
ZUN - Tsukidokei ~ Luna Dial [OsuMania]

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Topic Starter

FelixSpade wrote:

oi moss :V mods request lu :v
Column set : 0|1|2|3

gaada problema keknya. oke dah ;)

00:47:340 (47340|2,47546|3) - gaada stream 1/4 kek ini? 00:40:765 (40765|1,40868|2,40970|3) - konsisten bruh
pas sebelum kiai, 1/4 streamnya munculin dong biar konsisten

00:19:669 (19669|0,19669|3) - keknya 1 note aja deh buat apa?
00:30:080 (30080|1) - mending ke col 2, kek kliatan ngejack 00:29:669 (29669|1,29875|1,30080|1) - pindah
00:33:368 (33368|1,33573|1,33779|1) - ini juga pindah, mending 00:33:779 (33779|1,33881|2,33984|3) - pindah 1 col ke kiri pindah
00:53:916 - ini mending gini, saran sih same
00:57:203 (57203|2,57409|2,57614|2,57820|2) - anchor yg disengaja?
01:07:477 (67477|1,67683|1,67888|1,68094|1) - ^
01:09:532 (69532|2,69738|2,69943|2,70149|2) - ^
01:15:491 (75491|3,75696|3,75902|3,76107|3) - ^

00:05:833 (5833|0,6039|0,6244|0,6450|0,6655|0,6861|0,7066|0,7272|0,7477|0) - anchor :( lmao
00:07:477 (7477|3,7683|3,7888|3,8094|3,8299|3) - ^
00:12:203 (12203|3,12409|3,12614|3,12820|3,13025|3,13231|3,13436|3) - ^
00:30:491 (30491|2,30696|2,30902|2,31107|2,31313|2,31518|2,31724|2,31929|2,32135|2,32340|2) - ^
00:34:190 (34190|2,34395|2,34601|2,34806|2,35012|2,35217|2) - ^
00:35:833 (35833|0,36039|0,36244|0,36450|0,36655|0,36861|0,37066|0,37272|0,37477|0) - ^
ini pada disengaja semua tha anchornya? :/ ya asw

00:09:275 (9275|2) - keknya ini ghost deh, dah gw bandingin sama map originalnya Mage
00:19:669 (19669|1,19669|3,19772|2,19772|0) - ini ngikut mana btw? klo drum hrsnya ini dah single

gud lak buat rank ;)

tailsdk wrote:

00:08:094 (8094|1) - move or add a note at 00:07:991 - same
00:22:991 - add note here maybe maybe
01:07:580 (67580|0) - remove this note same
not really much else to say about this pretty clean Thank You :D
00:05:628 (5628|3,5731|2,5833|3,5936|2,6039|3,6142|2,6244|3) - maybe this thrill is a little long move
change these 00:11:792 (11792|2,11792|3,11895|0,11998|2,11998|1,12101|0) - to this pattern from 00:12:203 (12203|3,12203|2,12306|1,12409|0,12409|2,12409|3,12512|1,12614|3,12614|2,12614|0) - change
make this a double 00:22:991 - oK
maybe add a note here for the background drum 00:32:186 - wat ??
i dont really know how i feel about this jack 00:44:155 (44155|3,44258|3) - move
00:46:210 - add a note here OK
again this one 00:50:731 (50731|3,50833|3) - atleast mirror it so its not at the same spot(not going to point it out on the rest) move
remove this one 00:54:429 (54429|2,54429|1) - oK
also this one 00:55:868 (55868|2) - ^
00:59:361 (59361|1) - ^ ^
01:01:005 (61005|2) - ^ ^
why is not a double as everywhere else 01:05:833 - fix
missing a note here 01:06:347 - add
01:07:580 (67580|0) - remove this one
make this a double 01:10:868 - oK
01:12:922 - add note here ^
01:14:155 (74155|2) - remove this ^
01:14:566 - add note here ^
00:12:614 (12614|3,12820|1,13025|3,13231|2) - make this doubles like 00:09:121 - I think it cant, because the hard diff also has the same thing
01:18:368 (78368|1,78573|1,78779|2,78984|2) - maybe try not to use any kind of jacks on normal oK
thats all K

Pretty good map gl Thank You ;)
Thanks Mod ;)

00:09:532 (9532|0,9738|0,9943|0,10149|0,10354|0) - Anchor

00:10:765 (10765|0,10970|0,11176|0,11381|0,11587|0,11792|0,11998|0) - ^

01:13:025 (73025|0,73231|0,73436|0,73642|0,73847|0,74053|0,74258|0,74464|0,74669|0) - Good christ what is this anchor

00:17:717 (17717|1,17820|2,17922|3,18025|1,18128|0,18162|3,18231|2) - Snap these

00:19:361 (19361|0,19361|2,19464|3,19464|1,19566|2,19566|0,19669|1,19772|2,19875|1) - ^

Go through the map and snap these notes. It doesn't go with the music at all.

00:23:916 (23916|0) - Ghost note

00:27:101 (27101|2) - ^

00:28:539 (28539|2) - ^

Okay, this map has too many problems for me to point out. There's a lot of ghost noting and a lot of the charting doesn't follow the music at all. In general, this is overmapped and unrankable until these problems are fixed, especially the ghost notes and anchors. The hitsounding however is generally very good.

All I can say is good luck.
[ A v a l o n ]

  • [Easy]
  1. 00:01:313 (1313|3,1518|1,1724|2,1929|3) - pattern ini kayaknya cukup membingungkan deh untuk diff easy, soalnya kamu mencoba ngikutin drum yg seharusnya snapnya nggk seperti itu, saya saranin kamu coba deh ngikuti backsound guitar aja contohnya
  2. 00:02:340 (2340|2) - dan 00:05:628 (5628|2) - ini lebih pas klo single note aja, agak aneh klo dipaksain pakai LN sementara suara drum rollnya harusnya sampai sini 00:02:751 -
  3. 00:04:292 - sama sarannya seperti mod di bagian pertama
  4. 00:10:149 (10149|0) - kenapa nggk dipindahin ke kolom 3 aja supaya lebih bagus keliatannya ?
  5. 00:12:820 (12820|2,13025|3,13231|2,13436|0) - mending dikasih half jack seperti ini soalnya klo urusan ritme nya udah beda sama pola-pola sebelumnya
  6. 00:18:779 (18779|2) - pindahin aja ke kolom 2, coba di mirror sama part ini 00:13:847 -
  7. 00:20:628 (20628|2,20833|0) - dan seterusnya, saran saya disamain aja dalam satu kolom untuk mengekspresikan suara kick yang identik/sama
  8. 00:38:094 - mulai sini, hmm kayaknya bakalan lebih pas pke LN aja deh, lebih cocok soalnya klo urusan uara drum roll yang panjang dikasih pke LN aja di diff pemula
  9. 01:10:149 (70149|1,70559|2) - taruh dikolom yang sama aja, soalnya sebelumnya juga begitu 01:07:683 (67683|3,68094|3,68505|2,68916|2) -
  10. 00:52:888 - saran aja, mulai dari timing sana lebih baik klo 2 note difokuskan ke drum aja (clap) supaya nggak membingungkan rhythm nya

  11. Kalo kamu dari awal udah ngikutin suara kick nya, seharusnya disini ada juga dong 00:01:416 -
  12. 00:02:340 - agak aneh gimana ya, hmmmm coba ini deh karena seharusnya disini 00:03:573 - udah gak double lg notenya
  13. 00:06:039 - coba tes dulu kek begini variasi dikit lah
  14. 00:12:614 - dan 00:13:436 - seharusnya double kan ? karena sebelumnya pada interval yang sama udah pada double note juga 00:10:970 (10970|1,10970|2,11792|0,11792|2) -
  15. 00:20:628 (20628|0,20833|3) - dan seterusnya, sama seperti diff easy, coba deh jadikan satu kolom aja untuk suara kick yang identik/sama tersebut biar feel nya lebih berasa pas dimainin
  16. 00:30:902 (30902|1,31005|2,31107|0,31313|3,31416|1,31518|0) - konsistensi untuk pattern 1/4 kek begini sangat kurang pada part-part selanjutnya, cek lagi mulai dari sini 00:32:751 -
  17. 00:37:272 (37272|3,37272|0,37477|2,37683|1) - usahakan bikin berbeda sama pattern yang diatasnya ya, soalnya "feel" dari musiknya baru berubah mulai dari sini 00:37:888 -
  18. 00:41:381 (41381|2,41381|1) - aku kurang ngerti kenapa ini dijadikan 2 note, padahal sama-sama hanya punya suara kick seperti di part lainnya, kusarankan penggunaan 2 note (double) cukup difokuskan sama hentakan drum saja (clap) seperti di timing ini 00:40:149 - 00:40:970 - 00:41:792 - dan seterusnya
  19. 00:44:155 (44155|1) - hapus aja deh kayaknya, supaya nggak tercampur sama part ini 00:44:258 (44258|3,44361|2,44464|1,44566|0,44669|1) - soalnya itu 1/4 notenya kan kamu fokusnya sama synth, bukan kepada kick sound
  20. 00:52:580 - ketinggalan note disini ? untuk pianonya
  21. 00:52:888 - saran aja sih, kembali fokuskan penggunaan double note untuk drum saja lah . . . contohnya
  22. 01:06:039 - come on, sangat tidak disarankan untuk memakai 3 note sekaligus di interval yang singkat, sementara problemnya satu lagi 01:10:559 - suara drum yang jelas-jelas kenceng aja dikasih satu note doang
  23. sepertinya kamu harus coba memahami sedikit tentang basic mapping lagi ya, jumlah note itu kebanyakan berdasarkan tingkat kekerasan suara pada tiap-tiap instrumennya

  24. 00:05:628 (5628|0,5731|1) - geser 1 kolom ke kanan deh, biar pattern flowsnya lebih enakan dikit
  25. 00:06:655 (6655|3,6861|3,7066|3) - ini kenapa sampai 3 kali ya di kolom yang sama ? coba re-arrange lagi 00:06:861 (6861|3,7066|1) - ke kolom 3 keduanya
  26. 00:10:149 - saran saya sih di map aja deh 1/4 pianonya seperti ini soalnya gap dari diff Hard ke Lunatic terlalu jauh
  27. 00:14:464 (14464|0,14566|3) - ini kok streamnya disconnected ya ? coba deh jadikan satu alur aja seperti ini
  28. 00:16:107 - coba ini dan seterusnya, usahakan jangan disconnected terlalu jauh ya streamnya
  29. 00:19:292 - kalo lebih diperhatikan lagi, suara drumnya mulai dari timing ini . . . harusnya kamu ngemap mulai dari sana
  30. 00:20:628 - sampai saya bosan ngingetin, coba deh klo patternnya seperti contoh ini bakalan lebih berasa feelnya sumpah, klo kamu setuju bisa dilanjutin pada part berikutnya
  31. 00:24:840 (24840|1) - bisa dibikin half jack dengan dipindah ke kolom 1, untuk penekanan suara drum nya
  32. 00:40:251 (40251|2) - ini untuk instrumen apa yah ?
  33. 00:44:464 (44464|3,44464|2) - 00:51:039 (51039|0) - kenapa dijadikan double ? sementara untuk suara sejenis di part lainnya kamu masih menggunakan satu note aja kok
  34. 00:49:601 (49601|3,49806|3) - kenapa dikasih half jack ? klo alasan kamu untuk penekanan pianonya, maka bagaian ini perlu dikasih jack juga 00:50:012 (50012|2,50217|1) -
  35. 01:07:272 - ketinggalan note nya
Good luck ya :D
Topic Starter

Insp1r3 wrote:

00:09:532 (9532|0,9738|0,9943|0,10149|0,10354|0) - Anchor

00:10:765 (10765|0,10970|0,11176|0,11381|0,11587|0,11792|0,11998|0) - ^

01:13:025 (73025|0,73231|0,73436|0,73642|0,73847|0,74053|0,74258|0,74464|0,74669|0) - Good christ what is this anchor

00:17:717 (17717|1,17820|2,17922|3,18025|1,18128|0,18162|3,18231|2) - Snap these

00:19:361 (19361|0,19361|2,19464|3,19464|1,19566|2,19566|0,19669|1,19772|2,19875|1) - ^

Go through the map and snap these notes. It doesn't go with the music at all.

00:23:916 (23916|0) - Ghost note

00:27:101 (27101|2) - ^

00:28:539 (28539|2) - ^

Okay, this map has too many problems for me to point out. There's a lot of ghost noting and a lot of the charting doesn't follow the music at all. In general, this is overmapped and unrankable until these problems are fixed, especially the ghost notes and anchors. The hitsounding however is generally very good.

All I can say is good luck.
haha, thanks for mod :D

[ A v a l o n ] wrote:


  • [Easy]
  1. 00:01:313 (1313|3,1518|1,1724|2,1929|3) - pattern ini kayaknya cukup membingungkan deh untuk diff easy, soalnya kamu mencoba ngikutin drum yg seharusnya snapnya nggk seperti itu, saya saranin kamu coba deh ngikuti backsound guitar aja contohnya
  2. 00:02:340 (2340|2) - dan 00:05:628 (5628|2) - ini lebih pas klo single note aja, agak aneh klo dipaksain pakai LN sementara suara drum rollnya harusnya sampai sini 00:02:751 -
  3. 00:04:292 - sama sarannya seperti mod di bagian pertama
  4. 00:10:149 (10149|0) - kenapa nggk dipindahin ke kolom 3 aja supaya lebih bagus keliatannya ?
  5. 00:12:820 (12820|2,13025|3,13231|2,13436|0) - mending dikasih half jack seperti ini soalnya klo urusan ritme nya udah beda sama pola-pola sebelumnya
  6. 00:18:779 (18779|2) - pindahin aja ke kolom 2, coba di mirror sama part ini 00:13:847 -
  7. 00:20:628 (20628|2,20833|0) - dan seterusnya, saran saya disamain aja dalam satu kolom untuk mengekspresikan suara kick yang identik/sama
  8. 00:38:094 - mulai sini, hmm kayaknya bakalan lebih pas pke LN aja deh, lebih cocok soalnya klo urusan uara drum roll yang panjang dikasih pke LN aja di diff pemula
  9. 01:10:149 (70149|1,70559|2) - taruh dikolom yang sama aja, soalnya sebelumnya juga begitu 01:07:683 (67683|3,68094|3,68505|2,68916|2) -
  10. 00:52:888 - saran aja, mulai dari timing sana lebih baik klo 2 note difokuskan ke drum aja (clap) supaya nggak membingungkan rhythm nya

  11. Kalo kamu dari awal udah ngikutin suara kick nya, seharusnya disini ada juga dong 00:01:416 -
  12. 00:02:340 - agak aneh gimana ya, hmmmm coba ini deh karena seharusnya disini 00:03:573 - udah gak double lg notenya
  13. 00:06:039 - coba tes dulu kek begini variasi dikit lah
  14. 00:12:614 - dan 00:13:436 - seharusnya double kan ? karena sebelumnya pada interval yang sama udah pada double note juga 00:10:970 (10970|1,10970|2,11792|0,11792|2) -
  15. 00:20:628 (20628|0,20833|3) - dan seterusnya, sama seperti diff easy, coba deh jadikan satu kolom aja untuk suara kick yang identik/sama tersebut biar feel nya lebih berasa pas dimainin
  16. 00:30:902 (30902|1,31005|2,31107|0,31313|3,31416|1,31518|0) - konsistensi untuk pattern 1/4 kek begini sangat kurang pada part-part selanjutnya, cek lagi mulai dari sini 00:32:751 -
  17. 00:37:272 (37272|3,37272|0,37477|2,37683|1) - usahakan bikin berbeda sama pattern yang diatasnya ya, soalnya "feel" dari musiknya baru berubah mulai dari sini 00:37:888 -
  18. 00:41:381 (41381|2,41381|1) - aku kurang ngerti kenapa ini dijadikan 2 note, padahal sama-sama hanya punya suara kick seperti di part lainnya, kusarankan penggunaan 2 note (double) cukup difokuskan sama hentakan drum saja (clap) seperti di timing ini 00:40:149 - 00:40:970 - 00:41:792 - dan seterusnya
  19. 00:44:155 (44155|1) - hapus aja deh kayaknya, supaya nggak tercampur sama part ini 00:44:258 (44258|3,44361|2,44464|1,44566|0,44669|1) - soalnya itu 1/4 notenya kan kamu fokusnya sama synth, bukan kepada kick sound
  20. 00:52:580 - ketinggalan note disini ? untuk pianonya
  21. 00:52:888 - saran aja sih, kembali fokuskan penggunaan double note untuk drum saja lah . . . contohnya
  22. 01:06:039 - come on, sangat tidak disarankan untuk memakai 3 note sekaligus di interval yang singkat, sementara problemnya satu lagi 01:10:559 - suara drum yang jelas-jelas kenceng aja dikasih satu note doang
  23. sepertinya kamu harus coba memahami sedikit tentang basic mapping lagi ya, jumlah note itu kebanyakan berdasarkan tingkat kekerasan suara pada tiap-tiap instrumennya

  24. 00:05:628 (5628|0,5731|1) - geser 1 kolom ke kanan deh, biar pattern flowsnya lebih enakan dikit
  25. 00:06:655 (6655|3,6861|3,7066|3) - ini kenapa sampai 3 kali ya di kolom yang sama ? coba re-arrange lagi 00:06:861 (6861|3,7066|1) - ke kolom 3 keduanya
  26. 00:10:149 - saran saya sih di map aja deh 1/4 pianonya seperti ini soalnya gap dari diff Hard ke Lunatic terlalu jauh
  27. 00:14:464 (14464|0,14566|3) - ini kok streamnya disconnected ya ? coba deh jadikan satu alur aja seperti ini
  28. 00:16:107 - coba ini dan seterusnya, usahakan jangan disconnected terlalu jauh ya streamnya
  29. 00:19:292 - kalo lebih diperhatikan lagi, suara drumnya mulai dari timing ini . . . harusnya kamu ngemap mulai dari sana
  30. 00:20:628 - sampai saya bosan ngingetin, coba deh klo patternnya seperti contoh ini bakalan lebih berasa feelnya sumpah, klo kamu setuju bisa dilanjutin pada part berikutnya
  31. 00:24:840 (24840|1) - bisa dibikin half jack dengan dipindah ke kolom 1, untuk penekanan suara drum nya
  32. 00:40:251 (40251|2) - ini untuk instrumen apa yah ?
  33. 00:44:464 (44464|3,44464|2) - 00:51:039 (51039|0) - kenapa dijadikan double ? sementara untuk suara sejenis di part lainnya kamu masih menggunakan satu note aja kok
  34. 00:49:601 (49601|3,49806|3) - kenapa dikasih half jack ? klo alasan kamu untuk penekanan pianonya, maka bagaian ini perlu dikasih jack juga 00:50:012 (50012|2,50217|1) -
  35. 01:07:272 - ketinggalan note nya
Good luck ya :D
Hahahah thanks bang .. gabut ;v
[ A v a l o n ]
Itu mod diapply semua ?
Hmmm next time tolong di reply atau kasih keterangan gitu
Topic Starter

[ A v a l o n ] wrote:

Itu mod diapply semua ?
Hmmm next time tolong di reply atau kasih keterangan gitu
duh bener juga , tapi semua di apply, cuma malas nulis satu satu ._.
karna lagi bosan, jadi pengen mod saja


00:44:258 - 3 notes, konsistensi

00:44:361 - ini kenapa 2? ga ada loud kick

00:02:546 - 00:02:751 - 00:02:957 - 00:03:162 - 00:03:368 - yang kek gini sebenernya bisa jadi 3 notes,
lebih konsisten dengan part lainnya dan terlebih ini diff lunatic

00:05:731 - dan seterusnya juga sama kek atas

00:09:738 - 3 notes, nanggung klo 2 sendiri padahal suara sama

00:10:046 (10046|2) - ghost note

00:10:457 (10457|1) - ^

00:19:292 - ini harusnya 2 notes, loud snare

00:21:861 - 2 notes, cek konsistensi dengan di bawahnya

00:26:176 (26176|0) - pindah col 2, cek 00:25:970 (25970|0,26176|0,26381|0,26587|0) - berat kiri

00:36:655 (36655|0,36861|0,37066|0,37272|0,37477|0) - rearrange, stack 5 notes jadi masalah
karna di sana juga ada triple

00:47:135 (47135|0,47340|0,47546|0,47751|0,47957|0) - super imbalance,
kanan kosong melompong dan suara juga ga mendukung buat stacks

00:49:395 (49395|3) - pindah ke col 3, liat kanan imbalance kek sebelumnya

00:54:224 - delete 1 note, no loud sound

00:59:155 - ^

01:00:799 - ^

dah ah segini aja, nanti re-check lagi karna masih banyak kesalahan yg sama dengan di atas terutama anchor males nyebutin satu satu

Topic Starter
Hijau = apply
Merah = no apply
Kuning = Belum yakin, atau cuma perbaikan sedikit

chouyaa wrote:

karna lagi bosan, jadi pengen mod saja


00:44:258 - 3 notes, konsistensi um kalau ini sih cuma mau pertahankan trill nya

00:44:361 - ini kenapa 2? ga ada loud kick pertahankan dulu deh

00:02:546 - 00:02:751 - 00:02:957 - 00:03:162 - 00:03:368 - yang kek gini sebenernya bisa jadi 3 notes,
lebih konsisten dengan part lainnya dan terlebih ini diff lunatic boleh

00:05:731 - dan seterusnya juga sama kek atas ok

00:09:738 - 3 notes, nanggung klo 2 sendiri padahal suara sama ok

00:10:046 (10046|2) - ghost note ga kok

00:10:457 (10457|1) - ^ ^

00:19:292 - ini harusnya 2 notes, loud snare ok

00:21:861 - 2 notes, cek konsistensi dengan di bawahnya ok

00:26:176 (26176|0) - pindah col 2, cek 00:25:970 (25970|0,26176|0,26381|0,26587|0) - berat kiri ok, hehe

00:36:655 (36655|0,36861|0,37066|0,37272|0,37477|0) - rearrange, stack 5 notes jadi masalah
karna di sana juga ada triple ok dah

00:47:135 (47135|0,47340|0,47546|0,47751|0,47957|0) - super imbalance,
kanan kosong melompong dan suara juga ga mendukung buat stacks ok

00:49:395 (49395|3) - pindah ke col 3, liat kanan imbalance kek sebelumnya hm, perbaikan di anchor itu T_T ok udah

00:54:224 - delete 1 note, no loud sound saya pikir ga

00:59:155 - ^ ^

01:00:799 - ^ ^

dah ah segini aja, nanti re-check lagi karna masih banyak kesalahan yg sama dengan di atas terutama anchor males nyebutin satu satu


The Anchor Does Not Exist Thank You Ganteng
hadhe mod gw nggak dianggep

17:53 Ridho 2307: woy
17:54 Ridho 2307: irc nya lanjut apa kagak?
17:54 FAMoss: post aja dah
17:54 FAMoss: itu dah update
17:54 Ridho 2307: ==
17:54 FAMoss: mager
17:54 FAMoss: banyak salah
17:54 FAMoss: mending gua delete aja lunatic
17:55 Ridho 2307: la gimana sih
17:55 Ridho 2307: lu nya yang males
17:56 FAMoss: w lagi nugas cok :'''V besok sama syadow- irc + lu, siap siap :>
17:56 Ridho 2307: ha\
17:56 FAMoss: ok bentar ya , selesain ini doelow
18:03 FAMoss: kuy
18:04 Ridho 2307: tunggu
18:04 *Ridho 2307 is editing [ Team Grimoire - MOTHER FUCXXXXXer [4k SuccuBus AttacK]]
18:04 FAMoss: eh ok
18:12 Ridho 2307: kuy lah\
18:12 FAMoss: kjks
18:12 FAMoss: kuy
18:12 Ridho 2307: diff nya yang terakhir paan?
18:12 FAMoss: lunatic
18:13 Ridho 2307: maksudnya yang w mod
18:13 FAMoss: hooh
18:13 FAMoss: itu aja
18:14 Ridho 2307: sr yang lunatic diup ke pas 4 bisa tuh
18:14 Ridho 2307: :v
18:14 FAMoss: oi
18:14 FAMoss: dah cukup :V
18:15 Ridho 2307: 00:01:005 (1005|0) - yang ini di hapus aja terus taroh 00:00:799 (799|3,799|2) - di 00:01:005 -
18:15 Ridho 2307: maksudnya yang di taroh buat juga
18:16 FAMoss: bentar :V
18:16 Ridho 2307: 00:01:724 - kok ini cuman 1 note sih? harusnya 2 ato 3
18:17 FAMoss: w baru update tadi
18:17 FAMoss: cek thread gih
18:17 FAMoss: :V
18:17 Ridho 2307: ini dah w update lel
18:17 FAMoss: oakawokaw ok
18:19 FAMoss: 00:01:005 (1005|2,1005|3) - triple?
18:19 FAMoss: doule?
18:19 Ridho 2307: 00:01:107 - add note
18:19 FAMoss: tae
18:19 Ridho 2307: tripple aja
18:19 FAMoss: k
18:20 Ridho 2307: 00:02:751 (2751|2,2751|3,2957|0,2957|1,3162|1,3162|0,3368|2,3368|3,3573|3,3573|1,3573|0) - ini yang line birunya napa dikosongin? padahal jelas banget loh nadanya
18:20 Ridho 2307: 00:04:395 - add note
18:20 FAMoss: jadi trill?
18:20 Ridho 2307: 00:04:498 - add note
18:20 FAMoss: cok
18:20 Ridho 2307: yang mana?
18:21 FAMoss: 00:02:751 (2751|2,2751|3,2957|0,2957|1,3162|1,3162|0,3368|2,3368|3,3573|3,3573|1,3573|0) - ini
18:21 FAMoss: trill?
18:21 Ridho 2307: 00:05:525 - add note
18:21 FAMoss: o
18:21 FAMoss: k
18:22 Ridho 2307:
18:22 Ridho 2307: gitu aja
18:23 FAMoss: dari?
18:23 FAMoss: k
18:23 Ridho 2307: 00:06:964 - missing sound?
18:23 FAMoss: wait
18:23 Ridho 2307: 00:07:631 - ^?
18:24 FAMoss: wth jump
18:24 FAMoss: 00:06:964 - ga ada emang
18:24 Ridho 2307: ^00:09:275 - ?
18:24 FAMoss: wat
18:24 Ridho 2307: dengerin pake playback 25 persen lel
18:25 Ridho 2307: 00:12:922 - add 2 note
18:25 FAMoss: k
18:25 Ridho 2307: 00:13:025 (13025|1,13025|3,13231|1,13231|3,13436|3,13436|2,13436|0) - tick birunya juga napa dikosongin?
18:26 FAMoss: dah
18:26 Ridho 2307: 00:14:155 - add note
18:26 Ridho 2307: 00:14:258 - ^
18:26 FAMoss: doubel?
18:26 FAMoss: waoawkowa mage malah suruh hapus
18:26 FAMoss: 00:14:258 -
18:27 Ridho 2307: kan namanya mod jadi terserah lu
18:27 FAMoss: akawowako
18:27 Ridho 2307: 00:16:929 - missing sound?
18:27 Ridho 2307: 00:17:546 - ^?
18:28 Ridho 2307: 00:18:573 - ^
18:28 Ridho 2307: 00:19:196 - ^?
18:28 FAMoss: k
18:28 Ridho 2307: 00:19:087 - ^
18:28 Ridho 2307: 00:23:094 - add satu note biar consis\
18:29 FAMoss: dh
18:29 Ridho 2307: 00:34:806 (34806|2,34806|3,34806|0) - hapus satu
18:29 FAMoss: k
18:30 Ridho 2307: 00:39:121 (39121|2,39327|2,39532|2,39738|2,39943|2,40149|2) - ya rabb
18:30 FAMoss: itu lah
18:30 FAMoss: dah
18:31 Ridho 2307: banyak banget yang kayak gitu tadi
18:31 Ridho 2307: 00:58:642 (58642|2,58642|3,58642|1) - hapus satu
18:31 FAMoss: liat aja :V
18:32 Ridho 2307: ^nggak usah
18:32 Ridho 2307: \00:58:642 (58642|1,58642|3,58642|2) add satu note
18:32 FAMoss: 00:58:642 (58642|3) - DELERE?
18:32 FAMoss: te
18:32 Ridho 2307: ^salah copas
18:32 Ridho 2307: 01:04:395 (64395|3,64395|0) - yang ini mau diadd satu
18:33 FAMoss: ok
18:33 Ridho 2307: 01:05:833 - ^ add satu note
18:33 Ridho 2307: 01:09:635 - add note di 3
18:33 Ridho 2307: 01:11:279 - ^
18:34 FAMoss: K
18:34 FAMoss: :^)
18:34 Ridho 2307: |01:16:210 - ^ di sua
18:34 Ridho 2307: dua
18:34 Ridho 2307: pattern terakhirnya monoton banget
Topic Starter

Ridho 2307 wrote:

hadhe mod gw nggak dianggep

17:53 Ridho 2307: woy
17:54 Ridho 2307: irc nya lanjut apa kagak?
17:54 FAMoss: post aja dah
17:54 FAMoss: itu dah update
17:54 Ridho 2307: ==
17:54 FAMoss: mager
17:54 FAMoss: banyak salah
17:54 FAMoss: mending gua delete aja lunatic
17:55 Ridho 2307: la gimana sih
17:55 Ridho 2307: lu nya yang males
17:56 FAMoss: w lagi nugas cok :'''V besok sama syadow- irc + lu, siap siap :>
17:56 Ridho 2307: ha\
17:56 FAMoss: ok bentar ya , selesain ini doelow
18:03 FAMoss: kuy
18:04 Ridho 2307: tunggu
18:04 *Ridho 2307 is editing [ Team Grimoire - MOTHER FUCXXXXXer [4k SuccuBus AttacK]]
18:04 FAMoss: eh ok
18:12 Ridho 2307: kuy lah\
18:12 FAMoss: kjks
18:12 FAMoss: kuy
18:12 Ridho 2307: diff nya yang terakhir paan?
18:12 FAMoss: lunatic
18:13 Ridho 2307: maksudnya yang w mod
18:13 FAMoss: hooh
18:13 FAMoss: itu aja
18:14 Ridho 2307: sr yang lunatic diup ke pas 4 bisa tuh
18:14 Ridho 2307: :v
18:14 FAMoss: oi
18:14 FAMoss: dah cukup :V
18:15 Ridho 2307: 00:01:005 (1005|0) - yang ini di hapus aja terus taroh 00:00:799 (799|3,799|2) - di 00:01:005 -
18:15 Ridho 2307: maksudnya yang di taroh buat juga
18:16 FAMoss: bentar :V
18:16 Ridho 2307: 00:01:724 - kok ini cuman 1 note sih? harusnya 2 ato 3
18:17 FAMoss: w baru update tadi
18:17 FAMoss: cek thread gih
18:17 FAMoss: :V
18:17 Ridho 2307: ini dah w update lel
18:17 FAMoss: oakawokaw ok
18:19 FAMoss: 00:01:005 (1005|2,1005|3) - triple?
18:19 FAMoss: doule?
18:19 Ridho 2307: 00:01:107 - add note
18:19 FAMoss: tae
18:19 Ridho 2307: tripple aja
18:19 FAMoss: k
18:20 Ridho 2307: 00:02:751 (2751|2,2751|3,2957|0,2957|1,3162|1,3162|0,3368|2,3368|3,3573|3,3573|1,3573|0) - ini yang line birunya napa dikosongin? padahal jelas banget loh nadanya
18:20 Ridho 2307: 00:04:395 - add note
18:20 FAMoss: jadi trill?
18:20 Ridho 2307: 00:04:498 - add note
18:20 FAMoss: cok
18:20 Ridho 2307: yang mana?
18:21 FAMoss: 00:02:751 (2751|2,2751|3,2957|0,2957|1,3162|1,3162|0,3368|2,3368|3,3573|3,3573|1,3573|0) - ini
18:21 FAMoss: trill?
18:21 Ridho 2307: 00:05:525 - add note
18:21 FAMoss: o
18:21 FAMoss: k
18:22 Ridho 2307:
18:22 Ridho 2307: gitu aja
18:23 FAMoss: dari?
18:23 FAMoss: k
18:23 Ridho 2307: 00:06:964 - missing sound?
18:23 FAMoss: wait
18:23 Ridho 2307: 00:07:631 - ^?
18:24 FAMoss: wth jump
18:24 FAMoss: 00:06:964 - ga ada emang
18:24 Ridho 2307: ^00:09:275 - ?
18:24 FAMoss: wat
18:24 Ridho 2307: dengerin pake playback 25 persen lel
18:25 Ridho 2307: 00:12:922 - add 2 note
18:25 FAMoss: k
18:25 Ridho 2307: 00:13:025 (13025|1,13025|3,13231|1,13231|3,13436|3,13436|2,13436|0) - tick birunya juga napa dikosongin?
18:26 FAMoss: dah
18:26 Ridho 2307: 00:14:155 - add note
18:26 Ridho 2307: 00:14:258 - ^
18:26 FAMoss: doubel?
18:26 FAMoss: waoawkowa mage malah suruh hapus
18:26 FAMoss: 00:14:258 -
18:27 Ridho 2307: kan namanya mod jadi terserah lu
18:27 FAMoss: akawowako
18:27 Ridho 2307: 00:16:929 - missing sound?
18:27 Ridho 2307: 00:17:546 - ^?
18:28 Ridho 2307: 00:18:573 - ^
18:28 Ridho 2307: 00:19:196 - ^?
18:28 FAMoss: k
18:28 Ridho 2307: 00:19:087 - ^
18:28 Ridho 2307: 00:23:094 - add satu note biar consis\
18:29 FAMoss: dh
18:29 Ridho 2307: 00:34:806 (34806|2,34806|3,34806|0) - hapus satu
18:29 FAMoss: k
18:30 Ridho 2307: 00:39:121 (39121|2,39327|2,39532|2,39738|2,39943|2,40149|2) - ya rabb
18:30 FAMoss: itu lah
18:30 FAMoss: dah
18:31 Ridho 2307: banyak banget yang kayak gitu tadi
18:31 Ridho 2307: 00:58:642 (58642|2,58642|3,58642|1) - hapus satu
18:31 FAMoss: liat aja :V
18:32 Ridho 2307: ^nggak usah
18:32 Ridho 2307: \00:58:642 (58642|1,58642|3,58642|2) add satu note
18:32 FAMoss: 00:58:642 (58642|3) - DELERE?
18:32 FAMoss: te
18:32 Ridho 2307: ^salah copas
18:32 Ridho 2307: 01:04:395 (64395|3,64395|0) - yang ini mau diadd satu
18:33 FAMoss: ok
18:33 Ridho 2307: 01:05:833 - ^ add satu note
18:33 Ridho 2307: 01:09:635 - add note di 3
18:33 Ridho 2307: 01:11:279 - ^
18:34 FAMoss: K
18:34 FAMoss: :^)
18:34 Ridho 2307: |01:16:210 - ^ di sua
18:34 Ridho 2307: dua
18:34 Ridho 2307: pattern terakhirnya monoton banget
di appy kok T_T
terimakasih banyak telah meluangkan waktu anda :*
Topic Starter
do selfmod sometimes >:3
feed me some food

  • [Lunatic]
  1. 00:00:696 (696|3,696|2,799|2,799|3,902|0,902|1,1005|1,1005|0) - suaranya beda, saran ganti ke jumpstream aja
  2. 00:02:340 (2340|2,2340|3,2443|2,2443|3,2546|0,2546|1,2649|1,2649|0) - bole jack asal 1 column aja, kalo 2 rasanya ga pas
  3. 00:03:265 (3265|2) - ghost note, move ke 00:03:059 - soalnya ada suara hithat
  4. 00:03:984 (3984|1,3984|0,4087|0,4087|1,4190|3,4190|2,4292|2,4292|3) - sama
  5. 00:05:628 (5628|3,5731|3,5833|3) - aneh aja msh awal2 dah 3 note ngejack -w-
  6. 00:16:313 - 00:16:518 - 00:17:957 - 00:18:779 - 00:19:806 - double
  7. 00:21:553 - add note hit hat
  8. 00:22:169 (22169|1,22375|1) - ghost note ga ada suara, remove
  9. 00:23:607 (23607|1) - ghost note, remove
  10. 00:28:847 - try dis lebih ena n ngefeel
  11. 00:30:388 - double i guess
  12. 00:31:827 (31827|1) - ghost note, move to 00:32:032 - to make double
  13. 00:34:292 (34292|1) - ghost note, move to 00:34:190 - to make double
  14. 00:35:731 (35731|2) - ghost note, remove
  15. 00:36:758 (36758|1) - 00:37:991 (37991|1) - 00:39:224 (39224|1) - ^
  16. 00:41:073 (41073|2) - ghost note move to 00:40:662 - cuz hithat
  17. 00:42:306 - add note hithat
  18. 00:49:703 - add note
  19. 00:52:785 - 00:56:279 - 01:06:142 - 01:06:347 - add note
  20. 01:07:991 - 01:09:429 - 01:09:635 - add note
  21. 01:12:922 - 01:16:210 -
good luck >w<)b jgn lupa di reply :V
Topic Starter

Syadow- wrote:

feed me some food

  • [Lunatic]
  1. 00:00:696 (696|3,696|2,799|2,799|3,902|0,902|1,1005|1,1005|0) - suaranya beda, saran ganti ke jumpstream aja
  2. 00:02:340 (2340|2,2340|3,2443|2,2443|3,2546|0,2546|1,2649|1,2649|0) - bole jack asal 1 column aja, kalo 2 rasanya ga pas
  3. 00:03:265 (3265|2) - ghost note, move ke 00:03:059 - soalnya ada suara hithat
  4. 00:03:984 (3984|1,3984|0,4087|0,4087|1,4190|3,4190|2,4292|2,4292|3) - sama
  5. 00:05:628 (5628|3,5731|3,5833|3) - aneh aja msh awal2 dah 3 note ngejack -w- change ~ uwu
  6. 00:16:313 - 00:16:518 - 00:17:957 - 00:18:779 - 00:19:806 - double
  7. 00:21:553 - add note hit hat
  8. 00:22:169 (22169|1,22375|1) - ghost note ga ada suara, remove
  9. 00:23:607 (23607|1) - ghost note, remove
  10. 00:28:847 - try dis lebih ena n ngefeel keep dulu deh, kwkwkwk soalnya suara clap hehe
  11. 00:30:388 - double i guess
  12. 00:31:827 (31827|1) - ghost note, move to 00:32:032 - to make double
  13. 00:34:292 (34292|1) - ghost note, move to 00:34:190 - to make double
  14. 00:35:731 (35731|2) - ghost note, remove
  15. 00:36:758 (36758|1) - 00:37:991 (37991|1) - 00:39:224 (39224|1) - ^
  16. 00:41:073 (41073|2) - ghost note move to 00:40:662 - cuz hithat
  17. 00:42:306 - add note hithat
  18. 00:49:703 - add note
  19. 00:52:785 - 00:56:279 - 01:06:142 - 01:06:347 - add note
  20. 01:07:991 - 01:09:429 - 01:09:635 - add note
  21. 01:12:922 - 01:16:210 -
good luck >w<)b jgn lupa di reply :V
No reply = di apply >_<
kerad mz :V sangat ber terima kasih
marked uwu
Topic Starter

chifurukawa wrote:

marked uwu
Topic Starter
bad keysound
rank when?
Topic Starter

chouyaa wrote:

rank when?
good question


mod's comin'

00:27:820 - 00:27:922 - missing notes?
01:09:327 - 2 aja cukup :<
01:19:190 - ^ gaada suara yg nendang :'v

00:37:683 (37683|2) - ghost note?

sorry, can't find much :'v pattern nya dah gud semua :*
well mapped, when ths map is ranked?
Topic Starter

Fahrie6775 wrote:


mod's comin'

00:27:820 - 00:27:922 - missing notes? bukan deh, coba denger lagi, itu butuh ruang untuk normal, biar kaga sama seperti hard
01:09:327 - 2 aja cukup :< nice, 01:09:327 (69327|1) - hapus
01:19:190 - ^ gaada suara yg nendang :'v ga deh, hahaha, untuk akhirnya tetap 3

00:37:683 (37683|2) - ghost note? nice catch

sorry, can't find much :'v pattern nya dah gud semua :*
well mapped, when ths map is ranked? good
Thank You mod nya :D

00:00:799 - perasaan ini suara similar sama 00:01:518 - malah saya dengernya lebih keras loh. disini 00:04:087 - sama 00:04:806 - saya denger nadanya sama keras juga iya.

00:02:546 - saya rasa kalau ngasih 1/4 drum 00:02:649 (2649|1,3059|2) - malah jadi ga enjoy ngerasain hitsoundnya, lebih asik di kasih sv ketimbang perkusi lo ya. menimbang ini top diff pasti ada la sv" dikit xd. dan masih intro / awal" lagu udah ga jauh beda sama keseluruhan map jadi ya rada boring sih cuma liat single note doang di sepanjang map, saran saya ya buat mini LN. (just my preference)

00:02:957 (2957|3,2957|1,2957|0,3162|3,3162|0,3162|1) - itu boleh jack (coloumn sama) karena suaranya similar jadi sip. tapi kalau 00:02:546 (2546|2,2546|3,2546|0,2751|3,2751|2,2751|0) - itu sedikit beda jadi rada aneh kalau di jadiin jack atau di samain coloumnnya

00:06:244 (6244|2,6244|0,6450|3,6450|2) - saya saranin coloumnnya samain karena teng tengnya itu sama xd (saya dengernya ting tong teng teng tung *biar lebih mudah bedain xd)

00:07:272 - saya saranin aja ini ga usah double, karena kamu mark double suara ini 00:06:861 - terus jadinya berasa ghost note karena ga ada suara similar. Lagian ini juga masuk bagian intro lo belum kiai jadi saya saranin jangan terlalu kompleks.

00:07:066 - btw ini cuma drum suara tingnya kerasa di 00:07:169 - saya denger 25%

00:07:991 - nah ini kenapa single hayo.. yang 00:07:683 - 00:07:272 - double. udah buat single aja udah biar fokus ting"nya pas awal" xd

00:09:327 - nah ini harusnya triple kek sebelum"nya. ini juga 00:09:532 (9532|3,9532|2,9532|0,9738|1,9738|3,9738|2) - harusnya kolomnya sama. kalau ada suara similar coba inget: ting tong teng teng tung LOL

00:10:149 - 00:10:559 - 00:10:970 - saya saranin aja kaka buat single aja, tapi kalau masih tetep keep double. semua itu 00:11:381 - 00:11:587 - 00:11:792 - harus triple karena ada 3 suara yang muncul. detik ke 10 aja udah fail mah kalau aku ini xd

00:13:436 - 00:15:080 - 00:16:724 - 00:18:368 - itu suara sebenarnya LNable, tapi ya terserah sih, rada bingung juga ngikut piano sama drum kayak 00:13:847 (13847|2,14053|1,14155|3,14258|0,14258|2) -

00:20:012 - Nah ini baru masuk sesi perkusi/drum section.

00:22:066 - 00:26:998 - saya denger suara hit hat, suaranya similar kayak ini 00:21:553 -

00:22:785 - 00:27:717 - kayaknya suaranya itu similar sama 00:26:484 -

01:19:087 - kayaknya itu kiai letaknya di 01:19:190 -

RIP LN . single note terus selama lagu end dari awal juga rada garing gan itu aja sih oh


00:07:169 - missing G5S_s.wav C5S_s.wav sama kek di 00:06:861 -
00:09:121 - missing C6S_s.wav D#6S_Eb6S_s.wav D#5S_Eb5S_s.wav sama kek di 00:05:833 -
00:39:738 - missing G5S_s.wav

Maaf diff lain ga di mod :"D
Good Luck ^^
Topic Starter

CoffeeLatte- wrote:


00:00:799 - perasaan ini suara similar sama 00:01:518 - malah saya dengernya lebih keras loh. disini 00:04:087 - sama 00:04:806 - saya denger nadanya sama keras juga iya. ga deh, keep aja itu. masih lebih keras 00:01:518 - dan 00:04:806 - ~ pake 2 note untuk kekerasan note

00:02:546 - saya rasa kalau ngasih 1/4 drum 00:02:649 (2649|1,3059|2) - malah jadi ga enjoy ngerasain hitsoundnya, lebih asik di kasih sv ketimbang perkusi lo ya. menimbang ini top diff pasti ada la sv" dikit xd. dan masih intro / awal" lagu udah ga jauh beda sama keseluruhan map jadi ya rada boring sih cuma liat single note doang di sepanjang map, saran saya ya buat mini LN. (just my preference) keep, tetap ga pake slider untuk diff dan ga mau ada sv tapi kalau slowjam boleh lah

00:02:957 (2957|3,2957|1,2957|0,3162|3,3162|0,3162|1) - itu boleh jack (coloumn sama) karena suaranya similar jadi sip. tapi kalau 00:02:546 (2546|2,2546|3,2546|0,2751|3,2751|2,2751|0) - itu sedikit beda jadi rada aneh kalau di jadiin jack atau di samain coloumnnya suaranya masih sama pak

00:06:244 (6244|2,6244|0,6450|3,6450|2) - saya saranin coloumnnya samain karena teng tengnya itu sama xd (saya dengernya ting tong teng teng tung *biar lebih mudah bedain xd) itu suara piano XD bukan suara dari lagunya

00:07:272 - saya saranin aja ini ga usah double, karena kamu mark double suara ini 00:06:861 - terus jadinya berasa ghost note karena ga ada suara similar. Lagian ini juga masuk bagian intro lo belum kiai jadi saya saranin jangan terlalu kompleks. nice catch 00:07:272 (7272|2) - deleted

00:07:066 - btw ini cuma drum suara tingnya kerasa di 00:07:169 - saya denger 25% ga ada suara drum di 00:07:169 -

00:07:991 - nah ini kenapa single hayo.. yang 00:07:683 - 00:07:272 - double. udah buat single aja udah biar fokus ting"nya pas awal" xd mantap

00:09:327 - nah ini harusnya triple kek sebelum"nya. ini juga 00:09:532 (9532|3,9532|2,9532|0,9738|1,9738|3,9738|2) - harusnya kolomnya sama. kalau ada suara similar coba inget: ting tong teng teng tung LOL 00:09:327 - tetap double, karena di buat triple jadi aneh dan anchor karena berbarengan suara yang sama

00:10:149 - 00:10:559 - 00:10:970 - saya saranin aja kaka buat single aja, tapi kalau masih tetep keep double. semua itu 00:11:381 - 00:11:587 - 00:11:792 - harus triple karena ada 3 suara yang muncul. detik ke 10 aja udah fail mah kalau aku ini xd keep itu suara clap

00:13:436 - 00:15:080 - 00:16:724 - 00:18:368 - itu suara sebenarnya LNable, tapi ya terserah sih, rada bingung juga ngikut piano sama drum kayak 00:13:847 (13847|2,14053|1,14155|3,14258|0,14258|2) - keep, no sliders pls

00:20:012 - Nah ini baru masuk sesi perkusi/drum section.

00:22:066 - 00:26:998 - saya denger suara hit hat, suaranya similar kayak ini 00:21:553 - keep malah jadi aneh kalau banyak hithat, soalnya jadi anchor nanti dan unrankadable. tak bisa di control

00:22:785 - 00:27:717 - kayaknya suaranya itu similar sama 00:26:484 - keep

01:19:087 - kayaknya itu kiai letaknya di 01:19:190 - memang di 01:19:190 - kok

RIP LN . single note terus selama lagu end dari awal juga rada garing gan itu aja sih oh


00:07:169 - missing G5S_s.wav C5S_s.wav sama kek di 00:06:861 -
00:09:121 - missing C6S_s.wav D#6S_Eb6S_s.wav D#5S_Eb5S_s.wav sama kek di 00:05:833 -
00:39:738 - missing G5S_s.wav Apply all :D

Maaf diff lain ga di mod :"D
Good Luck ^^
Sankku mod nya ^

  • 00:01:416 (1416|3) - shouldn't this be a LN like 00:00:696 (696|2) - ? They are the same sound so I dont see a reason why the other one is not a LN
    00:00:286 - column 2 is really empty on the start, consider adding some notes to it
    00:03:984 - same goes here for the 3rd column, its really empty
    00:09:943 (9943|1) - move to 4 for pitch since 00:09:327 (9327|3) - is the same sound
    00:10:149 - 00:12:614 - column 1 dead, Id really suggest that you move/add notes to it because it can bring to some really weird unbalanced pattern
    00:24:943 - column 3 dead
    00:37:888 (37888|0,38299|0,38710|0,39121|0) - anchor, avoid it sicne you have alot of room to move those notes too so there is no reason to have that kind of anchor
    00:43:231 - missed note here? check 00:39:943 -
    00:44:875 - ^
    00:46:518 - ^ and so on
    00:47:546 (47546|2,47957|2) - those shouldn't be in the same column since they are not the same pitch, why don't you move this note to 4? 00:47:546 (47546|2) -
    00:50:833 - missing note? check 00:47:546 (47546|2) -
    01:10:149 (70149|1,71792|3,73436|0) - kinda weird imo that you have mixed LNs, for example you here have 01:07:272 (67272|2) - 1/1 LNs and then you suddenly have some long ones. You should follow 01:10:559 - this sound with 1/1 LNs to stay consistent
    01:17:135 (77135|1) - this should be double note like 01:11:381 (71381|2,71381|0) -
  • 00:00:286 - 00:06:861 - this part is very similar to hard, consider to snipe down normal a bit
    00:09:121 - 00:10:149 - on this part I'd suggest that you only have doubles on claps 00:09:121 (9121|0,9121|1,9532|1,9532|0,9943|1,9943|3) - and singles on Claps and cymbals 00:09:327 (9327|2,9327|3,9738|3,9738|2) - so that you dont have the same density pattern as hard difficulty
    00:20:012 - 00:21:655 - unbalanced, column 4 is unused and left hand does most of the work
    00:23:299 (23299|1,23505|0) - not consistent with 00:21:244 (21244|0,21450|0) - they should be in the same column
    00:24:018 - missed note here, check 00:21:861 (21861|3) -
    00:27:203 (27203|0,27409|0) - well you dont have any jacks on column 2 so meybe move those?
    00:39:327 (39327|0,39738|0,40149|0,40559|0) - anchor, avoid it so that it does not cause unbalancing
    00:42:614 (42614|3,42820|2,43025|3,43231|2,43436|3) - this trill-ish pattern si quite weird because there is no repetitive sound that can support it. Try this, that would aslo remove anchor on column 4
    00:46:724 (46724|3,46724|1,46929|2,47135|1) - 00:48:368 (48368|0,48368|2,48573|1,48779|0) - 00:45:080 (45080|0,45080|2,45286|1,45491|2) - quite repetitive don't you think, why don't you rearange some?
    00:48:984 (48984|2,49190|1,49190|3,49395|2,49806|2,50012|1,50012|3,50217|2) - ^
    00:59:669 (59669|1,60080|1,60491|1,60902|1) - anchor
    01:07:272 - 01:08:505 - consider moving notes to column 4, same reason as before
    01:15:080 (75080|2,75286|1,75491|0,75491|2,75696|1,76313|2,76518|1,76724|0,76724|2,76929|1) - you could change some to avoid repetitive gameplay
  • 00:14:155 - 00:14:258 - you could definetly add notes on 4 and 3 for the drums since they are very clear
    00:15:799 - ^ and so on
    00:19:806 (19806|2) - this should be double like 00:19:601 (19601|0,19601|2) - since they are the same sound
    00:31:005 - 00:31:416 - add a note for drum like at 00:30:388 (30388|1) -
    00:33:368 - do the same here as above ^
    00:55:970 (55970|0,56176|0,56381|0) - you could rearange this handstream a bit since you have alot of place to avoid it, try something like this
    01:10:149 (70149|3,70149|1,70354|1,70354|3) - these shouldn't be in the same column since they are not the same sound, you could move those 01:10:354 (70354|1,70354|3) - to 1 and 2 for a better PR
    01:11:587 (71587|0,71792|0,71998|0,72306|0) - anchor
good luck
Topic Starter

Umo- wrote:


  • 00:01:416 (1416|3) - shouldn't this be a LN like 00:00:696 (696|2) - ? They are the same sound so I dont see a reason why the other one is not a LN
    00:00:286 - column 2 is really empty on the start, consider adding some notes to it
    00:03:984 - same goes here for the 3rd column, its really empty 00:05:833 - move
    00:09:943 (9943|1) - move to 4 for pitch since 00:09:327 (9327|3) - is the same soundmove
    00:10:149 - 00:12:614 - column 1 dead, Id really suggest that you move/add notes to it because it can bring to some really weird unbalanced pattern
    00:24:943 - column 3 dead
    00:37:888 (37888|0,38299|0,38710|0,39121|0) - anchor, avoid it sicne you have alot of room to move those notes too so there is no reason to have that kind of anchor
    00:43:231 - missed note here? check 00:39:943 -
    00:44:875 - ^
    00:46:518 - ^ and so on
    00:47:546 (47546|2,47957|2) - those shouldn't be in the same column since they are not the same pitch, why don't you move this note to 4? 00:47:546 (47546|2) -
    00:50:833 - missing note? check 00:47:546 (47546|2) -
    01:10:149 (70149|1,71792|3,73436|0) - kinda weird imo that you have mixed LNs, for example you here have 01:07:272 (67272|2) - 1/1 LNs and then you suddenly have some long ones. You should follow 01:10:559 - this sound with 1/1 LNs to stay consistent
    01:17:135 (77135|1) - this should be double note like 01:11:381 (71381|2,71381|0) -
  • 00:00:286 - 00:06:861 - this part is very similar to hard, consider to snipe down normal a bit
    00:09:121 - 00:10:149 - on this part I'd suggest that you only have doubles on claps 00:09:121 (9121|0,9121|1,9532|1,9532|0,9943|1,9943|3) - and singles on Claps and cymbals 00:09:327 (9327|2,9327|3,9738|3,9738|2) - so that you dont have the same density pattern as hard difficulty reagereeded
    00:20:012 - 00:21:655 - unbalanced, column 4 is unused and left hand does most of the work
    00:23:299 (23299|1,23505|0) - not consistent with 00:21:244 (21244|0,21450|0) - they should be in the same column
    00:24:018 - missed note here, check 00:21:861 (21861|3) - 00:21:861 - deleted
    00:27:203 (27203|0,27409|0) - well you dont have any jacks on column 2 so meybe move those?
    00:39:327 (39327|0,39738|0,40149|0,40559|0) - anchor, avoid it so that it does not cause unbalancing
    00:42:614 (42614|3,42820|2,43025|3,43231|2,43436|3) - this trill-ish pattern si quite weird because there is no repetitive sound that can support it. Try this, that would aslo remove anchor on column 4
    00:46:724 (46724|3,46724|1,46929|2,47135|1) - 00:48:368 (48368|0,48368|2,48573|1,48779|0) - 00:45:080 (45080|0,45080|2,45286|1,45491|2) - quite repetitive don't you think, why don't you rearange some? rearrange
    00:48:984 (48984|2,49190|1,49190|3,49395|2,49806|2,50012|1,50012|3,50217|2) - ^
    00:59:669 (59669|1,60080|1,60491|1,60902|1) - anchor
    01:07:272 - 01:08:505 - consider moving notes to column 4, same reason as before
    01:15:080 (75080|2,75286|1,75491|0,75491|2,75696|1,76313|2,76518|1,76724|0,76724|2,76929|1) - you could change some to avoid repetitive gameplay
  • 00:14:155 - 00:14:258 - you could definetly add notes on 4 and 3 for the drums since they are very clear
    00:15:799 - ^ and so on
    00:19:806 (19806|2) - this should be double like 00:19:601 (19601|0,19601|2) - since they are the same sound
    00:31:005 - 00:31:416 - add a note for drum like at 00:30:388 (30388|1) -
    00:33:368 - do the same here as above ^
    00:55:970 (55970|0,56176|0,56381|0) - you could rearange this handstream a bit since you have alot of place to avoid it, try something like this
    01:10:149 (70149|3,70149|1,70354|1,70354|3) - these shouldn't be in the same column since they are not the same sound, you could move those 01:10:354 (70354|1,70354|3) - to 1 and 2 for a better PR
    01:11:587 (71587|0,71792|0,71998|0,72306|0) - anchor
good luck
no reply = apply
oh thank you very much ^^ glad you here
DnM's modding queue desu~
00:06:861 - this could be emphasized for the new song part, i would suggest to add column 3
00:13:025 (13025|0,13025|1) - 1 note is enough here since the sound is not too loud and doesnt represent kick like u did on the previous segment
00:16:313 (16313|2,16313|0,16518|0,16518|2) - this trill seems awkward for me because it's clear the pitch is different and i dont find anything in the instrument that can represent this trill, i would suggest to make this into 1|4 and 00:16:621 (16621|1,16724|2) - ctrl h this
00:22:272 - 3 notes for snare
00:27:203 (27203|0,27203|1,27409|0,27409|1) - also could be 3 notes for snare
00:34:190 - this also

00:10:046 - stream should have started here
00:19:601 (19601|0,19601|2) - would suggest this to be only 1 note to differentiate the snare and the kick in this diff
00:55:149 (55149|2,55149|3,55354|2,55354|3) - could have been better if u make the column different because the pitch is different here like u did on latter
01:10:559 (70559|0,70559|1) - same suggestion on previous diff, would be better if u make it 1|4

i think thats all

general thoughts: good mapset, have concept, it's touhou!! i would like to see more ln in this map tho given the instrument but since it seems like this is bms style thing and has some keysounds ,its ok

hope it helps!
Topic Starter

DoNotMess wrote:

DnM's modding queue desu~
00:06:861 - this could be emphasized for the new song part, i would suggest to add column 3
00:13:025 (13025|0,13025|1) - 1 note is enough here since the sound is not too loud and doesnt represent kick like u did on the previous segment keep this, but arregereredeed
00:16:313 (16313|2,16313|0,16518|0,16518|2) - this trill seems awkward for me because it's clear the pitch is different and i dont find anything in the instrument that can represent this trill, i would suggest to make this into 1|4 and 00:16:621 (16621|1,16724|2) - ctrl h this
00:22:272 - 3 notes for snare
00:27:203 (27203|0,27203|1,27409|0,27409|1) - also could be 3 notes for snare
00:34:190 - this also

00:10:046 - stream should have started here
00:19:601 (19601|0,19601|2) - would suggest this to be only 1 note to differentiate the snare and the kick in this diff
00:55:149 (55149|2,55149|3,55354|2,55354|3) - could have been better if u make the column different because the pitch is different here like u did on latter
01:10:559 (70559|0,70559|1) - same suggestion on previous diff, would be better if u make it 1|4

i think thats all

general thoughts: good mapset, have concept, it's touhou!! i would like to see more ln in this map tho given the instrument but since it seems like this is bms style thing and has some keysounds ,its ok same, keysound is cool

hope it helps!
no reply = apply
thank you lord :oops:
Thanks for using my queue to request! Let's get started, your map seems to have gotten quite a ton of mods so I'll probably just be nitpicking at this point lmao, thanks for stopping by though c:


00:01:724 (1724|2,1827|3,1929|2) - This pattern doesn't really sound like it should be a trill, just my opinion though.

00:05:012 (5012|0,5114|1,5217|0) - ^

00:19:292 (19292|1,19292|3,19395|0,19395|2,19498|3,19498|1) - Would recommend changing this to a 34 / 12 / 34 jumptrill instead of what you have to just make playability a bit nicer.

00:34:601 (34601|3) - add note for consistency, it's a snare so it should be a chord.

00:37:066 (37066|1) - ^

01:07:477 (67477|3) - Wouldd move this to column 1 cause the sound is descending so it doesn't make sense for two completely different sounds to just mindlessly mimic the same pattern.

01:10:354 (70354|0,70559|0,70765|0,70970|0,71176|0) - Fix this anchor please.


00:02:340 (2340|3,2340|2,2443|1,2546|3,2546|2,2546|0,2649|1,2751|3,2751|2,2751|0) - Why is this charted completely differently from 00:05:628 (5628|3,5628|2,5731|0,5731|1,5731|3,5833|2,5833|1,5936|0) - when it's the exact same sound, not to mention the second variation is just obnoxious lol so I'd recommend changing the second variation to the handstream-ish style you had for the first one.

00:06:450 (6450|2,6655|2,6861|2,7066|2) - Avoid anchor please.

00:08:710 (8710|1,8916|1,9121|1,9327|1) - ^

00:12:614 (12614|0,12820|0,13025|0,13231|0,13436|0) - ^

00:16:107 (16107|2) - add a note

00:16:416 (16416|1) - ^ for snare

00:17:751 (17751|1,17854|2,17957|1,18059|2,18162|1,18265|2,18368|1) - come on dude....don't be lazy. You can be more inventive with this pattern.

00:23:094 (23094|1) - add note in column 4. It's a snare, keep the consistency.

00:27:614 (27614|2,27820|2,28025|2,28231|2) - Avoid the anchor.

01:17:443 (77443|2) - Rearrange the patterns before this note so this note can end up being in the first or second column so the transition into the burst is much more fluid.
Topic Starter

Noxus wrote:

Thanks for using my queue to request! Let's get started, your map seems to have gotten quite a ton of mods so I'll probably just be nitpicking at this point lmao, thanks for stopping by though c:


00:01:724 (1724|2,1827|3,1929|2) - This pattern doesn't really sound like it should be a trill, just my opinion though.

00:05:012 (5012|0,5114|1,5217|0) - ^

00:19:292 (19292|1,19292|3,19395|0,19395|2,19498|3,19498|1) - Would recommend changing this to a 34 / 12 / 34 jumptrill instead of what you have to just make playability a bit nicer. re arrengerededdae some, that's so different from Lunatic

00:34:601 (34601|3) - add note for consistency, it's a snare so it should be a chord.

00:37:066 (37066|1) - ^h

01:07:477 (67477|3) - Wouldd move this to column 1 cause the sound is descending so it doesn't make sense for two completely different sounds to just mindlessly mimic the same pattern.

01:10:354 (70354|0,70559|0,70765|0,70970|0,71176|0) - Fix this anchor please.


00:02:340 (2340|3,2340|2,2443|1,2546|3,2546|2,2546|0,2649|1,2751|3,2751|2,2751|0) - Why is this charted completely differently from 00:05:628 (5628|3,5628|2,5731|0,5731|1,5731|3,5833|2,5833|1,5936|0) - when it's the exact same sound, not to mention the second variation is just obnoxious lol so I'd recommend changing the second variation to the handstream-ish style you had for the first one.

00:06:450 (6450|2,6655|2,6861|2,7066|2) - Avoid anchor please.

00:08:710 (8710|1,8916|1,9121|1,9327|1) - ^

00:12:614 (12614|0,12820|0,13025|0,13231|0,13436|0) - ^ will keep it

00:16:107 (16107|2) - add a note 1 note enough i guess

00:16:416 (16416|1) - ^ for snare

00:17:751 (17751|1,17854|2,17957|1,18059|2,18162|1,18265|2,18368|1) - come on dude....don't be lazy. You can be more inventive with this pattern.

00:23:094 (23094|1) - add note in column 4. It's a snare, keep the consistency.

00:27:614 (27614|2,27820|2,28025|2,28231|2) - Avoid the anchor.

01:17:443 (77443|2) - Rearrange the patterns before this note so this note can end up being in the first or second column so the transition into the burst is much more fluid.
Thank you so much Noxus ;)
Sorry about delay.

hitsound done:

Changed your sample set from normal to soft, dont worry about overwrite, copy my files to your folder.

I keeped your piano in the SB, didnt change it im bad with piano.

You can use my Magic Copy to copy hitsound if you like it
well this took a while, first mod with my new pc., you should be honoured ;)

As requested in Crumpey's Mod Queue

00:03:573 (3573|2,3573|3,3573|1) - this note isnt emphasised with a hitsound, that being the case i dont think it warents a triple

00:07:066 (7066|3,7066|1,7066|0) - same deal here

00:09:532 (9532|0,9532|2,9532|3) - for such a soft sounding sound, why is this a triple

00:14:361 - It seems a little odd that theres no note here?

00:16:005 - Same deal here (especially) theres a very audible sound its also not mapped in hard, which it really probably should be

00:17:238 - put a note here

00:17:649 - another really audible beat ignored

00:19:190 (19190|2,19190|0,19292|3,19292|1,19395|2,19395|0,19498|1,19498|3,19601|2,19601|0) - what is this, this is lengthy and honestly doesnt really serve much of a purpose, id say have this follow the beat more, this is represented better in the HARD Difficulty (compare the two)

00:28:642 (28642|1,28642|0) - big sound, id consider making it a triple
list of sounds you missed, 00:33:676 - 00:34:292 - 00:34:703 -

Nothing much to point out about the kiai time, at time the notes seem a taaaaadd off, but that could just be me.
The Kiai consists of mostly the same 2 patterns a weird trill and a col 1/4 2/3 pattern, and that made it reeally boring and uninteresting to play for me, id add some diversity with more patterns and what not.

Hard (not actually doing a full mod just found this)
00:39:224 - delete this, Ghost note

Good luck
Topic Starter

CrumpetFiddler wrote:

well this took a while, first mod with my new pc., you should be honoured ;) woah, that's good news

As requested in Crumpey's Mod Queue

00:03:573 (3573|2,3573|3,3573|1) - this note isnt emphasised with a hitsound, that being the case i dont think it warents a triple keep, consistenst

00:07:066 (7066|3,7066|1,7066|0) - same deal here same

00:09:532 (9532|0,9532|2,9532|3) - for such a soft sounding sound, why is this a triple to follow like 00:09:121 (9121|1,9121|3,9121|0) -

00:14:361 - It seems a little odd that theres no note here? will keep, this. follow guitar style

00:16:005 - Same deal here (especially) theres a very audible sound its also not mapped in hard, which it really probably should be

00:17:238 - put a note here same

00:17:649 - another really audible beat ignored same

00:19:190 (19190|2,19190|0,19292|3,19292|1,19395|2,19395|0,19498|1,19498|3,19601|2,19601|0) - what is this, this is lengthy and honestly doesnt really serve much of a purpose, id say have this follow the beat more, this is represented better in the HARD Difficulty (compare the two)

00:28:642 (28642|1,28642|0) - big sound, id consider making it a triple add

list of sounds you missed, 00:33:676 - 00:34:292 - 00:34:703 - [color=#00FF00]keep/color]

Nothing much to point out about the kiai time, at time the notes seem a taaaaadd off, but that could just be me.
The Kiai consists of mostly the same 2 patterns a weird trill and a col 1/4 2/3 pattern, and that made it reeally boring and uninteresting to play for me, id add some diversity with more patterns and what not.

Hard (not actually doing a full mod just found this)
00:39:224 - delete this, Ghost note

Good luck
not reply = apply
thank for your mod, yeah the chart needs a deep refinement :|
Topic Starter

dudehacker wrote:

Sorry about delay. its okay ;)

hitsound done:

Changed your sample set from normal to soft, dont worry about overwrite, copy my files to your folder.

I keeped your piano in the SB, didnt change it im bad with piano. :|

You can use my Magic Copy to copy hitsound if you like it
uwu thank you very much dudehacker :D :D
Topic Starter
added new piano keysound


00:02:340 - like this so you can play extra note on piano

00:44:669 (44669|0) - move this from 1 to 4 and remove the note that was originally on 4 (heaviness consistency)
00:46:313 (46313|3) - remove this (heaviness consistency)

00:01:724 - and 00:05:012 - despite not being the same drum sound, it's a loud sounds, in which will help aid the playability when added.

00:12:614 - like this to make it consistent like the double trill pattern on 00:09:327 -

00:00:799 - add a note for heaviness consistency
00:04:087 - ^
00:23:094 - ^

Topic Starter

TheNewBungping wrote:

Hai Hello


00:02:340 - like this so you can play extra note on piano // can't sorry, im only focus to crash 00:02:751 (2751|3,2957|0,3162|3,3368|0) - and sliders look a bit long

00:44:669 (44669|0) - move this from 1 to 4 and remove the note that was originally on 4 (heaviness consistency) // sure, and arregereredeed

00:46:313 (46313|3) - remove this (heaviness consistency) // ^

00:01:724 - and 00:05:012 - despite not being the same drum sound, it's a loud sounds, in which will help aid the playability when added. // hat i think no, keep

00:12:614 - like this to make it consistent like the double trill pattern on 00:09:327 - // that was different sound, keep

00:00:799 - add a note for heaviness consistency
00:04:087 - ^
00:23:094 - ^ // all keep, a thing must be maintained, sorry

GL Thanks
man the keysounds are so disorienting since the music is almost a quarter tone sharper than the key the piano is in
Topic Starter

qqqant wrote:

man the keysounds are so disorienting since the music is almost a quarter tone sharper than the key the piano is in
reduce keysound audio to 70%, so as not to clash with music. thank you for remind me
Topic Starter
fok, i will remake this one ;w;

new style :"D
i wanna be famoss


- 00:13:025 (13025|1,13231|2,13436|3) - these notes perfectly match the song which is good, but i think you can make the pattern a little bit more interesting imo. Since these notes 00:12:614 (12614|2,12820|3) - are sort of similar to 00:13:025 (13025|1,13231|2) - these two notes in terms of how they rhythmically match, I would move 00:13:025 (13025|1) - this to column 3, 00:13:231 (13231|2) - this to column 4, and 00:13:436 (13436|3) - this to column 2.

- 00:19:292 (19292|0) - this should come in at 00:19:395 - instead. like these two LNs 00:17:751 (17751|3) - and 00:16:107 (16107|0) - , they both come in when the piano hits so its better to start at the piano with the drumroll.

- 00:38:299 (38299|1,38505|2,38710|0,38916|1,39121|0,39327|2,39532|1,39738|0) - i think you're over-complicating this for an easy diff and pattern here is extremely weird to hear and play. first off, what's the point of this LN 00:38:094 (38094|3) - ? is it resembling the piano sound that holds throughout that span of time? or is it emphasizing the build up of this specific part? to be honest, it's kind of unclear what is happening here. i would rather follow the piano here because it's the loudest and it's what the player can easily follow to. i would delete 00:38:299 (38299|1,38710|0,38916|1,39327|2,39532|1) - these notes and let the other notes cover the piano parts instead of this part being where the player holds an LN, unsure of what to follow.

- 00:39:738 - make this a double, this part leads in into a new part of the song and this sound here has emphasize on drum and piano.

- so i noticed with these LNs and the ones coming up that you didn't want to add a note in these specifics white ticks: 00:44:258 - , 00:45:902 - , 00:50:833 -
, 00:52:477 - . why not add a note in this spots? I think you should because the drum does have an emphasize on these ticks, but honestly its kind of weird and boring and holding an LN when you have a ton of things to emphasize. it's also weird how you don't them emphasized, but some of them you do 00:47:546 (47546|2) - . would definitely add them.

- 01:18:779 - I think you should add a note here because there's a lot going on between 01:18:573 - to 01:18:984 - and I think it's important to emphasize a major sound in between that point.

- 00:09:327 (9327|2,9532|3,9532|2,9635|1,9840|2,9943|0,9943|1) - hm i think you could've made this pattern a lot better. first off, add a note here 00:09:738 - , the piano can be heard and should be a note like the other piano, so put one on column 3. next, 00:09:635 (9635|1) - move this over to column 1, it honestly doesn't change much better i think would do a lot better if it was on column 1, and 00:09:840 (9840|2) - move this to column 4. this pattern should play out smooth than does right now imo and follow the patterns you have and the song pretty well.

- 00:46:313 (46313|1) - move this to column 4 and add a note at 00:46:210 - on column 2. i think this pattern is a lot more noticeable as it somewhat imitates these notes here 00:45:696 (45696|0,45799|1,45902|2,45902|3) - .

- 01:08:299 (68299|1,68505|1,68813|1,69121|1,69327|1) - i think these are a lot of notes in a short span of time on one column. to minimize this, i would move 01:09:121 (69121|1,69327|1) - to column 2 to fix this problem.

- 01:15:388 (75388|2,75696|2,75902|2,76210|2,76518|2) - same reason above, move 01:15:696 (75696|2,75902|2) - to column 4

overall not bad. it could be objectively argued that the diff is pretty generic and uses a lot of the same patterns over and over again. ex. 00:29:875 - to 00:38:094 - , but it's not wrong in any way. the diff looks alright to me, nice!

- 00:28:642 (28642|1) - I think you should place this on column 4 because the double here isn't the same as 00:28:436 (28436|0,28436|1) - this one, but more like 00:28:231 (28231|0,28231|3) - this one. makes it clear to the player to what sounds are the same are not by just looking/playing the map.

- the rest looks fine to me as well. wouldn't say it's perfect, but I didn't see too much problems with the patterns, they make sense to me at least. although,
01:19:190 (79190|0,79190|2,79190|1) - I don't think this should be a triple. I feel that there isn't too much emphasize there unlike other parts of the song that actually make sense to use a triple. in this case, i would just make it a double.

msg me if you need anything else, gl! (:
Topic Starter

Unpredictable wrote:

i wanna be famoss ✩◝(◍⌣̎◍)◜✩


- 00:13:025 (13025|1,13231|2,13436|3) - these notes perfectly match the song which is good, but i think you can make the pattern a little bit more interesting imo. Since these notes 00:12:614 (12614|2,12820|3) - are sort of similar to 00:13:025 (13025|1,13231|2) - these two notes in terms of how they rhythmically match, I would move 00:13:025 (13025|1) - this to column 3, 00:13:231 (13231|2) - this to column 4, and 00:13:436 (13436|3) - this to column 2. nope, lol. 00:13:025 - is starting new sound, im just make it defferent

- 00:19:292 (19292|0) - this should come in at 00:19:395 - instead. like these two LNs 00:17:751 (17751|3) - and 00:16:107 (16107|0) - , they both come in when the piano hits so its better to start at the piano with the drumroll. yup, but i only fokus to the clap, lol

- 00:38:299 (38299|1,38505|2,38710|0,38916|1,39121|0,39327|2,39532|1,39738|0) - i think you're over-complicating this for an easy diff and pattern here is extremely weird to hear and play. first off, what's the point of this LN 00:38:094 (38094|3) - ? is it resembling the piano sound that holds throughout that span of time? or is it emphasizing the build up of this specific part? to be honest, it's kind of unclear what is happening here. i would rather follow the piano here because it's the loudest and it's what the player can easily follow to. i would delete 00:38:299 (38299|1,38710|0,38916|1,39327|2,39532|1) - these notes and let the other notes cover the piano parts instead of this part being where the player holds an LN, unsure of what to follow. the sound was so noisy, so i focused on the sliders and notes :roll:

- 00:39:738 - make this a double, this part leads in into a new part of the song and this sound here has emphasize on drum and piano.nah, its still easy diff, fun if dilated rather than double

- so i noticed with these LNs and the ones coming up that you didn't want to add a note in these specifics white ticks: 00:44:258 - , 00:45:902 - , 00:50:833 -
, 00:52:477 - . why not add a note in this spots? I think you should because the drum does have an emphasize on these ticks, but honestly its kind of weird and boring and holding an LN when you have a ton of things to emphasize. it's also weird how you don't them emphasized, but some of them you do 00:47:546 (47546|2) - . would definitely add them. rearrange

- 01:18:779 - I think you should add a note here because there's a lot going on between 01:18:573 - to 01:18:984 - and I think it's important to emphasize a major sound in between that point. it already covered with 2 notes :roll:

- 00:09:327 (9327|2,9532|3,9532|2,9635|1,9840|2,9943|0,9943|1) - hm i think you could've made this pattern a lot better. first off, add a note here 00:09:738 - , the piano can be heard and should be a note like the other piano, so put one on column 3. next, 00:09:635 (9635|1) - move this over to column 1, it honestly doesn't change much better i think would do a lot better if it was on column 1, and 00:09:840 (9840|2) - move this to column 4. this pattern should play out smooth than does right now imo and follow the patterns you have and the song pretty well. hehe, i only follow drum and kick

- 00:46:313 (46313|1) - move this to column 4 and add a note at 00:46:210 - on column 2. i think this pattern is a lot more noticeable as it somewhat imitates these notes here 00:45:696 (45696|0,45799|1,45902|2,45902|3) - . i dont hear any sound there expect small hat, i wont add it :V

- 01:08:299 (68299|1,68505|1,68813|1,69121|1,69327|1) - i think these are a lot of notes in a short span of time on one column. to minimize this, i would move 01:09:121 (69121|1,69327|1) - to column 2 to fix this problem. in the part the music is very deep and the rhythm changes

- 01:15:388 (75388|2,75696|2,75902|2,76210|2,76518|2) - same reason above, move 01:15:696 (75696|2,75902|2) - to column 4 nope :v

overall not bad. it could be objectively argued that the diff is pretty generic and uses a lot of the same patterns over and over again. ex. 00:29:875 - to 00:38:094 - , but it's not wrong in any way. the diff looks alright to me, nice! i make it more impressive, thanks!

- 00:28:642 (28642|1) - I think you should place this on column 4 because the double here isn't the same as 00:28:436 (28436|0,28436|1) - this one, but more like 00:28:231 (28231|0,28231|3) - this one. makes it clear to the player to what sounds are the same are not by just looking/playing the map.nice

- the rest looks fine to me as well. wouldn't say it's perfect, but I didn't see too much problems with the patterns, they make sense to me at least. although,
01:19:190 (79190|0,79190|2,79190|1) - I don't think this should be a triple. I feel that there isn't too much emphasize there unlike other parts of the song that actually make sense to use a triple. in this case, i would just make it a double. lol haha, ok double

msg me if you need anything else, gl! (:
thanks! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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