
Katamari Damacy (Y.Yano, S.Kabata) - LONELY ROLLING STAR

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on November 23, 2008 at 12:44:28 AM

Artist: Yohihito Yano, Saki Kabata
Source: Katamari Damacy
BPM: 170
Filesize: 5876kb
Play Time: 03:35
Difficulties Available:
  1. awptense (4.78 stars, 337 notes)
  2. Easy (1.63 stars, 176 notes)
  3. Hard (4.04 stars, 290 notes)
  4. Normal (2.09 stars, 154 notes)
Download: Yohihito Yano, Saki Kabata - LONELY ROLLING STAR
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Yohihito Yano, Saki Kabata - "LONELY ROLLING STAR" is heard on the second stage, "Make-a-Star #2," in the original Katamari Damacy.

Yes, it might be the most overrated song in the game, but it's a good one. Hard is quite a long map, but I find it fun, and I hope you do, too! The easier difficulties stop after the second chorus.

BAT #1: m980
BAT #2: Hitoshirenu Shourai

Oct. 3, 2008: Added Normal difficulty. Fixed some spacing and other tweaks on Hard. Extended two sliders on Hard for a max combo of 1001.
Oct. 6, 2008: Added Easy difficulty. Spotted a few more spacing errors and fixed them.
Oct. 6, 2008: Raised the difficulty and drain rate on Hard up by one level (were previously the default). Added a small section in around 3:38 in Hard to split up the break. Fixed a few misc. spacing errors.
Oct. 7, 2008: Fixed some suggestions from awp.
Oct. 8, 2008: Replaced backdrop with something different from that used by Katamari on the Rocks. (and fittingly "lonely")
Oct. 14, 2008: Using awpset of 885. Fixed some suggestions from MaxwellDemon on IRC, along with various spacing errors I found on Medium.
Oct. 18, 2008: Recalculated all breaks to the new timing.
Oct. 20, 2008: Replaced a section near the beginning of Easy with something both more interesting and which should weird out awp less.
Oct. 20, 2008: Uploaded awp's "awptense" diffiuclty. Also added soft sections to the other difficulties to be more consistent, and because they sound better. Lowered the slider tick rate on Normal and Hard to 1.
Oct. 27, 2008: Added awp's custom hitcircles! (with some improvements ;)) Also added some custom sliderballs to go with. Thank you, awp!
Nov. 9, 2008: Small change to a timing section on Hard to fix the osu! throbber's timing. (Inheritence sections should always be placed on white ticks.)
Nov. 9, 2008: Switched hitsound timing sections on awptense to use inheritence. Realigned all inheritence sections to white ticks. (Basically added 1ms to some of them.) Resnapped all difficulties and recalculated breaks. Improved the sliderballs to remove the most obvious case of judder on the shading--the center yellow ball. (The rest still judders, albeit less noticeably. I see no pressing need to fix this, plus it would require much effort.)
Nov 20, 2008: Improved sliderballs further, eliminating all judder.
Nov. 22, 2008: Shortened Hard and awptense to the length of Easy and Normal, at the demand of m980.
Nov. 23, 2008: Added shortened mp3 to save disk space. Audacity is a bitch, so I had to adjust all the offsets.
This is a pretty solid map - I would say I approve. There are a few things that I'll point out that I find odd, but aren't necessarily wrong.

02:21:86 (5) - The start of this slider is following the music, but it feels like there's an unnecessary gap before it. I would try placing a circle at 02:21:69 (5) to provide more fluidity

The break at 3:38 is fairly long (20-22 seconds). If you could think of a pattern for up until 3:45, the break could be shortened down to 13-15 seconds.

That's pretty much the only two concerns I have with this. Normal and easy seem fine to me.

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Ivalset wrote:

02:21:86 (5) - The start of this slider is following the music, but it feels like there's an unnecessary gap before it. I would try placing a circle at 02:21:69 (5) to provide more fluidity
I find that this small gap gives more emphasis to the last slider, and that filling in every gap with notes can be kind of annoying and detract from the music being mapped.

Ivalset wrote:

The break at 3:38 is fairly long (20-22 seconds). If you could think of a pattern for up until 3:45, the break could be shortened down to 13-15 seconds.
Done. Thanks for the bubble! :)
I was hoping to rank this, alas...not yet.

Offset is 15ms early. 885 pls?

Certain things feel awkward about Easy. There's a lot of notes on half beats, and those patterns are tricky simply because you're not clicking to the beat, but a fixed time after the beat. There's an underlying tone that they follow, but it is really hard to draw out, and not something you should be expecting from someone who plays Easy. Example here would be 00:46:76 (1,2,3,4) - sounds kinda catchy on Autoplay, but hard to pick up in game. Moving notes 2 and 3 ahead a half beat gives it a better flow imo. 00:58:94 (3) - the timing on this slider (and subsequent) just sounds too weird to me. Apart from the awkward half-beat timing everything seems really done well. Especially the chorus.

[Normal] and [Hard] look fine to me though.

Oh, just one thing: the score difference between Normal and Hard is approximately 640% - peppy almost FC'd Hard on his first try and it's worth 9.5 million, so it might be too easy for that volume of points. Maybe you could shrink the notes, widen the beatspacing, mix up the patterns, or drop the slider tick rate down to 1 to offset it a little.
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awp wrote:

Offset is 15ms early. 885 pls?
Odd. When I play it in the editor, it tells me my offset is 5ms late. (hits are 5ms early) Adjusting my universal offset to align the bleeps only makes this worse. I can play the majority of ranked maps (Hand That Feeds and Dough-Nuts being the two big exceptions) perfectly with no universal offset.

awp wrote:

Certain things feel awkward about Easy. There's a lot of notes on half beats, and those patterns are tricky simply because you're not clicking to the beat, but a fixed time after the beat. There's an underlying tone that they follow, but it is really hard to draw out, and not something you should be expecting from someone who plays Easy. Example here would be 00:46:76 (1,2,3,4) - sounds kinda catchy on Autoplay, but hard to pick up in game. Moving notes 2 and 3 ahead a half beat gives it a better flow imo. 00:58:94 (3) - the timing on this slider (and subsequent) just sounds too weird to me. Apart from the awkward half-beat timing everything seems really done well. Especially the chorus.
I kind of agree with you. I was told to avoid doing this for Pressing On, however, so I've been avoiding doing plain downbeats not synched to anything obvious.

I've fixed 0:46:76 and repeats. I'm keeping the sliders at 0:58 and repeats for now. They're synched to these little beeps in the background during this part of the song.

awp wrote:

[Normal] and [Hard] look fine to me though.

Oh, just one thing: the score difference between Normal and Hard is approximately 640% - peppy almost FC'd Hard on his first try and it's worth 9.5 million, so it might be too easy for that volume of points. Maybe you could shrink the notes, widen the beatspacing, mix up the patterns, or drop the slider tick rate down to 1 to offset it a little.
I'd reduce the slider ticks, but I like my 1000-combo! :) It's a long map, and that's what's jacking up the score. The big 640% is also because Hard goes longer than Normal by a lot.

I've shrank the dots, added a jump at the easy part around 4:26, and made some of the patterns in the last chorus a bit trickier. (..while still keeping to my personal style guides for this song. ;) Stacks with unstacked notes in between and covered up notes inside of stuff are fine, but they just don't go with this type of music, IMO. Save them for strange or James Difficulty levels. :P)

Edit: Thinking this might make a better (and more original) backdrop. (higher res, of course)

Edit2: Fixed some things up with MaxwellDemon on IRC. I've also finally nailed my Universal Offset, and can see the wisdom in awp's awpset of 885.</suckup>
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
starred! yey free xp
How did a bubble -> star? XD
MD: cuz there's a new difficulty~

Max score is 11.8 million, but rather deserving of it imo

Download: Yohihito Yano, Saki Kabata - LONELY ROLLING STAR (MetalMario201) [awptense].osu
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Love it! I've repositioned some slider ends by a few pixels to line them up to the grid squares (I'm a nazi like that when it comes to my own maps. :P) and uploaded.

I'm kind of concerned, though, about the slidertick rate on Hard. Hard has a longer combo than awptense. Should I lower it? (and lose that preciousss 1031-combo) 9,559,134 does seem like a high score for a not-so-hard level. Lowering the slidertick only brings it down to 7,200,830 and gives it a combo length of 751. Hmm, convenient for the 750+ combo award, don't you think?

I think I just answered my own question. :) Slidertick rate 1 will do fine for all difficulties. (I still prefer the sound of slidertick 2, but the score balance is wrong.)

What's this about a Katamari skin you said you had on IRC? 8-)
I was making a Katamari skin a while back, but never got around to finishing it...some of the elements might go well in this skin. Attaching the rar of all the skinned elements.

Download: Katamari.rar
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Go ahead and rebubble. It doesn't look like I'll be able to add any skin elements any time soon.

I was considering putting in the hitcircles, but they'd need a custom Katamari slider ball to avoid looking out of place, and I'm not really feeling up to it right now.

I could always do some skinning later and just post the files here to drop in the folder.

Edit: Custom hitcircles are added! These are awp's with some added "glossiness" from me. I also took awp's hitcircles and coloured them in for use as the sliderball. It rotates along the right side of the slider, with respect to the ball moving forward. This looks perfect for clockwise sliders, but kind of meh for counterclockwise ones.

osu! ate my layered master version of the coloured sliderball, so please don't ask for different colours. :(
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Why the fuck isn't this ranked yet
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

Download: Jimmy Eat World - The Middle (Gonzvlo) [ErufenRito's Madness].osu
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m980 wrote:

00:56:47 (6) - Spacing. Move this closer to 5.

m980 wrote:

Also. Hard and Awptense goes for ~5:20. I'd shorten it by a minute or something. Unless there is a good reason why it should be 5:20. Other mods might say not to shorten it, but whatever.
Mainly that 3:40 - 4:30 was a lot of work, and that one of the difficulties was not mine, and I don't feel comfortable just meddling with it.

The play time, as reported by the editor, is 250s, or 4:10. Not especially extreme, and isn't it supposed to be okay for the harder difficulties of a map to go longer?

I will be looking for a second opinion before making such a detrimental change.

Edit: Truncated the higher difficulties. With extreme discontentment. I have included the originals for the fun value.

Download: Yohihito Yano, Saki Kabata - LONELY ROLLING STAR (MetalMario201) [Hard proper].osu

Download: Yohihito Yano, Saki Kabata - LONELY ROLLING STAR (MetalMario201) [awptense proper].osu
All Good..

Awp, Skin is awesome!
Hitoshirenu Shourai
Too bad there isn't a Katamari spinner ._.

Ranked anyways ._.
If your offset feels wrong on this song, make sure you redownload the osz and delete your old copy - the mp3 has changed.

peppy wrote:

If your offset feels wrong on this song, make sure you redownload the osz and delete your old copy - the mp3 has changed.
Hm? I changed it 75 MS up and down from out 940.. but 940 sounds perfect to me?
Just wanted to say that I love the background and that the buttons are katamari. That's all.

Hitoshirenu Shourai wrote:

Too bad there isn't a Katamari spinner ._.

Ranked anyways ._.
There is. It mighta been left out of the beatmap though =( I thought the spinner was really neat.

I doubt this is serious enough for an unrank, but unranking was being discussed in #modhelp so I just thought I'd drop by.

SapphireGhost wrote:

I doubt this is serious enough for an unrank, but unranking was being discussed in #modhelp so I just thought I'd drop by.

Let's unrank every other map with burai sliders.

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