
"This score doesn't look right" Thread

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Ibuki Suika
Hakurei Reimu


Play 8 days can FL a 805 combo song just 48 times?

Is this a multiaccount?

mikhe wrote:

Louis Cyphre wrote:

Russian Mafia lol.

Firo Prochainezo wrote:

wtf Russian mafia.
Yes!!, They will dominate ALL, watch out!

Secret xD
Firo Prochainezo
I don't see anything wrong. He's just playing Easy. =/

EDIT = He hacked Flashlight, my argument is invalid. Sorry.
[08:58] <Nedzumi> I hacked flashlight mod
[08:58] <Rurin> (´・ω・`)ranran
[08:58] <Nedzumi>*****************
[08:58] <Nedzumi> proof
[08:58] * BanchoBot sets mode: +o ignorethis|osu
[08:58] <dNextGen> dang
[08:58] <Mech_Maid> !report Nedzumi
[08:58] <BanchoBot> A request has been sent to chat moderators.
[08:59] <Nedzumi> yeah
^Earlier on IRC.
Didn't the flashlight hack issue get solved?
I assumed that was what happened during that brief period when flashlight was disabled, feel free to tell me how horribly wrong I am if that's the case though.
The complete flashlight code thingy should be rewritten or should be somehow be better secured.
Why not use smth like Hackshield or XTrap or stuff like that.

eMkay wrote:

The complete flashlight code thingy should be rewritten or should be somehow be better secured.
Why not use smth like Hackshield or XTrap or stuff like that.
I have a feeling if peppy has to take flashlight down again for more hackers he won't put it back for a long time

James2250 wrote:

I have a feeling if peppy has to take flashlight down again for more hackers he won't put it back for a long time
Let's hope it doesn't come to that :/

eMkay wrote:

The complete flashlight code thingy should be rewritten or should be somehow be better secured.
Why not use smth like Hackshield or XTrap or stuff like that.
I agree with this hackshield idea (although it may consume more disk space)

Nivalis wrote:

eMkay wrote:

The complete flashlight code thingy should be rewritten or should be somehow be better secured.
Why not use smth like Hackshield or XTrap or stuff like that.
I agree with this hackshield idea (although it may consume more disk space)

I strongly disagree. A number of players play the game from a restricted network environment, which means the use of a hackshield will probably block those players from submitting scores (for instance, my school internet blocks bancho but allows score/map submission. Who knows whether it might block the latter too if we implement hackshields?)
Hakurei Reimu

Akiros wrote:
FL cheat detected.
Yeah,and i think is a spin hacker.

KRZY wrote:

I strongly disagree. A number of players play the game from a restricted network environment, which means the use of a hackshield will probably block those players from submitting scores (for instance, my school internet blocks bancho but allows score/map submission. Who knows whether it might block the latter too if we implement hackshields?)
That probably only applies to middle and highschoolers here who are playing in school because university networks don't block ports. Students can certainly play at home if they wish unless they are stuck in one of those dorm schools (then sucks to be them). The only other factor that can negate the idea of implementing hackshields is that they aren't free because what's the point of having a free and open source hackshield.
Firo Prochainezo
He is atleast a good ranked player.. and peppy said its fixed with the newest update, it could be skill or practise?

Misho wrote:

He is atleast a good ranked player.. and peppy said its fixed with the newest update, it could be skill or practise?
He is not good player in ctb. He didn't have even ONE first place in ctb before all this new crazy fl and fl+hid records

_Giorgos_ wrote:

Misho wrote:

He is atleast a good ranked player.. and peppy said its fixed with the newest update, it could be skill or practise?
He is not good player in ctb. He didn't have even ONE first place in ctb before all this new crazy fl and fl+hid records
Mh just looked at his #15.. anyway D:

Zatoichi wrote:

>Manipulating exploits in a rhythm game.

This is probably more accurate.

If Hackshield ain't working than we should get something like that, that uses port 80, so it is not being blocked by school or whatever networks.
Port 80 ist for web browsing, so if you have internet this anti hack thingy should work

This could be interesting: ... imitations
Aren't those hackshields relatively easy to bypass?

eMkay wrote:

If Hackshield ain't working than we should get something like that, that uses port 80, so it is not being blocked by school or whatever networks.
Port 80 ist for web browsing, so if you have internet this anti hack thingy should work

This could be interesting: ... imitations
Port 80 is not that good cause its used by many instant messengers.. they'd block each other like skype and xampp.

Feno wrote:

Aren't those hackshields relatively easy to bypass?
Hackshield is easy to bypass...XTrap, not so much.

not going to get offtopic, but yeah

Keksi wrote:

New one :

Name :avensis_lgt

Look at his scores :

:) Very nice :)
I'm probably missing something obvious but I don't see how he's cheating.
10k+ Play count, to me it looks like he's just a good player.

Keksi wrote:

New one :

Name :avensis_lgt

Look at his scores :

:) Very nice :)
Well,I don't play osu but I don't see that this guy is cheaing. The first reason - is because his registration date was a long time ago. The second reason - is because he has a big play count on different maps. And the third reason - because he didn't archieve all these records for one-two days like nansi chan :D

_Giorgos_ wrote:

Well,I don't play osu but I don't see that this guy is cheaing. The first reason - is because his registration date was a long time ago. The second reason - is because he has a big play count on different maps. And the third reason - because he didn't archieve all these records for one-two days like nansi chan :D
Just make sure that you feel the difference between DIFFERENT and SIMILAR. It might be helpful.

Also, look at his top played map, and his position on that map. Compare it with posted scores, it's playcounts (less than 117) and see the difference. You know, people can't become awesome in one moment.

Whiss wrote:

_Giorgos_ wrote:

Well,I don't play osu but I don't see that this guy is cheaing. The first reason - is because his registration date was a long time ago. The second reason - is because he has a big play count on different maps. And the third reason - because he didn't archieve all these records for one-two days like nansi chan :D
Just make sure that you feel the difference between DIFFERENT and SIMILAR. It might be helpful.

Also, look at his top played map, and his position on that map. Compare it with posted scores, it's playcounts (less than 117) and see the difference. You know, people can't become awesome in one moment.
This, kinda.

And from what I see, about a month ago he finally got some S's with hidden on maps he plays often. Recently he's been SS'ing maps that he's only played a handful of times.

Whiss wrote:

_Giorgos_ wrote:

Well,I don't play osu but I don't see that this guy is cheaing. The first reason - is because his registration date was a long time ago. The second reason - is because he has a big play count on different maps. And the third reason - because he didn't archieve all these records for one-two days like nansi chan :D
Just make sure that you feel the difference between DIFFERENT and SIMILAR. It might be helpful.

Also, look at his top played map, and his position on that map. Compare it with posted scores, it's playcounts (less than 117) and see the difference. You know, people can't become awesome in one moment.
I have some first places where only 1-2 people made fc and I made #1 there from one try. so,does it make me a cheater?
This guy isn't new here and to make first place on insane maps with less than 112 tries is not so hard,I think.
P.S. maybe it is just multi account.
Ibuki Suika
I think he is multi account too :?

Another argument is he paly with SO many many times.
But he can beat cookiezi in insane diff....I think is a multi account,and other account is a Japanese big pro...(XD
One thing that should be noted is that hidden is not that hard to play with, if you know the map and how it flows then hidden won't really make it that much more challenging if you're a good player. It'll just be like a free point bonus.
I`m sorry,but i`m afk within 2 days and i`m cant understand that occured.
Emm...yes,i`m have nice rank for ctb and standard mode,but i`m cant play insane with FL.
Its really.
I`m dont understand that i`m has got more #1 ans i`m very much ask delete my #1-6 ranks has got recently.
Its really awful.I`m cant explain why my acc has been subject hack.
Sure i`m change my password on stronger.
p.s. Sorry for my bad english language. :c

[nAnSi-cHaN] wrote:

I`m sorry,but i`m afk within 2 days and i`m cant understand that occured.
Emm...yes,i`m have nice rank for ctb and standard mode,but i`m cant play insane with FL.
Its really.
I`m dont understand that i`m has got more #1 ans i`m very much ask delete my #1-6 ranks has got recently.
Its really awful.I`m cant explain why my acc has been subject hack.
Sure i`m change my password on stronger.
p.s. Sorry for my bad english language. :c
This is not really the place for this discussion, I will say however that YOU are repsonsible for your account security, there was a request for everyone to change their password not long ago due to hackers or something like that, if you didn't change it then that's your fault.
You can't say your brother,your friend or your dog was playing the account and cheating with it, anything that goes on with your account, YOU have to take responsibility for.

As for the score thing, I'm sure you can understand how your message might come off as "Oh, I got caught hacking, it wasn't really me though, just remove my scores and it'll all be good"
It's fairly simple really, either peppy or whoever else is running the score purging thing will concider you a hacker and take action against you AND your scores, or nothing at all will happen. Though I could be wrong in that assumption.

Feno wrote:

[nAnSi-cHaN] wrote:

I`m sorry,but i`m afk within 2 days and i`m cant understand that occured.
Emm...yes,i`m have nice rank for ctb and standard mode,but i`m cant play insane with FL.
Its really.
I`m dont understand that i`m has got more #1 ans i`m very much ask delete my #1-6 ranks has got recently.
Its really awful.I`m cant explain why my acc has been subject hack.
Sure i`m change my password on stronger.
p.s. Sorry for my bad english language. :c
This is not really the place for this discussion, I will say however that YOU are repsonsible for your account security, there was a request for everyone to change their password not long ago due to hackers or something like that, if you didn't change it then that's your fault.
You can't say your brother,your friend or your dog was playing the account and cheating with it, anything that goes on with your account, YOU have to take responsibility for.

As for the score thing, I'm sure you can understand how your message might come off as "Oh, I got caught hacking, it wasn't really me though, just remove my scores and it'll all be good"
It's fairly simple really, either peppy or whoever else is running the score purging thing will concider you a hacker and take action against you AND your scores, or nothing at all will happen. Though I could be wrong in that assumption.
Yes,i`m understand. Sorry.
I`m will be banned?
Hakurei Reimu
Why i think his reply really funny?! :D

[nAnSi-cHaN] wrote:

Yes,i`m understand. Sorry.
I`m will be banned?
Well, the issue is, it's hard to prove your innocence.
Alot of people are going to assume that you figured out you got caught, and then made up a story about you being hacked, so that you wouldn't get in trouble, it's one of the oldest and most overused excuses possible.
If you're really telling the truth then that sucks, but as far as I know, there's nothing to show you're telling the truth.

For now, change your pass to something stronger(yet still easy to remember), and play as you normally would.(No cheats ofc)
I don't believe bans are permanent(at least not if it's your first). So IF you get banned then you just gotta wait it out, you'll still be able to play but not get any ranked scores. Again, I could be wrong though.

Keksi wrote:

New one :

Name :avensis_lgt

Look at his scores :

:) Very nice :)
its fine

he's just a pro player but not famous like Cookie and the others

and he's been here for more than 1 year

wuliang wrote:

I think he is multi account too :?

Another argument is he paly with SO many many times.
But he can beat cookiezi in insane diff....I think is a multi account,and other account is a Japanese big pro...(XD
someone is better than Cookiezi =/= cheat nor multiaccount

dNextGen wrote:

someone is better than Cookiezi =/= cheat nor multiaccount
^ This

Feno wrote:

[nAnSi-cHaN] wrote:

Yes,i`m understand. Sorry.
I`m will be banned?
Well, the issue is, it's hard to prove your innocence.
Alot of people are going to assume that you figured out you got caught, and then made up a story about you being hacked, so that you wouldn't get in trouble, it's one of the oldest and most overused excuses possible.
If you're really telling the truth then that sucks, but as far as I know, there's nothing to show you're telling the truth.

For now, change your pass to something stronger(yet still easy to remember), and play as you normally would.(No cheats ofc)
I don't believe bans are permanent(at least not if it's your first). So IF you get banned then you just gotta wait it out, you'll still be able to play but not get any ranked scores. Again, I could be wrong though.
Okay. (:
Thank you very much.

_Giorgos_ wrote:

I have some first places where only 1-2 people made fc and I made #1 there from one try. so,does it make me a cheater?
This guy isn't new here and to make first place on insane maps with less than 112 tries is not so hard,I think.
P.S. maybe it is just multi account.
Okay, show me those osu!mode replays
Louis Cyphre
He has such replay in CtB DX and yes
again multi acc, cheater, hacker blah blah =_= and again from Russia <_<
Reporting for 2nd time

player : Kanopu

1st rank TAIKO (Hard) :
HAUUU! :lol:
Louis Cyphre
Reporting for 2nd time

player : Kanopu

1st rank TAIKO (Hard) :
Not cheat. Double Hits

Lunah wrote:

Reporting for 2nd time

player : Kanopu

1st rank TAIKO (Hard) :
Seriously, just drop it.

Shael wrote:
lulz, this guy's so good!

damn, russians finally got it! we're fucked!

fartownik wrote:

damn, russians finally got it! we're fucked!
I said some days ago... RUSSIAN MAFIA!! xDD
peppy !addbans whole Russia
Today, after i looked my General Information.


Many 1st had gone

i will try my best next time :lol:

pete2528 wrote:

Today, after i looked my General Information.


Many 1st had gone

i will try my best next time :lol:
uhm what does this have anything to do with hackers

maybe if you think you lost all of those to hackers which I doubt

Shael wrote:
Agree on this "OsuKawaii" guy. It's also pretty obvious at rank #10 on TERRA - Dance Dance Revolution NON STOP MEGAMIX [Mugen] (osu!)... or actually, ANY of his plays. Almost no spline (if any at all...), including very obvious snapping. Could he be good and using a touchpad? Maybe. Though I would bet money he just cheats.

Louis Cyphre wrote:

Reporting for 2nd time

player : Kanopu

1st rank TAIKO (Hard) :
Not cheat. Double Hits
Hakurei Reimu

Why i think this guy seems like a spin hacker?

Come from Russia again :<

Hakurei Reimu wrote:

Why i think this guy seems like a spin hacker?

Come from Russia again :<
Why you constant cry, when you has lost first place to any beatmap and complaining in this forum?

Calling their "hack". Play more time and all will. :]
Sorry for my bad english.

Hakurei Reimu wrote:

Why i think this guy seems like a spin hacker?

Come from Russia again :<
He is a spin hacker, same w/ Nansi - Chan they are both friends

lncognito wrote:

Hakurei Reimu wrote:

Why i think this guy seems like a spin hacker?

Come from Russia again :<
He is a spin hacker, same w/ Nansi - Chan they are both friends
Ma be you too?
Uh,well. Too crybaby.
Firo Prochainezo

Hakurei Reimu wrote:

Why i think this guy seems like a spin hacker?

Come from Russia again :<
He just spins fast.
Hakurei Reimu
If that's not trues,sorry for that.

well,there are so many spin hacker everwhere,sorry again..

Not you.

and,did you see that seem?

Hakurei Reimu wrote:

If that's not trues,sorry for that.

well,there are so many spin hacker everwhere,sorry again..

Not you.

and,did you see that seem?
Okay. :] No problem.
Yes, spin hacker realy everywhere.
And you please Sorry me for rudeness. (:
Stop all to flaming, please link Replays where he using haxx, if he hacked staff will do the rest

BattorA wrote:

Hakurei Reimu wrote:

If that's not trues,sorry for that.

well,there are so many spin hacker everwhere,sorry again..

Not you.

and,did you see that seem?
Okay. :] No problem.
Yes, spin hacker realy everywhere.
And you please Sorry me for rudeness.
See? (:
Ma be i`m fast spin,but its does not that i`m spin hack.
Hakurei Reimu

BattorA wrote:

Hakurei Reimu wrote:

If that's not trues,sorry for that.

well,there are so many spin hacker everwhere,sorry again..

Not you.

and,did you see that seem?
Okay. :] No problem.
Yes, spin hacker realy everywhere.
And you please Sorry me for rudeness.
See? (:
Ma be i`m fast spin,but its does not that i`m spin hack.
Sorry for my stupid opinion,I understand.
Lol, what speed cap do you take as possible cap?
Hakurei Reimu
Well.I ever see a guy can spin like 440-460 per minute,that's In front of me.

So..maybe I think too much things these time..

I will never do that again,thanks.

Hakurei Reimu wrote:

Well.I ever see a guy can spin like 440-460 per minute,that's In front of me.

So..maybe I think too much things these time..

I will never do that again,thanks.
believe me, such many more people. :]
Once again sorry for my very bad english. (:
Name : Silver Flash
He is cheater or has multi account.
I wrote about him a long time ago but nobody answered me =_=
now I will try again
here are the provements - he made a first place on Expert difficulty in ctb in his FIRST day of registrtion! ... hot560.png
FIRST day of registrtion!
You don't see the difference between August and October? :|

Whiss wrote:

FIRST day of registrtion!
You don't see the difference between August and October? :|
"Achieved on 25.08.2010"

"Joined August 25, 2010"


Hakurei Reimu wrote:

Well.I ever see a guy can spin like 440-460 per minute,that's In front of me.
Most (if not all) of the spin hackers spin 477 constantly. If he spins around 440-460 (and the Spins Per Minute number isn't constant), he is just a fast spinner and not a cheater.

Whiss wrote:

FIRST day of registrtion!
You don't see the difference between August and October? :|
I hope that YOU see the difference between them
Louis Cyphre
You don't see the difference between August and October? :|
440-460spm is not impossible
this friend of mine can spin up to 477 spm ._.
osu apple
why is he/she still here?.?
the sixth place in easy...
spinning god >:(
Firo Prochainezo

jameskong1 wrote:

osu apple
why is he/she still here?.?
the sixth place in easy...
spinning god >:(
Spinning god =/= hacker
Hakurei Reimu

That guy is a well known spin cheater,Square and very small spin rotation tracking?really funny..

And..he has no sense of shame..loool

Firo Prochainezo wrote:

jameskong1 wrote:

osu apple
why is he/she still here?.?
the sixth place in easy...
spinning god >:(
Spinning god =/= hacker
He's not a 'spinning god', he spun in a perfect square fashion which is simply not humanly possible.

Also, admins need check this thread more often.

jameskong1 wrote:

osu apple
why is he/she still here?.?
the sixth place in easy...
spinning god >:(
square spin D:
i envy ... yeah,it`s really funny.

Lunah wrote:

Stop all to flaming, please link Replays where he using haxx, if he hacked staff will do the rest

[nAnSi-cHaN] Square spinning shamelessly, its not humanly possible to do that really/

lncognito wrote:

Lunah wrote:

Stop all to flaming, please link Replays where he using haxx, if he hacked staff will do the rest

[nAnSi-cHaN] Square spinning shamelessly, its not humanly possible to do that really/

Lol fail

You have the same score and you are saying that he is cheating ? LOL
Firo Prochainezo

Keksi wrote:

Lol fail

You have the same score and you are saying that he is cheating ? LOL
You didnt' understand I guess. Incognito was trying to say that it's not possible spinning in a square shape.

Firo Prochainezo wrote:

Keksi wrote:

Lol fail

You have the same score and you are saying that he is cheating ? LOL
You didnt' understand I guess. Incognito was trying to say that it's not possible spinning in a square shape.

Oh ok then i am sorry :P
WTF? only 1000plays

Firo Prochainezo
Definately a multi.

Firo Prochainezo wrote:

Definately a multi.
or a Pro :lol:
at first I was skeptical, but since all they've played is insane maps, it's got to be a multi.

E-Hooker wrote:

at first I was skeptical, but since all they've played is insane maps, it's got to be a multi.
okey ;)

lncognito wrote:

[nAnSi-cHaN] Square spinning shamelessly, its not humanly possible to do that really/
Yeah it is cheated i guess spin is too precise.. let's wait some mod =P

All cheaters are russian, always.. lol

Lunah wrote:

lncognito wrote:

Yeah it is cheated i guess spin is too precise.. let's wait some mod =P
[nAnSi-cHaN] Square spinning shamelessly, its not humanly possible to do that really/
[nAnSi-cHaN]'s profil avatar

lol ;) strange eye !
two words about BattorA

I know BattorA in real life and can say that he's not a cheater. I was at hishome and personally saw, how he plays. Also didn't see any programs for cheaters >_>
I remember, when he only has started to play osu!, he loves spinners, spin them long and lost after that a combo :'D In Skype i often hear smth likes "FFFUUU! WTF! My Combo! D:" xDDDDD
He is really good player, BattorA perfectly plays insane in CTB, likes osu!standard and learns to play Taiko. And also trying to create beatmaps.
Here. He has achieved the first place, when I was in his home. He plays very good with a flashlight, it's truth. He likes this mode (for me the favourite - hidden).
And really fast spin, but I don't think 440-450 is impossible :) I give him this beatmap, he played it in my computer and had speed ~440. I envy ;'(

I was suprised, when he said me that in this thread somewho said that he is cheater. He was very angry and sad >_<
He isn't cheater...he just...plays in osu! very very much)

lncognito wrote:

He is a spin hacker
Hmm xD My dear, if you said that he is a "spin hacker", but i saw that you can plays better than BattorA... May be you're "spin hacker" too? x'D
Hakurei Reimu
That's already over..And he already forget about it.

Those true spin cheater,can you admit your mistakes?don't just like guys who called "osu apple",really funny guy..

[eifersucht] wrote:

two words about BattorA

I know BattorA in real life and can say that he's not a cheater. I was at hishome and personally saw, how he plays. Also didn't see any programs for cheaters >_>
I remember, when he only has started to play osu!, he loves spinners, spin them long and lost after that a combo :'D In Skype i often hear smth likes "FFFUUU! WTF! My Combo! D:" xDDDDD
He is really good player, BattorA perfectly plays insane in CTB, likes osu!standard and learns to play Taiko. And also trying to create beatmaps.
Here. He has achieved the first place, when I was in his home. He plays very good with a flashlight, it's truth. He likes this mode (for me the favourite - hidden).
And really fast spin, but I don't think 440-450 is impossible :) I give him this beatmap, he played it in my computer and had speed ~440. I envy ;'(

I was suprised, when he said me that in this thread somewho said that he is cheater. He was very angry and sad >_<
He isn't cheater...he just...plays in osu! very very much)
cool story bro

Akiros wrote:

[eifersucht] wrote:

two words about BattorA

I know BattorA in real life and can say that he's not a cheater. I was at hishome and personally saw, how he plays. Also didn't see any programs for cheaters >_>
I remember, when he only has started to play osu!, he loves spinners, spin them long and lost after that a combo :'D In Skype i often hear smth likes "FFFUUU! WTF! My Combo! D:" xDDDDD
He is really good player, BattorA perfectly plays insane in CTB, likes osu!standard and learns to play Taiko. And also trying to create beatmaps.
Here. He has achieved the first place, when I was in his home. He plays very good with a flashlight, it's truth. He likes this mode (for me the favourite - hidden).
And really fast spin, but I don't think 440-450 is impossible :) I give him this beatmap, he played it in my computer and had speed ~440. I envy ;'(

I was suprised, when he said me that in this thread somewho said that he is cheater. He was very angry and sad >_<
He isn't cheater...he just...plays in osu! very very much)
cool story bro
I'm not bro, girl wtf.
I'm very glad that it was pleasant to you, my dear~
Can youl tell more interesting story? Or you can only report?
It's already over, but somewho just can't be silent, i think >_> but it's just chatter, nothing good and actually.
Hakurei Reimu
Come on!

Remeber this thread's theme,OK?

Hakurei Reimu wrote:

Come on!

Remeber this thread's theme,OK?
I'm really sorry. Just I think that it's very insulting, when good players hear, that they're cheaters. It would be better, if in this thread will be normal reports like "square spin", "multi-acc" or smth else. Not cavils to good players.
Sorry, my english is bad :(
Square spin?lulz
Special for you i`m Has again played in this beatmaps.
lncognito,you speed spin 460-477. Can be you too " spin hack" ?
Why if people nice twist spin => cheater?
Can be all people,which nice twist spiner is cheaters? :)

[nAnSi-cHaN] wrote:

Square spin?lulz
Special for you i`m Has again played in this beatmaps.
lncognito,you speed spin 460-477. Can be you too " spin hack" ?
Why if people nice twist spin => cheater?
Can be all people,which nice twist spiner is cheaters? :)
Don't play dumb, what could that prove? Even you know it proves nothing, you just played those beatmaps again to erase the evidence (your replays with squared spinners).
But it seems you couldn't pass your own score on the last one:
Well? Care to explain your perfectly squared spin? Oh, and I've already saved that replay, just in case.

lcognito spins fast, yes, but he doesn't spin in a perfect square shape like you and therefore its inside human capabilites.

By the way, the way you spin on those 2 replays you posted is quite strange as well.
The cursor is all messed up and it seems to still be teleporting. I haven't seen you spinning like that in any of your other replays. :roll:
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