
When did you beat your first 7 star

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Lmao I just mashed through Vivid +DT and got 7* medal at like 380k rank
08.31.2020 - Black Rover (TV Size) by Vickeblanka

i was around 100-150k i think
like last year
his favorite
2 days ago
My first 7 star pass is on Lonely go, 15 Nov 2019... I did it just for the sake of the pass, which was a B, if I could remember. (At the time of writing I still don't have a 7* FC)

I personally think this difficulty of Ghost Rule is an "easy" 7 star compared to other 7 stars, which just have a huge difficulty spike at the end.
If you really want a medal these are the easiest maps in my opinion. (All done as a 6 digit)
7star:airman or eternal blaze. 8star: hidamari no uta 9star: hidamari no uta or ascension to heaven.
I was able to pass a 7* (Immortal Flame) like a week ago. It started as a joke, like "I'm never gonna beat this but ill do it for fun anyway", but I was actually able to pass with a C rank (45X). I was only rank 350,000 and played around with 5-6 star maps, so this was amazing to me. Turns out it wasn't luck cause I passed it a few more times.
just now lmao
while ago at 310k rank

Black Rover [Extreme] 75% acc
Today At 490 k (but bad rank on it :c )
I beat immortal flame earlier (to be specific at least a month ago), when i was 600k ranks. I'm still tryna beat airman but am noob
passed the 7* diff of Lonely Go [Jougan] after one month of play, around September/October I think
Black rover XDDD September I think
i just beat airman yesterday and im 500000 ranking

GregRealSux wrote:

i just beat airman yesterday and im 500000 ranking
Why respond to a 2 yr old thread?

rqm wrote:

GregRealSux wrote:

i just beat airman yesterday and im 500000 ranking
Why respond to a 2 yr old thread?
I didn't even notice that it was two years old lmao, I commented after some other dude did so I thought this post was recent.

Now I'm wondering why this thread keeps getting random bumps
old thread, but i passed immortal flame at 340k
I played black rover 7 star and just passed it I guess lmao
Pullout Couch

Alex690701 wrote:

hey, yall

I have been playing osu since 2017, but I just recently in July really got into it. I was wondering when you guys beat your first 7 star because I think I am ahead of the game. I see most people that are still playing 4-5 star maps and having difficulty at the 300k-200k. I beat my first 7 star when I was around 240,000 and to this day I play 6-7 stars all the time i think there really fun even know for my level I should probably be focusing on FCing 4-5 stars which I do, but I find fcing to be very frustrating and not fun for me. Nevertheless, I still try to fc on and off just to get pp from it because playing 7 stars and not getting 300+ combos doesn't give shit for pp even know for some people they are hard asf. I feel like my reaction and aim are much better then most people my level but what do I know.
I beat immortal flame earlier today. Im rank #378,000. If you are ahead, I guess I’m moving at light speed.
I was chilling in BTMC's discord server and someone was attempting an airman pass. Decided to pass it myself shortly after they did it.
Kaoruko Moeta
I got my first 7 star pass September 1, 2020. I found that on the osudaily website, I was rank 251,183. I was just vibing with a friend. I think it was super driver (sadly).
Sophie Twilight
First 7* was in 9 December 2019 (forgot what map though), just 1 month after started using this account www

Haachama chama~!!
i just beat immortal flame top diff at 650k

Rayne wrote:

I got it fairly recently (9th of January) on that ILY 7* map, but never really tryharded to pass a 7* map because its mostly reliant on the HP value, so most people will just play / mash airman to get it because its HP3 and you can play the right side of the screen and still get the pass.
can you send link (LMFAO 2 YEARS LARTE)
beat it my first day. Im basically white cat
Joon Yorigami

JayCohBeh wrote:

beat it my first day. Im basically white cat
what 7* pass?

Yhuan Debeste wrote:

JayCohBeh wrote:

beat it my first day. Im basically white cat
what 7* pass?
3+4 = 7, so basically ive played a 7 * map
3-4 Months ago I think

This Sotarks map was my first 7* pass
I passed my first 7 star offline so , around February 2020
Ange du Blanc Pur [Insane] with +DT, took kinda a while to get. :)
- Virtu -
ah yes the infamous immortal flame
cheesing those 2 jump spikes made me feel terrible
Am i the only one who got it on airman?
nope i also got it on airman
FAIRY FORE - Vivid +DT was my first 7 star....rank 570K, yeah it wasn't something special, I got D with tons of misses and it was REALLY short with DT. 9 seconds. :P

RealPeopleCool wrote:

FAIRY FORE - Vivid +DT was my first 7 star....rank 570K, yeah it wasn't something special, I got D with tons of misses and it was REALLY short with DT. 9 seconds. :P
HP 2

J_8579 wrote:

RealPeopleCool wrote:

FAIRY FORE - Vivid +DT was my first 7 star....rank 570K, yeah it wasn't something special, I got D with tons of misses and it was REALLY short with DT. 9 seconds. :P
HP 2
250bpm super weird "streams" and burst, yes.
about 30 seconds ago
it was airman lol
1st 7pass was Airman, second was the short map with dt.
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