
Shoji Meguro - Junes Theme

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  1. Remove the useless letterbox, there's no break in your map.
  1. Imo purple(1/3) and blue(1/4) ticks notes shouldn't be circles on an easy since they're hard to hit, just a suggestion.
  2. 00:04:226 - Add a note?
  3. 00:24:988 (2,1) - Fix the spacing here
  4. 01:15:940 (1,2,3) - ^
  1. Approach rate +1?
  2. 00:13:083 (2,3,4) - Fix the spacing here.
  3. 00:15:369 (3,1) - ^
  4. 00:24:797 (3,4) - ^
  5. 00:28:226 (1,2) - ^
  6. 00:32:797 - Add a circle? :(
  7. 00:40:511 (3,1) - Fix the spacing here.
  8. 00:58:226 (2,3) - ^
  9. 01:06:797 (3,1,2) - ^
  10. 01:09:369 (1,2) - ^
  11. 01:21:654 (5,1) - ^
  1. Approach Rate is too slow, +1 please. It's really a pain to hit the stacks with AR7 ;_;
  2. 00:13:940 (8) - Fix the stack of this note. (You can delete the note and then replace it under the slider to make a perfect stack)
  3. 00:54:702 (7,8) - Same thing about the stack.
That's all, have a star o/

Here's the mod:

  1. One of the only things I'm skeptical about is the 1/3 hits. It's seems more fitting to snap it to the 1/2 divisor. Use 50% playback rate to check. Or get a BAT to help.
  2. Some sliders aren't symmetrical enough....
  1. 00:05:083 (1) - make symmetrical like [img=]this[/img]
  2. 00:07:369 (1) - ^
  3. 00:48:511 (1) - a bit offscreen
  4. 01:03:369 (3) - 1 grid right
  1. 00:01:083 (3) - add finish at the end of the slider
  2. 01:23:369 (3) - ^
Haha, nice beats.... Star!
Colin Hou
  1. 00:04:797 (6,1) - spacing
  2. 00:10:797 (3,1) - ^
  3. 00:21:845 (5,6) - ^
  4. 00:23:083 (9,1,2) - ^
  5. 00:32:512 (1,2,3) -
  6. 00:35:940 (3,4,5,6) - ^
  7. 00:51:940 (3,1,2) - ^
  8. 01:13:083 (6,7,1) - ^
lol nice music for rhythm game, star~
Yusu Aoi

I found only:

00:59:559 (5,6) make it in the same line as (7)[00:59:940]

No kudosu, pls! ^^

Hi~ :)

00:26:797 (2) - I think this clap on the end doesn't sound good
00:42:226 (3) - Finish on start may be fine

00:10:797 (3) - Clap on the end

That's all o.o"
Sorry i couldn't find anything more.
Love the map and song :) Star~

224 kbps is unrankable. Use a sound editing program to reencode it to 192.


00:00:512 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Suggestion: Most of your song is small 2-3 length combos. This seems out of place going up to 6. Add new combo for note 4?

00:05:083 (1) - This isn't entirely symmetrical. Take the last move point and move it 1 unit to the right and that should fix it.

00:09:654 (1,2) - I rather like the snap 0.83 as its used here. Apply 0.83 here 00:11:940 (1,2) - ? In any case make both areas spaced with the same snap as they are the same rhythm.

00:17:083 (2) - I don't like how unsymmetrical this is. Please move the move points around until both sides of the slider are the same distance away from the note in the middle. Also perhaps keep the snap 0.8 in mind. I think the start of the slider is too close to satisfy the 0.8 snap.

00:41:654 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Add new combo to note 4 for same reason.

01:22:797 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - New combo to note 4.


00:17:654 (2) - I think this would look better if it was center with note 1.

00:53:083 (1) - Center around note 5?


00:22:512 (6,7) - This looks closer than it should be. It's 0.87 and the other segments are 0.92.

00:42:226 (3) - Center better around that note?

00:48:797 (2,3) - Use 0.91 or 0.92?

00:53:369 (2,3) - 0.87 is too close.

Nice map. Star
Topic Starter
Fixed part of the mod,and...I've just verified if the song was 224 kbps,but i saw that the bitrate was only 190 kbps o.o
Card N'FoRcE
Ircmodded, fixed only a new combo inconsistency.

EDIT: The bitrate of the mp3 is fine.
Is a VBR with an average of 190kbps and a peak of 224kbps, so it's rankable.
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Thank you so much :D
Muffin Turtle
Okay, on normal, here's some things I think you should fix:
-15:335 - Make that repeating slider shorter, it goes on too long and it doesn't fit the beat
-22:40 - This one seems to be the same as the first one, so make it shorter. Unless it's supposed to be like that and there's some kind of beat I'm not hearing?
-126:41 - It's a little bit off with the drums here, I guess it's fine if you really like it, but what I would recommend is circle, triple-repeat, circle. That might not make sense in the way I'm saying it but go mess with it some more.

Other than that, I think you're good to go :D Good luck.
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Sorry,I won't fix Your mod,but thanks anyway~
The Name of the Music is "Junes Theme", performed by Shoji Meguro.

I don't know if it turns the map unrankable, talk with Card N' Force before pop your bubble.

Btw, your map is good, Star~
Topic Starter

Katsuri wrote:

The Name of the Music is "Junes Theme", performed by Shoji Meguro.

I don't know if it turns the map unrankable, talk with Card N' Force before pop your bubble.

Btw, your map is good, Star~
I've talked with cnf about this,and i'm ok about changing the name,so i gave you kudosu for the help :D

Katsuri wrote:

The Name of the Music is "Junes Theme", performed by Shoji Meguro.

I don't know if it turns the map unrankable, talk with Card N' Force before pop your bubble.

Btw, your map is good, Star~
This is something that should be discussed between the mapper and the ranking BAT and is not reason for popping. The fact that he did simply shows that you got lucky.
Card N'FoRcE
Topic Starter

Shiirn wrote:

Katsuri wrote:

The Name of the Music is "Junes Theme", performed by Shoji Meguro.

I don't know if it turns the map unrankable, talk with Card N' Force before pop your bubble.

Btw, your map is good, Star~
This is something that should be discussed between the mapper and the ranking BAT and is not reason for popping. The fact that he did simply shows that you got lucky.
Well,I talked about this with cfn and we decided to change the name,i know this isn't really an unrankable issue,but I thought it was better to fix this.
- Suima -
Louis Cyphre
More Persona 4! Star~
The sliders could definitely use some cleaning (make them more symmetrical, remove sharp corners, etc), but if you really don't want to fix them, I am fine with keeping most of them the way they are.

Normal mod:
00:37:083 (1) - the sharp corners in this curve don't look that great, so I suggest you stretch out the sliders a bit and make the curves a bit more shallow for a better look imo
01:09:654 (1) - Was this slider meant to have whistle during sliding? I don't recall other slider following similar beats having the whistle.
I suggest you add a spinner somewhere in the difficulty to prevent people from having ties in the highscore.

Combo mod:
00:57:654 (3,1) - remove 1's new combo and add a new combo to 3 to follow your pattern of having a new combo every 2 measures (2 tall white bars)
00:59:940 (3) - new combo for the same reason as the one above
01:06:797 (2,1) - remove 1's new combo and add a new combo to 2 to follow your pattern of having a new combo every 2 measures (I know this leaves a combo with only 1 note in it, but this way follows the music better and is consistent with the previous sections)
01:09:083 (2,1) - remove 1's new combo and add a new combo to 2 to follow your pattern of having a new combo every 2 measures

Normal mod:
00:26:797 (2) - the slightly sharp corner on this slower don't look that great to me, so I advise the same thing as I did on Easy

Combo mod:
I would like it if the combos were consistent with easy since I believe those fit better (places such as 00:25:654 (4,1) and 00:27:940 (3,1)) Since you are consistent though, I won't complain further

Normal mod:
01:04:511 (1,2) - why are these 2 notes not aligned?

Combo mod: same as normal

Most of the things I have posted are small aesthetic changes, so nothing major. Still, little things add up, so I recommend you try to fix as many things as possible, including the things I just made a blanket statement about. I guess I can consider this map for ranking after fixing, but I am still unsure about that. For now, Star!
Topic Starter
Thanks,I fixed all the mod,and I tried to make some slider shapes better
After a few more combo mods and talking about note alignments, I think this map is ready for a rank.
milk D:
Louis Cyphre
bella kevin :D
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Thanks for the congratulations,and thanks for who modded my map or helped me :D
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