Hello, we recently had a disqualification case on a map that had a difficulty name that followed a series of high difficulty beatmaps by the same creator ( https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1010356/discussion#/1199194 ), which apparently is unrankable because this rule exists:
However, other recent maps have been ranked which clearly break this rule but no action was taken against them, and no one even bothered reporting them: https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/978134#taiko/2047037
So, the proposal is fairly simple, move that rule to guidelines and change "must" for "should":
This would give more freedom to mappers to get creative with diff names, as well as mappers who like to have a series of high difficulty maps named the same way, while still maintaining the restrictive aspect of being a guideline and leaving the final judgement to the Beatmap Nominators.
A beatmapset's custom difficulty naming must follow a common theme or pattern related to the song and must not be misrepresentative.
However, other recent maps have been ranked which clearly break this rule but no action was taken against them, and no one even bothered reporting them: https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/978134#taiko/2047037
So, the proposal is fairly simple, move that rule to guidelines and change "must" for "should":
A beatmapset's custom difficulty naming should follow a common theme or pattern related to the song and should not be misrepresentative.
This would give more freedom to mappers to get creative with diff names, as well as mappers who like to have a series of high difficulty maps named the same way, while still maintaining the restrictive aspect of being a guideline and leaving the final judgement to the Beatmap Nominators.