
2020 Top 10 Malaysian osu!std Players

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<1:wuhua> Good HD skills. Good aim. Good tech. Good alt. Good reading. Good precision. Insane tourney performance. Very good player.
<2:Rampax> Very fast player. Speedy player. High skill ceiling on aim. Can tap very fast. Good HR. Pop off recently on a bunch of speed maps wtf.
<3:Shaneliang> Really good aim. Able to play everything. Super well rounded. Good tourney players. High aim skill ceiling. Can hit spaced stream brrrrrr too.
<4:seabee> ẃ̸̠͎̒̚e̴͙͐͑́͐n̴̬̑͊̾̓w̵̲̘͉̙̓̓͒́ë̶̙́̂i̵̭̦̒͝g̶͙̈ţ̵͕̝̹͐̏̈́̽n̴̹̳̆̐͑͜w̴̲̒̿͘e̴̯͔͐̿ụ̵̞̬͂͆n̶̨͎̬͋g̸̝̰̩̙͑͊̆t̸̺̓͋u̸̢̦͚͙͛̎̂́w̵̨̲̖̄́ą̵̘͇͌ͅr̴͈̓g̵̝̃́͠ų̵̩̫̃͒̊ ̶̹̬̭̼̎͑́͘i̶̡̢̬̯̿͘à̵̦͜ͅw̸̨̲̯̼̓̔̓͝h̷̞̤͈͗̐͝͝ẽ̶͎̹̩͊ͅu̴͚͎̞̿̃ḯ̵̦͍͓́͋͌g̵͓̹̏̃͝f̶̡͉̳̪̓̀h̷̯͖̩͕͝a̴̼͍̳̖̅͂w̸̗̺̆̆͆e̸̖͉̓͗̑u̸̜͍̻͌̏͜i̵̮̗̎̈́͝ ̵͙͐f̷̺̪̐͌̔h̶̢̆̏̕ų̵̣̱͛̾̎͐á̴̩̘͓̊͜ì̸͙̺͍̊͗̽ͅs̵̝̍ͅf̶̖͌̋ ̶͉͆v̷̹̝͕͋̒̇͘h̴̺͒͊u̸̝͖͈̠͑̚i̴̮̪̋̑͋̈a̶̡͂̋̊̍f̵̱̫͙̅̅̄s̶̳̞̝̥͒͗ḩ̶̩̃̄͑̚v̷̡͖͉̳̈́͊̅̓ ̵̛̤̻̈́̍͋ù̶̧̝͉̈́͝i̶̖͇̜͖͠ä̷̦̤͇̹̒s̴̩͎̠͌͑̊͌i̶̡̱̳͑v̷͙̮̉ĥ̶̼̄̈̕w̷̛̛̫̆̌ḋ̸̘͙͓͂̅ụ̷̪͒i̸͔̫̭͎̒̽͘͝h̷̖͍̩̗͑̚ ̵̣̀͋̓̊ẃ̴̡͈̓̽̌È̵̙̯̫͈Ì̴̳͍̻̔̈́̀
<5:Inugami Korone> Fucking crazy HR / NM. Improved on DT too. Good consistency. SD players. Insane stream skill. Insane aim. Tourney ban Sadge.
<6:Shimon> Insane DT player. Insane speed. Insane reaction. Insane aim. One of the best speed aim in the country and also high AR reading. Ultra insane speed stamina almost pass cycle hit DT and 3 miss DT sasageyo.
<7:Altist> Insane tech. Insane Aim. Insane Stream. Insane HD. Insane Playar. Insane consistency. Harumachi 4mods player.
<8:Hachune Miku> Nice aim. Nice speed aim. Nice stamina. Nice aim. Nice speed. Nice.
<9:vernonlim> Nice finger kontol. Nice aim. Nice reading. Nice tourney. Nice HD. Nice alt. Nice tech. Nice.

Honorable mentions:
<1:Rampax> - speed idol
<2:wuhua> - idk
<3:ShaneLiang> - all rounded ig
<4:Inugami Korone> - good at stream related stuff and HR
<5:seabee> - cool HDHR plays
<6:Shimon> - cool 10.3 DT plays
<7:Tzero> - idk
<8:Clawviper> - old player but able to retain skill
<9:Hachune Miku> - i like his aim
<10:Chiyuu> - all rounded and can play some weird shit or old maps

Honourable Mentions
Zygody - consistent tournament performance throughout the year
vernonlim - omt top 2 + pretty passionate abt the game
Monofly - quite consistent on map difficulty scaling he's comfortable with
squidstain - good at most kinds of old maps
not_aweeb - good at alt, hr and some weird ass stuff
Reinaru - i like his HDHR consistency
zhev - speed idol no2
CookieDASH - he's pretty good at HR for his rank i guess
Stick2glue - good at old maps pt2
Auxuelus - pretty good aim and can sorta high bpm stream
Agagak - pretty decent when he actually plays
<1:Wuhua> Tq for making osu Malaysia proud<3
<2:Haruchi> Very pro speed player and my fav osu malaysia player<3 uwu
<3:Hachune Miku> Incredible DT/Stream player, and a rising star in Malaysia.
<4:Rampax> our idol
<5:Changed> pro stream player in osu malaysia<3
<6:Zygody> pro deranker player
<7:ClawViper> former osu malaysia #1
<8:King Hong> makes very impressive plays
<9:ShaneLiang> owc pro captain
<10:[ Akeno ]> too underrated, also a very pro player, incredible aim

Honorable mentions:
<1:Rampax> the god player
<2:Wuhua> the amazing player
<3:ShaneLiang> the excellent player
<4:Seabee> the very good player
<5:Inugami Korone> the gooood player
<6:ClawViper> the goood player
<7:Addam> the good player
<8:Chiyuu> the notbad.jpg player
<9:not_aweeb> the player
<10:Chizu-Kun> the pla

v People i too want to put in list but cant sad v
  1. Reinaru
  2. DanielSiew
  3. Monofly
  4. Squidstain
  5. vernonlim
  6. Zygody
  7. Zeph2003
  8. Auxuelus
  9. cookiewiz
  10. altist
  11. kynexiz
  12. haruchi
  13. aerora
  14. hachune miku
  15. zhev
  16. Agagak
i have so many names that i like idk who i missed out anymore sowwy
- Sinon -
<start:- Sinon ->

<2:Hachune Miku> Singletap yes
<6:Changed> how tf u pass We Luv Lama
<7:King Hong> leaderboard farmer insane finger control
<8:Addam> how to overstream 305bpm hidamari
<9:Inugami Korone>

Honorable Mentions
<1:wuhua> Played osu in OWC.
<2:Inugami Korone> decent new player.
<3:Rampax> Played osu quickly and goodly.
<4:ClawViper> Played osu in OMT.
<5:seabee> Genetics Played osu with okish improvement.
<6:ShaneLiang> Can move his pen quite well.
<7:Hachune Miku> Plays osu and is pretty good at it even if he says he isn't.
<8:Zygody>Did the badge thing.
<9:Altist>Plays sidetracked day.
<10:not_aweeb>Plays osu with two fingers which is impossible.


Honourable Mentions:
zhev - Plays osu sometimes.
vernonlim - played osu in OMT
King Hong - good at osu
Chizu-kun - Did the improvement thing
Tzero - I forgot you played osu and now I can't include you in the list wtf man
Monofly - I hate your omf team so much
Zeph2003 - Stop deranking and I'll vote you
Sorry if I didn't include your favourite player there were only 10 slots so choosing everyone was pretty hard
Ookami Mion
<1:wuhua> GOD YES
<2:Rampax> Sometimes watching your DT clip from your youtube channel is satisfying :3
<3:haruchi> SPEEEEEEEEED Finger (and also Welcome back to osu although its been long time dy :3)
<4:Hachune Miku> Aim player Speed player Stamina player YESS?
<5:Chiyuu> Also really good at aiming and low ar :3
<6:Addam> SPEEEEEEEEED Finger V2.0
<8:ShaneLiang> Very Good tournament player and is also tournament captain yes? :3
<9:seabee> sooo good at HDHR :3
<10:zhev> Insane Stamina and speed yes? :3

Honorable Mentions :
Inugami Korone - DOGGO
[ Akeno ]

hopefully I dont miss someone qwq
<1:wuhua> Set many insane scores, new PP record in Msia, carry in OWC, you made us proud).
<2:Rampax> well-rounded player; with many cool scores.
<3:ShaneLiang> 12/10 OWC captain, never on the brink of his extinction.
<4:Hachune Miku> Climbed the rankings so quickly with many good scores and top plays.
<5:haruchi> speed pro, did well in OWC (happy you are back).
<6:seabee> Insane improvement, already has multiple 500pp plays; a proven HDHR master.
<7:Shimon> Crazy speed and aim player, bringing yet another 600pp home.
<8:Inugami Korone> Lets not forget how this doggo popped off at the start of the year, too many top 50 placements on nomod/hr stream maps.
<9:Addam> INSANE high bpm player wtf.
<10:ClawViper> Won OMT and played well in OWC, a good tourney player.

Honorable Mentions:

Momoi Airi
don't mind the description on #1 and #2 lol

<3:ShaneLiang> great tournament player
<4:Inugami Korone> wao mikkun is actually good at NM, HR, and nerve control, improved at DT too, very glad to see him poppin since the unban
<5:Addam> I saw his hidamari play and I'm like...WHAT? He's actually a really well rounded speed player
<6:Hachune Miku> literally me but stronger at singletapping :ClawSmug:
<7:Tzero> idk what to say but, great player though
<8:seabee> HDHR player, his scores are pog o.o
<9:vernonlim> well rounded player, his acc is nuts
<10:Shimon> idk what to call him... Malaysian Vaxei? Malaysian mrekk? His DT plays are holy shmow

Honorable mentions: Yours truly, in the country. Cuz well, everyone is too good (ofc more pro than me)
<1:Rampax> set so many good scores in 2020, so damn fast
<2:wuhua> he's so gooooooooood
<3:Inugami Korone> god nm/hr player
<4:seabee> cute girl really good at game
<5:ShaneLiang> tournament player really good
<6:Hachune Miku> amazing dt performance
<7:vernonlim> noticed the guy's improvement aswell and it's so good, top 3 omt
<8:ClawViper> manages to keep up with everyone else in malaysia (even popping off in omt) which is so cool
<9:Addam> his fingers move so fast you can't even see it
<10:Altist> streeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaam

Honorable mentions:

Not much to say about wuhua that hasn't already been said. Best player in practically every sort of aim, incredible acc on low bpm alt maps, got some insane HD plays this year, etc etc. Had really increcible performance in tournaments too (AOT & OWC). Switiching to tablet didn't stop him from being the best Malaysian of all time.

Without a doubt the 2nd best Malaysian ever and honestly he's really close to wuhua in terms of overall skill. Can match the best of the best in the world on bursty maps, aimy maps, stamina maps, etc, etc. SOOOOO good. I'd love to type out his sick scores this year but he has way too many, just check his YouTube out to see some of them and you'll get the idea. His livestreams are super fun as well please check him out .

<3:Inugami Korone>
Finally got unbanned after 3+ years and just went ham straight away. Sooooo good at everything. Flow aim, stamina, speed, jump aim, high cs, etc. Did so many cool scores this year its hard to type. I do wanna highlight the cool DT and HR scores he did at the end of the year on a lot of older style maps. Very cool player.

This guy's mechanical skill is so insane. Dude can 1 miss 8* maps that only top players from 2016-2018 were capable of doing. Genuinely so godlike at aim and speed. Sasaegyo DT 2 miss, Cycle hit dt 91% pass, wagamama mirror heart dt, lan wings granat dt 1 miss, blood on the edge hr 1 miss, junshin always dt choke, shotgun senorita dt choke, a lot of cool plays on bpm edited maps, etc. Its hard to type out all the insane shit he did so I'll just leave it at that. Check out his YouTube to see some of the other stuff he did

Insane jump aim, insane flow aim, insane tech aim, insane stamina, pretty decent at speed. Such a good player overall. Has 2 8* FCs, 4.2k combo on the deceit/violation, reversed choked a 700pp on sidetracked day hr, raise my sword FC and 600pp, 3miss on knowledgeking's ror, 500pp on harumachi clover 4mod, and many other achievements he accomplished this year. Such a versatile player.

I didnt know much about seabee at the start of the year apart from him getting 7kpp in a year. Took a glance at his top plays and i jsut assumed that he'd pop off on some nomod maps. Was surprised when he started doing really insane hdhr scores, then suddenly started practicing speed and started fcing shit like aitakatta sora. Got #3 OMT despite it being his first tourney too. This guy is basically what a top 100 player from pre-2017 would be.

<7:Hachune Miku>
When this guy was rising in the rankings with his hddt aim scores i just assumed he was just some nomod aim player that learnt how to alt, but i was really surprised to see that he was singletapping when i went on his stream one day. Insane singletap speed the man can singletap up to 300bpm like its nothing. His stamina is so incredible up to 240~ as well. Amazing jump aim, flow aim, stamina, speed and can get good acc on whatever he plays too. Insane player.

Such a well rounded player, can play basically anything at an incredibly high level and it really shows when you see him play in tournaments. The man can casually get scores in a multiplayer lobby that most would struggle to do in singleplayer. I was really impressed by some of his nomod aim scores (cendrillion and error) and some of his alt map scores (amazing break hr & katharsis - noth done in a multi!) that he did in solo this year as well.

Came back after like 7 months and just showed eveyrone he's still at the top in terms stamina. FDFD HR 1.1k combo (ending fc), fd another hr fc, fd sotarks chokes, tower of heaven dt choke, fengshen yanyi 95% fail, etc etc. Still really good at aim as well (tits or ass choke).

Ridiculous jump aim and flow aim. So good at jump maps, tech maps, alt maps. Dude can actually match wuhua and other top players at the stuff he plays. Check out his youtube for some of his amazing scores

Honourable mentions:
mikeybx - sosososo good at so many things i wish he played more often so he could show everyone what he's truly made of
Addam - simply the best in terms of raw speed above 290~ bpm
Clawviper - did some sick ass dense aim scores and won omt
Reinaru - so good at hdhr
Taika-suru - I love his dt scores. very speedy player
Rumia- - did lots of cool hr scores at the begining of the year before he quit w
zhev - did a lot of cool speed scores thorughout the year
Chiyuu - a lot of good scores on long consistency type maps, alt maps, and older style maps
vernonlim - super finger control at anything below 200bpm~
Zygody - cool tourney player, some nice alt map scores
Changed - Insane stamina
Auxuelus - a loooot of cool nm scores and speedy scores
zeph2003 - cool scores
Tzero - continued fcing a lot of those cool underweighted maps this year
Ayameru - also really insane raw speed. just look at this
Chizu-kun - cool hdhr stuff
Aerora - Malaysian Offline Mafia. ridiculous acc on everythign he plays online
Cookiwiz - nice aim
DongFromVietnam - nice aim

Disclaimer: super hard to accurately rank the players properly but i still belive they're deserving of top 10. The list may change depending on what happens in the next 3 weeks.

<3:Hachune Miku>
<5:Inugami Korone>
<3:not_aweeb> how do you alt
<4:wuhua> I didn't know god plays osu
<5:haruchi> Very very streamy player, basically a breathing metronome
<6:Shimon> reacts and thinks in DT
<7:Inugami Korone>
<8:Addam> Fingers go Brrrrrrrr Pen go snap
<9:Hachune Miku> High SR accuracy chad, A ranking many impossible maps
Honourable Mentions (unordered):
Jiahuey6 - how could you not be impressed with those Save Me FCs?
DanielSiew - surprisingly stable tap x, in and of itself is very underrated
ClawViper - May be my senior v_v, but I have a great interest in his tap x skill progression in the foreseeable future
GodKnows - lord, save this non-acc player, scores are tight though, and stop sniping me >:o
Kynexiz - Ponk 200bpm wiggling or 400bpm alternating whatever it is you call that
[ Akeno ] - oh lawd what an underrated aim beast
TequilaWolf - EZ aaAaAaAaAaAAaaAaAaAa, very astrosmexy player

Disclaimer: I do not have much knowledge in terms of players' streaming skills and many of their skills in general, so my views are naturally more biased towards an aim-oriented skillset
*subject to significant changes

<1:wuhua> GOD
<2:Rampax> a lot of HDDT score and carry at OWC (Malaysia vs Norway)
<3:ShaneLiang>-ERROR SS and Hibana FC good captain in OWC
<4:seabee>Improved too fast
<5:Inugami Korone>stream beast (RoR FC)
<6:Hachune Miku> High BPM singletap and alternate lol
<7:Addam> High BPM stream (290BPM FC and overstream 305BPM) Malaysian Merami
<8:ClawViper> old player
<9:King Hong> good HD reading
<10:ALtist>Sword raised and Cry Thunder FC


Honorable mentions:

Shimon: speed player
Changed: High acc for top play
vernonlim: workhard like an ant
Zygody:Uta FC and awsome player
Stick2glue: good at old map
TequilaWolf:EZ player
<1:Hachune Miku> singletap speed demon obviously
<2:Inugami Korone> unbanned player yet still dominate the leaderboard
<3:wuhua> still the face of Malaysia's god
<4:Changed> Stream God
<5:Chiyuu> Crazy finger control god mode yes :3
<6:[ Akeno ]> underated player but dominates on super crazy jump maps
<7:seabee> crazy hdhr plays and that hitsound, I love it.
<8:ShaneLiang> still love that Songs Compilation play
<9:Chizu-kun> ngl this person is crazy
<10:Addam> another speed demon but on with stream

Honorable Mentions :
King Hong
a hotdog

This is year has been a crazy year for Rampax, his HDDT, speed and HR scores keeps popping off everywhere. A
carry in AOT which make his team, peepolaughpoint, to the 3rd place. Along with wuhua and ShaneLiang.

<2:wuhua> Self-explainatory, after changing to index ring, he became a super consistent player, and a tourney player who got #3 in AOT with team peepolaughpoint.

<3:Inugami Korone> After the unbanned, dudes setting load amount of decent score such as a FC Sky of Twilight, SD FC in HOPE, and the holy map, Road of Resistance, FCed. A SD mod expert, and an HR player. Hope to see him in the Malaysia Team in OWC 2021.

<4:ShaneLiang> High star difficulty player, tourney player, and an all-rounder. His performance is consistently good.

seabee... all-rounder, FCed United HDHR, almost FCed Bluenation and Night of Knights with HDHR as well. Decent player indeed. OMT 3rd place as well.

Speed freak, that SEVEN DT only FC and Cycle Hit DT pass is freaking gachiBASS.

Deathstream freak.

Rei has been popping off a lot of long map score this year, with HDHR. Especially his Kanjou no Matenrou
and Anime Song Medley HDHR FC.

Literally a master of alternate patterns, HR player.

Able to read complex pattern, currently in the DT gang.

Honorable mentions:
Jiahuey6 - Consistency :thumbs_up:
Agagak - Previous speed freak, now HR mostly main
Taika-Suru - Future speed freak in the top 50 Malaysia soonTM
Aerora - Nice accuracy
Beckon - Speed freak
[ Akeno ] - Jumps noice
Jeffrey - Consistent at HR
Zygody - Tourney player, impressive tourney performance
CookieDASH - Next Jeffrey, HR super good
Mak Kau Hijau - Speed freak, singletap god
Zeph2003 - Tourney player, have decent scores as well
Chizu-Kun - HDHR player, have decent scores as well
Changed - Speedy

(Too many honorable players, everyone is honorable)
<3:Inugami Korone>
<8:Hachune Miku>

Honourable mentions:
1 - wuhua
2 - rampax


joke post plz dont kill me
not voting cuz im out of touch :(
<1:wuhua> Undisputed god, well rounded
<2:Rampax> God aim and speed
<3:Inugami Korone> God aim and stamina
<4:Shimon> High sr player. Insane aim and speed
<5:ShaneLiang> Long time idol. Turned out to be a pretty well rounded player.
<6:seabee> Insane with everything that's related with finger control. Solid consistency. Chad hdhr/hddt player
<7:haruchi> Extremely proficient with high bpm streams. Godly stamina. Could've been placed higher if he'd simply set more scores.
<8:Hachune Miku> started doing more non farmy stuff. Insane aim
<9:not_aweeb> Really good finger control and aim
<10:ALtist> root mean square

Honourable mentions:
Kynexiz - farmer
Tzero - played in OWC. Sad he didn't play as much this year.
ClawViper - #1 OMT
Vernonlim - solid all rounded player.
Zygody - solid all rounded player.
Changed - solid stamina and aim.
Addam - Fastest malaysian player I know atm. Insane really high bpm proficiency.
<1:Rampax> well rounded player, idol speed player and set so many good fkin scores
<2:wuhua> our lord and saviour in owc, i want his finger control and reading skills
<3:Hachune Miku> i wanna get his dt farm skills bro, climbed so many ranks, 8* SS in his top play
<4:seabee> did we really join osu in the same year,, this guy is fucking insane at HDHR
<5:haruchi> idol stream & stamina player, came back a little bit late but still got the skills, we luv lama 3k combo, goodbye A rank, freedom dive hr fc, first A in Fengshen Yanyi
<6:Inugami Korone> YUBI YUBI, fc'd road of resistance, fc'd hope and fcs alot of stream map, wowowowow (also gave my yubis to korone and I [REDACTED])
<7:ShaneLiang> owc captain, really solid player
<8:ALtist> another idol stream player, raise my sword S rank, good run on sidetracked day hr, cry thunder fc,,, what
<9:Shimon> how tf do u and miku SS an 8* dt map and pass cycle hit with dt
<10:Cookiwiz> im jealous of this guy's aim, basically the opposite of me, this guy can reach 3 digits if he want with his aim

(not in order)
Honourable Mentions:
Chizu-kun > look at this guy's top play bro, cant be a dt farmer if you use Nightcore instead
Kynexiz > really good dt player, i didnt even know this guy is a mouse player
ClawViper > winner of OMT 2020 :ClawSmug:
FaithInOsu > this guy says i can finger a man to death, casually fc dropout with good acc
not_aweeb > how tf do you aim Can Do (Extra: Kagami) with HR lmao good hr player
vernonlim > very good at low ar stuff got 2nd in OMT 2020, was a really close fight
IHateAutoNicks > poggers tapx player
Narukiko > ar 12 player
<4:Inugami Korone>
<9:Hachune Miku>
Topic Starter
Its not Marvin
About time i vote

<start:Its not Marvin>

i alr had them in my top 3 since May/June, just the order was still in consideration, inspiring performance during OWC.

<4:seabee> improved so much in just 1 year yabai, has super amazing scores, 3rd in OMT this year, maybe could make the OWC roster if he tried out

<5:haruchi> cant quit osu :LUL: came back in July/August and managed to derust in time for OWC, and has performed amazing in OWC this year!

<6:Inugami Korone> unbanned and started popping off, ROR fc poggies, OWC 2021 hype

<7:ClawViper> still relevant in 2020! won OMT this year and made the OWC roster.

<8:vernonlim> purely because of his OMT performance this year

<9:not_aweeb> finger soggy, showed off his soggy fingers in OWC
<10:Tzero> still relevant in 2020!(2)

HM in no particular order

quagsire - :quagsire:
wooper - :wooper:
<7:Inugami Korone>

Honorable Mentions:
Hachune Miku
Popped off like no other this year. Improved in literally every aspect I can think off. Thx for OWC carry :D

Meme Lord. Smooth stone slabs. Diamond miner. You know why hes here :wuhuaW:

<3:Inugami Korone>
Dude's got my respect. Amazing combination and aim and stream ability. Can't wait to see you play in more tournaments next year. OWC roster next year? Maayybeee? We'll see :>

Came back from a long hiatus but coming back stronger. In my opinion, improved on his mindset tremendously. This guy is here to stay on the list :)

Incredible improvement. Double mod monster.

Speed demon. Impressive DT scores set throughout the year.

<7:Hachune Miku>
Pushed very hard for top 2 country rankings this year. Improved on aspects other than DT in the later half of the year. Solid speed player.

OWC team was watching him play in another tournament and we were really impressed, especially by his ability on gimmicky tech maps, destroying his opponent on that pick. Looks to be extremely comfortable on weird patterns.

Solid previous tournament performances. I would say a pretty well-rounded player overall.

It might be his last appearance on this list, but he sure is ending it strong. Mindset still as robust as it ever was.


Honorable Mentions:

Was planning on doing a long-winded post on my decision but turned out too cringy :D
<6:Hachune Miku>
<7:Inugami Korone>

Honorable Mention:
Incredible scores consistently throughout this year. He went from a normal race car to an F1 zooming as fast as he could. Besides his amazing DT performance , his ability to play other modification is astonishing. Putting out scores way out of my reach and because of this he easily deserves this spot due to how proficient he is at the game.

This guy is so damn good at everything but is kinda lacking in the speed department :eyes: I love his HD reading putting out scores that match even the top players such as FlyingTuna on global leaderboards. I can't comprehend whenever he gets high accuracy on maps that challenge acc and his HDHR scores.

<3:Inugami Korone>
Really good aim and streaming ability.

What do I even say about this guy. He is so fking good at HDHR, the kind of player I wished to be. Not to mention, he can play speed. Combined with his finger control, reading I could see this player as a player that matches wuhua in terms of skill if he keeps improving at this rate.

High skill cap player, very well rounded.

<6:Hachune Miku>
aim acc player

sexy speed omg

I really like the scores they put out that challenge aim and precision. They are also very good at alt maps.

Where the hell did this guy go? His stream aim is literally god level

what the hell is that kira kira days score my man i hope you fc it
2020 was a fantastic year for Malaysia, with many players really starting to break out and become their own player.

I had a real headache in sorting 3 - 10 because of how unique each and every one of the players in the top 10 are.

Still the best in setting out insane and unique scores for all sorts of different skill sets. While Rampax definitely had his single player breakthrough and had set tons of scores which rivals even the world's best, wuhua gains the edge here for his versatility.

His absurd single player this scores this year launches him into a separate tier for Malaysian players together with wuhua. It really warms my heart to see someone I know back from 2014 is able to not only stay competitive, but continue to improve by leaps and bounds every year.

<3:Inugami Korone>
Finally unbanned and able to show what he is made of on the official server. Arguably the best NoMod player in the country. Pretty insane HR player when it comes to small CS and raw aim. Can't wait for him to finally be able to show his stuff in tournaments next year.

While he did not focus on setting single player scores this year, he has really upped his tournament game this year. Arguably the second most versatile player behind wuhua in the tournament scene (better in speed and stamina).

The most exciting newcomer to the Malaysian scene, not just because of his improvement rate - simply because he is setting HDHR scores with nutty accuracy that no one else in the country can replicate.

<6:Hachune Miku>
He stands out from the pack of rising DT players and it is not just because he is the highest ranked of them all. He also has plenty of unique scores and is a fantastic NoMod player as well.

A little difficult to evaluate his true ability as he was not so much focused on setting scores this year so I might not be doing him justice. Absolutely sick DT aim scores on various kinds of maps.

Could have been higher if he didn't drop off in activity halfway through the year. Became one of the best stream players and really formed an identity of his own this year.

In my opinion this is the most overlooked/underappreciated player who was absent in most people's top 10 list. I only truly understood how good this player actually is when I played OWC with him. Top tier Malaysia in technical maps.

Inactive for ages which is why he is at #10 but he is still the best stamina player in Malaysia and doing stuff no others can do.


I don't do Honourable Mentions simply because there are just so many notable players this year that come to mind - putting 10 or so of them here might very well devalue the meaning of Honourable Mentions. Feel free to shoot me a PM if you are curious about some people I did actually consider placing in the top 10 list. That being said, I am pretty firm that the 10 players named above are the ones who really stood out among the rest.
<3:Inugami Korone>
<5:Hachune Miku>
It was really hard to decide the placement of these 2, as both players are the absolute best in Malaysia in what they do. Ended up deciding to put wuhua on top due to his superior accuracy.
<4:Inugami Korone>
<5:Hachune Miku>

Honorable Mention to xsrsbsns because he hasn't been mentioned in anyone's list yet so I'll keep the annual mention alive
<5:Inugami Korone>
<9:Hachune Miku>
<1:wuhua> His performance in OWC this year solidified why he is still the best in Malaysia when it comes to osu! Standard
<2:Rampax> Actual speed god and he can dish out some pretty amazing scores (and he did his fair share of carrying in this year's OWC!)
<3:ShaneLiang> I admire him as the captain of OWC and his scores are pretty sick as well!
<4:seabee> One of the best "nodden" players in Malaysia but he can also play HardRock
<5:Inugami Korone> One of the madlads that sets insane SD scores and is incredibly consistent as well!
<6:Shimon> One of the "speediest" players in Malaysia currently
<7:haruchi> He is insanely consistent over the years and he can still kick ass in tournaments like OWC
<8:ClawViper> His win in OMT 2020 proves that he is one of the best among the osu!Malaysia community
<9:Hachune Miku> His improvement this year has been phenomenal to become one of the best in the country so he deserves to be in my top 10
<10:ALtist> His HDHR scores are just as good as Chizu-Kun and he can still hang with the best players in the country

Honorable Mentions:
Chizu-Kun - His HDHR scores makes me nut and his maps are quite enjoyable as well!
Addam - Merami Malaysia ver.TM
Changed - His streaming abilities are admirable and he's quite a cool guy as well <3
jiahuey6 - this guy is so speed and so good I might as well call him the "Speedy Furry" yes this is an inside joke oh yeah he's also one of the madlads that play SD on long maps and actually sets scores with it
[ Akeno ] - his scores are really satisfying and I can definitely see him climb to the top 10 next year if he keeps this up!
King Hong - one of the OG's that dominate the global leaderboard on several hard maps
<4:Inugami Korone>
<3:Inugami Korone>
Chibi Maruko
<start:Chibi Maruko>
<3:Hachune Miku>
<4:Inugami Korone>

<1:wuhua> setting up 2 700pp plays + new Malaysian pp record in a day?? What?? Tbh i really looking forward for your 800pp play in the near future

<2:Rampax> ah yes our own Malaysian twitch superstar but still Mynarco Addiction HDDT FC still cracked score imo

<3:haruchi> yes my idol in terms of stamina and the Glorious Crown HR FC and Freedom Dive Another diff HR FC is something that i can't express pretty well

<4:Hachune Miku> he rose up in terms of ranks at exponential rate and also one of the fastest improving player in MY especially your first 8* FC SS on Horrible Kids HDDT and also Legend of Millennium FC

<5:Shimon> Malaysian Vaxei no cap especially Cycle Hit + DT with 91% acc what???

<6:Inugami Korone> Unarguably one of the best SD and NM player in MY especially RoR FC and HOPE ENCOUNT + SD FC is really something that no other people can manage if didn't put some dedication on it

<7:ShaneLiang> ERROR SS?? and also one of the most versatile player in MY

<8:Addam> Legit Malaysian speed crackhead and also 2 Hidamari FC on your top play??? And isogu 290BPM FC?? Really looking forward for your d.m.c DT FC in the near future

<9:seabee> you're awesome man especially on HDHR

<10:Changed> PogU man UwU


Honourable Mention

1.[Ryze] - Although he's started playing osu! last year but his rank skyrocketed from 6 digit to 10k++ rank in just a year as he prowess such stamina and speed (I mean he really is an underrated player and he also have a potential to be one of the Malaysian top player in future)

2.DaNoobSlayaar - pls set more top plays ww

3.Mak Kau Hijau - best mapper especially UNION!! and Mizuoto to Curtain
<3:Inugami Korone>
<9:Hachune Miku>
<1:Rampax> Rampax soundboard pls.
<2:wuhua> Titik A B C D.
<3:ShaneLiang> When are we going to finish our secret base?
<4:Inugami Korone> Happy birthday liar!
<5:seabee> seabee is actually Kyle.
<6:Hachune Miku> Finding Neemo.
<7:ALtist> DS1-3 deathless run soon?
<8:haruchi> I still have the screenshot from your profile :)
<9:not_aweeb> Disgusting nanahira lover
<10:Shimon> Simon
<1:wuhua> yabe
<2:Inugami Korone> yubi yubi aim finga
<3:seabee> shane pogU
<4:ShaneLiang> actual ? shane !
<5:Shimon> chotto matte haya sugiru
<6:Hachune Miku> mogu mogu hachune desu speedo masuta 6000
<7:haruchi> beeg cock !
<8:ALtist> korone thank you forever
<9:not_aweeb> alien watashi alien
<10:vernonlim> they baby shane nicenicenice

11. addam xeltol merami Aetrna Addam
12. reinaru xsrsbsns wannabe
13. chizu-kun peepoAim
14. kynexiz Kynexiz Ver.0
15. chiyuu C A M P F I R E S O N G SONG

this is essay in video format ty very much
<5:Inugami Korone>
<8:Hachune Miku>

1) wuhua
wuhua is on par to significantly better than Rampax in terms of unique skill (being notable worldwide in a specific skillset, in this case HD), and probably strained his back carrying us in OWC. Also is the country #1, has the PP record, and still seems to be improving to this day.

2) Rampax
Has speed and aim comparable with the top, and has performed well in many tournaments. Seriously, his speed scores are SO insane, and he even gets r/osugame reddit posts from time to time (along with wuhua).

3) ShaneLiang
Incredibly well rounded player, with many top player level scores across almost all mods (especially NM and HDHR). Along with/due to this, he's an absolute tournament beast.

4) seabee
I believe that his techy HDHR skillcap is the highest in the country, surpassing even wuhua on specific maps. This is also along with the fact that he's probably the fastest improving player in this list, and also one of the most dedicated, with a ridiculous amount of playtime gained over the year (he had more playtime than me, despite joining 1 year later). He doesn't like tournaments, but absolutely DESTROYED Identic Conflict and Cybernetics against me in OMT2020 — Identic Conflict being so good in fact, that if set in singleplayer (without ScoreV2) it likely would have been #1, if he didn't already have #1 on the map.
If he has the time next year, keeping his current mindset, I believe that he can become a true HDHR top player.

5) Inugami Korone
Incredible NM/HR aim and consistency, and I can guarantee that he would have been a beast in OWC2020 if he was unbanned only a while earlier. You'll find many scores from him on all types of maps, from ordinary high star to old (+HR), competing with a myriad of players, even making history in getting the first Malaysian RoR FC — beating wuhua's old choke.

6) haruchi
Rather inactive for the first half of the year, but made a huge comeback in the latter half — showing that he is indeed the stream stamina GOAT in Malaysia. Not to mention, he also made it onto the OWC team and performed respectably, no doubt letting us qualify for it (if anyone performed even slightly worse, we would have been out). His understanding of the game is also incredibly high, letting him set scores in skillsets would at first glance seem outside of his specialty, like tech.

7) Shimon
HOLY SHIT this guy is speedy. He has scores unmatched by even Rampax, like wtf. His high bpm aim is also really good, having scores like the only A rank on Altar in Malaysia (first score I could find), and of course all of the DT plays he shits out. He would be higher on this list if he was interested in tournaments, and correspondingly had a more balanced skillset.

8) Hachune Miku
His DT aim is not to be messed with, and he has really good speed too. Improved incredibly quickly, and his other skillsets are catching up fast when he has the motivation to grind. If he doesn't lose that force of will, I guarantee he will be much higher up this list next year.

9) ALtist
He has incredible NM and HR scores, on par with players like ShaneLiang, but unfortunately for his placement here, he quit playing the game competitively later in the year.

10) not_aweeb
While not crazy consistent in tourneys or well rounded in skills, he still made the OWC team due to his incredible abilities on tech maps, HR and raw aim. Those skills definitely serve him well in singleplayer, where he has set many incredible scores. Not to mention, he's somehow good at CS6.5 while using a (roughly) 33x23mm area???
Inugami Korone
<start:Inugami Korone>
<3:Hachune Miku>
<1:rampax> i think everyone in the osu malaysia community loves him for his personality including me,(also damn he's fast)
<2:wuhua> countless hours put into grinding, he deserves that no.1 spot
<3:ShaneLiang> all rounded player with nice aim
<4:seabee> this dude is just gifted with talent bro
<5:Chiyuu> i love the unique fcs he gets, really nice finger control
<6:Auxuelus> everything I wanted to achieve in my osu career, unfortunately i cant even play the game anymore
<7:Addam> SPEED, I admire speed and I hope you go even faster, my son ( hehe )
<8:mikeybx> dt lord of perak
<9:ClawViper> truly a veteran, I started playing on and off since 2013 and he's still here in 2020
<10:tzero> i like your aim
honourable mentions :
hachune miku
inugami korone
<5:Inugami Korone>

1. wuhua: Blind with approach circles but god HD player haiyaa go learn some nomod one
2. Rampax:
3. ShaneLiang: potato
4. haruchi: Steroids
5. Inugami Korone: yubi yubi
6. not_aweeb: Owc player
7. ClawViper: Owc player
8. Tzero: Tzero
9. seabee: CB
10. Chiyuu: lecteur RA faible
Uta - chan
<start:uta - chan>
<7:Inugami Korone>
<1:wuhua> 1st
<2:hachune miku>
<4:inugami korone>

Honourable Mention



<6:Inugame Korone>
Houshou Marine
<start:Houshou Marine>
<1:wuhua> coolest man
<2:rampax> coolest ma
<3:seabee> coolest m
<4:ShaneLiang> coolest
<5:haruchi> cooles
<6:Inugami Korone> coole
<7:Shimon> cool
<8:Chiyuu> coo
<9:Hachune Miku> co
<10:Tzero> c
<5:Inugami Korone>

i never followed most scores so i can only vote primarily off tournament performance
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Its not Marvin

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