
Ask the person below you anything

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The closest I've ever come to 'egotistical' was when I asked a classmate in 4th grade,
"Why are you so stupid?" Other than that, I keep my actual thoughts hidden.

Trigger Warning
In your opinion, do you think the right/motive to commit/attempt suicide is debatable or not?
First, the phrasing is a little hard to figure out, as "right" and "motive" are not synonymous, and neither are "commit" and "attempt". In the latter two, it's more understandable to some extent? But anyways, not to go too into detail, I'm being led to cherrypick my ways of answering this question. I'll answer it in whatever way seems to make most sense.

"In your opinion, do you think the motive to commit suicide is debatable or not?" - The motive? Generally speaking, many people can and would debate anyone's motive, so yes, it's technically debatable,...

...but would I debate someone's motive to kill themselves? I can only say it depends on the motive, but within my own conclusions, i'd recommend against suicide.

In my case, I felt little reason to continue living, as I resided within an existentially nihilistic worldview. I avoided that by somehow coming across the thought that when regarding our existence, if life seemed pointless, death would be equally as pointless. Everyone's case varies though and may depend on misfortune in their life, or on having the knowledge of the misfortune of others, or on any other sort of perspective or basis.

Hopefully it sufficiently answered the question.

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What's your MBTI or "Myers-Briggs" personality type?
Tad Fibonacci
I think there's already a thread about this if I'm not mistaken.

Well, anyways I got INTJ-A.

Here's the text if you're interested.


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Same question since I can't think of anything else to ask.
INTP-A, on my end. Interesting.

huh, I guess I would've expected that of ya.

so far, I'm finding INTJs to be relatively easy to spot. I really only say that with the background knowledge of knowing my dad who I've typed as an INTJ, as I've shown him the MBTI website, test, and 16 personalities recently.

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Achromalia wrote:

What's your MBTI or "Myers-Briggs" personality type?
Took this last month.



same question.

What do you think about the immigrants in your country?
Taking a quick break from the music.

It's hard for me to generalize United States immigrants much. It's quite the mixed bag and with the influx of immigrants from various countries, comes a whole lot of weight on numerous aspects of things the US government would be preparing for. That's about it, I guess?

Primarily, I'm assuming as I've got little to no definite knowledge on political topics and hadn't focused on it much, with everything else I've got going on.

I just see them as... well, people.

They're fellow human beings.

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In your perspective, how does one best develop an understanding of others' emotions?
Tad Fibonacci
I can't say that I have an answer for that. I can't even understand my own emotions most of the times.

I don't think the concept of human emotions can be understood fully by anyone.
The thing with other people is that I can get to know them, understand them to an extent. Even predict them in certain situations. But I can't understand how they feel at all. And sometimes, I hurt the people around me because of that.

I just don't understand why they'd feel how they felt.

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Same question.
In my perspective? Not being mentally disabled.


Who are you gay for?
Probably Tom Hiddleston, what class

What period of your life do you appreciate the most?
The one during which I'm hanging out with friends.

Would you "frequently" play "Metal Slug 3" with me on Steam, if I offered the game to you?
(Not actually "frequently", just lesser than it, but whatever.)
Honestly, I'd find it unlikely that I'd have time to play anything nowadays. I've been pretty focused on music and art and plan to stick with them for a good while until I can learn to prioritize and organize how I do things, as well as figure out a solid plan for making and income. Stuff like that.

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Any particular things you dislike about your life circumstances?

Achromalia wrote:

Any particular things you dislike about your life circumstances?

as whiny as i can be, i really don’t want to complain or went on here. it ain’t perfect but it could be much much worse. so i try to be satisfied with what i’ve got.


what’s your favorite color?
Tad Fibonacci
Black, red, blue and white from best to worst in that order.
Those are my favorite colors.


What do you think about kids?
in what sense?

well, it's hard to generalize my thought for every child as each child has varying personalities, and whatnot...

but kids are pretty charming. it's because they have varying personalities that make them intriguing. i feel compelled to observe the way they look at the world and the way they interact with the world. it may be representative of a few things, and i'm fascinated by the learning process that they go through just to figure things out.

if i were to have kids? that'd be fairly difficult to handle, but i'd be pretty happy to have my own children. i'd like to have the experience of watching them grow and mature, to become what they feel works best for them, and to see them follow their passions. I'll guide them if they want to go somewhere. I'll broaden their perspective a bit with their decisions, and explain everything I can. I'd like to teach them some things, and I feel like nurturing their critical thinking would be really nice. On the other hand... they're probably going to be giving a good pile of work and stress management to do. I wonder how that'd go.

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How would you approach if you were to have children?
Tad Fibonacci
Tbh, I'd be scared, I'm not ready to have kids yet.

I don't even have my life sorted out yet, I can't even imagine how I'd take care of another. Heck, I can't even take care of myself properly.

Although, I'd like to have kids one day. Even though it's quite contradictory since I've always hated kids.
Kids are annoying, loud, dirty and helpless in my eyes. But there is something about them makes me cannot fully hate them.
Maybe it's in our genetics, maybe we were designed to not hate kids despite how annoying they are.


What is the one goal of r achievement that you really want to get in life?
Being a self-sustaining and proficient animator and musician.

No particular award or anything, but I'd like to be able to express everything in every way I know how. If only I can improve myself with my work, and get my hands on something to make things easier. If I were to earn enough with both music and art to not need any sort of other job, I'd be really damn happy. I could live as I need to without much worry.

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What's your view on Thread Necromancy?
It's a fun thing to focus on throughout the day, whether you're checking up on it on your phone out and about in the real world or camping it while at home chilling. I gave up as a competitor because you guys are just too damn competitive with it and I honestly just sometimes forget to post and get really far behind. It's a fun game though.


Do you think you have a nice sense of fashion?
Tad Fibonacci
I guess not.
I tend to wear really normal clothes that you can find anywhere. I guess I don't really care much about fashion.
Most of my clothes are in dark color and I don't tend to spend too much on clothes either.

If there's a formal occasion then I might wear a suit and/or a trench coat and might use some of my brother's hair pomade but that's it.


Same question since I can't think of anything to ask.
i do!! (i think) but i never wear, nor own anything cute or fancy lol, all my clothes are plain and boring sigh

same q
I dont consider myself to be fashionable. I wear the same clothes. As long as it works and keeps me comfortable or warm, I'm fine with it. I wear whatever I need to. I spend very little on clothing.

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"Nice"? From the global opinion I've heard, when asked (by my family) in a store "let's spend some, what do you want to wear?"...
I'm really plain and minimal, am aware of it (as much by myself as by their opinion), and am not trying the slightest to get "flashy".

Are "combat" sports really a good therapy to help myself vent out?
im personally against any kind of violence so i'd say no.
what does life mean to you
Depends on the context.

But most often it's in an existential context.

"Whatever I want it to be", in other words, nothing much. I don't have much reason for my life aside from my passion in music and art, and just the love of creating things. Had I not concluded that dying would be as pointless as I'd perceive life to be, I'd possibly have already killed myself by now.

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What do you think of death?
Tad Fibonacci
Death is the person who approved my petition to save the shitpost thread so I think he's a cool guy.

Just kidding, to me death is just the ending of a cycle. There isn't anything inherently bad about it, nor is it a good thing.

I don't believe in that reincarnation bullshit though. Death to me is just the body and mind shutting down.
I don't believe in human souls, nor do I believe in heaven or hell.
To me, the concept of a life after death is ludicrous and is just there for the people who are afraid of death to believe in.

If life is beautiful then death can also be beautiful.

If life can be full of meaning then death is too.


Same question.
Pretty much the same thing.

I've had little inclination to believe in reincarnation or an afterlife.

I merely think of death as an end to life, the state of nothingness you're to experience as your body decays or is damaged beyond repair for whatever reason.

I think and care little for death. I can appreciate it to some extent, but the concept of oblivion, though pretty beautiful in some sense, is not much more than the embodiment of... well, nothingness. pointlessness.

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same question.
I welcome death with open arms. I don't believe in an afterlife or none of that, so I truly have no idea what I think death would be like. It's literally incomprehensible for the human to imagine a sense of complete and absolute nothingness. This question is making me have an existential crisis.


What's the point?
Of living? Cherishing it, obviously. I'd prefer not to think about my death as I'm still young.

When was the last time you were able to relate to what I wrote on my userpage?
I never bothered to look until now, but I agree with your twitter link lol

Future aspirations?
As usual, it's been to improve as an artist and musician.

I want to remedy the shit that's happened in my family's life, if I can.

I'd also like to be the person that friends would find reliable for a thought-provoking discussion.

I hope to tell my story, and help people understand others better, or perhaps provide new perspectives as to what things are, or how things are.

There's probably a good number of things, but these are a good few themselves, and should give you an idea of what I hope to do with my life.

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same question.
nothing really I feel like I already have everything i have dreamed for :roll:

same question
Do well in school so that I can get a good job and do well for my family

When was the last time you drew something on paper? (Writing isn't drawing unless you're drawing some abstract thing or whatever with words)
Tad Fibonacci
It was a few weeks ago I believe. I was bored in class so I dew Raphtalia.

I used to draw a lot back in high school though.


Same question.
ah, just two or three days ago. it was for some page of characters i've been thinking about making.

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what belief have you held in the past that you no longer hold now?
A belief. Well, I used to believe in a God. Certain circumstances have changed that.
I had at some point believed I was someone with little to no capacity for emotion due to my apathy. Based off of that conclusion, I had assumed I'd do well at calmly handling life, but as the years have passed, my apathy didn't really hold up as well as I've thought. It's reliable to some degree, but can crack under enough extreme pressure.

Usually when that happens, it'll be a slow-release type of reaction in which emotion, primarily anger, leaks out through my actions, words, thoughts, and feelings. It's a fairly controlled anger of sorts, but I ultimately wind up directing whatever anger that bubbles and surfaces back into my self. I'm pretty quick to blame myself for things and it'll gradually tear me apart as I hold on to whatever scattered logic I can cling to that'll help me find my way out of my messes.

Though it has yet to happen, I think it's possible for it to be much worse. Perhaps, it could be some sort of explosive emotion that I'd have difficulty understanding. I'll be throwing myself into some shitty trains of thought with very little in terms of reasonable logic for that, aside from personal belief and a seething self-hatred.

Self-hatred's played a good part in any sort of anger I experience. It's almost always at myself.

So now I've learned that strong emotions do dwell within me, but are pretty heavily repressed under that stoicism and apathy I hold.

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same question.
I always believed that I would get better at this game. I don't see myself reaching 10k within this year now. My progress has stagnated due to studies, but on the plus side, my grades are going up. Well, they were quite high already, but it's nice to go even higher.

Would you be able to continue with your life if your parents passed? I remember a similar question being asked before, and I don't wish this on anyone, of course.
I could continue on with my life if they died. It might be jarring at first, because I’ve always been used to have someone hovering over me. I have been told I’m insensitive and selfish for that particular reason, but death is a natural part of living as well. Even if it’s “sad” at first, it’s no use for me to wallow in the long run. I’d probably try to internalize any emotions and continue on. Any positive feelings directed towards them were nonexistent in the first place, so that’ll help somewhat. Let’s just say some people deserve what they get, and moping about it would get me nowhere.
Continue with your life? As in being able to continue doing daily functions or just being able to live?

Well if it's the former then I'd probably be alright. I'd probably have to end up moving in with my sister and her fiancee if that were the case, but I should be capable of taking care of myself. Even if my parents would be gone it's not like I'd be completely alone and helpless either, I could ask my other loved ones or even google about how to do things if need be. The only big issues I could see is that I'd need to actually get a job so I can make enough money to get a place of my own, and I'd need to be able to take care of my brother, who requires special needs. That second one would definitely be tough for me since my mother and father are the ones that take care of him while I just assist them if they ever need me to.

If it's the latter then that's a simple question. Yes. Even if I deeply love my parents, killing myself over their deaths is fucking retarded. Not to be overly rude, but killing yourself over something like that is pretty pathetic and honestly infuriating. 1.) How would your parents react to you doing something so stupid? and 2.) Imagine the heart-break that you'd cause the others that care about you. But also in my case I'd be leaving my brother behind, and there's no damn way I'm aboutta do that.

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Perhaps we should move to a lighter topic now.

What trait(s) do you like the most in a person?
Sadism Honest with yourself

Do you like thinking about the past or the future?
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