GladiOol wrote:
[galv x Kriers]
01:35:309 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6) - Not nice at all. Please remap most of this part.
01:35:309 (1,2,3) - 1/2 spacing, all of the sudden 1/1 spacing afterwards. Not cool~
01:37:682 (1,2,3,4,5) - Then these huge jumps for a slow part following into a very ugly anti jump ):
01:46:834 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6) - This part seems fine though.
Remapped it x.x thanks for advice and I hope it's better now
Download: DJ Fresh - Gold Dust (galvenize) [galv x Kriers].osuHakuNoKaemi wrote:
01:38:360 (3,4,5) - Costant spacing (like 0.1x if you want this as an antijump, 0.6x if you want it to be slow... ) remade it slightly with that in mind
02:13:444 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - Please not lift the spacing.... ( use 1.2x .-. ) fix'd
02:27:851 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - ^ fix'd
03:00:732 (4) - New Combo done
Kurosanyan wrote:
- No preview time and no tags on the taiko lol done
- Add Hyguy on the tags! D: done
- HPDrain Rate and Overall Difficulty must not be the same on Easy and Normal, fix it please. How about -1 or -2 for the easy? changed
- Why Easy and Normal aren't complete? lalalaa~
- 00:27:851 (1,2) - Try to avoid jumps on Easy, even if it's a little jump. mapped on 1/1 snap divisor
- 01:20:055 (2,1) - Even worse for this one, it's a big jump. Reduced distance
- 01:26:834 (1) - Add a finish? k
- 00:27:173 (1,2) - A little spacing error here. fix'd
- 01:12:597 (6,1) - Use spacing x1,8 like for the previous jump? k
- 01:21:071 (6,1) - ^ k
- 01:23:444 (5,1) - And now why you stopped jumps for the last combo all of a sudden? Wanted to make it a straight line before the spinner D:
- 02:23:783 (5,6) - A little spacing error again
- 00:16:326 (1) - Remove new combo? ye
Uh, I'll skip this one too hard for me D:
That's all, Star o/
Download: DJ Fresh - Gold Dust (galvenize) [galv x Kriers].osuKurosanyan wrote:
- 00:16:326 (1) - Remove new combo?
- 01:36:326 (4) - ^ done
- 01:36:495 - Add a circle? okay
- 01:38:360 (1) - Remove new combo? done
- 01:44:461 - You should add a circle here.
- 01:46:495 (5) - Should add one here too.
- 01:47:173 - Add a circle?
- 01:50:055 (7) - Again you should add a circle.
- 01:51:241 (10) - Lol look! you added a circle here so why you didn't all the previous times? saw your point and made lots of adjustments to make all these circles fit in
- 01:51:580 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Messed up spacing is messed up. I don't see your point. Remade it because I didn't like it, though
- 02:04:631 (5,1,2) - Doesn't look really nice, also you should keep the x1,2 spacing. fixed. I blame beginner's incompetence
- 02:18:699 (3,1) - Uuuuh space it more please
I don't want to remake everything in that part to make it look right again
- 02:22:427 (5,6) - Spacing error here. (By the way I think there's others spacing error like this but I was lazy to check them all
) made an error by fixing a couple of others earlier :/ done
- 02:42:088 (7,8) - Look, another spacing error. @_@
- 02:53:614 (3,1) - dat anti jump, don't know if it's okay or not but personally I don't like it. gonna keep it
- 02:55:987 (2) - A huge jump, and then spacing x1... at least space more the next note
you're right. fix'd
Babble wrote:
I have hope in osu! again. Thank you, good sir.
ALSO: This is actually the short version of the song. Maybe add a short version tag in the title? Not necessary, but up to you.
Any help would be appreciated 8D.Charles445 wrote:
Go get a MAT jesus
Shiirn wrote:
01:37:004 (5) - put sliderwhistle hitsound? sounds even better to me.
01:39:716 (5) - ^
01:39:716 (4) - ^
01:42:427 (4) - ^
I think you see where I'm going.
^ Applied.
02:23:783 (1) - move second node 1 tick down to fix the strange reverse arrow. Thanks, forgot to fix this one.
While this map is incredibly awesome, alot of the notes fall right under combobursts. You can skin out combobursts if you want? I'd rather not
I've been playing the insane over and over the last few days. It's great.MissButtertoast wrote:
Just awesome (especially Insane), star!