
OT Court I: abraker vs mod

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johnmedina999 wrote:

This post is proof of Flanster's murder. His post was made at 6:07 AM Pacific Time, and because Bulgarian Time is 10 hours ahead,it was made 4:07 PM for Flan. Evidently he was wide awake when he threw the silence grenade.
That makes so little sense. Our death lasted exactly 42 hours, expiring at 11pm Eastern time. This means we were killed 11pm Eastern time. In Pacific time that is 8pm. Therefore, there is no way he could have done that 6:07am Pacific time after killing us. He did not kill us.
My death lasted more than yours did.
Topic Starter

johnmedina999 wrote:

My death lasted more than yours did.
I fail to see how that relates to the time between the message and the murders. My death lasted 42 hours, beginning 11:00pm EST. That message was made the same day 9:06am EST, ten hours after.
So who's the mafia?

abraker wrote:

johnmedina999 wrote:

My death lasted more than yours did.
I fail to see how that relates to the time between the message and the murders.

My death lasted until 12 midnight Pacific time, so I was killed at 12 midnight Pacific Time. In Bulgarian time that is 10 AM, a time where Flanster is wide awake.

Flanster wrote:

[quote="johnmedina999"]Yeah that was sent from my phone while at work. I have no osu!client access.

If you have no access to osu while at work, how could you know that four people were killed?

johnmedina999 wrote:

If you have no access to osu while at work, how could you know that four people were killed?
I asked for backup.

Flanster wrote:

I asked for backup.

So you admit that you were the primary person responsible, and your backup was you accomplice?
More like for them to take care of it since I couldn't do anything lol.

Flanster wrote:

More like for them to take care of it since I couldn't do anything lol.

But you were still involved, which means you're still guilty.
I think I've heard enough.
who cares lol, being a mod makes me automatically involved

Flanster wrote:

who cares lol, being a mod makes me automatically involved

Not true. Chat moderators like n0ah don't come to the forums very often, and I doubt monds like juankristal are involved because he never comes to OT. Simply being a moderator does not make you involved, you purposefully involved yourself with the murder, and for that you are guilty of murdering the innocent johnmedina999 and abraker.

johnmedina999 wrote:

you purposefully involved yourself with the murder
duh i moderate this place mostly now, remember???

Flanster wrote:

johnmedina999 wrote:

you purposefully involved yourself with the murder

duh i moderate this place mostly now, remember???

johnmedina999 wrote:

you are guilty of murdering the innocent johnmedina999 and abraker.

I am fighting for myself and abraker being shot while innocent, not for killing the true spammers.

Find me "guilty" as you wish. But "his honor" should look at all the alphabet threads that have the same post pattern repeating
roshan > johnmedina > abraker ranging from "a" to "z", total of 26, which I would classify as spam.

abraker has bonus points on this since he posted in every single one of Khelly's threads.

For whatever function it served or whatever intent was behind it, spam is spam. If you're innocent, I'm Lewis Hamilton.
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This is a reminder that this is not a witch hunt. While it helps to know who the mod is, the main focus of this case is to pass judgement on the actions of the mod whoever it might be.
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Due to recent developments in the case, we are moving towards citizen jury.

johnmedina999 wrote:

Flanster wrote:

I asked for backup.
So you admit that you were the primary person responsible, and your backup was you accomplice?
This is irrlevant to the case. Even if Flanster was the killer, he might be proven innocent if citizens of OT find the actions justifyable.

abraker wrote:

This is irrlevant to the case. Even if Flanster was the killer, he might be proven innocent if citizens of OT find the actions justifyable.

I'm simply giving the jury something to think about when they make their final decision.
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Flanster wrote:

Bwoah to you too, dear sir

Flanster wrote:

abraker has bonus points on this since he posted in every single one of Khelly's threads.

For whatever function it served or whatever intent was behind it, spam is spam. If you're innocent, I'm Lewis Hamilton.
What constitutes as spam? I posted my thoughts. While it was on every letter thread, it was not the same post over and over again. Would it be any different if I wrote a great work?
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johnmedina999 wrote:

abraker wrote:

This is irrlevant to the case. Even if Flanster was the killer, he might be proven innocent if citizens of OT find the actions justifyable.
I'm simply giving the jury something to think about when they make their final decision.
There is nothing to think about when it comes to who initiated the events leading up to this.

abraker wrote:

I posted my thoughts.
ye olde OT
-Makishima S-

abraker - guilty
johnmedina999 - guilty

If someone is against judge decision - make a petition with appropiate amount of signs against it.
hi i m kai
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[Taiga] wrote:


abraker - guilty
johnmedina999 - guilty

If someone is against judge decision - make a petition with appropiate amount of signs against it.
Your voice is a single one out of several qualified OT judges here. At least 5 need to vote. We have one.
DJ Enetro
I vote against the guilty decision: Flanster, abraker, and johnmedina999 are innocent but the banner is guilty.
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I have acquired a lawyer who should be arriving any time. We will sort out this mess soon enough!
when will ur lawyer come
Requesting lock
lock me plz
worst fl player
ok hold on lock lock lock me
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Dawnsday is a fake
Up in the morning
Up in the evening
Picking down clocks
When the birds come out to eat
Oh to eat

Up on the mountain
Down in the king's lair
Pushing these blocks
In the heat of the afternoon,
Oh afternoon

We were never welcome here
We were never welcome here at all

It’s who we are
Doesn’t matter if we’ve gone too far
Doesn’t matter if it’s all okay
Doesn’t matter if it’s not our day

So won’t you save us
What we are
Don’t look clear
Cause it’s all uphill from here

Up in the attic
Down in the cellar
Lost in the static
Coming back for more
Oh for more

Out with the reason
In with the season
Taking down names
In my book of jealousy

We were never welcome here
We were never welcome here at all

It’s who we are
Doesn’t matter if we’ve gone too far
Doesn’t matter if it’s all okay
Doesn’t matter if it’s not our day

Because it’s who we are
Doesn’t matter if we’ve gone too far
Doesn’t matter if it’s all okay
Doesn’t matter if it’s not our day

So won’t you save us
What we are
Don’t look clear
Cause it’s all uphill from here


They say we’re crazy [8x]

It’s who we are
Doesn’t matter if we’ve gone too far
Doesn’t matter if it’s all okay
Doesn’t matter if it’s not our day

Because it’s who we are
Doesn’t matter if we’ve gone too far
Doesn’t matter if it’s all okay
Doesn’t matter if it’s not our day

So won’t you save us
What we are
Don’t look clear
Cause it’s all uphill from here
(They say we're crazy)
Who's there?

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