
Camellia - Towards The Horizon [CatchTheBeat]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Thursday, November 16, 2017 at 4:26:55 PM

Artist: Camellia
Title: Towards The Horizon
Source: REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア
Tags: The Reflesia of Eternity 6th KONAMI Arcade Championship kac BEMANI Illusiya イルシヤ
BPM: 154.4
Filesize: 5933kb
Play Time: 01:59
Difficulties Available:
  1. Cup (1.25 stars, 110 notes)
  2. Deluge (6.05 stars, 518 notes)
  3. Overdose (5.4 stars, 512 notes)
  4. Platter (2.85 stars, 352 notes)
  5. Rain (4.23 stars, 500 notes)
  6. Salad (1.92 stars, 194 notes)
  7. Vanishing Point (6.78 stars, 626 notes)
Download: Camellia - Towards The Horizon
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Community Choice 2017 - 3rd Place
MCA Grand Map 2017 - 2nd Place

Nerova's Set

hiii, I'm here to do a mod for you. I'd like to see your mod on this, if you feel like doing it, thanks~
  1. 00:16:201 (2,1) - the distance between these should be a little bit bigger for keeping consistency
  1. 00:29:608 (2,3) - this seems to be pretty ambiguous, so I'd rather reccomend decreasing or increasing it (decreasing seems to be a better idea to keep emphasizing of 00:30:579 (1) -)
  2. 00:55:061 (5,1) - aaa why this is not a dash? (1) is placed on a downbeat and there is also quite high (violin?) sound, so a dash into (1) won't hurt much, just like you did here 01:01:279 (5,1) -.
  3. 01:03:999 (2,1) - I suggest you to CTRL H this and then move to x392, just to emphasize (2) with a dash leading to it, since 01:03:222 (1,2) - these two have quite the same sound ideas, but (2) is a lot louder
  4. 01:35:864 (1,2) - ah, another ambiguous distance. I think you wanted to make a dash here, so increase the distance a little bit
  1. 00:56:227 (3,1) - I think (1) is quite louder than (3), so it deserves a dash leading to it
    aa nice platter
  1. I think AR9,1 is quite high for 154bpm, so I suggest you to decrease it to AR9
  2. 01:22:457 (4,1,2) - heyhey, I think a 1/4 anti flow hdash is not a good idea in Rain difficulty, so you might wanna remove this antiflow coming after (4)
  3. 01:26:829 (4,5,6) - ^same
  4. 01:28:481 (3,1,2) - ^
    overall, I do find this rain quite overdone with 1/4 hdashes, but oh well, I think that's the case of mapper's style, but still I do think you should rething pattern ideas at the beginning, since there's a LOT of 1/4 hdashes, which doesn't fit the density of the music at the beginning, since, well, there's no density in the music at all
  1. Again, AR9,5 seems to be quite hard for an overdose diff (compared to highest diff of course), so I suggest you to decrease it to AR9,3 or at least AR9,4, also this would make pretty nice AR spread
  1. And agaain, AR9,7 is quite high for 154bpm, but oh well, after seeing this dense pattern ideas, I do understand your choise, but still AR9,6 would be ab etter decision for AR spread imo
uwu I'm sorry for such a quite short mod. usually I am looking for inconsistencies and diff-specific issues in my mods, but your mapset seems to be really consistent and it doesn't have many diff-specific issues. this mod could be longer if I'd try to point something out of high diffs, but I'm afraid to ruin such a cool style you used in them. I really do see this to be in the ranked section, so if you'll achieve that and there's going to be any concerns in high diffs - just poke me, I could try looking into them more deeply.
again, good luck, take a star~
Topic Starter
@other modders, Myle didn't want to try mv2 because he didn't want to mess up xP
it's not too complicated to use though, you should still give it a go

no response/deleted = fix
response can also = fix

Myle wrote:

hiii, I'm here to do a mod for you. I'd like to see your mod on this, if you feel like doing it, thanks~

  1. 00:29:608 (2,3) - this seems to be pretty ambiguous, so I'd rather reccomend decreasing or increasing it (decreasing seems to be a better idea to keep emphasizing of 00:30:579 (1) -) increased to be consistent with 00:34:854 (4,1) -
  2. 01:03:999 (2,1) - I suggest you to CTRL H this and then move to x392, just to emphasize (2) with a dash leading to it, since 01:03:222 (1,2) - these two have quite the same sound ideas, but (2) is a lot louder Keeping as is, your suggestion would increase emphasis on just the slider head of 01:03:999 (2) - . The currect pattern makes you change direction on every fruit, which emphasises all 3 snares instead of just the first.
  1. 00:56:227 (3,1) - I think (1) is quite louder than (3), so it deserves a dash leading to it same as salad thing above
    aa nice platter
  1. I think AR9,1 is quite high for 154bpm, so I suggest you to decrease it to AR9 entire kiai is just streams so I'm using higher ar
  2. 01:22:457 (4,1,2) - heyhey, I think a 1/4 anti flow hdash is not a good idea in Rain difficulty, so you might wanna remove this antiflow coming after (4)
    removed antiflow cancer lul
  3. 01:26:829 (4,5,6) - ^same
  4. 01:28:481 (3,1,2) - ^ actually change this pattern cuz the violin is different on this one
    overall, I do find this rain quite overdone with 1/4 hdashes, but oh well, I think that's the case of mapper's style, but still I do think you should rething pattern ideas at the beginning, since there's a LOT of 1/4 hdashes, which doesn't fit the density of the music at the beginning, since, well, there's no density in the music at all style desu, I hate using 1/2 dashes on rain because they're harder than 1/4 dashes 90% of the time. Testplayers actually said that it was really easy for a rain because I managed flow pretty well, so should be fine
  1. Again, AR9,5 seems to be quite hard for an overdose diff (compared to highest diff of course), so I suggest you to decrease it to AR9,3 or at least AR9,4, also this would make pretty nice AR spread I bumped it back up to AR 9.6 because it's impossible to read with so many objects.
    I did it because the ending section is in 1/6. At equivalent bpm that's 231 bpm. That + low circle size is also a factor
  1. And agaain, AR9,7 is quite high for 154bpm, but oh well, after seeing this dense pattern ideas, I do understand your choise, but still AR9,6 would be ab etter decision for AR spread imo
uwu I'm sorry for such a quite short mod. usually I am looking for inconsistencies and diff-specific issues in my mods, but your mapset seems to be really consistent and it doesn't have many diff-specific issues. this mod could be longer if I'd try to point something out of high diffs, but I'm afraid to ruin such a cool style you used in them. I really do see this to be in the ranked section, so if you'll achieve that and there's going to be any concerns in high diffs - just poke me, I could try looking into them more deeply.
again, good luck, take a star~
Thank you for modding! I'll get to that set as soon as I can
Modded over moddingv2 but since I didn't receive any kudosu there I'm gonna leave a link to the discussion thread on this post as proof that I indeed modded it over there so that I can receive my kudo here instead (grammar mindfuck intensifies):
[ A v a l o n ]
The best platter diff i ever plays, really nice
Topic Starter
Thank you <3
platters are perfect difficulty for me to test with DT, I feel a bit like lower rank player when playing with it, antiflow patterns + reading is more difficult. I try to find unique/different things that are playable for me in dt, so those should be playable for target audience of platters
Withered Lotus
Time to do my end of the bargain.


> 00:01:046 - Why not have a note here? It'd be consistent with the other difficulties and I don't see why not.
> 00:36:408 (4) - Perhaps move this note a little more left so that it lines up better with the slider end and slider head like other similar patterns.
> 01:19:154 (1) - Why a vertical repeat slider? Seems a bit out of place considering you had repeat sliders that required movement previously so I don't see why this should be any different.
> 01:49:854 (3) - There should be a clap or something on the head of this slider, it's a pretty strong note.
> 01:51:020 (4,1) - Hmm, not sure I agree with 01:51:797 (1) - starting on top of the previous slider especially with this slider being on such a strong note and again, a bit out of place considering there are no other standstills in the map.
> 01:52:963 (3,4) - Hitsounding here doesn't make sense to me, there's a strong note on the slider head and hitcircle but neither have a clap, but the weak slider end has a clap? I would suggest doing the complete opposite and adding a clap on the slider head and hitcircle and removing the clap on the slider end.
> 01:54:517 (1) - Remove the clap at the end of this slider, it's the same as 01:55:294 (2) - but this doesn't have a clap.
> Why do the last 4 green lines in this have such random volume values? 38% 26% 14% 5%... Very minor point but it's kinda frustrating seeing such odd and random values, please change these to more regular values (multiples of 5 and 10 preferably).

There are a couple other groups of notes that don't lineup quite right like how I wrote on my first point, but they're mostly such minuscule distances that I didn't think they'd be worth pointing out except for the one point which I felt were the most glaring. You're free to go over the map with your surgical kit and make those really slight adjustments but it's not really necessary.


> 00:30:191 (4,1) - Perhaps reduce this jump a bit, it's fairly wide and the antiflow doesn't help, I could see salad players under or overshooting this jump quite easily. Something more like 00:31:745 (4,1) - would be more appropriate.
> 00:36:020 (3,4) - I don't really agree with having these sliders stacked on top of eachother like this and then into a jump, I feel it might be to much quick movement for a salad.
> 00:45:735 (3,1) - Perhaps make this jump just sightly bigger? Feels fairly small for such a strong note compared to other jumps.
> 01:31:006 (3,1) - and 01:31:978 (2,1) - Again like my first point, feel like these jumps may be a bit too wide for a salad, I'd suggest reducing the distance very slightly.
> 01:48:105 (1) - Definately should be some kind of hitsound on this slider head.
> 01:49:854 (1) - And this one.
> 01:52:963 (1) - Same thing here.
> Same issue I have with the green lines on this difficulty, and probably with all the difficults following this so yeah, not going to point them out from now on on every difficulty.


> 00:04:932 (6,7) - You are missing a note here on the white tick and generally this just kinda feels weird to me. I'd suggest making the 2nd slider a 1/2 slider starting on the white tick and adding a hitcircle where the slider head is currently. This way you map the chime on the white tick and I feel this looks cleaner and feels a bit better.
> 00:22:419 (4,1) - This should be a H-dash imo, to emphasise the drum sound which has a H-dash on previously and also the emphasise the increasing intensity.
> 00:25:916 (1) - Perhaps make this a H-dash to the left instead? The jump itself feels quite underwhelming and the direction change feels quite weird as well considering the flow of the stream.
> 00:37:574 (2,3) - Increase the jump distance here, the hitcircle is quite a strong note but it's not really emphasise well by such a small jump.
> 00:41:266 (4,1) - This should really be a H-dash, every other note like this so far has been a H-dash.
> 00:54:090 (2) - I know this probably isn't appropriate for a platter, but damn the drumroll on this bluetick before the slider head is really frustrating not being mapped especially in a platter, but it is like a 1/8 drumroll, so I don't know...
> 01:43:636 (1) - Same thing with the stream like I said before.
> 01:47:134 (2,3) - This just is incredibly harsh, a lot tighter than any of the other jumps, I'd suggest reducing this slightly.
> 01:48:688 (2,3) - Same thing here.


> 01:03:707 - The drumroll starts on this bluetick, I'd suggest remapping this slider and map the drumroll here since every other one is mapped in this section.
> 00:30:191 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - This is undermapped, the 1/8 sound you're mapping extends to the next tick up to the slider.
> 00:36:408 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Same thing here.
> 00:42:237 (7,8,1) - I would suggest making this spacing between 00:42:237 (7,8) - slightly larger or making (8) more horizontal since it forces you to wait for the vertical slider to fall, even if you don't use dash, which doesn't feel right into a H-dash and is an odd change of pace.
> 01:22:263 (3,4,1,2,3,4) - I strongly disagree with this kind of pattern in a rain, these require quite a bit of control to catch consistently and the bpm isn't high enough for them to be caught reliably, I can't see rain players being able to catch these very often.
> 01:24:012 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - A lot of pretty harsh antiflow in quick succession here, I would atleast make the spacing on 01:24:595 (4,5,6,7) - a little smaller so that it can be hit without dashing.
> 01:25:178 (2) - There is no 1/6 here, it's should just be a 1/4 slider.
> 01:26:926 (5,6) - I think this is pretty overkill for a rain difficulty, patterns like this I would reserve for Overdose difficulties and above only. I would suggest making this a little lighter and sticking with more simpler stream patterns with less antiflow like the rest of the streams. 01:27:704 (5,6) - has the exact same intensity but is much simpler.
> 01:28:869 (1,2) - It's pretty easy to undershoot the walk to (2), you pretty much need perfect movement, I would suggest reducing the distance slightly.
> 01:30:424 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - and 01:31:978 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - firstly, I think 01:32:367 (5) - should be a NC since 01:30:812 (1) - is a nC. Secondly, the hitsounding on these white ticks are very odd, why are they so different? Whistle > clap & whistle > clap & whistle > nothing. These hitsounds should all be the same imo, and definately there should be a hitsound on 01:32:367 (5) -. Personally I would just stick with having just a clap or whistle on each of them.
> 01:31:201 (1,2,3) - Again, very inconsistent hitsounding.
> 01:35:087 (1,2,3,4) - Ehhh... these aren't as bad as the ones I pointed out before, but still, I'm not sure I agree with them. I can't really speak for rain players everywhere but I imagine they would struggle with patterns like this, it's just really easy to miss sliderends.
> 01:37:613 (2,3,4,5) - Again, overmapped, this is not a 1/6 it should still be in 1/4.
> 01:43:442 (6) - Put a finish on the end of this slider.
> 01:47:328 (3) - This is really nitpicking, but looks a bit funky in playfield, move to x:332? lines up better with the repeat slider.
> 01:51:408 (4) - This is a bit odd to see, I think this is like the only anti-flow curved slider in the map, I could imagine this easily catching people offguard and breaking their rhythm, I'd suggest making this curve the other way or have it just a straight slider.
> 01:54:808 (2) - Not sure why this has a clap on it as well as a finish whilst all the others only have finishes. Remove the clap.
> 01:56:071 (1,2) - Pretty weird standstill, doesn't really feel right sitting in one spot for a whole 1/1 span, I'd suggest doing ctrl+g on (2) and moving in right slightly to force the player to move. Doesn't feel right to be stood still during the intense finish.


> 00:03:377 (5) - Eh, I don't really agree with having such harsh antiflow at the start of the map where it's very calm, I would suggest toning this down a bit or ctrl+g. The flow should feel very natural here rather than having these harsh direction changes imo.
> 00:04:349 (2) - Same thing here.
> 00:09:012 (2) - Same here.
> 00:09:595 (7) - Again here.
> 00:10:372 (1,2,3,4) - Hmm, this feels a bit out of place, these patterns force you to dash which feels a bit out of place considering all of the bursts so far have been walkable. I get that the violin increases in intensity but I would atleast tone down 00:10:372 (1,2) - and make it walkable which would also better complement the increasing intensity.
> 00:28:150 - Curious why you decide to miss out the crashing drums on these blue and red ticks. I figured it was fine to miss them on the rain out of design, but I feel at this point they should probably be mapped.
> 00:28:442 - There should definately be a note here, this coupled with (4) is exactly the same as 00:29:802 (4,5) -.
> 00:40:294 (3,4) - Ehh, I suppose this is okay, but comparative to all the other H-dash streams you've mapped, this is a very harsh and sudden anti-flow that can easily catch you off.
> 00:41:849 (3,4) - This kinda feels out of place, it doesn't complement the increasing intensity of the violin very well and is very underwhelming compared to 00:40:294 (3,4) - which is complementing the same thing.
> 00:43:403 (2,3) - I feel there should be a slider here instead of hitcircles considering this violin sound is such a long held note.
> 00:45:637 (6) - Move this left slightly? (4) and (5) is walkable but (5) and (6) isn't which is odd considering the pattern.
> 00:48:746 - There should really be a note here considering it's the peak of the violin which has been mapped previously. I would even go as far as saying it should probably be a slider and replacing (3) considering how promenent the sound is compared to (3).
> 00:49:038 (4) - Undermapped, should be the same as 00:48:843 (3) - since it's still part of that droning sound or whatever you call that.
> 00:53:507 (7) 00:57:781 (4,5) 00:59:725 (8) - Again, like at the start of the map, this part is supposed to be fairly calm, so I would go against using such harsh anti-flow here.
> 01:19:154 (1) - This slider should curve the other way and flow into the next slider, doesn't make sense to have an anti-flow here.
> 01:23:429 (1,2,3) - Similar to the rain, I feel there should be more movement here, feels out of place to be standstill here especially with all the intense streams going on. 01:35:864 (1,2,3) - is a much better.
> 01:25:178 (2,3) - Move this pattern left abit. Again, feels really out of place having to stand still here.
> 01:25:761 (1,2,3,4,1) - I don't think there should be these difficult 1/2 H-dash patterns here, the music really isn't intense enough to justify it imo compared to something like 01:22:652 (1,2,3,4) - where the violin complements it.
> 01:37:613 (2,3) - Again, I would suggest moving right a little bit, doesn't seem fitting to be stood still in this section.
> 01:39:750 (3) - Make into a H-dash? pretty strong violin sound.
> 01:39:750 (3,4,1) - I would suggest spreading these out a bit, doesn't seem fitting having walkable distances on such strong violin sounds, even if the section is a little calm at this point. I would even say there should be a H-dash to (1).
> 01:42:859 (1,2,3,4,1) - Perhaps have the spacing between these notes increase gradually? Would complement the increasing intesity better instead of having them the same distance apart.
> 01:43:636 (1) - I think I get what you're going for here, but the first few droplets of this slider are very awkward, I would suggest refining this slider a bit more.
> 01:47:328 (5,6) - Nitpicking, but this looks a little weird in play, I suggest adjusting this slider a bit, perhaps make it more horizontal.
> 01:48:882 (4,5,1) - This is really over complicating the map more than it's worth. I would strongly suggest just keeping this at 1/8 like other similar sections of the song such as 01:47:328 (5,6,1) -.
> 01:50:922 (4) - I don't agree with having such a difficult anti-flow pattern like this here. This section is already quite difficult to follow with how technical it is and this is just so out of place and unexpected compared to everything else here.
> 01:54:808 (2) - Again, like in the other difficulties, I don't understand why there's a clap and a finish here whereas everything else is just a finish.
> Friendly reminder, I hope you haven't forgotten about those green lines I mentioned earlier :)

Honestly, despite how much I had to say about this overdose, it's quite enjoyable, I thoroughly enjoyed playing it.


> This intro is quite interesting, it's somehow a lot calmer and has a lot more flow than the overdose despite it being a higher diff, even 00:02:989 (3,4,5) - feels like a lighter version of the overdose pattern. I would perhaps suggest making these patterns a little more intense to stand out from the overdose a bit more.
> 00:05:191 (6) - This slider is to early, it should be mapped to the blue tick like on the other difficulties. Infact I'd even suggest making this a 1/2 slider and moving it to the white tick and just mapping a hitcircle on the blue tick. This way you map the violin sound and the jingle on the white tick.
> 00:05:709 (1) - Again, perhaps shorten this to the red tick to map the jingle here and add a hitcircle on the violin sound?
> 00:06:097 (2) - Same thing here, jingle on the red tick and then a dash to a hitcircle on white tick for example.
> 00:06:680 - Add a note here?
> 00:08:332 - And here. This note is a lot more subtle though so it's not as bad.
> 00:08:818 (1) - This slider should end on the red tick since the next violin sound comes on the red tick.
> 00:09:141 (2) - This is overmapped, there is no sound here.
> 00:12:121 - Add a note here?
> 00:12:995 (4,1) - I'd suggest adding a bit more movement here like with 00:06:777 (3,1) -.
> 00:14:258 (4) - I feel there should be more of a dash to this note, maybe even a H-dash, it's quite a high pitch string sound.
> 00:16:104 - add a note here or have the slider repeat one more time? There's a subtle note here which is part of the instrument on the red tick.
> 00:17:625 (2,3) - Overmapped, there should only be one note here on the blue tick.
> 00:21:058 (5,6,7) - Again, overmapped, there is no note in the song where (6) is.
> 00:26:887 (2) - This is almost fine, but there is no note on the second repeat in the song. Just have a hitcircle on the red tick and then a 1/8 slider on the blue tick or something similar.
> 00:28:150 - Again, like in the overdose, I find it odd that you missed out these crashing drums on these blue and red ticks. I would suggest going over this section again in 25% speed and mapping these sounds.
> 00:33:688 (1) - Have a vertical slider here feels quite underwhelming compared to similar sliders like 00:30:579 (1) -, even more so I'd argue that this slider is a stronger note than that considering it has a finish which makes it feel even more out of place.
> 00:34:077 (2,3) - Edge dash.
> 00:39:906 (1) - This slider end is not mapped to anything.
> 00:42:432 (3) - Don't know why you chose not the map the violin sound here on the blue tick. I would suggest instead having a hitcircle on the red tick and then having the slider start on the blue tick.
> 00:44:957 (4) - I don't really like this slider being vertical like this, it doesn't really compliment the weird jerky movement of the previous patterns and I find myself moving to the left rather than standing still out of instinct.
> 00:48:261 (4) - Have this slider horizontal, it would complement the violin better like 00:46:512 (3,4) - and feels more natural.
> 00:48:746 - Again I really feel you should make the violin here.
> 00:50:658 (5,6) - Mistimed, the drums start on the blue tick, not the 1/6 purple tick before it.
> 01:01:279 (8,1) - Edge dash.
> 01:23:688 (2,3,4) - Overmapped, should just be one note on the blue tick not a 1/6.
> 01:24:595 (3) - Make this a H-dash? strong violin sound.
> 01:36:123 (2,3,4) - Again, overmapped, same as before.
> 01:47:716 (2) - The curve this slider creates feels really awkward
> 01:51:408 (5,6,7,8,9) - Considering the ludicrous amount of movement in this section, I'm suprised you would choose to have such a long standstill here.

Good luck with the set.
Topic Starter

Withered Lotus wrote:

Time to do my end of the bargain.


> 00:01:046 - Why not have a note here? It'd be consistent with the other difficulties and I don't see why not. spread, that part decreases density on each diff
> 00:36:408 (4) - Perhaps move this note a little more left so that it lines up better with the slider end and slider head like other similar patterns. needs different distance for emphasis + never really consider aesthetics, it just kinda happens lol
> 01:19:154 (1) - Why a vertical repeat slider? Seems a bit out of place considering you had repeat sliders that required movement previously so I don't see why this should be any different. different shape for different part of music, this is unique so use unique shape
> 01:49:854 (3) - There should be a clap or something on the head of this slider, it's a pretty strong note. fix, just say "miss clap" is enough since i did it on other diffs
> 01:51:020 (4,1) - Hmm, not sure I agree with 01:51:797 (1) - starting on top of the previous slider especially with this slider being on such a strong note and again, a bit out of place considering there are no other standstills in the map. different idea = different part, all diffs have something that makes this section hard to read, for cup a stack can confuse player and still be simple
> 01:52:963 (3,4) - Hitsounding here doesn't make sense to me, there's a strong note on the slider head and hitcircle but neither have a clap, but the weak slider end has a clap? I would suggest doing the complete opposite and adding a clap on the slider head and hitcircle and removing the clap on the slider end. delete slider and listen to music, I follow the content of the song for hitsounds. There's a kick on the head and a snare on tail. Doesn't really matter about intensity
> 01:54:517 (1) - Remove the clap at the end of this slider, it's the same as 01:55:294 (2) - but this doesn't have a clap. hs copier mistake
> Why do the last 4 green lines in this have such random volume values? 38% 26% 14% 5%... Very minor point but it's kinda frustrating seeing such odd and random values, please change these to more regular values (multiples of 5 and 10 preferably). multiples of 12 but 5 is lowest, the player won't really notice difference at all

There are a couple other groups of notes that don't lineup quite right like how I wrote on my first point, but they're mostly such minuscule distances that I didn't think they'd be worth pointing out except for the one point which I felt were the most glaring. You're free to go over the map with your surgical kit and make those really slight adjustments but it's not really necessary. most of the time those are for light spacing emphasis since cup no dash so has to use walkable distance changes.


> 00:30:191 (4,1) - Perhaps reduce this jump a bit, it's fairly wide and the antiflow doesn't help, I could see salad players under or overshooting this jump quite easily. Something more like 00:31:745 (4,1) - would be more appropriate. i'd prefer smaller but having 00:30:191 (4) - sideways means players are more likely to read this distance as walk, so needs to be larger to make them think "dash" becasez 00:31:745 (4,1) - slider head is further, so mind thinks slider is further. It's kind of a optical illusion but it works
> 00:36:020 (3,4) - I don't really agree with having these sliders stacked on top of eachother like this and then into a jump, I feel it might be to much quick movement for a salad. the player can stand still to catch the whole thing so there's really very little movement
> 00:45:735 (3,1) - Perhaps make this jump just sightly bigger? Feels fairly small for such a strong note compared to other jumps. increased a bit
> 01:31:006 (3,1) - and 01:31:978 (2,1) - Again like my first point, feel like these jumps may be a bit too wide for a salad, I'd suggest reducing the distance very slightly. wtf how did i make that jump so big lol
> 01:48:105 (1) - Definately should be some kind of hitsound on this slider head. yes
> 01:49:854 (1) - And this one. no
> 01:52:963 (1) - Same thing here. same
> Same issue I have with the green lines on this difficulty, and probably with all the difficults following this so yeah, not going to point them out from now on on every difficulty. once was enough


> 00:04:932 (6,7) - You are missing a note here on the white tick and generally this just kinda feels weird to me. I'd suggest making the 2nd slider a 1/2 slider starting on the white tick and adding a hitcircle where the slider head is currently. This way you map the chime on the white tick and I feel this looks cleaner and feels a bit better. following main melody not background sounds
> 00:22:419 (4,1) - This should be a H-dash imo, to emphasise the drum sound which has a H-dash on previously and also the emphasise the increasing intensity. yes
> 00:25:916 (1) - Perhaps make this a H-dash to the left instead? The jump itself feels quite underwhelming and the direction change feels quite weird as well considering the flow of the stream. normally you'd expect the chorus to start but it didn't, it goes left for it to be not a chorus + no hyper because it's underwhelming
> 00:37:574 (2,3) - Increase the jump distance here, the hitcircle is quite a strong note but it's not really emphasise well by such a small jump. would prefer to have smaller spacing to contrast with kiai
> 00:41:266 (4,1) - This should really be a H-dash, every other note like this so far has been a H-dash. other than 00:47:289 (4,1) - kiai is different since violin is strong now so change patterns.
> 00:54:090 (2) - I know this probably isn't appropriate for a platter, but damn the drumroll on this bluetick before the slider head is really frustrating not being mapped especially in a platter, but it is like a 1/8 drumroll, so I don't know... I'm just following the strongest sounds from those 1/8 kicks, I do similar in my standard normal diff
> 01:43:636 (1) - Same thing with the stream like I said before.
> 01:47:134 (2,3) - This just is incredibly harsh, a lot tighter than any of the other jumps, I'd suggest reducing this slightly. good point since theres also antiflow
> 01:48:688 (2,3) - Same thing here. yes


> 01:03:707 - The drumroll starts on this bluetick, I'd suggest remapping this slider and map the drumroll here since every other one is mapped in this section. identical section to 00:57:004 (1) - , just some rhythm simplification before hard section
> 00:30:191 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - This is undermapped, the 1/8 sound you're mapping extends to the next tick up to the slider. 1/8 hyperdashes are unrankable on rain
> 00:36:408 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Same thing here.
> 00:42:237 (7,8,1) - I would suggest making this spacing between 00:42:237 (7,8) - slightly larger or making (8) more horizontal since it forces you to wait for the vertical slider to fall, even if you don't use dash, which doesn't feel right into a H-dash and is an odd change of pace. Tried a couple changes, but can't really find any pattern that flows, since this one flows just fine got some testplays and they flubbed, changed
> 01:22:263 (3,4,1,2,3,4) - I strongly disagree with this kind of pattern in a rain, these require quite a bit of control to catch consistently and the bpm isn't high enough for them to be caught reliably, I can't see rain players being able to catch these very often. the whole thing is walkable changed bc they messed that up too
> 01:24:012 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - A lot of pretty harsh antiflow in quick succession here, I would atleast make the spacing on 01:24:595 (4,5,6,7) - a little smaller so that it can be hit without dashing. that was fine though
> 01:25:178 (2) - There is no 1/6 here, it's should just be a 1/4 slider. violin is 1/6
> 01:26:926 (5,6) - I think this is pretty overkill for a rain difficulty, patterns like this I would reserve for Overdose difficulties and above only. I would suggest making this a little lighter and sticking with more simpler stream patterns with less antiflow like the rest of the streams. 01:27:704 (5,6) - has the exact same intensity but is much simpler. nerfed a bit
> 01:28:869 (1,2) - It's pretty easy to undershoot the walk to (2), you pretty much need perfect movement, I would suggest reducing the distance slightly. ok
> 01:30:424 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - and 01:31:978 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - firstly, I think 01:32:367 (5) - should be a NC since 01:30:812 (1) - is a nC. Secondly, the hitsounding on these white ticks are very odd, why are they so different? Whistle > clap & whistle > clap & whistle > nothing. These hitsounds should all be the same imo, and definately there should be a hitsound on 01:32:367 (5) -. Personally I would just stick with having just a clap or whistle on each of them. fixed NC, I usually NC every measure, or if there's 8+ objects in half a measure. Hitsounds, removed the whistle on 01:32:269 (4) - , but they shouldn't be the same because the drums in this section are fundamentally different. Compare density on platter, it's just a different rhythm.
> 01:31:201 (1,2,3) - Again, very inconsistent hitsounding. very inconsistent song
> 01:35:087 (1,2,3,4) - Ehhh... these aren't as bad as the ones I pointed out before, but still, I'm not sure I agree with them. I can't really speak for rain players everywhere but I imagine they would struggle with patterns like this, it's just really easy to miss sliderends. these ones the testplayer did fine so ya
> 01:37:613 (2,3,4,5) - Again, overmapped, this is not a 1/6 it should still be in 1/4.
> 01:43:442 (6) - Put a finish on the end of this slider. no, it's not the same as the other sounds that I use the finish on D:
> 01:47:328 (3) - This is really nitpicking, but looks a bit funky in playfield, move to x:332? lines up better with the repeat slider. looks better why not
> 01:51:408 (4) - This is a bit odd to see, I think this is like the only anti-flow curved slider in the map, I could imagine this easily catching people offguard and breaking their rhythm, I'd suggest making this curve the other way or have it just a straight slider. reduced curve, all diffs are like this
> 01:54:808 (2) - Not sure why this has a clap on it as well as a finish whilst all the others only have finishes. Remove the clap. listen to the music when checking hitsounds, there's a snare only on this one
> 01:56:071 (1,2) - Pretty weird standstill, doesn't really feel right sitting in one spot for a whole 1/1 span, I'd suggest doing ctrl+g on (2) and moving in right slightly to force the player to move. Doesn't feel right to be stood still during the intense finish. previous section is really hard + testplayer nearly failed. This is just for recovery since there's some pause in the music

I just read undermapped somewhere and I'll assume you will ask me to map the drums somewhere. From experience on trying to map songs like this before, mapping all sounds really just over does it and creates an endless stream which is really boring to play and doesn't reflect the song. Standard mode can map more sounds because they have active and passive rhythm (slider heads/tails) but ctb all fruits are active rhythm. I won't respond to those because it's my style, mapping every sound does not work for me, and it's far more interesting/fun to play when just following the wubs. I received a lot of influence from the kiais on Handsome's diff here


> 00:03:377 (5) - Eh, I don't really agree with having such harsh antiflow at the start of the map where it's very calm, I would suggest toning this down a bit or ctrl+g. The flow should feel very natural here rather than having these harsh direction changes imo. yes
> 00:04:349 (2) - Same thing here. no, unique sound here
> 00:09:012 (2) - Same here. no
> 00:09:595 (7) - Again here. yes
> 00:10:372 (1,2,3,4) - Hmm, this feels a bit out of place, these patterns force you to dash which feels a bit out of place considering all of the bursts so far have been walkable. I get that the violin increases in intensity but I would atleast tone down 00:10:372 (1,2) - and make it walkable which would also better complement the increasing intensity. did some changes to the pattern
> 00:28:150 - Curious why you decide to miss out the crashing drums on these blue and red ticks. I figured it was fine to miss them on the rain out of design, but I feel at this point they should probably be mapped. thing above
> 00:28:442 - There should definately be a note here, this coupled with (4) is exactly the same as 00:29:802 (4,5) -.
> 00:40:294 (3,4) - Ehh, I suppose this is okay, but comparative to all the other H-dash streams you've mapped, this is a very harsh and sudden anti-flow that can easily catch you off. hell yeah
> 00:41:849 (3,4) - This kinda feels out of place, it doesn't complement the increasing intensity of the violin very well and is very underwhelming compared to 00:40:294 (3,4) - which is complementing the same thing. agreed, changed
> 00:43:403 (2,3) - I feel there should be a slider here instead of hitcircles considering this violin sound is such a long held note. that would decrease emphasis on the wub sounds
> 00:45:637 (6) - Move this left slightly? (4) and (5) is walkable but (5) and (6) isn't which is odd considering the pattern. nah this is fine
> 00:48:746 - There should really be a note here considering it's the peak of the violin which has been mapped previously. I would even go as far as saying it should probably be a slider and replacing (3) considering how promenent the sound is compared to (3). ok I did not even notice that. Thing is this is I don't think the player would even notice the difference considering it played as it's mapped at 00:11:343 (2) - . I'd say this is better for rhythm simplification at high speeds.
> 00:49:038 (4) - Undermapped, should be the same as 00:48:843 (3) - since it's still part of that droning sound or whatever you call that. The violin is stronger than the wub and is more noticeable, I'm following the primary melody and rn its violin.
> 00:53:507 (7) 00:57:781 (4,5) 00:59:725 (8) - Again, like at the start of the map, this part is supposed to be fairly calm, so I would go against using such harsh anti-flow here. i can fc this section in my sleep so it's honestly fine even if there's antiflow
> 01:19:154 (1) - This slider should curve the other way and flow into the next slider, doesn't make sense to have an anti-flow here.
> 01:23:429 (1,2,3) - Similar to the rain, I feel there should be more movement here, feels out of place to be standstill here especially with all the intense streams going on. 01:35:864 (1,2,3) - is a much better. it's just a recovery area + you didn't mention on rain
> 01:25:178 (2,3) - Move this pattern left a bit. Again, feels really out of place having to stand still here. k
> 01:25:761 (1,2,3,4,1) - I don't think there should be these difficult 1/2 H-dash patterns here, the music really isn't intense enough to justify it imo compared to something like 01:22:652 (1,2,3,4) - where the violin complements it. these are intentionally easy? It's emphasising the 1/2 sounds since they are all vertical,
whereas others have movement

> 01:37:613 (2,3) - Again, I would suggest moving right a little bit, doesn't seem fitting to be stood still in this section.
> 01:39:750 (3) - Make into a H-dash? pretty strong violin sound. nah no hypers intentional for difficulty contrast
> 01:39:750 (3,4,1) - I would suggest spreading these out a bit, doesn't seem fitting having walkable distances on such strong violin sounds, even if the section is a little calm at this point. I would even say there should be a H-dash to (1). no one is going to walk these in game + "a little" is a little understatement lo
> 01:42:859 (1,2,3,4,1) - Perhaps have the spacing between these notes increase gradually? Would complement the increasing intesity better instead of having them the same distance apart. yes
> 01:43:636 (1) - I think I get what you're going for here, but the first few droplets of this slider are very awkward, I would suggest refining this slider a bit more. ok
> 01:47:328 (5,6) - Nitpicking, but this looks a little weird in play, I suggest adjusting this slider a bit, perhaps make it more horizontal. is fine
> 01:48:882 (4,5,1) - This is really over complicating the map more than it's worth. I would strongly suggest just keeping this at 1/8 like other similar sections of the song such as 01:47:328 (5,6,1) -. yup, changed to circle
> 01:50:922 (4) - I don't agree with having such a difficult anti-flow pattern like this here. This section is already quite difficult to follow with how technical it is and this is just so out of place and unexpected compared to everything else here. ok
> 01:54:808 (2) - Again, like in the other difficulties, I don't understand why there's a clap and a finish here whereas everything else is just a finish
> Friendly reminder, I hope you haven't forgotten about those green lines I mentioned earlier :) i did

Honestly, despite how much I had to say about this overdose, it's quite enjoyable, I thoroughly enjoyed playing it.


> This intro is quite interesting, it's somehow a lot calmer and has a lot more flow than the overdose despite it being a higher diff, even 00:02:989 (3,4,5) - feels like a lighter version of the overdose pattern. I would perhaps suggest making these patterns a little more intense to stand out from the overdose a bit more. overdose was actually CS2 before you modded it so makes sense.
> 00:05:191 (6) - This slider is to early, it should be mapped to the blue tick like on the other difficulties. Infact I'd even suggest making this a 1/2 slider and moving it to the white tick and just mapping a hitcircle on the blue tick. This way you map the violin sound and the jingle on the white tick. simplified
> 00:05:709 (1) - Again, perhaps shorten this to the red tick to map the jingle here and add a hitcircle on the violin sound? the sound is on the red tick tho
> 00:06:097 (2) - Same thing here, jingle on the red tick and then a dash to a hitcircle on white tick for example. dude this is fine
> 00:06:680 - Add a note here? not part of the main melody
> 00:08:332 - And here. This note is a lot more subtle though so it's not as bad.
> 00:08:818 (1) - This slider should end on the red tick since the next violin sound comes on the red tick. fixed
> 00:09:141 (2) - This is overmapped, there is no sound here. snapped to the sound
> 00:12:121 - Add a note here? zzzz not repeating for main melody again
> 00:12:995 (4,1) - I'd suggest adding a bit more movement here like with 00:06:777 (3,1) -. is fine for the pattern
> 00:14:258 (4) - I feel there should be more of a dash to this note, maybe even a H-dash, it's quite a high pitch string sound. it is decreasing pitch though
> 00:16:104 - add a note here or have the slider repeat one more time? There's a subtle note here which is part of the instrument on the red tick. using "subtle" answers why i don't map it
> 00:17:625 (2,3) - Overmapped, there should only be one note here on the blue tick. not arguing this
> 00:21:058 (5,6,7) - Again, overmapped, there is no note in the song where (6) is. oh that's incorrectly snapped lol
> 00:26:887 (2) - This is almost fine, but there is no note on the second repeat in the song. Just have a hitcircle on the red tick and then a 1/8 slider on the blue tick or something similar. there is one
> 00:28:150 - Again, like in the overdose, I find it odd that you missed out these crashing drums on these blue and red ticks. I would suggest going over this section again in 25% speed and mapping these sounds. q1: do you think the mapper intended to do this
> 00:33:688 (1) - Have a vertical slider here feels quite underwhelming compared to similar sliders like 00:30:579 (1) -, even more so I'd argue that this slider is a stronger note than that considering it has a finish which makes it feel even more out of place. antiflowed
> 00:34:077 (2,3) - Edge dash. fixed
> 00:39:906 (1) - This slider end is not mapped to anything. correct
> 00:42:432 (3) - Don't know why you chose not the map the violin sound here on the blue tick. I would suggest instead having a hitcircle on the red tick and then having the slider start on the blue tick. same as overdose
> 00:44:957 (4) - I don't really like this slider being vertical like this, it doesn't really compliment the weird jerky movement of the previous patterns and I find myself moving to the left rather than standing still out of instinct. moved tail left a bit
> 00:48:261 (4) - Have this slider horizontal, it would complement the violin better like 00:46:512 (3,4) - and feels more natural. yes
> 00:48:746 - Again I really feel you should make the violin here.
> 00:50:658 (5,6) - Mistimed, the drums start on the blue tick, not the 1/6 purple tick before it. wubs are on 1/6
> 01:01:279 (8,1) - Edge dash. hypered
> 01:23:688 (2,3,4) - Overmapped, should just be one note on the blue tick not a 1/6. piano
> 01:24:595 (3) - Make this a H-dash? strong violin sound. but the others are stronger
> 01:36:123 (2,3,4) - Again, overmapped, same as before.
> 01:47:716 (2) - The curve this slider creates feels really awkward changed to a 1/8 wub
> 01:51:408 (5,6,7,8,9) - Considering the ludicrous amount of movement in this section, I'm suprised you would choose to have such a long standstill here.
that's the point

Good luck with the set.
Thank you for modding!

a thing that was bothering me for a long time was how 00:43:597 (3) - was totally inconsistent with 00:49:815 (3) - on every fundamental level, fixed it finally

Sinnoh wrote:

Thank you <3
platters are perfect difficulty for me to test with DT, I feel a bit like lower rank player when playing with it, antiflow patterns + reading is more difficult. I try to find unique/different things that are playable for me in dt, so those should be playable for target audience of platters
ur still a low rank player lul

not modding but the difficulty settings spread is like seriously bad
Topic Starter
AR now increases linearly and is lower
Top diff CS 3 -> 4.5
Deluge CS 3 -> 4.2

Added another overdose due to the spread gap
2017-11-09 08:11 Ascendance: like 4 example
2017-11-09 08:12 Ascendance: why is there hdashes in the calm part in the beginning lol
2017-11-09 08:12 Sinnoh: emotional
2017-11-09 08:12 Ascendance: and why do things like 00:23:188 (3,4) - exist
2017-11-09 08:12 Ascendance: its just
2017-11-09 08:12 Ascendance: tragic
2017-11-09 08:13 Sinnoh: vertical sliders is my style
2017-11-09 08:13 Ascendance: its not the vertical sliders its the space between them lol
2017-11-09 08:14 Ascendance: 00:23:576 (1,2) - same
2017-11-09 08:14 Sinnoh: then that's a valid point
2017-11-09 08:15 Sinnoh: pls give reasons for why something is an issue
2017-11-09 08:15 Ascendance: then u have stuff like 00:44:561 (1,2) - which is also sad cuz the gap makes it a standstill and theres no movement on 2
2017-11-09 08:16 Ascendance: 01:10:403 (3) - even tho theres a sound on blue it just sounds bad
2017-11-09 08:16 Ascendance: 01:16:426 (1,2,3,4) - not rly good to have cross screen going into a spinner cuz u lose buildup
2017-11-09 08:17 Ascendance: needs reduced
2017-11-09 08:17 Sinnoh: ok that's pretty bad for rhythm
2017-11-09 08:17 Ascendance: 01:24:490 (2,3,4) - another instance of high spacing that is kinda awkward to play like the others
2017-11-09 08:18 Ascendance: 01:37:022 (3,4) - evanescent (reducing to 1.3x spacing here would benice)
2017-11-09 08:19 Ascendance: 01:41:879 (6) - more horizontal plays better because the angle makes the player wanna go right but its ez to overshoot dab
2017-11-09 08:19 Ascendance: 01:53:473 (3,4,5) - this plays like butt
2017-11-09 08:19 Sinnoh: that one is intentional
2017-11-09 08:20 Ascendance: which 1
2017-11-09 08:20 Sinnoh: the last
2017-11-09 08:20 Sinnoh: follows the ending buildup + wub well
2017-11-09 08:20 Sinnoh: and i can play it just fine so ur a scrub
2017-11-09 08:20 Sinnoh: :^)
2017-11-09 08:21 Ascendance: xd
2017-11-09 08:22 Ascendance: 01:21:478 (2,3) - strong disagree
2017-11-09 08:22 Sinnoh: ye, do you have a fix?
2017-11-09 08:22 Ascendance: sec
2017-11-09 08:22 Ascendance: testing
2017-11-09 08:22 Ascendance: well imo the problem stems from 01:21:089 (1) - which is pretty shallow so
2017-11-09 08:22 Ascendance: gimme a minute
2017-11-09 08:22 Sinnoh: would ctrl-g 2 work :thonk:
2017-11-09 08:23 Ascendance: imo doing a 3-3-2 or a 3-2-3 like you do later would be better than 4-2-2
2017-11-09 08:23 Ascendance:
2017-11-09 08:23 Sinnoh: is this football formations
2017-11-09 08:23 Sinnoh: wtf does this mean
2017-11-09 08:23 Ascendance: sorry rofl
2017-11-09 08:23 Ascendance: 01:21:867 (1) - 3 01:22:158 (2) - 2 01:22:352 (3) - 3
2017-11-09 08:24 Ascendance: i just use it to note note clusters
2017-11-09 08:24 Ascendance: for the first part of all these sections you do
2017-11-09 08:25 Ascendance: 01:20:312 (1,2) - 4 01:20:701 (3,4) - 2, 2
2017-11-09 08:25 Ascendance: the next sections are not that normally but you did it in that case
2017-11-09 08:25 Ascendance: so i think 3,2,3 or something would be good
2017-11-09 08:25 Ascendance: 01:26:530 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - ex
2017-11-09 08:25 Ascendance: 01:27:307 (1,2,3) - 3-3-2
2017-11-09 08:27 Sinnoh: ok
2017-11-09 08:27 Ascendance: good pattern
2017-11-09 08:28 Ascendance: 01:25:170 (2,3) - this kind of tilts me
2017-11-09 08:28 Ascendance:
2017-11-09 08:28 Ascendance: changing 01:25:364 - to 1/4 puts more emphasis on01:25:558 (6) -
2017-11-09 08:29 Sinnoh: 3 has the stronger violin
2017-11-09 08:30 Ascendance: how does that matter tho isnt 3 just a repeat slider anyway
2017-11-09 08:30 Sinnoh: brb
2017-11-09 08:30 Sinnoh: the sound on the white tick
2017-11-09 08:30 Ascendance: theyre both hdashes
2017-11-09 08:31 Ascendance: 01:25:558 - is unique tho thats why i made it antiflo
2017-11-09 08:32 Sinnoh: not a pattern I want to change, prefer to follow the song as is
2017-11-09 08:32 Ascendance: can u at least fix the direction of the repeat
2017-11-09 08:33 Sinnoh: ctrl-g'd
2017-11-09 08:33 Ascendance: 01:25:753 (1,2,3,4) - vertical sliders are ur city but plz tilt them more and give 01:26:141 (3,4) - space cuz they're crunched and its not comfortable
2017-11-09 08:38 Ascendance: 01:41:879 (6,1,2,3,4) - same deal
2017-11-09 08:39 Ascendance: still disagree with the way this top diff works but you arent gonna delete it so theres no point crying about it
2017-11-09 08:40 Ascendance: just gonna farm my 500pp and go
2017-11-09 08:40 Sinnoh: i can't even farm this with ht
2017-11-09 08:40 Sinnoh: i could with cs2 probably
2017-11-09 08:40 Ascendance: not trying to be mean but its pretty easy so i think u could do it with retries lol
2017-11-09 08:41 Sinnoh: fun fact, i mapped this for anti-pp
2017-11-09 08:41 Sinnoh: lol
2017-11-09 08:41 Ascendance: mission failed we'll get em next time
2017-11-09 08:41 Sinnoh: high class stuff checked that box like no tomorrow
2017-11-09 08:42 Ascendance: not pp for me
2017-11-09 08:43 Ascendance: harder than camellia
2017-11-09 08:43 Sinnoh: it's easy pz without mods and impossible with any mods
2017-11-09 08:43 Ascendance: ok nvm i did it
2017-11-09 08:44 Ascendance: rank 27 im very good
2017-11-09 08:47 Sinnoh: ok applied both you mentioned before about vertical sliders
2017-11-09 08:47 Ascendance: ok
2017-11-09 08:48 Sinnoh: updated
2017-11-09 08:48 Ascendance: cant wait to get kicked from top 100 thank u sinno
2017-11-09 08:48 Sinnoh: hlejf yeah
2017-11-09 08:52 Sinnoh: are you done?
2017-11-09 08:52 Ascendance: shrug
2017-11-09 08:52 Ascendance: no problems besides that i hate it but yea
2017-11-09 08:58 Sinnoh: nice
Topic Starter
Well uhhhhh, I'm trying to do my first CTB mod so im just gonna go ahead with a good song and a good map and especially a good mapper :^).
I will just try to mod the cup since I'm not experienced with modding at all so here goes.


00:21:245 (1) - I would personally move that beat a bit more to the left. (x=432 feels good to me)
00:58:550 (5,6) - I'd change that to a slider.
01:41:685 (4) - I would change the position of that note a bit actually. (x=320 to add a bit of movement)
You don't need to apply any of these changes, I just wanted to try it out and well, you gotta start somewhere. :)
ok it got qualified nevermind
Topic Starter

Daletto wrote:

Well uhhhhh, I'm trying to do my first CTB mod so im just gonna go ahead with a good song and a good map and especially a good mapper :^).
I will just try to mod the cup since I'm not experienced with modding at all so here goes.


00:21:245 (1) - I would personally move that beat a bit more to the left. (x=432 feels good to me) why, seems fine
00:58:550 (5,6) - I'd change that to a slider. circles are better for pattern variety
01:41:685 (4) - I would change the position of that note a bit actually. (x=320 to add a bit of movement) looking to improve the map, not changing it because it can be changed :x

You don't need to apply any of these changes, I just wanted to try it out and well, you gotta start somewhere. :)
In the future, try and give a reason for why you think each thing should be applied. The first box on Naxess' userpage has a lot of helpful advice, I'd suggest to give that a read.
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