
Diao ye zong feat. Meramipop - Shinkirou

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Yeah I was right at least about one thing :^)
Nice map tho, really cool.
Adol Christin
godlike lfj
Topic Starter

Shad0w1and wrote:


00:14:699 (1) - 个人觉得形状不太合氛围
00:30:548 (2) - 不太好看 我觉得还可以
01:14:857 - 考虑fill 这里跟主旋律故意skip的
01:15:611 (3,4,5) - 建议重下音效,以1/2为单位,会帮助读图,目前的太乱了和pattern对不上
01:17:310 (3) - 这个也有点怪。。要不想保留音效就搞成滑条吧。。 这里用连打舒服一些,之后有大跳
02:10:234 - normal (auto) sample?
02:14:762 - 不太觉得有必要下成soft 这里没鼓
02:22:310 - 建议normal sample
02:23:819 -
03:23:253 - 考虑clap 没鼓
03:52:498 - 建议auto sample,滑条头还是给明显的音舒服点
03:53:253 - 一样 这里我排了normal whistle
04:15:800 - 掉了hs
04:24:668 - 又是血红combo不明显
04:26:555 - 掉hs,normal sample soft addition
04:29:574 - 同理
04:36:932 (1,2,1) - 有点overdone
04:54:857 - 这个滑条头太轻了 我觉得还可以
05:19:008 - 血红combo更好
05:19:385 - 白combo?colourful
05:24:574 (2) - 这个哨子应该在滑条头吧 尾巴上更好听一些
05:25:423 - 倾向于加个哨子在这 这里故意用的soft要不然太吵了
05:31:838 (1) - 考虑finish
06:40:894 (1,2,3,4) - 有点歪,均匀角度好些
Hi~ m4m
扑通,太难读了;w; 以下建议经供参考(水)

01:11:649 (4,5,1) - 这里的排列迷惑性比较大,玩时容易跟到另一个音轨上,忽略那个空拍。建议01:12:215 (1,2) - 位置换一下,或者5、 1叠起来也可以
01:16:744 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - 这里鼓声太大了,很容易被带进坑里,直接1/4带过是不是真的好呢?
01:17:687 (1,2,1) - 这里叠起来感觉会很爽
01:39:385 (1) - NC?
02:03:536 (1,2,3,4) - 这里两个原地二连,感觉有点拖节奏,音乐并没有突然停顿的意思
04:36:555 (4,5,6,1,2,1) - 这个地方有点坑
04:52:027 (1,2) - 难读,个人倾向这里叠一下,没有必要和后面的构成排列,都是另一段了
05:06:555 (3) - 把这个滑条减速感觉不错
05:20:706 (6,7) - 再摆远点
06:30:328 (1,2,3,4) - 这种还是太难了吧,也比较突然

GL~ :)
Supposed to be a m4m

Probably the most useless mod you'll ever received
- 01:12:734 - just letting you know, there're an instrument sound here
- 01:25:800 - in this part if you put NC every new slider would be cool :D
- 02:37:687 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - & 04:24:857 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - rather inconsistent NC-ing, I find it easier to read if you do not spam NC
- 02:44:857 (4,5,6) - How about rotating this around 45 degrees clockwise. I know this meant to be hard, but this one is especially quite unintuitvie and surprising
- 04:37:027 (2) - 185|191? By placing it a lil bit lower, it could increase the readability by a little bit imo
the speed change on the last kiai is quite godlike lol
I'll throw star once you revive the map, good luck :D
Topic Starter

rs_fadeaway wrote:

Hi~ m4m
扑通,太难读了;w; 以下建议经供参考(水)

01:11:649 (4,5,1) - 这里的排列迷惑性比较大,玩时容易跟到另一个音轨上,忽略那个空拍。建议01:12:215 (1,2) - 位置换一下,或者5、 1叠起来也可以
01:16:744 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - 这里鼓声太大了,很容易被带进坑里,直接1/4带过是不是真的好呢? 这里鼓声错开了bpm没法map,而且我一直跟的钢琴
01:17:687 (1,2,1) - 这里叠起来感觉会很爽 感觉flow就不对了
01:39:385 (1) - NC?
02:03:536 (1,2,3,4) - 这里两个原地二连,感觉有点拖节奏,音乐并没有突然停顿的意思 跟vocal
04:36:555 (4,5,6,1,2,1) - 这个地方有点坑 间距改小了一些
04:52:027 (1,2) - 难读,个人倾向这里叠一下,没有必要和后面的构成排列,都是另一段了 放了NC
05:06:555 (3) - 把这个滑条减速感觉不错 这样没法叠着了
05:20:706 (6,7) - 再摆远点
06:30:328 (1,2,3,4) - 这种还是太难了吧,也比较突然 这里我找人test基本上都能打到

GL~ :)


Yohanes wrote:

Supposed to be a m4m

Probably the most useless mod you'll ever received
- 01:12:734 - just letting you know, there're an instrument sound here i intentionally didnt follow the drums since they start to deviate from the bpm later on, don't want to confuse the players
- 01:25:800 - in this part if you put NC every new slider would be cool :D
- 02:37:687 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - & 04:24:857 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - rather inconsistent NC-ing, I find it easier to read if you do not spam NC
- 02:44:857 (4,5,6) - How about rotating this around 45 degrees clockwise. I know this meant to be hard, but this one is especially quite unintuitvie and surprising did a different angle
- 04:37:027 (2) - 185|191? By placing it a lil bit lower, it could increase the readability by a little bit imo i intentionally made this a linear pattern, I've reduced the spacing to make this easier to hit
the speed change on the last kiai is quite godlike lol
I'll throw star once you revive the map, good luck :D

Thanks for modding! No reply = fixed :3
hello, m4m

01:24:574 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - i understand what you want to do with the movement here, though it's a lot less straining than the rest of your other patterns that intend to do that, a player could simply find the sweet spot and not move their cursor very much, i suggest trying to change the pattern there because it creates a somewhat inconsistent intensity for that part
01:30:328 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3) - how come you do 1234 ncing then switch to 123 ncing, seems a bit inconsistent
01:32:027 (3,1) - the sudden increase in spacing here is kinda unfitting and a bit awkward considering the song's intensity is the same
01:50:328 (3,4,5,1) - this is so much harsher than 01:44:291 (3,4,5,1) - even tho they are the same pattern, probably suggest lowering distance on 1
02:08:253 (2,1) - the random anti jump here doesn't necessarily create pressure and it kind of just feels a bit random considering how you've arranged circles
02:43:819 (6,7) - leaving this stacked is kinda ehhh because the drums are getting more intense, maybe try and space 6,7 out to try and create more emphasis, kinda like what you did here 03:03:442 (6,7) -
02:46:555 (6,7,8) - oof, this is extremely harsh, it's about as harsh as some of the similar arrangements in the kiai, i suggest reducing this
03:11:461 (1,2,3) - how come you leave these triples stacked but the rest of the triples spaced out, it's very :thinking:
04:28:819 (3,4,5) - transition here results in really awkward cursor movement, i understand your need for patterning but this is really meh
04:33:725 (4,5,6,7,1) - i know the drums are weaker than usual here but i think the spacing doesn't need to be that low, a slight increase would work
04:50:894 (2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3) - spicy

05:16:366 (3,4,5,6) - seems kinda random and i don't hear the strong drums in this so i think the high spacing here is quite unwarrented
05:26:083 (2,3,4,5) - why do you space these out differently it just looks quite weird
06:31:649 (1,2,3) - this really surprised me with how much the spacing is

good stuff as usual! good luck
Hi~ M4M


01:24:291 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Umm... I think part rhythm is ok , but has some flow hard to move. I suggest it can lower some diatance on this part

01:33:536 (2,3) - How about stack this one?

01:39:196 (2) - NC ?

01:43:347 (2,3) - stack this circle?

02:32:215 (1,2,1) - Start here has much silder stack , I think it has hard to read for first to play it player. I sugguest moving offset previous silder like this The same behind part

03:37:498 (3) - NC ?

04:24:668 (1,1) - The Nc color is too close. A little hard to read...

05:55:989 (1) - can stack with 05:55:611 (5) - If change previous note , this one 05:56:555 (2) - need to move

06:28:725 (2) - I think can average this distance 1.18 vs 1.26

It too hard for me , but this map is very beautiful placed... I learn many map skills on this map

good map~! GL~ :)

Before today I never realized spelling your name as jonathanjfl and jonathanjlf were both wrong.
i can't read


This map is a JOURNEY dang this is great

Self.. collab? So one mapped evens and you mapped odds? (:
nearly 9mb worth of hitsounds 😱
A lot of this space is coming from the hitsounds that are a bit long in time just from echoing into nothing, when they could be edited to fade out to silence sooner and therefore cut down in length without it noticably sounding different in gameplay. Per each hitsound it may be a small difference, but cutting down throughout most of the 77 files you have could reduce the total size significantly. Like.. they nearly double the osz size at the moment...

Or another thing: The only different sound between set 34 and set 33 is the normal-hitnormal. Instead you could've just called normal-hitnormal34 "soft-hitnormal33" and set any notes that are currently using set 34 to use set 33 with the soft sampleset and normal addition set.
330kb cut down already just from a simple structure change.
You're using a rather complex hitsounding structure, so it's a bit difficult for me to come up with other similar suggestions in restructuring to reduce repeated files and save on filesize without worrying about accidentally hecking something you did up. but.. yeah. seriously consider looking at that.
Just seeing so many repeated sounds and such a high size together, surely there's gotta be a better way.

[Collab Masquerade]
  1. 00:03:378 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - so like i don't know why but osu stack snapping is bugged and will snap things to often be off by a slight bit and it's a nitpicky thing but it drives me nuts seeing it everywhere when the stacks are supposed to be in the exact same places, and to me it ruins their visual integrity as "perfect stacks", it happens in this and the timestamps in the box, consider reviewing them.
    it probably bothers me because i play on a big monitor
    it's a nitpicky thing so im just gonna put timestamps where i notice it while testplaying in this box
    00:06:397 (1,2,3,4,5) -
    00:41:869 (1,2) -
    00:33:567 (1,2,3,4,5,6) -
    03:25:800 (1,3) -
    04:27:498 (4,5) -
    06:44:479 (2,4) -
  2. 00:47:907 (1) - The impact of this note felt pretty lacking as the vocal is strong like 00:44:888 (1,2,3,4,1) - the vocals throughout here were, but doesn't have a jump. .. maybe ctrl+g?
  3. 00:50:925 (1,1,1,1,1) - this is so cute i love hearts
  4. 01:11:649 (1,2,1) - While the map is overall pretty hard, this is rather easy to misread as all 3 objects being 1/1 apart, which seems unfitting as a challenge for when its still in the calm part of the song. I suggest making 01:12:215 (1) - more noticably apart from 01:11:649 (1,2) - .
  5. 01:12:404 (2) - I am fairly sure that this and the similar reverse sliders you have as 1/8 in this section should be on 1/6 instead. They currently sound like they're ending too early, with the louder more noticable sound at 01:12:467 - and the 1/3 in similar places.
  6. 01:16:744 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2) - oh goodness.. the piano may be regularly hitting on the 1/2s, but the more noticable.. sound effects (? dunno what to call them) are going between 1/3 , 1/6, and other crazy stuff, leading it to feel wrongly timed/weird when played. Maybe make this part more reverse sliders like the part just before it?
  7. 01:29:008 (1) - the pattern preceding this had the progressively more angular more curved shapes per slider, so this being such a flat wave kind of goes against that :s maybe this or a more intense wave
  8. 01:24:291 - I strongly agree with BOTH what osuskrub and leo16834 said here. The flow is more awkward than the other similar patterns, making it rather more difficult to play, yet it can also lack in impact in how it feels due to it being able to mostly stay in place like osuskrub described. I think this could be resolved by stacking the circles on slider ends like how you did 01:19:762 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - .
  9. 01:30:328 - the NCs in this bookmarked section are pretty odd, as it differs from the 2 following sections where you primarily placed NCs on downbeats instead. Same goes for 02:08:064 - many parts of this section.
  10. 01:38:819 (3,1,2,1) - :!: an idea: what about having the lower spacing be between 3->1 instead, with 2->1 having more space inbetween them? As currently 01:39:008 (1) - is more spaced for a pretty weak guitar strum, and one that's paired with 01:38:819 (3) at that. It would also help contrast this from other currently similar visual patterns like 01:34:668 (5,6,1) - that are 1/2 instead.
  11. 01:55:234 (1,2,3) - Felt unfitting and a bit awkward to play, as 01:55:423 - is a slider end and 01:55:611 - skipped entirely, despite the fact you use a rather loud clap hitsound for this type of sound. 01:55:611 - is a pretty noticable guitar sound too. maybe?
    > same thing occurs at 03:42:404 (1,2,3) -
  12. 02:37:687 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Consider making this rhyhtm more like how you did 04:24:857 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - , as I feel this latter pattern helped the piano roll stand out and play better while still following the same 1/2 click rhythm, instead of mostly ignoring the roll.
  13. 02:42:027 (5,6,7,8) - this is extremely cute <3
  14. 02:47:121 (9,3) - it looks like two pattern ideas collided here, as this overlap looks incredibly sloppy compared to most of this more intense section thus far. I can't even figure out a suggestion that would keep both individually good patterns in tact q_q
  15. 02:50:328 (1) - I think this soft finish as used here and in other places as well is a bit too loud, and distracting because of it. I suggest lowering the volume of the audio file by a bit.
  16. 03:17:498 (1,2,3) - Stacking got hecked here? 03:23:536 (1,2,3) - and here? 04:26:178 (5,6,7) - ?? 04:27:687 (5,6,7) - ?? ?? ? ? ? 04:32:215 (5,6,7) - ? ???!?? are these intentional? They're really weird, it's hard to tell.. I think they'd look better manually stacked so that they are visibly consistently stacked.
  17. 03:22:970 (2) - Shouldn't this be set to the normal addition set?
  18. 03:25:045 (1,4) - ??? This kind of overlap seems a bit out of character for your either very organized overlaps or non overlapping patterns in the map overall.
  19. 03:26:744 (2) - cute slider i love
  20. 04:29:196 (5,6,7,8,1,2,3) - ultra cute <3
  21. 05:15:423 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - in comparison to the similarly edgy 05:08:630 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - , this one felt unnatural as it is a burst inbetween 1/2 sliders rather than a transition between different parts of the stream. Possibly a more straightforward curve could work instead?
  22. 05:37:876 (2) - meant to be symmetrical but the slider is slightly lower on the right :c
  23. 05:40:894 (1) - maybe stack this on the other end of 05:39:385 (1) - instead? I think it would help for 05:40:894 (1,2,3,4) - to have a more even spacing throughout so a player is travelling at a more consistent speed during this very calm section.
  24. 06:43:159 (3,4,1,2) - Currently feels rather unbalanced following all of the very symmetrical patterns used in the final kiai. I suggest adjusting it along this kind of idea
Topic Starter

osuskrub wrote:

hello, m4m

01:24:574 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - i understand what you want to do with the movement here, though it's a lot less straining than the rest of your other patterns that intend to do that, a player could simply find the sweet spot and not move their cursor very much, i suggest trying to change the pattern there because it creates a somewhat inconsistent intensity for that part
01:30:328 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3) - how come you do 1234 ncing then switch to 123 ncing, seems a bit inconsistent this is mostly NC for the pattern
01:32:027 (3,1) - the sudden increase in spacing here is kinda unfitting and a bit awkward considering the song's intensity is the same there is a switch in vocal tone here, which is accentuated by the jump (also the NC)
01:50:328 (3,4,5,1) - this is so much harsher than 01:44:291 (3,4,5,1) - even tho they are the same pattern, probably suggest lowering distance on 1
02:08:253 (2,1) - the random anti jump here doesn't necessarily create pressure and it kind of just feels a bit random considering how you've arranged circles
02:43:819 (6,7) - leaving this stacked is kinda ehhh because the drums are getting more intense, maybe try and space 6,7 out to try and create more emphasis, kinda like what you did here 03:03:442 (6,7) - there is not enough 1/4 here to justify blowing the spacing up, the other just had a different instrumental layer i was following
02:46:555 (6,7,8) - oof, this is extremely harsh, it's about as harsh as some of the similar arrangements in the kiai, i suggest reducing this
03:11:461 (1,2,3) - how come you leave these triples stacked but the rest of the triples spaced out, it's very :thinking: was trying to preserve the pattern symmetry here, moving it out would break the triangle flow
04:28:819 (3,4,5) - transition here results in really awkward cursor movement, i understand your need for patterning but this is really meh i testplayed this and the flow felt fine, dunno what the issue is here :/
04:33:725 (4,5,6,7,1) - i know the drums are weaker than usual here but i think the spacing doesn't need to be that low, a slight increase would work
04:50:894 (2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3) - spicy from xD

05:16:366 (3,4,5,6) - seems kinda random and i don't hear the strong drums in this so i think the high spacing here is quite unwarrented this is following the same pattern i did before with really fast red sliders, except i felt the piano started to pickup in volume so i used circles here
05:26:083 (2,3,4,5) - why do you space these out differently it just looks quite weird this part was supposed to be increasing in spacing gradually, i made it more obvious by changing sv of the sliders
06:31:649 (1,2,3) - this really surprised me with how much the spacing is need that HYPE, also this is not much bigger than the 1 in second kiai just harder cause its a straight line

good stuff as usual! good luck


leo16834 wrote:

Hi~ M4M


01:24:291 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Umm... I think part rhythm is ok , but has some flow hard to move. I suggest it can lower some diatance on this part

01:33:536 (2,3) - How about stack this one? not sure why that would be better, the vocals or instrumentals are not repeating here

01:39:196 (2) - NC ? i think readability is fine here, i've used a similar pattern earlier

01:43:347 (2,3) - stack this circle? don't see how it might be better...

02:32:215 (1,2,1) - Start here has much silder stack , I think it has hard to read for first to play it player. I sugguest moving offset previous silder like this The same behind part I intentionally made this part hard to read, it brings out that repetitive aspect of the song out

03:37:498 (3) - NC ? i think without NC reads fine

04:24:668 (1,1) - The Nc color is too close. A little hard to read...

05:55:989 (1) - can stack with 05:55:611 (5) - If change previous note , this one 05:56:555 (2) - need to move this is again playing with anti jumps like some of the patterns you looked at earlier

06:28:725 (2) - I think can average this distance 1.18 vs 1.26 nice catch

It too hard for me , but this map is very beautiful placed... I learn many map skills on this map

good map~! GL~ :)


Noffy wrote:


Before today I never realized spelling your name as jonathanjfl and jonathanjlf were both wrong.
i can't read


This map is a JOURNEY dang this is great your mod is great too really helpful

Self.. collab? So one mapped evens and you mapped odds? (:
nearly 9mb worth of hitsounds 😱
A lot of this space is coming from the hitsounds that are a bit long in time just from echoing into nothing, when they could be edited to fade out to silence sooner and therefore cut down in length without it noticably sounding different in gameplay. Per each hitsound it may be a small difference, but cutting down throughout most of the 77 files you have could reduce the total size significantly. Like.. they nearly double the osz size at the moment... the original intention was to actually fake this as a collab, but then i decided to be more honest since ranking it that way would be super difficult. That said, I don't want to manually edit the hitsounds because it might tamper with the original fidelity of the file, especially because i took most from existing map's hitsounds. I want whoever that comes into my map to "steal" hitsounds in the future to not worry about their quality.

Or another thing: The only different sound between set 34 and set 33 is the normal-hitnormal. Instead you could've just called normal-hitnormal34 "soft-hitnormal33" and set any notes that are currently using set 34 to use set 33 with the soft sampleset and normal addition set.
330kb cut down already just from a simple structure change. this i will do
You're using a rather complex hitsounding structure, so it's a bit difficult for me to come up with other similar suggestions in restructuring to reduce repeated files and save on filesize without worrying about accidentally hecking something you did up. but.. yeah. seriously consider looking at that.
Just seeing so many repeated sounds and such a high size together, surely there's gotta be a better way.

[Collab Masquerade]
  1. 00:03:378 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - so like i don't know why but osu stack snapping is bugged and will snap things to often be off by a slight bit and it's a nitpicky thing but it drives me nuts seeing it everywhere when the stacks are supposed to be in the exact same places, and to me it ruins their visual integrity as "perfect stacks", it happens in this and the timestamps in the box, consider reviewing them. this is a known issue with the osu editor, because osu's mapping field is realistically 640*480 so any inperfect scaling of slider end positions will result in slight displacements. This can't be helped so we just need to live with it (note: try stacking two slider ends "perfectly" then saving and reopen the editor. You will notice that most of the time they will become displaced)
    it's a nitpicky thing so im just gonna put timestamps where i notice it while testplaying in this box
    00:06:397 (1,2,3,4,5) -
    00:41:869 (1,2) -
    00:33:567 (1,2,3,4,5,6) -
    03:25:800 (1,3) -
    04:27:498 (4,5) -
    06:44:479 (2,4) -
  2. 00:47:907 (1) - The impact of this note felt pretty lacking as the vocal is strong like 00:44:888 (1,2,3,4,1) - the vocals throughout here were, but doesn't have a jump. .. maybe ctrl+g?
  3. 00:50:925 (1,1,1,1,1) - this is so cute i love hearts
  4. 01:11:649 (1,2,1) - While the map is overall pretty hard, this is rather easy to misread as all 3 objects being 1/1 apart, which seems unfitting as a challenge for when its still in the calm part of the song. I suggest making 01:12:215 (1) - more noticably apart from 01:11:649 (1,2) - . this was intentionally done to represent the repetition in the...what do you call it clicks? I have a similar pattern also for the repeating piano at 01:39:008 (1,2)
  5. 01:12:404 (2) - I am fairly sure that this and the similar reverse sliders you have as 1/8 in this section should be on 1/6 instead. They currently sound like they're ending too early, with the louder more noticable sound at 01:12:467 - and the 1/3 in similar places.
  6. 01:16:744 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2) - oh goodness.. the piano may be regularly hitting on the 1/2s, but the more noticable.. sound effects (? dunno what to call them) are going between 1/3 , 1/6, and other crazy stuff, leading it to feel wrongly timed/weird when played. Maybe make this part more reverse sliders like the part just before it? i agree its messy here, but at this level of play the repeat sliders should be a good indicator of what to expect for the stream regardless of what crazy stuff is happening in the music
  7. 01:29:008 (1) - the pattern preceding this had the progressively more angular more curved shapes per slider, so this being such a flat wave kind of goes against that :s maybe this or a more intense wave
  8. 01:24:291 - I strongly agree with BOTH what osuskrub and leo16834 said here. The flow is more awkward than the other similar patterns, making it rather more difficult to play, yet it can also lack in impact in how it feels due to it being able to mostly stay in place like osuskrub described. I think this could be resolved by stacking the circles on slider ends like how you did 01:19:762 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - .
  9. 01:30:328 - the NCs in this bookmarked section are pretty odd, as it differs from the 2 following sections where you primarily placed NCs on downbeats instead. Same goes for 02:08:064 - many parts of this section. this was mainly because of the style i was trying to copy in this section (remember this is a fake collab), sadly the map in question was removed for DMCA takedown but if you can get a copy of it check it out
  10. 01:38:819 (3,1,2,1) - :!: an idea: what about having the lower spacing be between 3->1 instead, with 2->1 having more space inbetween them? As currently 01:39:008 (1) - is more spaced for a pretty weak guitar strum, and one that's paired with 01:38:819 (3) at that. It would also help contrast this from other currently similar visual patterns like 01:34:668 (5,6,1) - that are 1/2 instead. nice idea, but this is actually why i did 01:11:649 (1,2) in the first place, its a stack to emphasize a repeating sound. A similar gimmic at 05:55:423 (1,2) as well
  11. 01:55:234 (1,2,3) - Felt unfitting and a bit awkward to play, as 01:55:423 - is a slider end and 01:55:611 - skipped entirely, despite the fact you use a rather loud clap hitsound for this type of sound. 01:55:611 - is a pretty noticable guitar sound too. maybe? i've considered this, but dropped the idea because the drum finishes are clearly more dominant here. Mapping everything out would in fact take of the emphasis here imo
    > same thing occurs at 03:42:404 (1,2,3) -
  12. 02:37:687 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Consider making this rhyhtm more like how you did 04:24:857 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - , as I feel this latter pattern helped the piano roll stand out and play better while still following the same 1/2 click rhythm, instead of mostly ignoring the roll.
  13. 02:42:027 (5,6,7,8) - this is extremely cute <3
  14. 02:47:121 (9,3) - it looks like two pattern ideas collided here, as this overlap looks incredibly sloppy compared to most of this more intense section thus far. I can't even figure out a suggestion that would keep both individually good patterns in tact q_q dw i got this
  15. 02:50:328 (1) - I think this soft finish as used here and in other places as well is a bit too loud, and distracting because of it. I suggest lowering the volume of the audio file by a bit. i have music and hitsounds both at 100% and it seems fine on my end, its supposed to blend with the music anyways
  16. 03:17:498 (1,2,3) - Stacking got hecked here? 03:23:536 (1,2,3) - and here? 04:26:178 (5,6,7) - ?? 04:27:687 (5,6,7) - ?? ?? ? ? ? 04:32:215 (5,6,7) - ? ???!?? are these intentional? They're really weird, it's hard to tell.. I think they'd look better manually stacked so that they are visibly consistently stacked. this is in fact the auto stack, I intentionally didn't manually stack them because I'd have to use a single direction (lower towards the right), which might break some of the visuals on the sliders. In this scenario only the circle is slightly displaced, the sliders remain in stack which is what i wanted
  17. 03:22:970 (2) - Shouldn't this be set to the normal addition set?
  18. 03:25:045 (1,4) - ??? This kind of overlap seems a bit out of character for your either very organized overlaps or non overlapping patterns in the map overall. this section literally came out of RLC's maps lmao
  19. 03:26:744 (2) - cute slider i love
  20. 04:29:196 (5,6,7,8,1,2,3) - ultra cute <3
  21. 05:15:423 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - in comparison to the similarly edgy 05:08:630 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - , this one felt unnatural as it is a burst inbetween 1/2 sliders rather than a transition between different parts of the stream. Possibly a more straightforward curve could work instead? i didnt change the structure of the pattern but i reduced the "edginess" of the turn a bit
  22. 05:37:876 (2) - meant to be symmetrical but the slider is slightly lower on the right :c
  23. 05:40:894 (1) - maybe stack this on the other end of 05:39:385 (1) - instead? I think it would help for 05:40:894 (1,2,3,4) - to have a more even spacing throughout so a player is travelling at a more consistent speed during this very calm section. this part is rather slow so i don't want to make a huge 1/2* jump, I'll decrease the spacing of the circles instead
  24. 06:43:159 (3,4,1,2) - Currently feels rather unbalanced following all of the very symmetrical patterns used in the final kiai. I suggest adjusting it along this kind of idea
No comment = fixed based on suggestion. Thanks for modding!
Ayana Hana
some metadata for you

Artist: 凋叶棕 or めらみぽっぷ
Romanised Artist: Diao ye zong or Meramipop
Title: 「心綺楼」
Romanised Title: "Shinkirou"
Source: 東方心綺楼 ~ Hopeless Masquerade.
who dis
[Collab Masquerade]

01:30:234 (2,1) - I hope you can improve the visibility of these, idk I just find this placement is unnecessarily confusing (for me at least)
01:55:234 (1,2) - I find I move to (2) early because the sv change is so sudden and drastic. Perhaps give more spacing to (2) so the cursor slowdown doesn't feel as forced? Something like this would also make (3) fit better in the pattern:
02:05:045 (1,2,3) - The spacing between (1,2) feels rather big and I find it makes me end up going for (3) much too early
04:49:385 (4) - Knock this down a couple grids? It's a little closer to (1) than 04:49:008 (2,3) -
06:20:140 (1) - Normal sample for the finish?

the bpm until 01:18:253 - shouldn't be halved? especially the piano part doesn't sound 318 at all
idk if the current metadata people are more strict so might wanna replace the first space in the source with the 2byte space, in the fact they're consistent with this in most of the touhou titles

  1. 00:50:171 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - the guy who made this out is the god
  2. 01:39:762 (3) - soft whistle because the whistles in this part are for the piano
  3. 02:01:649 - a circle instead could be nicer to make the sound standing out more, 02:07:498 (3,4,5) - has also different rhythm but 02:07:498 (3,4) - is consistent at least, not giving other parts highlight because it's out of the collab part
  4. 02:03:159 (6,7) - this looks kinda messy due to how this looks random in comparison, 02:07:498 (3,4,5) - like this one is really fine as 02:07:687 (4) - is just ctrl + j form but u handmade it from 02:07:498 (3) - thats why 02:03:159 (6,7) -looks uguu
  5. 02:32:876 (2) - I know people usually stick to nc'ing on downbeats but for aesthetic only white combo for the slower sliders would make more sense? is also why I usually avoid nc'ing to have different combo color on stacked objects but that's not in the context x) 04:20:045 - too if you decided to change
  6. 03:13:536 (5,6,7,1) - the doublets which move into the inner side are generally much harder so if it won't break any concept here would swap the patterning with 03:12:027 (5,6,7,8) - but the spacing
  7. 03:22:593 (5) - could replace with a 1/2 slider because there's only one blank in this part which is meh
  8. 04:36:932 (1,2,1) - maybe consider nerfing this, only the spacing on (1) and (2) isn't the problem it's just a combo with the back and forth movement + huge spacing. easy fix would be like this
  9. 04:50:894 (2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3) - to me this is super cancerous due to the stack leniency just makes them stacking perfectly so the circles appear faster than the previous circles vanish out so it plays like ar10.5 unless you memorize the pattern here lol. manual stack helps
  10. 04:53:913 (2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3) - same
  11. 06:14:762 (3) - if this were out it would be a good increase of the intensity gradually, 06:13:347 (1,2) - in 2/1 to 06:14:102 (1,2) - in 1/1 and finally 06:14:857 (1,2) - in 1/2
  12. 06:29:196 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - these can be more jumpy since the intensity drop from the supposedly highest intensity part is underwhelming lol. a symmetrical patterning such as 06:30:706 (1,2,3,4,5) - is cool
rlc is my favorite anime
Topic Starter

Trust wrote:

who dis
[Collab Masquerade]

01:30:234 (2,1) - I hope you can improve the visibility of these, idk I just find this placement is unnecessarily confusing (for me at least) ctrl+g
01:55:234 (1,2) - I find I move to (2) early because the sv change is so sudden and drastic. Perhaps give more spacing to (2) so the cursor slowdown doesn't feel as forced? Something like this would also make (3) fit better in the pattern:
02:05:045 (1,2,3) - The spacing between (1,2) feels rather big and I find it makes me end up going for (3) much too early hmm i don't find this one much of a problem, i didnt see any testplays mess up on this pattern
04:49:385 (4) - Knock this down a couple grids? It's a little closer to (1) than 04:49:008 (2,3) -
06:20:140 (1) - Normal sample for the finish?


Delis wrote:

the bpm until 01:18:253 - shouldn't be halved? especially the piano part doesn't sound 318 at all actually piano is the reason i used 318 here, since the melody repeats in groups of 4s currently. I think both 159 and 318 work here depending on how you interpret the piano and vocal patterns
idk if the current metadata people are more strict so might wanna replace the first space in the source with the 2byte space, in the fact they're consistent with this in most of the touhou titles there was discussion on this in some map thread about a year ago, and the conclusion was that both the english space and asian space are acceptable for the purpose of the source field.

  1. 00:50:171 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - the guy who made this out is the god god bless rui
  2. 01:39:762 (3) - soft whistle because the whistles in this part are for the piano
  3. 02:01:649 - a circle instead could be nicer to make the sound standing out more, 02:07:498 (3,4,5) - has also different rhythm but 02:07:498 (3,4) - is consistent at least, not giving other parts highlight because it's out of the collab part im using sliders here since that japanese drum thing is only on the white tick, so i made that the only clickable sound
  4. 02:03:159 (6,7) - this looks kinda messy due to how this looks random in comparison, 02:07:498 (3,4,5) - like this one is really fine as 02:07:687 (4) - is just ctrl + j form but u handmade it from 02:07:498 (3) - thats why 02:03:159 (6,7) -looks uguu 02:02:970 (5,6) - made this a blanket hope its cleaner now
  5. 02:32:876 (2) - I know people usually stick to nc'ing on downbeats but for aesthetic only white combo for the slower sliders would make more sense? is also why I usually avoid nc'ing to have different combo color on stacked objects but that's not in the context x) 04:20:045 - too if you decided to change
  6. 03:13:536 (5,6,7,1) - the doublets which move into the inner side are generally much harder so if it won't break any concept here would swap the patterning with 03:12:027 (5,6,7,8) - but the spacing
  7. 03:22:593 (5) - could replace with a 1/2 slider because there's only one blank in this part which is meh i left this part out intentionally to follow the guitar track on the left channel (notice how the next 4 sliders are all big jumps)
  8. 04:36:932 (1,2,1) - maybe consider nerfing this, only the spacing on (1) and (2) isn't the problem it's just a combo with the back and forth movement + huge spacing. easy fix would be like this i've got like 5 different ppl telling me to change this and urs is the only one that makes sense with the music, dank
  9. 04:50:894 (2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3) - to me this is super cancerous due to the stack leniency just makes them stacking perfectly so the circles appear faster than the previous circles vanish out so it plays like ar10.5 unless you memorize the pattern here lol. manual stack helps noooo this is basara pattern pls dont make me change this :/
  10. 04:53:913 (2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3) - same
  11. 06:14:762 (3) - if this were out it would be a good increase of the intensity gradually, 06:13:347 (1,2) - in 2/1 to 06:14:102 (1,2) - in 1/1 and finally 06:14:857 (1,2) - in 1/2
  12. 06:29:196 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - these can be more jumpy since the intensity drop from the supposedly highest intensity part is underwhelming lol. a symmetrical patterning such as 06:30:706 (1,2,3,4,5) - is cool instead of that i increased the spacing between the sliders, since the flow is opposite to the jump this pattern is actually harder not because of the spacing but the direction change on hitting each slider
rlc is my favorite anime skystar is my favorite manga
no comments = fixed as suggested. Thanks <3
The actual answer: the last 2 sliders are mapped by RLC.

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RLC (aka Skystar)

Ayana Hana
hellooo, why you ignore my post?
Topic Starter

Lama Poluna wrote:

hellooo, why you ignore my post?
Oh I checked your post against my metadata and they were correct, I put diao ye zong in tags and Meramipop as artist

Thanks for checking (didn't give kd because I don't think metadata checks are valid for kd anymore)

Edit: actually on second thought i had to confirm whether the 「」 is needed around the title, and the conclusion we drew was that as long as there are no text before/after it, it is not required since it just hosts the real title like what the artist did with the album titles.
Ayana Hana
if you "had confirm" what you can say about this map you are wrong, offical website use 「」 and CD use this title too.

source is wrong too, 東方心綺楼 ~ Hopeless Masquerade. used a space between, like all touhou sources.

better use circle name on artist, because they are created. you never write group members individually. you are in contempt of Dojin music. In addition, many people began to let the truth and began to use a circle. Maybe you will also start?
surrounding something important with the square brackets is quite common in traditional japanese style so the design for the cd jacket is also japanese style??

or the spell cards in touhou are also written in this form so ur saying name of spell cards is including "「" and "」"so how do i even pronounce this shit
Ayana Hana
You have no choice. If the so called track you have to use exactly this name. If he wanted to call the track just 心綺楼 he would have called it so.
But he have a choise, he can simply not use these brackets 😀
Topic Starter
Hey guys calm down no need to be so hostile here.

Regarding the artist field, I agree that Diao ye zong should be used since I realize nayuta was also part of this track, so their whole circle was in this and using just Meramipop is not correct. I will change that once I have access to osu at the end of the week.

Actually nayuta is not part of this track lol the description is just copied from the CD summary, there is still merit of using Meramipop specifically for this track (consider the theme of "the act").

About the title, square brackets have long been a source of frustration for us. Some include it but romanize it differently "this" or 'this', and some don't include it at all. The map you linked is an example where it is used and romanized as "this". I can confirm with more BNs/QATs if you wish, but so far the ruling I got from 1 QAT and 2 BNs is that it is not needed.
Ayana Hana
also all tracks from this album will artist Daio ye Zong

心綺楼 as title, absolutely fine
as for artist, argh why do i always have to repeat they are both fine so many times to you?

friendly reminder, stop triggering everyone by thinking you are the one who decides everything just because you have references linked. even you have links, it doesn't mean there aren't some other choices

jonathanlfj wrote:

I can confirm with more BNs/QATs if you wish, but so far the ruling I got from 1 QAT and 2 BNs is that it is not needed.
yea you also got someone graveyarded revived after halloween saying that too
Ayana Hana
ok you win
"friendly reminder, stop triggering everyone by thinking you are the one who decides everything just because you have references linked. even you have links, it doesn't mean there aren't some other choices" im just havent that scans
Ayana Hana
how to delete this

jonathanlfj wrote:

but so far the ruling I got from 1 QAT and 2 BNs is that it is not needed.
I hope one of those BNs gives this a heart soon, amazing work!
Topic Starter
Thanks Touka (hopefully soon tm)

Lama: I appreciate Diao ye zong as a circle for creating this piece, and it makes sense to have them as the artist. However, if you consider the central theme of this song, it is basically a "play" in which Meramipop sings (acts) with 9 different voices to minic 9 different characters in the game. For that reason, I believe Mearmipop should get the spot light for this particular song. If this song had a 2nd vocalist (nayuta) I would have definitely used Diao ye zong because that would include their complete roster.

I hope this helps to end the discussion.
ok uhh

02:05:800 (1,2) - these were both kicksliders here 01:59:762 (1,2) -
02:11:649 (1,2,3,4) - kinda.. overspaced imo, comparatively
02:32:215 (1,1) - uhhh im not 100% sure if these are rankable here
02:52:781 (2,3,4) - i think this needs a nerf lol, it just requires such a fast motion compared to everything else in this section
03:18:064 (4) - i think perfect free had it a bit closer to the slider
03:32:970 (3,5,7) - u need NC? like from the last part
05:25:045 (4,5) - honestly i don't think such a big jump is necessary for this part
05:48:442 (1) - the c clef is sideways smh
06:07:310 (5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,1) - gdi. idk i would at least change the spacing going one way i think
06:30:328 (1,2,3,4) - this is like the only time in the entire map you use these kinds of spaced streams, uhh.. idk other than the consistency i don't really think its done very well here
07:06:042 (1,1) - haHAA
05:15:423 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - mm i think it could be like.. a litle more extended out? just to help with readability imo
06:42:404 (3,4,5,6) - this really doesn't fit the pacing of the ending section you build up. 06:40:894 (1,2,3,4,1) - you kind of have this high spacing fast motion thing build up and then you just turn it into a hold there lol same with these 06:43:913 (3,4,5,6,1) - etc 06:45:423 (7,8,9,10,1) - this is better i guesss, but imo the spacing could be a little bigger for these
06:21:272 (3,4) - 06:24:291 (3,4) - 06:33:347 (3,4) - 06:36:366 (3,4) - i don't really think these work out too well.
again, in the kiai here 06:20:140 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - you generally set up very spaced, fast paced movement, but you kinda of transition to basically a .. hold here, except i don't really think this part is very different or stands out very much in the song. idk its just a really big contrast for.. no reason?
Topic Starter

Kibbleru wrote:

ok uhh

02:05:800 (1,2) - these were both kicksliders here 01:59:762 (1,2) - there was a new layer of piano here so i decided to highlight it
02:11:649 (1,2,3,4) - kinda.. overspaced imo, comparatively
02:32:215 (1,1) - uhhh im not 100% sure if these are rankable here they are rankable as long as the sliders are not immediately after each other on the timeline. See 01:50:198 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - in
02:52:781 (2,3,4) - i think this needs a nerf lol, it just requires such a fast motion compared to everything else in this section
03:18:064 (4) - i think perfect free had it a bit closer to the slider shhhh
03:32:970 (3,5,7) - u need NC? like from the last part
05:25:045 (4,5) - honestly i don't think such a big jump is necessary for this part i nerfed the overall spacing a bit but kept the jump because i want to highlight the guitars
05:48:442 (1) - the c clef is sideways smh symmetry xD
06:07:310 (5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,1) - gdi. idk i would at least change the spacing going one way i think thats a basara stream variation of 00:09:330 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) from
06:30:328 (1,2,3,4) - this is like the only time in the entire map you use these kinds of spaced streams, uhh.. idk other than the consistency i don't really think its done very well here having them go the same direction really kills the flow since they can't be loosely followed like the sliders, so instead I made them parallel and increased the spacing within the doubles for a better circular flow
07:06:042 (1,1) - haHAA
05:15:423 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - mm i think it could be like.. a litle more extended out? just to help with readability imo
06:42:404 (3,4,5,6) - this really doesn't fit the pacing of the ending section you build up. 06:40:894 (1,2,3,4,1) - you kind of have this high spacing fast motion thing build up and then you just turn it into a hold there lol same with these 06:43:913 (3,4,5,6,1) - etc 06:45:423 (7,8,9,10,1) - this is better i guesss, but imo the spacing could be a little bigger for these these are meant to be increasing spacing as the section goes but i guess i will bump the scaling a bit
06:21:272 (3,4) - 06:24:291 (3,4) - 06:33:347 (3,4) - 06:36:366 (3,4) - i don't really think these work out too well. i've had a few testplays from pretty good players and they found no issue with it, i think its a nice gimmick for the repeating drums in the last kiai (they are mapped differently in every kiai)
again, in the kiai here 06:20:140 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - you generally set up very spaced, fast paced movement, but you kinda of transition to basically a .. hold here, except i don't really think this part is very different or stands out very much in the song. idk its just a really big contrast for.. no reason? like stated before, i only used these overlaps when the drum 1/4s come in every 4 measures
no reply = fixed as is. Thanks <3
06:30:328 (1,2,3,4) - to me it doesn't really work cuz its just too much of a variation from what else you have with this part
eg. 06:31:838 (3,4) - 06:33:347 (3,4) - 06:34:857 (1,2,3,4) -

even if its for following the motion of 06:29:196 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - , in the first place i don't see too much of a reason why 06:29:196 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - is so much different compared to 06:30:706 (1,2,3,4,5) - anyways, so i don't really see why you would want to introduce any more playing gimmicks here :S
Topic Starter
I dont really agree with your arguement, in fact intense variation is what i was looking for. Take for example the other kiais:

02:50:328 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - the last two are sliders because of the vocal hold + the drum 1/4s

04:37:498 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - same idea, except since i already used the circle - slider pattern in previous kiai, I did all sliders with the last two being faster (red)

06:29:196 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4) - and then this, already did circle - slider and slider - slider, the logical remaining combination is slider - circle. The effective way to make the circles stand out is to group them in 2s similar to how i treated the sliders in the previous sections, otherwise you lose the jump feel. If you look at Delis' mod he actually agreed that increasing intensity is the better way here (the sliders used to be a lot more underwhelming).

The second part you mentioned have different vocal patterns, so i mapped them more consistently highlighting the fast vocals at 02:52:781 (2,3,4,5) -
04:39:951 (1,2,3,4) - and 06:31:649 (1,2,3,4).

I hope that's a good enough explanation :3
i think ill rebub for now, want delis to give another quick confirmation for this before qualifying :o
its fine
Topic Starter
Thanks boys
Grats lfj!!
Ayana Hana

Artist: 凋叶棕 feat. めらみぽっぷ or RD-Sounds feat. めらみぽっぷ ... 2339969025
Topic Starter
Since this is what the artist desires, I will use 凋叶棕 feat. めらみぽっぷ

Good on you for checking it directly with the artist.

Tip for you: in the future when you do metadata checks on maps, make sure you don't write things that may come off as aggressive or rude. It might not be your intention, but if someone was offended by your way of speaking, they may be less inclined to take your suggestion (and this is how drama starts). If someone is arguing with you about metadata, better ask an expert (QAT) to mediate rather than firing back directly.
do things ok
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fixed title, also added comiket 91 to tags since thats where the album was released
things done ok
Topic Starter
Thanks boys (different boys this time xD)
god tier mapinguuuu
some of the stacks are off with HR but otherwise this map is flawless
It dont eggz
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