
TALK / NEWS: osu!lazer skinning

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I think a new page of lazer skinning news would be helpful pinned up there somewhere.
lazer seems to be getting into skinning latley, and i would like to know about any new elements or changes with lazer.

well looks like this would be that page.

here's how things would work:
If you know of any updates to osu!lazer in the context of skinning, (e.g. newly implemented elements, changed elements, deleted elements etc.) in the context, please post them neatly.

If the update thats in your mind has already been posted, don't post it again unless you have something to add or discuss about it.

If you have an interesting looking experiment with the new skinning system, you can post an image of it INSIDE A SPOILERBOX.

THE SKINNING FORUM RULES APPLY. no experiments from other people, etc.

Things might get messy... Better explained and more rules may come soon, im so sleepy.

sorry if this page is out of context.
Also, i think a "talk" subtopic would be helpful to further improve the skin forum conundrum.
This is a good idea actually.

Atm only skinimport and basic hitcircle and hitsound replacement is there. Implementing of the skin.ini has started.

I don't know what basic replacements means exactly, will try later if only hitcircle.png or also the overlay and numbers are loaded.
rn, it's annoying for me that the bottom bar is smaller than previously. I wish that we will be able to change it ourselves

also, when we move to lazer for good, plz export the osu!stable skin with all elements plz
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I found implemented:

Hit Judgements

I wonder how we would skin the masked objects, e.g. song selection and hitcircles (with effects in them)
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