
Mini Normal 1 (Game Over)

Total Posts
Topic Starter
Setup Designed by Sakura and Reviewed by pienyan
This is a Normal Game
Current Countdown Timer

Playerlist [* indicate Prod]:
NotRaffi *
ShinRun **
pentaqola replaces igorsprite ***
bambinex ***
ghoulybits *
Amianki *
Asian Warlord **
Julian_Kaiser replaces Rematyar
GuyInFreezer replaces Yhuan Debeste

Replacement Queue:

Living Players

Dead Players
abraker Vanilla Townie died Night 1
Asian Warlord Mafia 1-Shot Strongman died Day 2
ShinRun Town Non-Consecutive Gunsmith died Night 2
ghoulybits Vanilla Townie died Day 3
GuyInFreezer Vanilla Townie died Night 3
z0z Vanilla Townie died Day 4
Amianki Town 2-Shot Traffic Analyst died Night 4
NotRaffi Town Novice Non Consecutive Vigilante died Day 5

ISO link
Day 1 Begins | pentaqola replaces igorsprite | GuyInFreezer replaces Yhuan Debeste
Day 2 Begins | Julian_Kaiser replaces Rematyar
Day 3 Begins
Day 4 Begins
Day 5 Begins
Topic Starter
Any rules in Bold Red will lead to a force replacement or a modkill if violated, other rules may lead to a warning and eventually to a force replacement or modkill.

- Do not Edit or Delete any of your posts.
- Do not quote anything from the PMs given to you by the mod, this includes your role PM or any communication with the mod. Paraphrasing your role PM is fine.
- Do not communicate outside of this thread unless your role PM allows you to, you may also not discuss this game with anyone else other than the mod outside this thread.
- Do not quote or link your private discord servers at any point if you have access to any. Paraphrasing any discussion is fine.
- Do not use any form of provable randomness, saying that you flipped a coin and acted on that is fine, proving that you flipped said coin is not.
- I am human, and I may make mistakes, if I make a mistake send me a PM or state it in bold.
- Do not discuss ongoing games in this thread
- While using external sites to aid your scumhuting and thought dump is fine, linking them in-game is not fine. As there could be people unable to access the site and this would count towards encrypted/private communication in-thread.
- Play to win

- Day times consist of 10 days for the first day, and 7 days for the other, and it may be extended only on extreme circumstances. Any votes or unvotes after deadline wont count, if the day reaches deadline before a majority is reached, the player with the most votes will get eliminated, in the case of a tie, the player who reached the tying ammount of votes first will be eliminated.
-Twilight will last about from the Hammering vote until i get to the thread and post the Death Scene.
- Night times consist of 24 hours. Until then you may submit or change your action as many times as necessary, you may also decide to take no action by stating it in your PM, any actions taken after deadline wont count and if you didnt send in an action it will count as No action.

Voting and Eliminating:
- You may vote a player by stating in bold Vote: Player Name, an Unvote is not required to change your vote but it helps. When a player has reached 50% + 1 of the living players, an elimination will happen and the day will end. If I can interpret the intent to vote, it will count.
- Acronyms and Shortened names are fine as long as I can clearly understand who is being voted.
- Alternatively you may vote to end the day without an elimination by voting for it Vote: Day End
- Note that I will try my best to not miss votes, but it's possible i miss one if it happens in the middle of a giant blob of text, so it's advisable to try to keep them to the bottom of your post so they are easier to spot, but this is just a suggestion and not a hard rule. As usual please Bold it in thread if i miss your vote.
- When an elimination has ocurred before the end of the day, the game enters twilight phase, during this time all players including the eliminated one may continue to post until I post the death scene and end the day, from then on the eliminated player is considered dead and cannot post.
- , but i allow a single contentless Bah post.

- A player that hasn't posted for over 48 hours will be automatically prodded.
- Prods must be responded to in the game thread.
- If a player is going to be absent for 48 hours or more they may state that they'll be on V/LA for said time.
- Failing to pick up your prod within 24 hours will end in you getting replaced, you still have time to pick up your prod until a replacement is found.
- If no replacement can be found the slot will be modkilled instead.
- If a player has been prodded 3 times, a prod will be force replacement or a modkill if a replacement cannot be found.

If any rule is broken you will be modkilled and become a Neutral Survivor, hence automatically lose.
If a town player is modkilled, day ends immediately, if a scum player is modkilled day continues, this is so the team the player is in ends up being hurt by the player's misbheavior
Pretending to break a rule will count as breaking the rule.
Questions > Modkills, if you have doubts whether you're about to break the rules feel free to PM me to make sure.
If you have any questions towards me State it in bold
I'll try to have a vote count often unless im sleeping or something.
I reserve the right to change these rules at any given time, any rule changes will be announced in thread.
Last but not least, have fun <3

In the case i've missed anything, refer to these lovely rules by Lybydose:
Topic Starter
Sample VT Role PM:

Welcome Sakura, you are a Vanilla Townie.

During the day, you may vote who for who you want eliminated.
During the night, you may sleep.

You win when all threats to town are dead.
Topic Starter
Sending Role PMs now.
Please confirm by replying back with "I am" and your role name.
Players with access to private discords can confirm by joining the discord server.

All Players have confirmed.
Game will begin when 10 players have confirmed.
Well 3 new players

This will be fun
Go easy please
i have no idea on what to expect
expect someone to be voted out

abraker wrote:

expect someone to be voted out
If everyone work together, we can stop Yhuan from being voted out day 1 by voting him out day 0
Topic Starter
11 confirmations now, whoever hasnt confirmed yet has 24 hours from this post to confirm or i'll seek replacement.

Day 1 begins

Vote Count 1.0
Not Voting (13) - samX500, NotRaffi, ShinRun, igorsprite, bambinex, Penguin, ghoulybits, Amianki, abraker, Asian Warlord, Pararunten, Yhuan Debeste, z0z.

With 13 alive it takes 7 to eliminate.

Day 1 ends on Sep 16 15:12 UTC-5
Very quick vote, huh.
I’m gonna take a quick guess and say that Amianki played a crap ton of mafia before
isn't it already past the deadline
Vote: NotRaffi

ShinRun wrote:

I’m gonna take a quick guess and say that Amianki played a crap ton of mafia before
a few yes
Topic Starter

z0z wrote:

isn't it already past the deadline
VOTE: Shinrun
HUG: samX500 :3
VOTE : Yhuan Debeste

I prefer sticking with traditions
i'll wait to see what happens first
Topic Starter
Vote Count 1.1
NotRaffi (2) - Amianki, igorsprite
ShinRun (1) - samX500
Yhuan Debeste (1) - ShinRun

Not Voting (9) - NotRaffi, bambinex, Penguin, ghoulybits, abraker, Asian Warlord, Pararunten, Yhuan Debeste, z0z.

With 13 alive it takes 7 to eliminate.

Day 1 ends on Sep 16 15:12 UTC-5

igorsprite wrote:

HUG: samX500 :3
is that a troll hug? 👀

ShinRun wrote:

VOTE : Yhuan Debeste

I prefer sticking with traditions
listen even me and penguin are not at each other throats anymore

time to move on, old man

z0z wrote:

i'll wait to see what happens first
Is this your first time playing?

abraker wrote:

igorsprite wrote:

HUG: samX500 :3
is that a troll hug? 👀
wa! m-maybe 😳

Amianki wrote:

z0z wrote:

i'll wait to see what happens first
Is this your first time playing?

Alrighty, I'll sit back for a bit. At least until everybody has checked in at least once.
VOTE: igorsprite
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