i too am tone deaf
01:01:986 (61986|0,68386|0,74786|0,81186|0) - G#1
01:32:386 (92386|3,93186|3) - Whew boi, going minor here. Need to raise the pitch by a half step to make the chord major, so G#3, except that sample doesnt exist so poke DH to get it
01:45:186 (105186|3,105986|3) - ^
01:38:786 (98786|3,99186|2,99586|1) - Bit dissonant here cause half step differences! Respectively should be G#3, F#3, and E3
01:39:986 (99986|2) - F#3
01:51:586 (111586|3) - G#3
01:53:186 (113186|2,113586|0,113986|1,114386|2,114786|3) - Well this has taken a dark turn lol. Respectively, should be G#1, B1, E1, B2
01:54:786 (114786|3) - A1
01:55:186 (115186|0,115586|1) - B1
01:55:986 (115986|2) - E2
01:56:786 (116786|0,117186|1,117586|2) - B2, E2, B2
01:57:986 (117986|3,118386|0,118786|1,119186|2) - The dissonance be real fam. 01:57:986 (117986|3) - Should be C#2, 01:58:386 (118386|0,119186|2) - are B2, 01:58:786 (118786|1) - E3
01:59:586 (119586|3,119986|0,120386|1,120786|2) - G#, B, E, B respectively (no longer putting the octaves because Im too lazy)
02:01:586 (121586|0,121986|1,122386|2) - B, E, B
02:03:186 (123186|0,123586|1,123986|2) - ^
02:04:786 (124786|0,125186|1,125586|2) - ^
02:04:786 (124786|0,125186|1,125586|2) - ^
02:11:186 (131186|0,131586|1,131986|2) - ^ Honestly, all the notes on the left columns should be this, but the C# F# E dont sound too bad. If you want it to be 100% accurate though, everything should be B E B
02:04:386 (124386|3) - C#
02:10:786 (130786|3) - ^
02:06:386 (126386|0) - ^
02:05:986 (125986|3) - G#
02:47:586 - 02:48:386 - Add F# here to complete the chord (D minor)
02:53:986 - 02:54:786 - ^
03:06:786 - 03:07:586 - ^
02:49:186 - Think it was here? I made a change here and dont remember, but I think you need a G# here too.
02:49:186 (169186|2) - Replace with E
02:56:386 (176386|1,176386|0,176386|2) - Copy this chord down to 02:55:586 -
03:01:986 - ^
03:08:386 - ^
03:09:986 - Rip keysounds here. The way it goes is like this:
03:09:986 - 03:10:786 - 03:11:586 - 03:12:386 - D Major chord, so D, F#, A
03:10:386 - 03:11:186 - 03:11:986 - 03:12:786 - F# on the upbeats
Followed by
03:13:186 - 03:13:986 - 03:14:786 - 03:15:586 - A Major, so A, C#, E
03:13:586 - 03:14:386 - 03:15:186 - 03:15:986 - E
and it repeats in the following phrase, but does change at 03:21:986 - . I dunno if you wanna keysound this section or not, so I wont bother transcribing the sheet here, but poke me if you do.
03:35:586 (215586|4,221986|0,228386|0,234786|0,241186|0,247586|0,253986|0,260386|0) - G#
04:58:786 - Holy shit, calm down there a bit and realize that there's a k e y s i g c h a n g e into four flats (it used to be four sharps) so now instead of F#, C#, G#, D#, you have Bb, Eb, Ab, Db. The placements are fine, you just have to change their key sig and it'll be perfect.
The majority of the problem comes from the fact that you guys didn't pay attention to the key signature, especially when it changed from E major (four sharps) to Ab Major (four flats)