
[Proposal] osu!standard game mode converts rankability

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Recently a few maps got disqualified because of how the CTB converts handled the osu! standards maps.

When mappers create maps for specific game modes they are made to work only in those specific game modes and that’s the overall understanding of the community so far. However, after the recent DQs, it’s now being applied the idea that converts should not break the performance points in the other game modes in absurd ways or break scores limitations.

If this idea should be applied or not I think you guys could debate it, however, assuming that we reach an agreement that osu!standard converts shouldn’t break other game modes. I propose the following addition to the specific ranking criteria of osu!standard, in the General section:

Ranking Criteria wrote:

osu!standard converts should not break the performance points or the score limitations in other game modes. Maps that contain .osu bugs that break the star rating in osu!taiko, osu!ctb or osu!mania or maps that break the score limitation of 2.147 billion in any of the mentioned game modes, can’t be ranked. In both cases, the map doesn’t work correctly with the game mode converts as they can’t provide an accurate difficulty or score.
thumbs up

Hobbes2 wrote:

thumbs up

Hobbes2 wrote:

thumbs up

Hobbes2 wrote:

thumbs up

Hobbes2 wrote:

thumbs up
The first part not needed because RC already cover cases with editing .osu outside of the editor which results in SR bug.
Agree ! ><

Hobbes2 wrote:

thumbs up

Hobbes2 wrote:

thumbs up
thread where u can see BNs giving more importance to converts PPs than maps quality

Hobbes2 wrote:

thumbs up
Nao Tomori
because we map for standard mode not other mode, this is just a thing because it is extremely simple to fix the issue, it isnt even needed to modify the map.

anyway yeah ofc
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Pachiru wrote:

Hello guys, where can I download beatmaps?
Hello Pachiru, you can download maps on domain, you will see something with the name of "Beatmaps" there you can search for maps to download among ranked/loved/pending/graveyard or download packs with a lot of maps all at once. Not sure why you're asking that here tho and I'm pretty sure you know how to download maps???

Nofool wrote:

thread where u can see BNs giving more importance to converts PPs than maps quality
Not really Nofool, whenever someone mods a map he's most of the time concern with the maps quality and trying to give valid suggestions to improve them. That happens with most BNs in their usual modding activity when pushing maps foward. But that's in another context, here we're mostly trying to discuss changes to the RC. So I do think that if you to join the discussion it should be about the raised proposal.

If you guys were just making a joke and I didn't get it, sorry.

Sieg wrote:

The first part not needed because RC already cover cases with editing .osu outside of the editor which results in SR bug.
RC covers some edits in the .osu as unrankable, such as broken AR values (ex: AR=9,25), etc. But here's the thing, the said bugs can happen even without the edition of the .osu by the mapper. The usage of 3rd party softwares such as the hitsound copier, or even other bugs can result in the .osu behaving in an unexpected way, that's why yes, the bugs could be a result of the mapper editing the .osu himself and that is already covered by the RC, but not everytime it's an edition in the .osu directly.

The idea of the wording "Maps that contain .osu bugs" it's because it doesn't matter what caused the bug itself, what matters is the .osu having or not anything that wasn't supposed to be there. However, it's just a draft and of course I'm open to modify it, if you think it's a bit redundant I'd like to know how would you change the wording of that initial phrase.

Thanks for the feedback.
agree with this, you can even easily farm sometimes when fast 1/16 sliders are used and some modes make it impossible to pass
for reference
edit : got it wrong then i guess, thought the bug was just an half of the rule mb
No, this won't enforce anyone to map for any other gamemode. This is a bug and you can simply fix by saving your diff and uploading it again. This is not for when the pp feels "way too much", this is for when your .osu is literally broken and for some reason you get 8*+ in a hard or insane diff.

this is mainly happening to CtB (idk why) and covering every other gamemode seems essential and the only reason we're adding this to the RC is because it is something unrankable and there's nothing in RC stating about it anywhere.
Can this be split into two rules? I can very much agree with fixing maps to they don't randomly have +7 star rating on a Hard due to some glitch in .osu editing with ctb.

Score cap should be a different matter. I think it's more contentious. Just because someone theoretically can hit the score cap on a 6.5 star. 30 minute map with 4 mods on ctb, does not mean the map should be barred from ranking when it's for standard. There should be both consideration for feasibility before outright barring these maps.
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Monstrata wrote:

Can this be split into two rules? I can very much agree with fixing maps to they don't randomly have +7 star rating on a Hard due to some glitch in .osu editing with ctb.

Score cap should be a different matter. I think it's more contentious. Just because someone theoretically can hit the score cap on a 6.5 star. 30 minute map with 4 mods on ctb, does not mean the map should be barred from ranking when it's for standard. There should be both consideration for feasibility before outright barring these maps.
Like mentioned in the post, in both cases the map doesn't work correctly with the game. However, if you don't agree with the change regarding the score cap, I'd like to know what criteria would you use to say that "breaking the score" in some cases is fine and in other cases it's not fine.
Actually, the ranked Living Things is an extreme case as it still breaks the 2147483647 limit under 4-mode CTB run with FullCombo. However it would be quite dumb to ban it from ranking due to the limitbreak on HRHDDTFL ctb FC as it is definitely impossible to achieve such score for mankind, even when the original set is designed for standard mode. So I think it would be nice if there could be some more preciseness or compromise in the proposal
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pw384 wrote:

Actually, the ranked Living Things is an extreme case as it still breaks the 2147483647 limit under 4-mode CTB run with FullCombo. However it would be quite dumb to ban it from ranking due to the limitbreak on HRHDDTFL ctb FC as it is definitely impossible to achieve such score for mankind, even when the original set is designed for standard mode. So I think it would be nice if there could be some more preciseness or compromise in the proposal
The mod factor is something that's also not quite clear on how it should limit maps from being ranked, but I guess we could discuss that somewhere else. I do think that in case of the second point of the score cap 2147483647, we could stablish a valid mod multiplier different from the 4mod combination HDHRDTFL that was used on Living Things.

Monstrata wrote:

Can this be split into two rules?
I don't like making things more complex but it seems that the score cap discussion should be done somewhere else instead since there's more details in that and both pw384 and Monstrata raised concerns.

So here's an update;

Ranking Criteria wrote:

osu!standard converts should not break the performance points in other game modes. Maps that contain .osu bugs that break the star rating in osu!taiko, osu!ctb or osu!mania can’t be ranked. In such case, the map doesn’t work correctly with the game mode converts as they can’t provide an accurate difficulty.
rule for wrong conversion:

osu! difficulties must convert to other game modes without breaking star rating/performance points. In certain cases, a .osu file can be formatted improperly, causing converted difficulties to incorrectly display star rating and reward inaccurate performance points.

mostly reworded to be shorter and fit rc better ("osu!standard" isn't official and rules can't use loose wording like "should")

guideline for score overflow:

Maps should not surpass a score of 2.147 billion with any mod combination or game mode conversion. Scores are not calculated properly past this value. If the score limit is not reasonably achievable however (e.g. a HDHRDTFL SS play on a six star map), it may be ranked.

accounts for the exception pw384 and bd were given


i can submit a pr for these in a few days if there's no complaints
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