
Intervals - The Self Surrendered

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on den 21 mars 2017 at 18:02:44

Artist: Intervals
Title: The Self Surrendered
Tags: a voice within mike semesky anup sastry progressive metal djent
BPM: 210
Filesize: 14009kb
Play Time: 06:16
Difficulties Available:
  1. Forever (5,84 stars, 1429 notes)
Download: Intervals - The Self Surrendered
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Free of self or identity
The nameless can live painlessly

Thank you Bergy for mp3!
IRC mod
05:11 WindZel: well, that was something
05:12 DavidEd: its pretty hard i must say ^^
05:12 WindZel: yeah, 210bpm streams aren't easy
05:12 WindZel: some things to point out
05:13 WindZel: the first timing section is at the beginning of the song
05:13 WindZel: the timing seems to be ok, but the timing section should begin at the first beat
05:14 DavidEd: oh is that unrankable?
05:14 WindZel: I am not sure if it is unrankable
05:15 WindZel: but usually that's where the timing section begins
05:16 WindZel: 00:17:040 (5) - you're skipping an important sound on the downbeat with this slider
05:17 DavidEd: myeah, will consider
05:17 WindZel: 00:18:754 (4) - there's a sound on the tick after this, maybe make this a 1/4 slider
05:18 WindZel: 00:19:611 (3) - that would mean changing this too
05:18 DavidEd: that was meant to emphasize the long guitar note
05:18 WindZel: ok
05:19 WindZel: 00:21:754 (7) - this doesn't lead into the stream in a sensible way
05:20 DavidEd: yeah, changed into just a note
05:22 WindZel: though what I mean is 00:21:325 (4,5,6,7) - has flow 00:21:754 (7,1) - breaks it
05:24 WindZel: oh, and I remember this now, the ar should be higher because of the high bpm and note density
05:24 DavidEd: ill redo the stream actually
05:26 WindZel: you break flow multiple times, are they on purpose or...?
05:29 WindZel: 01:56:754 (1,2) - ctrl + g these so their timing switches places
05:32 WindZel: this rhythm is very unusual, maybe I'm not that great at judging this
05:33 DavidEd: yeah i feel like im gonna get that alot
05:34 DavidEd: progressive metal is kinda like that. it doesnt have a consistent rhythm
05:35 WindZel: yeah, it's very different
05:37 WindZel: I don't really agree with the hitnormals
05:37 WindZel: They don't fit well imo
05:38 DavidEd: yeah... i couldnt find better fitting ones
05:39 WindZel: hmm, i'll see what I can find
05:42 WindZel: You can also leave the hitnormal untouched
05:42 WindZel: and have the player use their default hitnormals
05:42 DavidEd: too much noise unfortunally :/
05:43 DavidEd: the majority plays with their own anyways. but it would be nice to have something better than the current one
05:43 WindZel: what kind of hitnormal would fit in your opinion?
05:45 DavidEd: not sure actually, since the beats where only the hitnormal is hearable, the drums are silent
05:46 WindZel: just a sec
05:51 WindZel:
05:52 WindZel: I tried replacing normal-hitnormal normal-hitnormal3 and drum-hitnormal with this
05:52 WindZel: the hitsounds feel a bit low though
05:54 DavidEd: could be because i hitsounded with effect on 100 and music on 50
05:55 WindZel: I have effect 100 music 50 and it still feels low
05:55 WindZel: raise it a bit
05:58 DavidEd: ill amplify all hitsounds by 3 in audacity
05:59 WindZel: why not raise them through timing points though?
06:00 DavidEd: myeah
06:01 DavidEd: increasing by 10 should be good
06:02 WindZel: probably
06:03 WindZel: going to sleep now
06:03 DavidEd: post logs for kudosu
06:03 DavidEd: appreciate the help man ^^
06:04 WindZel: the log is cut of though because I had to refresh the client

Early morning mods
from q

killer song
very nicely mapped so only a few things. sorry for shortness but ill shoot u a star to make up for it

00:59:397 (11,1,2,3) - stacking is weird
02:41:325 (1,2,3) - could do better blanket with 02:40:754 (9) - by moving it closer, if u do you'd have to move that 4 too
04:30:897 - starting here i think this sv is too high idk i put .75 and it feels better to me but i see its like .8 and .7 later on so idk how you'd change it if u were going to
final spinner could go to 06:20:611 - and think it should tbh

gl with this
Topic Starter

cute boy wrote:

00:59:397 (11,1,2,3) - stacking is weird manual stacking

02:41:325 (1,2,3) - could do better blanket with 02:40:754 (9) - by moving it closer, if u do you'd have to move that 4 too looked closer and there's nothing wrong with this blanket

04:30:897 - starting here i think this sv is too high idk i put .75 and it feels better to me but i see its like .8 and .7 later on so idk how you'd change it if u were going to i was considering remapping this whole part anyways since im not that happy with the current outcome

final spinner could go to 06:20:611 - and think it should tbh nah, it ends on a pretty nice beat to end on before the ranking screen
hi from modreqs

I can't jump lol

•00:22:182 (5,6,7,8,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - only these really have a sound to put 1/4's on, the rest of the stream is just overmapped :\ and not just here
•00:59:397 (11,1) - consider spacing these more for better empathis of the guitar
•01:01:182 (1,2,3,4) - this is pretty confusing, either NC the other three notes as well, or just make them jumps, since it usually makes more sense to have higher spacing on a louder sound
•01:08:897 (4,5) - these just feel like they don't fit, the drums are the same that's true, but the guitar pitch changes and it just feels weird to have no movement on that
•01:14:754 (2) - the sound on this sliderend is the same as the following circle. I recommend just putting a circle there and shortening the sliderend to the white tick, so it lands on the finish sound
•01:22:897 (1,2,3,4) - I feel like these should be spaced more than 01:18:182 (5,6,7,8) - again more intense sounds should have higher spacing
•04:32:612 (5,6,1) - same sound different spacing wha
•also try to like alternate some stuff in the last third, idk it felt kinda repetitive and got boring :c

good luck~
Topic Starter

Arutsuki wrote:

00:22:182 (5,6,7,8,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - only these really have a sound to put 1/4's on, the rest of the stream is just overmapped :\ an not just here its not overmapped because on 00:22:897 (2,3,4,5) - i mapped the toms and on 00:23:182 (1,2,3,4,5) - i mapped the double kicks.

00:59:397 (11,1) - consider spacing these more for better empathis of the guitar would not flow well if they were spaced more than the previous stream.

01:01:182 (1,2,3,4) - this is pretty confusing, either NC the other three notes as well, or just make them jumps, since it usually makes more sense to have higher spacing on a louder sound alot of complains on this pattern, ill nc all notes just to be certain

01:08:897 (4,5) - these just feel like they don't fit, the drums are the same that's true, but the guitar pitch changes and it just feels weird to have no movement on that this part doesnt get much movement until 01:10:897 (1) - because thats where the drums changes and goes into the next part. i thought it was quite clever to have less movement before the transition into the next fill leading into the chorus because that really emphasizes that part perfectly

01:14:754 (2) - the sound on this sliderend is the same as the following circle. I recommend just putting a circle there and shortening the sliderend to the white tick, so it lands on the finish sound perhaps, but i like how you have to release your key then press it again. kinda like how you'd strum on a guitar

01:22:897 (1,2,3,4) - I feel like these should be spaced more than 01:18:182 (5,6,7,8) - again more intense sounds should have higher spacing theyre the same sound anyways so no reason to space them out more

04:32:612 (5,6,1) - same sound different spacing wha tone change at 04:33:183 (1) -

also try to like alternate some stuff in the last third, idk it felt kinda repetitive and got boring :c its hard to map a repetetive part of a song to not be repetetive. remapping this part anyways so
Appreciate the help
Hello mod from my queue~
  1. You listed this as metalcore in my queue (for the genre part). If you think so, add it to the tags as well then.
  2. You could NC 00:16:611 (4) - instead of 00:16:754 (1) - since it's the emphasized note (on white tick as well) and changing the NC place here won't make it too confusing since it's fairly simple
  3. 00:35:753 (9,1) - fix the stack with these (like, cuz 00:36:611 (1,2) - are also stacked, due the stack leniency the slider 2 pushes the circle away so it's not where 00:35:753 (9) - is. Simple fix is to stack 9 and 1 and then move the slider so that it's not "stacking" but it looks like it's doing the same thing as it's doing currently. Just without fuckin up the placement of 1)
  4. 00:46:325 (4) - maybe bit unnecessary, but could you arrange this pattern so that this slider blankets not only 00:45:182 (1) - but also the whole stream with it's sliderend?
  5. 00:58:897 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - vs 00:59:468 (1,2) - I think the spacings should be vice versa considering the intensity in song. Nevertheless changing the stream spacing for 2 notes like that (even tho they begin new combo from white tick) doesn't usually look too good, perhaps you could even use a kickslider or smth (changing spacing for only couple of notes looks okay the other way tho as in 03:25:611 (4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - for example)
  6. 02:11:182 (9,2) - fix stack
  7. Well this is pretty clean already didn't find too much. My personal opinion would be tho that you could keep the spacing little more stable on the quieter parts, especially the ending.
Good luck!
Topic Starter

TheKingHenry wrote:

You listed this as metalcore in my queue (for the genre part). If you think so, add it to the tags as well then. youre right, just added "core" to "metal" in tags

You could NC 00:16:611 (4) - instead of 00:16:754 (1) - since it's the emphasized note (on white tick as well) and changing the NC place here won't make it too confusing since it's fairly simple i thought it'd be better to split the patterns through nc

00:35:753 (9,1) - fix the stack with these (like, cuz 00:36:611 (1,2) - are also stacked, due the stack leniency the slider 2 pushes the circle away so it's not where 00:35:753 (9) - is. Simple fix is to stack 9 and 1 and then move the slider so that it's not "stacking" but it looks like it's doing the same thing as it's doing currently. Just without fuckin up the placement of 1) fixed actually

00:46:325 (4) - maybe bit unnecessary, but could you arrange this pattern so that this slider blankets not only 00:45:182 (1) - but also the whole stream with it's sliderend? fixed

00:58:897 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - vs 00:59:468 (1,2) - I think the spacings should be vice versa considering the intensity in song. Nevertheless changing the stream spacing for 2 notes like that (even tho they begin new combo from white tick) doesn't usually look too good, perhaps you could even use a kickslider or smth (changing spacing for only couple of notes looks okay the other way tho as in 03:25:611 (4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - for example) i figured it'd make sense since i stacked the next triple bass and that was what my intention was. it's like a reversed pattern of the one you mentioned

02:11:182 (9,2) - fix stack fix

Well this is pretty clean already didn't find too much. My personal opinion would be tho that you could keep the spacing little more stable on the quieter parts, especially the ending. going to remap it after this mod
thank you!
Spork Lover

yoyoyo, M4M from Halcyon queue!

Color coding:
Color coding
Unrankable if unchanged
Normal Suggestion/Comment
Strong Suggestion


Widescreen support and epilepsy warning is enabled. Are you going to apply a storyboard at some point? :)

The combo colors decrease in color intensity, which is cool, but I feel like you need some red colors in the chorus and the solo since it's metalcore. Lemme mix up some for ya:
Combo 5: 159, 0, 0
Combo 6: 225, 0, 0
Combo 7: 255, 85, 85
Combo 4 would be used here too
^ mix those around as you want lol
^ Use those for the chorus and maybe even the solo. It will take some work, but it will spice up the overall feel of the map when you see different colors for intense sections. You can also do a yellow color on combo 8 for every time an 8+ note stream comes up, since they are pretty distinct for the song too!. :D example for yellow and maybe gray: 00:44:611 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) -

In the chorus, the slider shapes don't represent the intensity and emotions very well. if a lot more of the sliders in the chorus were sharp rather than curved and linear, it would create a much better feeling for the map overall.

For other distinct sounds, a higher SV or a more abrupt shape would help too. It would make the map seem more interesting overall as well. :) SOME suggestions will be mentioned in the section below, but it applies to a lot of places, so I'd do some self-modding and stuff as well

Filesize is 12.2MB. I'd suggest making the background 1366x768 because of this. It's not unrankable anymore to have it 1920x1080, but it'll speed up downloads a fair bit, since the background is almost 1 MB. You can technically make the audio file 128 kbps too, but that'd probably piss off a few modders haha (;.

When I looked through hitsounds, half of the hitsounds wouldn't add onto the program. It's an issue with the hitsound, since modding assistent points out that they aren't wave files, even if .wav is what's mentioned. Lemme write the ones that didn't load up:

normal-hitnormal3.WAV <--- yes caps

According to the modding assistent, normal-sliderslide3 is unused. remove it or use it xd

AR9.3 is pretty low for a 210 BPM stream map. I'd increase it to 9.5
OD8 is also pretty low for how the star rating/BPM is. You could increase it to 8.5 or 8.6 if you want, but yeah
HP is fine :)


00:21:897 (1,3) - Switch and make the first two notes different in some way, since the 3 is on the white tick and is the strongest part of the stream. If you don't NC that, then NC 00:21:754 (1) - instead.
00:24:040 (1,2) - I don't think this is on purpose, this is the only time in the entire song where you do this. If it is, I don't understand why xd
00:26:040 (5,6,1) - Flow is pretty linear for the 6,1 jump. I'd probably make that transition sharp. You do something like that on 00:27:182 (5,6,1) -
00:39:468 (2,3) - I'd add a bit more spacing here to account for the next jump, I felt like I had to slow down I played this part, even if I hit it.
00:41:182 (1,2) - same concept here.
00:59:468 (1,2,3) - triple part is slightly off, not by much tho
01:00:182 (6,7,8) - I don't feel like there enough feedback for a triple here, a 1/2 stack would be dope tho.
01:12:611 (3) - moving this to stack with 01:12:040 (1) - will make the kickslider feel a lot more intuitive due to a back in forth pattern. It's kinda in an awkward position atm. :3
01:27:897 (9) - Random suggestion, but the song has a pretty different sound here that enough support for slower SV or a fancier shape.
01:41:754 (1) - Doesn't feel refined enough - idea:
01:50:325 (5) - I'd add NC here. If you did colorhax, make this stream yellow.
01:53:611 (3,4,5,6,1) - star shape's a little off
01:55:040 (1,2,1,2) - inconsistent NC'ing, remove the first one.
02:08:754 (5,6,1,2) - Those distinct sounds should have something that tells them apart from other patterns in this section. my idea would be spacing this a little differently. You could also make sharp shapes here.
02:27:468 (1,2,3,4) - same idea with sharp shapes and stuff.
02:34:468 - There's almost no feedback here, so i'd either make a single tap from the slider this applies to and stack it on the stream for a 1/1 break, or silence the sliderend.
02:35:182 (9) - Extended slider (shorten by 1/4) and singletap?
02:37:611 (5) - extend the slider to this spot and silence it. The feedback is very low for a singletap.
02:52:754 (1,2) - make them regular sharp sliders instead since you don't utilize fancy shapes that much as a whole.
02:54:754 (6) - SV decrease 'cause distinct sound?
03:30:325 - I feel like utilizing the guitar sounds a little more in the beginning of the solo too would improve your emphasis.
03:42:897 - make this clickable xdddd
04:30:897 - I'd utilize stacks a bit more in this part, so it's not just pure low BPM jumps. becomes a bit too repetitive that way I feel like. Example could be 04:34:326 (4,5) - this one and 04:38:897 (4,5) - this, 04:43:469 (4,5) - etc
05:25:182 (6,7) - only curved kicksliders I've seen in this slow section. I like the flow those provide, so you could probably use them more
05:29:182 (4,5,6,7) - I think they should be in groups of two instead - i feel like the song supports either, making 2 the more "common" choise.
05:49:754 (3,4) - symmetry? (curve both)

I think that the map is good in terms of flow and structure, but it's very generic in relation to the song. If you made most of the strong sounds more distinct, it would make for a map which is a lot more intuitive in gameplay.

Feel free to poke me if you want a testplay after you've applied the changes :)

I wish you luck~~
Topic Starter

Spork Lover wrote:

Widescreen support and epilepsy warning is enabled. Are you going to apply a storyboard at some point? :) there was a storyboard at one point, but i deleted it cause i wasnt so happy with it. ill probably get somebody to do it or do it myself again

The combo colors decrease in color intensity, which is cool, but I feel like you need some red colors in the chorus and the solo since it's metalcore. Lemme mix up some for ya:
Combo 5: 159, 0, 0
Combo 6: 225, 0, 0
Combo 7: 255, 85, 85
Combo 4 would be used here too
^ mix those around as you want lol
^ Use those for the chorus and maybe even the solo. It will take some work, but it will spice up the overall feel of the map when you see different colors for intense sections. You can also do a yellow color on combo 8 for every time an 8+ note stream comes up, since they are pretty distinct for the song too!. :D example for yellow and maybe gray: 00:44:611 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - i think ill consider this actually, would give the map that little extra.

00:21:897 (1,3) - Switch and make the first two notes different in some way, since the 3 is on the white tick and is the strongest part of the stream. If you don't NC that, then NC 00:21:754 (1) - instead. theyre both part of the same stream that wouldnt be necessary

01:00:182 (6,7,8) - I don't feel like there enough feedback for a triple here, a 1/2 stack would be dope tho. theres a triple in the song, so i wouldnt want to ignore that

01:12:611 (3) - moving this to stack with 01:12:040 (1) - will make the kickslider feel a lot more intuitive due to a back in forth pattern. It's kinda in an awkward position atm i did so something simular so it's not THAT linear

01:41:754 (1) - Doesn't feel refined enough - idea: i think it looks good enough

02:08:754 (5,6,1,2) - Those distinct sounds should have something that tells them apart from other patterns in this section. my idea would be spacing this a little differently. You could also make sharp shapes here. i would normally, but i put heavy emphasize on the guitar, so i mostly stack whenever the pitch doesnt change like ive done at 01:55:040 (4,5,1,2,3,4) - so i would like to keep things mostly consistent

02:34:468 - There's almost no feedback here, so i'd either make a single tap from the slider this applies to and stack it on the stream for a 1/1 break, or silence the sliderend. it's not clickable anyways so shouldnt be necessary

02:35:182 (9) - Extended slider (shorten by 1/4) and singletap? im putting emphasize on the guitars here. the slider end isnt clickable because the guitar player silences the note with his strumming hand so the note goes quiet. i did change the later one though because the guitar player does indeed strum on the slider end.

03:30:325 - I feel like utilizing the guitar sounds a little more in the beginning of the solo too would improve your emphasis. the lead guitar isnt so interesting during this small period so i mapped the rhythm guitar instead

05:25:182 (6,7) - only curved kicksliders I've seen in this slow section. I like the flow those provide, so you could probably use them more i used them when necessary but i may consider just making it all consistent instead

05:29:182 (4,5,6,7) - I think they should be in groups of two instead - i feel like the song supports either, making 2 the more "common" choise. if they were the same sound i'd group them up, but 5,6,7 isnt the same sound as 4.

I think that the map is good in terms of flow and structure, but it's very generic in relation to the song. If you made most of the strong sounds more distinct, it would make for a map which is a lot more intuitive in gameplay. my mapping style was somewhat different when i first finished it, im probably going to have to remap everything if i want it to adapt to my current style. so ill keep it this way now since i really love playing this map myself
Thanks Spork! Huge props

00:31:325 (4,6) - looks not so good overlap for me./
00:35:753 (9) - NC?
00:49:468 (2,3,4) - flow looks weird
02:36:754 (3,4) - add Nc since you changed SV
03:21:182 (1,6) - avoid overlap?

Nothing to mod, GL
Topic Starter

Neoskylove wrote:

00:31:325 (4,6) - looks not so good overlap for me./ fix
00:35:753 (9) - NC? its part of the same section anyways,
00:49:468 (2,3,4) - flow looks weird i think its alright
02:36:754 (3,4) - add Nc since you changed SV theyre all the same sv so that'd be unecessary
03:21:182 (1,6) - avoid overlap? fix
Thanks for the mod, even if it's small.
Hey heres mod from m4m :)
Im pretty sure the offset is a bit wrong. It should be about 60 but im not 100% sure about the correct number and maybe you should ask someone whos really good at timing.

Imo i think you should make the hitsounds a bit louder (~10%) because you used custom hitsounds that are already kinda silent id say and then you only use 60% for the most part which, for me, is too low, and the chorus has 70% .. idk i would like it more if it was a bit louder

00:13:325 (9,1) - Maybe nc 9 instead of 1 or rework this beginning section. nc here is kinda weird imo. 00:12:611 (4,1) - also maybe nc at 4 instead of 1 since music here is like that.
00:18:325 (1) - Here til 00:21:754 (7) - you should make nc like you did after the stream that follows for better consistency
00:31:468 (1) - Remove nc
00:31:611 (2,3,4,5,6) - Maybe put this a bit more up left so it has the same spacing from 1 to 2 as it has in the jump at 00:31:325 (4,1) - and it also lowers the 1/4 jump which is.. kinda weird here imo.
00:36:611 (1,2) - Stack this under 00:35:753 (9) - correctly :c
00:39:182 (1) - Imo flow can be improved here with ctrl+g on that slider. You prob did that because of the jumps you wanted here because of the guitar sound but.. if you want that i think you should increas the jump between 00:39:468 (2,3) - by dragging 2 more to the right and as i said ctrl+g the 1.. i think it would be better
00:41:182 (1) - At this section the ncs dont make sense to me. i would do them at: 00:42:468 (2) - , and then at either of 00:43:325 (4,5) -
00:53:468 (1) - Remove nc
00:59:468 (1,2,3) - I would just stack these or just improve the visuals here because this slowdown looks kinda awkward with the angle you changed the direction in..
01:14:325 (1) - Oh here you stacked it correctly so i assume the first one at 00:36:611 (1,2) - wasnt intentional.
01:22:897 (1) - Remove nc
01:30:754 (2) - I think this should be a bit of a jump, maybe like x2 ds so it would be better to play from the big jump before this.
01:42:897 (1) - Didnt nc these parts previously so this shouldnt be a nc too
01:45:182 (1) - ^
01:46:040 (6) - Stack this under the slider
01:57:754 (7) - Id rather see the nc here for consistency but.. this one is fine too
02:02:325 (1) - Here i dont understand the nc again until the vocal starts. I would redo them at this part like you did all the other times.
02:17:897 (5,6) - Maybe ctrl+g the slider and put 5 on the beginning again? Or ctrl+g 02:17:611 (4) - . both would have better flow imo.
02:40:611 (1) - Remove nc
02:44:325 (1,3) - Remove nc at 1 and add it at 3. thats how you did it at the same section before.
02:52:611 (1,2) - and 02:57:182 (1,2) - after these 2 sections you always did nc at the "2" so change these ncs too.
02:57:325 (2) - Ctrl+g has better flow again imo and the jump wouldnt be bad too.
03:45:040 (1) - This nc seems kinda random imo.
04:22:326 (3) - Ctrl+g here too
04:32:040 (1) - Remove nc. after this you did it every 2 big white ticks so do it here too.
04:45:182 (3) - Ctrl+g.. i dont really think these stacking notes fit much for the singing part and i think you could do something else here.. just my opinion though
05:12:611 (3) - etc. etc. not gonna point them out anymore change them if you want to, your choice anyways and its not really a problem ^^

So, overall this map is pretty and the flow is really good already so gl with it! :3
Topic Starter

Parachute wrote:

Hey heres mod from m4m :)
Im pretty sure the offset is a bit wrong. It should be about 60 but im not 100% sure about the correct number and maybe you should ask someone whos really good at timing.

Imo i think you should make the hitsounds a bit louder (~10%) because you used custom hitsounds that are already kinda silent id say and then you only use 60% for the most part which, for me, is too low, and the chorus has 70% .. idk i would like it more if it was a bit louder

00:13:325 (9,1) - Maybe nc 9 instead of 1 or rework this beginning section. nc here is kinda weird imo. 00:12:611 (4,1) - also maybe nc at 4 instead of 1 since music here is like that.
00:18:325 (1) - Here til 00:21:754 (7) - you should make nc like you did after the stream that follows for better consistency
00:31:468 (1) - Remove nc
00:31:611 (2,3,4,5,6) - Maybe put this a bit more up left so it has the same spacing from 1 to 2 as it has in the jump at 00:31:325 (4,1) - and it also lowers the 1/4 jump which is.. kinda weird here imo.
00:36:611 (1,2) - Stack this under 00:35:753 (9) - correctly :c
00:39:182 (1) - Imo flow can be improved here with ctrl+g on that slider. You prob did that because of the jumps you wanted here because of the guitar sound but.. if you want that i think you should increas the jump between 00:39:468 (2,3) - by dragging 2 more to the right and as i said ctrl+g the 1.. i think it would be better
00:41:182 (1) - At this section the ncs dont make sense to me. i would do them at: 00:42:468 (2) - , and then at either of 00:43:325 (4,5) -
00:53:468 (1) - Remove nc
00:59:468 (1,2,3) - I would just stack these or just improve the visuals here because this slowdown looks kinda awkward with the angle you changed the direction in..
01:14:325 (1) - Oh here you stacked it correctly so i assume the first one at 00:36:611 (1,2) - wasnt intentional.
01:22:897 (1) - Remove nc
01:30:754 (2) - I think this should be a bit of a jump, maybe like x2 ds so it would be better to play from the big jump before this.
01:42:897 (1) - Didnt nc these parts previously so this shouldnt be a nc too
01:45:182 (1) - ^
01:46:040 (6) - Stack this under the slider
01:57:754 (7) - Id rather see the nc here for consistency but.. this one is fine too
02:02:325 (1) - Here i dont understand the nc again until the vocal starts. I would redo them at this part like you did all the other times.
02:17:897 (5,6) - Maybe ctrl+g the slider and put 5 on the beginning again? Or ctrl+g 02:17:611 (4) - . both would have better flow imo.
02:40:611 (1) - Remove nc
02:44:325 (1,3) - Remove nc at 1 and add it at 3. thats how you did it at the same section before.
02:52:611 (1,2) - and 02:57:182 (1,2) - after these 2 sections you always did nc at the "2" so change these ncs too.
02:57:325 (2) - Ctrl+g has better flow again imo and the jump wouldnt be bad too.
03:45:040 (1) - This nc seems kinda random imo.
04:22:326 (3) - Ctrl+g here too
04:32:040 (1) - Remove nc. after this you did it every 2 big white ticks so do it here too.
04:45:182 (3) - Ctrl+g.. i dont really think these stacking notes fit much for the singing part and i think you could do something else here.. just my opinion though
05:12:611 (3) - etc. etc. not gonna point them out anymore change them if you want to, your choice anyways and its not really a problem ^^

So, overall this map is pretty and the flow is really good already so gl with it! :3
I agreed with alot of the things you mentioned. didnt reply to the mod because i didnt want to spend 10 min on writing fixed on every single point

- Changed ms (+20)
- Polished NC
- Fixed a few flow stuff

Thanks alot mate!

so I was indeed supposed to mod this but with the changes made I don't think I have anything more to point out so have these 2 stars
  1. 00:38:345 (1) - I don't think that NC is really necessary here
  2. 00:52:345 (4,1,2,3,4,5) - that doesn't look good so much imo, try to make/improve a star pattern here it'd surely be better
  3. 00:56:060 (1) - finish on its head is not necessary
  4. 01:16:345 (6,7,1) - spacing seems a bit weird i know that there's a loud finish on the red tick but i really recommand not to have a rude spacing as that, so reducing the spacing between 01:16:631 (7,1) - would be great
  5. 01:25:774 (7,1) - ^
  6. 01:22:631 (3,4,5,6,7) - same as 00:52:345 (4,1,2,3,4,5)
  7. 01:34:917 (1,2) - NC should be on (2) not on (1) according to your NC pattern
  8. 02:52:631 (1,2) - NC seems a bit inconsistent here
  9. 02:57:202 (1,2) - ^
  10. 03:13:202 (7) - why did you map the downbeat only here? i see no difference with the others that you skipped
  11. 03:58:917 (1) - i think the sound from here is a bit too heavy imo
that's all for me, gl!
Topic Starter

Irohas wrote:

  1. 00:38:345 (1) - I don't think that NC is really necessary here idk why it wouldnt
  2. 00:52:345 (4,1,2,3,4,5) - that doesn't look good so much imo, try to make/improve a star pattern here it'd surely be better fix
  3. 00:56:060 (1) - finish on its head is not necessary im sure i can hear the cymbal when playing the song by itself
  4. 01:16:345 (6,7,1) - spacing seems a bit weird i know that there's a loud finish on the red tick but i really recommand not to have a rude spacing as that, so reducing the spacing between 01:16:631 (7,1) - would be great fixed
  5. 01:25:774 (7,1) - ^ fixed
  6. 01:22:631 (3,4,5,6,7) - same as 00:52:345 (4,1,2,3,4,5) fixed
  7. 01:34:917 (1,2) - NC should be on (2) not on (1) according to your NC pattern that wasnt my intention, i forgot to swap nc at last update
  8. 02:52:631 (1,2) - NC seems a bit inconsistent here same as above
  9. 02:57:202 (1,2) - ^ same as above
  10. 03:13:202 (7) - why did you map the downbeat only here? i see no difference with the others that you skipped because here the guitar comes in at 03:13:202 (7) - instead of 03:13:060 (6) - so i just followed the music as it is
  11. 03:58:917 (1) - i think the sound from here is a bit too heavy imo made it a bit lower
Thank you ^^

Sorry if the mod is sort of short and nitpicky (and very basic (andprobablybad)), most people got to main points so I'll shoot small suggestions here and there.

In general, I'd consider this genre more of Modern Prog rather than Metalcore. But debates about subsubsubgenres lead nowhere.

About the map:

00:17:917 (2,3) - point this slider in the direction of the stream
00:23:202 (1) - Why NC here but not 00:22:345 (7) - here?
00:43:774 (2,3,4) - put 3 between 2 and 4, or maybe underneath the 4?
00:45:060 (6,1) - slider in direction of stream
00:53:631 (7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - cool stream, (☞ ͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°)☞
01:00:488 (9) - why is this so close compared to the rest of the jumps
01:30:345 (1,2,3) - 1 seems farther away from 2 than the 3, maybe make it equal?
04:46:631 (6,1) - maybe change this to look more like this 04:52:345 (4,5) -

Fantastic map. Sorry for short (maybe not that good) mod. Hope to see it ranked! Gl! ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
Topic Starter

Flare-kun wrote:

In general, I'd consider this genre more of Modern Prog rather than Metalcore. But debates about subsubsubgenres lead nowhere. i have no clue why i thought it was metalcore. anyways, just removed core from metalcore in tags

00:17:917 (2,3) - point this slider in the direction of the stream i love this circular motion so ill keep
00:23:202 (1) - Why NC here but not 00:22:345 (7) - here? fix
00:43:774 (2,3,4) - put 3 between 2 and 4, or maybe underneath the 4? overlapped with 00:43:345 (8) -
00:45:060 (6,1) - slider in direction of stream not necessarily since flow is good enough
01:00:488 (9) - why is this so close compared to the rest of the jumps its not an equally strong beat as the other ones. so i used the same spacing like 00:59:631 (3,4) -
01:30:345 (1,2,3) - 1 seems farther away from 2 than the 3, maybe make it equal? fixed
04:46:631 (6,1) - maybe change this to look more like this 04:52:345 (4,5) - the flow is really good so no thanks. but i may adjust the following sliders for better flow aswell idk
Thank you ^^
A r M i N
NM from my queue


00:22:631 (1,2) - shouldnt those NC be swapped?
00:38:631 (2,3) - stack
01:52:060 (6) - NC?
03:44:060 - put Hitsound volume up ?
04:12:060 (5) - idk but for me this looks nicer xD
04:55:774 (7) - like this? ^^
06:02:345 - those whistle hitsounds are way too loud from here on

sorry for shitmod LOL i hope i helped xD
Topic Starter

A r M i N wrote:

00:22:631 (1,2) - shouldnt those NC be swapped? new guitar section so i NC
00:38:631 (2,3) - stack
01:52:060 (6) - NC?
03:44:060 - put Hitsound volume up ?
04:12:060 (5) - idk but for me this looks nicer xD
04:55:774 (7) - like this? ^^ this part has alot of linear flow to make it more fun and interesting to play
06:02:345 - those whistle hitsounds are way too loud from here on

02:40:774 (1) - You can make this slider blanket 02:41:345 (2,3,4) -

Ughgh love this song. Sorry I can't find more mistakes >.<
Sry for little delay, I suddenly was busy.

  1. 00:31:345 (10,1) - make sharper angle here for jump, pretty strong beat here 00:31:488 - but you used almost 90 degree here. For example stack this 00:31:488 (1,1) - feels better imo + may be place next notes closer
  2. 00:36:774 (2,3) - jump between them should be bigger than between them 00:37:060 (3,4) - because 00:37:060 - stronger than 00:37:202 -
  3. 00:37:202 (4,1) - too small spacing imo
  4. 00:44:060 (4) - may be ctrl+g and move 00:44:345 (5,6,7) - farther?
  5. 00:44:631 - I hear this part with this NCs, vocals emphasize new parts, I think you should rework a little and separate them in bew patterns
  6. 00:47:774 (4,5) - with this stack I really want move in opposite direction :c may be ctrl+g and restack somehow this slider? I afraid that you'll need fix next pattern because of that...
  7. 00:53:631 (7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - what about something like this pattern?
  8. 01:01:202 (1,2,3,4) - this might be just my own preference, because I dont like single taps xd I could ctrl+g 01:01:202 (1,2) - and ctrl+g 01:01:488 (3,4)
  9. 02:20:202 (7,8,9,1,2) - this feels pretty uncomfotable imo when you must jump - stop - jump - stop many times, I suggest you make more jumps or move them closer that could feels better. Spacing like this 02:13:774 (1,2,3,4) - fits more imo
  10. 02:31:631 (1) - why this slider looks like x2.0 SV for long guitar sound? xD
  11. 02:34:345 - I hear this like just click instead of holding, put there cirecle instead?
  12. 02:35:202 (9) - NC?
  13. 02:35:202 (9,10,11) - and 02:44:345 (9,1,2) - similar parts, but different NCs
  14. 03:32:631 (3) - reverse does not fit for this part and feels like overmapped imo, may be put there 1/1 slider too?
  15. 03:41:774 (3) - ^
  16. 04:30:631 (4,1) - rip flow, I could put it somewhere here
  17. 04:30:917 - I could use mostly circulation flow for whole slow part :c
  18. 05:30:917 (3) - hmm may be ctrl+g slider? plays good imo :o
  19. 05:44:631 (3) - ^
  20. 05:54:917 (4) - ^

Thats it from me.
Good luck! o/
Topic Starter

[ Pennek ] wrote:

02:40:774 (1) - You can make this slider blanket 02:41:345 (2,3,4) - fixed because i only blanket the last note in the triple, so i just adjusted to blanket the first one in the stack instead

WISPG_G wrote:

  1. 00:31:345 (10,1) - make sharper angle here for jump, pretty strong beat here 00:31:488 - but you used almost 90 degree here. For example stack this 00:31:488 (1,1) - feels better imo + may be place next notes closer the angles are already really sharp
  2. 00:44:060 (4) - may be ctrl+g and move 00:44:345 (5,6,7) - farther? emphasized guitar beat through spacing
  3. 00:44:631 - I hear this part with this NCs, vocals emphasize new parts, I think you should rework a little and separate them in bew patterns current nc is fine
  4. 00:47:774 (4,5) - with this stack I really want move in opposite direction :c may be ctrl+g and restack somehow this slider? I afraid that you'll need fix next pattern because of that... whats the issue again?
  5. 00:53:631 (7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - what about something like this pattern? current version looks better
  6. 01:01:202 (1,2,3,4) - this might be just my own preference, because I dont like single taps xd I could ctrl+g 01:01:202 (1,2) - and ctrl+g 01:01:488 (3,4) using 1/2 sliders wouldn't represent the music very well
  7. 02:20:202 (7,8,9,1,2) - this feels pretty uncomfotable imo when you must jump - stop - jump - stop many times, I suggest you make more jumps or move
    them closer that could feels better. Spacing like this 02:13:774 (1,2,3,4) - fits more imo i figured it'd be uncomfortable for a 5 didget. but thats not the target audience. i think it plays great
  8. 02:31:631 (1) - why this slider looks like x2.0 SV for long guitar sound? xD would look boring if i just made it straight, same goes for next part
  9. 02:34:345 - I hear this like just click instead of holding, put there cirecle instead? since youre not clicking the sliderend, it shouldnt be an issue
  10. 03:32:631 (3) - reverse does not fit for this part and feels like overmapped imo, may be put there 1/1 slider too? it keeps the rhythm going. and its meant to emphasize the long guitar note. since youre not clicking the the sliderend, i think its pretty good.
  11. 03:41:774 (3) - ^ same
  12. 04:30:917 - I could use mostly circulation flow for whole slow part :c would be too boring
  13. 05:30:917 (3) - hmm may be ctrl+g slider? plays good imo :o stacked for vocal purpose. ctrl+g sort of ruined flow
  14. 05:44:631 (3) - ^ ^
  15. 05:54:917 (4) - ^ ^
Thanks guys!
poopi here from my mod queue <3

good map, and finally a metal song i think i can pass


00:22:345 (7) - why does the stream change direction here? the type of drum changes at 00:22:202 (5) instead
00:43:774 (2,5,6,7) - overlap
03:34:917 (1,2,3,4,5) - awkward to read n play?

wow this is actually all i could spot when i expected more

good job
Topic Starter

Pencil-kun wrote:

00:22:345 (7) - why does the stream change direction here? the type of drum changes at 00:22:202 (5) instead tbh, i never thought of that when mapping it. if i can figure out a way to maybe include that in the stream, ill do that. but for now im gonna keep it as it is.
00:43:774 (2,5,6,7) - overlap fixed
03:34:917 (1,2,3,4,5) - awkward to read n play? imo it flows pretty good
this sounds like disturbed to me for whatever reason when are we getting stricken on osu

  • od 9 maybe?

    00:12:202 (1,2,3,4) - right off the bat this pattern is pretty awkward to play, would space out 00:12:345 (2,3) - these two a bit more and that'd fix a lot of the angling issues with this jump
    00:16:774 (1,2,3,4,5) - pretty spaced out for a calm part in the song (or relatively, at least), reduce a bit? spacing is reduced later on so it kinda makes sense here too
    00:41:917 (4,5) - i get the rhythm choice but it's still pretty awkward to hit this, was expecting more emphasis
    00:46:060 (2,3) - wasn't expecting a stack here lul
    00:50:345 (1,2) - this is the only 1/1 gap you do here, maybe add a note on the red tick with a slider or smth?
    01:01:202 (1,2,3,4) - pls dont do this after a jump or ill hate u forever just make this a reduced spacing jump or something
    01:08:060 (3) - move end a bit to the left?
    01:50:916 (1) - literally the only time u nc something like this in a stream, id just move nc to 01:51:774 (2) - here
    02:32:631 (6,7,8,9,10,11) - would personally make these triples repeat sliders since they're less intensified than 02:32:202 (2,3,4) - this one, goes for the triples like this in this section
    04:27:489 (5,6) - space this out more from the previous stack and nc?

    personally not a fan of the stacks in last kiai but they're fine so yea
Topic Starter

fieryrage wrote:

this sounds like disturbed to me for whatever reason when are we getting stricken on osu if i were a faster mapper id actually do that song. that solo would be so fun to map

  • od 9 maybe? gonna ask around to see what people think

    00:12:202 (1,2,3,4) - right off the bat this pattern is pretty awkward to play, would space out 00:12:345 (2,3) - these two a bit more and that'd fix a lot of the angling issues with this jump
    00:16:774 (1,2,3,4,5) - pretty spaced out for a calm part in the song (or relatively, at least), reduce a bit? spacing is reduced later on so it kinda makes sense here too
    00:41:917 (4,5) - i get the rhythm choice but it's still pretty awkward to hit this, was expecting more emphasis i think it plays well, it's not like you're losing momentum anyways
    00:46:060 (2,3) - wasn't expecting a stack here lul
    00:50:345 (1,2) - this is the only 1/1 gap you do here, maybe add a note on the red tick with a slider or smth?
    01:01:202 (1,2,3,4) - pls dont do this after a jump or ill hate u forever just make this a reduced spacing jump or something
    01:08:060 (3) - move end a bit to the left? flow is good enough
    01:50:916 (1) - literally the only time u nc something like this in a stream, id just move nc to 01:51:774 (2) - here
    02:32:631 (6,7,8,9,10,11) - would personally make these triples repeat sliders since they're less intensified than 02:32:202 (2,3,4) - this one, goes for the triples like this in this section they're all the same sound anyways, its just that 02:32:631 (6,7,8) - is played in your left ear and 02:32:917 (9,10,11) - in your right ear. idk, i can maybe consider but i think its good already
    04:27:489 (5,6) - space this out more from the previous stack and nc?

    personally not a fan of the stacks in last kiai but they're fine so yea yeah i did polish those stacks a bit now since people have been bugging me about it
Thanks alot fiery!

also a change buffed the difficulty to 5.8 :thinking:
Need meta confirmation ofc
I don't see a SB..why's there widescreen+epilepsy warning??

[you are here forever]
  1. 00:13:774 - add a break?seems a big interval lol
  2. 00:59:917 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - ds is kinda random plus bad aesthetics imo
  3. 02:17:488 (3) - to around 176|98 will create a better spacing+flow
  4. 02:40:774 (1,2) - i know its hard but improve blanket again xd
  5. 03:12:488 (2,4,6) - can do sth to make aesthetics better
  6. 03:43:917 (5,1) - reduce spacing a bit
  7. 04:22:060 (2) - would be good if u stack on slider end
    Nice map
Topic Starter
Fixed all including some random polishing on
02:40:345 (8,1,2) -
02:43:488 (7) -
03:14:345 (3,5) -
03:16:917 (3) -
04:12:060 (5,1,2,3) - ... urrendered ... d806210372

Should be good? Got the links from their main site at the "digital copies available now at" section.
why epilepsy warning
else fine

guess its client issue, anyway bubble #1
Topic Starter
are we looking at the same map? cause it should be off in the latest update :(

certainly odd

thanks again for the mod!

Ranking Criteria wrote:

  1. Hitsounds must have an acceptable range of delay under 5ms. Every hitsound file should start in time, preferrably at 0ms. This is to ensure that every map doesn't sound mistimed, and therefore could provide acceptably synchronized rhythm feedback to players.
drum-hitclap.wav, drum-hitfinish.wav, drum-hitnormal.wav, normal-hitfinish.wav, normal-hitfinish2.wav, normal-hitfinish3.wav, normal-hitnormal.wav, normal-hitnormal3.wav, normal-hitwhistle2.wav are delayed over 5ms, according to Ranking Criteria which is should be unrankable.

some of the delayed hitsound below:

it should be big influence if delayed almost 50ms

on the other hand, the map are very great, nothing issue want to point out

Topic Starter
got rid of the dead time (5 ms in the beginning) in all of those files you mentioned. double checked the other files and they are fine

dont forget to redl ;)

holymoly grats on 2,5k posts

uhc wrote:

Found unused .wav files:
- normal-hitfinish2l.wav
there should be wrong naming.
call me back after checked it
Topic Starter

Rizia wrote:

uhc wrote:

Found unused .wav files:
- normal-hitfinish2l.wav
there should be wrong naming.
call me back after checked it
it probably got mixed up with the new hitsound files while importing

rebubbled #1
Nao Tomori

we irc'd

10:44 *Nao Tomori is editing [ Intervals - The Self Surrendered [Forever]]
10:44 Nao Tomori: did you change mp3
10:44 DavidEd: probably
10:44 DavidEd: rip
10:44 DavidEd: when did you last download the map?
10:44 Nao Tomori: duno
10:44 Nao Tomori: ill just redl
10:45 DavidEd: because i changed it loooong ago
10:45 Nao Tomori: really
10:45 Nao Tomori: a miku bg
10:46 DavidEd: LOL
10:46 Nao Tomori: you couldn't think of something better than a miku bg
10:46 Nao Tomori: -______-
10:46 Nao Tomori: popped
10:46 *Nao Tomori runss
10:46 DavidEd: rip
10:46 Nao Tomori: ok
10:46 Nao Tomori: so my issue with the intro
10:46 Nao Tomori: is like
10:46 Nao Tomori: the sliders feel really randomly placed
10:46 Nao Tomori: like i missed the reason they're sliders and not circles
10:48 DavidEd: you mean up til the vocals come in?
10:48 Nao Tomori: yea
10:48 Nao Tomori: 00:18:917 -
10:48 Nao Tomori: like this one
10:48 Nao Tomori: to me it sounds like there's a new guitar part starting on the slider end
10:49 DavidEd: yeah, but it's not very noticable
10:49 Nao Tomori: hm
10:50 Nao Tomori: but like
10:50 Nao Tomori: it feels as if you randomly decided between slider or circle
10:51 Nao Tomori: 00:27:488 -
10:51 Nao Tomori: like in this combo it's pretty clear
10:52 DavidEd: 00:19:345 (1) - this one i can understand
10:55 Nao Tomori: like 00:24:345 (2) -
10:55 Nao Tomori: this one is kind weird
10:55 Nao Tomori: cuz the high note is on the slider en
10:56 Nao Tomori: or like
10:56 Nao Tomori: 00:26:631 (2) -
10:56 Nao Tomori: this one has nothing under the head lol
10:56 DavidEd: yeah, idk why i decided to make that part consistent
10:57 Nao Tomori: mm
10:57 Nao Tomori: well
10:57 DavidEd: its better to have a slider on 00:24:631 (3) - then
10:57 Nao Tomori: aside from the intro there is not much
10:58 Nao Tomori: yea
10:58 Nao Tomori: wat
10:58 Nao Tomori: yeah
10:58 Nao Tomori: wrong chat
10:58 Nao Tomori: wtf
10:58 Nao Tomori: ok
10:58 DavidEd: xD
10:58 Nao Tomori: yeah a slider there works well
10:58 Nao Tomori: i think you could just go over it once and pick out the odd sounding ones
10:59 Nao Tomori: 00:33:488 (2) -
10:59 DavidEd: yeah, just gonna polish the rhythm a bit
10:59 Nao Tomori: 00:50:917 (3) -
11:00 DavidEd: 00:50:917 (3) - vocal emphasize
11:00 Nao Tomori: but you're like
11:00 Nao Tomori: following guitar and drums for the entire other part
11:00 Nao Tomori: for a long time
11:01 Nao Tomori: hm
11:01 Nao Tomori: i guess it's ok
11:02 DavidEd: 00:46:345 (4,5) - and consistency i guess
11:02 Nao Tomori: ah yea
11:02 Nao Tomori: 01:53:202 (1,2,3,4) -
11:02 Nao Tomori: ctrl g on 12 and 34 seems better here
11:03 Nao Tomori: especially cuz u repeat that rhythm a lot
11:04 DavidEd: yeah, i put a slider first for a smooth transition into the next part
11:04 Nao Tomori: hm
11:05 Nao Tomori: but you repeat the circle+1/2 slider thing for the next minute
11:05 Nao Tomori: doesn't make sense to not do it the first time it happens imo
11:06 DavidEd: makes sense
11:07 Nao Tomori: 02:20:774 -
11:07 Nao Tomori: only time it's 1/1 slider
11:07 Nao Tomori: 02:31:631 (2) - wth are these sliders
11:08 Nao Tomori: there's nothing there D=
11:09 DavidEd: a e s t e t i c s b o i s
11:10 Nao Tomori: -_
11:10 Nao Tomori: colin hou level
11:10 Nao Tomori: can u at least mute the end
11:10 DavidEd: but ur right, a straight slider would represent the silence better
11:11 Nao Tomori: ..
11:11 DavidEd: would silence if there wasnt a crash symbal in the way :)
11:11 Nao Tomori: a *circle* would reflect the slience better
11:11 Nao Tomori: 05:13:488 (5,6) -
11:11 Nao Tomori: maybe space these more
11:11 Nao Tomori: cuz harder drums?
11:13 DavidEd: sure
11:13 Nao Tomori: mk thats about it
11:13 Nao Tomori: updoot when ur finished
11:14 DavidEd: btw, 02:31:631 (2) - the slider is there cause the cymbal kinda rings out
11:14 DavidEd: so theres not absolute silence
11:14 Nao Tomori: mm
11:14 Nao Tomori: personally thing a circle and then space lets you appreciate the cymbal more but like
11:15 Nao Tomori: thats pure style thing so w/e
11:15 DavidEd: but ill change the aestetics of it so that it represents that better
11:15 Nao Tomori: slightly curved meme
11:15 DavidEd: lel
12:04 DavidEd: aight [ this] is what i changed + did some nc and hitsound polishing on some parts
12:14 Nao Tomori: kk
12:14 Nao Tomori: gimme a sec
12:14 Nao Tomori: making a map pool
12:17 DavidEd: okidoki ^^
12:17 Nao Tomori: ok done
12:17 Nao Tomori: i put carrion insane as a dt pick
12:18 DavidEd: map pool for?
12:18 Nao Tomori: osu balkan tournament
12:18 DavidEd: ah nice
12:20 DavidEd: oh and there IS an explanation of the bg choise
12:20 DavidEd: but its just my subjective interpretation of the lyrics
12:21 DavidEd: tldr, i think its about the downside of being celebrity
12:21 Nao Tomori: ok
12:22 Nao Tomori: yeah i could hear the lyrics
12:22 Nao Tomori: just kinda funny to use miku bg on english song
12:22 DavidEd: yeah. seems a bit out of place xD
12:23 Nao Tomori: ok
12:23 Nao Tomori: looks fine
12:23 Nao Tomori: good shit
12:24 DavidEd: thats some good shit right thur if i do say so myself

i ignore basic concepts
Topic Starter
Special thanks to all the modders!
ayy huge congrats
mega hype
I'm so sorry that didn't mod your map and didn't reply on your request, i just think that your map is too good for me ;_;
So gratz with rank, osu needs more metal!
quality mapping. good work my dude :__()
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