
Sou - Kokoronashi [Taiko]

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19:00 Chromoxx: jo, wollen wir uns das dann gleich angucken?
19:14 Okorin: ya
19:14 *Okorin is editing [ Sou - Kokoronashi [I'm Yours]]
19:14 Chromoxx: ayy
19:14 Okorin: 01:56:193 - find den sv change hier iwie abgehackt hauptsaechlich weil sich die barline kurz davor langsamer bewegt, wuerd den einfach auf 01:55:836 - hauen
19:15 Chromoxx: mh
19:16 Chromoxx: der hat dann iwie nicht mehr den effekt den ich wollte
19:17 Chromoxx: 01:56:193 - die noten hier sollen nen bissl schneller reinkommen um für den part danach aufzubauen
19:17 Chromoxx: wenn man die SV nach vorne verschiebt merkt man garnicht dass sie hochgeht
19:17 Okorin: sieht mit den jetzigen svs trotzdem iwie abgehackt aus
19:19 Chromoxx: ich find nicht unbedingt dass es abgehackt aussieht
19:19 Okorin: sowas is nich dein ding oder?
19:21 Okorin: btw will ich auf 01:56:728 - immer k druecken weil 01:56:550 - den gleichen sound hat lol
19:21 Chromoxx: naja es geht
19:22 Chromoxx: der soudn hört sich für mich tiefer an
19:22 Chromoxx: und da sind auch tiefere drums
19:23 Okorin: stellt aber die don die folgt besser heraus aber was auch immer
19:23 Chromoxx: mh, ich find trotzdem dass d da besser klingt tbh
19:25 Chromoxx: 01:56:371 - was hältst du davon wenn ich den SV change nach hier verlege?
19:26 Chromoxx: weil die drums fangen erst hier an
19:26 Okorin: hm besser denk ich ich ess jetzt erst mal was
19:27 Chromoxx: du denkst der SV is t so besser?
19:27 Chromoxx: und du isst jetzt erstmal was
19:28 Chromoxx: oder du denkst du solltest jetzte besser was essen?
19:28 Okorin: wat XD
19:28 Chromoxx: der satz könnte 2 bedeutungen haben
19:28 Okorin: ich find das besser und esse jetzt erstmal was
19:29 Chromoxx: war das besser denk ich auf die SV bezogen oder darauf dass du jetzt isst?
19:29 Okorin: XD
19:29 Chromoxx: okay
19:29 Chromoxx: hmu wenn du wieder da bist ^^
20:20 Okorin: k
20:21 Chromoxx: ayy
20:21 Chromoxx: und wtf
20:21 Chromoxx: wieso ist mein submission cap 6 maps?!?
20:21 Chromoxx: ich hab 4 ranked maps D:
20:22 Okorin: 02:14:318 - mit der anzahl an triples die du allein in der ersten kiai ignorierst find ich den hier nen bissl unnoetig lol
20:22 Okorin: und du hast kein supporter von daher ?
20:22 Okorin: 2 + 4 is 6 ya
20:22 Chromoxx: sinds nicht 3 + anzahl ranked maps bis 10?
20:24 Chromoxx: 02:14:407 (423) - hab die ersten beiden noten deleted und den hier zum finisher gemacht
20:24 Okorin: k
20:24 Chromoxx: 02:20:121 (445) - lass den hier auch einzeln als finisher stehen
20:26 Okorin: 02:29:943 - geht das nur mir so oder sollte der restmoment eher hier sein weil der rest iwie auf melody is?
20:27 Chromoxx: gute idee
20:27 Chromoxx: 02:31:550 - baut mehr auf den stream hier auf
20:28 Okorin: 02:39:407 (524,525) - hoert sich iwie mit melody und rums besser an wenn's k d waere anstatt d k
20:28 Okorin: rums.
20:28 Okorin: drums
20:28 Okorin: aber du hast den ganzen part darum aufgebaut von daher /shrug
20:29 Okorin: oder eher du hoerst ab dem punkt auf auf 02:40:836 - etc nen k zu hauen
20:29 Chromoxx: 02:39:586 (521,522) - die beiden sind vom pitch her näher aneinander
20:30 Okorin: 02:45:300 - is iwie sehr monoton, passt k d k D nich auch
20:31 Chromoxx: das repetitive k ist gut um das letzte D zu emphasizen
20:31 Chromoxx: ist generell gut um das ausklingen zu lassen imo
20:32 Okorin: find es klingt iwie nur seltsam aber ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
20:32 Okorin: 02:56:371 - am besten wuerd halt ddk passen aber das machst du ja nie von daher zzz
20:33 Chromoxx: will solche patterns avoiden weils schließlich immernoch ne muzu ist
20:33 Okorin: ja ich weiss
20:34 Okorin: btw hattest du irgendeinen grund um 03:01:550 - 03:02:264 - zu skippen du mappst doch piano in der section oder lol
20:34 Chromoxx: sind halt viele triplets die in der musik so wären aber ich halt es lieber simpel hier
20:34 Chromoxx: ich mappe nur sehr wenige piano sounds in den sections so dass man sich die vocals gönnen kann in dem part
20:35 Okorin: ja aber bis auf 4 oder 6 von denen (bin zu faul zu zaehlen) nimmste ja alle wichtigen pianos so mit
20:35 Chromoxx: hätte am liebsten ne pause gelassen aber nen paar ausgestreckte piano sounds machen es auch gut
20:35 Okorin: wenn ich mir den satz durchlese klingt der voll komisch
20:35 Okorin: XD
20:37 Chromoxx: ich mappe jeweils nur am anfang der abschnitte die pianos da
20:37 Chromoxx: soll mehr so das gefühl von nen paar einzelnen 2/1 triplets haben als nen durchgehendes pattern
20:38 Okorin: btw wo haste metadata her ich find nur
20:39 Chromoxx: der song heißt Kokoronashi, der sänger heißt Sou
20:39 Chromoxx:
20:39 Chromoxx: das youtube video ist so betitelt
20:40 Chromoxx: 心做し 歌ってみた ver.Sou
20:40 Chromoxx: Kokoronasshi utattemita ver. Sou
20:41 Chromoxx: aber das heißt einfach "Ich hab versucht Kokoronashi zu singen"
20:41 Okorin: ja das ver.Sou bereitet mir kopfweh weil ich mir nich mehr sicher bin wie wir das noch gleich handhaben
20:41 Okorin: lol
20:41 Chromoxx: das original ist nen Vocaloid song von papiyon der Kokoronashi heißt, diese version ist einfach nur nen cover von Sou
20:42 Okorin:
20:42 Okorin: ich glaub der fall sagt dir was mir grad kopfweh macht oder
20:42 Chromoxx: ja, also es wäre auch korrekt das so reinzunehmen denke ich
20:42 Okorin: xD
20:42 Chromoxx: ja ich hab darüber schon mit newyams geredet wegen der map
20:43 Chromoxx: ich denke es wäre beides korrekt
20:43 Chromoxx: ver. Sou ist aber unsinnig
20:43 Chromoxx: wenn man sou schon als artist hat
20:43 Chromoxx: der song ist ja immernoch der selbe, er hat nichts dran verändert
20:44 *Chromoxx is listening to [ Hanatan - Kokoronashi]
20:44 Chromoxx: die hier heißt auch nicht ver. Hanatan
20:44 Chromoxx: er hat halt das video so betitelt aber das macht er bei allen seinen videos um sich selbst als Artist im videotitel darzustellen
20:47 Chromoxx: das andere set war auch von vor 2 jahren lol
20:47 Okorin: wat
20:49 Chromoxx: hier ist die original version auf dem official channel von papiyon
20:50 Okorin: ich hab ma gefragt was kwan dazu meint
20:50 Chromoxx: der song ist von ihm geschrieben, daher ist der titel denk ich korrekte metadata
20:51 Chromoxx: ver. Sou würde sinn machen wenn man papiyon als artist nimmt
20:55 Okorin: 02:30:121 - bis 02:34:407 - sollte denser sein in futsuu imo
20:56 Okorin: weil du an die stelle das meiste zeug in muzu gehauen hast
20:57 Chromoxx: sid schon relativ lange patterns mit triplets drin
20:58 Chromoxx: sollte reichen denk ich
20:58 Chromoxx: 02:31:193 - ich kann hier oder 02:31:907 - hier ne note reinmachen aber mehr nicht
20:59 Okorin: ich wuerd in 02:33:157 - noch eine hinhauen
20:59 Okorin: lol
20:59 Chromoxx: okay
20:59 Chromoxx: 1,99* XD
20:59 Okorin: iirc hast du in dem part die laengste 1/2 chain der ganzen diff
21:00 Chromoxx: wir pushen das limit LMAO
21:00 Okorin: n i ce
21:00 Chromoxx: ich musste den part halt vorher nerfen um unter 2* zu kommen
21:00 Chromoxx: deswegen wollte ich da eher vorsichtig sein
21:02 Chromoxx: 03:15:836 (346) - ich delete die note btw sodass das nicht gleich ist wie die muzu
21:02 Okorin: ich hasse die SR regel
21:02 Chromoxx: ja ist behindert
21:03 Okorin: kommt mir das nur so vor oder ist das ende in futsuu iwie ziemlich dense im vergleich zu den anderen slow parts
21:03 Okorin: also ich rede von 04:07:264 - ->
21:03 Chromoxx: 00:25:836 - hab das hier gecopypasted lol
21:04 Okorin: aber in der section passiert doch eig weniger als in 02:57:264 - oder ...?
21:04 Chromoxx: 00:02:979 - ist genauso dense wie das hier lol
21:05 Chromoxx: in der section lass ich bewusst weniger noten drin sodass die vocals ne größere wirkung haben
21:12 Okorin: btw mehr hab ich zu dem set nich zu sagen ausser dass ich mir mit meta nich sicher bin
21:13 Chromoxx: ... 442e706e67 naja, alacat meinte halt nur dass ver Reol okay ist, nicht dass es die einzige metadata ist
21:13 Chromoxx: es würde natürlich auch gehen es direkt vom video zu sourcen, aber ich denke in diesem fall geht es auch wie ich es jetzt habe, da die metadata ja nicht falsch sind
21:13 Chromoxx: ist halt nen utaite cover
21:13 Okorin: XD
21:14 Chromoxx: ja, ver Sou wäre auch bescheuert wenn man Sou als artist nimmt lol
21:15 Chromoxx: es würde korrekt sein aber es ist nicht das einzige korrekte
21:15 Chromoxx: ich kann nen official source für den titel und artist geben, das sollte reichen
21:16 Okorin: musste vor ner woche schon eins meiner icons fuer nen fehlendes "feat.Hatsune Miku" im artist dq'n cih geh da lieber auf nummer sicher
21:17 Chromoxx: D:
21:17 Chromoxx: sollte aber eigentlich schon sicher sein, solange man alles offiziell sourcen kann
21:18 Chromoxx: title source, source
21:19 Okorin: und gestern eins weil ich nen snapping uebersehen hab, hetzen bringt mir da nix
21:19 Chromoxx: aaaa D:
21:19 Chromoxx: warum muss KwaN in diesen momenten offline sein ;w;
23:32 Chromoxx: jo, bin erstmal aufstehen/zur schule gehen... falls KwaN die metadata confirmed während ich weg bin kannst du ruhig qualifien wenn du willst
01:25 Chromoxx: tfw man zur schule gehen will aber die züge nicht fahren....
04:14 Okorin: "Sou - Kokoronashi is fine tbh"
04:14 Chromoxx: ayy
04:15 Chromoxx: achja sec
04:15 Chromoxx: gab noch was was ich changen wollte
04:15 Okorin: sure
04:15 Okorin: ich wollt sowieso nochma drueberschauen
04:15 Chromoxx: 04:27:621 - hier add d
04:15 Chromoxx: weil die notes hier prägnanter sind und fürs ende ist knorke
04:16 Chromoxx: 00:23:693 - und hier auch nen d hin
04:16 Chromoxx: 00:24:050 - und in der futsuu hier den k hin
04:17 Chromoxx: 04:27:978 - und hier noch den d
04:17 Okorin: 01:00:121 - fehlt hier nich n finisher
04:18 Chromoxx: added
04:18 Okorin: 01:11:550 (200) - ^
04:19 Chromoxx: added
04:19 Okorin: iwie hab ich das gefuehl in der section fehlen mindestens 2 und in anderen gehts mir aehnlich
04:20 Okorin: wie 02:28:693 (467) -
04:20 Chromoxx: added
04:21 Okorin: warum kann taiko nich nen simplen timeline editor haben wo man finisher besser sieht
04:21 Okorin: XD
04:21 Chromoxx: jo
04:21 Chromoxx: peppy pls
04:22 Chromoxx: man muss sich einfach für den editor nen skin nehmen wo am finisher sound irgendwer rumschreit
04:22 Okorin: 02:40:121 (525) - faellt weg wegen 1/4 patterning
04:22 Okorin: ich erwaehns ma weil du ja iwie schon mindestens ein triple gegen nen finisher getauscht hast
04:22 Okorin: xD
04:23 Chromoxx: jo hab reingehauen
04:23 Okorin: (ist das gleiche in futsuu der fall :thinking:)
04:23 Okorin: oder handlest du finisher da grossartig anders
04:24 Chromoxx: ich handel sie relativ anders
04:24 Chromoxx: weil manchmal passt das vom patterning nicht
04:24 Chromoxx: 00:37:264 (46) - hier added
04:24 Okorin: ich werd die glaub ich einfach nochmal spielen muessen um zu schauen ob was fehlt XD
04:28 Chromoxx: 03:55:836 (428) - hier auch added
04:28 Chromoxx: ok sie sollten jetzt consistent sein in der futsuu und muzu
04:29 Chromoxx: updated
04:36 Okorin:
04:37 Chromoxx: LOL
04:41 Chromoxx: ist alles dann soweit ready?
04:42 Okorin: ich schau gleich abschliessend nochma drueber
04:43 Chromoxx: ok
04:57 Okorin: so haste alles updated
04:57 Chromoxx: jo
04:57 Chromoxx: hab alles updated
04:57 Okorin: hatte keine fehlenden finisher in futsuu finden koennen
04:58 Chromoxx: hab die die ich dir vorhin gesagt hab geaddet
04:58 Okorin: ja ich hab nochmal doublechecked meinte ich
04:59 Chromoxx: oh
04:59 Chromoxx: ich hab "haste" gelesen
04:59 Chromoxx: passiert wenn man keine brille trägt lol

we added a bunch of finishers deleted a few notes here and there deleted a few things in muzu for additional finishers and moved the sv change around slightly to start where drums start

and a bunch of other stuff that is minor lol

since the entire thing is really simplistic i see no point in holding it back longer so there goes
what did just happen O_O
what a fucking speedrank
Tags = Chouchou-P (romanised) (?)

speedrank and too many maps without attention *runs*
Lightning Wyvern
dafak congrats
this is pro :o
I'd like to have a toothpaste teeth too
What a speed rank
seriously qat did this

Cellina wrote:

seriously qat did this
seriously is it circlejerk?
I can see a lot of complaining but no acting.
raiden last time people tried to act they either get ignored or dont get anywhere, but please dont say no acting because we tried

tl;dr im butthurt because i got nothing ranked :v

Raiden wrote:

I can see a lot of complaining but no acting.
The only thing people can do is display their distaste; what can they actually do that's classed as 'acting'?

I originally came here to ask, did you intentionally choose the lowest quality BG?
I think you guys misinterpreted me: this map so far has got no reports.

What I meant by acting is, if you are butthurt because Chromoxx can get stuff ranked fast then do something about it; become BN yourselves and get connections and whatnot.
I doubt you do even a quarter of the work Chromoxx is doing for this community.

It saddens me that people try to bring everyone down their level instead of working their way up.

That being said, congrats Chromoxx.
being awkward when you did speedrank to this one which only 2 days >.> srsly ......

edit : any metadata? D:
Topic Starter

Raiden wrote:

I think you guys misinterpreted me: this map so far has got no reports.

What I meant by acting is, if you are butthurt because Chromoxx can get stuff ranked fast then do something about it; become BN yourselves and get connections and whatnot.
I doubt you do even a quarter of the work Chromoxx is doing for this community.

It saddens me that people try to bring everyone down their level instead of working their way up.

That being said, congrats Chromoxx.
Thx Raiden, couldn't have said it any better tbh. This community doesn't need people who get salty when other people's stuff get ranked, but people who will work their way up to the point where they can get stuff ranked themselves.

Niko-nyan wrote:

being awkward when you did speedrank to this one which only 2 days >.> srsly ......

edit : any metadata? D:
Your first sentence makes no sense whatsoever..

Took the time to confirm metadata with KwaN before qualifying, would have been ranked like 8 hours earlier otherwise LOL
wtf with speedrank

Raiden wrote:

I think you guys misinterpreted me: this map so far has got no reports.

What I meant by acting is, if you are butthurt because Chromoxx can get stuff ranked fast then do something about it; become BN yourselves and get connections and whatnot.
I doubt you do even a quarter of the work Chromoxx is doing for this community.

It saddens me that people try to bring everyone down their level instead of working their way up.

That being said, congrats Chromoxx.
Didn't want to participate here but when I read this I felt like I should... acting... becoming a BN to rank things faster? That's the solution? I don't know but that's seriously a basic thinking imo.

I think you guys are taking advantage of being BNs. Yes, connections, hardwork, etc etc, agree. However, from my point of view, this is some sort of disrepectful behavior to every mapper, even the "famous" ones, because they at least try to find mods before finding some friend so they can easily rank their stuffs.

This is more like a code of conduct? And you guys are abusing the system.

And please, not because we're not famous mappers nor BN doesn't mean we can't see this is as a moral thing towards the community. Maybe I'm overstating, feel free to decide.

Well I just wanted to refute what Raiden said but I think I went a bit further. Anyway, good mappers here, I'm not taking down your mapping skills. The issue here is the system that let this kind of abuse happen.

iYiyo wrote:

Raiden wrote:

I think you guys misinterpreted me: this map so far has got no reports.

What I meant by acting is, if you are butthurt because Chromoxx can get stuff ranked fast then do something about it; become BN yourselves and get connections and whatnot.
I doubt you do even a quarter of the work Chromoxx is doing for this community.

It saddens me that people try to bring everyone down their level instead of working their way up.

That being said, congrats Chromoxx.
Didn't want to participate here but when I read this I felt like I should... acting... becoming a BN to rank things faster? That's the solution? I don't know but that's seriously a basic thinking imo.

I think you guys are taking advantage of being BNs. Yes, connections, hardwork, etc etc, agree. However, from my point of view, this is some sort of disrepectful behavior to every mapper, even the "famous" ones, because they at least try to find mods before finding some friend so they can easily rank their stuffs.

This is more like a code of conduct? And you guys are abusing the system.

And please, not because we're not famous mappers nor BN doesn't mean we can't see this is as a moral thing towards the community. Maybe I'm overstating, feel free to decide.

Well I just wanted to refute what Raiden said but I think I went a bit further. Anyway, good mappers here, I'm not taking down your mapping skills. The issue here is the system that let this kind of abuse happen.
I agree with a lot of what iYiyo said.

I see no point in saying that a person cannot get things speedranked- sometimes the right people come across the right maps. It's rare, obviously, however still possible.

From a personal standpoint however, it is completely rational and defined as to why so many people are angry about this. Vulkin for instance has quite a bit of mapping experience, but gets nothing ranked-Chromoxx half***** a 2 difficulty set and gets it qualified? It's not even a complete set? It's quite atrocious.

The fact of any matter similar or different to this is that a BN who submits a map is over 1,000x more likely to get the map ranked so long as the map has even the least bit of quality.

Now, to be clear, I'm not saying that Chromoxx's mapping is bad, that this map is bad, or that Chromoxx doesn't deserve BN or the other things people say/believe. I just believe that this set has no reason to be qualified, or even bubbled. This set in particular.

To address Raiden as well, people who aren't BN's can't act. We can sit here, watch bad maps get qualified/ranked, and then complain. That's the only thing we CAN do.


Chromoxx wrote:

Took the time to confirm metadata with KwaN before qualifying, would have been ranked like 8 hours earlier otherwise LOL
Because 8 hours totally makes a difference.
So far all the arguments I've read are some kind of "moral obligations" and "basic thinking" and "common sense" and whatnot. Well here's the thing: t/516786

Nowhere does it say that we are obligated to icon anything we do not desire to. Nowhere does it say that we are morally obligated to not rank other BN maps because that's "disrespectful" to other mappers; in fact, that statement itself is a load of bollocks, simply a petty excuse for you not to work your way up like everyone with a ranked map has done before. We are not obligated to adjust to your safe space by not ranking a friend's or another BN's map just because that'd offend you and whatnot.

"You are taking advantage of being BNs." On other news, water is wet. We are not philantropists that live to serve. While our main goal may not have been to reap all those m4m's and/or faster ranks, we certainly expected a higher speed in which we put out stuff to ranked (not to mention that higher quality stuff is put out in a more consistent pace), and we CERTAINLY worked our asses off to get it, not only by mapping and modding extremely actively, but also socializing, which seems a dead cause in here.

The system is not being abused, but you guys are simply not being part of it by complaining instead of being proactive members of this community, and doing something about your own situation. That's what I did, that's what you all can do.

This is probably my last time explaining this, so whoever prefers to keep complaining I'll just say "well sucks to be you then"
Topic Starter
Basically what Raiden said hits the spot perfectly.
You're complaining about BNs being able to get stuff ranked at a faster pace than normal mappers, but there aren't many normal mappers who have the ability to create sets that are ready at a pace that BNs do. And the mappers who are able to do that can get things ranked at a reasonable pace too. Take Charlotte or Nofool for example, if i have time i would never turn down a request from them because i know they are able to create quality content that doesn't require much modding.
And to your argument of finding mods: there is a point when normal mods will no longer significantly improve the quality of a beatmap. For experienced mappers the opinion of a BN is enough to ensure the map is of good quality. Extra mods wouldn't hurt, but at this point they aren't neccesary either. There may be some slight changes that would happen but nothing where one would think "oh, this map got better". So instead of having people spend their time modding a map that doesn't have much room for significant improvement for the sake of some people on the forum not to get salty it's just as good to have those people spend their time helping newer mappers and modders to improve in order to keep this community growing.

Also daily reminder that this set still has more drain time than your typical 4 diff anime TV size map or 5minute approval map. This is in no way "half*****", i simply chose to map 2 diffs for this song since it looks cleaner overall and a kantan for a slow song of this length would just reach the point of getting overly boring. The futsuu is also accessable for beginner players and i didn't map anything higher than the muzu because it would simply not make sense for this song. The only thing that would change are some longer 1/2 patterns and maybe some triplets being ddk.
I just want people to be able to enjoy this song.

Raiden wrote:

What I meant by acting is, if you are butthurt because Chromoxx can get stuff ranked fast then do something about it; become BN yourselves and get connections and whatnot.
I am not feeling to spend my time with people I barely know or that I can't have a good talk. Even if that sounds lazy or whatever you can interpret in my sentence but I am not feeling right to take advantage like this. Although I know this is how the modding system works, I won't deny that. I think this is how some thinks about that too. Some other are just regulary pissed off because this all looks rigged, etc. while it's nothing reprehensible to use your connections if you have them. People would use them too on Chromoxx' spot.

To the rest of the people: You're free to mod the beatmap in its current state. The map is not ranked, it's qualified. It's nominated to be a ranked map in some days, changes can be done here if there are good reasons sent out to take it out from the list of qualified and nominated beatmaps. Yelling "disgusting speedrank" and "fuck this speedrank" doesn't help. You know that. If you don't, you should start to accept that.

Raiden wrote:

Nowhere does it say that we are obligated to icon anything we do not desire to. Nowhere does it say that we are morally obligated to not rank other BN maps because that's "disrespectful" to other mappers; in fact, that statement itself is a load of bollocks, simply a petty excuse for you not to work your way up like everyone with a ranked map has done before. We are not obligated to adjust to your safe space by not ranking a friend's or another BN's map just because that'd offend you and whatnot.
You clearly don't see the point here Raiden. This is not an excuse, I don't even map Taiko so this doesn't affect me at all. To not work like everyone with a ranked map has done before? You think the people who complains about the system are lazy people? Ok xd. And the thing here is not that if offends ME, but offends the community. I'm not thinking in my own personal favor, so please try to avoid statements like that.

Raiden wrote:

... and we CERTAINLY worked our asses off to get it, not only by mapping and modding extremely actively, but also socializing, which seems a dead cause in here.
Again, please try to avoid statements like that. You look like a kid that say everything the comes to your mind.

Raiden wrote:

The system is not being abused, but you guys are simply not being part of it by complaining instead of being proactive members of this community, and doing something about your own situation. That's what I did, that's what you all can do.
Again, please try to avoid statements like that. So as you say, the reason why we see the system is being abused is because we are not proactive members of this community and just because we are complaining? Seriously? C'mon Raiden, find better arguments.

Raiden wrote:

"well sucks to be you then"

Chromoxx wrote:

Basically what Raiden said hits the spot perfectly.
I don't think so, actually what you said makes more sense imo. I won't quote everything you mentioned, but it was accurately to say that for experienced mappers, sometimes "normal mods" are not necessary. Totally agree. Specially if the map is very simplistic, as Okorin said. This is just one case that went to the extreme, 3 posts, less than 2 days and ranked.

Just one thing that triggered me Chromoxx was the fact that you said that we're complaining about BN's getting maps ranked faster than normal mappers because BN's have the ability that some normal mappers don't have. Actually BN's, as far as I know, aren't good mappers, but good modders. Obviously there're a lot of BN's that are already good mappers. But then, why did Raiden said that by acting he meant becoming BN so that we can rank our stuff faster? Huh? We become better mappers when we get the Beatmap Nominator tag?

Well, I didn't come here because of the actual speedrank, but of the lack of arguments that Raiden provided, and then I just said some things that came to my mind.

Anyway, GL.
I don't see use in trying to be reasonable anymore, it seems that there is a butt buddy relationship going on here that locks their vision to no one else's but their own.

If I'm ever BN like I'm setting out to do, I'm glad there is examples of things not to do like this one.
Topic Starter
Usually being a good mapper and a good modder go hand in hand. As i said, the people who aren't BN but have the skills to produce ready content consistently can get maps ranked at a similar pace. Also what does the ammount of time before rank matter tbh? Wouldn't have changed a thing if Oko or Ozzy had waited a few days before modding... except maybe that people wouldn't have gone ape shit for no logical reason.

I made the map, felt pretty confident about it since i put a lot of effort into the individual diffs and the set was of a simplistic nature, so i asked Ozzy and Oko if they could take a look at it. Since they were free at the time and set looked good and didn't take too long to check i got it ranked pretty fast.
End of story.

In the last month i have iconed 19 maps, 14 of which are from non-BNG members, this is not including the stuff i modded casually, testplayed, gave general suggestions on irc for. Also i've been actively seeking out interesting maps for rank and pm-ing the creators about making a set so that i could help them get it ranked.

A bunch of people coming in after seeing some numbers on how fast something got ranked and posting salty comments about "speedrank" and "circlejerk" without actually knowing a thing about what is going on behind the scenes is just plain ignorant.
I would agree this is a problem if all I was doing is abusing my position to get my maps ranked, but this is not the case. I am more active than most people in terms of both modding and mapping, so it only makes sense that i also get things ranked at a steady pace.

Can we all please just stop with the salt now and enjoy this song, the reason why i mapped this in the first place.
If i was the type of person to effortly shit out maps just for the sake of it i would have mapped this:

I do not wish to be involved in any drama, I just want to help this community by getting more maps ranked, whether it be by iconing other peoples maps or pushing things out myself. I believe this set has good potential to get people interested in taiko, since it's the most popular cover on youtube for a very popular song, which is not ranked for any other gamemode. Adding to the fact that it's aimed toward beginner players people who search for this cover of the song in the ranked section will only find this and maybe give taiko a try.

Just sad that the thread is now littered with jealousy, salt and hate.

Chromoxx wrote:

I do not wish to be involved in any drama, I just want to help this community by getting more maps ranked, whether it be by iconing other peoples maps or pushing things out myself. I believe this set has good potential to get people interested in taiko, since it's the most popular cover on youtube for a very popular song, which is not ranked for any other gamemode. Adding to the fact that it's aimed toward beginner players people who search for this cover of the song in the ranked section will only find this and maybe give taiko a try.

Just sad that the thread is now littered with jealousy, salt and hate.
Don't confuse and say it's jealousy, salt or hate please. At least not from me. Glad that you make such kind of maps for the community, not bad song.

I'm also gonna stop drama here. xD

iYiyo wrote:

Raiden wrote:

Nowhere does it say that we are obligated to icon anything we do not desire to. Nowhere does it say that we are morally obligated to not rank other BN maps because that's "disrespectful" to other mappers; in fact, that statement itself is a load of bollocks, simply a petty excuse for you not to work your way up like everyone with a ranked map has done before. We are not obligated to adjust to your safe space by not ranking a friend's or another BN's map just because that'd offend you and whatnot.
You clearly don't see the point here Raiden. This is not an excuse, I don't even map Taiko so this doesn't affect me at all. To not work like everyone with a ranked map has done before? You think the people who complains about the system are lazy people? Ok xd. And the thing here is not that if offends ME, but offends the community. I'm not thinking in my own personal favor, so please try to avoid statements like that.

Raiden wrote:

... and we CERTAINLY worked our asses off to get it, not only by mapping and modding extremely actively, but also socializing, which seems a dead cause in here.
Again, please try to avoid statements like that. You look like a kid that say everything the comes to your mind.

Raiden wrote:

The system is not being abused, but you guys are simply not being part of it by complaining instead of being proactive members of this community, and doing something about your own situation. That's what I did, that's what you all can do.
Again, please try to avoid statements like that. So as you say, the reason why we see the system is being abused is because we are not proactive members of this community and just because we are complaining? Seriously? C'mon Raiden, find better arguments.

Raiden wrote:

"well sucks to be you then"

Chromoxx wrote:

Basically what Raiden said hits the spot perfectly.
I don't think so, actually what you said makes more sense imo. I won't quote everything you mentioned, but it was accurately to say that for experienced mappers, sometimes "normal mods" are not necessary. Totally agree. Specially if the map is very simplistic, as Okorin said. This is just one case that went to the extreme, 3 posts, less than 2 days and ranked.

Just one thing that triggered me Chromoxx was the fact that you said that we're complaining about BN's getting maps ranked faster than normal mappers because BN's have the ability that some normal mappers don't have. Actually BN's, as far as I know, aren't good mappers, but good modders. Obviously there're a lot of BN's that are already good mappers. But then, why did Raiden said that by acting he meant becoming BN so that we can rank our stuff faster? Huh? We become better mappers when we get the Beatmap Nominator tag?

Well, I didn't come here because of the actual speedrank, but of the lack of arguments that Raiden provided, and then I just said some things that came to my mind.

Anyway, GL.
Lack of arguments, when you have provided none, I like where you're going with this. Goes to show the close minded mentality some members of the community have; and surprise surprise, they are the ones that complain the most yet do nothing to remedy the situation. Big sarcastic clap for them.

You clearly don't see the point here Raiden. This is not an excuse, I don't even map Taiko so this doesn't affect me at all. To not work like everyone with a ranked map has done before? You think the people who complains about the system are lazy people? Ok xd. And the thing here is not that if offends ME, but offends the community. I'm not thinking in my own personal favor, so please try to avoid statements like that.
Again, please try to avoid statements like that. You look like a kid that say everything the comes to your mind.
Again, please try to avoid statements like that. So as you say, the reason why we see the system is being abused is because we are not proactive members of this community and just because we are complaining? Seriously? C'mon Raiden, find better arguments.
So many arguments right there, I lost count ^
Not only you provided zero arguments, but also recurred to going full ad hominem saying I look like a kid. Typical of someone who loses arguments quite often.
I'm not going to spend any more time in this nonsense, I already said everything that was needed to say.

The fact that people get fast ranked maps triggers you? Sucks to be you then.
xDD it's ok. Nothing to discuss here then.
Okay uhm.. mind if we set a final point here? If you have a good reason to question the qualify, please give a proper feedback and try to help. Anything else should be avoided.
nice set.
just wonder why its just 2 difficulty while the map duration BELOW 5 min

also... where is the BASIC RULES that we need to wait 1 - 2 weeks to getting bubbled?this map simply broke it

SE_LovelySoul wrote:

just wonder why its just 2 difficulty while the map duration BELOW 5 min
The rule says to have at least two difficulties, one for for the lesser good, one for the better players.

SE_LovelySoul wrote:

also... where is the BASIC RULES that we need to wait 1 - 2 weeks to getting bubbled?this map simply broke it
t/516786 4th last point of BNG Rules:
There must be at least 24 hours between placing a bubble and qualifying a mapset. This is to give other members of the community and Beatmap Nominators a bit of time to think about whether they want to veto the placed bubble.
The time between the bubble and qualification were around 32 hours.

SE_LovelySoul wrote:

just wonder why its just 2 difficulty while the map duration BELOW 5 min

also... where is the BASIC RULES that we need to wait 1 - 2 weeks to getting bubbled?this map simply broke it
clarification about the 2nd lines : that he meant is the old of the map, not the proccess between bubbled to qualify
So much angry people on this thread wtf, btw Congrats~~
Your entitlement sickens me
Topic Starter

SE_LovelySoul wrote:

just wonder why its just 2 difficulty while the map duration BELOW 5 min

also... where is the BASIC RULES that we need to wait 1 - 2 weeks to getting bubbled?this map simply broke it
A set must contain at least 2 difficulties, at least one of which must be an easy or normal. The lowest difficulty must be under 2 stars.
People should educate themselves on the ranking criteria before making posts like these.

There is no rule about how long a map must be submitted before getting bubbled, since that would be pretty nonsensical in general, the only rule concerning time is the 24 hour rule between bubbled and qualified.
People should educate themselves on the BNG rules before making these kind of posts.

Thank you. At least this will be a learning experience to you regarding ranking criteria and rules in general, since you seemed to be rather uneducated on the subject.
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