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Repflez wrote:

A question just in case. Can the wiki be upgraded to at least MediaWiki 1.19? Is mostly to request to install this extension (The other reason is that the current version installed has several vulnerabilities):

It pretty much allows articles to have "approved revisions" which are shown in the article even if there edits in the future. Useful for important articles like Ranking Criterias and tournaments.
Or just give administrator rights to all approved users (Admins, BATs, Moderators, etc.) and then lock certain articles.

But updating the wiki is more preferable of course.
Some people seem to forget what the purpose of a wiki is.

If we wanted to display information then restrict and lock it, it would be in the form of a news post or forum post.
Some articles still shouldn't be open for everyone. [[Rules]], for example.

[Dellirium] wrote:

Or just give administrator rights to all approved users (Admins, BATs, Moderators, etc.) and then lock certain articles.
That's more tiring to keep tabs on that on the long run. I'm ok with admins having rights to edit protected articles.

Zallius wrote:

Some people seem to forget what the purpose of a wiki is.

If we wanted to display information then restrict and lock it, it would be in the form of a news post or forum post.
Articles like the rules, the main page and templates that are used everywhere shouldn't be freely editable by everyone because of the disruption it can cause if someone vandalizes those pages, so all of those but the rules are currently locked.

Important articles that are begin used at the moment can be locked for any reasonable reason, like the OWC one that was locked at Loctav's request due to people vandalizing it.

In short, not every article should be editable by everyone. If there's a good reason to lock it (even if temporary), it can be locked.
Question. Is it possible to get the language ID of an article?
For example, I'd like to get "HK" in HK:Standard.
Currently not, since they aren't in a real wiki namespace. It's possible to add a substring function to the wiki but is controlled by a setting in the configuration.
I see... I won't request to add it since the idea I'm thinking is not really important.
A translate template for mostly used words like "Names" in tables and such
so I think I have to ask here....
If anyone can tell me rather this table can be edited?

I started to add pages for some detailed information in mapping techniques, but I have no idea how different pages can group in this table together :/


Chaoslitz wrote:

so I think I have to ask here....
If anyone can tell me rather this table can be edited?

I started to add pages for some detailed information in mapping techniques, but I have no idea how different pages can group in this table together :/


hoshisorakiseki wrote:
Thanks for help.
I can't make new pages on Chrome? @-@!?

Dishonest wrote:

I can't make new pages on Chrome? @-@!?
Any error or something? Making a test page worked without errors.
Gonna make revisions of screenshots.
was looking at how to add colour to text. and found this
{{Fontcolor|<text color>|<background color>|<text>}}
what's the difference between fontcolor and text color?

or are there easier ways to do it?

nevermind, got it

deadbeat wrote:

was looking at how to add colour to text. and found this
{{Fontcolor|<text color>|<background color>|<text>}}
what's the difference between fontcolor and text color?

or are there easier ways to do it?

nevermind, got it
(Extremely late reply) Done. Just added table formatting for it to ease comparison.
It looks that there's a new wave of Contributor badges since I found that I have the badge. I don't know who are the new ones but I went and added myself to the list. I really need to be more active on the wiki and the community but uni always gets me first :(

Oh, a little help here? I started working on it some weeks ago but didn't continued due to lack of information.
RaikireHiuduo added to that list as well. i'll see if i can get a list of when who given the badge and when

RaikireHiuduo wrote:

Dear god this is gonna take 7+ hours. Can somebody help me? :(
I'll help. But I think that many links are removed or has missing Nominators.
I was looking through the wiki and I noticed there isn't a page for the expert difficulty. Can someone please do this?
Three Two questions. Regarding osu! merchandises:-

1. Regarding the old page. [1] Is that page still active? [2] Can people still buy the hoddie/t-shirt/mugs sold there?

2. Regarding the image source for Sticker #1. [3] I need the post link. I found but I do remember there is an announcement post of it. Link:
For Mapping Techniques,

This is my current plan:-

1. C&P everything from forum to the template at their respective pages. Currently need to do page no.3 (41-60). Personally done in cold blood.
2. "#REDIRECT" work.
3. Sort them in Rhythm, Formations, Hit-circles, Slider Techniques. (Low priority)
4. Purge the orphan pages or short page remains of Mapping Techniques.

I need help in:-
1. The "C&P" work of page no.3 (41-60).
2. Getting lost image/update of the MT images. (13, 23, 38 [not needed I think?], 49, 54, 55)
3. "#REDIRECT" all 60 pages to no.1 (1-20), no.2 (21-40), or no.3 (41-60) to their respective header section.
Does someone know if it's possible to connect with Sublime Text 2 and the extension "Mediawiker" to the osu!wiki? If so, how? Would be handier to edit wiki articles.

Deimos wrote:

Does someone know if it's possible to connect with Sublime Text 2 and the extension "Mediawiker" to the osu!wiki? If so, how? Would be handier to edit wiki articles. ... r-settings

host to
path to /wiki/
pagepath to /wiki/
https to true
username and password are the same as your osu! account

Remember to prefix ! on summary to get edits marked as minor.

Repflez wrote: ... r-settings

host to
path to /wiki/
pagepath to /wiki/
https to true
username and password are the same as your osu! account

Remember to prefix ! on summary to get edits marked as minor.
Oh, thanks, the https to true was new for me but it still doesn't work. When I try to open a page it just opens an empty untitled page. No idea what I am still missing.

Tried to fix the Special:Preferences bug. It turns out that Common.js and Vector.js won't do anything on that page so I made it userscript.

Can someone add this userscript and test the page? It should work.
Just did and it doesn't work for me, but I'm running Canary and that might be the reason.
EDIT: Okay, after some time spent on staring at the source of Special:Preferences and exploring (I don't know JavaScript at all) I managed to get it to work by fixing prefShowTab:

if ( id == selectedId ) {
prefTabLinks[id].parentElement.className = 'selected';
prefContentDivs[id].style.display = 'block';
} else {
prefTabLinks[id].parentElement.className = '';
prefContentDivs[id].style.display = 'none';

TicClick wrote:

Just did and it doesn't work for me, but I'm running Canary and that might be the reason.
EDIT: Okay, after some time spent on staring at the source of Special:Preferences and exploring (I don't know JavaScript at all) I managed to get it to work by fixing prefShowTab:

[code stuff]
Wow you made the tabs work. I can't into Javascript too but they work. Thanks.
It bothers me for a few days already: what is the proper way to name categories? Say, I want to have a category for Russian stub articles, is it RU:Stubs or Stubs/RU? If it's the latter, then why does the vast majority of categories have it the first way? What happens if there are both category and the template with the same name?

EDIT: okay, thanks.
How can a Template and a Category have the name? Template:Stub/RU != Category:Stub/RU
to add a template you would have to use {{Stub/RU}} and for catogories [[Category:Stub/RU]]
I edited the other languages template, adding an option to show the other languages of a different article.

[Template] Other Languages: Template:OL
To use the default article, just simply type the code below.

If you want to use a custom article, type the code below.
{{OL|<custom article>}}
Let's say that someone added {{OL|Rules}} on another wiki article.
The other languages of the rules article will be displayed instead of the current article.

This should fix the issue of using the template on language articles, looking for page named "XX:XX:Article"
Editors will just have to manually add the custom page to the template.
For everyone else wanting to try Mediawiker for Sublime Text but seeing an empty tab
Open C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\Mediawiker\mwclient\, locate login function and replace
            kwargs = {
'lgname': self.credentials[0],
'lgpassword': self.credentials[1]


            kwargs = {
'lgname': self.credentials[0],
'lgpassword': self.credentials[1],
'wpName': self.credentials[0],
'wpPassword': self.credentials[1]

(tested under Sublime Text 3, but I guess it should also work for 2)
Because Mediawiki engine installed on osu! server has Auth_phpBB extension hook, which forces everyone to authenticate against the forum database. wpName and wpPassword are form fields on [[Special:UserLogin]] page used for said authentication.

You could even omit lgname and lgpassword and still login successfully, given that you know another elegant and non-API way to get a login token (there probably isn't).

I have modified the members templates (QAT, GMT, BNG, STR, Language Moderators) a bit, so they now can be used on language-specific pages + translation. So, language-specific member templates are no longer needed and when the teams get changed you will only have to update "one" template instead of xy (like ZH, ID and DE).

GMT template
|Click here to edit this table template=
|Area of focus=
|Forum moderation=
|Chat moderation=
|Technical support=
|osu!media creation=
|Wiki administration=
|osu!stream manager=

QAT template
|Click here to edit this table template=

BNG template
|Click here to edit this table template=

Support Team template
|Click here to edit this table template =

Language moderators template
|Click here to edit this table template=
|All moderators=
The French pages are now updated with these templates.

Some things I noticed in your previous post:
  1. you forgot the = sign for Swedish in every template
  2. you added an extra / in the template title "Language Moderators/Members/"
  3. you forgot the _ in the template titles "Support Team/Members" and "Language Moderators/Members"
  4. why is the BNG template named "Beatmap_Nomination_Group_Members" and not "Beatmap_Nomination_Group/Members"?

XPJ38 wrote:

The French pages are now updated with these templates.

Some things I noticed in your previous post:
  1. you forgot the = sign for Swedish in every template
  2. you added an extra / in the template title "Language Moderators/Members/"
  3. you forgot the _ in the template titles "Support Team/Members" and "Language Moderators/Members"
  4. why is the BNG template named "Beatmap_Nomination_Group_Members" and not "Beatmap_Nomination_Group/Members"?
1. Fixed, thx.
2. Fixed, thx.
3. _ is not needed. Added them.
4. Blame the creator *cough* Nathanael *cough*, but shouldn't take that much time to make it consistent. PS: Fixed
Nice, thank you.
Just a heads up. I have deleted most if not all rules translations by request. This is because we had a new wording of the current rules.
Please retranslate your language pages if I deleted them. If you need the old text of the pages, feel free to PM me.

I left some pages because they're already translated or I couldn't find if they were retranslated.
Problem statement:-
Inability to save wikipage.

Pages in question:-
a. Announcement Archive
b. opsu!

Steps to reproduce:-
1. "Save page".
2. Directed to CloudFlare's security page. Image link (lower half info excluding ID and IP)

Site owner = peppy?

RaikireHiuduo wrote:

Problem statement:-
Inability to save wikipage.

Pages in question:-
a. Announcement Archive
b. opsu!

Steps to reproduce:-
1. "Save page".
2. Directed to CloudFlare's security page. Image link (lower half info excluding ID and IP)

Site owner = peppy?
can someone help me?
I see on my osu game that I have Lv. 9 but on my profile page it says Lv. 4
is there something wrong/
It just needs to update. Lately the servers are kinda slow in general, don't worry.

Also, next time ask in 5 please.
This is the wrong subforumformsuch things

Ephemeral wrote:

osu! now has a wiki dedicated to all sorts of information about everything osu! related

you can access it here:

please log in and start adding content!

Hey. I'm a Mac player (of Osu!, of course) and from about 2 weeks i'm having problems with installing beat maps. Every time i download a beat map and install it (with all possible ways) Osu's says that the file failed or/and is corrupted (and moves it to 'Failed' folder)... I tried everything and the problem continues. I have like 2 months playing Osu! on mac and i never got problems. My mac is fully updated and Etc.- When this problem will have a solution? Osu! without newer beat maps (i have 968) isn't Osu... >:( :cry: Thanks~

Kadabozz wrote:

Hey. I'm a Mac player (of Osu!, of course) and from about 2 weeks i'm having problems with installing beat maps. Every time i download a beat map and install it (with all possible ways) Osu's says that the file failed or/and is corrupted (and moves it to 'Failed' folder)... I tried everything and the problem continues. I have like 2 months playing Osu! on mac and i never got problems. My mac is fully updated and Etc.- When this problem will have a solution? Osu! without newer beat maps (i have 968) isn't Osu... >:( :cry: Thanks~
Post your problem in here, please.
Slack-entry under "Contributor Links" on the main page should get removed since osu!slack got closed. (protected page)

Endaris wrote:

Slack-entry under "Contributor Links" on the main page should get removed since osu!slack got closed. (protected page)
Edit this sandbox next time and request an update from a wiki admin. ;)
Ah cool, didn't know that one. Will do
Basic questions:-
1. Why the transfer from current Wikimedia to GitHub?
1.1. Where is the main page (as in, the front page for visitors, not developers) of the wiki in GitHub? :<
2. Do you want me to contribute to GitHub page or the current wiki?
3. What is Score v2? Standardized 1 million score (70% combo, 30% accuracy) on all modes (no gamemod)?

In another note: I am back (for Multi-play). Got some screenshots for some picture updates and text changes.

EDIT: Apparently, GitHub's Markdown does not support colspan/rowspan. Anything fancier means HTML and HTML only. This leads to a problem; how to reuse multiple function/directory bar in a page?
The osu!wiki will be moved to GitHub very soon. This will be the new osu!wiki there. I hope you enjoyed reading this.
- Nyurin -
Any chance that Traditional Chinese version happens? For now, Chinese wiki is labeled as ZH, however there's Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese. If there's ZH-SC / ZH-TC, it'd be nice.

We also have a SC/TC translation table on Wikipedia. Maybe you guys can use those. Since not only writing differs between SC/TC, words used are different too.

- Nyurin - wrote:

Any chance that Traditional Chinese version happens? For now, Chinese wiki is labeled as ZH, however there's Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese. If there's ZH-SC / ZH-TC, it'd be nice.

We also have a SC/TC translation table on Wikipedia. Maybe you guys can use those. Since not only writing differs between SC/TC, words used are different too.
Pretty much the mediawiki version of the wiki is all but deprecated at this point. All wiki efforts are happening on the GitHub repo. I recommend to do those efforts on the GitHub repo.
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