
ITT 2: We post shit that is neither funny nor interesting

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I really can't say I've had the same experience. He seems to use the standard impossible-to-converse-with tactics of only listening to other viewpoints for the sole purpose of collecting more ammunition for future arguments. Maybe you're simply seeing him agree with you and re-wording his arguments to be a bit more clear rather than actually admitting faults and changing perspectives, although maybe it just happens so rarely that I haven't seen it. We don't talk too much, after all.

I would be very careful mistaking eloquence with a lack of emotional arguments, though. You can say "fuck this shithead!" or you can write a paragraph of how you respectfully disagree with their opinion- sure, one is a lot preferable to the other for the sake of polite discourse, but both of those people are capable of being just as emotionally-based when they make their statements. It's simply a lot harder to notice when they're written more politely, I guess you could say.

also, as an add-on: There is no such thing as "no go zones" in Sweden. There are some shit, low-income areas that need some more police attention and such, though.
My question to you, and to all who believe that propaganda line, is this- what country is without terrible, low income, high crime rate areas? I'm sure every city in the world has some places like that, never mind entire countries. The fact that Sweden is specifically attacked is INCREDIBLY vitriolic and it sickens me to see that kind of thing cited as evidence of anything. There's a case to be made for refugees' failure to integrate, but the arguments are almost never made in a fair manner, instead trying to use Sweden as some big example of how refugees ruin everything and/or how Swedish welfare is "delusional" or whatever other stupidity they're trying to push.
You left your freaking bluetooth speakers and we can hear it.
We need to talk.
I get that you're trying to call me naive for saying that Bird is not as big of a monster as people portray him to be, but trust me, he's not. What I said can be backed up by going back some pages on this thread and reading our discussions.

As for "no-go zones" being merely low income areas, I have some Swedish friends who'd say otherwise (3 of them having even lived there, and they sure as fuck aren't "low income" people).

Aurani wrote:

I get that you're trying to call me naive for saying that Bird is not as big of a monster as people portray him to be, but trust me, he's not. What I said can be backed up by going back some pages on this thread and reading our discussions.
deep inside he's a cute weeb and I know it. weebs aren't dangerous
Eh, I'm sorry if it came off as B1rd being a "monster". I just feel like he used to be more open to discussions and such, and in recent times (last few months?) I feel like I've been seeing a terrible change towards not actually having any kind of meaningful conversation at all, and simply endless repeating of whatever propaganda fits his worldview. That's a particularly bad thing to see considering he used to be one of my favourite people to talk to and get his input from.

I guess you just don't feel the same way at all. As for why, I'm not sure- my comments towards you just now were basically suggesting that maybe he seems better at talking as long as you have similar, rather than radically different, viewpoints. As well as eloquence masking emotionally-charged content, as I said.

I too have Swedish friends that would 100% back me up on this statement, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Can't say through all my time being in Stockholm and knowing people from there that I've either seen or heard anything remotely like the over-exaggerated media claims. It's always tabloids and hate-driven media that pushes that agenda, nothing with value, and yet they still have their effect on people's opinions. B1rd cited a bunch of those trash sources a while back when we had an argument on the subject.
I even said that I'm not backing what RT said without any proof. I have no idea if what they claim is right, and I'm sure it's at least somewhat exaggerated, but I simply can't agree that these zones are low income areas where normal Swedes commit crimes and only began doing so after immigrants first arrived in early '90s.
There has to be SOME truth in all of these claims. Denying it and stating how it's all a right-wing lie would pretty much brand you as Mahogany 2.0...

Aurani wrote:

I even said that I'm not backing what RT said without any proof. I have no idea if what they claim is right, and I'm sure it's at least somewhat exaggerated, but I simply can't agree that these zones are low income areas where normal Swedes commit crimes and only began doing so after immigrants first arrived in early '90s.
There has to be SOME truth in all of these claims. Denying it and stating how it's all a right-wing lie would pretty much brand you as Mahogany 2.0...

...What? I agree that failure to integrate refugees is an issue. My point is simply that there are many areas that are just as awful as these ones, be they with or without refugees, and yet only Sweden is getting the "no go zones" news reports from rightwing sources.

A huge part of propaganda is not simply to lie, but to exaggerate the truth. People are a lot more likely to buy it all if there's some truth to it, i.e. refugees failing to integrate with local culture, causing tensions and higher crimerates (in the short term, until they can properly adapt to the country around them, which they historically do). You can take the statistics of higher crime rates in these areas and spin them into an elaborate tale of the failure of a country to match its laws with "the real world", that real world generally being that immigrants are bad and ruining the country, as well as the welfare system being a naive and obsolete system that isn't compatible with the immigration.

But that's a spin. It no longer states facts, but an interpretation of them- and because it has a factual basis, suddenly it seems a lot more credible. This is the "SOME truth" that you're pointing out as evidence that they're correct in their ridiculous exaggerations/interpretations- the factual basis is what convinces people who would otherwise write it off as propaganda garbage. I hope that not many people would buy into a BLATANT lie that has no basis in reality, after all..
I don't know why you keep merging my statement that immigrants are a problem with what those news sources are saying. I just said two whole times that I don't believe what RT said there is true, as they, for example, stated that the ENTIRETY of Stockholm is a problem, when only the immigrant neighbourhoods are. I completely agree with you that they want to deliberately blow it out of proportion; it's a news outlet after all.

I also agree that Sweden is not the only country being affected by it, however, it's the only country I have credible witnesses in the form of friends, and if they say that POLICE reports state that two niggers from Somalia raped and murdered a woman in a small town where there are no "low income" areas and there have been no major crimes in the past 5 years, I'm going to believe them more than any news report or random claim from someone on the side.
I was mentioning the news outlets because those are the ones that are he source of the claims, generally. "SWEDEN CRUMBLING!"

Not discrediting your friends' claim, also. My problem is with the fake news, and those who buy into it, rather than the genuine problems and criticisms surrounding the refugee situation.

(Will be busy now!)
Yeah, news are generally shit places to look for actual proof of anything. It can be an indicator, but never direct proof.
It's never brackets like this for things to happen.
Always. Under control.
It's always the fucking trash can.
It's where the happenings happen.
But it's not like I want you or anything.

UltraHenzie wrote:

It's never brackets like this for things to happen.
Always. Under control.
It's always the fucking trash can.
It's where the happenings happen.
But it's not like I want you or anything.
You remind me of the @horse_ebooks Twitter account.
jesus christ finally
the "should i get a twitter account" thread has been locked

DaddyCoolVipper wrote:

I mean, it's not just "some comment on the Internet", is it. I used to enjoy debating B1rd quite a lot, and seeing his opinions on things would be interesting. Sadly, his personality seems to have gone away completely, replaced by being a rightwing propaganda mouthpiece- either for libertarianism in general, but sometimes worse.

I just don't like seeing someone who seems to have enjoyed framing themselves of being critical- now swallowing whatever emotionally-charged crap that "their side" is giving them and regurgitating it in a misguided attempt at doing a good thing (people generally spread their ideology because they see it as an improvement, after all). He's chosen to reject logic, balanced criticism, etc in favour of just repeating propaganda. There's no personality there anymore, nothing worth conversing with. And that is why I say it is sad.

I really don't feel the need to rebut any of your ridiculous diatribe; it is evident that none of it is true, and they're things you've repeated so much I'm not going to bother to try to argue anymore. In this case, the source was the Swedish police themselves - the news site itself is irrelevant, it's just a middleman. Realise that it's not my job to argue with you, there are 1000 other places I can go to if I have the desire, so there's no reason I need to subject myself to your nonsense ad hominems and your disingenuous argumentation methods. If you want to continue with your denialism and mental gymnastics about the situation of Sweden - despite all of the evidence to prove you otherwise - so you can continue to cling to your left-wing world view, it's not my job nor my desire to try and force you to change your opinion. What's more, I hardly feel inclined to argue with someone who doesn't even support my right to free speech in the first place.

In other news, we all knew that this was gonna happen: ... b425e394b8
This might be an often overlooked fact so im just gonna throw it in here: Every country has no-go zones once it reaches a certain size. Not saying that refugees dont make it worse, because they clearly do, but still. Something to be mindful of.
Serbia is, what, 5 times smaller than Sweden(?) and the entire central Serbia is a no-go zone. Totally a coincidence that 90% of muslims in Serbia live there, just a veeeeeeery big coincidence. :^)
Comfy Slippers

Tho my nig thompson made a better cover.

Aurani wrote:

Serbia is, what, 5 times smaller than Sweden(?) and the entire central Serbia is a no-go zone. Totally a coincidence that 90% of muslims in Serbia live there, just a veeeeeeery big coincidence. :^) ... mographics

Those are the official reports of the country; you can't just blatantly believe what they're trying to feed you - not when Balkan is corrupt as all shit.

Many people here in Serbia call parts of Central Serbia "The second Bosnia" for a reason. It's full of radical kebabs.
Fun fact: Muslims from Europe go to camps in Bosnia for training before heading off to central and southern Serbia where they remain until they're called, when they then go over to Turkey to get assigned to various parts of ISIS and similar terrorist organisations.

Comfy Slippers wrote:

Tho my nig thompson made a better cover.
nice Chetnik thumbnail, sure looks like it's gonna be a good video :roll:
Oh, I see. I wish data were more reliable in general- it'd probably help a lot of the less well-off countries if they had statistics of value to work with when making policy to improve the country.
Sadly, the situation on Balkan is far too complex to allow reliable information circulation. The United States, Britain, Germany, Russia, Greece, Turkey - they all have significant influence here and nothing is as it seems.
Comfy Slippers

Aurani wrote:

Many people here in Serbia call parts of Central Serbia "The second Bosnia" for a reason. It's full of radical kebabs.
Fun fact: Muslims from Europe go to camps in Bosnia for training before heading off to central and southern Serbia where they remain until they're called, when they then go over to Turkey to get assigned to various parts of ISIS and similar terrorist organisations.
This is a myth, pure bullshit. As I recall, you're from the same city as me. So you are aware what happened in "Gornja Maoča" like 6-7 years ago. Imma just leave it at that. It's true that there are these cults over here, but we're handling it pretty well. Tho, I'm not surprised by this common occurrence that is well known in these areas as "srpska mitomanija".

Raspberriel wrote:

Comfy Slippers wrote:

Tho my nig thompson made a better cover.
nice Chetnik thumbnail, sure looks like it's gonna be a good video :roll:
yup. Blasted this the other day with my fellow balija, chetnik and ustasha friends.

On another note, it's funny how you western peeps think that there's some kind of isolation and hate going on between ethnic groups in this country, while in reality nobody gives a fuck. Vocal minority makes the difference, I'd assume. War profiteer and politicians use the nationality card exploit to rack in more cash. I'm positive that Bakir and Milorad are having nice and friendly orgies after they collect that dough. Tho, it's not all flowers and sunshine, don't be mistaken. Steadily were becoming humans, is all I can say.
You're from the same city as I am, and yet all of my muslim friends AGREED with me and one of them (a slightly radical guy who really doesn't like serbs that much) confirmed that all the villages around our city are chock-full of radical muslim camps, with the police being scared shitless of even patrolling around those parts.
One thing is if a Serb says something he's never witnessed in his life, but another when even muslims agree about the happenings around the country.

As for central Serbia not being the breeding ground of those maggots - I suppose the 700 Mosques per square kilometer are something Serbs made for themselves. :^)
Comfy Slippers
Your muslim friends are retarded.
Yeah, having lived a couple of hundred meters from those zones seems to have given them serious delusions. Even normal muslims are afraid to go near those places, and that tells you enough about it.
Comfy Slippers
but in all seriousness, your friends are somewhat delusional. It's true that there a good number of peeps who are lowkey nationalist there. Best examples would be - Lončari, Pelagićevo (serbs), Maoča (bosniaks) and Bijela (croats). You'll mostly find these here. But these guys don't pose a threat
No, I'm not talking about normal muslims living like normal human beings. I told you, one of those friends who lived near one of those camps actually dislikes Serbs and told me he'd fight against them any day of the week if another war came, yet even he claims that he would NEVER step near those camps, as the people there are hardcore terrorists in training from all around Europe, and he isn't the only guy to have said that.

If a nationalistic muslim says he'd rather jump off a building than go near those nests, there has to be something seriously fishy there.
Comfy Slippers
Think these are long gone. Ever since that police raid from a couple of years ago, not quite sure tbh.
Or at the very least, they have zero power = no threat.

Do you have any more info on this?
I can't make any claims about their activity in the past year, but I definitely talked about them a year ago, when they were still active.

I'm at least happy that normal muslims don't support those kind of extremists.
I find it amazing that comments like these escalate from pretty much nothing

i wonder why they're mad about accents
fucking belethor

Kisses wrote:

I find it amazing that comments like these escalate from pretty much nothing

>says "not all British act the same!" (which is true)
>thinks all Americans act the same

YouTube comments suck tbh

disregard this, I thought the last two comments were by the same person; upload a profile pic, goddammit

I still stand by the "YT comments suck" remark
the "what is british accent you sad cunt?" is just too funny xd

Like it was so uncalled for, what kind of personality must one have to react in that sort of way

Kisses wrote:

the "what is british accent you sad cunt?" is just too funny xd

Like it was so uncalled for, what kind of personality must one have to react in that sort of way
my personality :(
buenos dias
Zain Sugieres
ok then.

Madvillain wrote:

buenos dias
hola PUTA
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