
Toyosaki Aki & Kanae Itou - Saiai Darling!

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double post because forum messed up oops :o
Topic Starter

Toehoe wrote:

  1. Your storyboard has suggestive themes at 01:27:096 - you need to give a warning on beatmap page
  2. Some AiMod problems
  1. 00:15:818 (2) - New combo here since the notes aren't a pattern together (change this for every time in the map)
  2. 00:16:946 (1) - With a new combo here instead
  3. 00:23:036 (2) - New combo here too, because it is confusing at 00:24:615 (3,4) when you expect same wait pattern
  4. 00:41:307 (1) - New combo to show wait, like here 01:02:735 (1)
  5. 01:02:735 (1) - I think just a normal slider would sound better here
  6. 01:03:412 (2) - New combo again here for reasons said already
  7. 01:05:216 (6,7,1) - I don't think you should curve the stream here, stack it neater
  8. 01:10:855 (1,2,3,4) - For this section you map to vocals but here is strange, try 3 sliders then 1 note on white tick instead
  9. 01:12:660 (1) - But here you start on instrument as slider instead of a single note and then sliders for vocals
  10. 01:50:329 (1,2) - The vocals sound like you should make the slider at (1) instead and because (2) ends on a beat
  11. 02:02:510 (4,5,6,7,8) - You miss a beat here 02:03:082 to start slider on vocals, it's confusing and too challenging. Suggestion is to replace with repeat slider
  12. 02:14:916 (5) - Odd repeat slider again, better as just single slider
  13. 02:17:397 - Here is better place for repeat slider
  14. 02:24:389 (5) - I can't hear these beats in the song
it's ok, thanks for advices of NC, and modding :lol:
  1. 00:42:886 - why isn't this mapped? The same goes for 01:55:066
  2. 00:56:419 (7) - NC
  3. 03:14:916 (1,2,3) - Confusing spacing imo, either stack (1) with (2,3) or space them apart.
  4. 03:20:780 (1,3) - These should be a 1/2 slider instead of a circle.
  5. 03:31:607 (1) - You should map this instead of putting a spinner.
That's all I have since a well made map and there's a lot of mods already.
Topic Starter

PyroBear wrote:

  1. 00:42:886 - why isn't this mapped? The same goes for 01:55:066
  2. 00:56:419 (7) - NC
  3. 03:14:916 (1,2,3) - Confusing spacing imo, either stack (1) with (2,3) or space them apart.
  4. 03:20:780 (1,3) - These should be a 1/2 slider instead of a circle.
  5. 03:31:607 (1) - You should map this instead of putting a spinner.
That's all I have since a well made map and there's a lot of mods already.
Thanks for modding Pyrobear, it's done :D
12:56 Jonawaga: hello Acnos~
12:57 Acnos: hi! :D
12:57 Jonawaga: how are you? ^_^
12:59 Acnos: I'm fine, and you? :)
12:59 Jonawaga: I'm fine >w<
13:00 Jonawaga: wanna mod?
13:00 *Jonawaga is editing [ Toyosaki Aki & Kanae Itou - Saiai Darling! [Easy]]
13:00 Acnos: yes :)
13:00 Jonawaga: okay!
13:01 *Jonawaga is editing [ Toyosaki Aki & Kanae Itou - Saiai Darling! [Easy]]
13:01 Jonawaga: 00:21:683 (5,1) - fix the snapping
13:01 Jonawaga: 00:41:081 (2) - remove this
13:01 Jonawaga: 00:41:532 (3) - move this to 00:41:307 - here
13:03 Jonawaga: 00:56:419 (3) - here, try this rhythm:
13:04 Acnos: ok, it's done
13:04 Jonawaga: all that?
13:04 Jonawaga: 01:12:660 - you missed an NC here, so 01:12:209 (5) - change this to 2 circels and NC the second
13:05 Jonawaga: 01:53:487 - same as before
13:06 Jonawaga: 02:08:600 (3) - same as before
13:07 Jonawaga: 02:27:547 (1,1) - In Easy, you generally need 4 beats of rest after a spinner
13:08 Jonawaga: In this BPM, I think you should use at least 3~4 beats, not just 2
13:10 Jonawaga: 02:59:126 - 50% is too quiet for the volume here, please raise it so I can hear the objects better
13:10 Jonawaga: 03:11:758 (3) - same as 02:08:600 (3) -
13:10 Jonawaga: 03:18:525 (3,4) - fix DS
13:11 Jonawaga: that's all for Easy
13:11 Jonawaga: tell me when to move on~
13:19 Acnos:
13:19 Acnos: it's fine?
13:19 Jonawaga: for the spinner?
13:20 Acnos: yes
13:20 Jonawaga:
13:21 Jonawaga: spinner recovery is the section I marked in red
13:21 Jonawaga: the time the player has to recover from the spinner
13:21 Jonawaga: Easy players need more time for recovery, so I would recommend you make it 3~4 beats between the spinner and the next object
13:33 Acnos: Ya esta :D
13:33 Acnos: it's don :D
13:33 Acnos: *done
13:33 Jonawaga: puedo mirar?
13:36 Acnos: how??
13:36 Acnos: uploading??
13:36 Jonawaga: yes
13:36 Acnos: ok
13:36 Jonawaga: of course jajaja
13:38 Acnos: it's done :D
13:38 Jonawaga: the upload?
13:40 Acnos: yes
13:40 Jonawaga: oh
13:41 Jonawaga: 02:27:547 (1,1) - you didn't fix the spinner ;-;
13:43 Acnos: you told me 4 beats, no?
13:43 Acnos: and Leave a little rest
13:43 Jonawaga: I only see 2 beats
13:44 Jonawaga: to get 4 beats of rest you either need to remove 02:31:156 - this or end the spinner 02:29:352 - here
13:46 Acnos: ayaaa, I think 4 hit circles xD
13:46 Acnos: sorry
13:46 Jonawaga: oh jejeje
13:46 Jonawaga: debo explicar mas
13:48 Acnos: that's my fault, sorry
13:48 Acnos: beats is the lines whites, no?
13:48 Jonawaga: yes
13:48 Acnos: ok thanks :D
13:48 Jonawaga: denada
13:49 Acnos: is the only mistake, no??
13:49 Jonawaga: creo que
13:50 Jonawaga: Normal ahora?
13:50 Acnos: yes pls :D
13:50 Jonawaga: 00:16:720 - whyis this a reverse slider?
13:51 Jonawaga: 00:16:720 - no puedo escuhar nada aqui
13:52 Jonawaga: quizas este es mejor
13:52 Jonawaga: 00:18:525 (1,2) - los cambia a mismo, por favor
13:53 Jonawaga:
13:53 Jonawaga: lo ves mejor en mi opinión
13:54 Jonawaga: 00:20:329 (3) - move a 00:20:329 (3) - aqui
13:55 Jonawaga: 00:27:547 (3,4,5,6,7) - demasiado circles, es demasiado dificil para Normal >.<
13:56 Jonawaga: 00:34:765 (4,5,6,7,8) - demasiado 1/2 aqui, retira unas 1/2 ritmas
13:56 Jonawaga: 00:41:758 (4) - cambia a un circle
13:58 Jonawaga: termine?
13:59 Acnos: wait
14:02 Acnos: 00:20:329 (3) - Where do I move it?
14:02 Jonawaga: 00:20:104 - aqui
14:03 Acnos: ok
14:03 Jonawaga: quizas
14:04 Jonawaga: segue las voces, verdad?
14:06 Acnos: yep
14:06 Jonawaga: >.<
14:06 Jonawaga: you overmapped some parts
14:06 Jonawaga: and you missed a lot of vocals
14:07 Jonawaga: you may have to remap this difficulty at some point
14:07 Jonawaga: 00:23:036 (2) - this slider missed the vocal sound 00:23:261 - here, and instead it ends 00:23:487 - here, where there's no sound
14:08 Jonawaga: 00:27:322 - you missed a very clear vocal here, but 00:27:547 - you mapped this, which has no vocal
14:09 Jonawaga: 00:27:547 (3,4,5,6,7) - and you should never use 5 1/2 circles in a row in Normal, it's too hard for a Normal player
14:10 Jonawaga: entiendo?
14:12 Acnos: I'm going to fix everything
14:13 Jonawaga: owo
14:13 Acnos: In difficulty normal...
14:13 Acnos: Is necesary the "flow"?
14:13 Jonawaga: flow is always necesary in Normal and Easy
14:13 Jonawaga: it can be broken a little in higher difficulties
14:14 Acnos: ok, is necesary Avoid "overlap"?
14:15 Jonawaga: generalmente, yes
14:15 Jonawaga: but you can break it higher difficulties because it looks better
14:16 Jonawaga: a veces lo ves mejor
14:18 Jonawaga: por exemplo, 00:45:260 (5) - esta mapa ves muy bien con overlap
14:18 Jonawaga: dsvuieaw
14:18 *Jonawaga is editing [ USAO - Dynamite (Extended Mix) [TWERK]]
14:18 Jonawaga: esta mapa jajaj
14:19 Acnos: perdon, por demorar, I'm little busy ;(
14:20 Jonawaga: no hay una problema :)
14:20 Jonawaga: hasta luego?
14:20 Acnos: Can you tell me if my difficulty hard is fine?, pls
14:20 Acnos: no, todavia xD
14:20 Jonawaga: 7oh
14:21 Acnos: the difficulty normal, I'm going to remap all
14:22 Jonawaga: bueno suerte
14:22 Jonawaga: hard tiene una porblema un poco complicada
14:23 Acnos: cual?
14:23 Jonawaga: press ctrl+a
14:23 Jonawaga: y mire a la cosa
14:23 Acnos: ok?
14:24 Acnos: select all?
14:24 Jonawaga: si y mire
14:24 Jonawaga:
14:24 Jonawaga: esta es un poco extrena
14:25 Jonawaga: compara con un mapa de rank
14:25 Acnos: I don't understand :/
14:25 Jonawaga: compara a
14:26 Acnos: Is full?
14:26 Acnos: :O
14:26 Acnos: Is full!!
14:27 Jonawaga: yeah
14:27 Acnos: then, I have to full?
14:27 Jonawaga: hmm
14:28 Jonawaga: it's hard to explain
14:28 Jonawaga: because you didn't fill it, your map seems cluttered in certain places
14:30 Jonawaga: for example, before 00:54:615 (1) - this slider, you never went farther to the right
14:30 Jonawaga:
14:31 Jonawaga: you don't have to completely fill the map, but if you work on making the patterns take advantage of the space you have, then it will have several advantages
14:31 Jonawaga: the player moves around more, there is less overlap, etc.
14:33 Acnos: ahh, es verdad xD
14:33 Jonawaga: >w<
14:33 Acnos: entonces tambien corregire eso
14:33 Acnos: muchas gracias
14:33 Jonawaga: denada
14:34 Acnos: tengo que irme, mañana te puedo pedir ayuda?
bueno suerte
Just checked back on the map for the first time since modding it :D Looking good! Wish you luck with it :)
Topic Starter

Metaku wrote:

Just checked back on the map for the first time since modding it :D Looking good! Wish you luck with it :)
Thanks! :D
  1. Most of the sliders in the map don't blanket the notes properly. Some examples are 00:47:848 (2,3) - and 01:39:276 (3,4) . Blanketing is a stylistic choice but you do it properly in the other diffs which makes it look especially sloppy here. I recommend going over all the notes carefully and making sure everything is blanketed properly.
  2. 00:51:006 (1,2,3,4) - This is really low note density, especially for a chorus section. It would be more acceptable in a verse or during a bridge but it seems undermapped here
  3. 02:03:186 (1,2,3) - ^ see above
  4. 03:11:758 (3) - You could make this slider follow the beat, ie make it shorter so that it ends on the red tick. It would break up the (1,2) (1,2) repetition and is simple enough for an easy diff
  1. 00:56:419 (6) - Try making this slider follow the beat, ie make it shorter so that it ends on the red tick.
  2. 02:31:156 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3) - This entire section is basically spinning around in a big clockwise circle, which can get boring. I recommend changing up the flow so that it's less repetitive.
  1. Try adding some more hitsounds in the Easy and Normal diffs. I only really notices any in the Hard diff
Topic Starter

30201102 wrote:

  1. Most of the sliders in the map don't blanket the notes properly. Some examples are 00:47:848 (2,3) - and 01:39:276 (3,4) . Blanketing is a stylistic choice but you do it properly in the other diffs which makes it look especially sloppy here. I recommend going over all the notes carefully and making sure everything is blanketed properly.
  2. 00:51:006 (1,2,3,4) - This is really low note density, especially for a chorus section. It would be more acceptable in a verse or during a bridge but it seems undermapped here
  3. 02:03:186 (1,2,3) - ^ see above
  4. 03:11:758 (3) - You could make this slider follow the beat, ie make it shorter so that it ends on the red tick. It would break up the (1,2) (1,2) repetition and is simple enough for an easy diff
  1. 00:56:419 (6) - Try making this slider follow the beat, ie make it shorter so that it ends on the red tick.
  2. 02:31:156 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3) - This entire section is basically spinning around in a big clockwise circle, which can get boring. I recommend changing up the flow so that it's less repetitive.
  1. Try adding some more hitsounds in the Easy and Normal diffs. I only really notices any in the Hard diff
Ready, thanks for mod :lol:
Sorry for taking so long to reply...
This was posted on my modding queue, but honestly there's not much I can suggest you. The only thing I'd point out is that imo some of the clap hitsounds didn't fit very well, such as from 00:29:352 to 00:36:570, for example (they sound too loud, I'd continue with the previously used hitsounds), but that's nothing "unrankable" or anything.
Very lovely storyboard! :)
Topic Starter

Gyeoul wrote:

Sorry for taking so long to reply...
This was posted on my modding queue, but honestly there's not much I can suggest you. The only thing I'd point out is that imo some of the clap hitsounds didn't fit very well, such as from 00:29:352 to 00:36:570, for example (they sound too loud, I'd continue with the previously used hitsounds), but that's nothing "unrankable" or anything.
Very lovely storyboard! :)
ok, I will change the hitsound, thanks :D

psdt: sorry for reply you late :(
From Queue

  • [General]
  1. I point out that Storyboard lyrics are wrong







  • [Easy]
  1. 00:18:073 - Why are not you picking up the sound here?
  2. 00:25:292 - ^
  3. 00:34:765 (6) - There is no sound in the reverse
    If I am, I will erase (7) and extend (6)
  4. 00:47:397 (1,3) - Let's stack
  5. 00:53:713 (3,1) - If it is not blanket, the flow is bad
    Please place it so that there is (1) at the end of (3)
  6. 01:46:946 (1) -
    00:34:765 (6)same
  7. 01:57:322 (3,4) - Not blanket
  8. 02:04:991 (1) - Let's put delete NC because combo number is short
  9. 02:19:427 (1) - ^
  10. 02:23:036 (1) - ^
  11. 02:24:389 (3) - Add NC
I am not good at Normal and Hard :o

Good luck!
Topic Starter

Yasaija 714 wrote:

From Queue

  • [General]
  1. I point out that Storyboard lyrics are wrong







  • [Easy]
  1. 00:18:073 - Why are not you picking up the sound here?
  2. 00:25:292 - ^
  3. 00:34:765 (6) - There is no sound in the reverse
    If I am, I will erase (7) and extend (6)
  4. 00:47:397 (1,3) - Let's stack
  5. 00:53:713 (3,1) - If it is not blanket, the flow is bad
    Please place it so that there is (1) at the end of (3)
  6. 01:46:946 (1) -
    00:34:765 (6)same
  7. 01:57:322 (3,4) - Not blanket
  8. 02:04:991 (1) - Let's put delete NC because combo number is short
  9. 02:19:427 (1) - ^
  10. 02:23:036 (1) - ^
  11. 02:24:389 (3) - Add NC
I am not good at Normal and Hard :o

Good luck!
wow, you helped me a lot with lyrics. thanks :oops:

ready, all corrected
Thank you very much :D
Toyosaki Aki
as random (&quick) mod
osu! needs more Toyosaki Aki :3


  • there are some mistakes,
  1. 00:00:931 - where is 松岡嗣 from? → 伊藤かな恵 is correct
  2. 00:09:164 - same as above
  3. some Lyrics're wrong, plz use this :3
    着信の声聴くだけでJin×Jin 染まる頬

    コ・ド・ウ☆Non Stop!

    最愛Darling!ぎゅっと ココロ抱きしめて!
    最高Darling!お願い ずっとそばにいたい!
    青春限定Dictionary Loveの意味を探そう


    純愛温度B: 5℃上昇

    最愛Darling!だって 思春期ロマンス!
    ねぇTo LOVEるも一緒ならたからものになる
    最高Darling!あげたいっ 真心もぜんぶ!


    最愛Darling!ぎゅっと ココロ抱きしめて!
    最高Darling!お願い ずっとそばにいたい!
    青春限定Dictionary Loveの意味を探そう

  1. 00:20:329 (1,2,3,4) - would make them square?
  2. 01:01:382 (4,1) - blanket can be nicer to look
  3. 02:32:058 (1,2) - same as above
  4. 02:37:472 - add circle? way to be clickable really fit the music since there is loud bass drum



Sorry, I found my mistake lol
純愛温度B: 5℃上昇 → 純愛温度5℃上昇
Topic Starter

Toyosaki Aki wrote:

as random (&quick) mod
osu! needs more Toyosaki Aki :3


  • there are some mistakes,
  1. 00:00:931 - where is 松岡嗣 from? → 伊藤かな恵 is correct
  2. 00:09:164 - same as above
  3. some Lyrics're wrong, plz use this :3
    着信の声聴くだけでJin×Jin 染まる頬

    コ・ド・ウ☆Non Stop!

    最愛Darling!ぎゅっと ココロ抱きしめて!
    最高Darling!お願い ずっとそばにいたい!
    青春限定Dictionary Loveの意味を探そう


    純愛温度B: 5℃上昇

    最愛Darling!だって 思春期ロマンス!
    ねぇTo LOVEるも一緒ならたからものになる
    最高Darling!あげたいっ 真心もぜんぶ!


    最愛Darling!ぎゅっと ココロ抱きしめて!
    最高Darling!お願い ずっとそばにいたい!
    青春限定Dictionary Loveの意味を探そう

  1. 00:20:329 (1,2,3,4) - would make them square?
  2. 01:01:382 (4,1) - blanket can be nicer to look
  3. 02:32:058 (1,2) - same as above
  4. 02:37:472 - add circle? way to be clickable really fit the music since there is loud bass drum

I love you (it's joke xD)

I'm so lucky :D

you help me more with the lyrics, thank you very much!

it's done, thanks for modding :D
Here u go! HM Request from Hytex's Queue :)

-00:21:231 add finish for 4 and 5
-00:28:449 same
-00:37:021 add clap in here
-00:37:923 same
-00:38:825 same
-00:41:758 add whistle

-00:37:021 add clap
-00:37:923 add clap
-00:38:374 same
-00:39:276 same
-00:39:728 add clap
-00:40:179 add finish
-00:40:630 add whistle
-00:41:307 add finish
-00:41:532 add finish
-00:41:758 add whistle

Nothing's wrong in here Everything is fine :D

Done! Nice Storyboard u made in there. i like it ^^
Topic Starter

Toyosaki Aki wrote:



Sorry, I found my mistake lol
純愛温度B: 5℃上昇 → 純愛温度5℃上昇
I knew that something was wrong with is the lyrics part, I already correct it, thanks :D
Topic Starter

Aerith123 wrote:

Here u go! HM Request from Hytex's Queue :)

-00:21:231 add finish for 4 and 5
-00:28:449 same
-00:37:021 add clap in here
-00:37:923 same
-00:38:825 same
-00:41:758 add whistle

-00:37:021 add clap
-00:37:923 add clap
-00:38:374 same
-00:39:276 same
-00:39:728 add clap
-00:40:179 add finish
-00:40:630 add whistle
-00:41:307 add finish
-00:41:532 add finish
-00:41:758 add whistle

Nothing's wrong in here Everything is fine :D
yata~, thanks for hitsound modding :D

  1. Overall feels like you think you're not experienced enough with object placements and then decided to use DS on everything which isn't bad but it screwed up more intense parts, like choruses. Those parts are more intense but you still decided to map them in the same ways as you did with others, my point is the song has different intensity in each section of the song, and your mapping is not reflecting that.
    1. Like, to make your mapping more intense in choruses or other intense parts, you can just try spacing objects differently in more intense parts, use more dense rhythms, or whatever. Something is needed to indicate the difference of your mapping between sections that have different intensities and there are many ways to do that
  2. 00:48:976 (1) - Don't land sliderends on strong sounds pls.
  3. 02:17:622 (1,2,3) - Ctrl+G rhythm works better (the same rhythm as other choruses), idk if this are meant to be a variation but I'd prefer having rhythms clickable on vocals. Same applies to other stuff you did this too.
  4. 03:26:194 (1,2,3) - Vocal plays differently from 03:24:389 (1,2,3,4,5,6) so a different rhythm should be used here.
Overall hitsounding should be improved, like there are loud drums, snares or whatever on 00:50:329 (6) yet you don't even hitsound it.
And honestly vocal is so easy to map and follow with rhythms, try to take advantage of that more.

There's nothing outright wrong with the map but the major problem lies on my first point, I just did a quick skim so feel free to ask me if I worded anything too complicated.
Good luck~
Hi, from my queue.

I have noticed that thru your map that you have some objects like these 00:17:622 (4) - where distancing isnt really exact, possibly because you have grid snapping, so use the top right box for placing objects in their right place using the x and ys, in this case should be x= -4, this is all to have a more precise map, which looks better and some cases fixes the inconsistent spacing.
00:32:961 (5) - NC
01:02:284 (2,5) - Fix distancing on this for example with the help i said from the start.
01:30:254 - Add a circle here for consistency, just like you did ont he start of the map, and also because there is a very strong beat that shouldn't be ignored.
01:37:472 - ^
01:45:141 (5) - NC
02:15:818 (1) - Remove NC, you didn't add one on the first kiai so keep it consistent
02:24:389 (1) - Remove NC
03:22:585 (1) - Remove NC
03:26:194 (1) - remove NC
03:31:607 (6) - NC

I noticed some uncertainty about the frequency on used new combos on this difficulty, some parts like 00:43:788 - to 00:51:006 - are very short but then 00:51:006 - to 00:58:224 - are longer and then you even have them mixed like 01:41:532 - to 01:48:750 wouldn't hurt to keep only one type since music doesn't really change that much on these parts to have necessity for alot of changes in combos.
01:59:352 (4) - This object should be placed on 01:59:126 - Instead to represent the stronger beat and not have an awkward pause in rhythm
02:28:449 (1,1) - Distance after spinner is too close for a Normal, delete circle 1 at least

00:17:397 (2) - Fix distance
00:23:036 (1) - remove NC, you didnt add one here 00:15:818 (2) - so keep it consistent
00:32:961 (1) - Claps sound a bit weird here but i will talk about this after the mod
00:48:976 (1,2) - Switch NC - It's best to change after the bigger white tick rather than just before in these cases of sliders
00:59:352 (1) - Remove NC, keep it consistent like previous part of kiai time
01:00:028 (7,1) - Switch NC
01:01:607 (1) - Also in this case, you can leave the new combo as the slider ends AFTER the big white tick and not on this point exactly ;)
01:02:735 (1) - Replace with 2 circles or one slider without repeating, theres really no justification to use a blue tick on this part, and 2 circles would actually give more feedback for the player because fits more to the song, also remove the NC
01:06:344 (1,1) - Remove these 2 NCs
01:14:013 (1,2) - Switch Nc
01:29:126 (4) - Nc, like you did on the start
01:32:284 (1,2) - Switch NC
01:36:344 (4) - NC
01:50:329 (1,2) - Also wanna point out that these and 00:38:149 (1,2) - don't need to switch NC's are because the next object is the same and i can see you clearly change combo to a different singer.
02:16:720 (4,5) - Hard to follow a bit, i suggest changing the position to something like:

02:17:397 (6) - Not sure what you did here but is clearly not following the song, its just supposed to use the blue tick and red tick as a triple, just like you did here 01:05:216 (5,6,1) -
02:26:645 (6) - NC
02:53:713 (5) - NC
03:20:667 - Add a circle here to make a triple just like before, consistency
03:31:607 (5) - NC

Overall i'd say to also fix the hitsounding, claps should be placed on 2/4 and 4/4s on the beat and not some 1/4 and 3/4's like ive seen here on normal for example 03:22:585 (1,2,3,4,5) -
And on the parts where it's a kick sound effect for claps, its better to change it to something more noticeable, like a snare, as kicks are all parts of the music's 1/4 beats.

Hope it helps!
Topic Starter

Electoz wrote:


  1. Overall feels like you think you're not experienced enough with object placements and then decided to use DS on everything which isn't bad but it screwed up more intense parts, like choruses. Those parts are more intense but you still decided to map them in the same ways as you did with others, my point is the song has different intensity in each section of the song, and your mapping is not reflecting that.
    1. Like, to make your mapping more intense in choruses or other intense parts, you can just try spacing objects differently in more intense parts, use more dense rhythms, or whatever. Something is needed to indicate the difference of your mapping between sections that have different intensities and there are many ways to do that
  2. 00:48:976 (1) - Don't land sliderends on strong sounds pls.
  3. 02:17:622 (1,2,3) - Ctrl+G rhythm works better (the same rhythm as other choruses), idk if this are meant to be a variation but I'd prefer having rhythms clickable on vocals. Same applies to other stuff you did this too.
  4. 03:26:194 (1,2,3) - Vocal plays differently from 03:24:389 (1,2,3,4,5,6) so a different rhythm should be used here.
Overall hitsounding should be improved, like there are loud drums, snares or whatever on 00:50:329 (6) yet you don't even hitsound it.
And honestly vocal is so easy to map and follow with rhythms, try to take advantage of that more.

There's nothing outright wrong with the map but the major problem lies on my first point, I just did a quick skim so feel free to ask me if I worded anything too complicated.
Good luck~
well, You're right, I'm very confused about how mapping beatmaps :?, because someone tells me to change something and other tells me to delete it, That confuses me, so I will have to improve my mapping

Thanks for you coperation with my beatmap :oops:

psdt: sorry for reply you very late
Topic Starter

Rad- wrote:

Hi, from my queue.

I have noticed that thru your map that you have some objects like these 00:17:622 (4) - where distancing isnt really exact, possibly because you have grid snapping, so use the top right box for placing objects in their right place using the x and ys, in this case should be x= -4, this is all to have a more precise map, which looks better and some cases fixes the inconsistent spacing.
00:32:961 (5) - NC
01:02:284 (2,5) - Fix distancing on this for example with the help i said from the start.
01:30:254 - Add a circle here for consistency, just like you did ont he start of the map, and also because there is a very strong beat that shouldn't be ignored.
01:37:472 - ^
01:45:141 (5) - NC
02:15:818 (1) - Remove NC, you didn't add one on the first kiai so keep it consistent
02:24:389 (1) - Remove NC
03:22:585 (1) - Remove NC
03:26:194 (1) - remove NC
03:31:607 (6) - NC

I noticed some uncertainty about the frequency on used new combos on this difficulty, some parts like 00:43:788 - to 00:51:006 - are very short but then 00:51:006 - to 00:58:224 - are longer and then you even have them mixed like 01:41:532 - to 01:48:750 wouldn't hurt to keep only one type since music doesn't really change that much on these parts to have necessity for alot of changes in combos.
01:59:352 (4) - This object should be placed on 01:59:126 - Instead to represent the stronger beat and not have an awkward pause in rhythm
02:28:449 (1,1) - Distance after spinner is too close for a Normal, delete circle 1 at least

00:17:397 (2) - Fix distance
00:23:036 (1) - remove NC, you didnt add one here 00:15:818 (2) - so keep it consistent
00:32:961 (1) - Claps sound a bit weird here but i will talk about this after the mod
00:48:976 (1,2) - Switch NC - It's best to change after the bigger white tick rather than just before in these cases of sliders
00:59:352 (1) - Remove NC, keep it consistent like previous part of kiai time
01:00:028 (7,1) - Switch NC
01:01:607 (1) - Also in this case, you can leave the new combo as the slider ends AFTER the big white tick and not on this point exactly ;)
01:02:735 (1) - Replace with 2 circles or one slider without repeating, theres really no justification to use a blue tick on this part, and 2 circles would actually give more feedback for the player because fits more to the song, also remove the NC
01:06:344 (1,1) - Remove these 2 NCs
01:14:013 (1,2) - Switch Nc
01:29:126 (4) - Nc, like you did on the start
01:32:284 (1,2) - Switch NC
01:36:344 (4) - NC
01:50:329 (1,2) - Also wanna point out that these and 00:38:149 (1,2) - don't need to switch NC's are because the next object is the same and i can see you clearly change combo to a different singer.
02:16:720 (4,5) - Hard to follow a bit, i suggest changing the position to something like:

02:17:397 (6) - Not sure what you did here but is clearly not following the song, its just supposed to use the blue tick and red tick as a triple, just like you did here 01:05:216 (5,6,1) -
02:26:645 (6) - NC
02:53:713 (5) - NC
03:20:667 - Add a circle here to make a triple just like before, consistency
03:31:607 (5) - NC

Overall i'd say to also fix the hitsounding, claps should be placed on 2/4 and 4/4s on the beat and not some 1/4 and 3/4's like ive seen here on normal for example 03:22:585 (1,2,3,4,5) -
And on the parts where it's a kick sound effect for claps, its better to change it to something more noticeable, like a snare, as kicks are all parts of the music's 1/4 beats.

Hope it helps!
ok, I already change to hitsound las you told me, also, I already corrected it all
Thanks for taking your time to help me with my beatmap
I'm sorry for reply very late, the thing is, I'm busy in this days but I think since now not :D

Thanks for modding :D


  1. easy and normal combo colours are the same but looks like hard not, you need to fix this
  2. ^ the same happens with kiai, do you have any gd here? if not, just add same kiais in all diffs for consistency
  3. i strongly recommend you to add source in japanese so romanized title can be added in tags, you give more chances to find the song easily

    source: To LOVEる-とらぶる-ダークネス 2nd
    then add some tags: to love ru darkness season 2 -trouble-Darkness
  4. since you added song's title in japanese, you should do the same with artists: 豊崎 愛生&伊藤 かな恵 (Toyosaki Aki & Itou Kanae)

  1. 00:14:916 (1) - i really think a finish hitsound is way more better than just clap, if you pref you could even use both
  2. 01:52:359 (1) - green line seems to be unsnapped, check it in case im wrong

  1. 00:48:525 (2) - better if you put this on the right imo, of course you need to keep distance, i just think it would flow better like this
  2. 01:52:359 (1) - green line is also unsnapped here

  1. 00:37:472 (3,4,5) - this is a bit overmapped, this one 00:37:698 (5,6) - just be the triple instead
  2. 02:37:472 (1) - another green line is not snapped well here
  3. 03:19:201 (2,3) - the flow is really weird here, maybe try to do ctrl+g with 2?
  4. 03:33:186 (1) - i really miss something to click here, just add a finish note and then the spinner
clean mapset, nice (*ノ∀`*)

u asked for mod in my queue long time ago, im really sorry, no need to kd me
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