
Easy 5-Star maps

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-Makishima S-

pandaBee wrote:

Where do people like op come from?

Andnwhy are there many?
Cookie streaming, making every newfag "want to be pro and play 9* right now" so they come to this forum like OP now and search for magical ways of clicking circles.

We are doomed, officialy.

OP: Go destroy your gameplay ability by playing too hard stuff, start facerolling keyboard to not be able to play completly but please, pretty please, don't come here anymore and cry becouse "i cannot play for shit".

Also: Your top ranks are shit, garbage, trash... i cannot even look at this bullshit what you have there.
I thought that even the easiest 5-star map still has a degree of difficulty that makes it impossible to play for someone who already has massive trouble with playing 4-star maps(like getting Bs already sounds like trouble and it looks more like he's getting B and C instead of A and B).

[Taiga] wrote:

Cookie streaming, making every newfag "want to be pro and play 9* right now" so they come to this forum like OP now and search for magical ways of clicking circles.

We are doomed, officialy.

OP: Go destroy your gameplay ability by playing too hard stuff, start facerolling keyboard to not be able to play completly but please, pretty please, don't come here anymore and cry becouse "i cannot play for shit".

Also: Your top ranks are shit, garbage, trash... i cannot even look at this bullshit what you have there.
I'd rather have people like OP asking for help instead of failures like you being the worst condescending prick possible for no fucking reason.
GoldenWolf brings the pain
-Makishima S-
I'd rather have people like OP asking for help instead of failures like you being the worst condescending prick possible for no fucking reason.
Looks like i am only one who don't see any reason of "playing" (i bet now you call it like this right) way too hard stuff at ceratin point.
I already gave this topic a chance but when this guy just said he wants to play this maps anyway without reading people advices... well, nothing to say more.
I will take note on your criticism, sadly not too constructive but always, thanks.

GoldenWolf brings the pain
In this case, he is right and i take this with full responsibility.

--------------------------- Edit ---------------------------

Ok, to not be like Wolfie called me, let me at least try, another time.


1) Your top ranks hurts, a lot, you have waaaay too many garbage scores at your rank. - You should focus right now on playing and full combo maps what are easy for you. Reason for this - you need to learn how STD works, how patterns work and especialy, how to properly and accurate hit circles. This takes time, takes effort but later on, pay with way better gameplay ability.

2) 4 star / 5 star are not your level, forget about them right now.
Use this link: ... 0&la=0&ra=
Check star count recommended for you (number near "Difficulty" on bar right above song list) and play this.
As soon as you will full combo stuff with very high acc 97/98%+ your recommended rank will rise and for sure, you will be able to handle harder maps.

3) Challenge yourself doesn't mean destroy your ability to playing game. By playing stuff what is too hard, you will literaly destroy your ability to play maps properly later on. Mashing buttons is worst possible bad behavior and it takes A LOT of time to unlearn and regain ability of proper gameplay. Don't do this.

Journey into 4-5* is slow and sometimes boring but it is worth all effort, as i said - it will pay later on.

Cheers, wish you make some research about sticky topics in GnR and understand what i mean.
Topic Starter

[Taiga] wrote:

pandaBee wrote:

Where do people like op come from?

Andnwhy are there many?
Cookie streaming, making every newfag "want to be pro and play 9* right now" so they come to this forum like OP now and search for magical ways of clicking circles.

We are doomed, officialy.

OP: Go destroy your gameplay ability by playing too hard stuff, start facerolling keyboard to not be able to play completly but please, pretty please, don't come here anymore and cry becouse "i cannot play for shit".

Also: Your top ranks are shit, garbage, trash... i cannot even look at this bullshit what you have there.
You sir, - ever heared of "constructive cristism"?
Yes, maybe my topranks are shit, but you know what: You've been on the same level once than I am currently.
So a simple "keep playing easier maps for now" would have been enough.
So instead of flaming my current skills please gtfo and don't waste database space with your useless comments.
Thanks ._.

[Taiga] wrote:

Looks like i am only one who don't see any reason of "playing" (i bet now you call it like this right) way too hard stuff at ceratin point.

No, you are right, but still, I think OP didn't even read your post because of your attitude, even though you probably wanted to help him.

However, if you are nice , help will be greatly appreciated.

Well he clearly did.

shi no ryu wrote:

So instead of flaming my current skills please gtfo and don't waste database space with your useless comments.

Probably would have just said "thank you!" otherwise.

[Taiga] wrote:

I already gave this topic a chance but when this guy just said he wants to play this maps anyway without reading people advices... well, nothing to say more.

shi no ryu wrote:

:lol: Alright, thanks for all the kind hints guys ^^
Then I will try to improve my skills on 4-star maps first.
? He did read and took into account people's advice on playing 4 stars maps properly first before moving on harder stuff.

[Taiga] wrote:

I will take note on your criticism, sadly not too constructive but always, thanks.
"You reap what you sow" kind of. It's pretty hard to be constructive with that condescending attitude of yours. Try being kind/gentle or neutral at worst first, maybe then people will listen to you.
-Makishima S-
Post up, updated. Sorry for bad attitude, happens to everyone from time to time.
Thanks Wolfie for your note also.

Appologize, noticed OP about this update.
Being kind and gentle is kind of shit
I Give Up
5 star maps are still hard to fc even for me. #aimgod

xxjesus1412fanx wrote:

Momiji wrote:

i hope khel won't see me round up at 4.95
also what bauxe said.
that map is really fucking hard is way easier
thanks for being the first person to actually answer the question
We're all still here and that scares me. +1
play something in your skill level
cold green blue eyes
pls no necro
worst fl player
Shut it then and it won't be necro'd

twirl wrote:

play something in your skill level
Actually, he should be playing maps just outside his skill level, to maximise the rate at which his skill increases. I'd write a paragraph why but I can't be bothered lol
I got my 5* achievement on this map

Ferty2 wrote:

Deva wrote:

Also 5* at 200K really?

Even I wasnt doing that.
I passed a 7* at 200k which is like a min ago. Although it was shit and full of misses I don't give 2 fucks. hahahahaha
You have to consider that 3 years ago you would have been like 60k with your pp so it doesn't compare.

Also please refrain from necroposting, this thread is 3 years old and OP has moved on for a long time.
worst fl player
God love seeing this shit again.

Ferty2 wrote:

Deva wrote:

Also 5* at 200K really?

Even I wasnt doing that.
I passed a 7* at 200k which is like a min ago. Although it was shit and full of misses I don't give 2 fucks. hahahahaha
Me from 3 years ago ewwwwwwwwww
scarlet rose
Scarlet Rose isn't that hard. It's a meme but not a hard meme
Tamako Lumisade
If you master alternating, it's simplier.

Husky wrote:

If you master alternating, it's simplier.
It's easier for me to singletap than alternate that one. Alternate = break every bouncer rip fingercontrol
Same for Dance Number

Deva wrote:

Also 5* at 200K really?

Even I wasnt doing that.

I passed my first 5* map when I was still 210K rank
worst fl player

LanExtremophile wrote:

Deva wrote:

Also 5* at 200K really?

Even I wasnt doing that.

I passed my first 5* map when I was still 210K rank

LanExtremophile wrote:

Deva wrote:

Also 5* at 200K really?

Even I wasnt doing that.

I passed my first 5* map when I was still 210K rank
noone cares
can we let this thread die in peace
am here shovelin'
Why even worry about "easy" or not, all 5* are gonna be hard to you. Unless you want to become a disciple of Sotarks-sama, just work your way up the 4* food chain until you have the skill to reliably and consistently pass 5*.

kai99 wrote:

can we let this thread die in peace


Deva wrote:

Also 5* at 200K really?

Even I wasnt doing that.
5* at 200k isnt that suprising
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