ok [color,=trans-parent]taiko[/color]
bubbled maps does not go to graveyardPachiru wrote:
pls t2 bn notice this map, it will go to graveyard if it take too looooooooooooooooong
PP for STD...If I wasn't an Osu! addict, meaning I wouldn't know any better, then that itself would sound like something kinky.Pachiru wrote:
I think this is not the map where you'll get PP for STD, so ... ^^'frukoyurdakul wrote:
So desperate for pp lol
we are trying to fix itYamicchi wrote:
lmao how is it still pending
I don't really think, cause this not a PP set, so... But anyway, I don't really care about play count, as long as the people can have fun on itHobbes2 wrote:
Unless I'm mistaken I'm like 99% sure this will be in the most played for a while gratz
zigizigiefe wrote:
finally, congratz gabe, pachiru and others who made guest diffs ^^
Don't forget to gratz Cosmolade for the SB too. But thanks anyway~zigizigiefe wrote:
finally, congratz gabe, pachiru and others who made guest diffs ^^
Pachiru wrote:
I don't really think, cause this not a PP set, so... But anyway, I don't really care about play count, as long as the people can have fun on itHobbes2 wrote:
Unless I'm mistaken I'm like 99% sure this will be in the most played for a while gratz
I don't really get the question you have... Sounds like you're asking the name of the skin or something.LotusHomp wrote:
anybody now the skin??????
yeah thank u soo muchPachiru wrote:
I don't really get the question you have... Sounds like you're asking the name of the skin or something.LotusHomp wrote:
anybody now the skin??????
This skin has no name cause it was made for the beatmap, and there is no place you can find it except on this beatmap. If you really want to have this skin, you can create a skin with taking elements in the beatmap folder. I think that could work in this way.
If it was not your question, then feel free to rephrase your question so I can help you in a better way
(And by the way, avoid double posting for this )
Gabe wrote:
I like the word "subjective" in this case
Hey there, thanks for sharing your opinion on the map!Hula wrote:
Some of the hitsounds are quite offensive, especially the normal-hitwhistles. They're like too loud and end randomly, in particular normal-hitwhistle53, where you put it on slider ends. This leads to confusion. 00:45:638 (1) - These are the sliders which probably should be repeat sliders or just circles in hindsight.
Slider heads and slider ends have different levels of impact on play, but you treated them equally, which ideally wouldn't be the case. It's a shame, cos I really like the kiai.
Basically imo you should have mapped those beats differently OR hitsounded them differently.
thanks for your concern. But I think we should make this world better by treating everyone & everything equally. You know, I'm really sad, when I see people deleting slider end on their skin. Can you imagine a world where someone just delete you because you're not considered as active? I'd be really sad if that ever happen to me.Hula wrote:
Some of the hitsounds are quite offensive, especially the normal-hitwhistles. They're like too loud and end randomly, in particular normal-hitwhistle53, where you put it on slider ends. This leads to confusion. 00:45:638 (1) - These are the sliders which probably should be repeat sliders or just circles in hindsight.
Slider heads and slider ends have different levels of impact on play, but you treated them equally, which ideally wouldn't be the case. It's a shame, cos I really like the kiai.
Basically imo you should have mapped those beats differently OR hitsounded them differently.