
Rita - Beyond the Eternity

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Lol salty, you were the one that started being abusive in your mod reply, I think the correct words you were looking for was "I was salty"
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so ain't we?
Natteke desu
also it's no matter who started something it's only matter who continue tbh.

Ok i have to go, have fun
I was neutral theough out my whole mod, you started being rude and ignorant in your mod reply. Besides Im not a salty person, something that cant be said about you
Natteke desu

EvilElvis wrote:

please chill

How do you (both of you) expect to convince somebody who have completely different point of view from yours that your opinion>their? Both ideas you people try to defend are equivalent in terms of value and best way is finding compromises. Acting like a cry babies won't help, so please quit saying something what can offend a guy you argue with. Saying to mapper that his map have no structure when he obv have some experience is INSULTING, so saying that modder can't understand a shit and force his point of view is INSULTING TOO. So calm down and try to defend your statements without shitting on each other, thanks.
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please chilledit: your posts have been deleted lol so am i
Natteke desu
/moderated on
Seto Kousuke
sometimes i think people forget that a mod should try to improve a map...not point out what point of view is wrong or right~ chill
No drama pls thanks
wel fuc now i cant fc hdhr anymor but i can pass no.w

poor evilevlis though.

Mirash wrote:


pls giv eme sum so i can b a gud Osu! World Cup Championship Torunament whatever blah playr thx
this thread is so toxic i got second head
Natteke desu

Seikatu wrote:

this thread is so toxic i got second head
man thats sad

insert joke about how it helps seikatu here
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am sorry
and im still gay
did delis forget to check my mod there? .-.
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lit120 wrote:

before i have to start a mod...

you said yourself that u'd add a spinner on both intro and ending, but where's the intro? LOL

  1. 02:06:830 (1,2) - usually u would NC on 02:06:980 (2) - as u have done that from 02:05:180 (1) - and 02:03:380 (1) - for example
  2. 02:39:230 (3) - stack on 02:38:330 (2) - ? k
  3. 03:11:480 (1) - i'd move it on 232|372 to make it neat pattern and linear from 03:10:880 (4,5) -
  4. 03:12:080 - u don't want to add a note here, do you?
  1. 01:21:080 (2) - imo this should be fine to have an nc d
  2. 01:53:930 (6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - my first impression about the streams here: "what?". could make the zigzag stream here a bit neater at least, something like for example thats borin g
  3. 03:30:005 (1) - it feels so weird to have a 1/4 slider starting on a blue tick, despite of having a snare beat that emphasize well on a white tick. should have like a triplet there at least though .-. idk maybe change later
  4. 04:02:780 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - could've make a perfect symmetry diamond pattern here at least lol nobody cares

Tarrasky wrote:

sup, m4m

General stuff

  1. You know any link from metadata confirm? I find few links that the artist is "Rita×MintJam", check it
  2. Your BPM is correct but you're not using the corrects time signature, try add this timing points:
    01:12:680 - 4/4
    01:14:780 - 5/4
    01:16:280 - 4/4
    02:35:180 - 4/4
    02:37:280 - 5/4
    02:38:780 - 4/4
    There's other changes in the end but nah, is in the spins, dont need

  1. 01:17:630 (2,3) - Ctrl + g can be more confortable to play with this transiction 01:17:030 (3,1) -
  2. 01:40:730 (2) - I think this slider in x:76 y:300 looks pretty good, doing an X in 01:40:280 (1,2) -
  3. 01:50:780 (6,1,2) - There's any alert in this transiction for the player that can understand this as a different pattern that you did not have mapped before on the map, i recommend you change the 01:50:780 (6,1) - in a slider or avoid the stack, this stack is kinda confuse imo
  4. 01:54:830 - until 01:54:980 - this moment can be mapped in my opinion, if you do that will be consistent with the other sequences, for example 01:58:430 (2) -
  5. 02:05:480 (1) - I dont feel necessary the slider ends in 02:05:705 -, since has a song in 02:05:630 - more intense than in 02:05:705 -
  6. 02:08:930 (4) - 1/4 slider for follow the song?
  7. 02:18:530 (4) - NC?
  8. 02:31:880 (5) - NC
  9. 02:53:180 (9,1) - hmm, i think follow better the song mapping slider + circle, instead of circle + slider in this moment, looks really better for me
  10. 04:27:680 (1,2,3,4) - polygon maybe? since you was using a bit
  11. 04:31:280 (5,7) - This overlap is perceptible in gameplay, try avoid. (just up a bit 04:30:980 (1,2,3,4,5) -
  12. 05:01:655 (1) - this spin can be mapeable imo xd, but is ok i think

  1. 01:54:230 (10,11,12) - Well i'm not a player but this looks really uncomfortable to play, try do something more consistent with 01:53:930 (6,7,8,9,10) - thats ok
  2. 02:18:530 (3,5) - This overlap is perceptible in gameplay and can be confuse, try avoid. fxd
  3. 03:15:380 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - i got the idea but i think is better the NC be (1,2,1,2,1,2), looks more playable (same in 03:18:680 (1,1,1,1) - )
  4. ok this 04:21:080 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - is really better with NC (1,2,3,1,2,3), can be much better than the player to understand this section,mayb
  5. 05:01:730 (1) - same than the insane
map with lot of emphasis, hope this helps

Trynna wrote:

i told u i was addicted to that song
also i am from hue queue but i'm not going to use that banner lo

  1. 00:42:380 (7,8) - some contrast here would be nice, 00:42:080 (6,7,8) - feels just like the same thing i suppose ok
  2. 01:08:180 (3,4) - most times you do 3/4 gaps with a higher spacing or just stack it, maybe keep this system would be great for aes, but up to you made larger in this part
  3. 01:54:230 (10,11,12) - oo this part feels a bit harder than it should be, making the player shake a bit. I don't know if it was intended tho intentional for emphasis
  4. 02:15:380 (3,4,5) - hmm it gives 02:15:680 (5,6,7) - a nice contrast, but keeping these so close feels a bit idk, maybe players will be expecting something jumpy as stated on another parts with the same sound (it's fine to me anyway but i'm not good at the game lol) imo its fine
  5. 02:52:430 (4,5) - things looking swapped here as you were following vocal and it has a continuous sound on 02:52:430 -
  6. 03:11:780 (2) - finish on head mayb things i told u in discord
  7. 03:13:880 (3) - oh i expected here to be empty as 03:10:280 - and 03:12:080 - since the only thing that really changes is the instrumental, but you were also avoiding it
  8. 03:15:980 (1) - o this finish sounds weird, it was intended? same told
  9. 03:18:680 (1,1,1,1) - i wonder if NC spam is necessary, ofc it makes the pattern cute but guitar sound doesn't change, rhythms are the same.. so idk
  10. 03:30:005 (1) - hmm idk, feels a bit unexpected to have the strongest sound as a passive one, was your intention to make this tricky? for the sake of music theory
  11. 03:46:205 - and 03:30:005 - are similar, wouldn't be better to cover this sound then? but different parts of collab i guess, so up to you my slider gone
  12. 04:21:080 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - movement is a bit painful here, maybe ctrl+g on 04:21:480 (1,1) - would create some circular movement that feels better. Just a suggestion anyway, as you said u think it's fine already is ok for this level of diff imo ncd thi
  13. 04:30:530 (1) - could curve it a bit so 04:30:530 (1,2,3) - can be more intuitive, as 04:30:530 (1,2) - turns into something more natural
  1. 03:09:680 (8) - would be nice to indicate sv change with nc on 03:09:380 (4) - or something
  2. 03:11:780 (1) - finish on head cuz guitar is nic
  3. 03:15:980 (1) - finish here still sounds weird
  4. 03:44:630 (2) - dude that slider
  5. 04:31:205 (4,5,7) - aes
  6. 04:56:330 (2,3) - stacking these would make more sense as you did it for most of these patterns

    this diff is cleaner than i tot at first
elbis was a mistake

Mirash wrote:


  • what the fuck i was modding extra and now its desolation :( ecsdee
    00:49:880 (3,1) - i'd swap nc
    01:26:180 (1,3) - looking realy eeeeeeeeeeeeee they can be seen at the same time so it would be cool to unoverlap them or make it more visually appealing for me:) changed
    01:29:630 (1,2,3) - could make something like so it is like 01:30:230 (1,2,3) - xd just that overlap 01:29:780 (2) - seems not the best choice, also stop movement after (3) will be cool imo blamed elbis
    03:23:630 (7) - idk if you want a nc here why net
    03:29:180 (8,1) - swap nc xd wanna leave my poop alone
    03:30:005 (1) - didn't even notice it while playing so it's nice don't change haha too late it's changed already!!
    04:16:880 (3,4,5,6) - ski konchil
    04:21:180 (1,1) - aaaaaaaa swap. movements already are unclear because of ncs people called it meme

  • 00:46:280 (6,7) - it is like a part of the section where you used drum whistles so they are necessary here imo
    00:56:480 (4) - ctrl g
    00:58:430 (5,7) - ctrl g here seems like more fun especially when next circles are jumpy
    03:54:080 (4) - xd got 50 on this inb4 gitgud
Natteke desu
don't forget to add more tags

kd plz
mania because it's lacking of quality I suppose.
Natteke desu
i still have no idea what the fuck is wrong with my current avatar
sorry for forgetting z busy with irl

00:37:280 (9,10) - mm maybe move the positioning of these two? I don't really feel like it makes sense to make a back and forth motion to the same spot where 8 is since like, 9,10 is much more interesting
00:42:980 (1) - burai blanket mayb
01:48:980 - normal sampleset
01:50:780 (6,1,2) - I'm more fine if it were a circle into a triplet since I know older maps do that, but I feel like a circle into a double is much more visually misleading so maybe move the positioning of 1,2?
02:57:230 - Pause here feels a bit awkward, the chorus here itself is pretty intense compared to the last one, the rest of the chorus was not mapped w/ any pauses so it kinda kills a lot of the momentum u had here
03:50:180 (2,3,4,5,6) - this combo is off if you're trying to follow the vocals so ya, rn it kinda follows a little bit of everything so u should try to make it more focused on vocals since it looks like that's what's being focused in the later combos
03:53:480 (3) - pause here is kinda weird since there's vocals and drums/guitars that are still going after the 1/1 slider, it made more sense in the previous pause since the vocals and guitar both made distinct stops (this can be fixed if u do the above thing since the 1/1 slider pause for vocal makes sense)
04:20:780 (1,2) - Don't make this 1/3 since it starts on the next white tick lol (aka 04:21:080 - )

00:33:980 (1,2) - idk about stacking these tbh, before this the stacking was doing on the 1/4s but stacking 1/2 can be a bit misleading, plus it's a bit more awkward considering it's 2017 now compared to like, maybe 2013
00:38:780 (5,6,7,8) - maybe separate 00:38:930 (6,7,8) - since the hitsounding has the whistles on those ones, making them have more emphasis than 5 so it probs shouldn't be grouped with 5
00:43:880 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - you should probably make 00:43:880 (1,2,3,1) - a pattern then have 00:44:480 (2,3) - be distinct since you've made it distinct for those kinds of sounds (aside from using 1/2 sliders from time to time)
00:52:880 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - feels a bit contradictory to the music having large spacing, since 00:52:880 (1,2,3,4) - is fairly bland in the music I feel that the only jump or fairly large spacing visually should be 00:53:480 (1) -
00:54:680 (2,3,4,5,6) - 2 is a fairly large jump tbh, when the intensity of the music is still building up w/ the vocals, maybe have it be a more gradual spacing increase to reflect that?
01:05:780 (4,5) - blanket w
02:05:180 (1) - remove NC? cuz like, you've done something like this but without the nc on the downbeat, but cuz u have a pause after the downbeat it'd make more sense for this to be not nc'd cuz it's kinda just there and never happens again lol
02:31:580 (4,5) - kinda the same thing with stacking for 1/2s, it makes sense in it's own way but looking at them makes me really uncomfortable
02:58:880 (1,2,3,4,5) - tbh it's pretty anticlimactic for the stream in basically the most intense chorus to be stacked lol
03:03:230 (2,1,1) - from a gameplay perspective this is a bit unfair, the slow slider is a bit unexpected, along with the fact that the sv gets pretty fast for the next object, u probs should increase the sv for 03:03:680 (1) - a little bit to be a little nicer to players
03:20:180 (5,6) - if you made the rhythm into like this it would be nice since a lot of the guitar is on slider ends rn and players get pretty awkward feedback since the guitar is the instrument that stands out the most here, the rhythm follows it, yet you aren't actually clicking it
03:23:480 (6,1,2,3,1) - kinda feels like it should be 03:23:780 - NC'd remove NC on 03:23:630 (1) - and 03:24:080 (1) - cuz that's how it would be more divided for the guitar
03:57:530 (5,6) - it triggers me that 6 isn't parallel after you went through the trouble of making 3 parallel
04:02:780 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - tbh this is really harsh for gameplay since these are like the biggest geometrical jumps in the map, maybe like, just lower the overall spacing a bit lol
04:19:430 (1,2,3,4) - I kinda feel like this is easy to misread when 2 is out like that, maybe stack 2,3 since that gives more indication that 1,2,3 isn't just a triplet cuz of the way it's spaced
04:21:480 (2,3) - ctrl + g these will make it flow a lot nicer off the momentum of 04:21:280 (3) -
04:39:980 (1,1,1) - I don't really get what the other the other two 1s are following since there's just 1/4 under them
04:48:680 (4,5,6) - probably should increase spacing between 4 and 5,6 since 04:49:280 (1,2,3) - does a better job imo of making it not look like it's a triplet, maybe place it to the top left of 4 so it's similar in concept as 04:49:280 (1,2,3) -
05:01:580 (4) - NC would be nice to give a boost in hp for those who are hr'ing plus to distinguish the 1/1 gap
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I thought I've saved the reply in the draft but it didn't work? I'm dead

01:50:780 (6,1,2) - I found this plays fun since 2014 and NC here is only the one I put on a circle which is stacked
02:57:230 - the concept of mapping here is flow and stop that I feel more comfortable this as is, 02:45:380 - I made another pause here so might be more clear to understand the concept?

00:38:780 (5,6,7,8) - I think this currently works fine because the movement kinda represents the hitsounds nicely
04:02:780 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - nerfed a bit but I'd rather keep the feeling how hard this is, as the back and forth-ish flow 03:59:780 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - makes people reading the jump easier even though the sliders are 1/2, shouldn't really be a problem imo

I'm tilted because of the reason so if any of these didn't explain well hit me up lol

I guess offsets need to be +3-5 or 100 so well once elvis checked mod I'll have an adjustment also fuck hp drain this is strange
Natteke desu
so what wasn't fixed:
03:03:230 (2,1,1) - i believe it represent vocals good enough to be readable, also it nced what means that there is a sv change, so i find it ok

also idk i tried to play with 00:54:680 (2,3,4,5,6) - a bit, because while i can agree i don't really want to ruin the pattern so yeah
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as long as the song was from a doujin cd I can use rita as the artist instead? and I would rather go consistent with my other maps :/
i didn't metion 03:59:780 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - tho w it's fine anyways

others to point out is that on gameplay I kinda noticed 03:32:787 (1,2,1,2,3,4,5) - is about the hardest pattern in the solo section, it's intense but not remarkably so so maybe nerf this a bit
01:05:787 (4,5) - forgot to point this out lol tbh just ctrl + g-ing so 5 isn't under the tail would work just as fine, but the earlier time I pointed it out u fixed it another way so its ur choice, both are good enough since both ways are used
02:31:587 (4,5) - also for this too but idk if I put it in my last mod

as for metadata i know artist is usually vocalist but can u ask kwan for confirmation lol

i should be resting tbh
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03:59:780 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - I just meant this making the rhombus easier in reading wise

changed things for both of my parts the first might be unnoticeable but I did lol
02:31:587 (4,5) - elbis part

also confirmed metadata so I strongly wanna keep the artist as is because there's also another version that rita and mintjam sing the song together
Natteke desu
ye i agree dels plkz fix
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Natteke desu
he fixed a few things in irc
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arigathanks gozaimuch
Lama Poluna
metadata is wrong
00:32:018 (2) - if anything, it shouldn't have that extra reverse lol
00:46:399 (1) - end position moved
02:08:937 (2) - this one's good tho

get rebub and i'll qualify!!!
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thank but I'll have to wait for damnae to finish the SB lol (this happened after it got bubbled lol)

02:08:937 - guess I forgot to set sampleset to normal here just noting

According to this poster from official site shouldn't metadata be "Rita x MintJam - Beyond the Eternity"?

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(ignore the first line kwan said it's just because i misunderstood something)
Lama Poluna
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Please don't be that guy lol

There's no point that you needed to take your time for finding those since I could find all of them myself, and the reason is in my post above. and I'll never change my mind here because you're just too exactingly caring of the accuracy of metadata, I definitely think there always can be exceptions that you won't have to copy the official things when the reasons against it can make sense enough, and my reasons actually made sense.

Thanks for your concerns though ^^ I had no idea what was wrong with your post with "metadata is wrong" message there xD.
Lama Poluna
Kwan already explained to me why it is correct. I just wanted to send these pictures xd
so wheres that sb
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unfortunately damnae doesn't like his sb anymore and it's unfinished so it will be on the description (later)

additionally i had a few changes on both diffs but that wouldn't be huge, and cant collect what i changed because had minor changes over months lel

i revived wrong map wtf the title is so similar lolol
[630897 Rita - Beyond the Eternity]

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i should raise hp because spinner is ezpz now tbh
he raised hp but it looks the same as it did more than half a year ago
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Thx pshi n batl
Natteke desu
thank mom
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Natteke desu
ur not my mom
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