
Broke some notes in my new skin

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I made a skin that was a combination of a www skin and a Rafis skin. Some notes in this new skin are very broken. 2 circles appear instead of 1, it's impossible to play. I think these notes are quarter notes, but I'm not sure.

The skin has no hitcircle, instead the text for hitcircles has the hitcircles in it. I need it that way so that I don't have a circle at the end of my slider. How do I fix it without changing that? Thank you! :)
To remove the sliderends you need to put empty sliderendcircle.png and sliderendcircle-overlay.png in the skin.

To fix the double circle you need to go in the skin.ini and need to change the value at HitCircleOverlap to 128
WWW Skin defaults as circle have a HitCircleOverlap: 178, not 128 :)
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