
Ms. Valentine - Jeungpyo

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2016년 6월 29일 수요일 at 오후 3:42:03

Artist: Ms. Valentine
Title: Jeungpyo
Source: ソードアート・オンラインⅡ
Tags: シルシ shirushi 팀달캬 소아온 team dalca sao sword art online 마더즈로자리오 mother's rosario 더빙 ending
BPM: 73
Filesize: 3633kb
Play Time: 01:29
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.04 stars, 40 notes)
  2. Hard (2.83 stars, 141 notes)
  3. Insane (3.79 stars, 167 notes)
  4. Normal (1.96 stars, 88 notes)
Download: Ms. Valentine - Jeungpyo
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

>> Korean Opening: Myumyu - courage <<

페이버릿 하고 갑니다
  1. 00:36:097 (4,5) - Ctrl G를 해주는 편이 보컬이 더 살지 않을까 싶네요
Topic Starter

UnLock- wrote:

  1. 00:36:097 (4,5) - Ctrl G를 해주는 편이 보컬이 더 살지 않을까 싶네요 // 피아노 강조가 목적이라 이대로 둘게요.


모딩이다, 신이 난다~


  1. 00:41:439 (1) - 턴과 꼬리에 휘슬
  2. 00:46:371 (2) - 머리에 휘슬... 은 imo
  3. 00:48:015 (3) - 꼬리에 휘슬
  4. 01:24:589 (2) - 1.00x! 줄여주세요 ㅋㅋ


  1. 01:07:534 (5) - 머리에 둥은 좀 어색하네요.


  1. 00:59:110 (1,2,3,4,1) - 인센과 같은 스트림은 무리데스요 ㅠㅠ


  1. 00:49:247 (3) - 이거 좀 많이 어색한데 이렇게 하는게 어떨까요?
  2. 01:09:931 (2) - 꼬리에 박수!
  3. 01:25:205 (2,3) - 이거 거리 좀 더 넓혀봐요. 그럼 좋아보일거에요 ㅋ

몇 년만에 모딩인가 ㅋㅋ

W h i t e wrote:

몇 년만에 모딩인가 ㅋㅋ
아쉽게도 1년이였다고...
  • General
  1. 이걸로 딱히 문제되진 않던데 BG 사이즈 정확하게 해주시는게 어떨까요
  2. 인세인 제외한 나머지 난이도들 와이드스크린 빼주세요
  3. 이전 난이도에서 언급한 힛사들은 상위 난이도에서 다시 언급하진 않겠습니다.

  • Easy
  1. 00:30:754 (1,2) - 그냥 보면 갑갑하다는 느낌이 드네요. 1/2를 0.9x로 찍으셨는데 이렇게 좀 더 위로 올려서 모양내는게 나아보입니다.
  2. 00:41:439 (1) - 꼬리부분 피아노소리가 제일 강해지는 부분인데 휘슬이 빠져서 아쉽네요.
  3. 00:48:015 (3) - 여기 꼬리도 보컬이 올라가는데 너무 허전하네요.
  4. 00:54:590 (1) - 노말에도 이렇게 찍으셨던데 리버스 추가해서 그냥 보컬 따라가는게 더 어울리는거같네요.
  5. 01:12:260 - 음... 뭔가 허전하네요
  6. 01:22:534 (1,2) - 음? 같은 1/1인데 DS차이 너무 큰거같습니다.
  7. 01:24:589 (2) - 잘 들어보시면 보컬이 1/4이 아닌 1/6쪽에서 끝나는 느낌이 강합니다. 그래서 애매한 보컬보단 그냥 끝부분 소리 살짝 줄여서 피아노따라 끝내는게 제일 나아 보이네요.

  • Normal
  1. 00:27:056 (4,5) - 개인적으로 스택 별로 안어울린다고 생각하는데.. 그저 대칭을 위한 스택이라면 이런식으로 스택을 피할 방법이 있지않을까요..
  2. 00:29:110 (1,2) - 음 거의 같은거같은데 그냥 리버스로 두는건 어떤가요?
  3. 00:36:508 (1,2,3,4,5) - 바로 앞에서 짧게 짧게 끊으셔서 그런지 상당히 콤보가 길게 느껴지네요
  4. 00:54:590 (3) - 이지와 같습니다.
  5. 01:07:740 - 이지에서는 휘슬까지 넣으셨는데 여기는 바로 묻혀버리네요..
  6. 01:21:712 (1,2) - 리듬 스왑시켜서 서클로 01:22:329 - 이 보컬을 살리는게 더 나아보입니다.
  7. 01:24:589 (2) - 이지와 같습니다.

  • Hard
  1. 00:33:836 (1) - 보컬을 완벽하게 따라가는것보단 이걸 지우고 00:33:220 (7) - 얘를 피아노따라 1/2 로 바꾸는게 낫지않을까요?
  2. 00:36:097 - 개인적으론 누를수있는걸로 두는게 나아보이는 곳입니다.
  3. 00:38:768 (2) - 삼각형 만드는것보단 흐름따라 좀 왼쪽에 두는게 나을꺼같은데 대체할 패턴이 안떠오르네요 ㅋㅋ;
  4. 00:40:412 (5) - 지우는게 나은거같네요..
  5. 00:55:206 (2) - 휘슬로 리듬 확실하게 잡아주는건 어떤가요?
  6. 00:59:110 (1,2,3,4,1) - 에... 개인적으론 음 신경쓰지말고 전부 휘슬로 찍어내는게 듣기 좋은거같습니다.
  7. 01:21:301 (5,1) - 그냥 1/2로 해도 듣기좋은데.. 하드에서 이렇게까지 리듬을 잡아낼 필요는 없는거같습니다.
  8. 01:25:616 (2) - 이 난이도부턴 언급 안하려했는데 서클로 두니까 직접 칠 때 리듬이 잘 안느껴진다고 해야하나.. 애매했습니다.

  • Insane
  1. 00:29:316 (4,5) - 다른 사람들은 어떻게 느낄지 모르겠는데 서클 - 슬라 - 서클순으로 두는게 전 가장 좋아보이네요.
  2. 00:52:535 (3) - 앞의 (1,2)는 시원하게 벌려주셨는데 여기는 너무 좁네요..
  3. 00:53:357 (3) - 2.6 확실한가요??
  4. 01:09:384 (1) - 1/3..처럼 들리지는 않네요. 일단 전 1/12처럼 들립니다.
  5. 01:19:863 (2) - 음.. 이거는 무슨 의도인지 모르겠네요.. 좀 꺾이는거같은데 블랭킷도 아니고 음에비해 앞뒤 DS도 좀 이상하고.. ㅋㅋㅋ

노래 좋네요 ㅋㅋㅋ
Topic Starter
모딩 감사합니다!
Hi here's a thing :v


00:40:617 (2) - Would sound nice with a whistle here (slider head)

00:55:206 (2) - Also would be cool if this note was stacked over 00:53:973 (2) - since the vocal pitches drop from (1) to (2) and then rise from (2) to (3). This could be a nice effect for that

00:59:110 (3,4,5,6,1) - Not a fan of this. Feels out of place compared to the rest of the map and even in the music. Also you have the whistles backwards xd. I think this might be nicer as a 1/2 slider or maybe better two notes as a jump.

01:04:041 (3) - I think this whistle needed drum addition.

01:08:151 (1) - Maybe this one was intentional but if not then this one needs a whistle and drum addition instead of sample. If so then this one also needs drum addition 01:08:973 (3) -

01:09:384 (1,2,3) - This is fine but tbh 01:09:384 - and 01:10:205 - are the more emphasized beats with the violins since its three 1/3 tones that descend in pitch then goes back up at 01:10:205 - So the best way to represent this imo would be to add a repeat to 01:09:384 (1) - and 01:10:479 (3) - with ctrl+g like this. Like I said though this is technically not wrong just a suggestion per the music.

01:25:616 (3) - I know this is distance snapped but I think this could be spaced a little bit more.


00:59:110 (1,2,3,4,1) - Same suggestion as the insane but here it's more out of place I'd say. Also more importantly you have the whistles on 2 and 4 when they should definitely be in (1), (3) and maybe the next (1) also x_xthat way they at least emphasize the vocals

No real issues on the easier diffs tbh maybe just apply any hitsound things that apply on the insane to the other diffs.

Hope this helps. Good luck! :)

01:11:027 (5) - 2번째 점 가운데로 옮겨주시면 더 완벽한 대칭이 될거같네요


01:02:808 (1,2,3) - 살짝 어긋난거같네요 2번노트.. 삼각형 배치모양이라던지 DS라던지..
01:01:370 (3) - 이부분(01:12:671 (1,2,3,4) - )과 비교했을때, 전체적으로 이쪽 (00:59:521 (1,2,3,4,5) - )은
이 부분 자체가 보컬위주의 표현을 하신거같은데
여기의 3번노트는 드럼이 상당히 작기에 약간 부자연스러움이 느껴졌습니다.


01:18:425 (3) - 여기 휘슬보단 드럼같은 다른 힛사가 더 어울리지않을까요
## 01:18:836 (4) - 여기보다 (3)이 더 강한 드럼소리가 들리는데
힛사부분에선 강함의 크기가 반대로 들려오는 기분이..


01:09:384 (1,2,3) - 1/3 리핏슬라 2개로 묶어주는건 어떨까요
노래가 쭉 1/4로 진행되었기에, 플레이하다 1/3인지 1/2인지 약간 헷갈렸었...
2개로 묶어주면 두 슬라 모두 큰 흰선에서 시작하기에 괜찮아질지도 모르겠네요.
Hi! :D


  1. Maybe add english version of anime's name to tags?


  1. 00:18:426 - this sound wasn't mapped in other diffs. imo you should map it in other diffs to.


  1. 00:25:001 (1,2,3,4,5) - 00:29:521 (2,3,4) - 00:31:576 (1,2) - etc- you used 0.9 for 1/2 before. Here you used 1.0. Fix please
  2. 00:34:864 (2,3,4) - change it like this for better flow
  3. 00:49:247 - I guess it should be clickable.
  4. 01:00:342 (2) - ctrl+j
  5. 01:13:493 (2,3,4) - triangle maybe?
  6. 01:17:808 - circle?


  1. 00:59:110 (1,2,3,4) - please change to repeat slider.
  2. 00:33:631 - circle?


  1. 00:30:754 (3,1) - fix this blanket
  2. 00:34:042 (3,1) - same
    Recheck other blankets too. I saw more blankets which should be fixed.
  3. 00:51:919 (2,3) - stack?
  4. 00:55:823 (3,4) - I suggest to do sth like this It sounds and looks much better
  5. 01:09:384 (1,2,3) - I'm not sure, but imo 1/3 doesn't need here :v
Best of luck~
별 뿌리고 갑니다 ~ ★
hi from ur q

00:31:576 (2,1) - If possible, you may want to make this flow a lot smoother by moving 1 down
00:49:247 (1,2) - I feel like it's kind of a waste to stack this since 2 is such a significant beat, the flow stops for it which gives it emphasis but keeping the flow going works a bit better imo

00:35:891 (3) - I find using a 1/4 repeat slider awkward here, since the significant beat on the red tick is just on a repeat, so it doesn't feel very emphasized
00:49:042 (4) - ^ kinda the same, there's a strong vocal as well as drum on the red tick, so having it on a slider end feels really awkward and unfulfilling
00:59:521 (1,2) - I mean it blankets, but the two curves going in the same direction kinda look awkward, you may want to re-position 1 toward the left and rotate it so you can have the blanket and have it look smoother overall

01:21:301 (5) - Kinda weird that this is like, the only extended slider, plus there's a beat on the blue tick so I dunno if u want this or not lol
01:25:616 (2) - Isn't the vocal on the 1/8 tick after it? At 01:25:719 - , if you weren't going for vocal and for piano instead, there should be a beat on 01:25:411 -

00:24:384 (7) - You can move this up a little bit to make the formation of 00:24:179 (6,7,8) - look a bit neater imo
01:07:329 (5,6) - This is kinda weird since the previous vocals you had movement, and the movement is stopped here w/ the stack
01:25:308 (2,3) - Don't the vocals land 1/8 tick after the tick they're on? The vocals are pretty awk here to map lol

I tried xd
Hi~ From your q M4M
Pretty good for me. I can't find anything

00:29:110 (1,2) - maybe reverse slider here? It plays better. Anв easy way to follow piano
About this slider 00:51:919 (2) - sliderend is bad for me. You missed strong note at 00:51:508 (2) - So this is a good spot for new slider. Also it's better for new players which follows the vocal
01:17:192 (3) - You could make the end of this slider at 01:17:192 (3) - Again because of the vocals (By the way voice is awesome :) )
00:59:521 (1,2,3) - i think there is no reason for second circle. ( I sure, you could hear it) So try this. It's much better for me
00:24:179 (3,4) - If you whant to follow piano try

Reverse slider start at 00:24:384 - sounds better. Also you don't skip important white tick after it

00:38:152 (1,2) - Maybe blanket?

I guess that's too boring for you :)
00:46:576 (6,7) - Try instead a large 1 slider between two blue ticks. I don't know language of song, but i think it's better way to follow vocals
01:21:918 (2,3) - Blanket could be better(sorry about this point. Accidentally I saw)

00:29:110 (3,4) - I think it's better with single circles. It allows you to "feel" the piano. Also it's good spot for little jumps
00:55:823 (3,4) - The sliderend is not good for me. Give players the opportunity to play this time with two notes

00:59:521 (1) - From hard. I think this is a good place for slider. Just try it

Hope this was helpful, GL ;)
I saw your queue one hour ago, so I hope I will get your mod xd
  • [insaen]
  1. 00:21:713 (1) - I feel whistle is good here
  2. 00:30:343 (1,2) - Hmm, seems the whistles should be here, sounds empty and you added wthistles for 00:29:110 (3,4) -
  3. 00:31:576 (1) - w on head, he's good fit with piano here
  4. 00:55:206 (2) - maybe add whistle, he's good fit with vocal imo
  5. 00:55:823 (3,4) - tail of slider and 4 are have pretty loud sounds, so I think you should make more distance between
  6. 01:09:384 (1,2,3) - can't understand why it is 1/3, it's actually 1/4 rhythm only
  7. 01:18:219 (2,3,4,5,6) - pentagon is pretty good pattern, but he doesn't work good here. 01:18:630 (4) - feels kinda weaker than other circles, so from mapping point of view distance between 01:18:425 (3,4) - should be less
  8. 01:20:479 (3) - I feel that finish on head more fit with song hmmm
  9. 01:11:849 (5) - should have nc and maybe different spread in further cuz claps here are stronger than before
  10. 01:22:534 (1) - w on head? he's has vocal too
  11. 01:25:822 - I'd making him clickable cuz vocal is pretty strong

  • [hard]
  1. 01:18:836 (4,1) - I'd make more spacing between cuz 01:19:247 (1) - has finish

  • [normal]
  1. 00:20:480 - feels empty for me, I'd add note here
  2. 01:21:712 (1) - imo unnecessary nc, you didn't use him in similar moments before

  • [easy]
  1. seems fine

also your bg isn't 1366x768, it 1365x768
From your Q. This is nm.

  1. BG:It is not 16:9. I recommend a correction.

  1. 00:25:823 (1) - Would you add whistle to a head? I think that I match whistle of the 00:26:234 (2,3) -
  2. 00:29:110 (3,4,5) - fm,,Rhythm is strange. I recommend ctrl+G.
  3. 00:30:343 (1,2) - There is a whistle in the 00:29:110 (3,4) - which is the sound of the same type. Therefore, I recommend addition of the whistle in the same way.
  4. 00:59:521 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - Rhythm is unnatural. You perform many vocal follow in this diff. Therefore, I think that you should obey it. Such a feeling
  5. 01:09:384 (1,2,3) - Why is it 1/3? I recommend a correction to 1/4.
  6. 01:12:671 (1,2) - It is the same as the above. Vocal follow is good. I recommend ctrl+G.

  1. 00:35:686 (1,2) - I recommend ctrl+G. Vocal follow is good.
  2. 00:38:768 (2) - I recommend symmetry to 00:38:152 (1) - . The feeling that it saw is good.
  3. 00:59:110 (1,2,3,4) - I can't recommend the 1/8 stream in hard diff. BPM is surely slow. However, it is a stream of parenchyma 146. I recommend a reverse slider if you use 1/8.
  4. 00:59:520 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - It is the same as insane diff. I recommend a correction.

  1. There are an interval of the 1.2 from 0.89. Is this good? In addition, the 00:24:384 (3) - displays a spacing error. I think that the unification of the interval is good.

  1. 00:49:247 (1,2) - fmm,,Would you remove stack? I can't recommend stack of the easy diff personally.
I'm sorry in short mod. gl.
m4m: nvm :)

  1. 00:21:713 (3) - NC here?
  2. 00:30:754 (1,2) - switch NC and add NC on 00:28:289 (3) - ?
    In fact no much can be mentioned

  1. 01:17:603 i think you'd better put something here.
  2. 01:21:712 (1) - remove this NC?

  1. 00:33:836 (1) - maybe move to 00:33:631 ? this sounds better for me
  2. 00:38:768 (2) - add a whistle on head
  3. 01:06:096 (3,4,5) - change to this?
  4. 01:18:425 (3) - add a clap on head?

  1. 00:23:973 (5) - it sounds like remove this note is better for me
  2. 00:25:001 (8,1) - switch NC?
  3. 00:28:905 (2) - remove this sounds better for me
  4. 00:32:604 (4) - since there is no obvious sounds here, i guese maybe replace 3 as a 1/2 slider is a better idea
  5. 00:34:042 (3,4) - add whistle at 3's head and tail,and whistle on 4?
  6. 00:38:768 (4) - add whistle on head?
  7. 00:45:343 (2) - move to somewhere like x148 y20?
  8. 01:05:068 (5,1) - try stack?
  9. 01:14:315 (5) - since you made an NC here 01:01:164 (1) - ,maybe NC here as well?

good luck!
  1. 00:49:247 (1,2) - it's not recommended to stack notes in the easiest diff so would you mind to avoid it? also the stacking doesn't fit here since 00:49:658 (2) - this needs to be emphasized
  1. 00:59:520 (1) - i don't understand why not map this with a 1/1 slider instead like 01:12:671 (1) - this, it would be easier to for players to read and click with that stream
  1. 00:52:535 (3) - i think this can be ctrl+g'd to increase the spacing, it's quite weird to see such a large spacing change with 00:51:302 (1,2) -
  2. 00:59:521 (1) - same as Hard
  3. 01:09:897 (2,3) - it would be more interesting if you exchange these 2 sliders :3
  4. 01:12:671 (1) - 1/1 slider fits more
pretty clean map but i think you could use more sv changes to make your map fit more with the song :3
sorry if the mod is too short lol
Topic Starter

Karen wrote:

  1. 00:49:247 (1,2) - it's not recommended to stack notes in the easiest diff so would you mind to avoid it? also the stacking doesn't fit here since 00:49:658 (2) - this needs to be emphasized // Stacks in low difficulties are usually not recommended because the hitburst hinders reading the stacked object, but since the stacked one is a slider this case, I don't think it might be much a problem. Regarding the emphasizing issue, since a stack was not a common pattern appearing in this difficulty, I think the stack here could be one nice way of an emphasis.
  1. 00:59:520 (1) - i don't understand why not map this with a 1/1 slider instead like 01:12:671 (1) - this, it would be easier to for players to read and click with that stream // I had a mixed feeling while mapping this part. I wanted to follow the vocals, but following the vocals made me ignore several drums. Afterall it seems I just went along the drums majorly, with a vocal rhythms in the mid-kiai...
  1. 00:52:535 (3) - i think this can be ctrl+g'd to increase the spacing, it's quite weird to see such a large spacing change with 00:51:302 (1,2) - // 00:50:891 (5) - 00:51:302 (1) - 00:52:535 (3) - these three linear sliders all have a same shape, and I wanted to express that similarity better as using the same path. Instead, I changed the hitsound consistently with 01:19:247 (1,2,3) - to make the pattern more understandable in terms of hitsound emphasis.
  2. 00:59:521 (1) - same as Hard
  3. 01:09:897 (2,3) - it would be more interesting if you exchange these 2 sliders :3 // It could, but since 1/3 is not a common rhythm here, I'd like to use the current spacing for a nice transition.
  4. 01:12:671 (1) - 1/1 slider fits more
pretty clean map but i think you could use more sv changes to make your map fit more with the song :3
sorry if the mod is too short lol
Nice yuri bg!
Topic Starter
Rebubbled as request
Ok will be here soon~

--> Soon later

00:30:758 - Should not be a whistle here ? Even I think it would be nice. And 00:31:580 - here too pls.

That's all.
Did last adjustments on HS

Topic Starter
Thanks~~ ^^
Gratzz ^_^
As per your request.
Actually qualified!oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
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Disqualified.ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo less than a minute ago
what happened? lol
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Underforest wrote:

what happened? lol
Decided to reduce OD after receiving some plays lol

Doyak wrote:

Actually qualified!oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
BN can do everything!!!!!
Topic Starter
That was pretty fast. Thanks again!
하트 축하드립니다!
hoyl wtf
The circle at 01:11:031 (1) - is difficult to read, specially at DT, due of the slider at 01:10:483 (3) - being 1/6.

Wouldn't it feel better to do this?

(Removing the 1/6 slider at 01:10:483 (3) , making the 1/6 slider 01:09:935 (2) - a return slider and adding a circle at 01:10:826 (1) using 1/4)

So it would look like this :

Before saying no, please give it a try c:
Topic Starter

[XV] wrote:

The circle at 01:11:031 (1) - is difficult to read, specially at DT, due of the slider at 01:10:483 (3) - being 1/6.

Wouldn't it feel better to do this?

(Removing the 1/6 slider at 01:10:483 (3) , making the 1/6 slider 01:09:935 (2) - a return slider and adding a circle at 01:10:826 (1) using 1/4)

So it would look like this :

Before saying no, please give it a try c:
Thanks for the feedback.

I can admit that pattern can cause players some trouble in properly reading the rhythms. However the song is 1/6 anyways, and I wanted a rhythm to properly follow the instruments. There actually is a way to use two 1/3 reverse sliders, but that basically won't make much difference with the current status because the following 1/2 appears after a slider anyways. Actually a rhythm transition using sliders is one of the simple way thanks to slider leniency. Also You can see 01:09:935 (2,3,1,2) the placement is never randomly done, but while giving an information about the rhythms.

01:08:977 (3,1) 1/4 to 1/6 transition was done from slider to slider, giving enough time to understand it being 1/6. 01:09:388 (1,2,3) all uses a consistent spacing to tell the rhythm is consistent. The spacing consistency remains until 01:10:483 (3,1), indicating the interval being 1/3. Then, the 1/2 of 01:11:031 (1,2) turns to spacing of 1.00x which is the main spacing of 1/2 used all through this map. So, 1/6 is a hard rhythm in the first place, and please understand that I already did my best to place a backing knowledge of this pattern.

There might be problems to easily notice in dt, but remember that is a moderation afterall to make this map harder! :3
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