Far be it from me to mod anything related to CTB, but if kuroko was ranked and it's identical to misaka, it was a mistake (some people don't care at all about skin functionality, and with the impending osz2 and up in the air skin toggle, it would be nice if they did).Weezy wrote:
Leorda wrote:
1) Misaka at fruit-ryuuta is too wide. You need to replace one I see no problem here. If Kuroko was ok for my other map, Misaka is fine here, not changing.
Here's the actual dimensions of the fruit plate. Some people actually need to see where the plate really starts, so it would be nice if you made the top of this black bar the limits of the plate. That way they don't have a miss because the plate wasn't symmetrical or they thought they were on the very edge.
I know you might not think it's important, but to some people it's very important. Plus, you know, it looks better to have a symmetrical plate. Before it wasn't much of a problem because you could just delete the skin.