
Flashlight mod disabled #2

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James2250 wrote:

Don't these people feel remorse for ruining the fun of so many people. What is the point :(

Yes, I hope Flash Light doesn't get removed. ._.

Gens wrote:

I hope this doesn't conclude with the eternal closure of Flashlight as well.
I also hope the same :(
Glad I still managed to submit this score moments before the FL got disabled :D
What a sad news...
I love to play with Flashlight...
Can't the cheaters be found and punished?
I really do not want to see this mod disabled...;_;
But if this is the only way to prevent cheating...well, I'll be agree with this with sadness :cry:
I guess the flashlight mod is really easy to cheat, just like wallhacking in most first-person shooter games.
I guess I understand the reasoning behind this, but even if the problem can't be entirely solved, would it be possible to change flashlight to a non-score multiplying mod just for fun?
Thank god I FCed OblivioN earlier. Gonna have to play the rest of the chart maps without it I guess.

rip flashlight
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Sparkkirby3 wrote:

I guess I understand the reasoning behind this, but even if the problem can't be entirely solved, would it be possible to change flashlight to a non-score multiplying mod just for fun?
You can still play for the moment but it won't be ranked. I'm not sure on the future of flashlight, but as with last time it may come back.

Glass wrote:

Thank god I FCed OblivioN earlier.
I full combo it two weeks ago. 8-)

While we're on topic, it really sucks that some people would have to cheat their way using Flash Light. Players like me and Glass use the Flash Light mod fairly. And if this keeps up, then I guess there is no other option but to remove it. ._. If it were to come to that, it was a blast using it then.... :cry:
I hate flashlight now.
Why don't disable hidden mod :o

DarkRingSystem wrote:

Why don't disable hidden mod :o
It isn't hard enough to use hack.
Hello. I just have an idea. I don't know it could help prevent cheating or not.

When the player plays the flashlight mod, osu! client could take a screenshot in the middle of the music.
The screenshot must have the HUD removed, like this:

Submit the screenshot along with the score. Then the server could check the four corners of the screenshot submitted. If they are not black or look strange, the server could reject the score. (an admin could add the score manually if it is considered not cheating)

How would that be?

EDIT: This is mostly how ClearClick, an anti-clickjacking tool works.
Ban FL ,it makes me feel disappoint with some players:|
Great just when I started getting good at it too >:T
Why couldn't they cheat a useless mod like sudden death! >:O
Shit sucks. I hate Flashlight but I don't think other people who genuinely love it should suffer.

peppy, you ever thought of getting an anti-hack type of thing? I know they don't work 100% but they could possibly slow them down.

Hacking on a rhythm game>skill?

Roddie wrote:

Glass wrote:

Thank god I FCed OblivioN earlier.
I full combo it two weeks ago. 8-)

While we're on topic, it really sucks that some people would have to cheat their way using Flash Light. Players like me and Glass use the Flash Light mod fairly. And if this keeps up, then I guess there is no other option but to remove it. ._. If it were to come to that, it was a blast using it then.... :cry:
Yeah I FLed it to get some extra ranked scores for the monthly chart :D

I'd really hate to see FL be gone, but if there's no way to prevent it being cheated I guess I'll just live with the other mods(still gonna hate DT though ;|). Explorer09's idea sounds good, but there might be ways to rig that as well.
What can instead of Flashlight...

James2250 wrote:

Don't these people feel remorse for ruining the fun of so many people. What is the point :(
You pretty much answered your own question.
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Zetta wrote:

peppy, you ever thought of getting an anti-hack type of thing? I know they don't work 100% but they could possibly slow them down.
I'd sooner remove all online rankings. The more I fight against hacks, the more invasive it gets for the good users out there.
As a player who never use flashlight, this will definitely benefit me. Nonetheless, I really hope flashlight stays.
Please, peppy, remind me why auto-updater which checks the .dll (and other) files and compares them to server's ones before running a game is a bad thing?
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Galkan92 wrote:

Please, peppy, remind me why auto-updater which checks the .dll (and other) files and compares them to server's ones before running a game is a bad thing?
Because this would take ~1minute on slow PCs (although this is already being done to an extent). The new cheat modifies the memory of osu! after it has loaded.

Roddie wrote:

Glass wrote:

Thank god I FCed OblivioN earlier.
I full combo it two weeks ago. 8-)

While we're on topic, it really sucks that some people would have to cheat their way using Flash Light. Players like me and Glass use the Flash Light mod fairly. And if this keeps up, then I guess there is no other option but to remove it. ._. If it were to come to that, it was a blast using it then.... :cry:
sorry im just using the hack for personal curiousity

not intended to get some FL scores in ranked map :(


dont disable the FL mod forever plz

dNextGen wrote:

sorry im just using the hack for personal curiousity
You mean "I have used it once"?

Galkan92 wrote:

dNextGen wrote:

sorry im just using the hack for personal curiousity
You mean "I have used it once"?
i've used it for 3 plays

why 3 plays

because the old hacked dll file wont submit the scores if you play with it

then i tried the new one and its works

after i know the new hacked dll is working fine

i dont use the hack anymore

wont post here anymore

*slides away*
Gomo Psivarh

Explorer09 wrote:

Hello. I just have an idea. I don't know it could help prevent cheating or not.

When the player plays the flashlight mod, osu! client could take a screenshot in the middle of the music.
The screenshot must have the HUD removed, like this:

Submit the screenshot along with the score. Then the server could check the four corners of the screenshot submitted. If they are not black or look strange, the server could reject the score. (an admin could add the score manually if it is considered not cheating)

How would that be?

EDIT: This is mostly how ClearClick, an anti-clickjacking tool works.

BTW, if we cant stop those damn cheaters, is there a day that the whole online ranking system will be removed?
Well for that matter, have the system auto-report with screenshot any player who's screen contains not enough black pixels and is definitely occuring during main game play with flashlight mod enabled. You can ban the player with evidence.

I'm just floored that people would be so desperate to cheat for a modest score boost per play that they would start hacking the memory of the game. Freaking unbelievable.
Ever think about those who have slow internet and can't upload an entire image? Even if they can, this is just silly and easy to bypass.

Although making osu check on the program itself, then sending if there's something wrong?

Yeah I don't know. Although that guy really has too much time on his hands
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Just to let you guys know: I am not looking for ways to detect this. I am capable of doing this myself, but also do not plan on going to much more effort for previously cited reasons.
Sad to see the flashlight mod going away....

but actually peppy can you leave the flashlight mod available but the scores summited with flashlight open is unranked, i mean like the relax mod if this issue can't be solved.
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joshng wrote:

but actually peppy can you leave the flashlight mod available but the scores summited with flashlight open is unranked, i mean like the relax mod if this issue can't be solved.
This is already how it works. Sorry, maybe the subject was a bit unclear.
BTW... Will you deal with that blog again orz...?
Just reporting would be better imo ;_;

and... I think osu! should check about dll when user opens osu! :3...
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arien666 wrote:

Just reporting would be better imo ;_;
Reporting what to who?

peppy wrote:

arien666 wrote:

Just reporting would be better imo ;_;
Reporting what to who?
Reporting 'that blog[I bet you know about that orz]' to Google
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Google won't do anything about it. It would also be a temporary and ineffective solution.

peppy wrote:

Google won't do anything about it. It would also be a temporary and ineffective solution.
orz, you're right since multi-accounting of Blog thing...

Umm... Then do you have any solutions about preventing 'Editing DLL file which has most important database' ;_;?
Just checking DLL seems not long but...
I dunno ;_;

peppy wrote:

Zetta wrote:

peppy, you ever thought of getting an anti-hack type of thing? I know they don't work 100% but they could possibly slow them down.
I'd sooner remove all online rankings. The more I fight against hacks, the more invasive it gets for the good users out there.
this is the most true quote ever,also the moment any anti hack program gets installed is the moment you give a fun "challenge" to these kind of people, by what ive seen all anti hack programs really do is increase the amount of hackers, yea its very iratating why ppl would cheat on a dang rythm game, but its nothing new it happens pretty much everywhere

and tbh thanks peppy its great that this places admin cares so much about keep it fair for the good player, compared to most game where the staff really dont give a damn, its great to see someone go out of there way like you are <333

also ppl the mode is still playable it just dont give ranked score, so we can still have fun with the mode atleast ;)
I've seen a chatlog few days ago where Dimka logged in to #russian and said that he'll post a new FL hack soon. Guess here it is =|

Well, sorry, but I really forgot about it. Was playing LoL when Dimka logged on and had to deal some other things IRL after.
Hakurei Reimu
So..all the reason is because that ugly guy do that again? :evil:

Hakurei Reimu wrote:

So..all the reason is because that ugly guy do that again? :evil:
yes it is. :/

today dimka have sent some spam on russian channel. :cry:
Kochiya Sanae
Cheating just shows how people retarded can be.
I mean they are using cheats in such easy game :P
I don't understand this... why are they doing this?
To ruin another game? For what? What are they trying to prove?
That they can be more retarded that people can be? LOL
I'm really out of words... still thinking how to procede, but no optimal solution. Flashlight is my favourite mod of all that's for sure. Even making it unranked sucks for me. All because of f..king hacker omg.
It's just like being a whore, and being happy of it. How pathetic... :(
Hakurei Reimu
Maybe dimka's IP address should be ban..also..all the hack program compiler.

Hakurei Reimu wrote:

Maybe dimka's IP address should be ban..also..all the hack program compiler.
IP bans are too easy to get around

i guess you could Hardware ban ppl who use it, but to get Hardware banning working good at all is a LOT of work and its still possable to get around it :/
The mod was cheated by simply removing the black blocking everything right? What if the mod were altered to instead simply show everything transparent outside of the radius same limitation essentially but without it being so simple to just remove since it would be using a completely different method. :?:
Louis Cyphre
Oh No, my favourite mod in osu D:
Well, i just can say good luck. I hope you will find solution.
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Hakurei Reimu wrote:

Maybe dimka's IP address should be ban..also..all the hack program compiler.
Unfortunately proxying or spoofing this is way too easy.

Vext wrote:

The mod was cheated by simply removing the black blocking everything right? What if..

peppy wrote:

Just to let you guys know: I am not looking for ways to detect this. I am capable of doing this myself, but also do not plan on going to much more effort for previously cited reasons.
Same goes for preventative measures. I am not too interested in going to further lengths at this point (but I have considered your suggestion previously and it is indeed good thinking).

jericho2442 wrote:

Hakurei Reimu wrote:

Maybe dimka's IP address should be ban..also..all the hack program compiler.
IP bans are too easy to get around
Make Dynamic IPs countable as well.

mekadon wrote:

Make Dynamic IPs countable as well.
Dynamic IP is not the only way to spoof around a IP ban ;)
As a novice osu! player, I believe that the flashlight mod should not be removed from osu!, as it is quite a challenging mod.
Isn't there any way in which we could run another process once osu! started up (To search for the hack/cheat that this user released, if the user is using it, once found, it removes it from the memory of your PC.) Like an anti-cheat system for osu!
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bluedudowill wrote:

Isn't there any way in which we could run another process .. Like an anti-cheat system for osu!
As I said in my previous posts, when you weigh up the issues that will result it is a very slippery slope to take this approach in privacy, performance and maintainability.


Okay, well I figure there's not much point in further discussion -- we'll just end up getting a lot of repetition of what has already been said.

Thanks for your comments guys. I hope we can find a good path forward where everyone can continue enjoying osu! with minimal impact from the odd outlier looking to cause trouble :).

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