Skin - ingame
song selection: I dont see why mode and mods over images have the text higher up than random and options
song selection: beatmap info icon is missing
song selection: the profile stat layout looks weird and is cut badly. also would be nice to see exp. lv and username
selection-tab are not all using the same font size
song selection: think it would be nice to see the osu cookie pule behind the osu logo
comboburst isnt blanked out
ranking panel: the gap on the ranking panel isnt fully covered, but rather uses an unfitting fadeout
ranking panel: retry and replay buttons have too big hitboxes
ranking panel: retry and replay the text isnt aligned the same way on both of these
ranking panel: save replay and add to favourites button are missing
ranking panel: the star rating is cut out badly and a vote button is missing, the 4 diales above them are not aligned
ranking panel: 300-100-50 arent aligned along the same axis, 300 and 100 over the x are missing
gameplay: inputoverlay keys arent aligned properly img