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Hi M4M return.

[ General]
  1. Your slider track and slider border isn't consistent throughout the difficulties?

[ Sin's Easy]
  1. 00:42:944 (3,1) - Overlap doesn't look too nice.
  2. 00:52:944 (2,3) - Blanket on the reverse could be improved.
  3. 01:00:186 (3,1) - Blanket could be improved.
  4. 01:00:875 (1,2,3) - Triangle could be improved.
  5. 01:06:048 (4,1) - Visual distance from these two notes is closer than 01:05:013 (3,4), maybe make the slider jut out a bit more to fix that.
  6. 01:14:668 (1,2) - This totally looks like it needs to be blanketed, and might look nicer if it were.

[ Normal]
  1. 01:02:082 (4) - Moving this up a bit would make the square a bit nicer.
Other than that this diff seems fine to me.

[ Hard]
  1. 00:46:737 (3) - Seems like two distinct vocal notes that can be mapped with circles here. Would make the rhythm a bit more interesting imo. // 00:48:117 (3) -
  2. 00:53:979 (1,2,3) - This flow is quite awkward to play imo and the visual distance is a bit meh. I would do this instead. The reason this is awkward is because there's nothing too strong in the song to really call for this.
  3. 00:57:599 (1,2) - Is weaker than the square but has the same spacing as the square. Maybe you can increase the spacing of the square.
  4. 01:04:323 (3,4,5) - Actually ctrl+g'ing this makes more sense to me because the note on 01:04:496 - is less audible than the one on 01:04:841.
  5. 01:13:807 (3,4,5) - Visual distance could be improved.

[ Insane]
  1. 00:05:359 (5,6,1) - This flow is quite forced imo, 00:05:359 (5,6) - ctrl+g these placements and it would flow better imo.
  2. 00:05:703 (1,1) - These actually look out of place because one would expect another one in the bottom right, but there is none lol. Feels like an incomplete pattern.
  3. 00:10:875 (6,7) - Ctrl+G this placement would actually play nicer imo and the emphasis would be the same. Up to you tho.
  4. 00:12:944 (2,4,6) - Could space evenly.
  5. 00:16:220 (4,5) - Why not another 1/2 slider here? The trumpet is still going. You even still did it at 00:21:393 (3,4).
  6. 00:52:082 (4,5,6) - Would make sense to emphasize these notes more with higher spacing.
  7. 01:21:048 (4,1) - Ow blanket. xd

[ Idol]
  1. 00:10:013 (1,2,3) - Making this symmetrical in relation to 00:08:979 (2) - would look nicer.
  2. 00:29:151 (1,2,3,4) - Isn't symmetrical. ;w;
  3. 00:44:841 (2) - ^
  4. 00:47:082 (1,2) - Nice stack. xd
  5. 00:51:910 (3,4,5,6) - I think you should use spacing equivalent to this because it's the buildup section. Spacing like 00:53:289 (3,4,5) - doesn't really make much sense after 00:51:910 (3,4,5,6) - big spacing like this. 00:52:427 (6,1) - Also this flows really awkwardly because you force a slowdown in a section that is building UP. I recommend changing the flow here a bit since atm it plays extremely weird.
  6. 00:57:772 (2,1) - This a bit overkill with spacing imo, might want to move 2 closer.
  7. 01:01:392 (3,4) - These also play really awkwardly because of slider slow down and because they emphasize weak sounds it feels inappropriate imo. Goes for pretty much all of these in the kiai time.
  8. 01:02:945 (4,1) - Stack.
  9. 01:13:634 (2) - Imo should be emphasized differently because atm it's part of a pattern that focuses on vocals but has no vocal sound on it.
  10. 01:17:944 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - This is such a massive flow break it just plays really harsh. If you ctrl+h this it would play infinitely better.

Nothing much else to say that isn't subjective. Good luck with this.~
hello! return m4m

[sins' easy]
00:04:151 (3) - rhythm here sounds a little empty. try ending the slider here 00:04:841 - to follow the vocals that youve been doing
00:09:841 (1) - same thing here, you just put a slider here making it a little empty i suggest doing something like
00:13:806 (1) - i suggest doing the rhythm you did here 00:20:703 (2,3) - or add 2 1/1 notes here 00:14:841 - so the notes wont feel so empty
00:23:289 (2) - rhythm here is a bit weird since youre ending the slider on the downbeat. try starting the slider here not ending for emphasis
00:37:427 (3) - make this slider the same length as 00:36:048 (1) - , then just add a note afterwards to compliment the sound more?
00:40:186 (3,4) - this might be a little difficult to read since it breaks consistency with 00:39:151 (2) - so i would ctrl+g the slider and fix everything afterwards
00:42:944 (3,1) - nitpicking, but try not to make the sliders touch
00:55:186 (1) - spinner sound actually starts here 00:55:358 - imo. if you change, remember to end at same place
01:07:772 (3) - i dont really like the rhythm here since i know you can do something better than ending the slider on such a prominent beat. you can make this slider a 1/1 slider then add a note afterwards
01:14:668 (1,2) - would look much better if it was a blanket
01:19:841 (3,1) - ctrl+g the rhythm here to make the downbeat clickable? sounds a lot better imo

00:06:910 (2,2) - slider bodies overlap so it might be a little hard to read since the second slider is still visible when youre clicking the note
00:08:979 (2) - end this slider on the red tick then add a note on the downbeat? since its the more prominent sound. 00:09:668 - here is where the vocals end anyways
00:10:186 (4,5,6) - if you do do that ^^ i would recommend changing these to either a 1/1 slider + note or a 1/1 slider repeating to not have such a high note density on a soft part
00:16:220 (5) - consider ending this slider on 00:16:392 - instead since it has a more noticeable sound than the red tick
00:27:772 - sound here really needs to be clickable imo. it will have a better transition to the next note as well as sounding better
00:39:840 (3,4) - the slider body makes it have a weird flow so i would change it to something more circular. if you say its for emphasis, then why didnt you do the same thing here 00:41:220 (6,1) -
00:55:358 (1) - honestly, i would just end the slider here 00:56:392 - and add a note here 00:56:737 - and delete this 00:57:082 (2,3) - to have a better transition
01:16:048 - doesnt this feel a little empty? maybe change the rhythm a bit since the 2 repeats sound kind of off for example could work?
01:24:151 (3) - kind of nitpicking, but i think you can do a better slider than this..
01:26:048 - maybe add a note here for a finishing touch? then move the spinner a beat after ending on same place ofc

00:05:703 - personal preference, but i think you can make some nice slider art here :D
00:09:841 - same issue as normal, ending the slider on the downbeat here makes it sound a little weird
00:15:186 (1,2,3) - flow here feels a bit too linear imo try something more simple like :
00:31:220 (1,2) - isnt the spacing here kind of low? you had almost the same spacing here 00:11:048 (5,1) - and 00:30:186 (4,1) - and its 1/2 so people might misread it
00:42:944 - consider ctrl+g the rhythm here 00:42:772 (1,2) - to make the stronger beat clickable
01:07:944 (2,3) - spacing here shouldnt be as large. you should increase the spacing here instead 01:08:289 (4,5) -
01:10:358 (1) - consider changing this to a 1/1 slider to compliment the vocals more. if youre following the instruments, why end a slider on the downbeat? especially since you did it here 01:13:117 (1) - might as well do it for consistency (this applies to others as well i.e. 01:15:875 (1) - )
01:24:668 (2,3) - random flow break here :c you dont need the stacks imo if its just going to be harder to read

00:03:461 (3,4) - why is spacing here larger than things like 00:03:806 (4,1) - etc? Dx should be the other way around imo
00:04:841 - the jumps here deserve to have the same spacing since the vocal sounds are the same instead of slowly decreasing
00:05:531 (6,1) - another thing about spacing for these jumps, i think these should be emphasized more since its a downbeat, so increase the spacing?
00:15:875 (3,4) - flow here is a little bit sudden. i was expecting it to go to 00:16:392 (5) - so maybe switch their positions
00:42:772 - you were following the instruments but then this slider ending on a downbeat kind of ruins ittt so maybe ctrl+g this 00:42:599 (5,1) -
00:56:048 - i think you can be a little more creative here than pratically stacking them
00:59:841 (3,4) - little flowbreak here which i think you can fix. make it flow counter cw like youve been doing?
01:02:254 (1,4) - stack this to make it look cleaner? xD
01:15:875 (1) - i addressed this in hard but i think these should be 1/1 sliders to match the vocals like 01:14:669 (1,1) -
01:26:048 (2) - move this just a bit lower so it blankets the stream

i took a brief look at idol and i think it suffers most of its problem in which i stated in insane so i think you can apply it there
hmm, I think it would be more beneficial & effective if you apply those mods first
If I mod it as it is now, I may ended up saying many things that already been mentioned before lol
Yikes I have exams, probably won't get to mods on my easy till friday :cry:
Topic Starter

Sotarks wrote:

since when you're a fokin weeb xd
k let's go m4m

00:04:151 (1) - pls make this shape more even? – good idea and did the other one.

00:30:186 (4) - i want to see more spacing for this clap+vocal rythmn dude! – no

00:47:599 (2) - check stack – fixed

01:16:565 (4,5,6) - move this pattern more upward pls too much spacing – emphasize

01:17:254 (1) - and this one less spacing and shape more even pls haha – the

01:17:944 (3) - dude whats wrong with your spacing? – melody

a bit worried about extra's design but w/e – would be nice to explain why
00:12:944 (2,3) - this could be a 1/2 slider instead tbh – I think it's fine

00:22:082 (5) - hey hey what have u done here, you skip this high down beat, please don't ignore that.. – you're crazy, there's no beat here.

00:26:737 (2,3) - 1/2 slider ? – no

00:49:496 (4) - ctrl g could be fun – dude you're right. Not sure how to make the rest of the pattern but I'll play around with this.

00:56:048 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - this is horrible dude haha becuase 1) the overlap is ugly, and 2) the stream stack is really lame to play and easily missreaded
i would highly suggest you to unstack the stream, and keep this pattern clean.. – play the map when you mod it

otherwise cool diff!
01:13:117 (1) - pls don't skip the high down beat here.. : ( – syncopates
01:13:117 (1,1) - ^
nice hard!
other diffs are cool! can't find anything – I don't think you played them. Easy would have been nice to have a mod on.
Gl – I'm disappointed that you spent less than 10 min on this mod since I could use more help, but thanks for the mod.


Ohwow wrote:

from my M4M

00:08:289 (1) - Not too big a problem, but i feel like this should be a 3/2 slider. – I've been hearing similar sentiments, but I don't really know where to put the slider end. The slider end makes it just feel odd, which isn't worth the pros of having a slider
00:56:737 - Make 00:55:358 (1) - end 1/2 tick earlier and put a 1/2 repeating slider? – slider end would be really funky, I think it's fine as is
01:23:461 (2) - slider is too curvy imo, maybe just delete the gray nodes next to the red node: ... 0c9258.jpg I think it's fine

00:54:323 (2,3) - visual spacing too small? – point was to make visual spacing with 00:53:634 (5,3) – the same, but I changed the visual spacing with (3,4) so that the pattern looks better
01:00:186 (4,5,6,1) - could make a clean rhombus shape/pattern here. – the reason I don't want to do that is because then the spacing between 01:00:703 (6,1) – would have to be absolutely huge, and I don't think that's appropriate for a Hard.
01:03:462 (6) - fix spacing. Too close to 01:02:944 (4) - visual wise, and too far from 01:03:634 (1) . Place it at x426 y105 – fixed

00:04:841 (2,3,4,5,6) - few problems with this pattern imo. 00:04:841 (2,3,4) - Spacing is really far and 00:05:186 (4,5,6,1) - is really small, but the music doesn't change too drastically. Also, aesthetically, 00:05:186 (4,5) - is too close to each other such that 00:05:186 (4,5,6) - is not a perfect triangle. – aesthetics are fine here. I do agree with the spacing concern that the DS changes are too exagerated, but the aesthetics make it work and that's what BN's care about.
00:13:117 (3) - weak note, make 00:12:944 (2,3) - into a slider possibly? – I think it's fine
00:14:496 (3,1) - I think you can avoid this overlap by moving 00:15:186 (1) - to the right a bit – yeah fixed
00:44:323 (1,2) - I'm curious on why you stacked the sliderends here but not at 00:45:703 (1,2) - – Looks good this way, was really happy to repeat a slider the player already saw before, though your way works well as well
01:13:117 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - This could be a perfect hexagon pattern – It's fine as two trapezoids. Hexagons really limit DS's and this looks just as good.

00:03:461 (3,4) - I feel like spacing is too big here compared to the rest. – the intention is to emphasize the singer, but I made some changes to address this.
00:47:082 (1,2) - could stack better -- fixed these both
01:02:945 (4,1) - stack?
01:03:461 (7,1) - I think this is the most appropriate use of your large spacing since the sound on 01:03:634 (1) - is very loud and distinct. Although I'd still tune it down just a bity. – Big spacing is intentional
01:05:530 (3,4) - big spacing
01:06:220 (6) - ^
01:17:082 (6,1) - big spacing again. I get you're trying to emphasize the intense parts but it's shouldn't too big. The intensity of the music doesn't change by that much. If you really want to keep that spacing, at least increase spacing between 01:16:910 (5,6) - – addressed this a little bit



Mir wrote:

Hi M4M return.

[ General]
  1. Your slider track and slider border isn't consistent throughout the difficulties? – working on it

[ Normal]
  1. 01:02:082 (4) - Moving this up a bit would make the square a bit nicer. – tried a bit
Other than that this diff seems fine to me.

[ Hard]
  1. 00:46:737 (3) - Seems like two distinct vocal notes that can be mapped with circles here. Would make the rhythm a bit more interesting imo. // 00:48:117 (3) - – I think it's more interesting as a slider. I want this part to feel calm to give contrast that this is a calm part of the song. This makes more intense parts of the song feel more intense.
  2. 00:53:979 (1,2,3) - This flow is quite awkward to play imo and the visual distance is a bit meh. I would do this instead. The reason this is awkward is because there's nothing too strong in the song to really call for this. – The intention in the flow is to reflect the high pitch change of the trumpet, but thank you for the feedback, I'll see how other players react to this pattern and adjust.
  3. 00:57:599 (1,2) - Is weaker than the square but has the same spacing as the square. Maybe you can increase the spacing of the square. – I completely agree on the intention. My biggest worry though is that square patterns can be tricky to do, so I don't want to make this too intense. I did increase the square a little, but it was a very conservative increase.
  4. 01:04:323 (3,4,5) - Actually ctrl+g'ing this makes more sense to me because the note on 01:04:496 - is less audible than the one on 01:04:841. – they both have the same strength to me. I think current rhythm plays nicer off the 1/1 slider
  5. 01:13:807 (3,4,5) - Visual distance could be improved. – fixed

[ Insane]
  1. 00:05:359 (5,6,1) - This flow is quite forced imo, 00:05:359 (5,6) - ctrl+g these placements and it would flow better imo. -- tested it out, I liked what I had more
  2. 00:05:703 (1,1) - These actually look out of place because one would expect another one in the bottom right, but there is none lol. Feels like an incomplete pattern. – Overall I think it's fine. Music changes so pattern changes.
  3. 00:10:875 (6,7) - Ctrl+G this placement would actually play nicer imo and the emphasis would be the same. Up to you tho. – I prefer not going in a circle too much
  4. 00:12:944 (2,4,6) - Could space evenly. – I took 00:12:944 (2,4) - , ctrl shift S by .5, then stacked it accordingly and that's where 6 is.
  5. 00:16:220 (4,5) - Why not another 1/2 slider here? The trumpet is still going. You even still did it at 00:21:393 (3,4). -- tested it out. Both patterns play fine so it's really just a toss up. I've been chewed out for not emphasizing strong harmony notes like that clap on (4), so I'll keep it.
  6. 00:52:082 (4,5,6) - Would make sense to emphasize these notes more with higher spacing. – they do have higher spacing relative to 00:50:530 (3,4,5,6) -
  7. 01:21:048 (4,1) - Ow blanket. Xd – fixed

[ Idol]
  1. 00:10:013 (1,2,3) - Making this symmetrical in relation to 00:08:979 (2) - would look nicer. – The DS into (2) has to be bigger than the DS into (3) to reflect the singer, so I'll try a different aesthetic.
  2. 00:29:151 (1,2,3,4) - Isn't symmetrical. ;w; – I think it's fine
  3. 00:44:841 (2) - ^ – fixed, though I might change it back because this section is kind of weird, so being not symmetrical expresses that weirdness.
  4. 00:47:082 (1,2) - Nice stack. Xd – fixed
  5. 00:51:910 (3,4,5,6) - I think you should use spacing equivalent to this because it's the buildup section. Spacing like 00:53:289 (3,4,5) - doesn't really make much sense after 00:51:910 (3,4,5,6) - big spacing like this. 00:52:427 (6,1) - Also this flows really awkwardly because you force a slowdown in a section that is building UP. I recommend changing the flow here a bit since atm it plays extremely weird. – I would say the primary instument at 00:52:944 (2) – is the trumpets. I would say the trumpets are not as excited as the vocals were at 00:51:910 (3) - . They have to do their build up too before they can go crazy. Also, if I build up the trumpets linearly off the vocals, then I have a build up section so strong it rivals the chorus of the song, and that's not what a build up section should do. I like my pacing, I know it's different form current ranked maps, and it's that way because I think it's better this way.
  6. 00:57:772 (2,1) - This a bit overkill with spacing imo, might want to move 2 closer. – no
  7. 01:01:392 (3,4) - These also play really awkwardly because of slider slow down and because they emphasize weak sounds it feels inappropriate imo. Goes for pretty much all of these in the kiai time. – goes really well with the singer. That's kind of the intention of the kiai.
  8. 01:02:945 (4,1) – Stack. – fixed
  9. 01:13:634 (2) - Imo should be emphasized differently because atm it's part of a pattern that focuses on vocals but has no vocal sound on it. – it's emphasis in flow and spacing seem to make sense to me. I can see that point being valid in the aesthetics, but the aesthetics are good because (2) is with them, so I think it's fine.
  10. 01:17:944 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - This is such a massive flow break it just plays really harsh. If you ctrl+h this it would play infinitely better. – they both have their pros and cons, I kind of like it as is.

Nothing much else to say that isn't subjective. Good luck with this.~ – thanks for the mod!


Shiratoi wrote:

hello! return m4m

00:06:910 (2,2) - slider bodies overlap so it might be a little hard to read since the second slider is still visible when youre clicking the note – the overlap happens very briefly and there's a 5/2 gap into the second (2) slider, so I don't see this as being hugely problematic.
00:08:979 (2) - end this slider on the red tick then add a note on the downbeat? since its the more prominent sound. 00:09:668 - here is where the vocals end anyways – having a ½ rhythm here doesn't seem great if the slider doesn't end on a real beat, and the downbeat isn't all that strong to me atleast since it's not the vocals which is really the prominent part of this section.
00:10:186 (4,5,6) - if you do do that ^^ i would recommend changing these to either a 1/1 slider + note or a 1/1 slider repeating to not have such a high note density on a soft part
00:16:220 (5) - consider ending this slider on 00:16:392 - instead since it has a more noticeable sound than the red tick – this is a map that asks the player to listen to the melody. If the player listens to the melody, they can't really transition to that drum beat in a meaningful way, and instead would rather continue with the trumpet sound that the slider currently lands on.
00:27:772 - sound here really needs to be clickable imo. it will have a better transition to the next note as well as sounding better – current transition sets up following the vocals better imo
00:39:840 (3,4) - the slider body makes it have a weird flow so i would change it to something more circular. if you say its for emphasis, then why didnt you do the same thing here 00:41:220 (6,1) – because that 'gu' sound is very different from the 'ki' sound and it's on a new measure.
00:55:358 (1) - honestly, i would just end the slider here 00:56:392 - and add a note here 00:56:737 - and delete this 00:57:082 (2,3) - to have a better transition – A lot of people have been suggesting to change this up, and so far this is the best suggestion. Let me try out some things.
01:16:048 - doesnt this feel a little empty? maybe change the rhythm a bit since the 2 repeats sound kind of off for example could work? – rhythm seems find, just listen to the melody.
01:24:151 (3) - kind of nitpicking, but i think you can do a better slider than this.. – and ruin the heart shape?
01:26:048 - maybe add a note here for a finishing touch? then move the spinner a beat after ending on same place ofc – thanks for the feedback, that's actually why Easy and Normal are different here.

00:05:703 - personal preference, but i think you can make some nice slider art here :Dsuggestions?
00:09:841 - same issue as normal, ending the slider on the downbeat here makes it sound a little weird – going with the vocals
00:15:186 (1,2,3) - flow here feels a bit too linear imo try something more simple like : idea
00:31:220 (1,2) - isnt the spacing here kind of low? you had almost the same spacing here 00:11:048 (5,1) - and 00:30:186 (4,1) - and its 1/2 so people might misread it – fixed a little
00:42:944 - consider ctrl+g the rhythm here 00:42:772 (1,2) - to make the stronger beat clickable – going with the melody
01:07:944 (2,3) - spacing here shouldnt be as large. you should increase the spacing here instead 01:08:289 (4,5) - – going with the melody
01:10:358 (1) - consider changing this to a 1/1 slider to compliment the vocals more. if youre following the instruments, why end a slider on the downbeat? especially since you did it here 01:13:117 (1) - might as well do it for consistency (this applies to others as well i.e. 01:15:875 (1) - ) – it's not a 1/1 because there's a vocal on 01:10:703 (2) - . The other examples you show are consistent with the philosophy of expressing the melody
01:24:668 (2,3) - random flow break here :c you dont need the stacks imo if its just going to be harder to read – I think it's fine

00:03:461 (3,4) - why is spacing here larger than things like 00:03:806 (4,1) - etc? Dx should be the other way around imo – it's to emphasize the vocals
00:04:841 - the jumps here deserve to have the same spacing since the vocal sounds are the same instead of slowly decreasing -- tested it out some other ways. I thought this was the best result given the aesthetic. I could change the aesthetic, but I was pretty happy the way it was when I made it, so I'll get some more reactions to this
00:05:531 (6,1) - another thing about spacing for these jumps, i think these should be emphasized more since its a downbeat, so increase the spacing? -- ^
00:15:875 (3,4) - flow here is a little bit sudden. i was expecting it to go to 00:16:392 (5) - so maybe switch their positions – I think it's fine
00:42:772 - you were following the instruments but then this slider ending on a downbeat kind of ruins ittt so maybe ctrl+g this 00:42:599 (5,1) – the trumpet syncopates to this note, so the melody's downbeat is not the big white tick, but the red tick this slider starts on.
00:56:048 - i think you can be a little more creative here than pratically stacking them – the creative part is at 00:56:737 (1,2,3,4) – while the bland part of the music is bland.
00:59:841 (3,4) - little flowbreak here which i think you can fix. make it flow counter cw like youve been doing? – flow seems fine to me.
01:02:254 (1,4) - stack this to make it look cleaner? XD – offset make it more readable though, and I prefer being able to play the pattern rather than look at it.
01:15:875 (1) - i addressed this in hard but i think these should be 1/1 sliders to match the vocals like 01:14:669 (1,1) - – but the trumpet at 01:16:220 (2) – sound so nice
01:26:048 (2) - move this just a bit lower so it blankets the stream – the stream has long since faded and no aesthetic value will result from that change, though I'm open to any others.

i took a brief look at idol and i think it suffers most of its problem in which i stated in insane so i think you can apply it there
gl! – thanks for the mod!

- Since you're asking me to focus on the aesthetic, here we go
- And yeah. Your spacing, especially in the kiais are too much.
- 00:13:806 (1,3,1) - I personally not a big fan of this dead straight slider jump. It can be much more natural to play if you curve them.
- 00:19:323 (1,3) - This overlap looks unsightly to be honest. You can easily fix this if you curveboth of those slider. Not only that'll make it looks cleaner, it will also improve the flow too
- 00:33:117 (5,6,1) - Actually I'm not a big fan of stacking notes behind slider that's only separated by 1/1. Besides, because of the postition this notes located will make it hard to read & hard to read. How about move them up a little bit like so
- 00:35:013 (2) - Looks like an unnecessary overlap, people could possibly mistaken it with 1/4 pattern.
- imo 00:38:289 (4,5,6) - deserves bigger spacing than 00:38:117 (3,4) - , because if how loud & dominant the vocal is
- 00:40:185 (1,2) - Change this into 1/2 slider will suit better tbh, because the drum on 00:40:358 - isn't as loud as 00:39:668 - and 00:41:048 -
- And while you're at it, I don't think that stacking notes like 00:39:495 (3,4) - would provide much to the flow. For example, you can make it like this
- Oh, you can change this too if you want 00:40:874 (3,4) -
- 00:41:220 (5,2) - you can make them paralel to avoid overlaps
- 00:43:461 (4) - imo, it plays better if you place it on 333|191
- 00:45:358 (3) - change it into 2 circle will suite the vocal better imo. It also will give better emphasis toward the next slider. eg:
- 00:49:841 (1,2) - ctrl+g ing the second slider will give better impact imo. Probably arrange them like this
- 00:51:220 (1,2) - same thing ^
- 00:56:737 (1) - Don't disconnect this with the rest of the stream. It can throw player off and make them break here. NC alone is enough to differentiate the notes imo
- 01:01:737 (4) - idk why you place them higher from the previous slider. Because if you just mirror 01:01:392 (3) - it will make it have more natural jump and cleaner looks
- 01:02:082 (5,6,1) - overmap, you don't need this triplets. In fact, this is the only one you use triplet in this kind of rhythm. Just place a jump is enough to put emphasize.
- 01:12:772 (4) - I feel like this flow is way too forced. How about make it like this instead
- 01:18:289 - those sharp angles doesn't really give much to the playing experience, in fact it might as well make it worse because it has a high chance of making people stumbles here. If I were you, I'll put a smoother stream here. The change in cursor movement alone is enough to differentiate it
- It makes more sense if you NC at 01:25:013 - and 01:26:048 -. Because there's where the pattern & rhythm significantly change

- Most of the problem on Insane are similar to what I already mentioned on Idol diff like 00:40:185 (1,2) -, overlaps 00:47:082 (1,2) -, 00:49:841 (1,2) -, NC on 01:25:013 -, and few more. So I will not mention it again
- 00:05:703 (1) - ctrl+G
- 00:12:944 (2,3) - In lower diff, I don't find that mapping this red tick is very compelling. It'll be objectively better rhythmically to change it into 1/2 slider instead because there're no significant sound on the red tick.
- 00:18:461 (2,3) - same as above ^
- 00:26:737 (2,3) - This one is sort of okay because of the synth sound. But I personally would change this into 1/2 slider too
- 00:43:117 (2,3,4,5) - better make their spacing consistent
- 00:56:048 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - This looks like unintentional. If not, then stack them perfectly would be much preferable
- 00:58:806 (3) - place them lower, around 160|192 will give much more impact to the movement

Sins' Easy
- 00:01:392 (2,3) - you can break this slider to 3/2 + circle to cover more sound in the music
- 00:05:703 (2,3,4) - you can change this rhythm into something like this to make it more predictable for new player basically, keep them separated by 1/1 all the time
- 00:37:427 (3) - break this into slider+circle to cover the vocal as well
- 00:59:151 (2) - I think, it would be better if you map to the downbeat. It is more predictable, and you have the beat to based on. Sure it's probably not as interesting compared to what you did rn. But 1/1 is much more predicatble for newbies and that's basically an easy diff is made for
- Same thing ^ also applies to other similar places on kiai

I hope this helps a bit
Good Luck! :D

pinataman wrote:

I'm disappointed that you spent less than 10 min on this mod since I could use more help, but thanks for the mod.
well i didn't spend less than 10min, took me like 30min to mod your map.. but since I don't agree at all with the way you mapped extra and the way you design stuff/emphasis.. i won't lose my time explaning since it's my idea of mapping and knowing you, you won't fix what i'm saying since you like keeping your designs/spacing. everything i mentionned in my mod were stuff that bother me, since you didn't fix even half of them, why would I even bother to develop design and extra stuff?
anyways if you even care try and find me in game i'll explain you what bothers me in extra!
hi again
[Sins' Easy]
  1. 00:05:358 (1,2) - swap NC's around, the slider is the "measure reset" hence should be NC'd over circle 1
  2. 00:20:703 (2,1) - could you move slider 2 a little lower please, the overlap is not very pleasant to the eye ;(
  3. 00:37:427 (3) - 2/1 slider then circle? current long slider is rather underwhelming
  4. 00:42:944 (3,1) - same thing I mentioned before about overlaps
  5. 00:49:496 (3) - not sure if intentional but from this point to 00:54:841 (4) - you started using 1.00x DS instead of the usual 0.90x
  6. 00:55:358 (1) - would prefer a circle at where the spinner starts then the spinner starts on the large white tick. that way, the spinner would represent the vocals at this part
  7. 01:19:841 (3,1) - perhaps swap the NC's around here as there is a rather long pause before slider 3
  8. 00:08:289 (4,1) - swap NC's around here? You NC'd the 3rd vocal hold as shown at 01:17:254 (1) - so could do at the beginning here too
  1. Increase AR to 5? AR from Normal to Hard is a bit too large (4.5 -> 8)
  2. pretty cool
  1. 00:25:358 (2) - maybe a circle then 1/2 slider instead? diff is a "hard" so can use more difficulty rhythms
  2. 00:40:185 (1,2) - slider would work better imo (check explanation in insane)
  3. 00:43:289 (3) - two circles? would work better as a mini "build-up". would also make that trumpet clickable
  4. 00:49:496 (4,1) - would it be possible to add more spacing here? for consistency with 00:50:875 (4,1) - .
  5. 00:52:599 (1) - increase spacing a little bit maybe. the increase here is barely noticeable imo
  6. 01:04:323 (3,4,5) - did you ctrl+g this by accident?
  1. 00:05:359 (5,6) - perhaps you can ctrl+g these so the circle placements match the "tone" of the music. also adds spacing to 00:05:531 (6,1) - which is fitting imo
  2. 00:10:013 (1) - I feel as though this circle should be stacked where circle 7 is. that's because I think the space between 1 and 2 should be the same as the other circles spaces (2/3, 3/4, etc.)
  3. 00:32:427 (3) - perhaps you can move this slider so it is blanketing the slider tail of 00:31:565 (2) - . That way, there is spacing emphasis as well as you have done at 00:30:530 (1) - and 00:31:220 (1) -
  4. 00:37:427 (1,2) - would do something slightly different with slider 2 as previously, you would change the flow at a snare (e.g. 00:34:668 (1,2) - ) or increase distance (e.g. 00:33:289 (1,2) - ). The current non-break in flow or no change in distance makes these sliders lose the "pizzazz"
  5. 00:40:185 (1,2) - maybe a slider here instead as it lacks the drums seen at places like 00:39:668 (4) - , 00:41:047 (5) -
  6. 00:49:841 (1,2) - maybe space these sliders a bit more to match with the momentum of the music (build up). applies to 00:51:220 (1,2) - too
  7. 00:51:134 - perhaps add a circle here and rearrange pattern for the drum sound in music. could apply to 00:52:513 too
  8. 00:56:048 (2) - this isn't correctly stacked (check with stacking turned off)
  9. 01:04:668 (5,6) - maybe swap positions of these circles to match with tone of vocals
  10. 01:11:565 (6) - space this a bit more? imo doesn't really make sense to change from 1.40x DS to 1.20x DS here
  11. 01:14:324 (6,7) - would make this the same spacing as 01:13:980 (4,5) - as the intensity of the vocals doesn't change much
  12. 01:25:530 (1) - perhaps make this slider 1/2? as the trumpet is held that long too. could apply to the "idol" diff too
  1. 00:22:944 (2,3,4,5) - spacing too small compared to rest of the difficulty imo
  2. 00:40:185 (1,2) - same thing as explained in insane
  3. 00:51:134 - perhaps add a circle here and rearrange pattern for the drum sound in music. could apply to 00:52:513 too
  4. 00:51:565 (2,1) - misstack?

i tried ;c
hi nm from my queue
picked you cuz you did m4m last time and i was pleasantly surprised to see the iM@S song!

in general the SV is too fast for the song choice imo, and its made worse by the fact that many of the sliders have very simple and linear designs. forcing large movement on sliders = forcing large movement on circles to compensate = hard to create nice aesthetics. Obviously your insane diff is much prettier compared to this one. fast SV is ok on some maps but in this case i don't think it enhances gameplay either

00:03:461 (3,4) - this spacing is too much considering how small the rest of the combo is
00:12:944 (2,3,4,5,6) - i understand why you used such a difference in spacing but it does not look very nice aesthetically. try adding NC at 4, or alternatively you can change 2,3 into a slider instead
00:15:875 (3,4,5,6) - try using some 1/4 rhythms here as you can hear in the background instruments. more rhythm variety makes the map more interesting to play, and right now this map sorely needs something else other than 1/2 patterns lol. actually i noticed theres a lot of places where this can work with the small 1/4 sounds throughout the map. im not saying you have to put a stream everywhere, but try including some of them into your map, since this is the extra difficulty you should try to match the song more closely!
00:18:461 (2,3,4,5,6) - same thing as before
00:19:323 (1,3) - overlap looks kinda sloppy, maybe i think its better to not overlap with this pattern
00:22:082 (5,1) - switch nc for consistency or even just add nc for 00:22:082 - and have a combo of 1
00:34:668 (1,2) - not great for obvious reasons lol. maybe like this? (stacking on slider 5)
00:37:254 (6,1) - maybe try switching them around slider on the red then circle? to map the vocal
00:44:841 (2,3) - try to use the same spacing as the other stuff in this section for neatness
00:49:323 (3) - try moving it around here for better flow
00:55:358 (1) - should probably use some shorter sliders/notes combination instead, as the drum beat is still going on and this ends up skipping a lot of sounds and losing a lot of the intensity of this section
00:58:117 - 1.3x is really excessive
00:58:806 (3,1) - check blanket
01:05:358 (2,3,4) - flow is not great
01:17:082 (6,1) - spacing is too large imo for no good reason

and uh try to use more simple designs for your circle placement to make better aesthetics. for example, 01:13:634 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - i can see the patterns of the circle placement in the editor, but to anyone playing this it looks like a mess. maybe you can do it like this instead

that's all from me, good luck! c:
M4M from SM8 Queue

[ Easy]
  1. 00:05:358 (1,2) - would swap NCs to give the (2) the better emphasis that it deserves as its on a major downbeat
  2. 00:11:220 (1) - why a slightly curved slider, if u remove the white point it almost makes no difference but it does make it looka little more polished w
  3. 00:20:703 (2) - feel like this slider should end a little earlier, on 00:21:220 - as this is when the music really starts to change and thus imo deserves more emphasis
  4. 00:30:530 (1,2) - feeling like 4 circles could work here when using the right pattern. since all the white ticks here have some sort of strong sound, imo making it all clickable wouldn't be a bad thing to do here. it would also make the section more notable. it stands out in the music so why not let it stand out in the map as well?
  5. 00:37:427 (3) - slider feels a little off rythm-wise as you didnt use such a long slider before in sections that are equally intense. it wouldn't be bad to map more 1/1s here imo
  6. 00:43:634 (4) - feels a little off to me, as here you don't catch the vocals which you did do more heavily before. since the vocals start on 00:43:693 - , maybe it'd be better to [url= make a rythm like this[/url] so that the instruments and vocals are clearly seperated and thus the emphasis is conistent
  7. 00:55:186 (1) - the vocals here start cheering on the major downbeat, not on the red tick (im imagining that that you wanted to emphasise that with the spinner)
  8. 01:14:668 (1,2) - seems like a good blanket oppertunity w
  9. 01:19:841 (3) - slider ends on a major downbeat, try to avoid that perhaps as the major downbeat is usually worth emphasising more than the rest

[ Normal]
  1. 00:02:944 (1,2,3) - not sure whether negative flow here is a good thing to use. the music doesnt undergo major changes and neither do u start a new combo, so atm (3) feels a bit misemphasised because of this. would try to follow the circular flow of the slider yea
  2. 00:22:082 (1) - slider ends on a note that imo deserves to be emphasised more than the head. try to make the beat clickable as it starts the vocals of the section and having that not clickable but the rest actually clickable wouldnt be right emphasis-wise
  3. 00:41:220 (6,1) - could be polished a little more
  4. 00:51:220 (5) - think this is worth NCing since you had this low amount of NCs before so that'd keep the NCing a little more consistent
  5. 00:55:186 (7,1) - don't know whether a stack would be the best way to emphasise something like this. it's a major change in what the vocals are doing and imo a stack kills all the emphasis that it could've been given
  6. 01:01:392 (2,3,4) - could be a perfect 90 degree angle, would look more polished

[ Hard]
  1. 00:03:461 (2,3) - don't agree with the flow usage here. it's too much of a sharp angle to me for it to be in an easier section of the song. would try to make it more circular instead to avoid awkward movement for players since this is really unexpected. (also the ds is inconsistent if that matters)
  2. 00:14:496 (3) - slidershape imo doesnt fit the song here. you went from basic shapes all the time for similar sounds to a completely different kind of slidershape which makes it look inconsistent and out of place. would make it a normal straight slider myself.
  3. 00:28:461 (3,2) - stackpls
  4. 00:32:427 (3) - should be NCd cuz you did that in similar occations here for the same instrument
  5. 00:43:289 (3) - would work better as 2 circles instead since then you make all the beats of the instrument that you're following here clickable and thus equally emphasised
  6. 00:57:772 (2) - rip emphasis on most likely the strongest beat in the song. would make this notably the biggest spacing towards in the map as it stands out a lot on itself
  7. 01:04:151 (2,3) - this spacing feels a bit too much for it to fit within the rest of the map as it is a major jump while there isnt anything major happening in the song itself. would be really nice to see some sort of spacing decrease here.

[ Insane]
  1. 00:05:014 (3) - tho i get the hexagon pattern that you want to use, i think this note shouldnt be spaced this much. given its current spacing it should be the most notable beat in the section, which isnt true since allt he sounds in this combo are equally strong. perhaps try something else or try to fit it in differently into the hexagon so that the section is somewhat equal in emphasis (like swapping it with (6))
  2. 00:15:875 (3,4,5,6) - flow is p awkward here. the constant change in direction is really unexpected here as the song doesn't ask for constant change in emphasis. would try to do something more circular here or make it more linear so that the flow is more to be expected.
  3. 00:23:289 (4,2) - could be stacked
  4. 00:27:082 (4,5) - dont think this should be the same as 00:26:737 (2,3) - since there is the change in instruments playing here so doesnt make sense to make the sections equal when in the song they arent
  5. 00:30:875 (2,2) - could perhaps use an SV increase themselves as the beats are way stronger than sounds before so increasing the SV lets the player note that. i dont think a decrease fits as its not where the song is asking for intensity-wise.
  6. 00:47:082 (1,2) - inconsistent flow usage when compared to 00:44:323 (1,2) - and 00:45:703 (1,2) - which follow the same stuff.
  7. 00:54:496 (3,4,5,6) - given the rythm that you used before this (to emphasise the dominant instrument) this should be two 1/2 sliders. suddenly ignoring an entire instrument imo doesnt really fit well, even for a buildup
  8. 01:02:254 (1,2) - expected this to be a 1/1 slider since you used that on all the longerlasting vocals before (and even after)
  9. 01:08:461 (5,6) - no sv increase? ):

[ Idol]
  1. Not mentioning stuff as i dont wanna be just a repeat on what eeezzzeee wrote so u can do stuff with his mod for here ya

sorry for the short mod, but i left out most subjective things as i felt like it wouldn't help the map much as it is

good luck~
edit: some changes to wording and fixed link
Thank you for the mod on my easy!

Gaia wrote:

00:03:806 (2,3) - probably a good idea to move both these up more for better flow fixed
00:06:910 (3,4) - vocals arent very strong here, so i highly recommend u push both back half a beat so they end on downbeats. also avoids the gross 3/2 rhythm u had too 00:08:289 - is a much stronger note than 00:08:289 (3,4) - so I will not take this advice though I did change the rhythm to avoid the 3/2
00:13:289 (3) - try this the original rhythm and this both suck, I'll go with whatever the BN says
00:18:806 (3) - ^ change this to 1/2? Same idea as before
00:26:048 (2,3) - flow can be improved if u remove the curve on 3 I agree but instead of a straight slider I made an anchored one :)
00:58:117 (1,2) - Fixed, that was a much better rhythm :D

glhf Thank you again for the mod :D
Topic Starter

Yohanes wrote:


- Since you're asking me to focus on the aesthetic, here we go
- And yeah. Your spacing, especially in the kiais are too much.
- 00:13:806 (1,3,1) - I personally not a big fan of this dead straight slider jump. It can be much more natural to play if you curve them. – I like the effect the straight slider has here
- 00:19:323 (1,3) - This overlap looks unsightly to be honest. You can easily fix this if you curveboth of those slider. Not only that'll make it looks cleaner, it will also improve the flow too a pattern that works for this section (finally)
- 00:33:117 (5,6,1) - Actually I'm not a big fan of stacking notes behind slider that's only separated by 1/1. Besides, because of the postition this notes located will make it hard to read & hard to read. How about move them up a little bit like so idea
- 00:35:013 (2) - Looks like an unnecessary overlap, people could possibly mistaken it with 1/4 pattern.
- imo 00:38:289 (4,5,6) - deserves bigger spacing than 00:38:117 (3,4) - , because if how loud & dominant the vocal is – increased
- 00:40:185 (1,2) - Change this into 1/2 slider will suit better tbh, because the drum on 00:40:358 - isn't as loud as 00:39:668 - and 00:41:048 - – I like the effect this has as circles because the repetition matches the vocals.
- And while you're at it, I don't think that stacking notes like 00:39:495 (3,4) - would provide much to the flow. For example, you can make it like this^
- Oh, you can change this too if you want 00:40:874 (3,4) – I think it's fine
- 00:41:220 (5,2) - you can make them paralel to avoid overlaps I think it's fine as is
- 00:43:461 (4) - imo, it plays better if you place it on 333|191 – it's supposed to be emphasized like this
- 00:45:358 (3) - change it into 2 circle will suite the vocal better imo. It also will give better emphasis toward the next slider. eg:'d prefer to keep it a bit calmer
- 00:49:841 (1,2) - ctrl+g ing the second slider will give better impact imo. Probably arrange them like this really like straight sliders here. Being calm allows me to build up more later
- 00:51:220 (1,2) - same thing ^
- 00:56:737 (1) - Don't disconnect this with the rest of the stream. It can throw player off and make them break here. NC alone is enough to differentiate the notes imo – If a BN tells me this fine, but I like the effect this has and would like to keep it.
- 01:01:737 (4) - idk why you place them higher from the previous slider. Because if you just mirror 01:01:392 (3) - it will make it have more natural jump and cleaner looks – This looks clean too. I don't like in your face symmetry that much.
- 01:02:082 (5,6,1) - overmap, you don't need this triplets. In fact, this is the only one you use triplet in this kind of rhythm. Just place a jump is enough to put emphasize. – There is a drum beat here, and a triple allows me to transition from vocals to harmony easily
- 01:12:772 (4) - I feel like this flow is way too forced. How about make it like this instead's supposed to be forced. I think the vocals make it good for me to do that.
- 01:18:289 - those sharp angles doesn't really give much to the playing experience, in fact it might as well make it worse because it has a high chance of making people stumbles here. If I were you, I'll put a smoother stream here. The change in cursor movement alone is enough to differentiate it I think the stream is fine, I like how it plays
- It makes more sense if you NC at 01:25:013 - and 01:26:048 -. Because there's where the pattern & rhythm significantly change – good idea

- Most of the problem on Insane are similar to what I already mentioned on Idol diff like 00:40:185 (1,2) -, overlaps 00:47:082 (1,2) -, 00:49:841 (1,2) -, NC on 01:25:013 -, and few more. So I will not mention it again – applied as above
- 00:05:703 (1) - ctrl+G – I feel like that's too much, I might just remap the pattern later
- 00:12:944 (2,3) - In lower diff, I don't find that mapping this red tick is very compelling. It'll be objectively better rhythmically to change it into 1/2 slider instead because there're no significant sound on the red tick. – you're right, fixed
- 00:18:461 (2,3) - same as above ^
- 00:26:737 (2,3) - This one is sort of okay because of the synth sound. But I personally would change this into 1/2 slider too – the bells are nice here though, I like it as is
- 00:43:117 (2,3,4,5) - better make their spacing consistent – no, this part of the music is stronger
- 00:56:048 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - This looks like unintentional. If not, then stack them perfectly would be much preferable – turn stacking on
- 00:58:806 (3) - place them lower, around 160|192 will give much more impact to the movement – (3) is currently equidistant from (1)'s sliderend, and I like the flow as is, so I think it's fine

I hope this helps a bit
Good Luck! :Dthanks, and thanks for the mod!

Rizen wrote:

hi again
  1. Increase AR to 5? AR from Normal to Hard is a bit too large (4.5 -> 8) – 4.8
  2. pretty cool – Nice
  1. 00:25:358 (2) - maybe a circle then 1/2 slider instead? diff is a "hard" so can use more difficulty rhythms – even if it's a hard, it still needs breaks/pauses in the rhythm so the pacing doesn't feel so monotonous and ½ spammy. I think here is a good place to do that.
  2. 00:40:185 (1,2) - slider would work better imo (check explanation in insane) – I think it's fine
  3. 00:43:289 (3) - two circles? would work better as a mini "build-up". would also make that trumpet clickable – yes
  4. 00:49:496 (4,1) - would it be possible to add more spacing here? for consistency with 00:50:875 (4,1) - . – Not if I want my aesthetics to work. I also don't think 00:50:875 (4,1) – is too big of a jump because slider leniency, so it doesn't seem like a big issue to me.
  5. 00:52:599 (1) - increase spacing a little bit maybe. the increase here is barely noticeable imo – k
  6. 01:04:323 (3,4,5) - did you ctrl+g this by accident? – yeah I succ at mapping
  1. 00:05:359 (5,6) - perhaps you can ctrl+g these so the circle placements match the "tone" of the music. also adds spacing to 00:05:531 (6,1) - which is fitting imo -- I don't like jumping into (1) because that feels like too much emphasis. I like toning it down here, though I'm getting a fair amount of complaints, so maybe I'll remap this pattern.
  2. 00:10:013 (1) - I feel as though this circle should be stacked where circle 7 is. that's because I think the space between 1 and 2 should be the same as the other circles spaces (2/3, 3/4, etc.) – yeah I'm gonna remap this
  3. 00:32:427 (3) - perhaps you can move this slider so it is blanketing the slider tail of 00:31:565 (2) - . That way, there is spacing emphasis as well as you have done at 00:30:530 (1) - and 00:31:220 (1) - – very nice
  4. 00:37:427 (1,2) - would do something slightly different with slider 2 as previously, you would change the flow at a snare (e.g. 00:34:668 (1,2) - ) or increase distance (e.g. 00:33:289 (1,2) - ). The current non-break in flow or no change in distance makes these sliders lose the "pizzazz" – This was never intended to have too much pizzazz, and I think it's mostly fine.
  5. 00:40:185 (1,2) - maybe a slider here instead as it lacks the drums seen at places like 00:39:668 (4) - , 00:41:047 (5) - – the singer is really repetitive here. Making this a slider kind of betrays that repetitiveness. I like the effect this pattern has as a whole, so I'd like to keep it.
  6. 00:49:841 (1,2) - maybe space these sliders a bit more to match with the momentum of the music (build up). applies to 00:51:220 (1,2) – too – I really want to make these small so that the increase in intensity doesn't get too high.
  7. 00:51:134 - perhaps add a circle here and rearrange pattern for the drum sound in music. could apply to 00:52:513 too – Holy cow. How could such a prominent note go completely unheard by me and every other modder. I feel like not mapping this would make it inconsistent with parts in the chorus, but I hate de-emphasizing the melody and going with a really weak drum note, so I'm too lazy to do it now. If a BN won't bubble it without this change then yes.
  8. 00:56:048 (2) - this isn't correctly stacked (check with stacking turned off) – fixed
  9. 01:04:668 (5,6) - maybe swap positions of these circles to match with tone of vocals – I think both patterns work, so I'll leave it as is
  10. 01:11:565 (6) - space this a bit more? imo doesn't really make sense to change from 1.40x DS to 1.20x DS here – fixed
  11. 01:14:324 (6,7) - would make this the same spacing as 01:13:980 (4,5) - as the intensity of the vocals doesn't change much – I really like taking away intensity here. I think the vocals are getting softer/lower in pitch so it feels weaker to me.
  12. 01:25:530 (1) - perhaps make this slider 1/2? as the trumpet is held that long too. could apply to the "idol" diff too – the current slider ends on a drum tick, idk, I think it's fine
  1. 00:22:944 (2,3,4,5) - spacing too small compared to rest of the difficulty imo – this is intended to be a restful section
  2. 00:40:185 (1,2) - same thing as explained in insane – I think it's fine
  3. 00:51:134 - perhaps add a circle here and rearrange pattern for the drum sound in music. could apply to 00:52:513 too – same as insane
  4. 00:51:565 (2,1) – misstack? – I can't get the aesthetics to work in other places if I actually stack, and it doesn't look too bad as is.

i tried ;c – thanks for the mod!

eeezzzeee wrote:

hi nm from my queue
picked you cuz you did m4m last time and i was pleasantly surprised to see the iM@S song!

in general the SV is too fast for the song choice imo, and its made worse by the fact that many of the sliders have very simple and linear designs. forcing large movement on sliders = forcing large movement on circles to compensate = hard to create nice aesthetics. Obviously your insane diff is much prettier compared to this one. fast SV is ok on some maps but in this case i don't think it enhances gameplay either – Big SV, go fast, be super cool, more fun, yeah, yeah, yeah!
But what you said is actually kind of reasurring. I know my aesthetics aren't as pretty as what I see in ranked maps, but if that's the cost of what I think is a more engaging DS and SV, then I'm okay with that.

00:03:461 (3,4) - this spacing is too much considering how small the rest of the combo is – I'd like to emphasize that (4) note.
00:12:944 (2,3,4,5,6) - i understand why you used such a difference in spacing but it does not look very nice aesthetically. try adding NC at 4, or alternatively you can change 2,3 into a slider instead – I switched it up a bit, but I think it's mostly a structured pattern that looks fine to me.
00:15:875 (3,4,5,6) - try using some 1/4 rhythms here as you can hear in the background instruments. more rhythm variety makes the map more interesting to play, and right now this map sorely needs something else other than 1/2 patterns lol. actually i noticed theres a lot of places where this can work with the small 1/4 sounds throughout the map. im not saying you have to put a stream everywhere, but try including some of them into your map, since this is the extra difficulty you should try to match the song more closely! – the primary source of engagement in this difficulty is the intense melody. That's it. I don't care what the drum does, that's only filler. I don't care if people are following the drum, they aren't the ones I'm trying to make happy. If I go into ¼ here, I'm missing a lot of exciting melody notes, and that's not what I want to do.
00:18:461 (2,3,4,5,6) - same thing as before
00:19:323 (1,3) - overlap looks kinda sloppy, maybe i think its better to not overlap with this pattern – found a way to not overlap (finally)
00:22:082 (5,1) - switch nc for consistency or even just add nc for 00:22:082 - and have a combo of 1 – eh. It could work that way, but new vocals means NC to me.
00:34:668 (1,2) - not great for obvious reasons lol. maybe like this? (stacking on slider 5) – did something else
00:37:254 (6,1) - maybe try switching them around slider on the red then circle? to map the vocal – I can't really express vocals here. I have to acknowledge the harmony here, and if I do I don't think I can miss the downbeat, so a jump will have to do.
00:44:841 (2,3) - try to use the same spacing as the other stuff in this section for neatness – yes
00:49:323 (3) - try moving it around here for better flow -- I think the flow is fine as is
00:55:358 (1) - should probably use some shorter sliders/notes combination instead, as the drum beat is still going on and this ends up skipping a lot of sounds and losing a lot of the intensity of this section – no
00:58:117 - 1.3x is really excessive – good
00:58:806 (3,1) - check blanket – forcing large movement = hard to create aesthetics. Blanket here isn't that important anyway.
01:05:358 (2,3,4) - flow is not great – I think it's fine
01:17:082 (6,1) - spacing is too large imo for no good reason – nerfed a little bit, but that melody note is quite strong.

and uh try to use more simple designs for your circle placement to make better aesthetics. for example, 01:13:634 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - i can see the patterns of the circle placement in the editor, but to anyone playing this it looks like a mess. maybe you can do it like this instead think mine looks fine when playing, it's actually very similar to what you have suggested. It's hard to extrapolate your idea to other patterns, but I'll think about this more in the future.

that's all from me, good luck! C: – thanks for the mod!

HighTec wrote:

M4M from SM8 Queue

[ Normal]
  1. 00:02:944 (1,2,3) - not sure whether negative flow here is a good thing to use. the music doesnt undergo major changes and neither do u start a new combo, so atm (3) feels a bit misemphasised because of this. would try to follow the circular flow of the slider yea – really strong vocal on (3)
  2. 00:22:082 (1) - slider ends on a note that imo deserves to be emphasised more than the head. try to make the beat clickable as it starts the vocals of the section and having that not clickable but the rest actually clickable wouldnt be right emphasis-wise – I tried it. The ½ rhythm created as a result was pretty displeasing to me. I think both patterns work fine given each has their own faults, and I prefer it the way I had it.
  3. 00:41:220 (6,1) - could be polished a little morefixed
  4. 00:51:220 (5) - think this is worth NCing since you had this low amount of NCs before so that'd keep the NCing a little more consistent – I don't fully understand your view. My NC policy is to NC every other measure, which is consistently applied here.
  5. 00:55:186 (7,1) - don't know whether a stack would be the best way to emphasise something like this. it's a major change in what the vocals are doing and imo a stack kills all the emphasis that it could've been given – Stack is different from the rest of the map, so it's unique feel expresses this new section nicely imo.
  6. 01:01:392 (2,3,4) - could be a perfect 90 degree angle, would look more polished – fixed

[ Hard]
  1. 00:03:461 (2,3) - don't agree with the flow usage here. it's too much of a sharp angle to me for it to be in an easier section of the song. would try to make it more circular instead to avoid awkward movement for players since this is really unexpected. (also the ds is inconsistent if that matters) – I think (3) is a strong vocal and I'd like to emphasize it.
  2. 00:14:496 (3) - slidershape imo doesnt fit the song here. you went from basic shapes all the time for similar sounds to a completely different kind of slidershape which makes it look inconsistent and out of place. would make it a normal straight slider myself. – slider wave is a basic shape imo.
  3. 00:28:461 (3,2) – stackpls – fixed
  4. 00:32:427 (3) - should be NCd cuz you did that in similar occations here for the same instrument – the music is a bit different here. It's not as distinct from the others because of the continued vocals and trumpets, so I don't like a NC here.
  5. 00:43:289 (3) - would work better as 2 circles instead since then you make all the beats of the instrument that you're following here clickable and thus equally emphasised – very true fixed.
  6. 00:57:772 (2) - rip emphasis on most likely the strongest beat in the song. would make this notably the biggest spacing towards in the map as it stands out a lot on itself – I don't feel that this is the strongest beat, and I think it's spaced accordingly.
  7. 01:04:151 (2,3) - this spacing feels a bit too much for it to fit within the rest of the map as it is a major jump while there isnt anything major happening in the song itself. would be really nice to see some sort of spacing decrease here. – this was completely unintentional, fixed

[ Insane]
  1. 00:05:014 (3) - tho i get the hexagon pattern that you want to use, i think this note shouldnt be spaced this much. given its current spacing it should be the most notable beat in the section, which isnt true since allt he sounds in this combo are equally strong. perhaps try something else or try to fit it in differently into the hexagon so that the section is somewhat equal in emphasis (like swapping it with (6)) – yeah i'll find a different pattern.
  2. 00:15:875 (3,4,5,6) - flow is p awkward here. the constant change in direction is really unexpected here as the song doesn't ask for constant change in emphasis. would try to do something more circular here or make it more linear so that the flow is more to be expected. – the flow is constant in it's change, so it makes a lot of sense to me.
  3. 00:23:289 (4,2) - could be stacked – having an offset is fine for readability.
  4. 00:27:082 (4,5) - dont think this should be the same as 00:26:737 (2,3) - since there is the change in instruments playing here so doesnt make sense to make the sections equal when in the song they arent – this is a good argument and I will try looking at changing this up.
  5. 00:30:875 (2,2) - could perhaps use an SV increase themselves as the beats are way stronger than sounds before so increasing the SV lets the player note that. i dont think a decrease fits as its not where the song is asking for intensity-wise. – the intended audience are those who like the vocals. Vocals are stronger, so they get the stronger SV.
  6. 00:47:082 (1,2) - inconsistent flow usage when compared to 00:44:323 (1,2) - and 00:45:703 (1,2) - which follow the same stuff. – the lyrics go “shi – shi.” That repetition sounds different from the previous stuff and is enough of a difference to allow me to contrast these two sections with a different flow.
  7. 00:54:496 (3,4,5,6) - given the rythm that you used before this (to emphasise the dominant instrument) this should be two 1/2 sliders. suddenly ignoring an entire instrument imo doesnt really fit well, even for a buildup – These circles are on notes in the music, and making them sliders decreases the intensity of the map, thus removing emphasis from this pattern. I think it's fine as is.
  8. 01:02:254 (1,2) - expected this to be a 1/1 slider since you used that on all the longerlasting vocals before (and even after) – If I was going to put a 1/1 slider, it would be on the actual vocal starting at 01:02:082 (5,6,1) - . Since there are drums here, I thought I should do a triple, but maybe that wasn't the best. I've been chewed out for not emphasizing drum notes though, so if a BN says to change this then sure.
  9. 01:08:461 (5,6) - no sv increase? ): – I don't consider this a strong part of the song. Emphasis was on vocals, the crashes are to act as a rest and reset the player

[ Idol]
  1. Not mentioning stuff as i dont wanna be just a repeat on what eeezzzeee wrote so u can do stuff with his mod for here ya

sorry for the short mod, but i left out most subjective things as i felt like it wouldn't help the map much as it is – I'm fine with that, it was good mod. Thanks!

good luck~

Kami-senpai wrote:

Sin's Easy
00:02:944 (1,2,3) - This flow angle is most definitely too sharp for easy. To improve upon it, maybe you can do something like this:

this way there won't be such a drastic change in flow angle that your original pattern makes Fixed

00:05:358 (1) - NC off here and NC on 00:05:703 (2) - here because of downbeat Fixed

00:11:910 (2,3) - Blanket is off. Also flow angle again is too sharp. I know you want to blanket them, but the slider has circular flow that points downwards. If you suddenly turn the flow 90 degrees, it'll make the play quite awkward for beginner players Fixed

00:20:703 (2,1) - Avoid this overlap Fixed

00:28:117 (2,3) - You could probably move 3 down some more while keeping ds to preserve the flow from 2 more. I moved 3 down a bit to make the flow better, but because of space limitations I do not believe I made it ideal, if you still don't like it please let me know

00:29:151 (3,4) - Same idea here ^

00:36:048 (1,2) - Same idea here, but this is much bigger of an issue than the previous two. The angle is more than 90 degrees, but in the direction opposite of the flow of 00:36:048 (1) - . For a beginner player, this will most definitely cause flow issues, so I strongly urge you to reconsider this Fixed
00:37:427 (3,1) - Same here as the one above. A suggestion would be to do something like this:

The flow is more in line and you still get that change of direction. Fixed
00:42:944 (3,1) - Can fix the overlap Fixed

00:43:634 (4,1) - For many parts like this, where the music direction changes or a new stanza begins, you keep the flow extremely well...almost too well in fact. Serectly Flow from Progressive xd Since in easy, you can't rely on spacing to give emphasis, you can only use slider shape and relative flow. A change in flow indicates emphasis while continuous flow is less emphasized. For parts like these where the stanza changes and a new section starts, you should change flow for the first slider or circle only. For the rest of the measure or the musical statement, you should preserve flow Thank you for the tip! I really appreciate it and will definitely use it in the future! :D

00:46:737 (3,1) - For example, here you had the right idea for flow change, even if the flow angle is indeed a tad too sharp

00:47:082 (1,2) - For consistency with 00:44:323 (1,2) - , whose flow angle is extremely sharp, you should consider making changing one or the other to fit the pattern Vocals on 00:45:703 - are much louder than 00:47:082 so I made the flow different

01:25:186 (3) - there's a whistle hitsound on the sliderslider portion, remove if unintentional Fixed

good luck! Thank you :D
Thank you very much for this mod!

Ohwow wrote:

from my M4M

[Sin's Easy]
00:00:875 - the 3/2 pause between (1) and (2) might be too tricky for easy difficulties. There is really nothing else to map to, and while it is not ideal 3/2 rhythm is rankable for easies
00:06:392 - same^. It also feels kinda weird to play since 00:07:599 - is a 1/1 pause. I recommend to just stick to 1/1 and 2/1 beats, which feels more natural to play for beginners. I know you're trying to map to the trumpets, but they are played an irregular beat that might be a bit too confusing for beginners top I play. I agree I made a new rhythm for this section with only 1/1 gaps Consider changing/getting rid of 3/2 breaks throughout the whole map. There are portions in the map where mapping 3/2 rhythms is the only option
00:13:806 (1) - I feel like pushing this to the white tick is better for the rhythm, and if you do that, maybe you can add a note at 00:13:634 I am following the trumpets in this section, to suddenly switch to the harmony wouldn't make sense
Curious on why 00:13:806 (1) - is repeating, but 00:19:323 (1) - is not, even though they are the same in the song. Making these two the same would ignore the sound on 00:19:323 (1) - , I believe what I have is playable and also makes 00:19:323 (1) - a clickable object
00:42:944 (3,1) - overlap :( Fixed
00:22:599 (1,2) - make them symmetrical by copy+paste+rotate180. It doesn't look symmetrical right now. Fixed
00:22:599 (1,2,3) - Also, move (1) to x359 y205 so that 1, 2, and 3 are lined up on a consistent curve, like this (Going to have to fix some spacing as a result of this change): ... fedee6.jpgFixed
00:44:323 (1,2,1) - I see you're trying to make a triangular pattern here, but it doesn't make sense to include 00:47:082 (1) - in a pattern with 00:44:323 (1,2) . I'd imagine 00:44:323 (1,2) - be its own (symmetrical) pattern and 00:47:082 (1,2) - be its own as well. I understand and agree but right now I cannot find a better pattern so I'll keep it till I do
01:14:668 (1,2) - Doesn't look too good since the 2nd slider is too close to blanketing the 1st slider. Either blanket or make it so that it doesn't look like a really bad blanket. That would cause some flow issues I'll leave it as it is now until I can find a better way to place them
Overall, i get you're trying to map to the trumpet, but i feel like mapping to the white ticked beat is much better and more natural for beginners to play. 3/2 rhythm is rankable and again some parts of the song require it
gl Again, Thank you very much for this mod!

Mir wrote:

Hi M4M return. Thank you very much for this mod!

[ General]
  1. Your slider track and slider border isn't consistent throughout the difficulties? You caught us :P

[ Sin's Easy]
  1. 00:42:944 (3,1) - Overlap doesn't look too nice. Fixed
  2. 00:52:944 (2,3) - Blanket on the reverse could be improved. Fixed
  3. 01:00:186 (3,1) - Blanket could be improved. Fixed
  4. 01:00:875 (1,2,3) - Triangle could be improved. Fixed
  5. 01:06:048 (4,1) - Visual distance from these two notes is closer than 01:05:013 (3,4), maybe make the slider jut out a bit more to fix that. Fixed
  6. 01:14:668 (1,2) - This totally looks like it needs to be blanketed, and might look nicer if it were. This will cause some flow issues so right now I am working on a solution to make these two look nicer

Nothing much else to say that isn't subjective. Good luck with this.~ Once again, Thank you very much

Shiratoi wrote:

hello! return m4m

[sins' easy]
00:04:151 (3) - rhythm here sounds a little empty. try ending the slider here 00:04:841 - to follow the vocals that youve been doing 00:04:151 (3) - 00:05:013 - is a strong sound that wouldn't be represented if I ended the slider there
00:09:841 (1) - same thing here, you just put a slider here making it a little empty i suggest doing something like Fixed
00:13:806 (1) - i suggest doing the rhythm you did here 00:20:703 (2,3) - or add 2 1/1 notes here 00:14:841 - so the notes wont feel so empty making the same rhythm as that would not make 00:16:737 - clickable which is a strong sound. I think I'll keep what I have because it's playable and also makes 00:16:737 - clickable
00:23:289 (2) - rhythm here is a bit weird since youre ending the slider on the downbeat. try starting the slider here not ending for emphasis I'm expressing the vocals in this bit and 00:23:289 - is stronger
00:37:427 (3) - make this slider the same length as 00:36:048 (1) - , then just add a note afterwards to compliment the sound more? Fixed
00:40:186 (3,4) - this might be a little difficult to read since it breaks consistency with 00:39:151 (2) - so i would ctrl+g the slider and fix everything afterwards Fixed
00:42:944 (3,1) - nitpicking, but try not to make the sliders touch Fixed
00:55:186 (1) - spinner sound actually starts here 00:55:358 - imo. if you change, remember to end at same place The combo before the spinner is representing the trumpets so the spinner might as well. I would add a circle but then the distance between it and the spinner would be too small for an easy
01:07:772 (3) - i dont really like the rhythm here since i know you can do something better than ending the slider on such a prominent beat. you can make this slider a 1/1 slider then add a note afterwards Fixed
01:14:668 (1,2) - would look much better if it was a blanket Working on it
01:19:841 (3,1) - ctrl+g the rhythm here to make the downbeat clickable? sounds a lot better imo Fixed

Yohanes wrote:

Hello! Hello and thank you!

Sins' Easy
- 00:01:392 (2,3) - you can break this slider to 3/2 + circle to cover more sound in the music Fixed
- 00:05:703 (2,3,4) - you can change this rhythm into something like this to make it more predictable for new player basically, keep them separated by 1/1 all the time Made something just as good
- 00:37:427 (3) - break this into slider+circle to cover the vocal as well Fixed
- 00:59:151 (2) - I think, it would be better if you map to the downbeat. It is more predictable, and you have the beat to based on. Sure it's probably not as interesting compared to what you did rn. But 1/1 is much more predicatble for newbies and that's basically an easy diff is made for I agree and used a rhythm that works for me
- Same thing ^ also applies to other similar places on kiai ? ? Did you reread this

I hope this helps a bit It did thank you again
Good Luck! :D

Rizen wrote:

hi again Thank you for the mod!
[Sins' Easy]
  1. 00:05:358 (1,2) - swap NC's around, the slider is the "measure reset" hence should be NC'd over circle 1 Fixed
  2. 00:20:703 (2,1) - could you move slider 2 a little lower please, the overlap is not very pleasant to the eye ;( Fixed
  3. 00:37:427 (3) - 2/1 slider then circle? current long slider is rather underwhelming Fixed
  4. 00:42:944 (3,1) - same thing I mentioned before about overlaps Fixed
  5. 00:49:496 (3) - not sure if intentional but from this point to 00:54:841 (4) - you started using 1.00x DS instead of the usual 0.90x It's intentional
  6. 00:55:358 (1) - would prefer a circle at where the spinner starts then the spinner starts on the large white tick. that way, the spinner would represent the vocals at this part the distance between the circle and that would be too small for an easy
  7. 01:19:841 (3,1) - perhaps swap the NC's around here as there is a rather long pause before slider 3 Fixed
  8. 00:08:289 (4,1) - swap NC's around here? You NC'd the 3rd vocal hold as shown at 01:17:254 (1) - so could do at the beginning here too Fixed

i tried ;c So did I ;c

HighTec wrote:

M4M from SM8 Queue Thank you for the mod

[ Easy]
  1. 00:05:358 (1,2) - would swap NCs to give the (2) the better emphasis that it deserves as its on a major downbeat Fixed
  2. 00:11:220 (1) - why a slightly curved slider, if u remove the white point it almost makes no difference but it does make it looka little more polished w Fixed
  3. 00:20:703 (2) - feel like this slider should end a little earlier, on 00:21:220 - as this is when the music really starts to change and thus imo deserves more emphasis 00:21:392 - is an important sound and would not be represented if I moved the slider to 00:21:220 :(
  4. 00:30:530 (1,2) - feeling like 4 circles could work here when using the right pattern. since all the white ticks here have some sort of strong sound, imo making it all clickable wouldn't be a bad thing to do here. it would also make the section more notable. it stands out in the music so why not let it stand out in the map as well? The patterns I made did stand out, up until then I used mostly curved sliders, not only that but the flow between the notes is a lot sharper, also your suggestion would be way to intense for this section of the music
  5. 00:37:427 (3) - slider feels a little off rythm-wise as you didnt use such a long slider before in sections that are equally intense. it wouldn't be bad to map more 1/1s here imo Fixed
  6. 00:43:634 (4) - feels a little off to me, as here you don't catch the vocals which you did do more heavily before. since the vocals start on 00:43:693 - , maybe it'd be better to [url= make a rythm like this[/url] so that the instruments and vocals are clearly seperated and thus the emphasis is conistent I agree but I think that the trumpet on 00:43:634 - is an important sound and helps the transition to the heavy vocals on 00:44:323 -
  7. 00:55:186 (1) - the vocals here start cheering on the major downbeat, not on the red tick (im imagining that that you wanted to emphasise that with the spinner) The combo before the spinner is representing the trumpets so the spinner might as well. I would add a circle but then the distance between it and the spinner would be too small for an easy
  8. 01:14:668 (1,2) - seems like a good blanket oppertunity w That would cause some flow issues so right now I am working on a solution to make these two look nicer
  9. 01:19:841 (3) - slider ends on a major downbeat, try to avoid that perhaps as the major downbeat is usually worth emphasising more than the rest Fixed

good luck~ Thank you again for the mod (I'm legit so tired right now came back from exams to a weekend of responding to mods, end my suffering ;-;)
edit: some changes to wording and fixed link
Fushimi Rio
from someone's m4m

00:08:289 (3) - start at 00:08:979 - feels better to me. try change this to a circle+slider?
00:26:737 - better not to skip this sound, I guess
01:00:186 (3,1) - blanket could be better


00:10:013 (1,2) - 3 circles or a reverse slider feels better, since 00:10:358 - is as strong as two former sounds
00:20:531 (4,1) - flow is a little forced to me...
00:04:841 (2,3) - 00:05:186 (4,5) - ctrl+g
01:15:875 (1,2) - using the same rhythm as 01:14:669 (1,2) - could be better
01:25:617 - remove the drum sample

I think cs4.5 fits the map better. some flow is a bit awkward under high cs
00:16:565 (6) - move to somewhere more downward feels better
00:34:668 (1,2) - looks too close
00:48:979 (2,4) - ^
00:38:634 (6) - move to 4's right-downward?
00:53:634 (5) - ctrl+g
01:15:875 (1) - ^
01:25:617 - same to insane
Topic Starter

imoutosan wrote:

from someone's m4m

fine – nice

00:10:013 (1,2) - 3 circles or a reverse slider feels better, since 00:10:358 - is as strong as two former sounds – I don't feel the same way that 00:10:358 – is all that strong, current rhythm plays fine to me.
00:20:531 (4,1) - flow is a little forced to me... – blanket would look kind of bad then. I think the answer is to remap this pattern to both get a nicer flow and keep a good aesthetic, but I'm lazy enough and don't think the flow is bad enough that I should change

00:04:841 (2,3) - 00:05:186 (4,5) – ctrl+g – I think it's a mistake for me not to change this since a lot of people complained about this pattern, I'll try thinking of what I could do to address these concerns.
01:15:875 (1,2) - using the same rhythm as 01:14:669 (1,2) - could be better – the rhythms aren't the same in the music though, there are new trumpets here that would be better expressed with a higher note denisty.
01:25:617 - remove the drum sample – There is a drum sound in the music here, so I would need a better explanation of what the issue is with this hitsound.

I think cs4.5 fits the map better. some flow is a bit awkward under high cs – I think it's fine
00:16:565 (6) - move to somewhere more downward feels better – I moved it a little, but probably not nearly where you want it
00:34:668 (1,2) - looks too close – fixed
00:48:979 (2,4) - ^ – fixed
00:38:634 (6) - move to 4's right-downward? – yikes, that is a lot of emphasis on (6), and I think the following (1) note is way stronger. We really have different perspectives on this.
00:53:634 (5) – ctrl+g – I can kind of agree that it should be spaced more, but the aesthetics would look kind of look bad if I did so I think it's okay as it is.
01:15:875 (1) - ^ – [/color]
01:25:617 - same to insane
thanks for the mod!
hi from my queue

  1. Please add "opening" to Tags since it's opening song. Then, i prefer to add character and singer name to Tags like ranked maps. It's good for searching.
[Sins' Easy]
  1. How about setiing combo colors?
  2. 00:05:703 (1) - add a whistle to the slider tail ? you added it around here 00:00:186 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) -
  3. 00:45:703 (1) - The new combo is not necesary from here because the number is too short.
  4. 00:48:461 (1) - ^
  5. 00:49:841 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Why did you use x1.00 distance only here ? I think you have to use x0.9 distance same as other part
  1. 00:01:392 (3,4) - You didn't take the vocal 00:00:530 - at here 00:00:186 (1) - so i prefer to use one slider on here 00:01:392 (3,4) -
  2. 01:05:530 - I feel kinda empty on here because you took the vocal sound at here 01:01:392 (2) -
  1. 00:03:806 (3) - hmm, you made jumps by this slider on here at first part 00:00:186 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - . try to use about x1.50 distance like your pattern, It would be better for playing
  2. 00:27:427 (5,2) - Please move this slider 00:28:117 (2) - for reading the number (2).
  3. 00:57:772 (2) - How about making jump on here ? It's strong sound~ would fit the music!
  4. 01:02:772 (3) - add a whistle to here? I like your pattern of whistle at here 00:58:634 (2,3) -
  1. 00:02:944 (1,2) - try to use 1/1 slider like your pattern at here 00:01:392 (1) - ? It would fit the vocal
  2. 00:05:359 (5,6) - These notes looks bad to me, How about this ?
  3. 00:49:841 (1) - move this slider down for making the spacing equal at here 00:49:841 (1,2,3) -
That's all ~ highest diff is cool! Good luck :3
Topic Starter

alacat wrote:

hi from my queue

  1. Please add "opening" to Tags since it's opening song. Then, i prefer to add character and singer name to Tags like ranked maps. It's good for searching. -- thanks for that, I thought my tags were too short
  1. 00:01:392 (3,4) - You didn't take the vocal 00:00:530 - at here 00:00:186 (1) - so i prefer to use one slider on here 00:01:392 (3,4) - -- There's no vocal at 00:00:530 -, but I tried it, and it does feel better. However, I feel like I would have to make places like 00:00:186 (1,2) - and 00:02:944 (1,2) - into one slider to be consistent, and that doesn't feel like a Normal, so no change.
  2. 01:05:530 - I feel kinda empty on here because you took the vocal sound at here 01:01:392 (2) - -- this was a tricky rhythm to map. The trumpet at 01:05:703 (5) - is really strong, so I feel like it has to be a circle, and I tried putting a circle on this place you mentioned but then two circles feels too intense. I can see my rhythm being wrong overall, but I can't find something else that is right.
  1. 00:03:806 (3) - hmm, you made jumps by this slider on here at first part 00:00:186 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - . try to use about x1.50 distance like your pattern, It would be better for playing -- I want that note to feel stronger because the lyrics feel emphasized, but I did change it so the jump isn't too big
  2. 00:27:427 (5,2) - Please move this slider 00:28:117 (2) - for reading the number (2). -- fixed
  3. 00:57:772 (2) - How about making jump on here ? It's strong sound~ would fit the music! -- Increased the spacing a bit, but probably not as much as you would want
  4. 01:02:772 (3) - add a whistle to here? I like your pattern of whistle at here 00:58:634 (2,3) - -- I like it, added to the other diffs
  1. 00:02:944 (1,2) - try to use 1/1 slider like your pattern at here 00:01:392 (1) - ? It would fit the vocal -- yes
  2. 00:05:359 (5,6) - These notes looks bad to me, How about this ? -- that's a nice pattern, but it's too intense to fit in the map. I remapped this pattern to make it better
  3. 00:49:841 (1) - move this slider down for making the spacing equal at here 00:49:841 (1,2,3) - -- this is different to provide a calmer feeling, and I don't think it looks bad, so I'd like to keep it as is
That's all ~ highest diff is cool! Good luck :3 -- thanks for the mod!

alacat wrote:

hi from my queue Thank you very much for the mod!

[Sins' Easy]
  1. How about setiing combo colors? Fixed
  2. 00:05:703 (1) - add a whistle to the slider tail ? you added it around here 00:00:186 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - Fixed
  3. 00:45:703 (1) - The new combo is not necesary from here because the number is too short. Fixed
  4. 00:48:461 (1) - ^ Fixed
  5. 00:49:841 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Why did you use x1.00 distance only here ? I think you have to use x0.9 distance same as other part Fixed

That's all ~ highest diff is cool! Good luck :3 Thank you again for the mod!

imoutosan wrote:

from someone's m4m Thank you very much for the mod!

00:08:289 (3) - start at 00:08:979 - feels better to me. try change this to a circle+slider? Fixed
00:26:737 - better not to skip this sound, I guess Fixed
01:00:186 (3,1) - blanket could be better Fixed
placeholder, btw the guy above me told me to don't mod this hahaha


  1. 00:04:841 (2,6) - Stack them properly
  2. 00:10:186 (2,6) - same
  3. 00:16:392 (5,6) - 5 should be a bigger jump than 6
  4. 00:26:737 (2,5) - again stack
  5. 00:38:634 (6,1) - this jump feels really big compared to the rest, since there isn't something important at 1
  6. 00:49:841 (1,2,3) - this plays really weird the linear pattern feels super out of place, I'm sure you can do something better here.
  7. 00:51:220 (1,2) - same as above
  8. 01:02:254 (1,2,3) - the jump should be at 2 not at 3
  9. 01:05:358 (2,3,4) - the angle is really uncomfortable to play
  10. 01:08:461 (5,6) - the spacing is too short, both beats are really heavy
  11. 01:23:289 (2,4) - stack
  12. a jumpy map would feels better with higher circle size

  1. 00:10:013 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - stack properly pls, they don't affect the readability at all
  2. 01:08:461 (5,6) - both beats are really strong the spacing is too short
  3. good map

  1. 01:08:203 - the pattern is super overlaped, clean it up
  2. 01:22:772 (1,2,3) - great!
the top diff need some clean up, othe than that the map is good, maybe alacat will bubble it? if alacasito bubble I can check it after him.

Natsu wrote:

placeholder, btw the guy above me told me to don't mod this hahaha
Natsu whyyy ;_;
Topic Starter

Natsu wrote:

placeholder, btw the guy above me told me to don't mod this hahaha -- gotta love sins


  1. 00:04:841 (2,6) - Stack them properly -- Wanted to reject this at first on account of readability, but after further examination, there probably is enough time between them that it's not that big an issue isn't it? fixed all these
  2. 00:10:186 (2,6) - same
  3. 00:16:392 (5,6) - 5 should be a bigger jump than 6 -- I'm not trying to go with that clap sound, but i see your point and made them equal
  4. 00:26:737 (2,5) - again stack -- (Edit:) Here though, I think it does affect readability, so not stacking perfectly
  5. 00:38:634 (6,1) - this jump feels really big compared to the rest, since there isn't something important at 1 -- Did a slight nerf to the spacing, but the intention is still to emphasize it because it's a downbeat with a drum and strong vocal.
  6. 00:49:841 (1,2,3) - this plays really weird the linear pattern feels super out of place, I'm sure you can do something better here. -- It's intentional for this pattern to feel restful. I want to start this section off calmly so that I can build off of it into something stronger. I think it's fine, but I did try to add a bit of a curve feel to it to not look so bland, let me know if that's better
  7. 00:51:220 (1,2) - same as above
  8. 01:02:254 (1,2,3) - the jump should be at 2 not at 3 -- Nerfed slightly, but the snare/clap is not the focus of the map. So much of what I'm trying to do is based off the vocals here, and the note at (3) is strong. I was thinking maybe I could stack (3) under 01:02:168 (6) - but ended up liking what I had better.
  9. 01:05:358 (2,3,4) - the angle is really uncomfortable to play -- It's a pretty similar flow to 01:04:496 (4,5,6) - and other comfortable back and forth patterns, so I'm not exactly sure what you dislike about the pattern. A brief description of how you feel would help, but I have an idea that might make this more likable, let me know what you think.
  10. 01:08:461 (5,6) - the spacing is too short, both beats are really heavy -- Buffed slightly, but again, the focus of the map is on the vocals. I really feel like these cymbals act like a moment of rest for the strong vocal notes and want the cymbals to not be so big of jumps
  11. 01:23:289 (2,4) - stack
  12. a jumpy map would feels better with higher circle size -- To a certain audience that's true. To others it's not. I think enough people will be happy with these smaller circles.


  1. 00:10:013 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - stack properly pls, they don't affect the readability at all -- Kept the (5,7) stack since that does affect readability, but changed the other (Edit) No change
  2. 01:08:461 (5,6) - both beats are really strong the spacing is too short -- similar kind of thing from top diff. The intention is to keep this calm, but I did buff it a bit
  3. good map -- glad you liked it!

  1. 01:08:203 - the pattern is super overlaped, clean it up -- fixed
  2. 01:22:772 (1,2,3) - great! -- thanks Jojo!
the top diff need some clean up, othe than that the map is good, maybe alacat will bubble it? if alacasito bubble I can check it after him. -- I'm not good enough to spot issues that need to be cleaned up, so I'll try to get another pair of eyes on this. Will ask alacat if he's available. Thanks so much for the mod and star!

Edit: I recently played the top diff of this mapset and was upset by the stacking at 01:40:670 (1,4) - . I realized that even if the circles are 3/2 beat away, it's still possible for some players to misread due to stacking. Offsetting the stack slightly would give the player more of a chance to see the next object, and I think the loss in aesthetics is very minimal. So in order to decide whether I should stack perfectly or offset it a bit, I should compare the play experience to those who misread the pattern versus those who appreciate the nicer stack and could still play it. I don't have any data on what players prefer, but I have to imagine that creating a negative play experience upsets those players more than a messy stack would to the others, so I'd like to keep some of the offset stacks.
sorry for late

any reason on using small circle size like this? its look like a very common cs4 map only

  1. 00:05:186 (4,5,6) - flow feel broken here
  2. 00:08:979 (2) - some slider art like 00:05:703 (1) - 00:06:910 (1) - ?
  3. 00:10:013 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - this jump can be better, the angle on 00:10:530 (4,5,6,7) - pretty bad
  4. 00:30:530 (1,2,1,2) - can use higher slider velocity imo, its not prominent enough now
  5. 00:56:737 (1,2,3,4) - bigger jump? its feel too conservative
  1. 00:10:013 (1,2) - how about make into one reverse slider, can be better on catching vocal
  2. 00:30:530 (1,2,1,2) - imo it a bit difficult to distinguish the rhythm here
  3. 01:18:720 - its always feel missing something here
  1. 01:15:530 (2,3,4) - imo this rhythm would be more nature here
good luck!
random mod because when i see idols i want to mod lol just a quick look


  1. 00:42:599 (2) - maybe make this one to 375|295 for more linear flow which would be better for beginner?
  2. 00:58:806 (2) - do 2 1/1 instead to have more priority on the vocals?
  3. 01:07:772 (3) - would do only a 1/1 instead a 2/1 because the current one has a strong instrumental at the slider end but with the circle after the slider you priority the instrumentals something like this
  4. 01:17:254 (1) - you are following mostly the vocals but here you are ignoring them.

just minor things

  1. AR5 is better it's not high bpm stuff so it should be okay for beginners
  2. 00:41:220 (6,3,4) - Overlap
  3. 00:52:600 (1,2) - Blanket
  4. 01:05:013 (4,5) - ^
  5. 00:55:358 (1,2) - the slider (1) is for following vocals but ignores a pretty strong instrument
  6. 01:12:427 (2,5) - try to stack or fix the overlap in a other way


My Angel Kanan wrote:

random mod because when i see idols i want to mod lol just a quick look Hi thanks for the mod on my easy ^^


  1. 00:42:599 (2) - maybe make this one to 375|295 for more linear flow which would be better for beginner? The flow here helps emphasize the vocal on 00:42:599 - without being too overwhelming and I don't really see it as a problem. I think I'll keep what I have
  2. 00:58:806 (2) - do 2 1/1 instead to have more priority on the vocals? That means a slider head being on 00:59:496 - which isn't even a vocal? I'll keep what I have as it represents all the vocals
  3. 01:07:772 (3) - would do only a 1/1 instead a 2/1 because the current one has a strong instrumental at the slider end but with the circle after the slider you priority the instrumentals something like this Sure :D
  4. 01:17:254 (1) - you are following mostly the vocals but here you are ignoring them...What? lol the slider on the time stamp you linked doesn't ignore any vocals :p

gl Thanks again :D
Topic Starter

Rizia wrote:

sorry for late – sorry for late response

any reason on using small circle size like this? its look like a very common cs4 map only – I played it on CS 4 and it was too easy. I felt like I didn't have enough room to do jumps unless I wanted to do full screen jumps. Then I remembered how Irreversible gave himself room to do hard jumps by making the CS small on maps like and it really works. I like the small CS and I know there is an audience that agrees.

  1. 00:05:186 (4,5,6) - flow feel broken here – you mean spacing? Yeah, you're right, I kind of go overboard with how much rest I add to this. It's just that the aesthetics are so demanding on this pattern. Found something else that feels more normal.
  2. 00:08:979 (2) - some slider art like 00:05:703 (1) - 00:06:910 (1) - ? – I think of 00:08:289 (1,2) – as a collective unit, and collectively these notes are different from the other ones. Even the (2) note is on a different pitch, so I don't want to associate those notes.
  3. 00:10:013 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - this jump can be better, the angle on 00:10:530 (4,5,6,7) - pretty bad – what don't you like about it? Made it more pentagonal, but if that's not what you were hinting at then please explain in more detail.
  4. 00:30:530 (1,2,1,2) - can use higher slider velocity imo, its not prominent enough now – Yeah, used 1.20x SV and it feels good. Wish I had thought of that before I mapped the chorus because only 1.10x SV on the kiai will feel a bit underwhelming, but I'm too lazy to remap it under a different SV
  5. 00:56:737 (1,2,3,4) - bigger jump? its feel too conservative – The general feel of this pattern is intentional, and I'd like to explain why. I think the expert of this map is terrible. I really dislike playing it. Don't get me wrong, 99% of what Bearizm does is amazing, and his technique is superb. However, the chorus is just wrong. The most high-energy part of the song is the beginning of the kiai, and yet they are mapped so weakly with two long reverse sliders. Compared to the intense drum jumps before it, the map feels nothing like the song since there is no energy on the chorus, and it's so terrible of a play experience that the rest of the map doesn't make up for this. I will never do anything like this in any of my maps. If Bearizm is allowed to have such a drastic error in pacing in making the drums feel stronger than the kiai, then I ought to be able to make less of an error in making the drums feel weaker than the kiai. I feel Bearizm's pacing is similar to a fair amount of other ranked maps, and if having that kind of pacing is "right," then I hope to stay wrong.
    However, I'm not a complete twat. I see what you mean and tested a scaled up version of what I had and I think it adds a little. The real issue that I see though is that kiai needed to be 1.20x SV to raise its intensity a little bit because that's the part I feel is too conservative, and by raising the intensity there, the increased intensity of the drums here would make more sense. It's hard, though, to make a good pacing curve when I'm not the target audience because I think all these jumps are easy, so it's hard to tell when I go overboard and when I am underwhelming.
  1. 00:10:013 (1,2) - how about make into one reverse slider, can be better on catching vocal – yes, this works so well.
  2. 00:30:530 (1,2,1,2) - imo it a bit difficult to distinguish the rhythm here – what do you mean by this? Rhythm seems very obvious to me. Would need more details on how you feel before I can admit there's a problem here.
  3. 01:18:720 - its always feel missing something here – Tested it with a note here as a triple and it felt terrible. This difficulty can't accept rhythms denser than a triple without feeling overdone. I like it more the way it is.
  1. 01:15:530 (2,3,4) - imo this rhythm would be more nature here – This rhythm can feel natural, but it doesn't fit well with what the other rhythms in this map are trying to do. The two reverse sliders go with the melody notes well, so I'd like to keep them
good luck! – thanks for the mod!

My Angel Kanan wrote:

random mod because when i see idols i want to mod lol just a quick look


just minor things

  1. AR5 is better it's not high bpm stuff so it should be okay for beginners – I like AR 4.8, I don't feel the higher AR is necessary
  2. 00:41:220 (6,3,4) – Overlap – in game play, these objects have faded enough that it's not really an issue
  3. 00:52:600 (1,2) – Blanket – sure
  4. 01:05:013 (4,5) - ^ – it's fine
  5. 00:55:358 (1,2) - the slider (1) is for following vocals but ignores a pretty strong instrument – Yeah, I thought ending the slider early would be weird, but after testing it out, putting a circle on the downbeat works better.
  6. 01:12:427 (2,5) - try to stack or fix the overlap in a other way – in game play, these objects have faded enough that it's not really an issue

gl – thanks for the mod!
Nao Tomori
from queue


00:12:944 (2,3) - make this a slider cuz 00:13:117 (3) - has nthing on it so its kinda lame to hav a click there
00:18:461 (2,3) -

tbh i rly dont like how u put drum hits in the same patterns / same spacing as the trumpet melody, it takes the focus off of what youre actually clicking on lol


00:26:910 (3,4) - slider plz

00:35:358 (3,4) - slilder plz

00:37:254 (6,1) - u put a giant jump for the vocal but then u dont put a slider on the vocal as well lol just ctrl g this

00:52:082 - slider plz

00:53:979 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - ok u need to actually follow the trumpet melody here plz, a bunch of random 1/2 jumps is just totally not representing the song


iori is cute in this bg

00:26:910 (3,4) - slider plz

00:37:082 (5,6,1) - the vocals change here but u completely ignore that cuz the pattern or rhythm dont change at all, u shd distinguish it somehow

00:38:289 (4,5,6) - these r the vocals but u put it in a pattern with a random drum sound at 00:38:117 (3) - so that kinda fucks up the patterning

00:54:323 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - plz

01:25:013 (1,2,3,1) - this is cancer to play


00:01:392 (1,2,3) - random nazi visual spacing mod

00:25:530 - uh hello vocal
00:25:358 (2,3) - ctrl g

00:36:910 (4,5,1) - u shd put the 1/1 slider on the red tick at 00:37:254 - for the extended vocal!!


00:59:323 (4,5) - make this 1/1 slider 1/2 slider plz

lmk wen u respond x d
Topic Starter
Hey, sorry for the very long and somewhat late response. This mod made me really think, and I very much enjoyed it.

Naotoshi wrote:

from queue


00:12:944 (2,3) - make this a slider cuz 00:13:117 (3) - has nthing on it so its kinda lame to hav a click there
00:18:461 (2,3) - – Yes

tbh i rly dont like how u put drum hits in the same patterns / same spacing as the trumpet melody, it takes the focus off of what youre actually clicking on lol – I wish I heard this 3 years ago when making Cartoon Heroes. I felt like I was getting shit on from mods for following vocals and not following percussions on the downbeats/claps etc. This led me down a different school of thought, and now I can't prioritize small melody notes over strong drums as much. I try to balance both the melody and the drum in the map, which is usually stressful and unsuccessful. I think your more ambitious attitude towards the vocals is actually a better mindset to have, but that's no longer the perspective I can take, which is the main reason I will reject some of the upcoming suggestions. Now allow me to be salty for a little bit. My map Sorairo concerto has been repeatedly held back from ranking because I choose to follow the melody over the drum/percussion. This makes feel alienated from receiving both criticism to follow the drum and to not follow the drum. But that's just me being grumpy, it's actually refreshing to see someone encourage more vocal rhythms.


00:26:910 (3,4) - slider plz – This really exmplifies the above mindset. If I were to make (3) a slider, it feels impossible to acknowledge the drum since ending it anywhere feels inappropriate for the drums, and I can't allow myself to ignore the drum completely. I think the current rhythm balances the melody and the drum the most appropriately.

00:35:358 (3,4) - slilder plz – there are drums, and mapping these drums help set up the drums at 00:36:737 (3,4,5) – which I have to do since there is no singer there.

00:37:254 (6,1) - u put a giant jump for the vocal but then u dont put a slider on the vocal as well lol just ctrl g this – The mindset behind mapping it this way was to pick up the downbeat. Originally I didn't like your suggestion because that puts a circle on a red tick with no musical note, but after actually testing it, it plays surprisingly well. I will trust you that I won't get yelled at too much for making that odd circle

00:52:082 - slider plz – Take a look at 00:50:530 (3,4,5,6) - . Do you hear how the drums are doing some ½'s? The mindset behind the current pattern was to use 00:50:530 (3,4,5,6) – as a set up to build tension and then release that tension with a bigger version of it at 00:51:910 (3,4,5,6) - . I did test your rhythm though and it played very well as well, so if I wasn't paying as much homage to the drums in this difficulty I would definitely do it.

00:53:979 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - ok u need to actually follow the trumpet melody here plz, a bunch of random 1/2 jumps is just totally not representing the song – Tested, and yes I agree, ½ sliders play better. However, “random” is a little harsh since I think there is a valid reason for having these. Using 1/2 rhythms allows me to have a clickable object on the clap hitsound which is important to me. Additionally, following the exact rhythm of the melody doesn't always express the melody well. My go to example is in the expert of At the beginning of the kiai, the long reverse sliders go with the long vocals, but they are not representative of the high energy that the new kiai brings, and this makes the most exciting part of the music feel very weak. As another example, this is one of Blue Dragon's deleted maps: . In his second kiai, he goes exactly with the singer, and runs into the exact same problem. So at 00:53:979 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - , I thought that taking a bit from the drums by going into ½ rhythm would increase the tempo to match the intensity of these stronger, more prominent trumpets and create a better paced part of the music. I would still be fine ranking a version like that, but I do thank you for calling me out on this since this increased tempo wasn't worth it.


iori is cute in this bg

00:26:910 (3,4) - slider plz – there are drums

00:37:082 (5,6,1) - the vocals change here but u completely ignore that cuz the pattern or rhythm dont change at all, u shd distinguish it somehow – changed the rhythm and went through a few different iterations, but I think I found something that works.

00:38:289 (4,5,6) - these r the vocals but u put it in a pattern with a random drum sound at 00:38:117 (3) - so that kinda fucks up the patterning – This is true aesthetically, but that's not important. What is important is the gameplay, and the gameplay is different on (4). There's mostly a calm smooth flow into (3), but it's at the start of (4) that the player has to break that flow and angle in a different direction. That's the new flow that emphasizes the new vocals.

00:54:323 (2,3,4,5,6,7) – plz – yes

01:25:013 (1,2,3,1) - this is cancer to play – This is halfway towards amazing feedback. I admit I get caught up in my own perspective, so having someone call me out on making the map too crazy is one of the most useful things a modder can do. I can definitely see why you feel that way and am open to ways to make you not feel as bad. What I want more from this feedback is a direction to go in. What are the exact features that made this poor to play? Was it just too tough to read (and if so, what should I do to address that)? Was the ¼ spacing too much? Was it fine to read, but did the transition to a different rhythm feel inappropriate? Did you feel this way about the extra? Are there any ways you would specifically address this pattern while keeping the spirit of the increasing the tempo? Please find me in game to discuss this more (or more likely, I'll do that)
From our discussion, you said that you did not like the wide angles. Wide angles are not hard to snap when the DS is low. At that point it just becomes linear flow. Since you continued to have a problem with it even after the DS became so low that the difficulty of the pattern itself did not seem to cause problems, I feel like you just don't like that kind of flow, but I hope you can be receptive to the audience that does.


00:01:392 (1,2,3) - random nazi visual spacing mod – nice catch, thanks!

00:25:530 - uh hello vocal
00:25:358 (2,3) - ctrl g – I tested this and was really unhappy with it. This part of the song/map is too mindless. It's so dominantly a “hit the white ticks” section that going on the red tick is too spicy for what the music calls imo (especially from a more global perspective as opposed to a more local one). Going with the drums more and hitting the white ticks feels better.

00:36:910 (4,5,1) - u shd put the 1/1 slider on the red tick at 00:37:254 - for the extended vocal!! – If I was going with the vocals more then yes, but I'm too focused on the drums throughout this map, so I didn't like the suggestion as much here


00:59:323 (4,5) - make this 1/1 slider 1/2 slider plz – yes

lmk wen u respond x d -- thank you so much for the mod! very helpful and it's allowed me to reconsider some of the rules I normal restrict myself on when mapping. Looking forward to working out some of the kinks and seeing what you think.

I feel your reason for not pushing the map is very flimsy. Transitioning between melody and drum notes in the way I have is a common practice in a lot of ranked maps, and so I think it's extremely close-minded of you to deny my map when it should be clear that this is a conventional technique. I've compiled a list of transitions from one track of the song to another that are similar to what I'm doing in my map not to try to say "mine's better than yours" because I know there are pros and cons to both our suggested rhythms. It's to show that your perspective on rhythm is not the only way to enjoy osu, and so it makes me very upset that you aren't receptive to other people's enjoyment of the game.

Scrolling through some ranked maps:
top diff
00:13:191 (1,2,1,2,3) -
00:17:783 (5,6,7,1) -
00:50:844 (3,4,5,1) -
01:15:334 (3,4,5,1) -
top diff
00:04:868 (1,2,3,4,5) -
00:10:385 (1,2,3,4,1) -
01:24:006 (1,2,3) – new guitar melody introduced with a circle then overwritten by the already existing rhythm
02:00:213 (5,6,7) – does not make a slider to go with vocal to pick up the important clap sound
top diff
00:13:941 (6,7,8,1) -
00:42:802 (6,7,8,1) -
01:19:736 (1,2,3,4,1) -

Scrolling through your maps or favorite maps
01:30:162 (1,2,3,4,5) – held melody note in the song that isn't given a ½ slider but instead transitions into the drums
01:45:623 (4,5) - ^
01:47:239 (3,4,5,6,7,8,1) – pause after (4) to emphasize melody, no pause after (6) so you can transition into drums.
01:50:008 (5,6,7,1) – held melody note in the song at (5) that isn't given a ½ slider but instead transitions into the drums.
02:07:893 (6) – slider here to go with that held melody note, so how come no slider at 02:08:470 (1) – to hold that melody note?
02:41:931 (3) – long vocal note in the song, but instead of a slider you go with the drum. Why is it okay to transition to the drum here but not in my diff? Sure, ¼ notes, but isn't that expressing some desire to map strong drum notes over the melody?
top diff
00:16:425 (2,3,4,5,6,1) – switching from the piano's stream to drums. What makes this a good transition between tracks of the music?
01:04:594 (1,2,3,4,1,2) – focusing on vocals then not holding a slider on a long melody note. How is this different from when I transition from a held melody to a different, arguably stronger track? If a BN said this wouldn't be ranked unless you made this a 1/2 slider on the NC, how would you feel, and what would you say to them?
01:32:481 (1,2,3,4,5) -
00:27:980 (6,7,1) – (7) is not a ½ slider so that it can transition to the strong white tick
00:33:313 (6,7,1) -
00:35:479 (1,2) – Strong melody note on (1) not given a ½ slider to make sure a harmony note at (2) gets a circle
00:43:980 (6) – Prievously, this kind of note was a ½ slider (like at 00:41:980 (1,3,1) - ). Now it's not to acknowledge non-melody notes

It's frustrating that for years I've urged people in my mods to go with the melody/vocals and had them tell me that the drums were more important. It's really frustrating that I spent a year trying to rank a map that was primarily denied because I follow the melody and not the drums. It's just so frustrating that after trying to accommodate a more drum focused osu community with these minor concessions to the drums these concessions are preventing me from accomplishing my goals.
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