Thanks ;DloveFantasy wrote:
mod mod![]()
- preview point is not set. done
- you should add Kriers as a tag in all diff done
- insane has a different offset compared to other diff fixed
<00:42:766> (3) break this into 2 circles? or start the spinner at 00:44:122 nah
<01:15:309> (3) ^ nah
- nice, only suggestion is AR+1 ok
[galv x Kriers]
<01:54:122> (S) start/end at high white line? okay
- AR8 is more comfortable to me, AR+9 is orgasmic
<00:05:388> (T) remove green line done
<01:39:721> i really like this kind of slider <3
<02:18:365> (1) a bit hard to read retry! retry!
star, good job
Charles445 wrote:
Really important stuff is bolded
You need a preview point! done for real now
Mapped short, boo hiss!
Wow, nice.
galv x Kriers
00:10:902 (4,5) - Those should be farther away definitely done
01:39:716 - Technically this is fine but I would suggest you reconsider, I don't see what the issue is here.
01:57:343 (1,2) - Holy cow are these two unexpected. Combined with the next slider it becomes extremely confusing.
02:00:732 - I would shorten this a repeat and add a hitcircle
02:13:444 (3,4,5,6,7) - This seems too confusing for this difficulty.
00:51:919 - Hidden reverse, Unrankable fix'd
01:56:326 - TECHNICALLY it's an okay slider, but look how ridiculously hard it is to see. because of that retarded text thats pops up after the spinner.
02:17:597 - Add a hitcircle nah
02:30:224 - This slider is glitched fix'd
02:54:631 - ^^fix'd
Charles445 wrote:
galv x Kriers
00:10:902 (4,5) - Those should be farther away definitely done
01:39:716 - Technically this is fine but I would suggest you reconsider, I don't see what the issue is here.
01:57:343 (1,2) - Holy cow are these two unexpected. Combined with the next slider it becomes extremely confusing. done
02:00:732 - I would shorten this a repeat and add a hitcircle okay
02:13:444 (3,4,5,6,7) - This seems too confusing for this difficulty. Remade it to avoid overlapping
thx for mod![]()
GladiOol wrote:
[General]Ye, fix'd
- Your hitsound volume isn't consistent. In the first kiai time part it's 100% in the second 70%.
Please take a closer look at this~ and fix it.
- Tick Rate 2 please.
01:39:716 (6) - I really don't get these. They don't play nice, they don't look nice, they are just </3
You've made quite a nice map here and then you put these in, can't you make them look nice in anyway? ):
It's really the only thing which is not nice in this map ):. ugh, I really don't know how to deal with sliders, they look ugly whenever I try to shape them into something. Well I'll still try something out...
EDIT: no fucking use lol, I just can"t.
00:51:580 (8) - Clap please~
02:30:224 (5) - ^
02:54:631 (4) - ^
02:55:309 (6) - ^
02:55:987 (8) - ^
All done
[galv x Kriers]00:26:495 (3) - Clap please.
- You should storyboard the names in this difficulty so people know who mapped which part. I'll ask someone
- Approach Rate 8 please. Alright
02:00:732 (7) - Add clap.
02:01:410 (9) - Remove clap.
02:01:749 (11) - Add clap.
Fix'd for him
[Normal]Ye good point lol
- Why are there soft-hitsounds all of the sudden? D: This doesn't make sense.
- Again the soft-hitsounds. This is really silly. Make them normal hitsounds please ~.~
GladiOol wrote:
[galv x Kriers]
01:35:309 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6) - Not nice at all. Please remap most of this part.
01:35:309 (1,2,3) - 1/2 spacing, all of the sudden 1/1 spacing afterwards. Not cool~
01:37:682 (1,2,3,4,5) - Then these huge jumps for a slow part following into a very ugly anti jump ):
01:46:834 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6) - This part seems fine though.
Remapped it x.x thanks for advice and I hope it's better now
Download: DJ Fresh - Gold Dust (galvenize) [galv x Kriers].osuHakuNoKaemi wrote:
01:38:360 (3,4,5) - Costant spacing (like 0.1x if you want this as an antijump, 0.6x if you want it to be slow... ) remade it slightly with that in mind
02:13:444 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - Please not lift the spacing.... ( use 1.2x .-. ) fix'd
02:27:851 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - ^ fix'd
03:00:732 (4) - New Combo done
Kurosanyan wrote:
- No preview time and no tags on the taiko lol done
- Add Hyguy on the tags! D: done
- HPDrain Rate and Overall Difficulty must not be the same on Easy and Normal, fix it please. How about -1 or -2 for the easy? changed
- Why Easy and Normal aren't complete? lalalaa~
- 00:27:851 (1,2) - Try to avoid jumps on Easy, even if it's a little jump. mapped on 1/1 snap divisor
- 01:20:055 (2,1) - Even worse for this one, it's a big jump. Reduced distance
- 01:26:834 (1) - Add a finish? k
- 00:27:173 (1,2) - A little spacing error here. fix'd
- 01:12:597 (6,1) - Use spacing x1,8 like for the previous jump? k
- 01:21:071 (6,1) - ^ k
- 01:23:444 (5,1) - And now why you stopped jumps for the last combo all of a sudden? Wanted to make it a straight line before the spinner D:
- 02:23:783 (5,6) - A little spacing error again
- 00:16:326 (1) - Remove new combo? ye
Uh, I'll skip this one too hard for me D:
That's all, Star o/
Download: DJ Fresh - Gold Dust (galvenize) [galv x Kriers].osuKurosanyan wrote:
- 00:16:326 (1) - Remove new combo?
- 01:36:326 (4) - ^ done
- 01:36:495 - Add a circle? okay
- 01:38:360 (1) - Remove new combo? done
- 01:44:461 - You should add a circle here.
- 01:46:495 (5) - Should add one here too.
- 01:47:173 - Add a circle?
- 01:50:055 (7) - Again you should add a circle.
- 01:51:241 (10) - Lol look! you added a circle here so why you didn't all the previous times? saw your point and made lots of adjustments to make all these circles fit in
- 01:51:580 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Messed up spacing is messed up. I don't see your point. Remade it because I didn't like it, though
- 02:04:631 (5,1,2) - Doesn't look really nice, also you should keep the x1,2 spacing. fixed. I blame beginner's incompetence
- 02:18:699 (3,1) - Uuuuh space it more please
I don't want to remake everything in that part to make it look right again
- 02:22:427 (5,6) - Spacing error here. (By the way I think there's others spacing error like this but I was lazy to check them all
) made an error by fixing a couple of others earlier :/ done
- 02:42:088 (7,8) - Look, another spacing error. @_@
- 02:53:614 (3,1) - dat anti jump, don't know if it's okay or not but personally I don't like it. gonna keep it
- 02:55:987 (2) - A huge jump, and then spacing x1... at least space more the next note
you're right. fix'd
Babble wrote:
I have hope in osu! again. Thank you, good sir.
ALSO: This is actually the short version of the song. Maybe add a short version tag in the title? Not necessary, but up to you.