
Camellia - GHOST [OsuMania]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on martes, 17 de abril de 2018 at 12:13:19 a.m.

Artist: Camellia
Title: GHOST
Tags: Cyphisonia E.P. CTCD-014 Tano*c Pumpcore Trap
BPM: 220
Filesize: 10669kb
Play Time: 05:40
Difficulties Available:
  1. Spectral - 4Key (6.35 stars, 4683 notes)
Download: Camellia - GHOST
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

I'll make some attempts to rank this.

Re-Download after 18/05/2017!

Many thanks to _Mytros_ for edit this amazing BG

Map banner made by me

Thanks to modders!

Thx to some persons for ★

Hitsounds test (PV)
1st mod done. 8/04/2017
Fix the abrupt SVs
Diff name changed.
2nd mod done. 9/04/2017
Organization of certain notes
3rd mod done. 11/04/2017
Re-Fix and change the SVs effects
4th mod done. 18/04/2017
Re-Hitsound 75%
5th mod done. 24/04/2017
organization of certain notes
6th mod done. 24/04/2017
More notes organization
7th mod done. 25/04/2017
Re-organized dump sections
some LNs were removed
added some notes
8th mod done. 26/04/2017
Adjustment of certain notes
More organization
SV changes
9th mod done. 28/04/2017
Improved consistency.
More adjust in SV sections
Metadata rewritten
10th mod done. 28/04/2017
posted by Youre Salty xd
this mod was old, but this date was recently posted. IRC lost

The Hitsound were removed again. (preparing new hitsounds)
11th mod done. 29/04/2017
change some patterns
30/04/17 BG CHANGED. Thx Mytros
added some notes
Hitsounds done. 03/05/2017
12th mod done. 02/05/2017
added some notes
13th mod done. 06/05/2017
Improved consistency
Some patterns changed
Some notes were deleted
Re-change name diff.
Tiny fixs on SVs sections
+improve playability
14th mod done. 07/05/2017
add some notes
some patterns remapped
improve pattern consistency
15th mod done. 08/05/2017
removed some notes
remapped tiny sections
16th mod done. 18/05/2017
added more SV
remapped some sections
RE-CHANGE HITSOUNDS by rankable hitsounds
Re-download after the date of this mod
17th mod done. 25/05/2017
Deleted some ghost notes and improve + consistency
Corrected average of SV. 22/07/2017
Change some LN sections by normal notes. 23/07/2017
Added map banner. 25/07/2017
18th mod done. 26/07/2017
Searching BNs for check. 26/07/2017
*SV irc boop*
2017-04-08 15:38 Protastic101: ACTION is editing [ Camellia - GHOST [Expert Spectre]]
2017-04-08 15:38 Protastic101: saw your map in osu mania, you have time to talk about the SVs?
2017-04-08 15:38 BloowXv2: oh yes!
2017-04-08 15:39 Protastic101: ok cewl
2017-04-08 15:39 BloowXv2: if you can make a mod and post on thread of the map?
2017-04-08 15:39 BloowXv2: pls!
2017-04-08 15:39 Protastic101: first off, lemme mention that HP 9.5 is holllllyyyyyy shit
2017-04-08 15:39 BloowXv2: ;v;
2017-04-08 15:39 Protastic101: you dont wanna irc?
2017-04-08 15:40 BloowXv2: If you can in the thread or IRC
2017-04-08 15:41 Protastic101: idk, im lazy, so irc is better for me
2017-04-08 15:41 BloowXv2: ok
2017-04-08 15:41 BloowXv2: i see
2017-04-08 15:41 BloowXv2: c:
2017-04-08 15:42 Protastic101: 00:20:351 (20351|1) - move this up to 00:20:385 - . Imo, better to just approximate the snap instead since the player is used to a uniform 1/2 snap throughout
2017-04-08 15:42 Protastic101: 00:20:215 (20215|3,20215|0) - same with this, move it up to 00:20:249 - since that's where the height of the sound comes
2017-04-08 15:43 BloowXv2: cheking
2017-04-08 15:45 Protastic101: concerning the hitsounds, do you really need crack.wav? It's the same sound as normal-hitnormal so I don't see a purpose for there to be duplicates
2017-04-08 15:45 BloowXv2: lol
2017-04-08 15:45 BloowXv2: is more soft
2017-04-08 15:46 Protastic101: it literally sounds the same
2017-04-08 15:47 BloowXv2: wait. LOL It is true! I put crack.wav as hit-normal
2017-04-08 15:47 BloowXv2: i should remove it
2017-04-08 15:48 Protastic101: that's crack.wav and this is the hitnormal :thinking:
2017-04-08 15:48 Protastic101: yeah, remove crack.wav
2017-04-08 15:48 BloowXv2: sure xD
2017-04-08 15:49 Protastic101: 00:24:783 (24783|1) - eh, this should be down at 00:24:749 - instead im pretty sure
2017-04-08 15:50 BloowXv2: done
2017-04-08 15:50 Protastic101: 00:25:158 - alright, so fun lesson in hitsounding here, don't use double hitsounds unless you've sample imported them and cut their original volume in half
2017-04-08 15:51 Protastic101: basically, hs are additive, so the double hs at 00:25:158 (25158|3,25158|2) - for example, mean you're playing your normal-hitwhistle at 100% sample volume instead of 50%
2017-04-08 15:52 BloowXv2: :o
2017-04-08 15:53 BloowXv2: i understand
2017-04-08 15:55 BloowXv2: Should I leave the hits in their actual volume?
2017-04-08 15:55 Protastic101: also, I would recommend making one of your hitsounds a kick, like this or something
2017-04-08 15:55 Protastic101: yeah, I'd remove all the double hitsounds and just keep the 50% vol otherwise hsing becomes a mess
2017-04-08 15:57 Protastic101: 00:25:158 (25158|2,25226|1,25567|2,25635|1) - kicks would go in places like this for example
2017-04-08 15:57 Protastic101: 00:30:135 (30135|0,30170|1,30204|3,30238|2,30272|0,30306|1,30340|3,30374|2,30408|1,30442|0,30476|3,30545|2) - assuming you've removed crack.wav from the song folder, you'll need to go into the .osu in notepad or something and manually remove all instances of it being there otherwise the sample will be silent
2017-04-08 15:57 BloowXv2: I understand, I think it's best to start placing the hits from the beginning
2017-04-08 15:58 BloowXv2: hitsounds*
2017-04-08 15:58 Protastic101: basically should be like this
2017-04-08 16:00 BloowXv2: i see
2017-04-08 16:00 BloowXv2: :I
2017-04-08 16:00 Protastic101: 00:30:374 (30374|2,30442|0) - also, pretty sure these are ghost notes since the burst is only 1 beat long
2017-04-08 16:01 Protastic101: 00:30:101 - and you're missing a note here, so it should look like this
2017-04-08 16:02 BloowXv2: oh
2017-04-08 16:02 BloowXv2: good point
2017-04-08 16:03 Protastic101: 00:32:045 (32045|1) - this is also a ghost because the rhythm here is a 1/4 triplet instead
2017-04-08 16:03 Protastic101: 00:27:681 (27681|2) - same as the above
2017-04-08 16:04 BloowXv2: yes, put them like this
2017-04-08 16:04 BloowXv2: I feel that the LN in that part is not very well
2017-04-08 16:04 Protastic101: 00:52:431 - what, like right here?
2017-04-08 16:06 BloowXv2: 00:52:431 -
2017-04-08 16:06 Protastic101: I mean, concerning the stuff right there, I can get why you'd add the LNs, but this is kind of an instance where playability > consistency
2017-04-08 16:06 BloowXv2: I should have highlighted the sound
2017-04-08 16:07 Protastic101: stuff like 00:52:704 (52704|2,52704|3,52840|2) - 00:53:249 (53249|2,53249|3,53385|2) - 00:53:795 (53795|2,53795|3,53931|2) - is going to make a player miss due to the fact that it's way harder to hit single notes while holding down an LN as seen
2017-04-08 16:08 Protastic101: rather, I'd just make this into a jumpstream kind of like this and so on
2017-04-08 16:10 BloowXv2: Well it's not an easy map
2017-04-08 16:10 BloowXv2: xD
2017-04-08 16:10 BloowXv2: But I could do something about it
2017-04-08 16:11 Protastic101: ehhh, i might disagree. Without the jumptrills, the map is 5.77* :thinking:
2017-04-08 16:11 Protastic101: well anyways
2017-04-08 16:12 Protastic101: kind of want to go over the SVs
2017-04-08 16:12 Protastic101: 01:01:090 - for one, 0.01x SVs are unrankable. 0.1x is the minimum I believe
2017-04-08 16:12 BloowXv2: :
2017-04-08 16:13 BloowXv2: :'o
2017-04-08 16:13 Protastic101: also, there's a bit of a math element to Svs if you want to make sure they're somewhat sightreadable
2017-04-08 16:13 Protastic101: 00:59:795 - let's take the Svs starting here
2017-04-08 16:14 Protastic101: you increase their value every 1/1 beat, but if you were to try and give it a more jumpy feeling, you could use 1/2 beats to halve the values
2017-04-08 16:15 Protastic101: so for example, you could do something like so:
2017-04-08 16:15 Protastic101: 00:59:795 - 01:00:067 - 01:00:340 - 1.9x or whatever value you wanna do
2017-04-08 16:15 Protastic101: 00:59:931 - 01:00:204 - 01:00:476 - 0.1x assuming you use 1.9x
2017-04-08 16:15 BloowXv2: In short, should I put SV less abrupt?
2017-04-08 16:16 Protastic101: It's not that the SVs are abrupt, it's just that there's no concept to their values
2017-04-08 16:17 BloowXv2: oh
2017-04-08 16:17 BloowXv2: already
2017-04-08 16:17 Protastic101: 01:00:613 - here, if you did 3x, assuming you're using 1/4 units, to average the SV sequence to 1x, you'd have to make 01:00:681 - a 0.71x SV
2017-04-08 16:17 Protastic101: How i get that value is because from 01:00:613 - to 01:01:158 - , there are 8 1/4 snaps
2017-04-08 16:17 Protastic101: so that's my unit
2017-04-08 16:18 Protastic101: the starting SV is 3 at 01:00:613 - , and it only lasts for 1 1/4 snap
2017-04-08 16:18 Protastic101: as a result, you take out 3 from 8, so you're left with 5. You need to divide 5 by 7 (your remaining units) and that will give you the SV value you need to average the entire sequence to 1x
2017-04-08 16:19 BloowXv2: oh i understand
2017-04-08 16:19 Protastic101: basically {[8 - (3 x 1)] / 7} = your sv
2017-04-08 16:20 BloowXv2: lol yes, Should it increase corresponding to the divisor rule? I suppose
2017-04-08 16:20 Protastic101: 01:02:113 - with that in mind, lemme explain why the SVs here dont work as intended very well. Each SV sequence consists of a 0.75x and a 1.5x
2017-04-08 16:21 Protastic101: the total number of units is 2 (this is the half half method basically)
2017-04-08 16:21 Protastic101: (0.75 + 1.5) / 2 = 1.13x
2017-04-08 16:21 Protastic101: the 1.13x is the average SV value within the sequence
2017-04-08 16:22 Protastic101: so from 01:02:113 - to 01:02:522 - , you're making the player read a speed up
2017-04-08 16:23 BloowXv2: i get it
2017-04-08 16:23 Protastic101: am I explaining that clear enough? Idk, Im sorry, I feel like I always make this sound more complicated than it really is
2017-04-08 16:24 Protastic101: 01:02:181 - 01:02:317 - 01:02:454 - basically, to make the 0.75x average to 1x, these 1.5x Svs need to be reduced to 1.25x
2017-04-08 16:24 Protastic101: 01:02:522 - right here, you could do a very quick speed up and slow down though
2017-04-08 16:25 Protastic101: something like 01:02:522 - 0.2x and 01:02:624 - 3.4x (using 1/8 snaps)
2017-04-08 16:25 Protastic101: although, i prefer it with the speed up first and the slowdown second :thinking:
2017-04-08 16:26 BloowXv2: i understand, then i will have to make some adjustments on the SVs. Keeping in mind what you explained to me
2017-04-08 16:26 Protastic101: yeah
2017-04-08 16:26 Protastic101: 01:04:431 - same stuff applies here, the 1.5x should be reduced to 1.25x or the 0.75x is strengthened to 0.5x
2017-04-08 16:26 BloowXv2: lol what you says maybe it's better
2017-04-08 16:27 Protastic101: 01:06:476 - to 01:06:613 - also, I'd really recommend against using SV sequences that span over notes like here, because the SV uses a unit of 1/2, but the notes are on a 1/4, which means the player has to read while you're modifying their scroll speed which is hard D:
2017-04-08 16:28 BloowXv2: Haha it's true
2017-04-08 16:28 Protastic101: 01:27:408 (87408|3,87476|2,87545|1,87613|0,87613|3,87681|1,87749|2) - these notes are snapped incorrectly. They should be in 1/3, like this
2017-04-08 16:29 BloowXv2: Thinking it over, I do not know how I thought to put it like this
2017-04-08 16:29 BloowXv2: ._.
2017-04-08 16:29 BloowXv2: xD
2017-04-08 16:29 Protastic101: 01:25:840 - similarly here, the snap should be 1/3
2017-04-08 16:30 BloowXv2: holy... it's true
2017-04-08 16:30 BloowXv2: There are some sections just like that, and sure to put them in the same way
2017-04-08 16:30 Protastic101: oh wait, it's actually a bit different
2017-04-08 16:31 Protastic101: it's still 1/3, but it starts on the 1/2, so you need to be viewing them on 1/6 snaps like so
2017-04-08 16:33 BloowXv2: im watchiing that
2017-04-08 16:33 Protastic101: 03:30:204 - ah, for stuff like this too, I'd suggest not using incomplete sequences (basically just one sv so there's nothing to equalize it to 1x)
2017-04-08 16:34 Protastic101: reason being the player's already expecting for most of the Svs to average to 1x in the beginning and leaving them incomplete so far into the map will mess up reading as players have to readjust their approach to SVs in order to acc them
2017-04-08 16:36 Protastic101: 03:44:798 - this SV is unsnapped and should be at 03:44:795 - instead
2017-04-08 16:37 BloowXv2: Is true, the AI did not show me some error, I did not realize
2017-04-08 16:38 Protastic101: 03:46:976 - same thing I mentioned above about completing the SV sequence. You could do some really cool teleports here like 03:46:976 - 9x and 03:47:010 - 0.27x if you really wanna screw with the players
2017-04-08 16:38 BloowXv2: HAHAHA xD
2017-04-08 16:38 Protastic101: 03:46:976 - or 4x here and 03:47:045 - 0.4x if you want to be a merciful person
2017-04-08 16:39 BloowXv2: I just wanted something not so simple and without trying to do something overmapped
2017-04-08 16:39 BloowXv2: I see that I must thoroughly review the SVs
2017-04-08 16:39 BloowXv2: :<
2017-04-08 16:39 Protastic101: 03:46:976 - 1.8x and 03:47:045 - 0.84x is weaker and works just the same
2017-04-08 16:40 Protastic101: basically, this entire 3/2 triple section is full of incomplete SV sequences, so yeah, just finish those off I guess
2017-04-08 16:42 BloowXv2: I'll do that
2017-04-08 16:42 Protastic101: 04:50:522 - wondering why you didn't continue the SVs here like you did the ones at 04:48:476 - . They're pretty cool (just dont forgot to start the sequence at 04:48:340 - tho)
2017-04-08 16:45 BloowXv2: but what! Really forget to put the SV there
2017-04-08 16:45 Protastic101: rip lol
2017-04-08 16:45 BloowXv2: I think it should have been removed in the previous update
2017-04-08 16:46 BloowXv2: I remember that I had placed them.
2017-04-08 16:46 BloowXv2: xD
2017-04-08 16:46 Protastic101: even more rip
2017-04-08 16:46 Protastic101: i understand the pain tho
2017-04-08 16:47 Protastic101: once placed some 70+ SVs in a section and osu crashed cause there were too many and I didnt save XD
2017-04-08 16:47 BloowXv2: LOL XDD
2017-04-08 16:47 BloowXv2: That is painful
2017-04-08 16:47 BloowXv2: :'v
2017-04-08 16:48 BloowXv2: almost too much
2017-04-08 16:48 BloowXv2: D:
2017-04-08 16:49 BloowXv2: Good friend, I must thank you for the time. But on my own I believe that here we leave the mod. Or if you want to continue it in thread
2017-04-08 16:49 BloowXv2: i must go to a place
2017-04-08 16:49 BloowXv2: :''I
2017-04-08 16:50 Protastic101: ok
2017-04-08 16:50 Protastic101: Ill post the irc on the thread
2017-04-08 16:50 Protastic101: oh, and there was one last thing aaa
2017-04-08 16:50 Protastic101: try using this as your bass.wav instead
2017-04-08 16:50 Protastic101: I think it sounds closer to the original
2017-04-08 16:50 Protastic101: ok, bai~
Topic Starter

Protastic101 wrote:

*SV irc boop*
2017-04-08 15:38 Protastic101: ACTION is editing [ Camellia - GHOST [Expert Spectre]]
2017-04-08 15:38 Protastic101: saw your map in osu mania, you have time to talk about the SVs?
2017-04-08 15:38 BloowXv2: oh yes!
2017-04-08 15:39 Protastic101: ok cewl
2017-04-08 15:39 BloowXv2: if you can make a mod and post on thread of the map?
2017-04-08 15:39 BloowXv2: pls!
2017-04-08 15:39 Protastic101: first off, lemme mention that HP 9.5 is holllllyyyyyy shit
2017-04-08 15:39 BloowXv2: ;v;
2017-04-08 15:39 Protastic101: you dont wanna irc?
2017-04-08 15:40 BloowXv2: If you can in the thread or IRC
2017-04-08 15:41 Protastic101: idk, im lazy, so irc is better for me
2017-04-08 15:41 BloowXv2: ok
2017-04-08 15:41 BloowXv2: i see
2017-04-08 15:41 BloowXv2: c:
2017-04-08 15:42 Protastic101: 00:20:351 (20351|1) - move this up to 00:20:385 - . Imo, better to just approximate the snap instead since the player is used to a uniform 1/2 snap throughout
2017-04-08 15:42 Protastic101: 00:20:215 (20215|3,20215|0) - same with this, move it up to 00:20:249 - since that's where the height of the sound comes
2017-04-08 15:43 BloowXv2: cheking
2017-04-08 15:45 Protastic101: concerning the hitsounds, do you really need crack.wav? It's the same sound as normal-hitnormal so I don't see a purpose for there to be duplicates
2017-04-08 15:45 BloowXv2: lol
2017-04-08 15:45 BloowXv2: is more soft
2017-04-08 15:46 Protastic101: it literally sounds the same
2017-04-08 15:47 BloowXv2: wait. LOL It is true! I put crack.wav as hit-normal
2017-04-08 15:47 BloowXv2: i should remove it
2017-04-08 15:48 Protastic101: that's crack.wav and this is the hitnormal :thinking:
2017-04-08 15:48 Protastic101: yeah, remove crack.wav
2017-04-08 15:48 BloowXv2: sure xD
2017-04-08 15:49 Protastic101: 00:24:783 (24783|1) - eh, this should be down at 00:24:749 - instead im pretty sure
2017-04-08 15:50 BloowXv2: done
2017-04-08 15:50 Protastic101: 00:25:158 - alright, so fun lesson in hitsounding here, don't use double hitsounds unless you've sample imported them and cut their original volume in half
2017-04-08 15:51 Protastic101: basically, hs are additive, so the double hs at 00:25:158 (25158|3,25158|2) - for example, mean you're playing your normal-hitwhistle at 100% sample volume instead of 50%
2017-04-08 15:52 BloowXv2: :o
2017-04-08 15:53 BloowXv2: i understand
2017-04-08 15:55 BloowXv2: Should I leave the hits in their actual volume?
2017-04-08 15:55 Protastic101: also, I would recommend making one of your hitsounds a kick, like this or something
2017-04-08 15:55 Protastic101: yeah, I'd remove all the double hitsounds and just keep the 50% vol otherwise hsing becomes a mess
2017-04-08 15:57 Protastic101: 00:25:158 (25158|2,25226|1,25567|2,25635|1) - kicks would go in places like this for example
2017-04-08 15:57 Protastic101: 00:30:135 (30135|0,30170|1,30204|3,30238|2,30272|0,30306|1,30340|3,30374|2,30408|1,30442|0,30476|3,30545|2) - assuming you've removed crack.wav from the song folder, you'll need to go into the .osu in notepad or something and manually remove all instances of it being there otherwise the sample will be silent
2017-04-08 15:57 BloowXv2: I understand, I think it's best to start placing the hits from the beginning
2017-04-08 15:58 BloowXv2: hitsounds*
2017-04-08 15:58 Protastic101: basically should be like this
2017-04-08 16:00 BloowXv2: i see
2017-04-08 16:00 BloowXv2: :I
2017-04-08 16:00 Protastic101: 00:30:374 (30374|2,30442|0) - also, pretty sure these are ghost notes since the burst is only 1 beat long
2017-04-08 16:01 Protastic101: 00:30:101 - and you're missing a note here, so it should look like this
2017-04-08 16:02 BloowXv2: oh
2017-04-08 16:02 BloowXv2: good point
2017-04-08 16:03 Protastic101: 00:32:045 (32045|1) - this is also a ghost because the rhythm here is a 1/4 triplet instead
2017-04-08 16:03 Protastic101: 00:27:681 (27681|2) - same as the above
2017-04-08 16:04 BloowXv2: yes, put them like this
2017-04-08 16:04 BloowXv2: I feel that the LN in that part is not very well
2017-04-08 16:04 Protastic101: 00:52:431 - what, like right here?
2017-04-08 16:06 BloowXv2: 00:52:431 -
2017-04-08 16:06 Protastic101: I mean, concerning the stuff right there, I can get why you'd add the LNs, but this is kind of an instance where playability > consistency
2017-04-08 16:06 BloowXv2: I should have highlighted the sound
2017-04-08 16:07 Protastic101: stuff like 00:52:704 (52704|2,52704|3,52840|2) - 00:53:249 (53249|2,53249|3,53385|2) - 00:53:795 (53795|2,53795|3,53931|2) - is going to make a player miss due to the fact that it's way harder to hit single notes while holding down an LN as seen
2017-04-08 16:08 Protastic101: rather, I'd just make this into a jumpstream kind of like this and so on
2017-04-08 16:10 BloowXv2: Well it's not an easy map
2017-04-08 16:10 BloowXv2: xD
2017-04-08 16:10 BloowXv2: But I could do something about it
2017-04-08 16:11 Protastic101: ehhh, i might disagree. Without the jumptrills, the map is 5.77* :thinking:
2017-04-08 16:11 Protastic101: well anyways
2017-04-08 16:12 Protastic101: kind of want to go over the SVs
2017-04-08 16:12 Protastic101: 01:01:090 - for one, 0.01x SVs are unrankable. 0.1x is the minimum I believe
2017-04-08 16:12 BloowXv2: :
2017-04-08 16:13 BloowXv2: :'o
2017-04-08 16:13 Protastic101: also, there's a bit of a math element to Svs if you want to make sure they're somewhat sightreadable
2017-04-08 16:13 Protastic101: 00:59:795 - let's take the Svs starting here
2017-04-08 16:14 Protastic101: you increase their value every 1/1 beat, but if you were to try and give it a more jumpy feeling, you could use 1/2 beats to halve the values
2017-04-08 16:15 Protastic101: so for example, you could do something like so:
2017-04-08 16:15 Protastic101: 00:59:795 - 01:00:067 - 01:00:340 - 1.9x or whatever value you wanna do
2017-04-08 16:15 Protastic101: 00:59:931 - 01:00:204 - 01:00:476 - 0.1x assuming you use 1.9x
2017-04-08 16:15 BloowXv2: In short, should I put SV less abrupt?
2017-04-08 16:16 Protastic101: It's not that the SVs are abrupt, it's just that there's no concept to their values
2017-04-08 16:17 BloowXv2: oh
2017-04-08 16:17 BloowXv2: already
2017-04-08 16:17 Protastic101: 01:00:613 - here, if you did 3x, assuming you're using 1/4 units, to average the SV sequence to 1x, you'd have to make 01:00:681 - a 0.71x SV
2017-04-08 16:17 Protastic101: How i get that value is because from 01:00:613 - to 01:01:158 - , there are 8 1/4 snaps
2017-04-08 16:17 Protastic101: so that's my unit
2017-04-08 16:18 Protastic101: the starting SV is 3 at 01:00:613 - , and it only lasts for 1 1/4 snap
2017-04-08 16:18 Protastic101: as a result, you take out 3 from 8, so you're left with 5. You need to divide 5 by 7 (your remaining units) and that will give you the SV value you need to average the entire sequence to 1x
2017-04-08 16:19 BloowXv2: oh i understand
2017-04-08 16:19 Protastic101: basically {[8 - (3 x 1)] / 7} = your sv
2017-04-08 16:20 BloowXv2: lol yes, Should it increase corresponding to the divisor rule? I suppose
2017-04-08 16:20 Protastic101: 01:02:113 - with that in mind, lemme explain why the SVs here dont work as intended very well. Each SV sequence consists of a 0.75x and a 1.5x
2017-04-08 16:21 Protastic101: the total number of units is 2 (this is the half half method basically)
2017-04-08 16:21 Protastic101: (0.75 + 1.5) / 2 = 1.13x
2017-04-08 16:21 Protastic101: the 1.13x is the average SV value within the sequence
2017-04-08 16:22 Protastic101: so from 01:02:113 - to 01:02:522 - , you're making the player read a speed up
2017-04-08 16:23 BloowXv2: i get it
2017-04-08 16:23 Protastic101: am I explaining that clear enough? Idk, Im sorry, I feel like I always make this sound more complicated than it really is
2017-04-08 16:24 Protastic101: 01:02:181 - 01:02:317 - 01:02:454 - basically, to make the 0.75x average to 1x, these 1.5x Svs need to be reduced to 1.25x
2017-04-08 16:24 Protastic101: 01:02:522 - right here, you could do a very quick speed up and slow down though
2017-04-08 16:25 Protastic101: something like 01:02:522 - 0.2x and 01:02:624 - 3.4x (using 1/8 snaps)
2017-04-08 16:25 Protastic101: although, i prefer it with the speed up first and the slowdown second :thinking:
2017-04-08 16:26 BloowXv2: i understand, then i will have to make some adjustments on the SVs. Keeping in mind what you explained to me
2017-04-08 16:26 Protastic101: yeah
2017-04-08 16:26 Protastic101: 01:04:431 - same stuff applies here, the 1.5x should be reduced to 1.25x or the 0.75x is strengthened to 0.5x
2017-04-08 16:26 BloowXv2: lol what you says maybe it's better
2017-04-08 16:27 Protastic101: 01:06:476 - to 01:06:613 - also, I'd really recommend against using SV sequences that span over notes like here, because the SV uses a unit of 1/2, but the notes are on a 1/4, which means the player has to read while you're modifying their scroll speed which is hard D:
2017-04-08 16:28 BloowXv2: Haha it's true
2017-04-08 16:28 Protastic101: 01:27:408 (87408|3,87476|2,87545|1,87613|0,87613|3,87681|1,87749|2) - these notes are snapped incorrectly. They should be in 1/3, like this
2017-04-08 16:29 BloowXv2: Thinking it over, I do not know how I thought to put it like this
2017-04-08 16:29 BloowXv2: ._.
2017-04-08 16:29 BloowXv2: xD
2017-04-08 16:29 Protastic101: 01:25:840 - similarly here, the snap should be 1/3
2017-04-08 16:30 BloowXv2: holy... it's true
2017-04-08 16:30 BloowXv2: There are some sections just like that, and sure to put them in the same way
2017-04-08 16:30 Protastic101: oh wait, it's actually a bit different
2017-04-08 16:31 Protastic101: it's still 1/3, but it starts on the 1/2, so you need to be viewing them on 1/6 snaps like so
2017-04-08 16:33 BloowXv2: im watchiing that
2017-04-08 16:33 Protastic101: 03:30:204 - ah, for stuff like this too, I'd suggest not using incomplete sequences (basically just one sv so there's nothing to equalize it to 1x)
2017-04-08 16:34 Protastic101: reason being the player's already expecting for most of the Svs to average to 1x in the beginning and leaving them incomplete so far into the map will mess up reading as players have to readjust their approach to SVs in order to acc them
2017-04-08 16:36 Protastic101: 03:44:798 - this SV is unsnapped and should be at 03:44:795 - instead
2017-04-08 16:37 BloowXv2: Is true, the AI did not show me some error, I did not realize
2017-04-08 16:38 Protastic101: 03:46:976 - same thing I mentioned above about completing the SV sequence. You could do some really cool teleports here like 03:46:976 - 9x and 03:47:010 - 0.27x if you really wanna screw with the players
2017-04-08 16:38 BloowXv2: HAHAHA xD
2017-04-08 16:38 Protastic101: 03:46:976 - or 4x here and 03:47:045 - 0.4x if you want to be a merciful person
2017-04-08 16:39 BloowXv2: I just wanted something not so simple and without trying to do something overmapped
2017-04-08 16:39 BloowXv2: I see that I must thoroughly review the SVs
2017-04-08 16:39 BloowXv2: :<
2017-04-08 16:39 Protastic101: 03:46:976 - 1.8x and 03:47:045 - 0.84x is weaker and works just the same
2017-04-08 16:40 Protastic101: basically, this entire 3/2 triple section is full of incomplete SV sequences, so yeah, just finish those off I guess
2017-04-08 16:42 BloowXv2: I'll do that
2017-04-08 16:42 Protastic101: 04:50:522 - wondering why you didn't continue the SVs here like you did the ones at 04:48:476 - . They're pretty cool (just dont forgot to start the sequence at 04:48:340 - tho)
2017-04-08 16:45 BloowXv2: but what! Really forget to put the SV there
2017-04-08 16:45 Protastic101: rip lol
2017-04-08 16:45 BloowXv2: I think it should have been removed in the previous update
2017-04-08 16:46 BloowXv2: I remember that I had placed them.
2017-04-08 16:46 BloowXv2: xD
2017-04-08 16:46 Protastic101: even more rip
2017-04-08 16:46 Protastic101: i understand the pain tho
2017-04-08 16:47 Protastic101: once placed some 70+ SVs in a section and osu crashed cause there were too many and I didnt save XD
2017-04-08 16:47 BloowXv2: LOL XDD
2017-04-08 16:47 BloowXv2: That is painful
2017-04-08 16:47 BloowXv2: :'v
2017-04-08 16:48 BloowXv2: almost too much
2017-04-08 16:48 BloowXv2: D:
2017-04-08 16:49 BloowXv2: Good friend, I must thank you for the time. But on my own I believe that here we leave the mod. Or if you want to continue it in thread
2017-04-08 16:49 BloowXv2: i must go to a place
2017-04-08 16:49 BloowXv2: :''I
2017-04-08 16:50 Protastic101: ok
2017-04-08 16:50 Protastic101: Ill post the irc on the thread
2017-04-08 16:50 Protastic101: oh, and there was one last thing aaa
2017-04-08 16:50 Protastic101: try using this as your bass.wav instead
2017-04-08 16:50 Protastic101: I think it sounds closer to the original
2017-04-08 16:50 Protastic101: ok, bai~

Good guide, sir, nominator :D

thank you very much for your help!
short irc
2017-04-09 20:43 BloowXv2: Hola! c: vengo aqui porque Reba me lo recomendo ya que estoy buscando a alguien que pueda modearme un mapa 4k
2017-04-09 20:43 BloowXv2: puede?
2017-04-09 20:44 Lude: o_o
2017-04-09 20:44 Lude: which map?
2017-04-09 20:44 BloowXv2: este
2017-04-09 20:44 BloowXv2: ACTION is listening to [ Camellia - GHOST]
2017-04-09 20:44 BloowXv2: c:
2017-04-09 20:46 Lude: can you irc?
2017-04-09 20:46 BloowXv2: hablas español?
2017-04-09 20:46 BloowXv2: yo si
2017-04-09 20:46 Lude: btw i'm more fluent at english, so i'll speak in english
2017-04-09 20:46 Lude: oh
2017-04-09 20:47 BloowXv2: xD vives en Guatemala, deberias hablar español :'I
2017-04-09 20:47 BloowXv2: you live in Guatemala, you should speak Spanish :c
2017-04-09 20:47 Lude: :c
2017-04-09 20:48 Lude: 00:26:795 (26795|3,26795|2,27885|0,27885|2,27885|3) -
2017-04-09 20:48 Lude: are there any intentions on having one double chord and another one triple?
2017-04-09 20:49 Lude: Seria mejor si lo podrias normalizar el pattern
2017-04-09 20:49 Lude: tal como sea dar doble al bass y triple para snares
2017-04-09 20:50 Lude: 00:29:249 - por ejemplo, esto seria doble
2017-04-09 20:50 Lude: 00:30:613 - esto tambien
2017-04-09 20:50 Lude: 00:31:158 - pero agregaria uno aqui
2017-04-09 20:50 BloowXv2: ya veo
2017-04-09 20:50 BloowXv2: normalmente se resaltaria el Bass
2017-04-09 20:50 Lude: mm fijese que no
2017-04-09 20:51 BloowXv2: :o
2017-04-09 20:51 Lude: snare drum tiene mas fuerza
2017-04-09 20:51 Lude: porque va junto con el bass sound
2017-04-09 20:51 BloowXv2: Ah, eso es cierto
2017-04-09 20:51 BloowXv2: entiendo el punto, debo alternar entre el Bass y snare a mas fuerte con triple y mas suave en doble
2017-04-09 20:51 Lude: por tanto deberia tener diferencias en la cantidad de notas
2017-04-09 20:51 Lude: mhm
2017-04-09 20:52 Lude: 00:26:795 - add one
2017-04-09 20:52 Lude: 00:28:976 - add one
2017-04-09 20:52 Lude: algo asi
2017-04-09 20:52 BloowXv2: yes
2017-04-09 20:52 BloowXv2: bien, entendi ese punto
2017-04-09 20:52 Lude: ok lo arreglas dsps todo
2017-04-09 20:52 BloowXv2: lol que mod tan corto y provechoso
2017-04-09 20:52 BloowXv2: xD
2017-04-09 20:52 Lude: no
2017-04-09 20:53 Lude: owo acabo de empezar jaja
2017-04-09 20:53 BloowXv2: baia baia xD
2017-04-09 20:53 BloowXv2: *se prepara*
2017-04-09 20:53 Lude: 00:43:738 (43738|1,43772|2) - ctrl + h
2017-04-09 20:53 Lude: add note at 2
2017-04-09 20:54 Lude: 00:43:908 (43908|1,43976|2) - si quiere, ctrl + h aqui tambien para el patron
2017-04-09 20:54 Lude: 00:45:885 - add one at 4, porque es lo mismo que 00:45:340 (45340|3,45340|2) - estos
2017-04-09 20:55 Lude: 00:59:795 - slow aqui no es adecuado
2017-04-09 20:55 BloowXv2: :o
2017-04-09 20:56 Lude: 01:00:613 - si queres dar impactos aqui
2017-04-09 20:56 Lude: deberia ir: 01:00:613 - 1.8 / 01:00:885 - 0.2 / 01:01:158 - 1
2017-04-09 20:56 BloowXv2: ya veo
2017-04-09 20:57 Lude: 01:18:067 - same sv at here
2017-04-09 20:58 Lude: 01:22:976 - add note at 4
2017-04-09 20:58 Lude: 01:26:795 - same sv
2017-04-09 20:58 BloowXv2: note added
2017-04-09 20:59 Lude: 01:27:431 - 01:27:613 - add note
2017-04-09 20:59 BloowXv2: se permite SV en 0.2 ?
2017-04-09 21:00 BloowXv2: i see
2017-04-09 21:00 Lude: si queres menos rapidez, podrias poner 1.7 0.3, 1.6 0.4
2017-04-09 21:00 Lude: o 1.5 0.5
2017-04-09 21:00 Lude: 01:31:795 - 01:31:976 - add note
2017-04-09 21:00 BloowXv2: entiendo
2017-04-09 21:01 Lude: 01:36:067 - el sonido aqui es poco diferente
2017-04-09 21:02 BloowXv2: oh lo es, pero decidi dejarlo como las secciones anteriores
2017-04-09 21:02 Lude: ok
2017-04-09 21:02 BloowXv2: quisa lo cambie en algun momento
2017-04-09 21:02 BloowXv2: quiza*
2017-04-09 21:03 Lude: 03:33:613 - add note at 4
2017-04-09 21:04 BloowXv2: done
2017-04-09 21:04 Lude: 03:45:204 (225204|0,225340|0,225476|0) - no creo que se permite poner en 1/8
2017-04-09 21:05 BloowXv2: entra bien, el sonido logra acabar antes del siguiente, deberia cambiarlo?
2017-04-09 21:05 Lude: 03:46:976 - sv here
2017-04-09 21:05 Lude: si entra bien, pero no estoy seguro si es rankable
2017-04-09 21:06 Lude: porque la distancia es minima
2017-04-09 21:06 Lude: dejalo y preguntas a bn
2017-04-09 21:06 Lude: si hay problem
2017-04-09 21:06 Lude: 03:46:976 - SV here podria ser mas rapido
2017-04-09 21:06 Lude: y deberia de agregar un slow point entre el medio del chord
2017-04-09 21:06 BloowXv2: pues, el que me hizo el 1er mod, no me dijo que habia problema en eso. (creo) revisare mejor
2017-04-09 21:07 BloowXv2: probare eso
2017-04-09 21:07 Lude: por ejemplo, 03:46:976 - 1.5 / 03:47:181 - 0.5 / 03:47:385 - 1.5 / 03:47:590 - 0.5 / 03:47:795 - 1.5 / 03:47:999 - 0.5 / 03:48:204 - 1.5
2017-04-09 21:07 Lude: asi vas
2017-04-09 21:07 BloowXv2: si
2017-04-09 21:07 Lude: pero tenes que medir la distancia para que sea en el medio
2017-04-09 21:08 BloowXv2: en 1/4 puedo colocar los Slow point en medio
2017-04-09 21:08 Lude: si
2017-04-09 21:08 Lude: 04:56:795 - lo mismo para aqui
2017-04-09 21:09 BloowXv2: ya veo
2017-04-09 21:09 BloowXv2: entiendo
2017-04-09 21:10 Lude: baja el hitsound para que sea entre 3~4
2017-04-09 21:10 Lude: 30~40*
2017-04-09 21:10 Lude: y deberias de abagar el option de Widescreen Support
2017-04-09 21:10 Lude: end Song Setup -> Design
2017-04-09 21:11 BloowXv2: que, estaba seguro de haber desmarcado esa opcion
2017-04-09 21:11 BloowXv2: listo
2017-04-09 21:11 Lude: deberias de borrar en el tag
2017-04-09 21:11 Lude: sv y 4k
2017-04-09 21:11 Lude: no es necesario
2017-04-09 21:12 BloowXv2: ya veo
Topic Starter

Lude wrote:

short irc
2017-04-09 20:43 BloowXv2: Hola! c: vengo aqui porque Reba me lo recomendo ya que estoy buscando a alguien que pueda modearme un mapa 4k
2017-04-09 20:43 BloowXv2: puede?
2017-04-09 20:44 Lude: o_o
2017-04-09 20:44 Lude: which map?
2017-04-09 20:44 BloowXv2: este
2017-04-09 20:44 BloowXv2: ACTION is listening to [ Camellia - GHOST]
2017-04-09 20:44 BloowXv2: c:
2017-04-09 20:46 Lude: can you irc?
2017-04-09 20:46 BloowXv2: hablas español?
2017-04-09 20:46 BloowXv2: yo si
2017-04-09 20:46 Lude: btw i'm more fluent at english, so i'll speak in english
2017-04-09 20:46 Lude: oh
2017-04-09 20:47 BloowXv2: xD vives en Guatemala, deberias hablar español :'I
2017-04-09 20:47 BloowXv2: you live in Guatemala, you should speak Spanish :c
2017-04-09 20:47 Lude: :c
2017-04-09 20:48 Lude: 00:26:795 (26795|3,26795|2,27885|0,27885|2,27885|3) -
2017-04-09 20:48 Lude: are there any intentions on having one double chord and another one triple?
2017-04-09 20:49 Lude: Seria mejor si lo podrias normalizar el pattern
2017-04-09 20:49 Lude: tal como sea dar doble al bass y triple para snares
2017-04-09 20:50 Lude: 00:29:249 - por ejemplo, esto seria doble
2017-04-09 20:50 Lude: 00:30:613 - esto tambien
2017-04-09 20:50 Lude: 00:31:158 - pero agregaria uno aqui
2017-04-09 20:50 BloowXv2: ya veo
2017-04-09 20:50 BloowXv2: normalmente se resaltaria el Bass
2017-04-09 20:50 Lude: mm fijese que no
2017-04-09 20:51 BloowXv2: :o
2017-04-09 20:51 Lude: snare drum tiene mas fuerza
2017-04-09 20:51 Lude: porque va junto con el bass sound
2017-04-09 20:51 BloowXv2: Ah, eso es cierto
2017-04-09 20:51 BloowXv2: entiendo el punto, debo alternar entre el Bass y snare a mas fuerte con triple y mas suave en doble
2017-04-09 20:51 Lude: por tanto deberia tener diferencias en la cantidad de notas
2017-04-09 20:51 Lude: mhm
2017-04-09 20:52 Lude: 00:26:795 - add one
2017-04-09 20:52 Lude: 00:28:976 - add one
2017-04-09 20:52 Lude: algo asi
2017-04-09 20:52 BloowXv2: yes
2017-04-09 20:52 BloowXv2: bien, entendi ese punto
2017-04-09 20:52 Lude: ok lo arreglas dsps todo
2017-04-09 20:52 BloowXv2: lol que mod tan corto y provechoso
2017-04-09 20:52 BloowXv2: xD
2017-04-09 20:52 Lude: no
2017-04-09 20:53 Lude: owo acabo de empezar jaja
2017-04-09 20:53 BloowXv2: baia baia xD
2017-04-09 20:53 BloowXv2: *se prepara*
2017-04-09 20:53 Lude: 00:43:738 (43738|1,43772|2) - ctrl + h
2017-04-09 20:53 Lude: add note at 2
2017-04-09 20:54 Lude: 00:43:908 (43908|1,43976|2) - si quiere, ctrl + h aqui tambien para el patron
2017-04-09 20:54 Lude: 00:45:885 - add one at 4, porque es lo mismo que 00:45:340 (45340|3,45340|2) - estos
2017-04-09 20:55 Lude: 00:59:795 - slow aqui no es adecuado
2017-04-09 20:55 BloowXv2: :o
2017-04-09 20:56 Lude: 01:00:613 - si queres dar impactos aqui
2017-04-09 20:56 Lude: deberia ir: 01:00:613 - 1.8 / 01:00:885 - 0.2 / 01:01:158 - 1
2017-04-09 20:56 BloowXv2: ya veo
2017-04-09 20:57 Lude: 01:18:067 - same sv at here
2017-04-09 20:58 Lude: 01:22:976 - add note at 4
2017-04-09 20:58 Lude: 01:26:795 - same sv
2017-04-09 20:58 BloowXv2: note added
2017-04-09 20:59 Lude: 01:27:431 - 01:27:613 - add note
2017-04-09 20:59 BloowXv2: se permite SV en 0.2 ?
2017-04-09 21:00 BloowXv2: i see
2017-04-09 21:00 Lude: si queres menos rapidez, podrias poner 1.7 0.3, 1.6 0.4
2017-04-09 21:00 Lude: o 1.5 0.5
2017-04-09 21:00 Lude: 01:31:795 - 01:31:976 - add note
2017-04-09 21:00 BloowXv2: entiendo
2017-04-09 21:01 Lude: 01:36:067 - el sonido aqui es poco diferente
2017-04-09 21:02 BloowXv2: oh lo es, pero decidi dejarlo como las secciones anteriores
2017-04-09 21:02 Lude: ok
2017-04-09 21:02 BloowXv2: quisa lo cambie en algun momento
2017-04-09 21:02 BloowXv2: quiza*
2017-04-09 21:03 Lude: 03:33:613 - add note at 4
2017-04-09 21:04 BloowXv2: done
2017-04-09 21:04 Lude: 03:45:204 (225204|0,225340|0,225476|0) - no creo que se permite poner en 1/8
2017-04-09 21:05 BloowXv2: entra bien, el sonido logra acabar antes del siguiente, deberia cambiarlo?
2017-04-09 21:05 Lude: 03:46:976 - sv here
2017-04-09 21:05 Lude: si entra bien, pero no estoy seguro si es rankable
2017-04-09 21:06 Lude: porque la distancia es minima
2017-04-09 21:06 Lude: dejalo y preguntas a bn
2017-04-09 21:06 Lude: si hay problem
2017-04-09 21:06 Lude: 03:46:976 - SV here podria ser mas rapido
2017-04-09 21:06 Lude: y deberia de agregar un slow point entre el medio del chord
2017-04-09 21:06 BloowXv2: pues, el que me hizo el 1er mod, no me dijo que habia problema en eso. (creo) revisare mejor
2017-04-09 21:07 BloowXv2: probare eso
2017-04-09 21:07 Lude: por ejemplo, 03:46:976 - 1.5 / 03:47:181 - 0.5 / 03:47:385 - 1.5 / 03:47:590 - 0.5 / 03:47:795 - 1.5 / 03:47:999 - 0.5 / 03:48:204 - 1.5
2017-04-09 21:07 Lude: asi vas
2017-04-09 21:07 BloowXv2: si
2017-04-09 21:07 Lude: pero tenes que medir la distancia para que sea en el medio
2017-04-09 21:08 BloowXv2: en 1/4 puedo colocar los Slow point en medio
2017-04-09 21:08 Lude: si
2017-04-09 21:08 Lude: 04:56:795 - lo mismo para aqui
2017-04-09 21:09 BloowXv2: ya veo
2017-04-09 21:09 BloowXv2: entiendo
2017-04-09 21:10 Lude: baja el hitsound para que sea entre 3~4
2017-04-09 21:10 Lude: 30~40*
2017-04-09 21:10 Lude: y deberias de abagar el option de Widescreen Support
2017-04-09 21:10 Lude: end Song Setup -> Design
2017-04-09 21:11 BloowXv2: que, estaba seguro de haber desmarcado esa opcion
2017-04-09 21:11 BloowXv2: listo
2017-04-09 21:11 Lude: deberias de borrar en el tag
2017-04-09 21:11 Lude: sv y 4k
2017-04-09 21:11 Lude: no es necesario
2017-04-09 21:12 BloowXv2: ya veo

Thanks for the time and help in the mod! :D
2017-04-11 14:28 LavaDeHawaii: Qué necesitas?
2017-04-11 14:29 BloowXv2: weno, en parte, solo queria saber si sabes darle un toque de ''efectos chingones'' a un mapa resaltando ciertas partes, por ejemplo la rola que ando calando queria testearle cierto SV pero no me especializo en ese p2
2017-04-11 14:29 BloowXv2: jasjajsas
2017-04-11 14:30 LavaDeHawaii: Pues creo que el ejemplo de eso es mi Cocoa we xd
2017-04-11 14:30 LavaDeHawaii: No sé si lo recuerdes
2017-04-11 14:30 LavaDeHawaii: Pero smn, creo que puedo hacerlo
2017-04-11 14:30 LavaDeHawaii:
2017-04-11 14:30 BloowXv2: bueno, cuano acabe ciertas partes te lo paso nadamas para que cheques que efecto le puedes poner xD mientras wacho tu mapa que ya no recuerdo sus efectos (el mapa si)
2017-04-11 14:31 BloowXv2: que verga
2017-04-11 14:31 BloowXv2: JAJAJAJAJAJAJA
2017-04-11 14:31 BloowXv2: EL FONDO
2017-04-11 14:31 BloowXv2: XD
2017-04-11 14:31 LavaDeHawaii: Simón, nomás que no sea vibro we, porque eso me irrita xD
2017-04-11 14:31 LavaDeHawaii: Oh lol
2017-04-11 14:32 LavaDeHawaii: tenías que ver los SVs
2017-04-11 14:32 LavaDeHawaii: no el fondo xD
2017-04-11 14:32 BloowXv2: alaverga XD y nunca wache los SV
2017-04-11 14:32 BloowXv2: LOL
2017-04-11 14:32 LavaDeHawaii:
2017-04-11 14:32 BloowXv2: jkajajajajajajajajaja
2017-04-11 14:32 BloowXv2: xDDDDDDDDDD
2017-04-11 14:33 LavaDeHawaii: Poesía romántica del siglo actual we
2017-04-11 14:33 LavaDeHawaii: xd
2017-04-11 14:33 LavaDeHawaii: Pero smn, me pasas tu mapa y lo checo a ver si puedo hacer algo
2017-04-11 14:34 BloowXv2: sobres :v yo te digo, ah sobre todo, fuera de eso, quera saber si le puedes echar un vistazo a los SV del mapa de camellia que tengo
2017-04-11 14:34 BloowXv2: :L
2017-04-11 14:34 BloowXv2: no se si los hayas visto
2017-04-11 14:37 LavaDeHawaii: La neta no
2017-04-11 14:37 LavaDeHawaii: Pásalo y lo reviso al ratito xd
2017-04-11 14:37 BloowXv2: va
2017-04-11 14:37 BloowXv2: ACTION is listening to [ Camellia - GHOST]
2017-04-11 14:38 BloowXv2: es ese, le voy a mandar update mas tarde, pero los SV siguen igual
2017-04-11 14:42 LavaDeHawaii: ACTION is editing [ Camellia - GHOST [Expert Spectrums]]
2017-04-11 14:42 BloowXv2: c':
2017-04-11 14:43 LavaDeHawaii: 01:00:067 -
2017-04-11 14:43 LavaDeHawaii: Como que ese SV a 0.80 se siente raro
2017-04-11 14:43 LavaDeHawaii: Y ponerlo a la mitad igual queda raro. xD
2017-04-11 14:43 BloowXv2: xD lo tenia a 1.50 Y caia brusco y se veia prron, pero el BN me dijo que era muy exagerado
2017-04-11 14:43 BloowXv2: >:'v
2017-04-11 14:44 LavaDeHawaii: hahaha
2017-04-11 14:44 LavaDeHawaii: 01:00:885 -
2017-04-11 14:44 LavaDeHawaii: Éste de acá
2017-04-11 14:44 LavaDeHawaii: Creo que lo podrías meter 01:00:613 - aquí
2017-04-11 14:44 LavaDeHawaii: y el efecto queda más chido
2017-04-11 14:45 LavaDeHawaii: Smn, de hecho queda mejor como te digo
2017-04-11 14:45 BloowXv2: abr
2017-04-11 14:46 LavaDeHawaii: 01:02:113 -
2017-04-11 14:46 BloowXv2: a cuanto crees que seria mas chido?
2017-04-11 14:46 BloowXv2: xD
2017-04-11 14:46 LavaDeHawaii: A ésta sección como que falta feeling de SV we
2017-04-11 14:46 LavaDeHawaii: O sea, los tiene, pero no se sienten xD
2017-04-11 14:46 LavaDeHawaii: 01:00:545 -
2017-04-11 14:46 LavaDeHawaii: el de acá lo puse como a .30 creo
2017-04-11 14:47 BloowXv2: no es demasiado bajo a .30 ?
2017-04-11 14:47 BloowXv2: xD
2017-04-11 14:47 LavaDeHawaii: Pues leve, pero luego luego le estás dando chance de retomar su velocidad xd
2017-04-11 14:47 LavaDeHawaii: Y tienes uno a .20 adelante. xD
2017-04-11 14:48 BloowXv2: ah smn si es cierto
2017-04-11 14:48 LavaDeHawaii: De acá 01:00:885 -
2017-04-11 14:48 BloowXv2: xD
2017-04-11 14:48 LavaDeHawaii: hasta acá 01:01:158 -
2017-04-11 14:48 LavaDeHawaii: Puedes hacer una subida bien chida we
2017-04-11 14:48 LavaDeHawaii: Acabo de hacer una y creo que se siente bien
2017-04-11 14:49 BloowXv2: a cuanto?
2017-04-11 14:49 LavaDeHawaii:
2017-04-11 14:49 LavaDeHawaii: Checa cuantos puse y en qué puntos
2017-04-11 14:49 LavaDeHawaii:
2017-04-11 14:49 BloowXv2: haber
2017-04-11 14:49 LavaDeHawaii: Cala con eso y checa como se siente
2017-04-11 14:49 LavaDeHawaii: yo lo veo natural
2017-04-11 14:49 LavaDeHawaii: y el efecto me parece que queda bien
2017-04-11 14:49 BloowXv2: haber deja lo calo
2017-04-11 14:50 LavaDeHawaii: Dale
2017-04-11 14:50 BloowXv2: mandame el Ctrl+v del inicio
2017-04-11 14:50 BloowXv2: xD
2017-04-11 14:50 LavaDeHawaii: 01:00:613 -
2017-04-11 14:50 BloowXv2: ya
2017-04-11 14:50 LavaDeHawaii: .20
2017-04-11 14:50 LavaDeHawaii: 01:00:885 - .30
2017-04-11 14:50 LavaDeHawaii: 01:01:022 - .40
2017-04-11 14:51 LavaDeHawaii: 01:01:090 - .50
2017-04-11 14:51 LavaDeHawaii: 01:01:107 - .60
2017-04-11 14:51 LavaDeHawaii: 01:01:124 - .70
2017-04-11 14:51 LavaDeHawaii: 01:01:141 -
2017-04-11 14:51 LavaDeHawaii: 80
2017-04-11 14:51 LavaDeHawaii: 01:01:158 - 1.00
2017-04-11 14:51 BloowXv2: haber voy a calarlo
2017-04-11 14:51 LavaDeHawaii: dale
2017-04-11 14:56 LavaDeHawaii: Cómo lo sientes?
2017-04-11 14:56 BloowXv2: si se siente mas natural y sientes el efecto
2017-04-11 14:56 BloowXv2: :o
2017-04-11 14:56 BloowXv2: v: ya se ve prron
2017-04-11 14:56 BloowXv2: :v
2017-04-11 14:56 LavaDeHawaii: Te digo. xdddd
2017-04-11 14:57 BloowXv2: esque yo pa los SV toy bien meco, nunca pude con la matematica
2017-04-11 14:57 BloowXv2: alv
2017-04-11 14:57 BloowXv2: v:
2017-04-11 14:57 LavaDeHawaii: Hahahaha
2017-04-11 14:57 LavaDeHawaii: 00:59:795 -
2017-04-11 14:57 LavaDeHawaii: de ahí
2017-04-11 14:57 LavaDeHawaii: 01:00:340 -
2017-04-11 14:57 LavaDeHawaii: para acá
2017-04-11 14:57 LavaDeHawaii: No sé tú we
2017-04-11 14:57 LavaDeHawaii: pero siento esos SVs poco naturales. xD
2017-04-11 14:57 BloowXv2: que me recomiendas?
2017-04-11 14:58 LavaDeHawaii: Dejarlo a 1
2017-04-11 14:58 LavaDeHawaii: 1.00
2017-04-11 14:58 BloowXv2: 0.1 a 1.0 ?
2017-04-11 14:58 LavaDeHawaii: 1.00
2017-04-11 14:58 LavaDeHawaii: xD
2017-04-11 14:58 BloowXv2: por eso, 00.1 a 1.00 ?
2017-04-11 14:58 LavaDeHawaii: 1 . 0 0
2017-04-11 14:58 LavaDeHawaii: Uno punto cero cero
2017-04-11 14:59 LavaDeHawaii: xdddddddd
2017-04-11 14:59 BloowXv2: XDD
2017-04-11 14:59 BloowXv2: ya :v
2017-04-11 14:59 BloowXv2: ire a probar
2017-04-11 14:59 LavaDeHawaii: Dale, haha
2017-04-11 14:59 LavaDeHawaii: Es que no sé, siento que así como lo hiciste
2017-04-11 14:59 LavaDeHawaii: que es bajarlo a 0.80
2017-04-11 14:59 LavaDeHawaii: luego subirlo a 0.90
2017-04-11 15:00 BloowXv2: osea alv lo quito
2017-04-11 15:00 BloowXv2: jajaja
2017-04-11 15:00 LavaDeHawaii: queda bien extraño xd
2017-04-11 15:00 BloowXv2: 00:59:795 -
2017-04-11 15:00 LavaDeHawaii: Ah smn.
2017-04-11 15:00 BloowXv2: smn, haber
2017-04-11 15:00 LavaDeHawaii: Pensé que traías otro atrás
2017-04-11 15:00 LavaDeHawaii: xD
2017-04-11 15:00 LavaDeHawaii: Pero quítalos, haha
2017-04-11 15:02 BloowXv2: ya no incomoda jaja
2017-04-11 15:02 LavaDeHawaii: Te digo xd
2017-04-11 15:03 LavaDeHawaii: Ahora la siguiente parte we
2017-04-11 15:03 LavaDeHawaii: la hiciste bien
2017-04-11 15:03 LavaDeHawaii: pero yo personalmente
2017-04-11 15:03 LavaDeHawaii: Lo que acabo de hacer para probar
2017-04-11 15:03 LavaDeHawaii: no siento los SV
2017-04-11 15:03 LavaDeHawaii: 01:02:113 - es que desde acá
2017-04-11 15:03 LavaDeHawaii: 01:05:181 - hasta acá
2017-04-11 15:03 LavaDeHawaii: bajé todos tus SV de .85 a .65
2017-04-11 15:04 LavaDeHawaii: ASí como se siente más el efecto, pero esa es nada más sugerencia
2017-04-11 15:04 BloowXv2: haber deja pruebo
2017-04-11 15:05 LavaDeHawaii: Dale
2017-04-11 15:08 BloowXv2: Pues
2017-04-11 15:08 BloowXv2: tienes razon
2017-04-11 15:08 BloowXv2: vsualmente puedes sentirse mejor
2017-04-11 15:08 BloowXv2: v:
2017-04-11 15:08 LavaDeHawaii: xD
2017-04-11 15:08 LavaDeHawaii: Mucho mejor. v:
2017-04-11 15:08 LavaDeHawaii: Haha
2017-04-11 15:08 BloowXv2: demasiado :v
2017-04-11 15:08 LavaDeHawaii: Pero pues como veas
2017-04-11 15:08 BloowXv2: XD
2017-04-11 15:08 LavaDeHawaii: igual esa sección creo que está bien
2017-04-11 15:08 LavaDeHawaii: xD
2017-04-11 15:09 BloowXv2: pues, no me incomodo como para dejarlo como lo tenia
2017-04-11 15:09 BloowXv2: jaja
2017-04-11 15:09 LavaDeHawaii: xD
2017-04-11 15:10 LavaDeHawaii: Pues eso we
2017-04-11 15:10 LavaDeHawaii: 01:05:249 -
2017-04-11 15:10 LavaDeHawaii: Y éstas LNs
2017-04-11 15:10 LavaDeHawaii: le puedes añadir un SV
2017-04-11 15:10 LavaDeHawaii: que haga que las frene
2017-04-11 15:10 LavaDeHawaii: Yo lo puse a .30
2017-04-11 15:10 BloowXv2: haber
2017-04-11 15:10 LavaDeHawaii: Y la subida
2017-04-11 15:10 LavaDeHawaii: Sería de .10 en .10
2017-04-11 15:11 LavaDeHawaii: 01:05:385 - .40
2017-04-11 15:11 LavaDeHawaii: 01:05:454 - .50
2017-04-11 15:11 LavaDeHawaii: 01:05:471 - .60
2017-04-11 15:11 LavaDeHawaii: 01:05:488 -
2017-04-11 15:11 LavaDeHawaii: .70
2017-04-11 15:11 LavaDeHawaii: 01:05:505 - .80
2017-04-11 15:11 LavaDeHawaii: 01:05:522 - Uno punto cero cero
2017-04-11 15:11 BloowXv2: ah smn la secuencia, ya veo
2017-04-11 15:12 LavaDeHawaii: Smn
2017-04-11 15:12 BloowXv2: haber deja calo, que son varias LNs de esas creo
2017-04-11 15:12 BloowXv2: xD
2017-04-11 15:12 LavaDeHawaii: Es lo que acabo de ver
2017-04-11 15:12 LavaDeHawaii: xD
2017-04-11 15:12 LavaDeHawaii: Pero creo que queda bien
2017-04-11 15:12 LavaDeHawaii: Si sí te late, pues tal vez sería buena opción
2017-04-11 15:12 LavaDeHawaii: repetir ese SV en las otras LNs
2017-04-11 15:12 BloowXv2: mira
2017-04-11 15:12 BloowXv2: dame una idea aqui
2017-04-11 15:13 BloowXv2: 01:16:431 - de aqui
2017-04-11 15:13 BloowXv2: a aqui 01:16:976 -
2017-04-11 15:17 LavaDeHawaii: Déjame calar algo
2017-04-11 15:18 LavaDeHawaii: Es que hay como dos opciones principales ahí we
2017-04-11 15:18 LavaDeHawaii: Hacer que en cada LN
2017-04-11 15:18 LavaDeHawaii: vaya más rápido
2017-04-11 15:18 LavaDeHawaii: O hacer que cada LN
2017-04-11 15:18 LavaDeHawaii: frene el pedo
2017-04-11 15:19 LavaDeHawaii: A mí personalmente me gusta más que se frene un poco a que caiga de vergazo. xd
2017-04-11 15:19 BloowXv2: jaja
2017-04-11 15:19 BloowXv2: haber tu me dices que tal van quedando a tu parecer
2017-04-11 15:19 LavaDeHawaii: Para frenarlo
2017-04-11 15:19 LavaDeHawaii: Sería como hacer las que ya te dije hace un ratito
2017-04-11 15:19 LavaDeHawaii: Para hacerlo más rápido, creo que sería lo contrario, básicamente xd
2017-04-11 15:19 LavaDeHawaii: smn
2017-04-11 15:20 BloowXv2: ah smn, ya veo
2017-04-11 15:20 LavaDeHawaii: Si quieres updatea
2017-04-11 15:20 BloowXv2: nel, aun no
2017-04-11 15:20 BloowXv2: deja que me sigas explicando
2017-04-11 15:20 BloowXv2: xD
2017-04-11 15:20 BloowXv2: vamos bien
2017-04-11 15:20 LavaDeHawaii: Para tener acá tus cambios we xD
2017-04-11 15:20 LavaDeHawaii: Lol
2017-04-11 15:20 LavaDeHawaii: Hahaha
2017-04-11 15:20 LavaDeHawaii: Ok xd
2017-04-11 15:21 LavaDeHawaii: Cala a ponerlo lento
2017-04-11 15:21 LavaDeHawaii: a ver qué tal se siente
2017-04-11 15:22 BloowXv2: haber
2017-04-11 15:23 BloowXv2: voy a calar con el 1er par de LNs acelerandolas y las otras 2 frenando poco a poco
2017-04-11 15:23 BloowXv2: haber que sale
2017-04-11 15:23 BloowXv2: xD
2017-04-11 15:23 LavaDeHawaii: Loool, smn dale.
2017-04-11 15:23 LavaDeHawaii: Es bueno experimentar xd
2017-04-11 15:26 BloowXv2: :o
2017-04-11 15:26 BloowXv2: no se ve mal
2017-04-11 15:28 LavaDeHawaii: Del 1 al 10?
2017-04-11 15:28 LavaDeHawaii: Qué tan mal?
2017-04-11 15:28 LavaDeHawaii: xd
2017-04-11 15:28 BloowXv2: awanta :v mira
2017-04-11 15:28 LavaDeHawaii: xd
2017-04-11 15:28 BloowXv2:
2017-04-11 15:28 BloowXv2: lo puse asi
2017-04-11 15:29 BloowXv2: checa como va
2017-04-11 15:29 BloowXv2: :v
2017-04-11 15:30 BloowXv2: aqui 01:14:249 -
2017-04-11 15:30 BloowXv2: y aqui 01:14:795 -
2017-04-11 15:30 BloowXv2: aplicare la misma haber que tal
2017-04-11 15:31 BloowXv2: solo que voy a cambar de lugar las notas, pero van a ser las mismas
2017-04-11 15:32 LavaDeHawaii: Déjame calarlo
2017-04-11 15:32 BloowXv2: haber
2017-04-11 15:32 BloowXv2: me dices que tal xD
2017-04-11 15:34 LavaDeHawaii: Pues no se siente tan mal we
2017-04-11 15:35 LavaDeHawaii: De hecho se siente bien
2017-04-11 15:36 BloowXv2: ya le agregue en la otra parte que te dije y la sencuencia se siente bien
2017-04-11 15:36 BloowXv2: uwu
2017-04-11 15:36 BloowXv2: ahi vamos
2017-04-11 15:36 BloowXv2: xD
2017-04-11 15:37 LavaDeHawaii: Hahaha, simón, está buena la wea xD
2017-04-11 15:37 BloowXv2: mira
2017-04-11 15:37 BloowXv2: de aqui
2017-04-11 15:37 BloowXv2: 01:25:158 -
2017-04-11 15:38 BloowXv2: a aqui 01:26:795 -
2017-04-11 15:38 BloowXv2: quedaria nu cambio aun poco mas lento en incremento a mas rapido hasta 1.00?
2017-04-11 15:38 LavaDeHawaii: Esa sí puede ser un poco lenta
2017-04-11 15:38 LavaDeHawaii: Exacto
2017-04-11 15:38 LavaDeHawaii: 01:25:158 -
2017-04-11 15:38 LavaDeHawaii: Lenta aquí
2017-04-11 15:38 LavaDeHawaii: Un 0.70 exagerando
2017-04-11 15:38 BloowXv2: si
2017-04-11 15:38 LavaDeHawaii: Y desde acá
2017-04-11 15:38 LavaDeHawaii: 01:26:249 -
2017-04-11 15:38 LavaDeHawaii: subir
2017-04-11 15:39 LavaDeHawaii: Yo creo que sí puede subir a 1.15x sin que se sienta incómodo we
2017-04-11 15:39 LavaDeHawaii: 01:26:795 - y acá frenar de nuevo
2017-04-11 15:39 LavaDeHawaii: Ya para tomar la velocidad normal acá 01:27:340 -
2017-04-11 15:39 BloowXv2: haber, voy a probar haber que tal queda
2017-04-11 15:39 LavaDeHawaii: Dale dale
2017-04-11 21:24 LavaDeHawaii: Hazme np de tu mapa we
2017-04-11 21:24 LavaDeHawaii: xd
2017-04-11 21:24 LavaDeHawaii: En ésta lap no lo tengo
2017-04-11 21:24 BloowXv2: ACTION is editing [ Camellia - GHOST [Expert Spectrums]]
2017-04-11 21:24 BloowXv2: ve fb
2017-04-11 21:28 LavaDeHawaii: Ya hiciste todos los SV hasta 02:02:249 - acá?
2017-04-11 21:29 LavaDeHawaii: O sea, bien bien.
2017-04-11 21:29 BloowXv2: eh si
2017-04-11 21:29 BloowXv2: ah si
2017-04-11 21:29 BloowXv2: ya
2017-04-11 21:30 BloowXv2: :y
2017-04-11 21:30 LavaDeHawaii: Mira we
2017-04-11 21:30 LavaDeHawaii: 01:27:885 -
2017-04-11 21:30 LavaDeHawaii: Estos de acá
2017-04-11 21:30 LavaDeHawaii: No se sienten casi nada
2017-04-11 21:30 LavaDeHawaii: Creo que estás dándole muuuuuuy poco tiempo al de 0.10x
2017-04-11 21:31 LavaDeHawaii: Deja que el de 0.10x avance hasta acá 01:28:022 -
2017-04-11 21:31 LavaDeHawaii: O sea, básicamente, borra éstos
2017-04-11 21:31 LavaDeHawaii: 01:27:988 -
2017-04-11 21:31 BloowXv2: pues, el efecto es como que se atora la LN xD
2017-04-11 21:31 LavaDeHawaii: 01:27:954 -
2017-04-11 21:31 LavaDeHawaii: 01:27:920 -
2017-04-11 21:31 LavaDeHawaii: Uhm.
2017-04-11 21:31 LavaDeHawaii: Pues puede ser.
2017-04-11 21:31 LavaDeHawaii: Aunque yo no lo siento mucho realmente. xd
2017-04-11 21:31 LavaDeHawaii: Como que está pasando desapercibido
2017-04-11 21:31 BloowXv2: ahhh
2017-04-11 21:31 LavaDeHawaii: chécalo como te digo, ya si no, déjalo como está xD no está mal igual
2017-04-11 21:31 BloowXv2: ya entendi
2017-04-11 21:31 BloowXv2: xD
2017-04-11 21:32 LavaDeHawaii: Lol
2017-04-11 21:32 BloowXv2: abr
2017-04-11 21:32 LavaDeHawaii: Dale dale
2017-04-11 21:32 BloowXv2: 03:12:340 -
2017-04-11 21:32 BloowXv2: ya viste desde ahi ena delante?
2017-04-11 21:32 BloowXv2: en adelante*
2017-04-11 21:32 LavaDeHawaii: Yep, hace rato lo vi
2017-04-11 21:32 LavaDeHawaii: 03:12:340 -
2017-04-11 21:33 LavaDeHawaii: 03:16:431 -
2017-04-11 21:33 LavaDeHawaii: todo bien eso
2017-04-11 21:33 LavaDeHawaii: Pero justamente 03:16:431 - aquí
2017-04-11 21:33 LavaDeHawaii: creo que podrías hacer como un efecto de... Uhm, como un 'shake', digamos
2017-04-11 21:33 LavaDeHawaii: Entre 03:16:431 - y 03:16:635 - tal vez
2017-04-11 21:34 LavaDeHawaii: La neta creo que quedaría bien chido .xd
2017-04-11 21:34 BloowXv2: abr, una idea
2017-04-11 21:34 BloowXv2: xD
2017-04-11 21:34 LavaDeHawaii: Déjame calar
2017-04-11 21:34 BloowXv2: va va
2017-04-11 21:36 LavaDeHawaii: Uhm.
2017-04-11 21:37 LavaDeHawaii: Nel, no queda. xd
2017-04-11 21:37 LavaDeHawaii: Es muy corto el tiempo como para añadir varios SV
2017-04-11 21:37 LavaDeHawaii: ignora eso entonces, sigamos.
2017-04-11 21:37 LavaDeHawaii: xD
2017-04-11 21:37 BloowXv2: XD
2017-04-11 21:37 BloowXv2: dale
2017-04-11 21:38 LavaDeHawaii: Aquí we
2017-04-11 21:39 LavaDeHawaii: 03:44:795 -
2017-04-11 21:39 LavaDeHawaii: Está bien que bajes en esa parte
2017-04-11 21:39 LavaDeHawaii: Pero
2017-04-11 21:39 LavaDeHawaii: 03:45:885 - acá sube muy de vergazo
2017-04-11 21:39 LavaDeHawaii: 03:44:795 - cala éste con 0.85x
2017-04-11 21:39 LavaDeHawaii: Y desde aquí 03:45:749 -
2017-04-11 21:40 LavaDeHawaii: haces una subida progresiva de .5 en .5
2017-04-11 21:40 LavaDeHawaii: 03:45:749 - 0.90x
2017-04-11 21:40 LavaDeHawaii: 03:45:817 -0.95x
2017-04-11 21:40 LavaDeHawaii: Creo que queda mejor
2017-04-11 21:40 BloowXv2: haber
2017-04-11 21:41 LavaDeHawaii: Porque subes de 0.90 a 1.00x, y se sí se siente raro, como antinatural
2017-04-11 21:45 BloowXv2: ya cale
2017-04-11 21:45 LavaDeHawaii: Y qué tal ?
2017-04-11 21:45 BloowXv2: yqueda muy bien
2017-04-11 21:45 BloowXv2: xD
2017-04-11 21:45 LavaDeHawaii: Papá
2017-04-11 21:45 LavaDeHawaii: xddd
2017-04-11 21:45 LavaDeHawaii: La siguiente sección
2017-04-11 21:45 LavaDeHawaii: Ya la modifiqué mientras hacías eso
2017-04-11 21:45 BloowXv2: queda bien v:
2017-04-11 21:45 LavaDeHawaii: Checa
2017-04-11 21:45 LavaDeHawaii: Es toda ésta sección
2017-04-11 21:45 LavaDeHawaii: 03:46:976 -
2017-04-11 21:45 BloowXv2: ah haber
2017-04-11 21:45 LavaDeHawaii: Tu idea es buena
2017-04-11 21:46 LavaDeHawaii: Pero tu estás metiendo los SV
2017-04-11 21:46 LavaDeHawaii: a 1.00x y 1.30x la subida
2017-04-11 21:46 LavaDeHawaii: El pedo acá
2017-04-11 21:46 LavaDeHawaii: es que debes hacer un efecto de que en cada golpe se detenga un poco
2017-04-11 21:46 LavaDeHawaii: Pero al mismo tiempo, el siguiente chord caiga como con fuerza.
2017-04-11 21:46 LavaDeHawaii: Para hacer eso
2017-04-11 21:46 LavaDeHawaii: Cala a poner todos los que son a 1.00x
2017-04-11 21:46 BloowXv2: :o
2017-04-11 21:46 LavaDeHawaii: a 0.60x
2017-04-11 21:47 LavaDeHawaii: 03:46:976 - 0.60x
2017-04-11 21:47 LavaDeHawaii: 03:47:385 - 0.60x
2017-04-11 21:47 LavaDeHawaii: 03:47:795 - ^
2017-04-11 21:47 LavaDeHawaii: Y así
2017-04-11 21:47 LavaDeHawaii: Durante toda esa sección
2017-04-11 21:47 LavaDeHawaii: la neta queda mucho mejor
2017-04-11 21:47 LavaDeHawaii: Y no es incómodo
2017-04-11 21:47 BloowXv2: haber deja calar
2017-04-11 21:47 LavaDeHawaii: Dale dale
2017-04-11 21:48 BloowXv2: quedandose el 1.30x ?
2017-04-11 21:48 LavaDeHawaii: Sí, ese está bien
2017-04-11 21:48 BloowXv2: haber
2017-04-11 21:51 BloowXv2: ah :O
2017-04-11 21:51 BloowXv2: si queda mas chido
2017-04-11 21:51 BloowXv2: uwu
2017-04-11 21:51 BloowXv2: xD
2017-04-11 21:51 LavaDeHawaii: Smn.
2017-04-11 21:51 LavaDeHawaii: Creo que lo puedes bajar más todavía
2017-04-11 21:51 LavaDeHawaii: 0.50x o 0.40x
2017-04-11 21:51 LavaDeHawaii: pero no es necesario xd
2017-04-11 21:51 LavaDeHawaii: A 0.60x yo ya lo siento perfecto
2017-04-11 21:54 LavaDeHawaii: Lo que sigue lo veo bien
2017-04-11 21:54 LavaDeHawaii: 04:56:795 -
2017-04-11 21:54 LavaDeHawaii: nada más sería repetir eso mismo a partir de aquí
2017-04-11 21:54 BloowXv2: ya lo hice :V
2017-04-11 21:54 LavaDeHawaii: LOL
2017-04-11 21:54 LavaDeHawaii: A ver, deja ver lo que sigue
2017-04-11 21:55 BloowXv2: pues
2017-04-11 21:55 BloowXv2: ya
2017-04-11 21:55 BloowXv2: V:
2017-04-11 21:55 BloowXv2: XD
2017-04-11 21:55 LavaDeHawaii: Nel
2017-04-11 21:55 BloowXv2: quedaron fixeados
2017-04-11 21:55 BloowXv2: uwu
2017-04-11 21:55 LavaDeHawaii: Hay otros 3 SV adelante xddd
2017-04-11 21:55 BloowXv2: < : v
2017-04-11 21:55 BloowXv2: haber
2017-04-11 21:55 LavaDeHawaii: Pues no, ya está bien we
2017-04-11 21:55 LavaDeHawaii: quedó mucho mejor tbh xD
2017-04-11 21:55 LavaDeHawaii: 05:24:067 -
2017-04-11 21:55 LavaDeHawaii: A partir de aquí podrías hacer como una progresión
2017-04-11 21:55 LavaDeHawaii: pero hacia abajo
2017-04-11 21:55 LavaDeHawaii: de 5 en 5
2017-04-11 21:55 LavaDeHawaii: o de 3 en 3
2017-04-11 21:55 LavaDeHawaii: Eso sí lo dejo a tu criterio.
2017-04-11 21:56 LavaDeHawaii: Yo la pondría como muestra de que ahí acaba la rola
2017-04-11 21:56 LavaDeHawaii: y para darle un efecto de final
2017-04-11 21:56 BloowXv2: hum...
2017-04-11 21:56 LavaDeHawaii: pero tampoco es muy necesaria en realidad
2017-04-11 21:56 LavaDeHawaii: Nel, mejor no.
2017-04-11 21:56 BloowXv2: creo que mientras dejo eso asi
2017-04-11 21:56 BloowXv2: v:
2017-04-11 21:56 BloowXv2: aunque si quisa si lo cambe
2017-04-11 21:56 BloowXv2: X
2017-04-11 21:56 BloowXv2: D
2017-04-11 21:56 LavaDeHawaii: Es que acabo de ver
2017-04-11 21:56 LavaDeHawaii: que adelante metes notas a 1/4
2017-04-11 21:56 LavaDeHawaii: Y con SVs lentos
2017-04-11 21:57 LavaDeHawaii: las de 1/4 se verán horribles
2017-04-11 21:57 LavaDeHawaii: Ya está por mientras we
2017-04-11 21:57 BloowXv2: ah LoL eso te iba decir
2017-04-11 21:57 BloowXv2: xD
2017-04-11 21:57 LavaDeHawaii: uwu
2017-04-11 21:57 BloowXv2: bueno uwu
2017-04-11 21:57 BloowXv2: pues gracias por el modaxo
Topic Starter

LavaDeHawaii wrote:

2017-04-11 14:28 LavaDeHawaii: Qué necesitas?
2017-04-11 14:29 BloowXv2: weno, en parte, solo queria saber si sabes darle un toque de ''efectos chingones'' a un mapa resaltando ciertas partes, por ejemplo la rola que ando calando queria testearle cierto SV pero no me especializo en ese p2
2017-04-11 14:29 BloowXv2: jasjajsas
2017-04-11 14:30 LavaDeHawaii: Pues creo que el ejemplo de eso es mi Cocoa we xd
2017-04-11 14:30 LavaDeHawaii: No sé si lo recuerdes
2017-04-11 14:30 LavaDeHawaii: Pero smn, creo que puedo hacerlo
2017-04-11 14:30 LavaDeHawaii:
2017-04-11 14:30 BloowXv2: bueno, cuano acabe ciertas partes te lo paso nadamas para que cheques que efecto le puedes poner xD mientras wacho tu mapa que ya no recuerdo sus efectos (el mapa si)
2017-04-11 14:31 BloowXv2: que verga
2017-04-11 14:31 BloowXv2: JAJAJAJAJAJAJA
2017-04-11 14:31 BloowXv2: EL FONDO
2017-04-11 14:31 BloowXv2: XD
2017-04-11 14:31 LavaDeHawaii: Simón, nomás que no sea vibro we, porque eso me irrita xD
2017-04-11 14:31 LavaDeHawaii: Oh lol
2017-04-11 14:32 LavaDeHawaii: tenías que ver los SVs
2017-04-11 14:32 LavaDeHawaii: no el fondo xD
2017-04-11 14:32 BloowXv2: alaverga XD y nunca wache los SV
2017-04-11 14:32 BloowXv2: LOL
2017-04-11 14:32 LavaDeHawaii:
2017-04-11 14:32 BloowXv2: jkajajajajajajajajaja
2017-04-11 14:32 BloowXv2: xDDDDDDDDDD
2017-04-11 14:33 LavaDeHawaii: Poesía romántica del siglo actual we
2017-04-11 14:33 LavaDeHawaii: xd
2017-04-11 14:33 LavaDeHawaii: Pero smn, me pasas tu mapa y lo checo a ver si puedo hacer algo
2017-04-11 14:34 BloowXv2: sobres :v yo te digo, ah sobre todo, fuera de eso, quera saber si le puedes echar un vistazo a los SV del mapa de camellia que tengo
2017-04-11 14:34 BloowXv2: :L
2017-04-11 14:34 BloowXv2: no se si los hayas visto
2017-04-11 14:37 LavaDeHawaii: La neta no
2017-04-11 14:37 LavaDeHawaii: Pásalo y lo reviso al ratito xd
2017-04-11 14:37 BloowXv2: va
2017-04-11 14:37 BloowXv2: ACTION is listening to [ Camellia - GHOST]
2017-04-11 14:38 BloowXv2: es ese, le voy a mandar update mas tarde, pero los SV siguen igual
2017-04-11 14:42 LavaDeHawaii: ACTION is editing [ Camellia - GHOST [Expert Spectrums]]
2017-04-11 14:42 BloowXv2: c':
2017-04-11 14:43 LavaDeHawaii: 01:00:067 -
2017-04-11 14:43 LavaDeHawaii: Como que ese SV a 0.80 se siente raro
2017-04-11 14:43 LavaDeHawaii: Y ponerlo a la mitad igual queda raro. xD
2017-04-11 14:43 BloowXv2: xD lo tenia a 1.50 Y caia brusco y se veia prron, pero el BN me dijo que era muy exagerado
2017-04-11 14:43 BloowXv2: >:'v
2017-04-11 14:44 LavaDeHawaii: hahaha
2017-04-11 14:44 LavaDeHawaii: 01:00:885 -
2017-04-11 14:44 LavaDeHawaii: Éste de acá
2017-04-11 14:44 LavaDeHawaii: Creo que lo podrías meter 01:00:613 - aquí
2017-04-11 14:44 LavaDeHawaii: y el efecto queda más chido
2017-04-11 14:45 LavaDeHawaii: Smn, de hecho queda mejor como te digo
2017-04-11 14:45 BloowXv2: abr
2017-04-11 14:46 LavaDeHawaii: 01:02:113 -
2017-04-11 14:46 BloowXv2: a cuanto crees que seria mas chido?
2017-04-11 14:46 BloowXv2: xD
2017-04-11 14:46 LavaDeHawaii: A ésta sección como que falta feeling de SV we
2017-04-11 14:46 LavaDeHawaii: O sea, los tiene, pero no se sienten xD
2017-04-11 14:46 LavaDeHawaii: 01:00:545 -
2017-04-11 14:46 LavaDeHawaii: el de acá lo puse como a .30 creo
2017-04-11 14:47 BloowXv2: no es demasiado bajo a .30 ?
2017-04-11 14:47 BloowXv2: xD
2017-04-11 14:47 LavaDeHawaii: Pues leve, pero luego luego le estás dando chance de retomar su velocidad xd
2017-04-11 14:47 LavaDeHawaii: Y tienes uno a .20 adelante. xD
2017-04-11 14:48 BloowXv2: ah smn si es cierto
2017-04-11 14:48 LavaDeHawaii: De acá 01:00:885 -
2017-04-11 14:48 BloowXv2: xD
2017-04-11 14:48 LavaDeHawaii: hasta acá 01:01:158 -
2017-04-11 14:48 LavaDeHawaii: Puedes hacer una subida bien chida we
2017-04-11 14:48 LavaDeHawaii: Acabo de hacer una y creo que se siente bien
2017-04-11 14:49 BloowXv2: a cuanto?
2017-04-11 14:49 LavaDeHawaii:
2017-04-11 14:49 LavaDeHawaii: Checa cuantos puse y en qué puntos
2017-04-11 14:49 LavaDeHawaii:
2017-04-11 14:49 BloowXv2: haber
2017-04-11 14:49 LavaDeHawaii: Cala con eso y checa como se siente
2017-04-11 14:49 LavaDeHawaii: yo lo veo natural
2017-04-11 14:49 LavaDeHawaii: y el efecto me parece que queda bien
2017-04-11 14:49 BloowXv2: haber deja lo calo
2017-04-11 14:50 LavaDeHawaii: Dale
2017-04-11 14:50 BloowXv2: mandame el Ctrl+v del inicio
2017-04-11 14:50 BloowXv2: xD
2017-04-11 14:50 LavaDeHawaii: 01:00:613 -
2017-04-11 14:50 BloowXv2: ya
2017-04-11 14:50 LavaDeHawaii: .20
2017-04-11 14:50 LavaDeHawaii: 01:00:885 - .30
2017-04-11 14:50 LavaDeHawaii: 01:01:022 - .40
2017-04-11 14:51 LavaDeHawaii: 01:01:090 - .50
2017-04-11 14:51 LavaDeHawaii: 01:01:107 - .60
2017-04-11 14:51 LavaDeHawaii: 01:01:124 - .70
2017-04-11 14:51 LavaDeHawaii: 01:01:141 -
2017-04-11 14:51 LavaDeHawaii: 80
2017-04-11 14:51 LavaDeHawaii: 01:01:158 - 1.00
2017-04-11 14:51 BloowXv2: haber voy a calarlo
2017-04-11 14:51 LavaDeHawaii: dale
2017-04-11 14:56 LavaDeHawaii: Cómo lo sientes?
2017-04-11 14:56 BloowXv2: si se siente mas natural y sientes el efecto
2017-04-11 14:56 BloowXv2: :o
2017-04-11 14:56 BloowXv2: v: ya se ve prron
2017-04-11 14:56 BloowXv2: :v
2017-04-11 14:56 LavaDeHawaii: Te digo. xdddd
2017-04-11 14:57 BloowXv2: esque yo pa los SV toy bien meco, nunca pude con la matematica
2017-04-11 14:57 BloowXv2: alv
2017-04-11 14:57 BloowXv2: v:
2017-04-11 14:57 LavaDeHawaii: Hahahaha
2017-04-11 14:57 LavaDeHawaii: 00:59:795 -
2017-04-11 14:57 LavaDeHawaii: de ahí
2017-04-11 14:57 LavaDeHawaii: 01:00:340 -
2017-04-11 14:57 LavaDeHawaii: para acá
2017-04-11 14:57 LavaDeHawaii: No sé tú we
2017-04-11 14:57 LavaDeHawaii: pero siento esos SVs poco naturales. xD
2017-04-11 14:57 BloowXv2: que me recomiendas?
2017-04-11 14:58 LavaDeHawaii: Dejarlo a 1
2017-04-11 14:58 LavaDeHawaii: 1.00
2017-04-11 14:58 BloowXv2: 0.1 a 1.0 ?
2017-04-11 14:58 LavaDeHawaii: 1.00
2017-04-11 14:58 LavaDeHawaii: xD
2017-04-11 14:58 BloowXv2: por eso, 00.1 a 1.00 ?
2017-04-11 14:58 LavaDeHawaii: 1 . 0 0
2017-04-11 14:58 LavaDeHawaii: Uno punto cero cero
2017-04-11 14:59 LavaDeHawaii: xdddddddd
2017-04-11 14:59 BloowXv2: XDD
2017-04-11 14:59 BloowXv2: ya :v
2017-04-11 14:59 BloowXv2: ire a probar
2017-04-11 14:59 LavaDeHawaii: Dale, haha
2017-04-11 14:59 LavaDeHawaii: Es que no sé, siento que así como lo hiciste
2017-04-11 14:59 LavaDeHawaii: que es bajarlo a 0.80
2017-04-11 14:59 LavaDeHawaii: luego subirlo a 0.90
2017-04-11 15:00 BloowXv2: osea alv lo quito
2017-04-11 15:00 BloowXv2: jajaja
2017-04-11 15:00 LavaDeHawaii: queda bien extraño xd
2017-04-11 15:00 BloowXv2: 00:59:795 -
2017-04-11 15:00 LavaDeHawaii: Ah smn.
2017-04-11 15:00 BloowXv2: smn, haber
2017-04-11 15:00 LavaDeHawaii: Pensé que traías otro atrás
2017-04-11 15:00 LavaDeHawaii: xD
2017-04-11 15:00 LavaDeHawaii: Pero quítalos, haha
2017-04-11 15:02 BloowXv2: ya no incomoda jaja
2017-04-11 15:02 LavaDeHawaii: Te digo xd
2017-04-11 15:03 LavaDeHawaii: Ahora la siguiente parte we
2017-04-11 15:03 LavaDeHawaii: la hiciste bien
2017-04-11 15:03 LavaDeHawaii: pero yo personalmente
2017-04-11 15:03 LavaDeHawaii: Lo que acabo de hacer para probar
2017-04-11 15:03 LavaDeHawaii: no siento los SV
2017-04-11 15:03 LavaDeHawaii: 01:02:113 - es que desde acá
2017-04-11 15:03 LavaDeHawaii: 01:05:181 - hasta acá
2017-04-11 15:03 LavaDeHawaii: bajé todos tus SV de .85 a .65
2017-04-11 15:04 LavaDeHawaii: ASí como se siente más el efecto, pero esa es nada más sugerencia
2017-04-11 15:04 BloowXv2: haber deja pruebo
2017-04-11 15:05 LavaDeHawaii: Dale
2017-04-11 15:08 BloowXv2: Pues
2017-04-11 15:08 BloowXv2: tienes razon
2017-04-11 15:08 BloowXv2: vsualmente puedes sentirse mejor
2017-04-11 15:08 BloowXv2: v:
2017-04-11 15:08 LavaDeHawaii: xD
2017-04-11 15:08 LavaDeHawaii: Mucho mejor. v:
2017-04-11 15:08 LavaDeHawaii: Haha
2017-04-11 15:08 BloowXv2: demasiado :v
2017-04-11 15:08 LavaDeHawaii: Pero pues como veas
2017-04-11 15:08 BloowXv2: XD
2017-04-11 15:08 LavaDeHawaii: igual esa sección creo que está bien
2017-04-11 15:08 LavaDeHawaii: xD
2017-04-11 15:09 BloowXv2: pues, no me incomodo como para dejarlo como lo tenia
2017-04-11 15:09 BloowXv2: jaja
2017-04-11 15:09 LavaDeHawaii: xD
2017-04-11 15:10 LavaDeHawaii: Pues eso we
2017-04-11 15:10 LavaDeHawaii: 01:05:249 -
2017-04-11 15:10 LavaDeHawaii: Y éstas LNs
2017-04-11 15:10 LavaDeHawaii: le puedes añadir un SV
2017-04-11 15:10 LavaDeHawaii: que haga que las frene
2017-04-11 15:10 LavaDeHawaii: Yo lo puse a .30
2017-04-11 15:10 BloowXv2: haber
2017-04-11 15:10 LavaDeHawaii: Y la subida
2017-04-11 15:10 LavaDeHawaii: Sería de .10 en .10
2017-04-11 15:11 LavaDeHawaii: 01:05:385 - .40
2017-04-11 15:11 LavaDeHawaii: 01:05:454 - .50
2017-04-11 15:11 LavaDeHawaii: 01:05:471 - .60
2017-04-11 15:11 LavaDeHawaii: 01:05:488 -
2017-04-11 15:11 LavaDeHawaii: .70
2017-04-11 15:11 LavaDeHawaii: 01:05:505 - .80
2017-04-11 15:11 LavaDeHawaii: 01:05:522 - Uno punto cero cero
2017-04-11 15:11 BloowXv2: ah smn la secuencia, ya veo
2017-04-11 15:12 LavaDeHawaii: Smn
2017-04-11 15:12 BloowXv2: haber deja calo, que son varias LNs de esas creo
2017-04-11 15:12 BloowXv2: xD
2017-04-11 15:12 LavaDeHawaii: Es lo que acabo de ver
2017-04-11 15:12 LavaDeHawaii: xD
2017-04-11 15:12 LavaDeHawaii: Pero creo que queda bien
2017-04-11 15:12 LavaDeHawaii: Si sí te late, pues tal vez sería buena opción
2017-04-11 15:12 LavaDeHawaii: repetir ese SV en las otras LNs
2017-04-11 15:12 BloowXv2: mira
2017-04-11 15:12 BloowXv2: dame una idea aqui
2017-04-11 15:13 BloowXv2: 01:16:431 - de aqui
2017-04-11 15:13 BloowXv2: a aqui 01:16:976 -
2017-04-11 15:17 LavaDeHawaii: Déjame calar algo
2017-04-11 15:18 LavaDeHawaii: Es que hay como dos opciones principales ahí we
2017-04-11 15:18 LavaDeHawaii: Hacer que en cada LN
2017-04-11 15:18 LavaDeHawaii: vaya más rápido
2017-04-11 15:18 LavaDeHawaii: O hacer que cada LN
2017-04-11 15:18 LavaDeHawaii: frene el pedo
2017-04-11 15:19 LavaDeHawaii: A mí personalmente me gusta más que se frene un poco a que caiga de vergazo. xd
2017-04-11 15:19 BloowXv2: jaja
2017-04-11 15:19 BloowXv2: haber tu me dices que tal van quedando a tu parecer
2017-04-11 15:19 LavaDeHawaii: Para frenarlo
2017-04-11 15:19 LavaDeHawaii: Sería como hacer las que ya te dije hace un ratito
2017-04-11 15:19 LavaDeHawaii: Para hacerlo más rápido, creo que sería lo contrario, básicamente xd
2017-04-11 15:19 LavaDeHawaii: smn
2017-04-11 15:20 BloowXv2: ah smn, ya veo
2017-04-11 15:20 LavaDeHawaii: Si quieres updatea
2017-04-11 15:20 BloowXv2: nel, aun no
2017-04-11 15:20 BloowXv2: deja que me sigas explicando
2017-04-11 15:20 BloowXv2: xD
2017-04-11 15:20 BloowXv2: vamos bien
2017-04-11 15:20 LavaDeHawaii: Para tener acá tus cambios we xD
2017-04-11 15:20 LavaDeHawaii: Lol
2017-04-11 15:20 LavaDeHawaii: Hahaha
2017-04-11 15:20 LavaDeHawaii: Ok xd
2017-04-11 15:21 LavaDeHawaii: Cala a ponerlo lento
2017-04-11 15:21 LavaDeHawaii: a ver qué tal se siente
2017-04-11 15:22 BloowXv2: haber
2017-04-11 15:23 BloowXv2: voy a calar con el 1er par de LNs acelerandolas y las otras 2 frenando poco a poco
2017-04-11 15:23 BloowXv2: haber que sale
2017-04-11 15:23 BloowXv2: xD
2017-04-11 15:23 LavaDeHawaii: Loool, smn dale.
2017-04-11 15:23 LavaDeHawaii: Es bueno experimentar xd
2017-04-11 15:26 BloowXv2: :o
2017-04-11 15:26 BloowXv2: no se ve mal
2017-04-11 15:28 LavaDeHawaii: Del 1 al 10?
2017-04-11 15:28 LavaDeHawaii: Qué tan mal?
2017-04-11 15:28 LavaDeHawaii: xd
2017-04-11 15:28 BloowXv2: awanta :v mira
2017-04-11 15:28 LavaDeHawaii: xd
2017-04-11 15:28 BloowXv2:
2017-04-11 15:28 BloowXv2: lo puse asi
2017-04-11 15:29 BloowXv2: checa como va
2017-04-11 15:29 BloowXv2: :v
2017-04-11 15:30 BloowXv2: aqui 01:14:249 -
2017-04-11 15:30 BloowXv2: y aqui 01:14:795 -
2017-04-11 15:30 BloowXv2: aplicare la misma haber que tal
2017-04-11 15:31 BloowXv2: solo que voy a cambar de lugar las notas, pero van a ser las mismas
2017-04-11 15:32 LavaDeHawaii: Déjame calarlo
2017-04-11 15:32 BloowXv2: haber
2017-04-11 15:32 BloowXv2: me dices que tal xD
2017-04-11 15:34 LavaDeHawaii: Pues no se siente tan mal we
2017-04-11 15:35 LavaDeHawaii: De hecho se siente bien
2017-04-11 15:36 BloowXv2: ya le agregue en la otra parte que te dije y la sencuencia se siente bien
2017-04-11 15:36 BloowXv2: uwu
2017-04-11 15:36 BloowXv2: ahi vamos
2017-04-11 15:36 BloowXv2: xD
2017-04-11 15:37 LavaDeHawaii: Hahaha, simón, está buena la wea xD
2017-04-11 15:37 BloowXv2: mira
2017-04-11 15:37 BloowXv2: de aqui
2017-04-11 15:37 BloowXv2: 01:25:158 -
2017-04-11 15:38 BloowXv2: a aqui 01:26:795 -
2017-04-11 15:38 BloowXv2: quedaria nu cambio aun poco mas lento en incremento a mas rapido hasta 1.00?
2017-04-11 15:38 LavaDeHawaii: Esa sí puede ser un poco lenta
2017-04-11 15:38 LavaDeHawaii: Exacto
2017-04-11 15:38 LavaDeHawaii: 01:25:158 -
2017-04-11 15:38 LavaDeHawaii: Lenta aquí
2017-04-11 15:38 LavaDeHawaii: Un 0.70 exagerando
2017-04-11 15:38 BloowXv2: si
2017-04-11 15:38 LavaDeHawaii: Y desde acá
2017-04-11 15:38 LavaDeHawaii: 01:26:249 -
2017-04-11 15:38 LavaDeHawaii: subir
2017-04-11 15:39 LavaDeHawaii: Yo creo que sí puede subir a 1.15x sin que se sienta incómodo we
2017-04-11 15:39 LavaDeHawaii: 01:26:795 - y acá frenar de nuevo
2017-04-11 15:39 LavaDeHawaii: Ya para tomar la velocidad normal acá 01:27:340 -
2017-04-11 15:39 BloowXv2: haber, voy a probar haber que tal queda
2017-04-11 15:39 LavaDeHawaii: Dale dale
2017-04-11 21:24 LavaDeHawaii: Hazme np de tu mapa we
2017-04-11 21:24 LavaDeHawaii: xd
2017-04-11 21:24 LavaDeHawaii: En ésta lap no lo tengo
2017-04-11 21:24 BloowXv2: ACTION is editing [ Camellia - GHOST [Expert Spectrums]]
2017-04-11 21:24 BloowXv2: ve fb
2017-04-11 21:28 LavaDeHawaii: Ya hiciste todos los SV hasta 02:02:249 - acá?
2017-04-11 21:29 LavaDeHawaii: O sea, bien bien.
2017-04-11 21:29 BloowXv2: eh si
2017-04-11 21:29 BloowXv2: ah si
2017-04-11 21:29 BloowXv2: ya
2017-04-11 21:30 BloowXv2: :y
2017-04-11 21:30 LavaDeHawaii: Mira we
2017-04-11 21:30 LavaDeHawaii: 01:27:885 -
2017-04-11 21:30 LavaDeHawaii: Estos de acá
2017-04-11 21:30 LavaDeHawaii: No se sienten casi nada
2017-04-11 21:30 LavaDeHawaii: Creo que estás dándole muuuuuuy poco tiempo al de 0.10x
2017-04-11 21:31 LavaDeHawaii: Deja que el de 0.10x avance hasta acá 01:28:022 -
2017-04-11 21:31 LavaDeHawaii: O sea, básicamente, borra éstos
2017-04-11 21:31 LavaDeHawaii: 01:27:988 -
2017-04-11 21:31 BloowXv2: pues, el efecto es como que se atora la LN xD
2017-04-11 21:31 LavaDeHawaii: 01:27:954 -
2017-04-11 21:31 LavaDeHawaii: 01:27:920 -
2017-04-11 21:31 LavaDeHawaii: Uhm.
2017-04-11 21:31 LavaDeHawaii: Pues puede ser.
2017-04-11 21:31 LavaDeHawaii: Aunque yo no lo siento mucho realmente. xd
2017-04-11 21:31 LavaDeHawaii: Como que está pasando desapercibido
2017-04-11 21:31 BloowXv2: ahhh
2017-04-11 21:31 LavaDeHawaii: chécalo como te digo, ya si no, déjalo como está xD no está mal igual
2017-04-11 21:31 BloowXv2: ya entendi
2017-04-11 21:31 BloowXv2: xD
2017-04-11 21:32 LavaDeHawaii: Lol
2017-04-11 21:32 BloowXv2: abr
2017-04-11 21:32 LavaDeHawaii: Dale dale
2017-04-11 21:32 BloowXv2: 03:12:340 -
2017-04-11 21:32 BloowXv2: ya viste desde ahi ena delante?
2017-04-11 21:32 BloowXv2: en adelante*
2017-04-11 21:32 LavaDeHawaii: Yep, hace rato lo vi
2017-04-11 21:32 LavaDeHawaii: 03:12:340 -
2017-04-11 21:33 LavaDeHawaii: 03:16:431 -
2017-04-11 21:33 LavaDeHawaii: todo bien eso
2017-04-11 21:33 LavaDeHawaii: Pero justamente 03:16:431 - aquí
2017-04-11 21:33 LavaDeHawaii: creo que podrías hacer como un efecto de... Uhm, como un 'shake', digamos
2017-04-11 21:33 LavaDeHawaii: Entre 03:16:431 - y 03:16:635 - tal vez
2017-04-11 21:34 LavaDeHawaii: La neta creo que quedaría bien chido .xd
2017-04-11 21:34 BloowXv2: abr, una idea
2017-04-11 21:34 BloowXv2: xD
2017-04-11 21:34 LavaDeHawaii: Déjame calar
2017-04-11 21:34 BloowXv2: va va
2017-04-11 21:36 LavaDeHawaii: Uhm.
2017-04-11 21:37 LavaDeHawaii: Nel, no queda. xd
2017-04-11 21:37 LavaDeHawaii: Es muy corto el tiempo como para añadir varios SV
2017-04-11 21:37 LavaDeHawaii: ignora eso entonces, sigamos.
2017-04-11 21:37 LavaDeHawaii: xD
2017-04-11 21:37 BloowXv2: XD
2017-04-11 21:37 BloowXv2: dale
2017-04-11 21:38 LavaDeHawaii: Aquí we
2017-04-11 21:39 LavaDeHawaii: 03:44:795 -
2017-04-11 21:39 LavaDeHawaii: Está bien que bajes en esa parte
2017-04-11 21:39 LavaDeHawaii: Pero
2017-04-11 21:39 LavaDeHawaii: 03:45:885 - acá sube muy de vergazo
2017-04-11 21:39 LavaDeHawaii: 03:44:795 - cala éste con 0.85x
2017-04-11 21:39 LavaDeHawaii: Y desde aquí 03:45:749 -
2017-04-11 21:40 LavaDeHawaii: haces una subida progresiva de .5 en .5
2017-04-11 21:40 LavaDeHawaii: 03:45:749 - 0.90x
2017-04-11 21:40 LavaDeHawaii: 03:45:817 -0.95x
2017-04-11 21:40 LavaDeHawaii: Creo que queda mejor
2017-04-11 21:40 BloowXv2: haber
2017-04-11 21:41 LavaDeHawaii: Porque subes de 0.90 a 1.00x, y se sí se siente raro, como antinatural
2017-04-11 21:45 BloowXv2: ya cale
2017-04-11 21:45 LavaDeHawaii: Y qué tal ?
2017-04-11 21:45 BloowXv2: yqueda muy bien
2017-04-11 21:45 BloowXv2: xD
2017-04-11 21:45 LavaDeHawaii: Papá
2017-04-11 21:45 LavaDeHawaii: xddd
2017-04-11 21:45 LavaDeHawaii: La siguiente sección
2017-04-11 21:45 LavaDeHawaii: Ya la modifiqué mientras hacías eso
2017-04-11 21:45 BloowXv2: queda bien v:
2017-04-11 21:45 LavaDeHawaii: Checa
2017-04-11 21:45 LavaDeHawaii: Es toda ésta sección
2017-04-11 21:45 LavaDeHawaii: 03:46:976 -
2017-04-11 21:45 BloowXv2: ah haber
2017-04-11 21:45 LavaDeHawaii: Tu idea es buena
2017-04-11 21:46 LavaDeHawaii: Pero tu estás metiendo los SV
2017-04-11 21:46 LavaDeHawaii: a 1.00x y 1.30x la subida
2017-04-11 21:46 LavaDeHawaii: El pedo acá
2017-04-11 21:46 LavaDeHawaii: es que debes hacer un efecto de que en cada golpe se detenga un poco
2017-04-11 21:46 LavaDeHawaii: Pero al mismo tiempo, el siguiente chord caiga como con fuerza.
2017-04-11 21:46 LavaDeHawaii: Para hacer eso
2017-04-11 21:46 LavaDeHawaii: Cala a poner todos los que son a 1.00x
2017-04-11 21:46 BloowXv2: :o
2017-04-11 21:46 LavaDeHawaii: a 0.60x
2017-04-11 21:47 LavaDeHawaii: 03:46:976 - 0.60x
2017-04-11 21:47 LavaDeHawaii: 03:47:385 - 0.60x
2017-04-11 21:47 LavaDeHawaii: 03:47:795 - ^
2017-04-11 21:47 LavaDeHawaii: Y así
2017-04-11 21:47 LavaDeHawaii: Durante toda esa sección
2017-04-11 21:47 LavaDeHawaii: la neta queda mucho mejor
2017-04-11 21:47 LavaDeHawaii: Y no es incómodo
2017-04-11 21:47 BloowXv2: haber deja calar
2017-04-11 21:47 LavaDeHawaii: Dale dale
2017-04-11 21:48 BloowXv2: quedandose el 1.30x ?
2017-04-11 21:48 LavaDeHawaii: Sí, ese está bien
2017-04-11 21:48 BloowXv2: haber
2017-04-11 21:51 BloowXv2: ah :O
2017-04-11 21:51 BloowXv2: si queda mas chido
2017-04-11 21:51 BloowXv2: uwu
2017-04-11 21:51 BloowXv2: xD
2017-04-11 21:51 LavaDeHawaii: Smn.
2017-04-11 21:51 LavaDeHawaii: Creo que lo puedes bajar más todavía
2017-04-11 21:51 LavaDeHawaii: 0.50x o 0.40x
2017-04-11 21:51 LavaDeHawaii: pero no es necesario xd
2017-04-11 21:51 LavaDeHawaii: A 0.60x yo ya lo siento perfecto
2017-04-11 21:54 LavaDeHawaii: Lo que sigue lo veo bien
2017-04-11 21:54 LavaDeHawaii: 04:56:795 -
2017-04-11 21:54 LavaDeHawaii: nada más sería repetir eso mismo a partir de aquí
2017-04-11 21:54 BloowXv2: ya lo hice :V
2017-04-11 21:54 LavaDeHawaii: LOL
2017-04-11 21:54 LavaDeHawaii: A ver, deja ver lo que sigue
2017-04-11 21:55 BloowXv2: pues
2017-04-11 21:55 BloowXv2: ya
2017-04-11 21:55 BloowXv2: V:
2017-04-11 21:55 BloowXv2: XD
2017-04-11 21:55 LavaDeHawaii: Nel
2017-04-11 21:55 BloowXv2: quedaron fixeados
2017-04-11 21:55 BloowXv2: uwu
2017-04-11 21:55 LavaDeHawaii: Hay otros 3 SV adelante xddd
2017-04-11 21:55 BloowXv2: < : v
2017-04-11 21:55 BloowXv2: haber
2017-04-11 21:55 LavaDeHawaii: Pues no, ya está bien we
2017-04-11 21:55 LavaDeHawaii: quedó mucho mejor tbh xD
2017-04-11 21:55 LavaDeHawaii: 05:24:067 -
2017-04-11 21:55 LavaDeHawaii: A partir de aquí podrías hacer como una progresión
2017-04-11 21:55 LavaDeHawaii: pero hacia abajo
2017-04-11 21:55 LavaDeHawaii: de 5 en 5
2017-04-11 21:55 LavaDeHawaii: o de 3 en 3
2017-04-11 21:55 LavaDeHawaii: Eso sí lo dejo a tu criterio.
2017-04-11 21:56 LavaDeHawaii: Yo la pondría como muestra de que ahí acaba la rola
2017-04-11 21:56 LavaDeHawaii: y para darle un efecto de final
2017-04-11 21:56 BloowXv2: hum...
2017-04-11 21:56 LavaDeHawaii: pero tampoco es muy necesaria en realidad
2017-04-11 21:56 LavaDeHawaii: Nel, mejor no.
2017-04-11 21:56 BloowXv2: creo que mientras dejo eso asi
2017-04-11 21:56 BloowXv2: v:
2017-04-11 21:56 BloowXv2: aunque si quisa si lo cambe
2017-04-11 21:56 BloowXv2: X
2017-04-11 21:56 BloowXv2: D
2017-04-11 21:56 LavaDeHawaii: Es que acabo de ver
2017-04-11 21:56 LavaDeHawaii: que adelante metes notas a 1/4
2017-04-11 21:56 LavaDeHawaii: Y con SVs lentos
2017-04-11 21:57 LavaDeHawaii: las de 1/4 se verán horribles
2017-04-11 21:57 LavaDeHawaii: Ya está por mientras we
2017-04-11 21:57 BloowXv2: ah LoL eso te iba decir
2017-04-11 21:57 BloowXv2: xD
2017-04-11 21:57 LavaDeHawaii: uwu
2017-04-11 21:57 BloowXv2: bueno uwu
2017-04-11 21:57 BloowXv2: pues gracias por el modaxo
Gran mod y gran cambio a los efectos haha :) .

gracias por el tiempo! :D
Mod, please read notes before anything.

I really like this song and this map, but just a warning if you want to go for rank, a lot of the cool elements may have to be removed, keep that in mind going foward.

Any time stamp that I put a "^" under means that you should follow the text of the previous time stamp.

Any time stamp with a "GN" means Ghost Note (a note that isnt mapped to a sound)

Sorry but I got a little bit lazy towards the end, :P

Also a lot of things in this map feel slightly off, I can't put my finger on it. Feels unprofessional. idk maybe that's just me, I do heavily enjoy playing it.

Make sure to use AImod (ctrl+shift+A in the editor) to find things you may of missed. (It says to add new difficulties but don't worry about that because this is a marathon.)

The mod
00:00:000 -
You should make the intro skipable, no one wants to wait 7 seconds everytime they play.

00:19:158 (19158|0,19158|3) -
You put doubles on this sound here but not anywhere before it? You should either make this not a double or everywhere before become a double.

00:20:522 (20522|2) -
Considering how you mapped the rest of the light stream and the music, this should be a double.

00:24:885 (24885|2) -

00:26:385 (26385|0,26385|3) -
No clue why this is a double.

00:27:681 (27681|2) -

00:28:499 (28499|1) -

00:29:045 (29045|2) -

00:29:249 (29249|1,29249|0,29249|2) -
Shouldn't this be a double?

00:29:863 (29863|2) -

00:31:226 (31226|2) -

00:32:045 (32045|1) -

00:33:408 (33408|2) -

00:33:476 (33476|3,33476|0) -
Shouldn't this be a single?

00:34:226 (34226|1) -

00:35:454 (35454|1) -

00:36:408 (36408|2) -

00:37:226 (37226|1) -

00:37:772 (37772|2) -

00:37:976 (37976|1,37976|0,37976|2) -
This should be a double, im also getting the sneaky suspision that this section is copy and pasted, pls no lazy mapping. (not 100% sure but if it is then ye)

00:38:590 (38590|2) -

00:39:954 (39954|2) -

00:40:158 (40158|2,40158|0,40158|1) -
Should be a double.

00:40:772 (40772|1) -

00:42:135 (42135|2) -

00:42:954 (42954|2) -
This is a ghost note but is slightly more justifiable, your choice on whether you want to keep it or not.

00:43:976 (43976|0,43976|3) -
Double on this clap but not on 00:45:067 (45067|2) - This one or any of the ones in the future? Remove this clap double or make all other claps a double.

00:52:431 -
This section is really fun, but im not sure if its mapped to the song correctly. It seems that you are mapping to every 1/4 with a double on every bass drum hit, but the song doesnt fit that. In the song after every bass drum hit you can hear a spot for a note in between the 2 1/4 notes, if that makes sense. If it doesnt heres a screenshot of what I mean

If you follow the song I would reccomend trying to change the pattern to fit the new 1/8 notes, and if you can't come up with anything then just leave it.

00:56:795 (56795|2,56795|0,56795|3,56863|1,56931|2,56931|3,56931|0,56999|1,57067|2,57067|3,57067|0,57135|1,57204|2,57204|3,57204|0,57272|1,57340|2,57340|3,57340|0,57408|1,57476|2,57476|3,57476|0,57545|1,57613|2,57613|3,57613|0,57681|1,57749|2,57749|3,57749|0,57817|1,57885|2,57885|3) -
This patterning feels ugh. Its playable for sure but it doesn't really feel to me like it should be in this section of the song at all.

00:59:113 (59113|1) -
Push up by 1/4 and maybe move over to first coloumn.

00:59:249 (59249|1,59249|3,59249|2) -
Shouldn't really be a double.

01:18:613 -
Again, fun section but not sure if it's mapped to the song correctly.

01:22:976 -
Also again this pattern feels ugh. I don't actually mind playing it, but it just doesn't feel right.

02:02:317 -
Everything from my last time stamp to this one feels so insanely fun to play, but once you get here it's a little disappointing. You can't rank a map with a break in it, unless the break has literally no noise.

02:32:249 (152249|2) -
Should this maybe be a double?

02:32:795 (152795|0,152795|3) -
And this shouldn't

02:53:522 (173522|3,173522|2,173590|0,173590|1,173658|3,173692|2,173726|0,173726|1,173795|3,173829|2,173863|1,173897|0,173931|3,173931|2,173999|0,173999|1,174067|3,174067|2,174135|1,174135|0,174204|3,174238|2,174272|1,174306|0,174340|3,174340|2,174408|1,174476|3) -
Look over this, I think it could be replaced with something better.

03:16:499 (196499|1,196499|2,196499|0,196635|2,196635|1,196635|3) -
These are really uncomfortable for how slow the chorus is. This applies to all of them im not timestamping all of them.

03:45:885 (225885|3,225885|2,225954|0,225954|1,226022|3,226056|2,226090|0,226090|1,226158|3,226192|2,226226|1,226260|0,226295|3,226295|2,226363|0,226363|1,226431|3,226431|2,226499|1,226499|0,226567|3,226601|2,226635|1,226670|0,226704|3,226704|2,226772|1,226840|0,226908|3,226976|2,226976|1,226976|0) -
Once again could be something better, maybe the same patterning but fitted to the music better?

03:55:704 -
These trills feel really stupid to play imo, hate them lol.

04:00:135 (240135|3,240135|2,240204|1,240204|0,240272|3,240272|2,240340|1,240340|0,240408|3,240408|2,240476|1,240476|0,240545|3,240579|2,240613|1,240647|0,240681|3,240715|2,240749|1,240783|0,240817|3,240851|2,240885|0,240885|1,240954|3,240954|2,241022|0,241022|1,241090|3,241090|2,241158|1,241158|0,241226|3,241226|2,241295|1,241295|0,241363|3,241397|2,241431|1,241465|0,241499|3,241533|2,241567|1,241601|0,241635|3,241670|2,241704|0,241704|1,241772|3,241772|2,241840|0,241840|1,241908|3,241908|2,241976|1,241976|0,242045|3,242079|2,242113|1,242147|0,242181|3,242215|2,242249|0,242249|1) -
This is just one giant jumptrill, could be something way more fun.

04:21:340 (261340|3,261374|2,261408|1,261442|0,261476|3,261510|2,261545|1,261579|0,261613|3,261647|2,261681|1,261715|0,261749|3,261783|2,261817|1,261851|0) -
You should change these to line up with the final hit, also make the final hit a double instead.

04:34:976 (274976|3,274976|2,275045|1,275045|0,275113|3,275113|2,275181|1,275181|0,275249|3,275249|2,275317|1,275317|0,275385|3,275385|2,275454|0,275522|1,275522|3,275522|2,275590|0,275658|3,275658|2,275726|0,275726|1,275795|3,275795|2,275863|0,275863|1,275931|3,275931|2,275999|0,275999|1,276067|3,276067|2,276135|1,276135|0,276204|3,276204|2,276272|0,276272|1,276340|3,276340|2,276408|0,276408|1,276476|3,276476|2,276545|0,276545|1,276613|2,276613|3,276681|0,276681|1,276749|3,276749|2,276817|0,276817|1,276885|2,276885|3,276954|0,276954|1,277022|3,277022|2,277090|0,277090|1,277158|2,277158|3,277226|0,277226|1,277295|3,277295|2,277363|0,277363|1,277431|3,277431|2,277499|0,277499|1,277567|2,277567|3,277635|0,277635|1,277704|3,277704|2,277772|0,277772|1,277840|3,277840|2,277908|0,277908|1,277976|3,277976|2,278045|0,278045|1,278113|3,278113|2) -
Everytime I come up across these long jumptrills something about it just feels unprofessional, I can't seem to put my finger on it tho.

05:05:522 -
These trills that don't connect to eachother feel way better then the other ones that do.
Topic Starter

Rek wrote:

Mod, please read notes before anything.

I really like this song and this map, but just a warning if you want to go for rank, a lot of the cool elements may have to be removed, keep that in mind going foward.

Any time stamp that I put a "^" under means that you should follow the text of the previous time stamp.

Any time stamp with a "GN" means Ghost Note (a note that isnt mapped to a sound)

Sorry but I got a little bit lazy towards the end, :P

Also a lot of things in this map feel slightly off, I can't put my finger on it. Feels unprofessional. idk maybe that's just me, I do heavily enjoy playing it.

Make sure to use AImod (ctrl+shift+A in the editor) to find things you may of missed. (It says to add new difficulties but don't worry about that because this is a marathon.)

The mod *CHEKED*
00:00:000 -
You should make the intro skipable, no one wants to wait 7 seconds everytime they play.

00:19:158 (19158|0,19158|3) -
You put doubles on this sound here but not anywhere before it? You should either make this not a double or everywhere before become a double. Done

00:20:522 (20522|2) -
Considering how you mapped the rest of the light stream and the music, this should be a double. Done

00:24:885 (24885|2) -

00:26:385 (26385|0,26385|3) -
No clue why this is a double. Done

00:27:681 (27681|2) -

00:28:499 (28499|1) -

00:29:045 (29045|2) -

00:29:249 (29249|1,29249|0,29249|2) -
Shouldn't this be a double? Done

00:29:863 (29863|2) -

00:31:226 (31226|2) -

00:32:045 (32045|1) -

00:33:408 (33408|2) -

00:33:476 (33476|3,33476|0) -
Shouldn't this be a single? Done

00:34:226 (34226|1) -

00:35:454 (35454|1) -

00:36:408 (36408|2) -

00:37:226 (37226|1) -

00:37:772 (37772|2) -

00:37:976 (37976|1,37976|0,37976|2) -
This should be a double, im also getting the sneaky suspision that this section is copy and pasted, pls no lazy mapping. (not 100% sure but if it is then ye) It was the same sound, so let me take it with Ctrl+C lol

00:38:590 (38590|2) -

00:39:954 (39954|2) -

00:40:158 (40158|2,40158|0,40158|1) -
Should be a double. Done

00:40:772 (40772|1) -

00:42:135 (42135|2) -

00:42:954 (42954|2) -
This is a ghost note but is slightly more justifiable, your choice on whether you want to keep it or not.

00:43:976 (43976|0,43976|3) -
Double on this clap but not on 00:45:067 (45067|2) - This one or any of the ones in the future? Remove this clap double or make all other claps a double. Done

00:52:431 -
This section is really fun, but im not sure if its mapped to the song correctly. It seems that you are mapping to every 1/4 with a double on every bass drum hit, but the song doesnt fit that. In the song after every bass drum hit you can hear a spot for a note in between the 2 1/4 notes, if that makes sense. If it doesnt heres a screenshot of what I mean I honestly do not think I can stall notes in 1/8, and I think the sound and notes goes according to 1/4

If you follow the song I would reccomend trying to change the pattern to fit the new 1/8 notes, and if you can't come up with anything then just leave it.

00:56:795 (56795|2,56795|0,56795|3,56863|1,56931|2,56931|3,56931|0,56999|1,57067|2,57067|3,57067|0,57135|1,57204|2,57204|3,57204|0,57272|1,57340|2,57340|3,57340|0,57408|1,57476|2,57476|3,57476|0,57545|1,57613|2,57613|3,57613|0,57681|1,57749|2,57749|3,57749|0,57817|1,57885|2,57885|3) -
This patterning feels ugh. Its playable for sure but it doesn't really feel to me like it should be in this section of the song at all.

00:59:113 (59113|1) -
Push up by 1/4 and maybe move over to first coloumn. oh! good point, Done

00:59:249 (59249|1,59249|3,59249|2) -
Shouldn't really be a double. Done

01:18:613 -
Again, fun section but not sure if it's mapped to the song correctly.

01:22:976 -
Also again this pattern feels ugh. I don't actually mind playing it, but it just doesn't feel right.

02:02:317 -
Everything from my last time stamp to this one feels so insanely fun to play, but once you get here it's a little disappointing. You can't rank a map with a break in it, unless the break has literally no noise. Eh added LNs here! It's not boring anymore

02:32:249 (152249|2) -
Should this maybe be a double?

02:32:795 (152795|0,152795|3) -
And this shouldn't

02:53:522 (173522|3,173522|2,173590|0,173590|1,173658|3,173692|2,173726|0,173726|1,173795|3,173829|2,173863|1,173897|0,173931|3,173931|2,173999|0,173999|1,174067|3,174067|2,174135|1,174135|0,174204|3,174238|2,174272|1,174306|0,174340|3,174340|2,174408|1,174476|3) -
Look over this, I think it could be replaced with something better.

03:16:499 (196499|1,196499|2,196499|0,196635|2,196635|1,196635|3) -
These are really uncomfortable for how slow the chorus is. This applies to all of them im not timestamping all of them.

03:45:885 (225885|3,225885|2,225954|0,225954|1,226022|3,226056|2,226090|0,226090|1,226158|3,226192|2,226226|1,226260|0,226295|3,226295|2,226363|0,226363|1,226431|3,226431|2,226499|1,226499|0,226567|3,226601|2,226635|1,226670|0,226704|3,226704|2,226772|1,226840|0,226908|3,226976|2,226976|1,226976|0) -
Once again could be something better, maybe the same patterning but fitted to the music better?

03:55:704 -
These trills feel really stupid to play imo, hate them lol.

04:00:135 (240135|3,240135|2,240204|1,240204|0,240272|3,240272|2,240340|1,240340|0,240408|3,240408|2,240476|1,240476|0,240545|3,240579|2,240613|1,240647|0,240681|3,240715|2,240749|1,240783|0,240817|3,240851|2,240885|0,240885|1,240954|3,240954|2,241022|0,241022|1,241090|3,241090|2,241158|1,241158|0,241226|3,241226|2,241295|1,241295|0,241363|3,241397|2,241431|1,241465|0,241499|3,241533|2,241567|1,241601|0,241635|3,241670|2,241704|0,241704|1,241772|3,241772|2,241840|0,241840|1,241908|3,241908|2,241976|1,241976|0,242045|3,242079|2,242113|1,242147|0,242181|3,242215|2,242249|0,242249|1) -
This is just one giant jumptrill, could be something way more fun. Maybe i will change it.....

04:21:340 (261340|3,261374|2,261408|1,261442|0,261476|3,261510|2,261545|1,261579|0,261613|3,261647|2,261681|1,261715|0,261749|3,261783|2,261817|1,261851|0) -
You should change these to line up with the final hit, also make the final hit a double instead.

04:34:976 (274976|3,274976|2,275045|1,275045|0,275113|3,275113|2,275181|1,275181|0,275249|3,275249|2,275317|1,275317|0,275385|3,275385|2,275454|0,275522|1,275522|3,275522|2,275590|0,275658|3,275658|2,275726|0,275726|1,275795|3,275795|2,275863|0,275863|1,275931|3,275931|2,275999|0,275999|1,276067|3,276067|2,276135|1,276135|0,276204|3,276204|2,276272|0,276272|1,276340|3,276340|2,276408|0,276408|1,276476|3,276476|2,276545|0,276545|1,276613|2,276613|3,276681|0,276681|1,276749|3,276749|2,276817|0,276817|1,276885|2,276885|3,276954|0,276954|1,277022|3,277022|2,277090|0,277090|1,277158|2,277158|3,277226|0,277226|1,277295|3,277295|2,277363|0,277363|1,277431|3,277431|2,277499|0,277499|1,277567|2,277567|3,277635|0,277635|1,277704|3,277704|2,277772|0,277772|1,277840|3,277840|2,277908|0,277908|1,277976|3,277976|2,278045|0,278045|1,278113|3,278113|2) -
Everytime I come up across these long jumptrills something about it just feels unprofessional, I can't seem to put my finger on it tho.

05:05:522 -
These trills that don't connect to eachother feel way better then the other ones that do.

Well, in the GNs I decided to replace the common LNs and ''convert them'' into normal notes, it is not ''fun'' to place LNs there (already I tried before)

For others, I have accepted some suggestions of your mod :D

Many thanks for the mod! :)

You asked for mod so I will try to help you but song is very hard and I don't guarantee good quality of this mod


00:28:704 (28704|1) - move this to column 4. I think that will be more fit
00:30:885 (30885|0) - move to column 2
01:35:249 (95249|2) - move to column 4
01:49:363 (109363|1,109431|2) - maybe ctrl+H
02:28:704 (148704|1,148840|2,148976|3) - move one column to the left
02:29:385 (149385|2,149522|1,149658|0) - move one column to the right and 02:30:067 (150067|1,150204|0) - ctrl+G maybe

04:00:545 (240545|3,240579|2,240613|1,240647|0,240681|3,240715|2,240749|1,240783|0,240817|3,240851|2) - this 1/8 part doesn't fit in my opinion. I propose Look out for reversed [12] [34] at a later time.
04:01:363 (241363|3,241397|2,241431|1,241465|0,241499|3,241533|2,241567|1,241601|0,241635|3,241670|2) - next 1/8 part for remap. I propose or [14] [23]

04:24:681 (264681|3,264749|2,264817|1) -
05:22:158 (322158|1) - move to column 1
Topic Starter

Janko wrote:


You asked for mod so I will try to help you but song is very hard and I don't guarantee good quality of this mod

mod *cheked*

00:28:704 (28704|1) - move this to column 4. I think that will be more fit
00:30:885 (30885|0) - move to column 2
01:35:249 (95249|2) - move to column 4
01:49:363 (109363|1,109431|2) - maybe ctrl+H
02:28:704 (148704|1,148840|2,148976|3) - move one column to the left
02:29:385 (149385|2,149522|1,149658|0) - move one column to the right and 02:30:067 (150067|1,150204|0) - ctrl+G maybe

04:00:545 (240545|3,240579|2,240613|1,240647|0,240681|3,240715|2,240749|1,240783|0,240817|3,240851|2) - this 1/8 part doesn't fit in my opinion. I propose Look out for reversed [12] [34] at a later time.
04:01:363 (241363|3,241397|2,241431|1,241465|0,241499|3,241533|2,241567|1,241601|0,241635|3,241670|2) - next 1/8 part for remap. I propose or [14] [23]

04:24:681 (264681|3,264749|2,264817|1) - Thinking
05:22:158 (322158|1) - move to column 1
Thanks for the suggestion and for your mod Janko! ;)

Later I will update!
NM req from imtdb1's modding queue
okay first of all why so many bookmarks :C
they hurt my eyes
this map is still not rankable because of most of the patterns and such so I will help you around that.

Expert Spectrums
okay first of all 00:20:795 - dont use stairs here. Continue following the pattern
00:25:158 - the current pattern is okay but its a bit weird to play. I would suggest to use something like this
00:30:067 - please no. use this pattern instead
00:38:795 - ^
00:34:158 -
00:42:885 - ^
00:43:158 -
00:43:704 - 00:43:840 - remove all notes and only leave the LN
00:45:885 - ^ remove all notes as before but this time place the notes in 00:45:885 (45885|1), 00:45:954 (45954|2), 00:46:022 (46022|3)
00:46:704 -
00:48:067 - ^^
00:48:885 - ^^
00:50:249 -^^^
and so on
00:52:431 - please dont follow every singe sound in that pattern. Follow the sound that you can hear the most like something like this: continue that pattern to 00:56:795
00:56:795 - that pattern is so awkward to play. I WILL suggest you to make it something like this
01:00:613 - make those LN and make them go up to the white line
01:02:113 - please dont use that. Make those jacking using REGULAR notes.
my mod stops here. This is far away from ranking. Use some of my suggested patterns to finish the map
Gl :)
Topic Starter

imtdb1 wrote:

NM req from imtdb1's modding queue
okay first of all why so many bookmarks :C
they hurt my eyes
this map is still not rankable because of most of the patterns and such so I will help you around that.

Expert Spectrums *cheked*
okay first of all 00:20:795 - dont use stairs here. Continue following the pattern
00:25:158 - the current pattern is okay but its a bit weird to play. I would suggest to use something like this
00:30:067 - please no. use this pattern instead
00:38:795 - ^
00:34:158 -
00:42:885 - ^
00:43:158 -
00:43:704 - 00:43:840 - remove all notes and only leave the LN
00:45:885 - ^ remove all notes as before but this time place the notes in 00:45:885 (45885|1), 00:45:954 (45954|2), 00:46:022 (46022|3)
00:46:704 -
00:48:067 - ^^
00:48:885 - ^^
00:50:249 -^^^
and so on
00:52:431 - please dont follow every singe sound in that pattern. Follow the sound that you can hear the most like something like this: continue that pattern to 00:56:795
00:56:795 - that pattern is so awkward to play. I WILL suggest you to make it something like this
01:00:613 - make those LN and make them go up to the white line
01:02:113 - please dont use that. Make those jacking using REGULAR notes.
my mod stops here. This is far away from ranking. Use some of my suggested patterns to finish the map
Gl :)
Your mod gave me an idea to use other patterns xD thanks for the mod! :D

[Expert Spectrums]
  1. 00:15:885 - I thinks this sound is more explicit than 00:16:158 - why don't you use a chord to represent it. Please add a note there to make the pattern have more consistency.
  2. 00:16:976 and 00:18:067 - Here too
  3. 00:20:795 - I think it should be 1/6 here
  4. 00:50:249 - Miss a note here? because you all put a note in 00:48:067 - and other position too
  5. 00:56:795 - Not recommend to use this pattern, maybe you can use a 1/8 sound to create other pattern than this
  6. 02:07:976 (127976|3) - Did the LN start at 02:07:704 - ?
  7. 02:26:249 (146249|1,146249|3) - What this chord represent? I think a single note pattern is very fine here? maybe 02:26:795 - 02:30:067 and other positions too
  8. 03:26:045 (206045|1) - No sound here? I feel some kind of strange with this pattern
  9. 03:26:863 (206863|0) - here too
  10. 03:29:522 - I suggest to put a note in all column here to represent this sound. Don't worry about the jack pattern in the first column. I think it is better to use this pattern in these level of difficulty.
  11. 04:07:704 (247704|0,247704|1,247772|1,247772|0) - I don't prefer the jack pattern here. When i play, i've just confused with it because of 04:07:908 (247908|0,247908|1,247976|0,247976|1) - that represent the drum sound which is very fine. So, change it to other pattern or maybe use LN to represent this sound instead.
  12. 04:43:772 (283772|3,283772|1,283772|2,283908|2,283908|0,283908|1) - Suggested to use only double instead of triple. (I've just notice that the past chorus, you used the same pattern too, suggested to change it)
Overall is not bad (in my aspect). You should self-mod by yourself for a bit. I think many pattern is so repetitive in this map. GL
Topic Starter
Thank a lot for the mod PnX ! ;)

I'm checking it for the next update
Topic Starter

PnX wrote:

[Expert Spectrums *cheked*]
  1. 00:15:885 - I thinks this sound is more explicit than 00:16:158 - why don't you use a chord to represent it. Please add a note there to make the pattern have more consistency. good point
  2. 00:16:976 and 00:18:067 - Here too
  3. 00:20:795 - I think it should be 1/6 here nope, is out of sound and more dense in 1/6 is uncomfortable
  4. 00:50:249 - Miss a note here? because you all put a note in 00:48:067 - and other position too good point
  5. 00:56:795 - Not recommend to use this pattern, maybe you can use a 1/8 sound to create other pattern than this i'm thinking
  6. 02:07:976 (127976|3) - Did the LN start at 02:07:704 - ? good point
  7. 02:26:249 (146249|1,146249|3) - What this chord represent? I think a single note pattern is very fine here? maybe 02:26:795 - 02:30:067 and other positions too Represents a change of pace in the sound of the guitar is more strong and feels good
  8. 03:26:045 (206045|1) - No sound here? I feel some kind of strange with this pattern good point
  9. 03:26:863 (206863|0) - here too
  10. 03:29:522 - I suggest to put a note in all column here to represent this sound. Don't worry about the jack pattern in the first column. I think it is better to use this pattern in these level of difficulty.
  11. 04:07:704 (247704|0,247704|1,247772|1,247772|0) - I don't prefer the jack pattern here. When i play, i've just confused with it because of 04:07:908 (247908|0,247908|1,247976|0,247976|1) - that represent the drum sound which is very fine. So, change it to other pattern or maybe use LN to represent this sound instead. Is the idea of a map that should not be simple.
  12. 04:43:772 (283772|3,283772|1,283772|2,283908|2,283908|0,283908|1) - Suggested to use only double instead of triple. (I've just notice that the past chorus, you used the same pattern too, suggested to change it)
Overall is not bad (in my aspect). You should self-mod by yourself for a bit. I think many pattern is so repetitive in this map. GL
Thanks a lot, preparing for update 8-)
Hi there! Here by request.

I will mostly just be looking at note consistency and looking at sections to revise for more comfortable play. A couple opinions here and there but it's just nitpicking.

1 l 2 l 3 l 4
00:52:431 - 00:58:976 I see where your going with this. However the LN anchoring has some very negative downsides to play it.
1. It's uncomfortable for many to play.
2. Majority of players will effectively be mindblocked due to the repetition.
3. Highly unbalanced, I do see the pitch relevance but the "stress" of playing it is not spread evenly between four fingers. It's nice to see pitch relevance here but perhaps consider comfortable play here over pitch relevance. It's only the intro.

With the above stated, consider revising 00:52:431 - 00:58:976

01:18:613 - 01:25:158 Same as above.

01:43:022 (103022|0,103022|3,103158|3) - Idk about this and bits like it. I recommend having the LNs as solo notes. It's just much more comfortable to play at this BPM. Or keep, some players prefer it. *shrugs*

01:44:249 (104249|1,104249|2,104249|3,104249|0,104385|0,104385|3,104385|1,104385|2,104522|0,104522|1,104522|2,104522|3,104658|2,104658|0,104658|3,104658|1) - This makes no sense to me whatsoever. I hear sounds going on that would be suited more to LNs.
Try this or make your own:

01:45:885 (105885|2,105885|0,105885|3,105954|3,106022|1,106090|2,106158|1,106158|3,106226|0,106295|1,106295|3,106295|2,106363|0,106431|3,106431|2,106499|1,106567|0,106635|3,106704|1,106704|2,106704|0,106772|3,106840|2,106908|1,106976|2,106976|0,106976|3,107045|1,107113|3,107181|2,107249|0,107317|1,107385|3,107385|2,107385|0,107454|1,107522|0,107522|3,107590|2,107658|1,107726|0,107795|3,107795|2,107795|1,107863|0,107931|3,107999|2,108067|0,108067|1,108135|3,108204|2,108272|0,108340|1,108408|3,108476|2,108476|0,108476|1,108545|3,108613|1,108613|0,108681|2,108749|3,108817|1,108885|3,108885|0,108885|2,108954|1,109022|3,109090|2) - Strongly recommend you revise it and use far less LN here. Your going for rank and using LN like this is considered unrankable. Not to mention you use normal notes later that pretty much play to the same sound. Use LN here to instead highlight specific sounds instead.

01:48:340 (108340|1,108408|3,108476|0,108476|1,108476|2,108545|3,108613|1,108613|0,108681|2,108749|3,108817|1,108885|0,108885|2,108885|3,108954|1,109022|3,109090|2) - maybe a bunch of single LNs would be ok here as though normal notes would suit it better.

01:49:158 - 01:49:704 - this is 1/3 snap. listen at 50%

02:01:704 (121704|0) - same as at 01:44:249 Make an LN pattern and end the one notes snap at 02:02:249 for consistency

03:03:613 (183613|0,183885|1,184158|3,184431|1,184704|0,184976|3,185249|1,185522|2,185795|0,186067|2,186340|2,186613|3,186885|0,187158|1,187431|2,187976|3,188249|2,188522|1,188795|0,189067|2,189340|1,189613|0,189885|2,190158|3) - I highly recommend deleting these and focus more on percussion here. These strings are not as present as the notes before it and thus redundant to play.

03:12:340 - 03:25:431 - The SV play is ok. Personally I think notes would be better here because the SV is kinda constant which is more likely to be found in a loved map rather then ranked, but it's up to you.

03:32:658 (212658|3) - listen closely, sound plays between red and blue tick. check for other parts like this.

03:59:522 (239522|1,239658|1,239795|1,239931|1) - There are only 3 notes played to this sound. Delete the fourth one it's a ghost (pun intended)

04:05:249 (245249|2,245249|3,245249|0,245249|1,245385|1,245385|0,245385|3,245385|2,245522|3,245522|2,245522|0,245522|1,245658|0,245658|1,245726|2,245726|3) - If a player manages to get through to here this and the rest of it is gonna kill so many plays. It' not a bad pattern at all it's just difficult.

Hope it's helpful in some way! Good luck!!
Topic Starter

Crono wrote:

Hi there! Here by request.

I will mostly just be looking at note consistency and looking at sections to revise for more comfortable play. A couple opinions here and there but it's just nitpicking.

1 l 2 l 3 l 4
Mod *checked*
00:52:431 - 00:58:976 I see where your going with this. However the LN anchoring has some very negative downsides to play it.
1. It's uncomfortable for many to play.
2. Majority of players will effectively be mindblocked due to the repetition.
3. Highly unbalanced, I do see the pitch relevance but the "stress" of playing it is not spread evenly between four fingers. It's nice to see pitch relevance here but perhaps consider comfortable play here over pitch relevance. It's only the intro.

With the above stated, consider revising 00:52:431 - 00:58:976

01:18:613 - 01:25:158 Same as above.

01:43:022 (103022|0,103022|3,103158|3) - Idk about this and bits like it. I recommend having the LNs as solo notes. It's just much more comfortable to play at this BPM. Or keep, some players prefer it. *shrugs* I'm organizing these sections

01:44:249 (104249|1,104249|2,104249|3,104249|0,104385|0,104385|3,104385|1,104385|2,104522|0,104522|1,104522|2,104522|3,104658|2,104658|0,104658|3,104658|1) - This makes no sense to me whatsoever. I hear sounds going on that would be suited more to LNs.
Try this or make your own: Mmm .... I do not like that idea. But I could take your idea xD

01:45:885 (105885|2,105885|0,105885|3,105954|3,106022|1,106090|2,106158|1,106158|3,106226|0,106295|1,106295|3,106295|2,106363|0,106431|3,106431|2,106499|1,106567|0,106635|3,106704|1,106704|2,106704|0,106772|3,106840|2,106908|1,106976|2,106976|0,106976|3,107045|1,107113|3,107181|2,107249|0,107317|1,107385|3,107385|2,107385|0,107454|1,107522|0,107522|3,107590|2,107658|1,107726|0,107795|3,107795|2,107795|1,107863|0,107931|3,107999|2,108067|0,108067|1,108135|3,108204|2,108272|0,108340|1,108408|3,108476|2,108476|0,108476|1,108545|3,108613|1,108613|0,108681|2,108749|3,108817|1,108885|3,108885|0,108885|2,108954|1,109022|3,109090|2) - Strongly recommend you revise it and use far less LN here. Your going for rank and using LN like this is considered unrankable. Not to mention you use normal notes later that pretty much play to the same sound. Use LN here to instead highlight specific sounds instead. I will ask some QAT members about the LNs, the truth is that I do not want to change that pattern :(

01:48:340 (108340|1,108408|3,108476|0,108476|1,108476|2,108545|3,108613|1,108613|0,108681|2,108749|3,108817|1,108885|0,108885|2,108885|3,108954|1,109022|3,109090|2) - maybe a bunch of single LNs would be ok here as though normal notes would suit it better. I liked this idea, maybe I could change the LNs that exist before those

01:49:158 - 01:49:704 - this is 1/3 snap. listen at 50% √ good point

02:01:704 (121704|0) - same as at 01:44:249 Make an LN pattern and end the one notes snap at 02:02:249 for consistency Mmm ... what I mentioned before

03:03:613 (183613|0,183885|1,184158|3,184431|1,184704|0,184976|3,185249|1,185522|2,185795|0,186067|2,186340|2,186613|3,186885|0,187158|1,187431|2,187976|3,188249|2,188522|1,188795|0,189067|2,189340|1,189613|0,189885|2,190158|3) - I highly recommend deleting these and focus more on percussion here. These strings are not as present as the notes before it and thus redundant to play. I will try to follow this

03:12:340 - 03:25:431 - The SV play is ok. Personally I think notes would be better here because the SV is kinda constant which is more likely to be found in a loved map rather then ranked, but it's up to you.

03:32:658 (212658|3) - listen closely, sound plays between red and blue tick. check for other parts like this.

03:59:522 (239522|1,239658|1,239795|1,239931|1) - There are only 3 notes played to this sound. Delete the fourth one it's a ghost (pun intended) √ good point

04:05:249 (245249|2,245249|3,245249|0,245249|1,245385|1,245385|0,245385|3,245385|2,245522|3,245522|2,245522|0,245522|1,245658|0,245658|1,245726|2,245726|3) - If a player manages to get through to here this and the rest of it is gonna kill so many plays. It' not a bad pattern at all it's just difficult. Mention something similar to the previous mod (it seems to me), for some reason the map is not a "hard" or "insane" difficulty. It would be a little strange to put a simple pattern there being between "difficult" sections. I would like to imply that this map should not be so simple.

Hope it's helpful in some way! Good luck!!
Thank a lot for your mod! :D & Thank you for your support
Suu is my waifu
Request mod
It's been a while since I've modded so watch out
01:32:658 - 4th column has a note that isn't in 01:41:385 -
01:39:067 - don't know if this really needs to be changed but every other 1/4 as two notes together ( like 01:40:431 - ) except this one
01:36:613 - 2nd column missing note? 01:32:249 - , 01:27:885 - , etc have one
01:40:976 - same as above
01:45:340 - sounds like a hit sound is off here
01:50:863 - note missing?
01:54:067 - this has a single note in the 2nd column which is strange since 01:49:704 - has three lns instead
02:46:295 - here im hearing 2 notes above like this occurs several more times at areas such as 02:37:567 - and 02:41:931 -
03:57:885 - hitsound here feels off
04:02:522 - I think this section 1/3 rather than 1/4. Something like
05:12:204 - same as above
04:10:295 - im not sure if this is wrong but the section has the two 1/4 lns in 2nd and 3rd column and 04:10:840 - doesn't but 04:11:385 - does too, also
04:12:340 - has it too but in a different beat.
04:22:976 - has 3 notes instead of 2
04:24:204 - has 2 notes instead of 1 not sure if they are mapped to a sound
04:22:295 - same as above
04:25:022 - same as above
03:50:385 - should be 3 notes instead because 05:00:204 - is 3 or the other way around
Topic Starter

Suu is my waifu wrote:

Request mod
It's been a while since I've modded so watch out
mod *checked*
01:32:658 - 4th column has a note that isn't in 01:41:385 -
01:39:067 - don't know if this really needs to be changed but every other 1/4 as two notes together ( like 01:40:431 - ) except this one
01:36:613 - 2nd column missing note? 01:32:249 - , 01:27:885 - , etc have one
01:40:976 - same as above
01:45:340 - sounds like a hit sound is off here good point
01:50:863 - note missing?
01:54:067 - this has a single note in the 2nd column which is strange since 01:49:704 - has three lns insteadAre 2 LN due to the continuation of the following pattern

02:46:295 - here im hearing 2 notes above like this occurs several more times at areas such as 02:37:567 - and 02:41:931 - Nope, it's a good idea but the sound is very weak.
03:57:885 - hitsound here feels off oh! very good point
04:02:522 - I think this section 1/3 rather than 1/4. Something like
05:12:204 - same as above
04:10:295 - im not sure if this is wrong but the section has the two 1/4 lns in 2nd and 3rd column and 04:10:840 - doesn't but 04:11:385 - does too, also I put it like this, to continue with a different pattern, but maybe you can reorganize that section
04:12:340 - has it too but in a different beat.
04:22:976 - has 3 notes instead of 2
04:24:204 - has 2 notes instead of 1 not sure if they are mapped to a sound
04:22:295 - same as above
04:25:022 - same as above
03:50:385 - should be 3 notes instead because 05:00:204 - is 3 or the other way around
Thanks a lot for the mod! :D

Youre Salty xd
Mod *Checked* (This was from a while back, just posting it now lol)
This mod was done on 04/14/17, this was just the follow up forum post to the mod applied to the map as i forgot to do so previously xD!

00:25:158 - Starting here, the intro burst section was remapped to have the rolls/ jumps fit the texture of the songs beats more fluidly. The bass kicks were represented/ accented better with jumps

00:45:885 - At this section i felt the ln's were bland as stand alone notes, so fluid rolls were added to also bring out the multiple textures of the song in this section

01:28:806 - This section is an example of the implication of a having jumps as bass kicks/ and the snares as hands, and was done to help the consistency of the usage of jumps/hands
Topic Starter

Youre Salty xd wrote:

Mod *Checked* (This was from a while back, just posting it now lol)
This mod was done on 04/14/17, this was just the follow up forum post to the mod applied to the map as i forgot to do so previously xD!

00:25:158 - Starting here, the intro burst section was remapped to have the rolls/ jumps fit the texture of the songs beats more fluidly. The bass kicks were represented/ accented better with jumps

00:45:885 - At this section i felt the ln's were bland as stand alone notes, so fluid rolls were added to also bring out the multiple textures of the song in this section

01:28:806 - This section is an example of the implication of a having jumps as bass kicks/ and the snares as hands, and was done to help the consistency of the usage of jumps/hands
The map changed a bit and you helped in that. Although it was a shame that you did not do the post in its respective time but I appreciate your help.
Hola mod request aquí

Columns: 0|1|2|3

  1. -.
[Expert Spectrums]
  1. 00:03:340 - tal vez agregarías LN en esta sección para llenar diff imo
  2. 00:22:158 (22158|1,22295|2) - control + g? para variar un poco ya que en esa sección estaba algo repetido con escalera a la derecha xD
  3. 00:25:158 - desde aquí trata de buscar otro patron ya que siento que no encaja bien el sonido con ese.. algo como esto.
  4. 00:25:670 - idk allí un sonido drums en 1/8 o 1/12 xd
  5. 00:31:567 (31567|3,31635|1,31704|3) - esperaba como una escalera de 1/4 veo casi todo lo mismo con ese patron (Como por ejemplo 00:27:204 - esta encaja bien imo)
  6. 00:28:704 (28704|3,28840|2,28976|3,29045|2,29113|3,29385|3,29454|1,29522|3) - aquí debes considerar otro patron también.. esa estructura se ve raro y para mi que es un poco difícil capturar (no hay balance) so considere también la consistencia y columnas vacía.
  7. 00:30:749 (30749|3,30885|1) - control + g queda bien
  8. 00:31:704 (31704|3) - mover a la columna 2?
  9. 00:32:522 (32522|0,32590|3,32658|0,32726|3) - insisto que haga como escalera xD es que me parece un poco difícil de leer 1/4 con ese bpm alto imo
  10. 00:35:522 (35522|0,35522|2,35522|3) - btw esto debería ser doble 1/1 para ese ritmo por la notas 1/4 en 00:35:385 (35385|0,35454|1) - que hace poner algo denso idk
  11. 00:45:920 (45920|2,45988|0) - estoy seguro que esta nota esta de mas por lo que pueden fallar so hacerlo 1/8 es muy claro
  12. 01:01:976 (61976|3,61976|1,61976|0,61976|2) - idk pero se ve mejor con doble notas imo
  13. 01:03:476 (63476|1,63476|0) - aunque es interesante hacer doble los LN pero es preferible hacerlo una sola ya que es corto y se podrían confundir imo
  14. 01:18:340 - podrías agregar una nota por ese sonido imo
  15. 01:27:340 (87340|1,87340|2,87340|3,87340|0) - me gusta con doble nota xd
  16. 01:40:795 (100795|1,100795|0) - delete una nota?
  17. 01:44:249 (104249|0,104249|1,104249|2,104385|1,104385|3,104385|2,104522|1,104522|2,104522|0,104658|1,104658|2,104658|3) - el sonido no es tan fuerte para hacer como triple..
  18. 01:47:795 (107795|1,107795|3,107795|2) - si es por el golpe entonces hacerlo como nota.. con 3 LN es demasiado imo xd
  19. 01:49:522 (109522|2,109522|0,109522|3,109976|1,109976|2,109976|3) - hacerlo doble? es mejor seguir como otras similares en la siguiente sección
  20. 02:01:840 - mmm mejor LN?
  21. 02:04:431 - aquí también es LN por ese efecto (aunque tienes que verificar el timing es algo confuso para 1/1)
  22. 02:26:249 (146249|1,146249|3,146795|3,146795|0) - creo que lo haces para enfatizar pero mejor sigo con una sola nota para ese tono de piano xd
  23. 02:37:567 - siento que aquí puede ser una nota como escalera para ese sonido fast idk algo como esto.
  24. 02:41:931 - se siente mejor una nota aquí xd
  25. 02:44:249 (164249|1) - muevelo a la columna 0
  26. 02:51:067 (171067|1) - columna 2?
  27. 03:12:067 (192067|3) - creo que debería eliminarlo
  28. 03:33:681 - te falto una nota?
  29. 04:35:454 (275454|0,275590|0) - pienso que esta raro estas notas.. se siente confusa por ese triple imo
  30. 04:48:067 - como te gustan los LN puedes hacer esta LN para ese efecto xD
  31. 05:20:113 (320113|2,320181|1,320249|0) - idk podrías hacer control + g para variar como el sonido es diferente imo
Los patrones grandes eran demasiados y lo deje pasar por lo que se me hace difícil xd, bueno eso es todo de mi espero que te sirva gl :)
Edit: me falto colocar números xD and name diff lol.
Topic Starter

Etsu wrote:

LOL bro! recien hice una nueva update, por ventaja no cambie patrones (unos poco xD) estoy revisando su mod. pronto voy a responder en un *mod checked* sobre su mod :D
Topic Starter

Etsu wrote:

Hola mod request aquí

Columns: 0|1|2|3

  1. -.
[Expert Spectrums *checked*]
  1. 00:03:340 - tal vez agregarías LN en esta sección para llenar diff imo voy a probar eso
  2. 00:22:158 (22158|1,22295|2) - control + g? para variar un poco ya que en esa sección estaba algo repetido con escalera a la derecha xD
  3. 00:25:158 - desde aquí trata de buscar otro patron ya que siento que no encaja bien el sonido con ese.. algo como esto. el sonido encaja pero puedo tratar de cambiarlo, aunque por el momento se quedara asi.
  4. 00:25:670 - idk allí un sonido drums en 1/8 o 1/12 xd buscare una forma comoda de agregar otra nota ahi
  5. 00:31:567 (31567|3,31635|1,31704|3) - esperaba como una escalera de 1/4 veo casi todo lo mismo con ese patron (Como por ejemplo 00:27:204 - esta encaja bien imo) nope, poner escaleras ahi seria aun mas repetitivo y me veria obligado a cambiar mas notas de las que sugieres xD
  6. 00:28:704 (28704|3,28840|2,28976|3,29045|2,29113|3,29385|3,29454|1,29522|3) - aquí debes considerar otro patron también.. esa estructura se ve raro y para mi que es un poco difícil capturar (no hay balance) so considere también la consistencia y columnas vacía. mmm... tal ves mas delante pueda considerar tu idea
  7. 00:30:749 (30749|3,30885|1) - control + g queda bien
  8. 00:31:704 (31704|3) - mover a la columna 2? X
  9. 00:32:522 (32522|0,32590|3,32658|0,32726|3) - insisto que haga como escalera xD es que me parece un poco difícil de leer 1/4 con ese bpm alto imo no creo xD me veria forzado a reorganizar mas patrones. pero tu idea no esta mal
  10. 00:35:522 (35522|0,35522|2,35522|3) - btw esto debería ser doble 1/1 para ese ritmo por la notas 1/4 en 00:35:385 (35385|0,35454|1) - que hace poner algo denso idk no lo creo, el sonido es mas fuere que el bass ya que es bass+snare ucon un doble no se siente el golpe xD
  11. 00:45:920 (45920|2,45988|0) - estoy seguro que esta nota esta de mas por lo que pueden fallar so hacerlo 1/8 es muy claro no, de hecho si hay sonido pero ya sobre la linea roja que sigue se empieza a desvanecer por eso puse ese patron
  12. 01:01:976 (61976|3,61976|1,61976|0,61976|2) - idk pero se ve mejor con doble notas imo este quad es para la consistencia de sonido en esa seccion de LNs + SV si dejo solo un doble se pierde el seguimiento en los patrones siguientes
  13. 01:03:476 (63476|1,63476|0) - aunque es interesante hacer doble los LN pero es preferible hacerlo una sola ya que es corto y se podrían confundir imo mmm... no creo, el mapa en si no es de 2 o 3 estrellas xD colocar solo una LN es demasiado simple
  14. 01:18:340 - podrías agregar una nota por ese sonido imo posiblemente lo haga
  15. 01:27:340 (87340|1,87340|2,87340|3,87340|0) - me gusta con doble nota xd nope aqui ocurre lo mismo que mencione mas arriba xD
  16. 01:40:795 (100795|1,100795|0) - delete una nota? no creo xD
  17. 01:44:249 (104249|0,104249|1,104249|2,104385|1,104385|3,104385|2,104522|1,104522|2,104522|0,104658|1,104658|2,104658|3) - el sonido no es tan fuerte para hacer como triple.. tienes razon lo dejare como dobles.
  18. 01:47:795 (107795|1,107795|3,107795|2) - si es por el golpe entonces hacerlo como nota.. con 3 LN es demasiado imo xd la verdad es que es agradable tocar las 3 LNs xD posiblemente no lo cambie
  19. 01:49:522 (109522|2,109522|0,109522|3,109976|1,109976|2,109976|3) - hacerlo doble? es mejor seguir como otras similares en la siguiente sección no lo creo, ocurre lo mismo que mencione mas arriba
  20. 02:01:840 - mmm mejor LN? nope, seguire con los dobles que mencione arriba nevamente xD
  21. 02:04:431 - aquí también es LN por ese efecto (aunque tienes que verificar el timing es algo confuso para 1/1) muy buen punto
  22. 02:26:249 (146249|1,146249|3,146795|3,146795|0) - creo que lo haces para enfatizar pero mejor sigo con una sola nota para ese tono de piano xd seguire con el doble.
  23. 02:37:567 - siento que aquí puede ser una nota como escalera para ese sonido fast idk algo como esto. es buena idea
  24. 02:41:931 - se siente mejor una nota aquí xd
  25. 02:44:249 (164249|1) - muevelo a la columna 0
  26. 02:51:067 (171067|1) - columna 2?
  27. 03:12:067 (192067|3) - creo que debería eliminarlo es cierto
  28. 03:33:681 - te falto una nota? ah, no falto, asi lo coloque porque los dobles llevan bass hitsound y esa es una nota intermedia
  29. 04:35:454 (275454|0,275590|0) - pienso que esta raro estas notas.. se siente confusa por ese triple imo ese triple representa un sonido, si escuchas a 50% o mas podras notarlo
  30. 04:48:067 - como te gustan los LN puedes hacer esta LN para ese efecto xD no creo, no representaria algun sonido. solo hay bass y eso no se representa con LN xD
  31. 05:20:113 (320113|2,320181|1,320249|0) - idk podrías hacer control + g para variar como el sonido es diferente imo
Los patrones grandes eran demasiados y lo deje pasar por lo que se me hace difícil xd, bueno eso es todo de mi espero que te sirva gl :)
Edit: me falto colocar números xD and name diff lol.
Muchas gracias por el mod! :) se agradece su ayuda.

Hi~BloowXv2 from CanPoint modding queue
04:45:613 (285613|3,285681|2,285749|3,285817|1,285885|2,285885|0,285954|3,286022|1,286090|2,286158|0,286158|3,286226|2,286295|3,286363|1,286431|2,286431|0,286499|3,286567|1,286635|2,286704|0,286704|3,286772|1,286840|2,286908|3,286908|1,286976|2,286976|0,287045|1,287045|3,287113|2,287113|0,287181|3,287181|1,287249|2,287249|0,287317|1,287317|3,287385|2,287454|1,287522|0,287522|3,287590|1,287658|2,287658|0,287726|1,287795|3,287795|0,287863|1,287931|2,287931|0,287999|1,288067|2,288067|3) - WTF^ing these LNs need check
03:16:499 (196499|0,196499|1,196635|2,196635|3) - change pattern to (1,3)(2,4)
02:01:840 (121840|0,121840|1,121976|2,121976|3,122113|0,122113|1) - change to 3 notes
01:35:658 (95658|0,95658|3,95726|1,95795|0,95795|3,95863|2,95931|1,95931|3,95999|0) - ^
04:56:113 (296113|0,296181|1,296249|0,296249|3,296317|2,296385|1,296454|0,296522|1) - ^why? i think soft
nice map! but this map too hard i can't passed it. :o
Topic Starter

DustMoon wrote:

thanks a lot for the mod! im preparing the *cheked mod* :D
Topic Starter

DustMoon wrote:

Hi~BloowXv2 from CanPoint modding queue
MOD *checked*
04:45:613 (285613|3,285681|2,285749|3,285817|1,285885|2,285885|0,285954|3,286022|1,286090|2,286158|0,286158|3,286226|2,286295|3,286363|1,286431|2,286431|0,286499|3,286567|1,286635|2,286704|0,286704|3,286772|1,286840|2,286908|3,286908|1,286976|2,286976|0,287045|1,287045|3,287113|2,287113|0,287181|3,287181|1,287249|2,287249|0,287317|1,287317|3,287385|2,287454|1,287522|0,287522|3,287590|1,287658|2,287658|0,287726|1,287795|3,287795|0,287863|1,287931|2,287931|0,287999|1,288067|2,288067|3) - WTF^ing these LNs need check
03:16:499 (196499|0,196499|1,196635|2,196635|3) - change pattern to (1,3)(2,4)
02:01:840 (121840|0,121840|1,121976|2,121976|3,122113|0,122113|1) - change to 3 notes
01:35:658 (95658|0,95658|3,95726|1,95795|0,95795|3,95863|2,95931|1,95931|3,95999|0) - ^
04:56:113 (296113|0,296181|1,296249|0,296249|3,296317|2,296385|1,296454|0,296522|1) - ^why? i think soft
nice map! but this map too hard i can't passed it. :o
Thx for the mod! :)

00:42:613 Can be a double with the "clap"

01:40:522 (100522|0,100885|3) - ?

01:53:454 (113454|2) - Move this to column 4

03:59:795 (239795|1) - Extend this to 03:59:999

04:10:840 has the same sound as other parts of the song but is the only one that isnt patterned the same. ( 04:10:295 As reference)

04:22:499 (262499|3) - remove this note & make 04:22:431 (262431|2) - an LN instead for the bass sound ( 04:26:795 as reference)

04:26:931 is missing a note

04:52:567 (292567|0,292567|2) - Remove one of these two notes ( 04:53:113 (293113|0) - as reference)

Misc: 04:34:976 No speed up SV here pls >.<

Thats all i got. Have fun with mod
Topic Starter

CommandoBlack wrote:


Spectres *Mod checked*
00:42:613 Can be a double with the "clap"

01:40:522 (100522|0,100885|3) - ? LOL removed notes

01:53:454 (113454|2) - Move this to column 4 possibly. For now it stays like this

03:59:795 (239795|1) - Extend this to 03:59:999

04:10:840 has the same sound as other parts of the song but is the only one that isnt patterned the same. ( 04:10:295 As reference) Good observation.

04:22:499 (262499|3) - remove this note & make 04:22:431 (262431|2) - an LN instead for the bass sound ( 04:26:795 as reference) If I reorganized that section, I might take your idea.

04:26:931 is missing a note Nope, could fail due to SV in that section

04:52:567 (292567|0,292567|2) - Remove one of these two notes ( 04:53:113 (293113|0) - as reference)

Misc: 04:34:976 No speed up SV here pls >.< With SV is more fun that part lol

Thats all i got. Have fun with mod
Thanks a lot for the mod is appreciated! ;)
you don't need commas to separate the tags, whitespace/space will do
each individual word will be added as a tag, so pump core trap core should just be added as pump core trap instead since there's a duplicate tag
also, what is dumps, usually most mania maps don't add mapping styles in the tags, up to the bn discretion i suppose

I would suggest crediting the original background creator

I wouldn't say this hitsounding is rankable but then again I'm not a BN right now
1. It's too inconsistent relative to the volume of the instrumentals in the music, the intro hitsounds are really prominent while it dies out as time passes
2. It's too soft on the choruses, I'm not even sure if hitsounds are present there
3. It's a bit simplistic, relatively, pretty sure you can find a kick and snare hitsound for the intro at least

SVs felt like it didn't take into consideration the mathematical aspect of it too much, most SVs here doesn't average to 1.0 which makes it hard to time 300 and 300gs. While it may represent the music well at points, I wouldn't say it fares too well in terms of playability.

01:09:340 - TO 01:09:476 - :
This particular SV pattern will average to a 0.875x SV which makes it a rather unexpected change in speed
(2.0 * 1 + 1.0 * 3 + 0.5 * 4)/8 = 0.875

02:02:249 (122249|0) - Could've put a slowjam here

00:25:204 (25204|1,25522|1,25613|2) - I have no idea where did you get the 1/6, i only hear 1/4s

01:25:704 (85704|2) - this is a 1/3 and 1/2 poly, if you're simplifying then go ahead i guess, if not, make it more accurate

00:29:863 (29863|2) - ghost note
00:32:863 (32863|2) - ^
00:33:408 (33408|2) - ^
00:34:226 (34226|1) - ^
00:35:590 (35590|1) - ^
00:36:408 (36408|2) - ^ and so on...

00:43:704 (43704|3,43772|2) - You're missing a 1/8 in between to be consistent
00:44:624 (44624|3) - ^ and so on...

03:30:476 (210476|0,210510|1,210545|2,210579|3) - Pretty sure this isn't rankable due to the fact that the sound here doesn't stretch for that long
03:32:658 (212658|3,212692|2,212726|1,212760|0) - ^ and so on...

03:33:476 (213476|1,213476|0,213545|3,213545|2,213613|0,213613|1,213681|2,213749|1,213749|0,213817|3,213817|2,213885|1,213885|0) - i have no idea what half of these 1/4s go to

03:34:226 (214226|2,214363|1) - what does this map to
03:42:954 (222954|2,223090|1) - ^

03:45:931 (225931|2,225931|3,226249|2,226340|1) - incorrect snapping as stated way before

04:51:658 (291658|1) - might be a ghost note

05:36:476 (336476|3,336545|2,336613|1,336749|3,336885|2) - This snapping is hardly accurate, i'd suggest to just not map it as it's really hard to time accurately for players too

and so on means I'm not going to point out any more similar

Note that ghost notes are mostly only justified if they improve playability by a significant amount/necessary for a good reason


00:44:522 (44522|3,44522|0,44556|1,44590|2,44624|3,44658|1) - patterns here are ok for like, the first few but I'd recommend switching up patterns since they start to get a bit repetitive especially since you do the same exact thing for 02:56:795 (176795|0) - (you missed a note there too)

00:52:431 (52431|3) - I really don't think you should repeat the pattern again and again and again and again, it gets really mindblock-able on the left hand and it feels really lazy. The left hand also just does trills for like 5 second straight which is quite... bland?

01:07:022 (67022|1,67090|2) - what is this 1/4 for, if it's for the change in pitch for the synth, why didn't you add for 01:07:567 (67567|3) - and why did you add for 01:08:658 (68658|1,68726|2) - , it's inconsistent

01:11:454 (71454|1,71863|2) - why these and not between 01:10:840 (70840|2,70976|2) - ? I assume you're mapping the hats, it's inconsistent again. I suggest you should just map for the synths and ignore hats as a whole, I feel like it'll make it cleaner.

01:18:613 (78613|2) - I really don't think you should just copy paste and just flip this pattern, it is already repetitive and you made it more repetitive

01:44:249 (104249|1,104249|2,104249|0,104385|0,104385|1,104385|2,104522|2,104522|0,104522|1,104658|0,104658|1,104658|2,104795|3,104795|0,104795|1) - I don't think this sound justifies the use of 3 note chords all the way here, it's not intense and also not too defined of an instrumental

01:44:795 (104795|3,105340|2) - This isn't consistent in snapping with 01:49:158 (109158|1,109704|2) - though i'm pretty sure most snaps are similar
01:53:522 (113522|3,114067|2) - ^
01:57:885 (117885|1,118431|1) - ^

01:58:976 (118976|1) - I would recommend something that isn't just a 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 stair here, it's really bland.

02:01:704 (121704|1,121704|3,121704|2,121840|1,121840|0,121840|2,121976|1,121976|2,121976|3,122113|0,122113|2,122113|1,122249|1,122249|2,122249|3,122249|0) - 3 note chords seem a bit too overkill, in my opinion

02:37:158 (157158|3,157158|2) - Accent the drum hits somehow, it makes the section here a little less boring

02:55:431 (175431|3) - I'd recommend doing some other pattern, you've exhausted the use of this pattern in the first half already

03:12:340 (192340|2) - Slightly anti-climatic but eh up to you

03:28:704 (208704|1,208840|1,208908|1) - I'm not too sure if this minijack is intended, it's a bit unexpected

04:05:249 (245249|1) - gets to a point where the minijacks and LNs are really annoying to play and read, but that's just me

04:21:885 (261885|2) - The difficulty of the map drops way too significantly here. Taking into consideration the intensity of the music, it should be as hard as 04:05:249 (245249|1) - or even harder, the difficulty drop doesn't really make sense, try to use denser or harder patterns

04:52:226 (292226|0,292226|3) - might want to drop this to a single, it's neither a snare nor a kick

difficulty name:
idk what does Expert Spectrums mean, it doesn't seem to make sense? Would recommend revising that

difficulty HP:
Wouldn't recommend HP 9 due to the very spikey ending with the LNs and minijacks, it's really easy to fail there. Would recommend something lower until you fix it

Source isn't for album names, it's for places where the music is made famous from, eg. games/movies/products. Cyphisonia E.P. isn't a valid source, move it to the tags.
Topic Starter

Evening wrote:

*Mod Checked*
you don't need commas to separate the tags, whitespace/space will do
each individual word will be added as a tag, so pump core trap core should just be added as pump core trap instead since there's a duplicate tag
also, what is dumps, usually most mania maps don't add mapping styles in the tags, up to the bn discretion i suppose I understand that

I would suggest crediting the original background creator I'm looking for the author who created the image

I wouldn't say this hitsounding is rankable but then again I'm not a BN right now
1. It's too inconsistent relative to the volume of the instrumentals in the music, the intro hitsounds are really prominent while it dies out as time passes
2. It's too soft on the choruses, I'm not even sure if hitsounds are present there
3. It's a bit simplistic, relatively, pretty sure you can find a kick and snare hitsound for the intro at least Referring to that, I need good Hitsounds

SVs felt like it didn't take into consideration the mathematical aspect of it too much, most SVs here doesn't average to 1.0 which makes it hard to time 300 and 300gs. While it may represent the music well at points, I wouldn't say it fares too well in terms of playability.

01:09:340 - TO 01:09:476 - :
This particular SV pattern will average to a 0.875x SV which makes it a rather unexpected change in speed
(2.0 * 1 + 1.0 * 3 + 0.5 * 4)/8 = 0.875

02:02:249 (122249|0) - Could've put a slowjam here

00:25:204 (25204|1,25522|1,25613|2) - I have no idea where did you get the 1/6, i only hear 1/4s It really sounds like 1/6. Also moving the notes to 1/4 becomes too uncomfortable.

01:25:704 (85704|2) - this is a 1/3 and 1/2 poly, if you're simplifying then go ahead i guess, if not, make it more accurate In fact, I'm simplifying the pattern's continuity

00:29:863 (29863|2) - ghost note Listening to 100% you can see a sound as if it were a guitar in the music. I decided to supplant a possible LN for single notes in 1/4
00:32:863 (32863|2) - ^
00:33:408 (33408|2) - ^
00:34:226 (34226|1) - ^
00:35:590 (35590|1) - ^
00:36:408 (36408|2) - ^ and so on...

00:43:704 (43704|3,43772|2) - You're missing a 1/8 in between to be consistent

00:44:624 (44624|3) - ^ and so on...

03:30:476 (210476|0,210510|1,210545|2,210579|3) - Pretty sure this isn't rankable due to the fact that the sound here doesn't stretch for that long
03:32:658 (212658|3,212692|2,212726|1,212760|0) - ^ and so on... √ Remapped to 1/6

03:33:476 (213476|1,213476|0,213545|3,213545|2,213613|0,213613|1,213681|2,213749|1,213749|0,213817|3,213817|2,213885|1,213885|0) - i have no idea what half of these 1/4s go to √ Remapped

03:34:226 (214226|2,214363|1) - what does this map to √ removed notes
03:42:954 (222954|2,223090|1) - ^

03:45:931 (225931|2,225931|3,226249|2,226340|1) - incorrect snapping as stated way before Same as I said above xD

04:51:658 (291658|1) - might be a ghost note in fact. But loses consistency in the pattern. So it really is very comfortable to leave her there

05:36:476 (336476|3,336545|2,336613|1,336749|3,336885|2) - This snapping is hardly accurate, i'd suggest to just not map it as it's really hard to time accurately for players too Already change that section

and so on means I'm not going to point out any more similar

Note that ghost notes are mostly only justified if they improve playability by a significant amount/necessary for a good reason I'll have it in mind from here! (0u0)7


00:44:522 (44522|3,44522|0,44556|1,44590|2,44624|3,44658|1) - patterns here are ok for like, the first few but I'd recommend switching up patterns since they start to get a bit repetitive especially since you do the same exact thing for 02:56:795 (176795|0) - (you missed a note there too) √ good point xD

00:52:431 (52431|3) - I really don't think you should repeat the pattern again and again and again and again, it gets really mindblock-able on the left hand and it feels really lazy. The left hand also just does trills for like 5 second straight which is quite... bland? I still think seriously about a new pattern for this section.

01:07:022 (67022|1,67090|2) - what is this 1/4 for, if it's for the change in pitch for the synth, why didn't you add for 01:07:567 (67567|3) - and why did you add for 01:08:658 (68658|1,68726|2) - , it's inconsistent √ Remapped

01:11:454 (71454|1,71863|2) - why these and not between 01:10:840 (70840|2,70976|2) - ? I assume you're mapping the hats, it's inconsistent again. I suggest you should just map for the synths and ignore hats as a whole, I feel like it'll make it cleaner. I deleted them, in fact they started to annoy me xD

01:18:613 (78613|2) - I really don't think you should just copy paste and just flip this pattern, it is already repetitive and you made it more repetitive The same as I said above.

01:44:249 (104249|1,104249|2,104249|0,104385|0,104385|1,104385|2,104522|2,104522|0,104522|1,104658|0,104658|1,104658|2,104795|3,104795|0,104795|1) - I don't think this sound justifies the use of 3 note chords all the way here, it's not intense and also not too defined of an instrumental Corrected in the form of double notes

01:44:795 (104795|3,105340|2) - This isn't consistent in snapping with 01:49:158 (109158|1,109704|2) - though i'm pretty sure most snaps are similar Now it's already consistent xD
01:53:522 (113522|3,114067|2) - ^
01:57:885 (117885|1,118431|1) - ^

01:58:976 (118976|1) - I would recommend something that isn't just a 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 stair here, it's really bland. √ remapped section

02:01:704 (121704|1,121704|3,121704|2,121840|1,121840|0,121840|2,121976|1,121976|2,121976|3,122113|0,122113|2,122113|1,122249|1,122249|2,122249|3,122249|0) - 3 note chords seem a bit too overkill, in my opinion Again, what I said above xD

02:37:158 (157158|3,157158|2) - Accent the drum hits somehow, it makes the section here a little less boring

02:55:431 (175431|3) - I'd recommend doing some other pattern, you've exhausted the use of this pattern in the first half already Already vary the patterns in this sound, could improve it a little more in some way.

03:12:340 (192340|2) - Slightly anti-climatic but eh up to you ehh... WAT? xD I do not think that '' bad '' that part. If it refers to the LN in column 3.

03:28:704 (208704|1,208840|1,208908|1) - I'm not too sure if this minijack is intended, it's a bit unexpected √ remapped

04:05:249 (245249|1) - gets to a point where the minijacks and LNs are really annoying to play and read, but that's just me Do you have any suggestions for this section? Could suggest me something xD

04:21:885 (261885|2) - The difficulty of the map drops way too significantly here. Taking into consideration the intensity of the music, it should be as hard as 04:05:249 (245249|1) - or even harder, the difficulty drop doesn't really make sense, try to use denser or harder patterns I understand your idea.

04:52:226 (292226|0,292226|3) - might want to drop this to a single, it's neither a snare nor a kick √ remapped

difficulty name:
idk what does Expert Spectrums mean, it doesn't seem to make sense? Would recommend revising that It's my stupid vocabulary. Even I knew it did not mean anything specific xD now it's just '' Spectres ''

difficulty HP:
Wouldn't recommend HP 9 due to the very spikey ending with the LNs and minijacks, it's really easy to fail there. Would recommend something lower until you fix it I already decreased it

Source isn't for album names, it's for places where the music is made famous from, eg. games/movies/products. Cyphisonia E.P. isn't a valid source, move it to the tags. Thanks for this data
On SVs, I do not know if for some they are too abrupt. But I will try to take your idea to correct as much as possible the visual aspect of the effects.

I have accepted much of its mod. Because it helped me to increase the consistency

Thanks a lot for this mod!. I really appreciate your help. ♥ :)
Hey, just wanted to say, this is not psytrance at all, you should remove them from tags. Also, I won't mod this because It feels way too overdue right now and inconsistant in some parts (maybe I will after a couple of mods tho).
Topic Starter

Todestrieb wrote:

Hey, just wanted to say, this is not psytrance at all, you should remove them from tags. Also, I won't mod this because It feels way too overdue right now and inconsistant in some parts (maybe I will after a couple of mods tho).
It sounded a little Psytrance style. I think I'll correct that in the next update. Thanks for the observation :D
Marked. PM req~
Topic Starter

nowsmart wrote:

Marked. PM req~
thx nowsmart! :)

From mine and vortex- modding queue

First of all, this mapping is amazing! Wish to see this map ranked some day :D
Onto the mod
Spectres difficulty
00:01:022 (1022|3) - I feel like this slider should be pushed back to 00:00:613 - to fit the start of the synth, at the same time moving the staircase 00:01:158 (1158|0,1249|1,1340|2) - representing the "falling" synth back to here 00:01:022 - That's how I see it atleast ;)

00:03:567 (3567|2) - Moving this slider one column to the left I feel like is better for pitch relevancy, there is a slight pitch decrease between the first slider 00:03:204 - and that one

00:20:795 (20795|0,20863|1,20931|2,20999|3,21067|0,21135|1,21204|2,21272|3) - This staircase could be extended backwards so to say back to 00:20:658 - where I feel like the sound starts

00:25:522 (25522|1,25567|3,25567|0,25613|2) - Dont know what I feel about this pattern, objectively I feel like it doesn't make any sense but it fits the rest of the beatmaps mapping overall. Don't get me wrong it's not a bad thing, wish more ranked maps where like this :idea:

00:27:681 (27681|2) - Ghost note, the other two notes after 00:27:749 (27749|3,27817|1) - should be emphasized more than the first, understand you might've mapped after the guitar though > same for these sections 00:31:976 - 00:36:340 - 00:29:795 - 00:34:158 - 00:38:522 -

00:45:067 - Maybe make this sound a triple, it's rougher than the other drum sounds in this section > 00:45:613 - same for this one :roll:

00:59:522 - Add a note to make it a hand, emphasizes the drum better, just like you've done here 01:00:613 -

01:14:863 (74863|1,74931|2) - Maybe make these notes after the slider jumps? (doubles) Same sound here, where you have mapped jumps 01:15:204 -

01:17:045 - ^Same as above

01:15:681 - Add a note here

01:18:067 - Maybe try and make these SV's a bit rougher, so that the notes here 01:18:613 - show up fast and slowly move towards you, or just add in a slider

01:25:704 - Add note to make a hand, emphasizes the drum sound better (triple)

01:25:976 - 01:26:113 - 01:26:522 - 01:26:658 - Make these jumps, emphasizes the drum sound

01:27:340 - 02:02:249 - Aaaaaaah I'm in love with this entire section :!: :!: :!:

02:17:522 (137522|2) - It's faint but you can make this one slider into three separate if you take notice to the organ which changes pitch here 02:18:204 -
here 02:18:749 - and here 02:19:295 - It's very faint though so most people won't hear it :lol:

02:26:249 - I'm trying to understand these jumps in the section, I find no strong sound indicating why they'd be there, might just be me

02:37:635 - Maybe add a note on this part to emphasize the drum > same with these parts 02:41:999 - 02:46:295 - 02:50:658 -

03:34:431 - 03:35:522 - 03:43:158 - 03:44:249 - Maybe adding notes here to emphasize the drum sound could be an idea, maybe that's just me with my jack loving mind though ;)

04:00:067 - This trill would make for a way for interesting pattern if you mapped it like you did here 04:01:976 - emphasizing the strong drum hit to make a hand

04:09:817 - 04:12:204 - Ghost notes

04:25:431 (265431|3,265567|3,265704|3,265840|3,265976|3,266113|3,266249|3,266385|3,266522|3,266658|3,266795|3) - Don't know if it's intentional but it's very right hand heavy

05:00:613 (300613|0,300613|3) - maybe move one of these sliders to emphasize the synth up to here 05:00:749 -

05:26:522 (326522|3,326522|2) - I'd say this slider should be moved back here 05:26:385 -

That's it for my mod!
This map is amazingly well done, and the song equally so, best of luck to you :)
Topic Starter

cpotfangirl wrote:


From mine and vortex- modding queue

First of all, this mapping is amazing! Wish to see this map ranked some day :D
Onto the mod
Spectres difficulty *Mod checked*
00:01:022 (1022|3) - I feel like this slider should be pushed back to 00:00:613 - to fit the start of the synth, at the same time moving the staircase 00:01:158 (1158|0,1249|1,1340|2) - representing the "falling" synth back to here 00:01:022 - That's how I see it atleast ;)

00:03:567 (3567|2) - Moving this slider one column to the left I feel like is better for pitch relevancy, there is a slight pitch decrease between the first slider 00:03:204 - and that one

00:20:795 (20795|0,20863|1,20931|2,20999|3,21067|0,21135|1,21204|2,21272|3) - This staircase could be extended backwards so to say back to 00:20:658 - where I feel like the sound starts √ good point

00:25:522 (25522|1,25567|3,25567|0,25613|2) - Dont know what I feel about this pattern, objectively I feel like it doesn't make any sense but it fits the rest of the beatmaps mapping overall. Don't get me wrong it's not a bad thing, wish more ranked maps where like this :idea: There is sound, the best thing that occurred to me was to represent it with that pattern, because the LNs do not fit in that space so small

00:27:681 (27681|2) - Ghost note, the other two notes after 00:27:749 (27749|3,27817|1) - should be emphasized more than the first, understand you might've mapped after the guitar though > same for these sections 00:31:976 - 00:36:340 - 00:29:795 - 00:34:158 - 00:38:522 - In fact, supplant a possible LN with what some say is a '' Ghost note '' but put that note because of the '' guitar '' sound

00:45:067 - Maybe make this sound a triple, it's rougher than the other drum sounds in this section > 00:45:613 - same for this one :roll:

00:59:522 - Add a note to make it a hand, emphasizes the drum better, just like you've done here 01:00:613 - √ good point

01:14:863 (74863|1,74931|2) - Maybe make these notes after the slider jumps? (doubles) Same sound here, where you have mapped jumps 01:15:204 - very goog idea :o

01:17:045 - ^Same as above

01:15:681 - Add a note here I do not think so, if I add a note there, I would lose consistency / playability in that section and feel uncomfortable xD

01:18:067 - Maybe try and make these SV's a bit rougher, so that the notes here 01:18:613 - show up fast and slowly move towards you, or just add in a slider

01:25:704 - Add note to make a hand, emphasizes the drum sound better (triple) I do not think a triple fit there.

01:25:976 - 01:26:113 - 01:26:522 - 01:26:658 - Make these jumps, emphasizes the drum sound

01:27:340 - 02:02:249 - Aaaaaaah I'm in love with this entire section :!: :!: :!:

02:17:522 (137522|2) - It's faint but you can make this one slider into three separate if you take notice to the organ which changes pitch here 02:18:204 -
here 02:18:749 - and here 02:19:295 - It's very faint though so most people won't hear it :lol: damn! this is a good idea, If they can be heard if they pay attention xD

02:26:249 - I'm trying to understand these jumps in the section, I find no strong sound indicating why they'd be there, might just be me Represents the change of tone in the sound of '' guitar ''

02:37:635 - Maybe add a note on this part to emphasize the drum > same with these parts 02:41:999 - 02:46:295 - 02:50:658 -

03:34:431 - 03:35:522 - 03:43:158 - 03:44:249 - Maybe adding notes here to emphasize the drum sound could be an idea, maybe that's just me with my jack loving mind though ;) I do not think so, it would become uncomfortable

04:00:067 - This trill would make for a way for interesting pattern if you mapped it like you did here 04:01:976 - emphasizing the strong drum hit to make a hand

04:09:817 - 04:12:204 - Ghost notes

04:25:431 (265431|3,265567|3,265704|3,265840|3,265976|3,266113|3,266249|3,266385|3,266522|3,266658|3,266795|3) - Don't know if it's intentional but it's very right hand heavy So put that part xD

05:00:613 (300613|0,300613|3) - maybe move one of these sliders to emphasize the synth up to here 05:00:749 -

05:26:522 (326522|3,326522|2) - I'd say this slider should be moved back here 05:26:385 -

That's it for my mod!
This map is amazingly well done, and the song equally so, best of luck to you :)
Thanks for the mod and for supporting me. Your help is appreciated! ♥ :)
eh, I was going to mod this but it's far beyond my level. All I can say are hitsounds are pretty wew. you could fix half the problem just by changing the volume around, 10% at the quiet intro and 20% at the most intense part is a little weird. Starred instead
Topic Starter

Litharrale wrote:

eh, I was going to mod this but it's far beyond my level. All I can say are hitsounds are pretty wew. you could fix half the problem just by changing the volume around, 10% at the quiet intro and 20% at the most intense part is a little weird. Starred instead
Oh! Thx for the observation I'll follow your idea. :idea:

Btw thanks a lot for the star xD
00:04:704 (4704|3,4772|2,4840|1,4908|3,4976|2,5044|1,5113|3,5181|2,5249|1) - i think it isn't 1/4
00:06:340 (6340|2,6408|1,6476|0,6545|2,6613|1,6681|0,6749|2,6817|1,6885|0,6954|2,7022|1,7090|0) - too
00:25:204 (25204|0,25204|1) - i think this should be on 1/4
00:25:522 (25522|1) - delete, there isn't any sound.
00:25:613 (25613|2) - move to 1/4 and add 1 note.
00:27:681 (27681|2) - what sound you follow? there isn't hihat sound. maybe delete
00:28:499 (28499|1) - ^
00:32:045 (32045|1) - ^
00:32:863 (32863|2) - ^
00:34:226 (34226|1) - ^
00:36:408 (36408|2) - ^
00:38:590 (38590|2) - ^
00:40:772 (40772|1) - ^
00:41:590 (41590|2) - ^
00:43:738 (43738|2,43806|0) - delete, there isn't any 1/8 sound.

this song is too hard for mapping. its beat is so confused.
i can't mod this lol.
but i'm sure there are a lot of ghost notes, so if you wanna go for rank, please check it carefully.

no kudosu
Topic Starter

nowsmart wrote:

*Mod Checked*

00:04:704 (4704|3,4772|2,4840|1,4908|3,4976|2,5044|1,5113|3,5181|2,5249|1) - i think it isn't 1/4 In fact, you're right, but the sound also goes 1/4. So I decided to put the notes in 1/4 to simplify the patterns
00:06:340 (6340|2,6408|1,6476|0,6545|2,6613|1,6681|0,6749|2,6817|1,6885|0,6954|2,7022|1,7090|0) - too ^
00:25:204 (25204|0,25204|1) - i think this should be on 1/4
00:25:522 (25522|1) - delete, there isn't any sound.
00:25:613 (25613|2) - move to 1/4 and add 1 note.
00:27:681 (27681|2) - what sound you follow? there isn't hihat sound. maybe delete If you listen in 75% or 100% you can ear a similar sound of a guitar, that could put a LN in their respective place, but I decided to put a middle note that is what they seem to be ghost notes. I think there is nothing uncomfortable about playing those notes
00:28:499 (28499|1) - ^
00:32:045 (32045|1) - ^
00:32:863 (32863|2) - ^
00:34:226 (34226|1) - ^
00:36:408 (36408|2) - ^
00:38:590 (38590|2) - ^
00:40:772 (40772|1) - ^
00:41:590 (41590|2) - ^
00:43:738 (43738|2,43806|0) - delete, there isn't any 1/8 sound.

this song is too hard for mapping. its beat is so confused.
i can't mod this lol.
but i'm sure there are a lot of ghost notes, so if you wanna go for rank, please check it carefully.

no kudosu
Thanks a lot for the mod! appreciate your help! :D

yes kudosu :v
Que wea wn no mame prro sibal :v Vengo a comentar unas cosas en general porque por el momento necesitamos enfocarnos en problemas generales. Despues vendre otra vez para verlo y ayudarte en especifico.


00:25:635 (25635|2,25635|1) - el snap esta mal muevelo como en la pasada a 00:25:613

00:25:295 (25295|1,25431|1,25704|2,25840|2) - sin estas notas es mas que suficiente para esta parte, en mi opinion no merecen ser quads y la jugabilidad mejora sin ellas. Borralas.

00:27:681 (27681|2) - esta nota no tiene ningun sonido que lo pueda soportar. Solo comentare esto una vez, tu mismo busca los otros ghost notes y borralos. Hay muchisimos que estoy encontrando y debes de hacerlo porque son las reglas si vas a rankear el mapo. Trata de seguir el sonido de Hihat y los encontraras facilmente.

00:44:556 (44556|2,44590|1,44624|0) - el snap es de 3. Si es 1/8 pero definitivamente escucho 3 veces antes de 00:44:658 - asi que borra 00:44:624 (44624|0) - y haz lo mismo con todas las partes similares hasta 00:51:204 (51204|0) - tambien trata de cambiar los patrones un poco porque repiten mucho.

00:56:795 (56795|0) - me habias preguntado antes si esto era overmapping. Te habia dicho que no pero al jugarla si lo senti overmapped. Ademas, deberia de ser menos denso que la parte empezando de 00:57:885 (57885|2) - entonces en vez de hacerlas 3 notas - 1 nota - 3 notas - 1 nota, haz que sean 2 - 1 - 2 - 1. Haz lo mismo con 01:22:976 (82976|1) -

01:00:613 (60613|2) - esto podria ser un quad. Merece serlo y se juega mejor siendolo.

01:36:158 (96158|3) - el snap de esto es en la linea azul, ajustalo ahi y esto 01:36:522 (96522|0) - es un ghost note, borralo

01:41:976 (101976|1,102022|2) - no hay nada que lo define como 1/6. Cualquier sonido en esa area es de 1/4. Une los que estan en 1/6 a la linea azul. Asi ::

04:05:249 (245249|2) - desde aqui es overmapping, melodia + bass no creo que merezca ser 4 notas. Estoy seguro que se puede modificar de una manera mas creativa

Hasta esto fueron comentarios para ejemplificar cosas que deberias de cambiar. Tambien quiero decir que varios partes son una repeticion como 01:54:340 (hay tres partes asi y son nada mas la version mirror para cada parte anterior) que no se puede encontrar creatividad en el mapa, es un maraton y te debe de doler la cabeza pensando en patrones diversas para el mismo sonido pero son cosas que deben ser solucionadas. Tambien partes como 02:53:522 (173522|2) - son nada mas copy paste de lo que haz mapeado en partes anteriores. Viendo el mapo senti que todavia hay varios partes que se necesitan reparar para acercarse a la seccion de Ranked, cuando sientas que la mayoria de las cosas que he dicho sean solucionadas en el mapa, llamame otra vez.

No kdz
Topic Starter
baia baia. entonces voy a poner manos a la obra

y gracias por revisar el mapo :v de hecho. tengo una update pendiente donde voy a cambiar varias cosas jaja asi que si, te llamare despues prro ♥
you should change the name of the difficulty from Spectres to Spectral
that fit perfect whit the song and would capture the attention of the people. ;)
Topic Starter

Sida wrote:

you should change the name of the difficulty from Spectres to Spectral
that fit perfect whit the song and would capture the attention of the people. ;)
In fact, I'm thinking of changing the name to the difficulty, it really starts to sound very simple xD
From my mod queue
good map, shooting a star


01:02:795 add a note
01:03:885 ^
01:04:976 ^
01:07:158 ^
01:08:249 ^
01:11:522 ^
01:12:613 ^
01:13:704 ^
01:18:340 ^

04:21:885 - 04:30:613 remap this part and play the violin too (suggestion)

GL on ranked or loved
Topic Starter

TheNewBungping wrote:

From my mod queue
good map, shooting a star


01:02:795 add a note
01:03:885 ^
01:04:976 ^
01:07:158 ^
01:08:249 ^
01:11:522 ^
01:12:613 ^
01:13:704 ^
01:18:340 ^

04:21:885 - 04:30:613 remap this part and play the violin too (suggestion)

GL on ranked or loved
Thanks for the mod and ★! thx for help
Hi Bloow!
Here your req~
Sorry for delaying..


00:26:113 (26113|3,26113|2,26113|1) - I think at this part you must del 1 note at col 2 cause the sound isn't louder than before i though..
01:04:840 (64840|3) - This mini LN should be placed at col 3 cause 01:05:113 (65113|2) - have same sound so just repeat those LN
01:10:158 - del 1 LN at col 3 .. . there didn't have any louder sound like 01:09:885 -
01:45:613 (105613|2,105613|3) - Delete 1 note at col 4 (Too excessive if taken 3 notes)
01:45:681 (105681|0,105749|1,105817|2,105885|3,105885|0,105954|1,106022|2,106090|3) - If you aplied those suggest ^ then Ctrl+H
01:49:976 (109976|3,109976|2) - Same here ^ del at col 4
01:50:045 (110045|0,110113|1,110181|3,110249|0,110249|2,110317|1,110385|0) - same like above ^ Ctrl + H
01:54:340 (114340|2,114340|3) - same again del at col 4
01:54:408 (114408|0,114476|1,114545|2,114613|3,114613|0,114681|1,114749|2,114817|3) - Ctrl+H
04:14:113 (254113|1,254113|2,254113|0) - Move 1 note at col 1 to col 4

GL~ :D :D :D
Topic Starter

Envory wrote:

Hi Bloow!
Here your req~
Sorry for delaying..


Spectral *Mod Checked*
00:26:113 (26113|3,26113|2,26113|1) - I think at this part you must del 1 note at col 2 cause the sound isn't louder than before i though..
01:04:840 (64840|3) - This mini LN should be placed at col 3 cause 01:05:113 (65113|2) - have same sound so just repeat those LN done
01:10:158 - del 1 LN at col 3 .. . there didn't have any louder sound like 01:09:885 - I put '' 3 - 3 and 4 '' LNs for the background bass sound, it was intentional
01:45:613 (105613|2,105613|3) - Delete 1 note at col 4 (Too excessive if taken 3 notes) If I remove 1 of the 3 notes, the consistency in the pattern is lost
01:45:681 (105681|0,105749|1,105817|2,105885|3,105885|0,105954|1,106022|2,106090|3) - If you aplied those suggest ^ then Ctrl+H
01:49:976 (109976|3,109976|2) - Same here ^ del at col 4
01:50:045 (110045|0,110113|1,110181|3,110249|0,110249|2,110317|1,110385|0) - same like above ^ Ctrl + H
01:54:340 (114340|2,114340|3) - same again del at col 4
01:54:408 (114408|0,114476|1,114545|2,114613|3,114613|0,114681|1,114749|2,114817|3) - Ctrl+H
04:14:113 (254113|1,254113|2,254113|0) - Move 1 note at col 1 to col 4 done

GL~ :D :D :D
Thanks for the mod! is appreciated :D
Hello! As your request.
well It's just a modding.

00:01:158 (1158|0,1249|1,1340|2,1431|0,1522|1,1613|2,1704|0,1794|1,1885|2,1976|0) -
If a way of expression should be catched exact sounds, those notes are better to ignore honestly.
I don't recommend to keep them in my opinion, honestly It did not give a feeling much that.
Just a feedback, It's all up to you ::

00:04:704 (4704|3,4794|2,4885|1,4976|3,5067|2,5158|1) - Can't feel it as 1/3th sounds.
It's actually faster than 1/3 which It is close to 1/4, carefully hear them again.
You can compare with yours 05:28:431 -

00:44:624 (44624|0) - Isn't a ghost note? I tried to feel that hihat sound, but could not find anything(have used a program too.)
If I'm not wrong, I'm sure to think there is no hihat.
If I'm wrong, ignore this point. and just move on. :)
I will not point it out again, so If I'm right about it, then you should fix all same section.

00:58:976 - to 01:00:613 - I think patterns can have better visuals, and feeling too.
What do you think about? ::
(The select note has a snare, so avoid it from 2 column for sepereated feeling)

01:25:158 - to 01:26:795 - Wrong snapped. There is a polyrhythm 1/4 and 1/6th.
First of all Let me give you each section
Drum's are right as your made them ▼
01:25:431 - 01:25:704 - 01:25:976 - 01:26:113 - 01:26:249 - 01:26:385 - 01:26:522 - 01:26:658 - 01:26:795 -
OK then, Here is 1/6th sounds ▼
01:25:431 - 01:25:567 - 01:25:658 - 01:25:749 - 01:25:840 - 01:25:931 - 01:26:022 - 01:26:113 - 01:26:204 -
01:26:295 - 01:26:385 - 01:26:476 - 01:26:567 - 01:26:658 - 01:26:749 -
Consider it, I recognized them like this anyway.

01:27:431 (87431|1) - Move to 3. Since It only made three jack, It would be better.

01:33:067 - 01:34:704 - 01:35:249 - Honestly, you can add a note here for the drum. make it three note.
one hand is thril, and other one is drum only for that sections. but only one note for drum, It's too weak forf highlight there.
I will not comment it again on above parts.

01:36:158 (96158|2) - Move to 4. avoid that LNs column. It can balance the each fingers.

01:44:795 - to 01:45:204 - // 01:49:158 - to 01:49:704 - // 01:53:522 - to 01:54:067 -
You only used 1/4th stream here, but you know It's mixed the instrument here like this 01:40:567 - to 01:40:976 -
I think there can provide a better variety of ways of expression like this.

02:26:249 - 02:26:795 - 02:30:067 - 02:31:158 - 02:32:249 - 02:32:795 - I could not find any object for 2 notes.
In fact even if you intend to do something for 2 notes, remove is better. because it is recognized as not giving a certain feeling.

02:40:976 - to 02:41:522 - // 02:45:340 - 02:45:885 - // 02:49:704 - to 02:50:249 -
It should not be consistent to each other? a fact that the structure of the song has a consistent structure.
02:40:976 - to 02:41:522 - I think this is well done that hitsounds and note amounts.
For example :: 02:45:340 - can't feel any impact here. 02:45:476 - 02:45:749 - And drums here.
02:49:976 (169976|2) - should not be "W" hitsound.

03:28:772 (208772|0,209045|3) - I can't feel synth sound there, cosnider them.

04:21:885 - to 04:22:158 - You used three type hitsounds here 04:21:885 (261885|3,261885|2,261885|1) -
but If you want, you can reduce a note for convenience. It's calculated as an intention.
And would be better to next chords. Feedback ::

04:22:704 - to 04:26:795 - It's weird at first part, and the end.
First part :: I know actually you did it repeat thril as repeat synth.
so If the first also keeping them, It would be better.

End part :: 04:26:249 - to 04:26:795 - Here changed a mood by mixed instrument, I think you can make other changes here.

04:30:749 - 04:32:931 - It does not need 2 notes here.

04:39:613 - 04:45:613 - Just copied first verse chart 03:12:340 - to 03:18:340 -
I don't think It's done as concept of chart, make it various at least.

04:48:158 (288158|3,288204|2,288249|1,288295|0) - I really don't feel it as 4 part delay.
I think that can divide it into two parts.04:48:170 - 04:48:272 -

05:09:885 - to 05:12:067 - The sturctures are weird.
As a example :: The highlight is mounting up graudually by bass drum
but because of this
Why it should be harder when first to middle part. It's so far from this highlight.
That's it, Good luck!
Topic Starter

Kawawa wrote:

Hello! As your request.
well It's just a modding.

[Spectral *Checked*]
00:01:158 (1158|0,1249|1,1340|2,1431|0,1522|1,1613|2,1704|0,1794|1,1885|2,1976|0) -
If a way of expression should be catched exact sounds, those notes are better to ignore honestly.
I don't recommend to keep them in my opinion, honestly It did not give a feeling much that.
Just a feedback, It's all up to you :: done

00:04:704 (4704|3,4794|2,4885|1,4976|3,5067|2,5158|1) - Can't feel it as 1/3th sounds.
It's actually faster than 1/3 which It is close to 1/4, carefully hear them again.
You can compare with yours 05:28:431 -

00:44:624 (44624|0) - Isn't a ghost note? I tried to feel that hihat sound, but could not find anything(have used a program too.)
If I'm not wrong, I'm sure to think there is no hihat.
If I'm wrong, ignore this point. and just move on. :)
I will not point it out again, so If I'm right about it, then you should fix all same section. I am aware that it is a ghost note, but that note increases the playability, I really do not want to remove it. I do not like that pattern without it :|

00:58:976 - to 01:00:613 - I think patterns can have better visuals, and feeling too.
What do you think about? ::
(The select note has a snare, so avoid it from 2 column for sepereated feeling) done

01:25:158 - to 01:26:795 - Wrong snapped. There is a polyrhythm 1/4 and 1/6th.
First of all Let me give you each section
Drum's are right as your made them ▼
01:25:431 - 01:25:704 - 01:25:976 - 01:26:113 - 01:26:249 - 01:26:385 - 01:26:522 - 01:26:658 - 01:26:795 -
OK then, Here is 1/6th sounds ▼
01:25:431 - 01:25:567 - 01:25:658 - 01:25:749 - 01:25:840 - 01:25:931 - 01:26:022 - 01:26:113 - 01:26:204 -
01:26:295 - 01:26:385 - 01:26:476 - 01:26:567 - 01:26:658 - 01:26:749 -
Consider it, I recognized them like this anyway. done

01:27:431 (87431|1) - Move to 3. Since It only made three jack, It would be better.

01:33:067 - 01:34:704 - 01:35:249 - Honestly, you can add a note here for the drum. make it three note.
one hand is thril, and other one is drum only for that sections. but only one note for drum, It's too weak forf highlight there.
I will not comment it again on above parts. done

01:36:158 (96158|2) - Move to 4. avoid that LNs column. It can balance the each fingers.

01:44:795 - to 01:45:204 - // 01:49:158 - to 01:49:704 - // 01:53:522 - to 01:54:067 -
You only used 1/4th stream here, but you know It's mixed the instrument here like this 01:40:567 - to 01:40:976 -
I think there can provide a better variety of ways of expression like this. wut? xD

02:26:249 - 02:26:795 - 02:30:067 - 02:31:158 - 02:32:249 - 02:32:795 - I could not find any object for 2 notes.
In fact even if you intend to do something for 2 notes, remove is better. because it is recognized as not giving a certain feeling. I put 2 notes to represent the change of sound that is different from the others, you can see that it sounds a little stronger than the similar ones

02:40:976 - to 02:41:522 - // 02:45:340 - 02:45:885 - // 02:49:704 - to 02:50:249 -
It should not be consistent to each other? a fact that the structure of the song has a consistent structure.
02:40:976 - to 02:41:522 - I think this is well done that hitsounds and note amounts.
For example :: 02:45:340 - can't feel any impact here. 02:45:476 - 02:45:749 - And drums here.
02:49:976 (169976|2) - should not be "W" hitsound. Good observation in these parts

03:28:772 (208772|0,209045|3) - I can't feel synth sound there, cosnider them. I gave him more action in that part xD but I will change it

04:21:885 - to 04:22:158 - You used three type hitsounds here 04:21:885 (261885|3,261885|2,261885|1) -
but If you want, you can reduce a note for convenience. It's calculated as an intention.
And would be better to next chords. Feedback ::

04:22:704 - to 04:26:795 - It's weird at first part, and the end.
First part :: I know actually you did it repeat thril as repeat synth.
so If the first also keeping them, It would be better. good point

End part :: 04:26:249 - to 04:26:795 - Here changed a mood by mixed instrument, I think you can make other changes here.

04:30:749 - 04:32:931 - It does not need 2 notes here.

04:39:613 - 04:45:613 - Just copied first verse chart 03:12:340 - to 03:18:340 -
I don't think It's done as concept of chart, make it various at least. Idk, I do not see anything strange with the sequence ...

04:48:158 (288158|3,288204|2,288249|1,288295|0) - I really don't feel it as 4 part delay.
I think that can divide it into two parts.04:48:170 - 04:48:272 -

05:09:885 - to 05:12:067 - The sturctures are weird.
As a example :: The highlight is mounting up graudually by bass drum
but because of this
Why it should be harder when first to middle part. It's so far from this highlight.
That's it, Good luck!
many thanks for the mod kawawa :) With this I think it was already better enough than before
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