
Reaction Time of Osu Players

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- Virtu -
Around 300ms. Decayed so hard :(
205-215 average
299ms lmao
dung eater

placeholder wrote:

Sheepy score from 4 years back, used to play fpses back then D=

Could probably get lower with more tries/caffeine

200-240 on the other
getting 160ish at best (av of 5, overall average maybe 170-190) now (some clicks rarely at 140ish!?), improovment
I did 5 complete (5/5) tests on Human Benchmark:
First average was 162ms
Second average was 135ms (wtf)
Third average was 164ms
Fourth average was 153ms
Fifth average was 165ms

So probably somewhere around 160ms

wtf am I even human why didnt I test this earlier
soft kitten

Aconex wrote:

I did 5 complete (5/5) tests on Human Benchmark:
First average was 162ms
Second average was 135ms (wtf)
Third average was 164ms
Fourth average was 153ms
Fifth average was 165ms

So probably somewhere around 160ms

wtf am I even human why didnt I test this earlier

140ms reaction time is when your on drugs... :thinking:

for reference im high elo and i average 250 so you probably have some sealed off skill in osu that you havent discovered yet LOL
235ms, somewhere about that

Farfocele wrote:

235ms, somewhere about that
Woah same here. I thought I'd be good at this D:
334ms here :(
got 169-181ms but still bad at catch and taiko
1st Try: 223ms.
2nd Try: 202ms.
3rd Try: 223ms.
4th Try: 229ms
5th Try: ???.

Reaction Time: 216ms.

H4yyroll wrote:

got 169-181ms but still bad at catch and taiko
dung eater

vampiree wrote:

average, 220.

best i've gotten in 5 tries, 200.

think i can get lower if i sleep and eat and right though.
i recommend eating and sleeping, it good for human

- Skylar - wrote:

Aconex wrote:

I did 5 complete (5/5) tests on Human Benchmark:
First average was 162ms
Second average was 135ms (wtf)
Third average was 164ms
Fourth average was 153ms
Fifth average was 165ms

So probably somewhere around 160ms

wtf am I even human why didnt I test this earlier

140ms reaction time is when your on drugs... :thinking:

for reference im high elo and i average 250 so you probably have some sealed off skill in osu that you havent discovered yet LOL
Yeah a few months before I started to play osu I was averaging 180-190, but I also got a 240hz monitor 2 months ago. Still doesnt explain my increase of 20-30ms on average. Feels like osu actually also improved my reaction time.

Maybe with that kind of reaction time I might have a good shot on becoming proficient with highest AR at some point (I hope lol)
I was around 350ms 3 years ago when i started osu!
now i'm still around 350ms, 0 improvement.
my old average is like 180 cause i play counter strike(got 3 ms sometime lul). But when i play osu it became worst
ugh, my reaction time is horrible, 295ms first attempt and 270ms second attempt. couldn't get any lower than 265ms
Kappa Pappa
average 155
I got a 160
200 in average
I went from 270 3 months ago to around 220-230

edit: occasionally I would get these consistent 140ms reaction times when I was just unfocused, that's probably around my human limit and like... my primal reaction time
I get 370 on average
Never realized my reaction time was that slow xd

Aqo wrote:

So guys what's your reaction time?

All you do is spot an event with your eyes and then push a button. Osu players are supposed to be really good at this... right?
Or maybe not. I'm averaging 240~250 on both of those. whaaaat

"The average (median) reaction time is 215 milliseconds". wtf. hell no D:
Tested on some Counter Strike player. He's getting below 190 consistently. He had one 168ms score just now. FML how do you do this

Fun fact: AR11 (10+DT) is 300ms. The difference between 260ms and 180ms reaction time is literally 3x easier leniency on jumps. yeeeaaah

So, how much do you get guys?

[Edit] he got 1.153 just now. fucking unreal. "you shouldn't tense up so much when doing reaction time tests" (from him)
obviously need to take a break from osu for two months, play CS, and return to start FCing maps HRDT.

Im getting around 150ms average rn with a 144hz monitor but I think the aim test on human benchmark is a much better representative or something like AR11. I get 350ms average on that and i think thats pretty nuts but ar11 is 300ms.
I still need to play more to doudge a bullet
i always get about 100ms :)

specxtical_ wrote:

i always get about 100ms :)
ar 11 god here
F 350
edit 2 years later I now have a average of 210
his everything

alexnorette wrote:

edit 2 years later I now have a average of 210
you could've made another thread but anyway...

iirc my max reation time is around 190

edit: yup

I used to barely get under 210, and i still do.
Idk if that's a latency problem or, but if its not, then i can proudly say you don't need fast reaction time. Just aim faster and gamma
(Btw aim trainer pb 270ms)
KS Wicher
didnt have my cofee today :(
Some days it's as good as 160 but in general around 180
The true A
first try was 244, then 188 then 148, I can barely read ar10.3

MrSparklepants wrote:

205-215 average
Time passes quickly, after switching to 165hz instead of 60hz around half a year ago it can vary from ~155 (rarely in the 140s) to ~190 (average of 175-185) depending on many variables such as sleep, caffeine consumption, and other things
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