote:

How do you derank i cant derank Lol
Just delete the game
I agree that in an ideal world everyone would be at a rank that properly represents their skill level but like, maybe it would be easier if farming wasn't the most boring thing ever?

I feel like at this point, tournament play has become completely uncorrelated with solo rank grind (except for the rank ranges determining what tourneys you can take part in). It's basically a separate game where you need completely different skillsets and mindsets.

No matter what you do, some players can just not be bothered to engage with farming so hosts might as well go the extra mile and severe their ties with bancho rank. For hosts, if you want to give it a try, you have several metrics lying around such as ETX and SIP that are admittedly not very robust and not that representative, but should be better than rank anyway.

AlexBelea wrote:

this is so dumb XD,players are better than me so lets just abandon everyone that isnt maliszewski lol?
my goat
Who is AlexBelea? For the blind, He is the vision. For the hungry, He is the chef. For the thirsty, He is the water. If AlexBelea thinks, I agree. If AlexBelea speaks, I’m listening. If AlexBelea has one fan, it is me. If AlexBelea has no fans, I don’t exist.
Who is AlexBelea? For the blind, He is the vision. For the hungry, He is the chef. For the thirsty, He is the water. If AlexBelea thinks, I agree. If AlexBelea speaks, I’m listening. If AlexBelea has one fan, it is me. If AlexBelea has no fans, I don’t exist.
Who is AlexBelea? For the blind, He is the vision. For the hungry, He is the chef. For the thirsty, He is the water. If AlexBelea thinks, I agree. If AlexBelea speaks, I’m listening. If AlexBelea has one fan, it is me. If AlexBelea has no fans, I don’t exist.
Who is AlexBelea? For the blind, He is the vision. For the hungry, He is the chef. For the thirsty, He is the water. If AlexBelea thinks, I agree. If AlexBelea speaks, I’m listening. If AlexBelea has one fan, it is me. If AlexBelea has no fans, I don’t exist.
Stupid Femboy

Speed of Snail wrote:

I think you're also going to run into a massive issue classifying what a deranker is. In my head, deranker is specifically talking about players that intentionally "score v1" their scores to lower pp values to lower their rank, (and perhaps one or two people that have been banned and simply refused to fill out their set of scores again). Realistically, this is a WAY WAY smaller portion of players than people imagine it to be.

Seriously, how many of these 5 digit "super players" are derankers, and at what point do you have to call someone a deranker? There are a couple obvious examples of true derankers like xKirito or Siiphs. What about a player like Pieris? 5 digit with 600+ plays using the EZ mod, is the fact that he only submits EZ mod scores past the line? What about ploot? Canadian 20k with a cpol upload top play, he's never deranked a score and consistently performs highly in 5 digit tournaments, he's simply "picky with what maps go on his top plays". Is that also deranking?

Hell, I've been called a deranker a couple times, since I've been playing in 5 digit tournaments for over a year now, and am often placing in SemiFinals or higher. That said, I've never been banned, never deranked a play, and am still not nearly the strongest player in my tier, or even in the same tier of player as the strongest players in my range. Yet some people would still call me a deranker just cause they speculate that if I tried to farm, I'd make it to rank 5k. Is this even true? Hard to say without me committing a month of my time to grinding pp and I'm not interested in the experiment.

I understand the frustration with people camping rank restricted cutoffs by refusing to grind pp, or even just players specializing in non-pp giving skillsets making lower rank cutoffs have way stronger players than you'd expect. For example tech players or reading players. Additionally the "solution" of BWS doesn't really do much since you need 3-5 badges before the rank change becomes meaningful and you only get badged if you come in first in the entire tournament so not many are even given out a year.

Best alternative I could imagine is some system that granted players points based on how high they place in badged tournaments similar to how ATP rankings work for professional tennis, but it'd be a difficult system to implement and even after it goes live it'd take at least a year before you see any changes.

Explorations of a better system is the best approach you can take for now, as pushing for the removal of rank restricted tournaments would be punishing to far too many players, and asking hosts to crack down on manual screening will inevitably end badly since everyone has a vastly different view of who should or shouldn't be allowed in a certain range.

Lastly, perhaps you could advocate for rank restricted tournaments to become ineligible for badges, such that only open tournaments can grant them..... That WOULD push SOME players away from camping the boundary, but it would degrade the scene dramatically in several other ways. This post is long enough but I'm not a fan of that solution either.

TL:DR I agree that the current system is pretty bad for evaluating tournament skill and it's hard to imagine how to design a better one at the moment, there needs to be a lot of work done on this front. However, basically everything more manual from boycotting rank restricted tournaments to pushing hosts to get strict with manual screening, will be massively detrimental to the scene and I'd expect a near complete dissolution of competition below rank 5k.
This is exaclty my feelings on this matter. I've been called out a deranker (not that many times tho) but I have never wanted to even derank any toplay or even stop farming...
I'm just bad at farming pp but still likes to play tournaments and actually improve at the game.
if you don't want to play against derankers, play unbadged tournaments. that's it.
you might still encounter a few but they're far less prevalent in tournaments that do not award money or a badge to its winners.

the bar of entry for a tournament is usually so vague anyways that whatever new system you'd put in place will hit people that aren't even considered derankers in the first place.
there are tournaments that specify that you can't play if you have played e.g. 5wc. just because you played 5wc doesn't mean that you are a deranker, maybe you were literally only in the team to play the low ar maps.
same thing with tournaments that ban you from entering if you have a 500+ pp play, you're essentially banning people with popular skillsets, a reading / control / gimmick player will probably not have any high pp plays while some spaced stream / speed / hr acc farmer will have their 600pp choke on like anime medley.
systems such as elitebotix will give you a rating of roughly FUCKING NOTHING if you play hidden / gimmick, but if you play aim or speed you just get a morbillion rating.
players such as Pieris will never have a higher rating than any active tournament player that usually plays dt simply because the difficulty of the skillsets he plays is not properly represented in the star rating that elitebotix uses to guess your skill.

tl;dr: shut up and play unbaged tournaments
They should just make it so that rank restricted tournaments cant get badged tbh
Topic Starter

mihari wrote:

if you don't want to play against derankers, play unbadged tournaments. that's it.
you might still encounter a few but they're far less prevalent in tournaments that do not award money or a badge to its winners.

the bar of entry for a tournament is usually so vague anyways that whatever new system you'd put in place will hit people that aren't even considered derankers in the first place.
there are tournaments that specify that you can't play if you have played e.g. 5wc. just because you played 5wc doesn't mean that you are a deranker, maybe you were literally only in the team to play the low ar maps.
same thing with tournaments that ban you from entering if you have a 500+ pp play, you're essentially banning people with popular skillsets, a reading / control / gimmick player will probably not have any high pp plays while some spaced stream / speed / hr acc farmer will have their 600pp choke on like anime medley.
systems such as elitebotix will give you a rating of roughly FUCKING NOTHING if you play hidden / gimmick, but if you play aim or speed you just get a morbillion rating.
players such as Pieris will never have a higher rating than any active tournament player that usually plays dt simply because the difficulty of the skillsets he plays is not properly represented in the star rating that elitebotix uses to guess your skill.

tl;dr: shut up and play unbaged tournaments
I find it funny how its always the biggest derankers that seem to think that whatever they say is the law and truth and that we should just go by whatever they say. Why shouldn't we just unbadge all rank-restricted then?

And don't tell me to shut up, these are things we should be talking about if we want to improve the tourney scene, not just sweep everything under the rug and let people like you kill the scene.

mihari wrote:

if you don't want to play against derankers, play unbadged tournaments. that's it.
you might still encounter a few but they're far less prevalent in tournaments that do not award money or a badge to its winners.

the bar of entry for a tournament is usually so vague anyways that whatever new system you'd put in place will hit people that aren't even considered derankers in the first place.
there are tournaments that specify that you can't play if you have played e.g. 5wc. just because you played 5wc doesn't mean that you are a deranker, maybe you were literally only in the team to play the low ar maps.
same thing with tournaments that ban you from entering if you have a 500+ pp play, you're essentially banning people with popular skillsets, a reading / control / gimmick player will probably not have any high pp plays while some spaced stream / speed / hr acc farmer will have their 600pp choke on like anime medley.
systems such as elitebotix will give you a rating of roughly FUCKING NOTHING if you play hidden / gimmick, but if you play aim or speed you just get a morbillion rating.
players such as Pieris will never have a higher rating than any active tournament player that usually plays dt simply because the difficulty of the skillsets he plays is not properly represented in the star rating that elitebotix uses to guess your skill.

tl;dr: shut up and play unbaged tournaments
Pieris is 6.75* etx btw -- that's by far a screenable level for 5 digit. Turns out you do require good mechanical skill to play some very difficult maps on ez. His skill issue rating is also extremely close to yours (and presumably on the other upcoming system as well). I'd think ploot is at least 6.6/6.7 from the last time I checked as well.

There's nothing inherently wrong with curating your top plays, but at the same time it's easy to self filter yourself when you become cognizant of the fact that you are fighting in the wrong weight category. If you're just taking advantage of it to farm 5 digit tourneys it'll just seem like a poor excuse for you to sandbag. (Doesn't seem logical, for instance, if one claimed they were waiting to set their first 800 before going up to 4 digit, and simultaneously was observed beating up 5 digits for a year)

And I have to say that in 5 digit range the derankers can literally play anything to rank up at some point -- there's alt/flow aim maps that people get 400s on. People like pieris imo are a minority when it comes to these issues and do not in any way excuse the huge majority of people that are not ranking up because of tournament purposes.

In contrast I do think it's a bit harder to "play anything" to get out of 4 digit for instance because you'd probably need to metagame and actually play dt aim/stream farm (not high 4 digit so might be wrong)

Last one about the "can't play if played in 5wc thing" -- of course it's a ridiculous screening criteria, I doubt more than one tournament has done that. Some people play 5wc because their country only has 8 people, and that clearly doesn't warrant any screening.

Edit: i realise that it might seem stupid to ask people to self-filter, since people really like to use other people as a benchmark for what to do.

So last last point that any tournament based rating system improves on these aspects greatly -- the really strong gimmick players like ploot and pieris ARE flagged out on existing systems. While these systems do have their flaws, the flaws are nowhere as massive as the ones that exist in the current rank restricted system, and the community/tourney hosts as a whole should look to implement this in the future.

There are many vocal derankers that argue against the implementation of such a system because flaws exist, and ratings can be altered 'easily' but it misses the point that its a significant improvement to the current system (and that no perfect system exists), and makes it look like they're arguing for the sake of preserving their god-given right to sandbag in rank restricted tournaments.
Hi, actual tournament player and maybe deranker (badges from draft tournaments). Might get this one posted in some private discords but here's a good faith and balanced take as someone who actually knows and has talked to many of the named examples.

TL;DR, Rating system is the only way to go, until then play for fun and work on yourself.

Firstly, I don't understand why some of these people have legitimately set 800pp on private servers but only up to 500 on bancho, but idc. Plus, most of them are chill dudes so I don't have a problem with them, its just a game.

Secondly, you need to understand that badges represent one specific thing. Namely, the best player (or team) that was in that tournament which restricts its players to 10k+ rank. Note that a badge does not say 'best player (or team) outside of the top 10k best osu! players.'

If you want a badge to resemble such a feat, an elo rating system would solve these problems by making it blatantly obvious who is sandbagging etc. You might not know this, but it is actually "illegal" (makes the tournament unbadged) for a host to manually screen out players that are 'sandbaggers,' due to bias + 'drawing the line' issues. So don't blame the current tournament hosts please.

Moreover, if you think about it, does 'being the best outside of the top 1k/10k/100k best tournament players,' seem all that impressive anyway? Would you really care if you got a badge for that? This is why you have to play tournaments for fun, and let the superteams win. Because they are not at all unethical, they are simply taking the most optimal strategy based on the rules, and using that strategy to win a tournament for 'everyone with pp-based ranks on profile displaying 10k+.' Note specifically it does not say anywhere they have to be anywhere near the skill of an average 10k+ player.

Keep in mind that what is ethical is often determined by the 'meta,' rather than logical reasoning. Sure, maybe logical reasoning in some communities/contexts would lead you to think these derankers are unethical but it is simply not the 'meta,' in osu! and you will not be able to change that hence some of the comments.

Alternatively, you can play/host more draft/auction tournaments. In an auction tournament (draft is similar but with no money) players are placed up for auction and bought for money, ensuring that assuming sane captains (not always the case), each team will be approximately as strong regardless of what level of deranker is playing.

Thanks for coming to my TED Talk, feel free to message any more questions you have about derankers!

xtremeities wrote:

Moreover, if you think about it, does 'being the best outside of the top 1k/10k/100k best tournament players,' seem all that impressive anyway? Would you really care if you got a badge for that? This is why you have to play tournaments for fun, and let the superteams win.
This is not wrong, but at the same time the 5 digit scene for instance has become oversaturated with derankers to the point where pool difficulties are increasing just to keep up with the derankers. This in turn creates an unnaturally high barrier to entry for any average Joe hoping to enter the scene, and actually have fun. The scene itself is warping to suit derankers, and that is an issue. Yes rank restricted hosts can't manually screen people if they wish to get the tournament badged, but they are in control of so many more things that can impact the scene. They should not be absolved of their responsibilities here. (Also, just don't badge rank restricted tournaments? Then there wouldn't be this red tape issue lol)

they are simply taking the most optimal strategy based on the rules, and using that strategy to win a tournament for 'everyone with pp-based ranks on profile displaying 10k+.' Note specifically it does not say anywhere they have to be anywhere near the skill of an average 10k+ player.
I think therein lies the problem -- there is a clear gap in what some people believe the point of a rank restricted tournament is meant to be. I personally think the more organic understanding of it would be as an avenue for less skilled players to experience tournament play, but in reality, as you've described, if everyone views the rank restriction as a small barrier/technicality then it becomes a contest of who sandbags the hardest. Which is quite questionable imo because it just throws cake in the face of those who are genuinely not sandbagging, and asking people to be complicit in a sandbagging meta is also unfair because, simply put, not everyone enjoys the feeling of beating up amateurs in an amateur tournament.

Keep in mind that what is ethical is often determined by the 'meta,' rather than logical reasoning. Sure, maybe logical reasoning in some communities/contexts would lead you to think these derankers are unethical but it is simply not the 'meta,' in osu! and you will not be able to change that hence some of the comments.
I think you've got it mixed up -- you can't get to an ethical conclusion via logical a priori reasoning (see Hume's is-ought gap). I would say it is logical and perhaps rational in an economics sense to take the reward-optimisation strategy of giga-sandbagging, but it is very clearly frowned upon by many people (who aren't derankers themselves). Just because you can do something on a technicality doesn't mean its not a dick move.

Addendum: there are some 5/6 digit tournaments with ludicrously high prize pools (see: 5wc, bqt, the upcoming blitz tourney with a USD$200 prize pool), and on a rational level you are asking for people to sandbag to win those prizes, which I really cannot argue against. That's the fault of the host because no one should get an open-rank level of prize for being 5/6 digit.
You're playing either against a deranker, or a 2-3 digit. I think I'd rather play against a deranker
IMma be frank: If I as a future-newly-minted 5-digit (90-99K) have to play 6*+ maps more suited for low 5-digit/4-digit players in tournaments, I don't want to play them. Not just because of my playstyle as an SS player, but just because being forced to play something that is so far out of my comfort as to be nearly unplayable without HT to even have a chance to compete is entirely unreasonable. I mean, ideally there would be, like 99-90K or 99-50K tourneys that would have a less difficult mappool (maybe 5.2-5.7, with a couple 6*'s in grands only or semis tiebreakers), but I don't think we're at a point where the average 5-digit player would be able to bust out a good play on a 6* map in a tournament setting.

The thing is, while it's certainly all well and good to use tourneys to vibe with friends and whatnot, there are still plenty of people who not only want to enter tourneys to win, but want to feel like they are entering a fair fight with their opponent/s from either side. I don't frequent the tourney forum (much less have time to play in tourneys anyways) so for all I know that's a minority, but it still seems ridiculous that it would be.

(I will add that I may very well do a slight bit of deranking to enter a 6-digit tourney once I hit 5-digit for the sake of experiencing a slightly easier mappool for my first time, but beyond that I would certainly endeavor to play tourneys at my ranking whenever possible. And the idea I would have to play high 5*/6* maps when I should be playing low/mid 5* maps is rather infuriating to hear.)
we need faceit / elo / mmr type shid but it's for osu

Tegarpmngks wrote:

we need faceit / elo / mmr type shid but it's for osu

Tegarpmngks wrote:

we need faceit / elo / mmr type shid but it's for osu
Well if you do this but keep giving low level tourneys high prizes it would still be a problem, people would just tank their ELO for a bit and then steamroll a tourney or two

Junkmaniac wrote:

This is not wrong, but at the same time the 5 digit scene for instance has become oversaturated with derankers to the point where pool difficulties are increasing just to keep up with the derankers. This in turn creates an unnaturally high barrier to entry for any average Joe hoping to enter the scene, and actually have fun. The scene itself is warping to suit derankers, and that is an issue. Yes rank restricted hosts can't manually screen people if they wish to get the tournament badged, but they are in control of so many more things that can impact the scene. They should not be absolved of their responsibilities here. (Also, just don't badge rank restricted tournaments? Then there wouldn't be this red tape issue lol)
Ok so couple things, firstly, the pool star rating is an excellent point that has been brought up by other derankers. However, that shit is not changing, again, I'm gonna make the 'meta' argument as well as the fact that people are slowly being brainwashed into losing sight of what someone outside of the 10k best tournament players can do for example.

Not badging is also not an option, simply because badges have no inherent value and the argument against badging is not strong enough to overcome badging (which is the 'meta.'). Imo, the issue is in the playerbase assigning value to badges. For example, people may argue 5/6 digit badges devalue open rank badges. However, the value in winning OWC or Corsace is not the fact that you got 'a badge' but that you got an 'OWC/Corsace badge.'

Also, when you say 'so many more things,' I would say the main thing is again, hosting draft/auction, however, sometimes people want to play with their friends and this should be accommodated. Making every tournament draft/auction is not happening.

I think therein lies the problem -- there is a clear gap in what some people believe the point of a rank restricted tournament is meant to be. I personally think the more organic understanding of it would be as an avenue for less skilled players to experience tournament play, but in reality, as you've described, if everyone views the rank restriction as a small barrier/technicality then it becomes a contest of who sandbags the hardest. Which is quite questionable imo because it just throws cake in the face of those who are genuinely not sandbagging, and asking people to be complicit in a sandbagging meta is also unfair because, simply put, not everyone enjoys the feeling of beating up amateurs in an amateur tournament.

The thing is, the 'beating up amateurs' usually only occurs in rounds 1 and MAYBE 2. Therefore, usually superteam can just brush it off by thinking that they were the higher seed anyway. Often, they will face other derankers in later rounds and thus feel usually that there is at least some challenge and therefore they aren't maliszewski'ing on everyone.

Sure, it may be objectively questionable. However, that is not the point. Humans do not operate on objective truths but rather subjective 'metas' and perceptions. You can believe you are morally right and you may be, but if you want change, that is never going to cut it.

As has been said, that change will come in the form of a rating system (or not idk). Till then, I doubt you can expect hosts to really care about the objective truth when the meta around them tells them otherwise.

The ideal is obviously an avenue for less skilled players to experience tournament play, problem is, this is just not happening realistically. This kind of thing only works in other games because 'rank' directly correlates with performance against other players (rating system). osu! is a unique case especially due to how trash garbage the pp system is with again, minimal changes in 16 years and zero buffs to tech and alt and low AR in 16 YEARS DUDE. This game is not claiming to be good in its development by any means.

I think you've got it mixed up -- you can't get to an ethical conclusion via logical a priori reasoning (see Hume's is-ought gap). I would say it is logical and perhaps rational in an economics sense to take the reward-optimisation strategy of giga-sandbagging, but it is very clearly frowned upon by many people (who aren't derankers themselves). Just because you can do something on a technicality doesn't mean its not a dick move.
I did not say it wasn't a dick move but rather due to the meta, I personally view such a 'dick move' as low on the priority list of evaluating these people's character since the 'dick move' is the meta. Moreover, I see your point about ethical conclusions, however, my point was that your conclusion, (which is essentially that these sandbaggers need to be stopped if I am not wrong) is based on logic, and that logic does not apply here because humans do not operate based on logic when there is already a self-serving 'meta' in place.

To put it another way, morally grandstanding that these people all suck will not create change since the 'many people' who frown likely don't really care as much about tournaments or osu! in general, nor do they have much achievements/reputation to back their statements up (which is what you need if you know the osu! 'meta') and thus will not coordinate as well to make change as people whose entire osu! lives are framed around tournaments.

Addendum: there are some 5/6 digit tournaments with ludicrously high prize pools (see: 5wc, bqt, the upcoming blitz tourney with a USD$200 prize pool), and on a rational level you are asking for people to sandbag to win those prizes, which I really cannot argue against. That's the fault of the host because no one should get an open-rank level of prize for being 5/6 digit.

I think you are misattributing fault. Hosts can make whatever prize pool they want. In those cases, there is a veneer of competitiveness but you're right, some sandbagger will win it. What you're missing is that the hosts already know that, they subconsciously want to see which sandbagger will win. Ain't no average player winning lmao.

This is the 'meta.' No one is 'asking' for people to sandbag rather they accept the logical consequence of the rule system being a 'small barrier/technicality,' because, I mean, osu! is still in a shitty state considering the game has been out for 16 years. I mean, did you know they only JUST added the feature that if someone changes team in team vs lobby, it doesn't unready everyone? Like how tf did that take 16 years???

This is just one example to show that osu! is such a low budget game dude. Like, please don't have high expectations for the community and its ability to conduct logical reasoning or make any changes to its super stale meta. Again, as someone who has played tournaments for 3 years, it's not worth it, just focus on advocating for rating system and improving yourself rather than making more enemies out of the current meta.

xtremeities wrote:

Again, as someone who has played tournaments for 3 years, it's not worth it, just focus on advocating for rating system and improving yourself rather than making more enemies out of the current meta.
Idk about talking about ur experience in tourneys cuz im pretty sure junkmaniac is super experienced in tourneys too

xtremeities wrote:

Sure, it may be objectively questionable. However, that is not the point. Humans do not operate on objective truths but rather subjective 'metas' and perceptions. You can believe you are morally right and you may be, but if you want change, that is never going to cut it.

As has been said, that change will come in the form of a rating system (or not idk). Till then, I doubt you can expect hosts to really care about the objective truth when the meta around them tells them otherwise.
Thanks for the reply. I will say that in general I agree with much of what is said --- a lot of what I say is certainly quite idealistic in nature. I will add that people rarely have a nuanced view on this situation, and like to make a lot of noise when change is attempted to be made. Perhaps this is normal for anyone who is facing the loss of their meta benefits, but also completely self-serving (I'd argue that in the same vein as "don't hate the player, hate the game" with regard to the meta, perhaps "oh well it got patched go next" would be a coherent continuation).

The ideal is obviously an avenue for less skilled players to experience tournament play, problem is, this is just not happening realistically. This kind of thing only works in other games because 'rank' directly correlates with performance against other players (rating system).
I will disagree that it works in other games, because they have to worry much more about multiaccounting, and deranking exists in other games (say you grief games from plat 3 back to silver 3).

Also given that the ideal doesn't work, what is the point of having rank restricted tournaments then? There isn't really one if you remove the amateur-catering aspect of it (other than being a deranker circlejerk fest). And a further issue, more tied into my experience as a newbie, is that the scene is just inherently toxic to get into -- I can't overstate how demoralising it is to look at someone's profile, see that they were better than you 2 years ago yet they are still playing actively and in the same rank range. I think it is completely reasonable and of no fault for a newbie to expect a rank restricted tournament to be for similar amateurs at an 'appropriate skill level' and the state of the meta is just absolutely crushing to look at

To put it another way, morally grandstanding that these people all suck will not create change since the 'many people' who frown likely don't really care as much about tournaments or osu! in general, nor do they have much achievements/reputation to back their statements up (which is what you need if you know the osu! 'meta') and thus will not coordinate as well to make change as people whose entire osu! lives are framed around tournaments.
I'm just arguing that if the first impression of an average layman is (I think) to frown upon stuff like this, then it is most definitely morally dubious -- imo the added context of the 'meta' and whatnot does not do anything to affect the value judgement of the layman.

I think you are misattributing fault. Hosts can make whatever prize pool they want. In those cases, there is a veneer of competitiveness but you're right, some sandbagger will win it. What you're missing is that the hosts already know that, they subconsciously want to see which sandbagger will win. Ain't no average player winning lmao.
If the meta is to be changed, hosts as a whole need to be compliant in making that change. With the current state of things I don't even fully believe that a rating system will be super effective just because many hosts might not adopt the system, and continue using rank restrictions.

Yes a host can do anything with their money, but the point is that if you offer an amount that is more than what you can make being a, say, mid 3 digit, or a high 4 digit, then there is absolutely more incentive to sandbag/not rank up and that just serves to fuel the vicious cycle (/the meta) further. Same applies for hosts that jack up star rating and stuff -- one way for organically making people move up to a higher rank category is by making the current one way too easy/boring for them, and hosts simply don't do that because they want some ACTION (!!!).

As a parallel example, if in chess there are 2500-ELO restricted tournaments with prize pools far exceeding what a 2600 GM can get on average, you can be sure people will be throwing games until they reach 2500. And that is a direct result of the prize pool being the way it is.

Which brings me to another point which is that any system is exploitable --- however hard we may try there is not going to be a perfect elo/rating system. One can always purposely lose as mentioned above. And maybe some group of people will attempt to exploit xxx rating system. So perhaps this might just create a new 'meta' of elo sandbaggers who sandbag until an appropriate tournament with a large prize pool surfaces, and they can cash in. Hopefully the pool of people that wish to do so is small enough such that we can finally reach a stage where people are apprehensive of delving into something like that due to community disapproval (jk we have online anonymity).

Again, as someone who has played tournaments for 3 years, it's not worth it, just focus on advocating for rating system and improving yourself rather than making more enemies out of the current meta.
For sure. I've been fairly vocal about this issue since I started tourneys 2 years ago and I just can't help chipping in whenever stuff like this arises unfortunately.

Last last thing: I think I'd be in general less pissed if derankers didn't come up with extremely dubious reasons to justify their sandbagging/the meta all the time lol. Unrelated to any point you make here but a list:

- "derankers inspire people in the rank range to improve": osu players would still improve without derankers lol

- "I don't derank plays": yeah I mean basically nobody does, it's a completely disingenuous way of reading a sentence given nobody really means that one deranks plays when using the word deranker.

- getting pissed at people also operating through technicalities allowed by the rules (deseeding, time wasting -- objectively dubious as well but in no way more dubious than deranking I'm sure you'd agree)

- "there's already BWS to screen people out": BWS sucks because it takes so long to scale -- with one badge, you gain about 1k ranks as a high 5 digit (and like 100 as a 4 digit) which is really not a lot considering how good you generally need to be to win a badge. Surely, collateral damage exists because there are suiji badge winners, but that's the minority
- "derankers inspire people in the rank range to improve": osu players would still improve without derankers lol
Who in their right mind genuinely believes that people are inspired by a deranker to improve? Some might out of pure spite to not deal with said deranker anymore, but that's certainly not a majority of players.

Speed of Snail wrote:

Best alternative I could imagine is some system that granted players points based on how high they place in badged tournaments similar to how ATP rankings work for professional tennis, but it'd be a difficult system to implement and even after it goes live it'd take at least a year before you see any changes.
I had suggested this for the 6# range - the problem was that it would require every tournament to be given points based on a perceived level of competition, and that would be time-consuming.

niat0004 wrote:

Speed of Snail wrote:

Best alternative I could imagine is some system that granted players points based on how high they place in badged tournaments similar to how ATP rankings work for professional tennis, but it'd be a difficult system to implement and even after it goes live it'd take at least a year before you see any changes.
I had suggested this for the 6# range - the problem was that it would require every tournament to be given points based on a perceived level of competition, and that would be time-consuming.
How difficult would it be to have tourneys in certain rank ranges have certain maximum allowed points? I.e. any 6-digit tourney (with some exceptions like 6WC) can only give a max of 50 points, 5-digits 200, 4-digits 500, 3-digits 1500, etc.

If everyone who makes tourneys knows their rank ranges and knows how to submit a form, I don't really see how it can't be semi-automated. Maybe time-consuming to set up at the start, but.
Shoutout to Junkmaniac for having the best takes in this thread.

It's crazy that even though I should theoretically be a great 5 digit player seeing as I am incredibly well-rounded at rank 14k, I struggle to even qualify for some of these international 5 digit tournaments because of derankers/sandbaggers. If hosts would stop making the pools harder to accomodate for the higher skill cap of these players who are clearly 4 digit+ skill level I don't think it would be that hard to qualify, and that's all I really care about. Getting the chance to play in the tournaments.

Been swept by derankers many times, 0-6 L against a team of Pieris, Dever and other derankers. 2-5 L in a 2v4 against two derankers, list goes on. Even though I get destroyed by these derankers I still find tournaments fun as long as I qualify and get to play 2 matches of the tournament, so I won't stop playing them until it gets so bad that I can't even qualify. (Which gets closer every single tournament I play somehow)

Doubt there will ever be a solution. I would just play unbadged tournaments but I can never find them. Finding any team tournament that is 10k-??? and unbadged is surprisingly rare. Only international tournament I ever seeded decent in was one with ETX screening. If more hosts just stop caring about making it badged, and use ETX screening it would be a lot better than it is now at least. Not perfect, but better, and that's all that matters.
To solve the issue you would have to make it way more appealing for a strong x digit tournament guy to go up and play x-1 digit tournaments instead, even if they get destroyed. For example in football you just DON'T see good teams camping the Championship on purpose instead of ranking up to the Premier League, it just doesn't firetrucking happen, being the worst team of the first tier is still more appealing than being the best of second tier, more money more recognition, more opportunities... in osu somehow it doesn't work like this, staying in 5 digit is more appealing to a tournament player than to play 4 digit tournaments and lose (and it shouldn't be).

I think nuking all the "x digit world cups" into irrelevance would be a good start... I've never seen "prestigious" rank restricted tournaments in games where smurfing isn't as big of a problem
I think there is still a great deal of naivety going around in this thread and just general misinformation about tournament play. I feel like the prevalence of deranking in rank-restricted is being made to be something bigger than it really is (well especially the 10k range which seems to be the core of the discussion).

The majority of players qualifying and competing in any given tournament are not derankers. Rather, it's true that most of these players would outshine players ranked way above them in a tournament setting just because they are more well-rounded : as I've mentioned earlier, tournaments and performance rankings are vastly different aspects of the game. A direct comparison between a tournament veteran and a tournament newcomer (or anyone who has mostly played farm up to this point) in a tournament setting is just heavily skewed to make the first one look better.

Ultimately, gaining ranks is just as much of a grind as practicing for tournaments so I can absolutely not blame someone who wants to spend their time in the game doing one or the other. Ideally you would be able to do both at the same time, so there is certainly an argument to be made that tournaments being completely rooted in unranked play is part of the issue.

Now a very important thing to know if you are a newcomer to tournaments is that this level is seriously not that hard to reach in any range and mostly a matter of branching out into more technical/niche skillsets.

Of course, all of the above doesn't apply to true derankers as these guys' mechanics are so ahead of the pack they would gain pp on every single map they play if they bothered to do so. There aren't that many players like this, generally enough to make 4-6 superteams in any tournament + some others who will opt to play with their less skilled friends instead.

Of course, if you're aiming for tournament wins, this is a problem. If you just set aside the prospect of winning anything (except drafts), tournaments are still one of most efficient ways to improve at the game if your goal is well-roundedness. So I still encourage everyone to sign up and do their best, brush it off if you lose to derankers, you'll come out stronger regardless.

Tl;dr it's really not as hard as it's made out to be to reach tournament-ready level, just ignore the derankers and play for self-improvement
Yeah, but if I'm going to join a tournament I'm going to play to win because that's part of the damn point. If I wanted to joke around with friends I'd make a multi lobby and play there.

That's not to say that winning and having fun are mutually exclusive, but to me it sounds disingenuous to join a tourney if part of your intended goal isn't to try and win it, regardless of how practical your chances are. Facing down some cracked-up superteam of 5-digits-who-are-really-4/3-digits is not conducive to that, nor is trying to justify those players being there in the first place. I'll also point out that while it may be difficult to ascertain at times, the aforementioned superteam and a superteam of 5-digits-who-are-actually-5-digits are two very different things. To pull names from my challenges, a 3-man team of Aizuuya, bluerose and Izutsumi as veteran tourney goers that are genuinely playing at their rank is just different from a 3-man team of, say, a 3-man team of 4-digits masquerading as 5-digits, and I would much rather get stomped by Aizuuya's team than the other one.

Obviously I'm just one person, and Aizuuya himself has a vastly different outlook on this than I do. I just don't like the implication that people like me who want to win and/or be fairly challenged by others who are actually near my ranked are being butthurt about a non-issue when it kinda clearly is an issue. Turning people like me away because we want to play them differently than you (or rather, play in tourneys properly) doesn't help.
Duck o-o
guys just get good enough to where no one can beat you anyway 👍
become mr ekk 2

Dementedduck wrote:

guys just get good enough to where no one can beat you anyway 👍
become mr ekk 2
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