
Tomohito Nishiura - Broken Promise (Orgel Version) [OsuMania

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Fast mod
[5K NM]
00:07:635 (7635|2,8191|4,8747|3) - maybe move to 2 4 3
00:25:421 (25421|1) - remove this, since the sound is low
00:27:089 - 00:27:366 - ^
Good luck >w<)b
Topic Starter

Syadow- wrote:

Fast mod
[5K NM]
00:07:635 (7635|2,8191|4,8747|3) - maybe move to 2 4 3 I moved only first note to 2 column
00:25:421 (25421|1) - remove this, since the sound is low Hmm... Ok
00:27:089 - 00:27:366 - ^ No because in this part you can hear two sounds

Ok I used these tips also 6k diff.

Good luck >w<)b
Thanks for mod o/
link, jakbyś zapomniał

i krótki modzik
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
modren's little cymbals
00:23:198 (23198|2) - ten dźwięk akurat się kończy z 00:24:865 (24865|5) -
00:28:200 - 00:30:423 - tutaj przydałaby się notka, dźwięk jest na tyle wyraźny
00:34:870 (34870|4) - przesunąłbym do 4
00:35:426 (35426|3) - do 2/3, bo dźwięk jest niższy niż dwójka później
00:35:982 (35982|0,35982|1) - jak zaakceptowałeś powyższe, to 00:35:982 (35982|0,35982|1) - 13

modren's cymbals
00:25:421 (25421|0) - może notkę dodatkową tu? ;c

00:18:196 (18196|1,18473|2) - podążając tym, jak mapiłeś dźwięki, to to jest jeden 1/1 ln
00:18:751 (18751|4) - do 5, żeby uniknąć dwóch notek w 1/2 pod rząd i dla pitchu
00:22:086 (22086|1,22642|0) - one imo są jednym dźwiękiem
00:35:982 (35982|3) - do 5, ten sam dźwięk
00:34:870 (34870|2,35426|1) - to nie są dźwięki na lny? przynajmniej to 00:35:426 (35426|1) -

music box
00:27:089 (27089|0,27366|0) - to nie ma sensu, zrób 13 24 35
i jeżeli zaakceptowałeś ^, to 00:25:421 (25421|4,25977|0,26533|3,27089|2,27089|0,27366|3,27366|1) - ctrl+h dla pitchu
i weź pod uwagę to, na co zwróciłem uwagę w 6k
Topic Starter

MrDorian wrote:

link, jakbyś zapomniał I tak Krfawy zadecyduje czy dać twego diffa :v

i krótki modzik

00:18:196 (18196|1,18473|2) - podążając tym, jak mapiłeś dźwięki, to to jest jeden 1/1 ln
00:18:751 (18751|4) - do 5, żeby uniknąć dwóch notek w 1/2 pod rząd i dla pitchu Ok
00:22:086 (22086|1,22642|0) - one imo są jednym dźwiękiem Nie pod to mapowałem
00:35:982 (35982|3) - do 5, ten sam dźwięk Było w innej kolumnie dla wygody grania ale niech będzie
00:34:870 (34870|2,35426|1) - to nie są dźwięki na lny? przynajmniej to 00:35:426 (35426|1) - Można by pod to dać LNa ale to nie będzie za wygodne

music box
00:27:089 (27089|0,27366|0) - to nie ma sensu, zrób 13 24 35 To ma sens jeżeli zobaczysz widok hsów. No ale zmodyfikowałem to troche
i jeżeli zaakceptowałeś ^, to 00:25:421 (25421|4,25977|0,26533|3,27089|2,27089|0,27366|3,27366|1) - ctrl+h dla pitchu ^
i weź pod uwagę to, na co zwróciłem uwagę w 6kTaa
Dzięki za moda

MrDorian wrote:

i krótki modzik
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
modren's little cymbals
00:23:198 (23198|2) - ten dźwięk akurat się kończy z 00:24:865 (24865|5) - Faktycznie XD
00:28:200 - 00:30:423 - tutaj przydałaby się notka, dźwięk jest na tyle wyraźny Zauważ że w tym diffie nie mapowałem backgrond soundów
00:34:870 (34870|4) - przesunąłbym do 4 00:33:758 (33758|8,34314|5,34870|4,35426|3,35982|0) - Tutaj dałem taki patternik D: zmienianie tego po prostu zniszczy ten malutki pattern
00:35:426 (35426|3) - do 2/3, bo dźwięk jest niższy niż dwójka później ^, niby fakt faktem, ale nie muszę dokładnie mapować pod pitch XD
00:35:982 (35982|0,35982|1) - jak zaakceptowałeś powyższe, to 00:35:982 (35982|0,35982|1) - 13 nie zaakceptowałem powyższych, ale coś z tym zrobiłem :D

modren's cymbals
00:25:421 (25421|0) - może notkę dodatkową tu? ;c Niskość tego dźwięku jest taka, że daje wrażenie dwóch dźwięków
Dzięki :)

Modren's Little Cymbal (9k)
Janko, wstawiaj poziom Doriana. Poza tym: poproszę o kudosu! o/

23:05 MrDorian: krfawy owo
23:06 Krfawy: mrdorian o3o
23:06 MrDorian: broken promise owo
23:06 Krfawy: p i s z ę m o d a d o t e g o X D
23:07 Krfawy: mapa miła, prosta
23:07 MrDorian: to zrób teraz
23:07 Krfawy: trzeba ją tylko porawić o/
23:07 MrDorian: irc
23:07 Krfawy: no przecież mówię że robię moda do twojej mapy XD
23:07 Krfawy: a lol irc
23:07 MrDorian: i napisz do Janka, że ok
23:09 Krfawy: OK
23:09 MrDorian: :33
23:09 Krfawy: grasz czy jestes na osu :o
23:09 Krfawy: bo widze ze tam jestes na dscordzie
23:09 MrDorian: oss
23:09 Krfawy: gut
23:10 Krfawy: po pierwsze: imo HP6 jest za wysokie w porównaniu do ilości i gęstości nutek w poziomie :V
23:11 Krfawy: wystarczy zrobić dwa błędy pod rząd i ma się trochę problem XD
23:11 Krfawy: maksymalna wartość to raczej 5 :V
23:11 MrDorian: oki
23:11 Krfawy: po drugie, nie wiem czy masz set, ale wypadałoby dać taki sam timing jak w reszcie setu XD
23:11 MrDorian: robione ze starego
23:11 MrDorian: to da się zmienić :vv
23:11 Krfawy: okej, ustawisz później
23:12 Krfawy: dobra, teraz napiszę co i jak imo można zmienić żeby design i flow były lepsze :V
23:13 MrDorian: oki
23:14 Krfawy: 00:02:627 (3) - obróć o 225 stopni oraz daj CTRL + H i ustaw tam gdzie było
23:14 Krfawy: 00:05:405 (1) - to daj na X175 Y75 żeby stos wyglądał ładniej, takie nazi ale wygląd to podstawa w 2016
23:15 Krfawy: 00:09:294 (3) - CTRL + H i obróć o -90 stopni
23:16 MrDorian: za dużo wymagasz z tym pikselem ;;
23:16 Krfawy: 00:18:183 (4) - [ blanket plz XD]
23:16 Krfawy: bo flow lepszy o3o
23:17 MrDorian: przez stacki nie zrobię tego o 1 pixel pls
23:17 Krfawy: aem wystarczy że zaznaczysz obiekt i z CTRL dasz strzałkę w dół i w bok
23:17 Krfawy: zaraz, czy ty masz wyłączone stosy w edytorze czy włączone?
23:18 MrDorian: odpowiednio
23:18 MrDorian: po prostu się ślimaczę, spokojnie
23:19 MrDorian: muszę to blanketować? ;;
23:19 MrDorian: 00:18:183 (4) -
23:19 MrDorian: mi on dobrze nie wygląda ;vv
23:19 Krfawy: 00:44:849 (4) - no nie musisz :V
23:20 MrDorian: no dobra .-.
23:22 Krfawy: tam też nie musisz XD
23:23 Krfawy: 00:52:072 (1) - szczerze to to powinna być ostatnia klikalna nutka bo dalej jest po prostu ZA CICHO
23:23 Krfawy: poza tym, z mojego któregoś diffu (dowolnego) możesz skopiować ściszane dźwięki i będzie słit brzmiało \o3o/
23:23 Krfawy: poza tym jak chcesz możesz dać opcjonalnie spinnera po tym kółku *Krfawy runs
23:24 MrDorian: janko zajmuje się hsami :^)
23:24 Krfawy: s e r i o
23:24 Krfawy: czy to tak ciężko skopiować hsy ode mnie
23:24 MrDorian: dla mnie one są słyszalne, więc je zostawiam
23:24 Krfawy: albo zrobić je samemu
23:24 MrDorian: no :^)
23:25 Krfawy: wiesz, ja ci mówię, a mam w tym doświadczenie, że za 00:52:627 (2,3) - te nutki dostaniemy DQ za byle co
23:25 Krfawy: i jak Janko będzie okresował to nie zamierzam brać za to odpowiedzialności :V
23:25 Krfawy: są słyszalne nuty, ale leeeedwoooooo
23:25 Krfawy: i są tak ciche że to bez sensu je mapować w standardzie :V
23:26 MrDorian: ehhhh
23:26 Krfawy: nie ma dobrego feedbacku więc mówię :VVV
23:27 MrDorian: ale to ma sens pod względem 00:14:849 (2,3,4,1,2,3) - i
23:27 MrDorian: bez i
23:27 MrDorian: to po prostu ten sam pattern
23:27 Krfawy: a głośność muzyki jest ta sama?
23:27 MrDorian: nie, dlatego zmniejsza się snap
23:28 Krfawy: tutaj jest sprawa taka że gdyby była, to byłoby jak najbardziej spoko :V
23:28 Krfawy: no to że zmniejsza się dystans akurat mało daje tbh
23:28 Krfawy: aaale jeżeli tak serio chcesz coś tam dać, to po prostu 00:52:072 (1) - z tego zrób slider z powtórzeniem
23:29 MrDorian: nope, zostawiam, jak jest
23:29 MrDorian: najwyżej się std bn przyczepi
23:29 Krfawy: jak się przyczepi to zmienisz?
23:29 Krfawy: lub/i większość modderów?
23:30 MrDorian: tak
23:30 Krfawy: okej o/
23:30 Krfawy: także to ode mnie wszystko
23:30 MrDorian: inb4 krfawy mówi wszystkim, żeby się przyczepili
23:30 Krfawy: a zaraz
23:30 Krfawy: uwierz mi, nie będę musiał :V
23:30 Krfawy: zatem, pamiętaj aby dać kolorki takie jak u mnie są \o3o/
23:30 Krfawy: no i tagi itd.
23:31 MrDorian: nu
23:31 MrDorian: mogę na to dać customową nazwę, co nie?
23:31 Krfawy: diff? tak o/
23:31 MrDorian: oki
23:31 MrDorian: dzięks za moda
23:31 Krfawy: możesz walnąć "Heaven" albo "wlazu kotek na puoteg"
23:31 MrDorian: postnij irc po kudoska w
23:32 Krfawy: a tylko pamiętaj żeby nie dawać polskich znaków XD
23:32 Krfawy: bo się zrypie plik XD


osu file format v14

AudioFilename: audio.mp3
AudioLeadIn: 0
PreviewTime: 18187
Countdown: 0
SampleSet: Soft
StackLeniency: 0.7
Mode: 0
LetterboxInBreaks: 0
WidescreenStoryboard: 0

DistanceSpacing: 0.8
BeatDivisor: 2
GridSize: 4
TimelineZoom: 1.5

Title:Broken Promise (Orgel Version)
TitleUnicode:Broken Promise (Orgel Version)
Artist:Tomohito Nishiura
ArtistUnicode:Tomohito Nishiura
Version:Krfawy's Easy
Source:Dark Cloud
Tags:Krfawy Modren calm music box


//Background and Video events
//Break Periods
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples


Combo1 : 236,221,204
Combo2 : 232,140,117
SliderTrackOverride : 250,195,205


osu file format v14

AudioFilename: audio.mp3
AudioLeadIn: 0
PreviewTime: 18187
Countdown: 0
SampleSet: Soft
StackLeniency: 0.5
Mode: 0
LetterboxInBreaks: 0
WidescreenStoryboard: 1

DistanceSpacing: 1.1
BeatDivisor: 2
GridSize: 4
TimelineZoom: 1.5

Title:Broken Promise (Orgel Version)
TitleUnicode:Broken Promise (Orgel Version)
Artist:Tomohito Nishiura
ArtistUnicode:Tomohito Nishiura
Version:Krfawy's Normal
Source:Dark Cloud
Tags:Krfawy Modren calm music box


//Background and Video events
//Break Periods
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples


Combo1 : 236,221,204
Combo2 : 232,140,117
SliderTrackOverride : 250,195,205

MrDorian <-- ten

Link po modzie Krfawego w
Bathory Witch
na prośbę Krfawego moduję nowy poziom

Nie żeby coś ale to nierankingowe żeby twój diff był inny i miał 108 bpmów jak reszta ma 107.95.
00:19:864 (2,1) - nawet jak będzie dystans trochę skopany (ale to nieważne XD) to weź spróbuj obrócić slajder tak żeby blankietował z dwójką, będzie ładnie
00:45:431 (1) - a z tego może zrób taki slajder coś podobny do 00:47:655 (1) - o tego i tych wszystkich innych bo tak się dziwnie gra i wygląda też nie teges, a przy okazji można by wtedy postawić w bok na prawo trochę to 00:46:542 (2) - bo tak zachacza niemalże o jedynkę następną i tak boli trochę
00:52:101 (1,2,3) - dziku, daj spinner zamiast tego wszystkiego bo nie słychać tych kółek ._.

Bathory Witch wrote:

na prośbę Krfawego moduję nowy poziom

Nie żeby coś ale to nierankingowe żeby twój diff był inny i miał 108 bpmów jak reszta ma 107.95.
00:19:864 (2,1) - nawet jak będzie dystans trochę skopany (ale to nieważne XD dbam, żeby dystanse były takie same/podobne) to weź spróbuj obrócić slajder tak żeby blankietował z dwójką, będzie ładnie
00:45:431 (1) - a z tego może zrób taki slajder coś podobny do 00:47:655 (1) - oki o tego i tych wszystkich innych bo tak się dziwnie gra i wygląda też nie teges, a przy okazji można by wtedy postawić w bok na prawo trochę to 00:46:542 (2) - bo tak zachacza niemalże o jedynkę następną i tak boli trochę mnie nie boli, nie wygląda źle
00:52:101 (1,2,3) - dziku, daj spinner zamiast tego wszystkiego bo nie słychać tych kółek ._. .z.
mud4mud thingy with Fawy

  1. Metadata source?
  2. Preview point is unsnapped, is that intentional? You can have it like that since it's not unrankable and sounds good, but I'm just telling you in case it wasn't intentional~
  3. Offset should be 965 so downbeats fall where they belong. It doesn't matter having a couple of notes before the offset, so don't worry about that~ After changing it you'll see how NCs make more sense ;)
[Krfawy's Easy]
  1. 00:17:641 (8) - The tail is notably way stronger than the head, it should be clickable to give it the emphasis it deserves~ Quick fix: just replace the slider with two circles :v
    Nothing else to add, but those long combos aren't normal to see them in this kind of diffs, you may wanna make them shorter~
[Krfawy's Normal]
  1. 00:13:749 (5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - You may wanna add a slider somewhere in between this bunch of circles, feels boring to just go click click click click click and no hold for a moment~
Call me back when you're done so I give it a second look~
some stuff was fixed, but there wasn't reply post :v

STD is cool~
[Krfawy's Easy]

00:20:975 (3,4,5) - Argh, just a few pixel, but since the notes are huge, I kinda see it clearly, arghhh I'm too nazi ;w;

00:49:877 (1) - End the spinner at 00:53:211 - ? I understand, usually stopping at a stanza is better but um, the piano kinda continue, each sound kinda follow from each other until 00:53:767 - , is like a new part.

[Krfawy's Normal]

Uncheck widescreen support

I kinda have a lots of complain on pattern, is not that is boring, is just, the pattern could have fitted more the song.
Example :
00:05:412 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Whyyy did you make a pattern like this? It feel lazy and it feel like you're just putting note randomly because you put a circle and need to find a spot to put it. There is a spot that I like from Dorian map 00:40:983 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - , fit way more then just placing notes randomly.
00:12:081 (4,5,1,2) - Wahhh, why pattern like this? But I supose is to make that heart so going to let it pass, still can make something better tbh.
00:23:198 (1,2,3) - whyyy 3 straight line? Whyy!! 00:25:420 - Sound like another instrument then 00:23:198 (1,2) - + the pitch is so much different aaa.
00:27:644 - to 00:38:760 - is just turning around, not even going in middle. I myself kinda map left to right or right to left as well, but this one is really just turn around the border XD.
00:40:428 (5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - same reason with 00:12:081 (4,5,1,2) - .

00:47:654 (3,4,1) - Um, continue making these 1.10x spacing please, sound doesn't go lower or anything, and I don't think "beacause is nearly the end" would be a nice reason to do that xD.

00:50:154 (1) - Pretty sure you don't need a spinner that HAVE to start there, I mean there is no new sound or anything, it would make more sense starting at 00:50:432 - , yeah it doesn'T affect std/ctb/taiko gameplay, but it does affect mania. Yeah this is map for std, and usually people don't care about spinner and just add it right at the end to follow the sound before, but this time, your spinner don'T follow the sound before nor a new sound, so I really don't see how it hurt to put it at least here 00:50:432 - , since it have a pino sound.
Also end that spinner at 00:53:211 -


Uncheck widescreen support

Dorian, I'm going to let this pass for the moment, but I still want to mention it for your future map.
1st you did a good jobs on spacing part like this 00:00:687 (2,1) - to put more accent on the last notes. The problem with the spacing is, when it come to stuff like that 00:02:632 (3,1,2) - , spacing does look alike, yes this is supose to be a hard, but the star rating is so low, probably a lots of low tier rank will try it, and they might get confuse here. Welp it help people to learn how to follow song and read AR I guess.

Another tips for future map, pretty sure you can make some cooler stuff for like part like this 00:09:858 (1,2,3) - , you can feel that the song is really different at 00:09:858 - to 00:10:969 - , and 00:10:969 - to 00:11:525 - , while the spacing are exactly the same (0.9x) and feel the same
For example, in mania, you would probably put 2 and 3 on the same column, so in std, you can also stack it :D!! Anyway there no issue, is just some few tips for future map.

00:35:425 (2) - Hmm, this might be personal, but I'm pretty sure you're trying to start doing different thing, that's why 00:35:981 - isn't a tapable note anymore. I kinda don'T really like this even if the rhythm is simple, and player won't lose the rhythm or consistency, there is other way to make it different without making important sound at the end of a slider. My suggestion will make you change pattern a bit so is really your choice, so far there is no reverse slider, and I feel like a reverse slider on this one 00:34:313 (1) - might fit, and can make a tapable note at 00:35:981 - .

00:46:541 (2,1) - It doesn't ruin gameplay, but I'm nazi modder xP. Pretty sure you can at least move a bit so these 2 don't touch. Check out how it look in-game :

Julie wrote:

[Durian] memes

Uncheck widescreen support

Dorian, I'm going to let this pass for the moment, but I still want to mention it for your future map.
1st you did a good jobs on spacing part like this 00:00:687 (2,1) - to put more accent on the last notes. The problem with the spacing is, when it come to stuff like that 00:02:632 (3,1,2) - , spacing does look alike, yes this is supose to be a hard, but the star rating is so low, probably a lots of low tier rank will try it, and they might get confuse here. Welp it help people to learn how to follow song and read AR I guess.

Another tips for future map, pretty sure you can make some cooler stuff for like part like this 00:09:858 (1,2,3) - , you can feel that the song is really different at 00:09:858 - to 00:10:969 - , and 00:10:969 - to 00:11:525 - , while the spacing are exactly the same (0.9x) and feel the same
For example, in mania, you would probably put 2 and 3 on the same column, so in std, you can also stack it :D!! Anyway there no issue, is just some few tips for future map. I know I can stack them, but I had no idea how to not ruin the pattern

00:35:425 (2) - Hmm, this might be personal, but I'm pretty sure you're trying to start doing different thing, that's why 00:35:981 - isn't a tapable note anymore. I kinda don'T really like this even if the rhythm is simple, and player won't lose the rhythm or consistency, there is other way to make it different without making important sound at the end of a slider. My suggestion will make you change pattern a bit so is really your choice, so far there is no reverse slider, and I feel like a reverse slider on this one 00:34:313 (1) - might fit, and can make a tapable note at 00:35:981 - .

00:46:541 (2,1) - It doesn't ruin gameplay, but I'm nazi modder xP. Pretty sure you can at least move a bit so these 2 don't touch. Check out how it look in-game : hope it's fixed ;w;
Thanks for tips, Nazi, I'll try to remember them!

Krfawy wrote:

Mean fudges are mean. :V
I hope I've explained everything in the most understandable way possible. I fixed the nazi spacing in the easy and Janko will remove the widescreen support for me. Thanks for modding! o3o/

osu file format v14

AudioFilename: audio.mp3
AudioLeadIn: 0
PreviewTime: 18195
Countdown: 0
SampleSet: Soft
StackLeniency: 0.7
Mode: 0
LetterboxInBreaks: 0
WidescreenStoryboard: 0

DistanceSpacing: 0.8
BeatDivisor: 2
GridSize: 4
TimelineZoom: 1.5

Title:Broken Promise (Orgel Version)
TitleUnicode:Broken Promise (Orgel Version)
Artist:Tomohito Nishiura
ArtistUnicode:Tomohito Nishiura
Version:Krfawy's Easy
Source:Dark Cloud
Tags:Krfawy MrDorian Modren calm music box


//Background and Video events
//Break Periods
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples


Combo1 : 236,221,204
Combo2 : 232,140,117
SliderTrackOverride : 250,195,205


EDIT: Congratulations to me, it's my thousandth post!
Welp, I gave you the time to edit but you didn't owo, so here come my reply~
And just like we discuss, sorry for making you misunderstand, I wasn't planning to make you feel inferior or something, but to help you out.

Krfawy wrote:

00:05:412 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Since when did squares forms become to be random, especially when they are easy to follow and they don't make anything scary to the song? LOL, okay: I've made the pattern to highlight the particular cymbals + it flows nicely and the pattern is predictable for noobs. This copy&paste pattern looks nice and polished and it plays good and is rhythmically decent, so I keep it as it is. xd
As you can see, this doesn't look like a square for me, but look like a deformed house. owo

Krfawy wrote:

00:12:082 (4,5,1,2) - Could you please tell Kami what you wanted to write here, sor he can tell me in Polish, or rewrite the sentence in the understandable manner? So far I've understood you want it to be a heart-shaped pattern and that you want it to fade sooner. Honestly, the pattern is okay as it is and I can't see the point of changing it just because one person doesn't like it if it works smoothly. D:
Hmm the selection probably confused you a bit, I probably shouldn't start selecting by the slider but by here 00:13:749 (5,1,2) - . What I meant is, you could have do something more interesting and match the song, but yeah this is a normal, and you did try to do a heart shape with normal notes (the chance for player to notice is low though) So I'll let this pass, don't want to ruin your pattern.

Krfawy wrote:

00:23:198 (1,2,3) - The problem is: if I were supposed to highlight the pitches perfectly, I'd have to use JUMPS and different slider velocities. Are you sure you want them different? The sounds are technically same and it's not mania where I have to make it different if they are still single sounds and not double or triple ones like here: 00:27:089 (4,5) - where I've used circles to show an emphasis with the circles.
Hello, "pitch master" owo. Your hearing of pitch is totally different from mine for sure. I have no idea where the "it's not mania ..." come from. I am a confident standard modder myself, and I am modding a standard map as a standard modder not as a mania modder. The pattern here is easy to play of course and to read, what I am saying is that it could have been something different matching those pitch and different instrument. But yeah, then again, I am just pointing it out to show you how other such as myself can view thing. Not forcing you to change, because it will cause a lots of change in the future pattern.

Krfawy wrote:

00:47:654 (3,4,1) - Okay, time for some standard mapping techniques: as you know, one can map with circles or with sliders. The sliders consist of two circles and, let me call it, a "line" inbetween. So technically, I am still using same distance between 00:46:541 - and 00:47:098 - and 00:47:653 - and 00:49:321 - and 00:49:877 - because I am using the spacings previously used by the sliderends that actually make some spacing themselves. This technique is okay, especially when the direction is exactly the same, which happens to be the case. Fancy, isn't it? \o3o/
I didn't understand a THING you said there. Since when I don't know we can add circle or slider and "line" in between doesn't make sense. Either you meant the line that show where the next notes is, but EVERYONE know that please. The only reason I would accept this is IF there IS GREEN line that change the SVs which cause some distance spacing to lower, this WOULD make sense, but there isn't any
The reason why I point this out is, if I'm not wrong, if rules haven't change while I was inactive in standard that easy and normal must keep the same spacing in the whole difficulty, that is what I am talking about. You are lowering the 2 last notes one, which is good IF the song give the vibe, if it doesn't, then wouldn't it be random?
But yeah this one is because of how nazi I was in the past with spacing haha, I just notice your map do change 1.04x~ 1.10x, and I feel the reason you did 1.02 ~ 1.05 was this 00:49:321 (4,1) - have to be higher spacing then 00:47:654 (3,4) - , but 00:49:877 (1) - kinda sound a little bit lower then the usual one. You know you could have just give me a proper reason instead of trying to "teach me" something that doesn't really make sense.

Krfawy wrote:

About the spinners on the very end: firstly, I am not sure if you know that in standard we don't make spinners match perfectly the song/music/melody if it's supposed to ease the game, especially in the easier diffs
Kek. No I don't follow by these rules xD

I did give you time to maybe re-think of what you wrote and edit the post, but as a BN I have my own pride to, so I'm replying, don't misunderstand again =w=.
I've kept it untouched since I didn't get the very reply I desired to get and I was quite sure you would want to see the original message as that was. I'm going to remove the controversial content in a few minutes. :^

Anyways, shall we solve the most urgent issues there that still are unsolved, I believe?

Julie wrote:

if I'm not wrong, if rules haven't change while I was inactive in standard that easy and normal must keep the same spacing in the whole difficulty
You're right, there used to be the rule about same and regular spacing through the whole map in 2007 and probably in '08 and '09 too. However, nowadays, using exactly the same spacing is not a must, no matter what kind of difficulty we are talking about. It's not forbidden to use somehow varied spacings/distances between any kind of notes in easier maps like easy or normal ones and actually it's not like one has to use different green timing lines to have the permission to do so. We all can use them, of course, but it's not the only way to use different/various/odd spacings. One of techniques is the one I've used here, it is - placing notes on the same XY positions just like on positions of the very previous circles, no matter if they were sliderheads or sliderends or regular circles. That is a very rare usage but it's not forbidden or unclever. Another possibility is to use very similar numbers even if they vary a little bit, for example when we make the perfectly symmetrical patterns but the very middle note is a few pixels further than usually. Another case can be when we use regular spacing between notes that use 1/1 breaks and then we use different spacing for those which use 1/2 breaks and so on. A few days ago the new rules about spacing were established, but, let's be honest, my varied distances follow the song perfectly fine in the current state, so does it follow the rules, and more important, in my opinion, the noob player needs. D:

I hope everything's fine now, so... shall we proceed? \o3o/

The "deformed house" pattern isn't that deformed in-game and it does have a square in it though. V:
ok, got asked to mod this like ages ago by krfawy and now Im here to, idk, do stuff? Idk anymore



  1. OD/HP 8/8 in 4K Melody, 5K Music Box, and 6K lullaby is probably a bit overkill for the general difficulty of all charts. I say this cause it's a pretty slow BPM which would be more ideal for beginning players and the note density is too low to try and force an accuracy challenge of sorts. I'd say OD/HP 7.5/7.5 is best.
  2. You need to rename Modren's diffs to "Modren's 9K (insert diff name)" to match the naming scheme of the other keymodes.
  3. 00:53:211 - 00:53:767 - This is a suggestion overall for every mania diff, but I would add notes here to finish off the phrase of the song so that the chart ends on the start of the new phrase which would have played if the song were not faded out.

9K Diffs

[Little Cymbals]
00:14:304 - This feels a little unbalanced since it's kind of heavy on the right hand. I would suggest doing this instead to try and make it more even while also keeping to the pitch relevancy

00:22:085 (22085|4,23197|2) - Shouldn't these be stacked for pitch relevancy?

00:23:197 (23197|2) - Also, this should only last for 2/1 beats since the phrase is similar to 00:14:304 (14304|7) -

00:27:088 (27088|3,27088|5) - Seeing that you haven't used doubles at all throughout this entire song yet, and you use quite a bit more in the latter half of the song at 00:30:978 (30978|1,30978|4) - , 00:35:981 (35981|2,35981|0) - and 00:32:090 (32090|1,32090|6) - for example, it feels a bit like an unnecessary spike. It's also a bit of a consistency issue because you don't use doubles at all in the first half of the song which is very similar in musical structure to the second half starting at 00:18:195 -

00:35:981 (35981|0,35981|2) - If you choose to keep the doubles (in which case I would add them to the beginning of the diff to be consistent), I would say then to avoid using a [13] chord on 9k since that's normally pinky and middle finger for most which is harder to execute because of the ring finger being too weak to support it's own weight.

00:00:965 - This is just a general comment for the LNs like 00:00:965 (965|6,3188|5,9858|7) - throughout the chart. I would highly recommend ending them 1/2 before (so on the second downbeat) so that the LN release is at the same time as the next note on the downbeat. Basically, like this

00:05:411 (5411|3) - Similarly, I might suggest you end this on 00:05:967 - so the LNs have a fading effect while also timing the releases and hits together instead of separately

00:18:195 (18195|3,18473|5,18751|7) - I would recommend either connecting these notes (like 6-7-8) or putting them all on the same hand to separate the harmony and melody of the song, like so

00:35:981 (35981|0,35981|2) - Kind of the same thing I mentioned in the last diff about [13] patterns in 9K. Due to the way the default keys are arranged,
it can be pretty uncomfortable to try and hit this pattern properly.

00:40:983 (40983|3) - Recommend making this LN 1/1 like I did at 00:05:411 (5411|3) -

4K Diffs

00:00:965 - I'd kind of recommend the same thing with LNs here that I suggested in Modren's diffs, in that instead of letting the LN pass through a note,
it be capped off instead, like so where the LN ends when the next note comes. I feel it'd be easier to hit this way since the player can use the coming note as a reference for when to release the LN

00:03:188 (3188|2,4299|3) - If the above is denied, I would at least ask that you try to keep short notes and LNs on different hands since trying to tap while also holding on the same hand can be a little more difficult for a target audience who is just getting the hang of finger independence.

00:17:083 (17083|0,17639|0) - to avoid the stack here, I would rearrange the notes a bit differently. It wouldn't be 100% accurate to pitch, but then again,
neither is the stack

00:35:425 (35425|0,35981|0) - Similarly, these two aren't the same pitch, as you have both the lower part and the higher part playing at the same time.
I would move 00:35:981 (35981|0) - to 2 as a result

00:36:537 (36537|3,38482|3) - This is the only place you've used a shield in this entire diff. It's a bit inconsistent for that reason then because at similar places such as 00:09:858 (9858|2,11803|3) - or 00:25:420 (25420|0,27088|3,27366|1) - , they weren't shields

00:50:432 - avoid the stack in the final two notes here, so I'd do this

00:15:971 - Kind of a snake pattern here, so I would try to shift it instead so it feels a bit more directional for pitch, like this

00:18:473 (18473|0,18473|3) - Concerning this jump here, I feel that it's unnecessary since it sounds like there's only one note here because the harmony tends to come in on 1/1 notes only. It's also not a chord, so the E4 isn't necessary imo. I'd just remove 00:18:473 (18473|0) - in that case and arrange like so

00:25:420 - missing a jump here for the chord?

00:27:366 (27366|1) - Same thing I said about the 1/2 jump. Also, are you sure A4 is the right pitch here? I believe there's only one note played at this time,
and it's B4 because it's a wholestep lower than 00:27:088 (27088|2) -

00:35:425 (35425|0) - Would be fine to move this to a different column to avoid a stack with 00:35:981 (35981|0) - when they aren't the same note.
I think col 4 is fine

00:35:981 (35981|2) - Shouldn't this just be a short note since it's pretty much the same sound as 00:09:302 (9302|0,9580|1) - ?

00:53:211 (53211|1) - Think it'd have a better ending effect if you moved this onto the right hand since it makes the weight of the notes spread more evenly.
It's not accurate to pitch though, but neither is the current arrangement.

5K Diffs
[Small Music Box]
00:02:632 - to 00:09:580 - man, rip column 2. Pretty much all your notes in that little section I highlighted is on the right hand (save for col 3 which could be played with left thumb or no thumb or whatever). I understand you're trying to keep this as strictly pr as possible, but you also gotta consider playability and strain in this case.

00:18:195 - to 00:29:867 - Hand balance. It's really noticeable because the map essentially becomes 4k with an extra column in the map.

00:35:425 (35425|0,35981|0) - did you just copy and paste this from the 4k diff or something? Because in 5k, you easily have enough columns to follow pitch for this small scale going down, but there's still a random stack for god knows what reason

Everything else is a repeat of what I've said already. Honestly, the 5K diffs just feel like they've been copy and pasted from the 4k diffs and you didn't finish rebalancing the notes to fit an extra column. There are places to follow pitch relevancy that you couldn't do in 4k, but could do in 5k, yet you still don't do it such as that stack I mentioned. Also, the hand balance is really off. Instead of just rearranging the notes to be spread out evenly across all 5 columns,
it looks like you just shifted all the notes in column 2 to column 3 since col 2 is left empty a lot of the time.

[Music Box]
00:07:634 (7634|1) - feel it'd be better to move this to 3 so that col 3 isn't left empty from 00:03:188 - to 00:09:858 -

00:22:085 (22085|0,22641|0) - would try avoiding a 1/1 stack if possible, so might arrange like this instead then

00:34:869 (34869|1,35425|0) - shift this one column to the left to avoid the unnecessary stack at 00:35:425 (35425|0,35981|0) - which doesn't make sense with the song since the pitches are different

00:35:981 (35981|3) - same thing about consistency I mentioned in the lower diff

00:40:983 (40983|3,40983|0) - Double hitsound here? You have two A4's at 30% vol which means it's pretty much just one A4 at 60% vol which is inconsistent with how the rest of the diff has been keysounded

00:40:983 (40983|3) - might move this to 5 so that the column isn't left empty from 00:38:482 - to 00:42:095 -

00:42:095 (42095|4,42650|3,43206|2,43762|4,44318|3) - this is the kind of stuff I'm talking about when I say that the hand balance is just kind of nonexistent. column 1 and 2 don't do anything from 00:41:539 - to 00:44:874 - disregarding the LN. The effect you might have been going for was right hand plays the melody and left hand does the harmony, but that's really hard to achieve on an odd numbered keymode and just makes it play in a really unbalanced and kind of uncomfortable way.
Topic Starter

Protastic101 wrote:

ok, got asked to mod this like ages ago by krfawy and now Im here to, idk, do stuff? Idk anymore



  1. OD/HP 8/8 in 4K Melody, 5K Music Box, and 6K lullaby is probably a bit overkill for the general difficulty of all charts. I say this cause it's a pretty slow BPM which would be more ideal for beginning players and the note density is too low to try and force an accuracy challenge of sorts. I'd say OD/HP 7.5/7.5 is best. Sure. Changed
  2. You need to rename Modren's diffs to "Modren's 9K (insert diff name)" to match the naming scheme of the other keymodes.
  3. 00:53:211 - 00:53:767 - This is a suggestion overall for every mania diff, but I would add notes here to finish off the phrase of the song so that the chart ends on the start of the new phrase which would have played if the song were not faded out. Hmm... I'm not sure because hitsounds in 8%volume (minimum) are too loud but ok.

4K Diffs

00:00:965 - I'd kind of recommend the same thing with LNs here that I suggested in Modren's diffs, in that instead of letting the LN pass through a note,
it be capped off instead, like so where the LN ends when the next note comes. I feel it'd be easier to hit this way since the player can use the coming note as a reference for when to release the LN Ok

00:03:188 (3188|2,4299|3) - If the above is denied, I would at least ask that you try to keep short notes and LNs on different hands since trying to tap while also holding on the same hand can be a little more difficult for a target audience who is just getting the hang of finger independence. You're right. Changed

00:17:083 (17083|0,17639|0) - to avoid the stack here, I would rearrange the notes a bit differently. It wouldn't be 100% accurate to pitch, but then again,
neither is the stack Hmm ok but I moved only LNs

00:35:425 (35425|0,35981|0) - Similarly, these two aren't the same pitch, as you have both the lower part and the higher part playing at the same time.
I would move 00:35:981 (35981|0) - to 2 as a result Ok

00:36:537 (36537|3,38482|3) - This is the only place you've used a shield in this entire diff. It's a bit inconsistent for that reason then because at similar places such as 00:09:858 (9858|2,11803|3) - or 00:25:420 (25420|0,27088|3,27366|1) - , they weren't shields I fixed it

00:50:432 - avoid the stack in the final two notes here, so I'd do this I have mixed feelings you know why but for more comfortable play I changed it

00:15:971 - Kind of a snake pattern here, so I would try to shift it instead so it feels a bit more directional for pitch, like this Ok

00:18:473 (18473|0,18473|3) - Concerning this jump here, I feel that it's unnecessary since it sounds like there's only one note here because the harmony tends to come in on 1/1 notes only. It's also not a chord, so the E4 isn't necessary imo. I'd just remove 00:18:473 (18473|0) - in that case and arrange like so Sound is very hmm... clear. You're right that E4 isn't necessary. I think that second E5 will be better

00:25:420 - missing a jump here for the chord? Fixed

00:27:366 (27366|1) - Same thing I said about the 1/2 jump. Also, are you sure A4 is the right pitch here? I believe there's only one note played at this time,
and it's B4 because it's a wholestep lower than 00:27:088 (27088|2) - My bad. B4

00:35:425 (35425|0) - Would be fine to move this to a different column to avoid a stack with 00:35:981 (35981|0) - when they aren't the same note.
I think col 4 is fine Ok

00:35:981 (35981|2) - Shouldn't this just be a short note since it's pretty much the same sound as 00:09:302 (9302|0,9580|1) - ? Ok

00:53:211 (53211|1) - Think it'd have a better ending effect if you moved this onto the right hand since it makes the weight of the notes spread more evenly.
It's not accurate to pitch though, but neither is the current arrangement. Ok

5K Diffs
[Small Music Box]
00:02:632 - to 00:09:580 - man, rip column 2. Pretty much all your notes in that little section I highlighted is on the right hand (save for col 3 which could be played with left thumb or no thumb or whatever). I understand you're trying to keep this as strictly pr as possible, but you also gotta consider playability and strain in this case. Changed... I think

00:18:195 - to 00:29:867 - Hand balance. It's really noticeable because the map essentially becomes 4k with an extra column in the map.Changed... I think

00:35:425 (35425|0,35981|0) - did you just copy and paste this from the 4k diff or something? Because in 5k, you easily have enough columns to follow pitch for this small scale going down, but there's still a random stack for god knows what reason

Everything else is a repeat of what I've said already. Honestly, the 5K diffs just feel like they've been copy and pasted from the 4k diffs and you didn't finish rebalancing the notes to fit an extra column. There are places to follow pitch relevancy that you couldn't do in 4k, but could do in 5k, yet you still don't do it such as that stack I mentioned. Also, the hand balance is really off. Instead of just rearranging the notes to be spread out evenly across all 5 columns,
it looks like you just shifted all the notes in column 2 to column 3 since col 2 is left empty a lot of the time. Honestly I don't remember how I did it xD

[Music Box]
00:07:634 (7634|1) - feel it'd be better to move this to 3 so that col 3 isn't left empty from 00:03:188 - to 00:09:858 - Fixed

00:22:085 (22085|0,22641|0) - would try avoiding a 1/1 stack if possible, so might arrange like this instead then I did it different

00:34:869 (34869|1,35425|0) - shift this one column to the left to avoid the unnecessary stack at 00:35:425 (35425|0,35981|0) - which doesn't make sense with the song since the pitches are different K

00:35:981 (35981|3) - same thing about consistency I mentioned in the lower diff ok

00:40:983 (40983|3,40983|0) - Double hitsound here? You have two A4's at 30% vol which means it's pretty much just one A4 at 60% vol which is inconsistent with how the rest of the diff has been keysounded hmm hmm I don't understand much about what I have to do with it

00:40:983 (40983|3) - might move this to 5 so that the column isn't left empty from 00:38:482 - to 00:42:095 - ok

00:42:095 (42095|4,42650|3,43206|2,43762|4,44318|3) - this is the kind of stuff I'm talking about when I say that the hand balance is just kind of nonexistent. column 1 and 2 don't do anything from 00:41:539 - to 00:44:874 - disregarding the LN. The effect you might have been going for was right hand plays the melody and left hand does the harmony, but that's really hard to achieve on an odd numbered keymode and just makes it play in a really unbalanced and kind of uncomfortable way.ok I fixed it
Thanks for mod ^^

Protastic101 wrote:

ok, got asked to mod this like ages ago by krfawy and now Im here to, idk, do stuff? Idk anymore



  1. You need to rename Modren's diffs to "Modren's 9K (insert diff name)" to match the naming scheme of the other keymodes. Ok
  2. 00:53:211 - 00:53:767 - This is a suggestion overall for every mania diff, but I would add notes here to finish off the phrase of the song so that the chart ends on the start of the new phrase which would have played if the song were not faded out. I am not sure about that... For non-headphones users, they would be almost ghost notes!

9K Diffs

[Little Cymbals]
00:14:304 - This feels a little unbalanced since it's kind of heavy on the right hand. I would suggest doing this instead to try and make it more even while also keeping to the pitch relevancy 75% of that suggestion accepted :)

00:22:085 (22085|4,23197|2) - Shouldn't these be stacked for pitch relevancy? It's freaking hard to have balance with every column while having good pitch relevancy... Look how many times columns 3 and 5 were used... I just "mixed" pitch of two sounds here.

00:23:197 (23197|2) - Also, this should only last for 2/1 beats since the phrase is similar to 00:14:304 (14304|7) - Whooops! Fixed!

00:27:088 (27088|3,27088|5) - Seeing that you haven't used doubles at all throughout this entire song yet, and you use quite a bit more in the latter half of the song at 00:30:978 (30978|1,30978|4) - , 00:35:981 (35981|2,35981|0) - and 00:32:090 (32090|1,32090|6) - for example, it feels a bit like an unnecessary spike. It's also a bit of a consistency issue because you don't use doubles at all in the first half of the song which is very similar in musical structure to the second half starting at 00:18:195 - You are rignt... I shouldn't make doubles... FIXED!

00:35:981 (35981|0,35981|2) - If you choose to keep the doubles (in which case I would add them to the beginning of the diff to be consistent), I would say then to avoid using a [13] chord on 9k since that's normally pinky and middle finger for most which is harder to execute because of the ring finger being too weak to support it's own weight. Worry not! I deleted doubles :)

00:00:965 - This is just a general comment for the LNs like 00:00:965 (965|6,3188|5,9858|7) - throughout the chart. I would highly recommend ending them 1/2 before (so on the second downbeat) so that the LN release is at the same time as the next note on the downbeat. Basically, like this Lmao You suggested that in harder diff and not suggesting that in easier diff, but even that I understand and accept this... It will be much comfortable (in that diff) release note while clicking the next one!

00:05:411 (5411|3) - Similarly, I might suggest you end this on 00:05:967 - so the LNs have a fading effect while also timing the releases and hits together instead of separately It was hard decission... but i accepted

00:18:195 (18195|3,18473|5,18751|7) - I would recommend either connecting these notes (like 6-7-8) or putting them all on the same hand to separate the harmony and melody of the song, like so I remaked it another way... I don't want to see 3 LN's on pinkie D: I am avoiding this situation:

00:35:981 (35981|0,35981|2) - Kind of the same thing I mentioned in the last diff about [13] patterns in 9K. Due to the way the default keys are arranged,
it can be pretty uncomfortable to try and hit this pattern properly. I accepted this for Easier diff, but I reject this here... Players can see that kind of chord on this difficulity level. I know it might be spiky, but I want to hold consistency everywhere (I mean , everytime when the song part repeat, I repeat pattern. In that case i had to add one lower note and that was one possible way.

00:40:983 (40983|3) - Recommend making this LN 1/1 like I did at 00:05:411 (5411|3) - Done m8!
Thanks a lot!

Modren's 9K Little Cymbals
Modren's 9K Cymbals
Pora na moda ode mnie (kurcze jak ja dawno tego nie robiłem xD)

"Modren's 9K Little Cymbals"
00:03:188 (3188|5,4299|5) - Obie notki polecam przenieść na 5 lub 4 kolumnę, jest to Easy diff dlatego lepiej nie zabijać początkujących graczy jednoręcznym patternem, gdzie używamy małego palca. Jeśli zastosujesz się do tego to możesz również przenieść 00:05:411 (5411|3) - do kolumny 3.
00:12:081 (12081|5,13192|5) - ^
00:19:862 - Myślę, że tutaj możesz pokusić się o dodanie notki. Jeśli sie zgodzisz to polecam dać ją na lewą rękę i 00:20:418 (20418|1) - przenieść również na lewą rękę lub na 5 kolumne (ze względu na wysokość dźwięku).
00:38:760 (38760|5,39871|5) - To samo co w 00:03:188 (3188|5,4299|5) -
00:47:653 (47653|5,48764|5) - no i tutaj też to samo co w 00:03:188 (3188|5,4299|5) -
"Modren's 9K Cymbals"
00:14:304 (14304|1) - Dałbym to na prawą rękę, nie słyszę tam żadnego niższego dźwięku. Jeśli na to przystaniesz to możesz 00:14:860 (14860|3,15416|5,15971|7,16527|5,17083|4) - przesunąć o jedną kolumne w lewo.
00:43:206 (43206|2) - Na 2 kolumne. Jeśli sie na to zgodzisz to dwa poniższe również polecam przemyśleć.
00:44:874 (44874|1) - Na 3 kolumne.
00:45:430 (45430|2) - Na 1 lub 2 kolumne.
00:49:876 (49876|1) - To gdzieś na prawą ręke. Jeśli sie zgodzisz to wtedy 00:50:432 (50432|3,50988|5,51543|7,52099|5,52655|4,53211|2) - dałbym o jedną kolumne w lewo.
"5K Small Music Box"
00:33:202 (33202|2) - To bym dał na 4 kolumne, po czym 00:34:313 (34313|3,34869|2,35425|1) - przeniósłbym o jedną kolumne w lewo, a to 00:35:981 (35981|0,36259|1) - zaś o jedną w prawo. Głównie dlatego, że 00:33:202 (33202|2) - jest wyższym dźwiękiem od 00:34:313 (34313|3) .
"5K Music Box"
00:05:411 (5411|4) - To bym przeniósł na 3 lub 4 kolumne, nie jest to taki wysoki dźwięk jak 00:06:523 (6523|4) .
00:18:473 (18473|4) - To jest raczej zbędna notka i bym ją wyrzucił. Po pierwsze jest to dość trudny pattern jak na taki poziom, a po drugie zakładam że te notki 00:18:195 (18195|3,18473|4,18751|0) - są pod niższe dźwięki cymbałków, a tutaj 00:18:473 (18473|4) - żadnego nie słysze.
00:18:195 (18195|3) - Jeśli sie zastosujesz do powyższego do to bym przeniósł na 5 kolumne.
00:22:641 (22641|3) - To raczej też zbędna notka, nie słyszę tam drugiego dźwięku/instrumentu.
00:40:983 (40983|4) - przeniósłbym na 4 kolumne, ten sam powód co w 00:05:411 - .
"6K Easy Lullaby"
00:07:634 (7634|3) - Dałbym to na 2 lub 3 kolumne, znacznie niższy dźwięk od dwóch poprzednich.
00:43:206 (43206|3) - ^

Pomysł, który podsunąłem masz już w wyższym diffie 6K.
"6K Lullaby"
00:18:473 (18473|5) - Notka pod nic tak naprawde, wyjaśniałem już w modzie 5K.
00:22:641 (22641|3) - To też pod nic, wyjaśnienia też przy 5K
"4K Melody"
00:18:473 (18473|0) - Notka pod nic tak naprawde, wyjaśniałem już w modzie 5K.
00:22:641 (22641|2) - To też pod nic, wyjaśnienia też przy 5K modzie.
Niższe 4K w bez zarzutów :)
Topic Starter

SitekX wrote:

Pora na moda ode mnie (kurcze jak ja dawno tego nie robiłem xD)

"5K Small Music Box"
00:33:202 (33202|2) - To bym dał na 4 kolumne, po czym 00:34:313 (34313|3,34869|2,35425|1) - przeniósłbym o jedną kolumne w lewo, a to 00:35:981 (35981|0,36259|1) - zaś o jedną w prawo. Głównie dlatego, że 00:33:202 (33202|2) - jest wyższym dźwiękiem od 00:34:313 (34313|3) .spoczko
"5K Music Box"
00:05:411 (5411|4) - To bym przeniósł na 3 lub 4 kolumne, nie jest to taki wysoki dźwięk jak 00:06:523 (6523|4) . ok
00:18:473 (18473|4) - To jest raczej zbędna notka i bym ją wyrzucił. Po pierwsze jest to dość trudny pattern jak na taki poziom, a po drugie zakładam że te notki 00:18:195 (18195|3,18473|4,18751|0) - są pod niższe dźwięki cymbałków, a tutaj 00:18:473 (18473|4) - żadnego nie słysze. zmienione
00:18:195 (18195|3) - Jeśli sie zastosujesz do powyższego do to bym przeniósł na 5 kolumne. zrobiłem to przed twoją poradą xD
00:22:641 (22641|3) - To raczej też zbędna notka, nie słyszę tam drugiego dźwięku/instrumentu. słuszne. Usunąłem
00:40:983 (40983|4) - przeniósłbym na 4 kolumne, ten sam powód co w 00:05:411 - .ok
"6K Easy Lullaby"
00:07:634 (7634|3) - Dałbym to na 2 lub 3 kolumne, znacznie niższy dźwięk od dwóch poprzednich.
00:43:206 (43206|3) - ^
poprawiłem + zrobiłem lekki repattern okolicy
Pomysł, który podsunąłem masz już w wyższym diffie 6K.
"6K Lullaby"
00:18:473 (18473|5) - Notka pod nic tak naprawde, wyjaśniałem już w modzie 5K.
00:22:641 (22641|3) - To też pod nic, wyjaśnienia też przy 5K
"4K Melody"
00:18:473 (18473|0) - Notka pod nic tak naprawde, wyjaśniałem już w modzie 5K.
00:22:641 (22641|2) - To też pod nic, wyjaśnienia też przy 5K modzie.poprawione
Niższe 4K w bez zarzutów :)
Dziękować :D

SitekX wrote:

Pora na moda ode mnie (kurcze jak ja dawno tego nie robiłem xD)

"Modren's 9K Little Cymbals"
00:03:188 (3188|5,4299|5) - Obie notki polecam przenieść na 5 lub 4 kolumnę, jest to Easy diff dlatego lepiej nie zabijać początkujących graczy jednoręcznym patternem, gdzie używamy małego palca. Jeśli zastosujesz się do tego to możesz również przenieść 00:05:411 (5411|3) - do kolumny 3. W sumie zgadzam się i nawet lepiej pitchowo się układa :v
00:12:081 (12081|5,13192|5) - ^ ^
00:19:862 - Myślę, że tutaj możesz pokusić się o dodanie notki. Jeśli sie zgodzisz to polecam dać ją na lewą rękę i 00:20:418 (20418|1) - przenieść również na lewą rękę lub na 5 kolumne (ze względu na wysokość dźwięku). Jakoś nie leży mi to. W tym momencie utwór ma uniesienie gdzie zmapowałem tylko main dzwoneczki :v i ta jedna notka zniszczyłaby "urok?" tego utworu w odniesieniu do mapy.
00:38:760 (38760|5,39871|5) - To samo co w 00:03:188 (3188|5,4299|5) - taka sama odpowiedź jak wyżej
00:47:653 (47653|5,48764|5) - no i tutaj też to samo co w 00:03:188 (3188|5,4299|5) -no i tutaj też taka sama odpowiedź jak wyżej :V
"Modren's 9K Cymbals"
00:14:304 (14304|1) - Dałbym to na prawą rękę, nie słyszę tam żadnego niższego dźwięku. Jeśli na to przystaniesz to możesz 00:14:860 (14860|3,15416|5,15971|7,16527|5,17083|4) - przesunąć o jedną kolumne w lewo. Masz na myśli że tam jest tylko jeden dźwięk???Tu SĄ dwa dźwięki ale serio pitch nie zgadzał się względem notki wcześniej i poprawiłem to
00:43:206 (43206|2) - Na 2 kolumne. Jeśli sie na to zgodzisz to dwa poniższe również polecam przemyśleć.ok
00:44:874 (44874|1) - Na 3 kolumne. ok
00:45:430 (45430|2) - Na 1 lub 2 kolumne.ok
00:49:876 (49876|1) - To gdzieś na prawą ręke. Jeśli sie zgodzisz to wtedy 00:50:432 (50432|3,50988|5,51543|7,52099|5,52655|4,53211|2) - dałbym o jedną kolumne w lewo. Ty serio nie słyszysz tego niskiego dźwięku? no cóż, istnieje :v i jest nawet keysounded
Dzięki Sitek! :)

Modren wrote:

SitekX wrote:

Pora na moda ode mnie (kurcze jak ja dawno tego nie robiłem xD)

"Modren's 9K Little Cymbals"
00:03:188 (3188|5,4299|5) - Obie notki polecam przenieść na 5 lub 4 kolumnę, jest to Easy diff dlatego lepiej nie zabijać początkujących graczy jednoręcznym patternem, gdzie używamy małego palca. Jeśli zastosujesz się do tego to możesz również przenieść 00:05:411 (5411|3) - do kolumny 3. W sumie zgadzam się i nawet lepiej pitchowo się układa :v
00:12:081 (12081|5,13192|5) - ^ ^
00:19:862 - Myślę, że tutaj możesz pokusić się o dodanie notki. Jeśli sie zgodzisz to polecam dać ją na lewą rękę i 00:20:418 (20418|1) - przenieść również na lewą rękę lub na 5 kolumne (ze względu na wysokość dźwięku). Jakoś nie leży mi to. W tym momencie utwór ma uniesienie gdzie zmapowałem tylko main dzwoneczki :v i ta jedna notka zniszczyłaby "urok?" tego utworu w odniesieniu do mapy.
00:38:760 (38760|5,39871|5) - To samo co w 00:03:188 (3188|5,4299|5) - taka sama odpowiedź jak wyżej
00:47:653 (47653|5,48764|5) - no i tutaj też to samo co w 00:03:188 (3188|5,4299|5) -no i tutaj też taka sama odpowiedź jak wyżej :V
"Modren's 9K Cymbals"
00:14:304 (14304|1) - Dałbym to na prawą rękę, nie słyszę tam żadnego niższego dźwięku. Jeśli na to przystaniesz to możesz 00:14:860 (14860|3,15416|5,15971|7,16527|5,17083|4) - przesunąć o jedną kolumne w lewo. Masz na myśli że tam jest tylko jeden dźwięk???Tu SĄ dwa dźwięki ale serio pitch nie zgadzał się względem notki wcześniej i poprawiłem to
00:43:206 (43206|2) - Na 2 kolumne. Jeśli sie na to zgodzisz to dwa poniższe również polecam przemyśleć.ok
00:44:874 (44874|1) - Na 3 kolumne. ok
00:45:430 (45430|2) - Na 1 lub 2 kolumne.ok i nawet tak zrobiłem we wcześniejszym identycznym parcie :v
00:49:876 (49876|1) - To gdzieś na prawą ręke. Jeśli sie zgodzisz to wtedy 00:50:432 (50432|3,50988|5,51543|7,52099|5,52655|4,53211|2) - dałbym o jedną kolumne w lewo. Ty serio nie słyszysz tego niskiego dźwięku? no cóż, istnieje :v i jest nawet keysounded
Dzięki Sitek! :)
mania check real quick
nothing wrong note wise imo, as simple of a chart as it gets
I have two gripes with the mapset though:

firstly the keysounds are blending with the mp3 way too much.
"Doubling the noises and having perfectly blending hitsounds with the mp3 is still unrankable. (Obviously, they are *supposed* to blend due to the nature of being keysounds, but the blending should only happen if the key is pressed correctly and not blend regardless whether you press the key, press it wrong or don't press it at all. If you can not distinguish whether the pressing of the key made the noise or not, you have a problem)"

secondly as much as I dislike the diffnames in general, just adding hard or normal as a prefix before each word (for example Normal Lullaby) would actually describe the difficulty somewhat with an Easy -> Normal spread

since Janko was asking, here's a video showing sections of the map with 100% and 0% effect volume:
-do you hear any diffrences?
-is the diffrence clearly audible?

for me the first is a very strong maybe but the second one is a straight no.
To me the hitsounds happen to be extremely similar when compared with the actual cymbals of the song's yet the hitsounds themselves have the very distinct echoing and vibrating addition to it, not to mention the tone is still different enough - that is my opinion. I can actually see why people would be confused but I think they would have to own quite a severe hearing impairment in order to be even worried in first place.
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