
Kikuo - Ten Sho Sho Ten Sho [Osu|Taiko]

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Wivaiien wrote:

Just gonna point out that aesthetics are subjective as shit. They might not look good to you, but they probably do to Squigly. Same case as with HW for example (trust me, I tried). Probably the best to not mention minor aesthetics in here.
Idk who that's appointed to but I like to stay away from aesthetics because i do know what you mean, I respect all mappers and their creativity. I only find plausible solutions that would help them if they changed that specific area around, but who knows maybe I'm just not that great :?
Topic Starter
thanks for mods everyone ill get to them soon enough, i hope to not upset if i dont agree with opinionated matters but we will see now wont we
holly Kocari
the fuck is a 2nd tier modder lol
I Must Decrease

Okorin wrote:

the fuck is a 2nd tier modder lol
u lol xd

nah but i guess he means good modders vs bad modders

Okorin wrote:

the fuck is a 2nd tier modder lol

Priti wrote:

Okorin wrote:

the fuck is a 2nd tier modder lol
priti much yeah

Kocari wrote:

Wivaiien wrote:

Just gonna point out that aesthetics are subjective as shit. They might not look good to you, but they probably do to Squigly. Same case as with HW for example (trust me, I tried). Probably the best to not mention minor aesthetics in here.
Idk who that's appointed to but I like to stay away from aesthetics because i do know what you mean, I respect all mappers and their creativity. I only find plausible solutions that would help them if they changed that specific area around, but who knows maybe I'm just not that great :?
Just a general reminder. I had many talks with Squigly before this qualify and dq where aesthetics were a topic as well, I didnt want to point a finger at anyone.

Okorin wrote:

the fuck is a 2nd tier modder lol
lazy modder xd
Even though I disagreed with you on everything about this map, I'm still proud of you that you got this to qualified.

rip though, best wishes.
:C get ranked soon dude <3
rank plz?????
Topic Starter
I did apply near everything in most of the mods if not touching things up a bit as well and the issues that rendered it unrankable have since been fixed from i think 2 days ago so lets try to do something here xd
We fixed all the overlapped timing and inherited points with either an inconsistent hitsound sampleset, or a different volume setting, or even both. A new combo was also added to a object, and that's pretty much it.

le proof
21:11 Squigly: IS THAT
21:11 Squigly: SHEELA
21:11 Squigly: AUIODIYHAKDI
21:11 sheela: that me
21:13 sheela: school is fcking me up
21:13 sheela: but heeeeeeeet
21:13 sheela: y
21:13 Squigly: same
21:13 Squigly: wait
21:13 Squigly: jk
21:13 Squigly: college is easy as shit
21:13 Squigly: xd
21:13 Squigly: except for
21:13 Squigly: the waking up early for my early classes
21:13 Squigly: not funnnn
21:13 sheela: i'm at my last year of high school
21:14 Squigly: junior year was my hardest
21:14 sheela: my previous high school years were easy
21:14 sheela: this year is suddenly he
21:14 sheela: *hard
21:15 Squigly: yeahhhh
21:15 Squigly: happens
21:15 Squigly: so when are you free then?!
21:16 sheela: basically now i guess
21:16 Squigly: :B
21:17 Squigly: aftewr im done with league will we be able to look at ten shoe?!
21:17 sheela: sure, we can irc
21:18 sheela: i searched for "ten shoe" lol
21:20 Squigly: LOL
21:20 Squigly: niiiiiiiiiiice
21:36 sheela: you there?
21:36 Squigly: almsot finished !! ! !! UYg Bvjukhkyhy FF
21:36 sheela: kk
21:40 Squigly: arurf is really fun :B
21:41 sheela: umm i don't play league
21:41 Squigly: i do :B
21:41 sheela: ok
21:41 Squigly: lol
21:42 sheela: all rightt
21:42 sheela: so can we irc?
21:43 sheela: o
21:45 Squigly: yeah
21:45 Squigly: im ready freddy
21:45 sheela: who is freddy
21:46 sheela: mmm
21:47 Squigly: :B
21:47 Squigly: dont worry about it :B
21:47 Squigly: i promise im not cheating on u
21:47 sheela: lol ok
21:48 sheela: so
21:48 sheela: 00:38:275 (4) - maybe add an nc because the music changes here
21:49 Squigly: ok
21:51 Squigly: but u know basically
21:51 Squigly: all the changes that were made
21:51 Squigly: were mostly suggestions
21:51 Squigly: past the
21:51 Squigly: things i NEEDED to fix
21:51 Squigly: which i can show u
21:51 Squigly: but they are better now and play p nice i think!
21:51 sheela: yes please
21:52 Squigly: 01:00:157 (1) -
21:52 Squigly: this part
21:55 sheela: 01:00:687 (6) - this slider bothers me, tho i see why you added this, so you don't have to change anything
21:55 sheela: just saying
21:55 Squigly: how come it bothers you o:
21:55 Squigly: like i mean
21:55 Squigly: i tested it out a fair bit with many players
21:55 Squigly: and they all seemed to play it fine
21:56 Squigly: if that was the worry
21:56 Squigly: because i worried about it too haha
21:56 sheela: the feeling in the music doesn't fit with the slider to me
21:56 sheela: like i would add more repeats to 01:00:422 (5) -
21:56 sheela: since the sound is the same
21:57 sheela: but because the beat snap changed
21:57 Squigly: yeah
21:57 sheela: u don't have to change anything
21:57 sheela: i can't find u an alternative
21:57 Squigly: i know haha
21:58 sheela: k k
21:58 Squigly: thats why when i made this long time ago
21:58 Squigly: it was just stream or repeating slider
21:58 Squigly: because it was kinda awkwardddd
21:58 sheela: o
21:58 Squigly: the one thing i like better though
21:58 sheela: k
21:58 Squigly: is the streams are lesser spaced
21:58 Squigly: from when i had them before
21:59 Squigly: so people can better interpret them to be 1/6 not 1/4
21:59 Squigly: more consistencyyy
21:59 sheela: good idea
21:59 sheela: i don't remember
21:59 sheela: lol
22:00 Squigly: haha it was a while ago
22:00 sheela: do you have the program modding assissant?
22:01 sheela: bc there's a lot of overlapped timing points with different volume settings
22:01 Squigly: i do not have that
22:01 sheela: do u want it?
22:01 Squigly: the reason for that problem would be because of the huge timing overhaul i did a long time ago
22:01 Squigly: well
22:01 Squigly: is it a real issue haha
22:01 sheela: yeah, the rc states it
22:02 Squigly: thats
22:02 Squigly: strange
22:03 Squigly: wait
22:03 Squigly: there are overlapped TIMING points?
22:03 Squigly: oh shiet
22:03 sheela: no no
22:03 Squigly: jiukdshflkdsfg
22:03 sheela: red and green points
22:04 Squigly: timing points and inherited then
22:04 Squigly: ok
22:04 Squigly: ill look manually
22:04 sheela: lol
22:04 sheela: or should i say which? i have the list
22:06 Squigly: nah its fine
22:06 Squigly: the reasons it happened was because of timing changes
22:07 Squigly: because when they were given to me i had to take them off of the taiko
22:07 Squigly: so they all had like
22:07 Squigly: 80% volume and normal hitsounds and such
22:07 Squigly: so the inheriting sections
22:07 Squigly: all have what i intended it to have
22:07 Squigly: so its all ok!
22:07 sheela: oh ookk
22:08 sheela: meanwhile i'll try to suggest more things
22:08 Squigly: okee dokee
22:13 sheela: 02:04:953 (2) - something doesn't sound right here; that 1/16 sound truly starts on 02:05:089 - to me. at 02:04:953 - this is where the fade-in starts, so there isn't a definite sound here
22:20 Squigly: so there are like
22:20 Squigly: 2 sounds there
22:20 Squigly: there is this
22:20 Squigly: grinding sound
22:21 Squigly: which is what i mapped
22:21 Squigly: and it starts off in the beginning
22:21 Squigly: then there is that wubby sound
22:21 Squigly: that goes
22:21 Squigly: woob weeeb
22:21 Squigly: LOL
22:21 Squigly: but thats the best way i can explain it xd
22:21 Squigly: do u hear that though?
22:21 Squigly: atleast, this is how i interpretted it
22:22 sheela: i hear the wubwub sound, but not the grinding sound
22:23 Squigly: ))))) :
22:23 Squigly: i updated map btw!
22:23 sheela: oki
22:23 Squigly: i think i did indeed fix all the timings but it is possible i missed some
22:23 Squigly: xd
22:23 sheela: some are not fixed according to the program
22:24 Squigly: ok
22:24 Squigly: in the beginning?
22:24 sheela: at 1:27, two at 2:21, and the rest around 4:40
22:27 Squigly: oh ok
22:28 Squigly: did i fixed it all?!? ?:B
22:28 Squigly: : ) ) )
22:28 sheela: only 04:47:700 - and 04:51:431 -
22:28 sheela: to fix
22:29 Squigly: ayyyyy we did itttt
22:29 sheela: ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
22:30 sheela: putting that aside
22:31 sheela: 02:06:589 (1) - i would move this out of the stack to highlight the beat. the flow would also feel natural idk
22:35 Squigly: i dunno i kinda like it being placed there tho
22:35 sheela: mm
22:37 sheela: i'll come up with reasons later, idk how to explain
22:38 Squigly: i mean i can understand it
22:38 Squigly: i just rather liked the emphasis being represented it this way i dunno im weird ):
22:38 sheela: hmm
22:39 sheela: anyway
22:39 sheela: 02:30:316 (1,2,3,4) - this pattern is following the vocals or the drums?
22:40 Squigly: its essentially both
22:40 Squigly: the vocals usually follow the main beat of the song anyways
22:40 sheela: hmm i didn't think of that
22:40 Squigly: although if i truly was mapping to the drum alone
22:41 Squigly: perhaps the pattern would have been more extravagent
22:41 Squigly: since it varies a slight bit
22:41 Squigly: mostly vocals
22:42 sheela: i was going to suggest to make the spacing constant because of the drum going at a constant volume and everything
22:42 sheela: but ehh
22:42 sheela: you said both, so i'll let this pass
22:43 Squigly: lol
22:43 Squigly: the vocals do match the pattern though!
22:43 Squigly: : D
22:43 Squigly: although it is a super simple boring pattern :B
22:43 sheela: yeah, that's why i asked you which it was following, bc i want to be sure
22:44 sheela: brb i need to drink water
22:44 Squigly: ill be back in a moment as well :B
22:45 sheela: je suis back
22:54 sheela: ok i guess i'm done with the recheck
23:06 sheela: mmm
23:06 Squigly: hello i am backk
23:06 Squigly: oh
23:06 Squigly: ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
23:06 Squigly: :D
23:07 sheela: nothing changed after the last update right?
23:07 Squigly: nah
23:08 Squigly: i was just making it looks nice
23:08 Squigly: sometimes i fix a few visuals is all lol
23:08 Squigly: like it was a slider that was moved a pixel xd
23:08 sheela: might want to update then lol
23:08 Squigly: oh i did
23:08 Squigly: its all updated as of now
23:09 Squigly: :D
23:09 sheela: oh okk
23:09 sheela: let me do that stuff

huge overhaul on snapping. lots has changed so listing this as bubble #1 so that it can be triple checked
careful opening this, your browser may crash
13:27 Pentori: 00:41:452 (2) - y dont u add another repeat to this
13:27 Pentori: 00:46:746 (1,2) - uses 1/8 gap
13:27 Squigly: adding another repeat would make it a lot harder to play
13:28 Pentori: then whats the case for 00:46:746 (1,2) -
13:28 Squigly: sometimes its a good idea to just space that by the smallest of margins on a repeat like that
13:28 Squigly: dunno :B
13:28 Squigly: guess i didnt there HAHA
13:28 Squigly: more than likely because
13:29 Squigly: when i did repeats with
13:29 Squigly: that were more extreme like this
13:29 Squigly: i had them play from this super fast repeat into a faster slider
13:29 Squigly: i dunno perhaps its a bit silly
13:30 Squigly: because the feel is a bit different would you say?
13:30 Squigly: perhaps on the first one i would single tap
13:30 Squigly: but here i would try to alternate
13:30 Squigly: ill add the repeat though it makes sense xd
13:30 Squigly: LOL
13:30 Pentori: ok..
13:31 Pentori: great essay
13:31 Squigly: actually feels better with it too!
13:31 Squigly: IM SORRY HAHA
13:31 Pentori: lol
13:31 Squigly: i was trying to mull over the thought process i had while making it i guess
13:34 Pentori: 00:58:922 (1,1) - this has a 1/12th gap
13:34 Squigly: omg
13:34 Pentori: other have 1/6 gaps 00:58:746 (2,1) - 00:59:099 (1,2) -
13:34 Squigly: yeah like
13:34 Squigly: that must be one the last unsnapped inherting points :B
13:34 Squigly: no one found that
13:35 Squigly: g o o d s h i t
13:35 Pentori: :^)
13:35 Squigly: : ) ))
13:37 Pentori: 01:30:589 (1,2) - wouldnt it make more sense to have 2 repeats
13:37 Pentori: because clicking a blue tick is awkward af
13:37 Pentori: and the vocal is on 01:30:862 (3) -
13:38 Squigly: nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
13:38 Pentori: like u wouldn't make 01:29:226 (4) - have only 1 reverse
13:38 Squigly: its been p good thus far : ) ))
13:38 Squigly: well
13:38 Squigly: thats also a different sort of area ):
13:39 Pentori: 01:29:498 (1,2,3,4) - 01:29:771 (1,2,3,4) - 01:29:226 (4) - these are all in groups of 4 yes?
13:39 Pentori: 01:30:589 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - is 3 | 5
13:39 Squigly: yeah
13:39 Squigly: they all are
13:39 Squigly: i dunno truly i believe it plays p ok though
13:39 Squigly: not to say it wouldnt be unplayable with another repeat
13:40 Squigly: but the single back and forth motion
13:40 Squigly: into the stream seems to play fine
13:40 Squigly: and the whole point of that slider was to sound for the drum there
13:40 Squigly: and whatever that
13:40 Squigly: lil wooshy sound is haha
13:40 Squigly: and thus right after it the same sort of stream sound starts again
13:41 Pentori: idk man.. you're not giving me legitimate responses
13:41 Squigly: wait
13:41 Pentori: any reason why 01:30:794 (2) - sohuld be clickable
13:41 Squigly: that was a totally legit response
13:41 Pentori: instead of 01:30:862 (3) -
13:41 Squigly: i mapped the noises
13:41 Squigly: not the voices
13:42 Squigly: ):
13:42 Pentori: what noise is on 01:30:794 (2) -
13:43 Squigly: do you hear that high pitched noise?
13:43 Squigly: i dont know what to fukn call it haha
13:43 Squigly: its what the whole streams sounds of though
13:43 Pentori: ok like
13:43 Pentori: 01:29:226 (4) - plays like this: hold and click when vocals come in
13:43 Pentori: its the most dominant thing
13:43 Pentori: players will do the same for 01:30:589 (1) -
13:44 Pentori: there is no sound that merits ending the reverse slider early
13:44 Pentori: if there was i'd brush it off
13:44 Squigly: except that i mapped the slider for the drum and that whoosh sound
13:44 Squigly: if i continued it it would seem awkward to me
13:45 Pentori: find me another map that does this
13:46 Squigly: well comparing me to another mapper would be kinda bad to do
13:46 Squigly: since i always do the thing that isnt so common
13:46 Squigly: i have no maps on this computer anyways xd
13:47 Squigly: i just got it, all it has is some newer maps, none from a while back
13:47 Squigly: i mean i dunno what to tell you though
13:47 Squigly: ive gotten a million testplays and this has never been a troublesome area
13:47 Squigly: the stream as a whole is but that part, not so much
13:48 Squigly: not trying to bullshit but i do feel confident with that slider haha
13:49 Pentori: ok whatever
13:53 Pentori: 01:43:339 (6) -
13:53 Pentori: sounds like 1/6
13:53 Squigly: i think you might be right
13:54 Pentori: let me try find somewhere else this sound occurs
13:54 Squigly: it happens
13:54 Squigly: a bit
13:54 Squigly: but its more obvious on those other places i think xd
13:58 Pentori: is the same as 05:16:322 (2,3,4,5) - no?
13:58 Squigly: its a bit different
13:58 Pentori: oh its a bit faster yea
13:59 Squigly: yeah
13:59 Squigly: there are like
13:59 Squigly: 3 or 4 different variations of this same sound in this map
13:59 Squigly: its a bit silly haha
14:00 Squigly: tbh though the first one
14:00 Squigly: might just be 1/4
14:00 Squigly: everytime i test it
14:00 Squigly: doesnt come out as 1/6 to me
14:00 Squigly: it just sounds so funky
14:01 Squigly: what do u think
14:01 Pentori: i used a 1/12th snapping divisor
14:01 Pentori: try this
14:01 Pentori:
14:02 Squigly: yeah that looks right let me try it
14:03 Squigly: hm
14:04 Squigly: yeah ill stick with that sure
14:04 Pentori: kk
14:04 Squigly: i feel like
14:04 Squigly: just because of its ending sound
14:04 Squigly: it could be on the 1/4 tick though
14:04 Squigly: hard to tell
14:04 Pentori: there is a small sound on 01:43:407 -
14:04 Pentori: but nothing on 01:43:476 -
14:04 Squigly: yes
14:05 Squigly: thats why i did that repeat
14:05 Squigly: and yeah true
14:05 Squigly: its kinda like a fade away
14:05 Pentori: since ur mapping synths indicated by 01:42:589 (2,3,4,5) -
14:05 Pentori: its better to follow synths and ignore the souund on 01:43:407 -
14:05 Squigly: ye
14:06 Squigly: what i meant was the blue tick
14:06 Squigly: after the 1/12
14:06 Squigly: it seems like it could just as easily be that
14:06 Pentori: yer
14:06 Squigly: and would definitely make more sense right?
14:06 Squigly: you think i should keep it there then? :B
14:06 Pentori: but i still here 1/6
14:06 Pentori: hear*
14:07 Pentori: i can ask other nominators to double check if u want
14:07 Squigly: its just such a trippy part haha
14:07 Squigly: many have checked i dunno
14:07 Squigly: usually all agree to do this i think LOL
14:08 Pentori: k
14:08 Squigly: ill just keep 1/6
14:08 Pentori: sure
14:11 Pentori: better end this on white tick
14:11 Pentori: 02:00:998 (5) -
14:12 Pentori: theres nothing on 02:01:203 -
14:12 Squigly: the pitch actually changes here o:
14:12 Squigly: like it gets a lot deeper
14:13 Pentori: ok
14:16 Pentori: 02:04:953 (2) - 02:41:610 (5) - could consider adding two more repeats for consistency
14:17 Squigly: i added to the 2nd one
14:17 Squigly: but the first one actually stops
14:17 Squigly: at the tick
14:17 Squigly: let me just check again
14:17 Pentori: kk
14:18 Squigly: yeah it indeed does
14:18 Squigly: also that would be hard as shit if i added more repeats i think :BBBB
14:18 Pentori: not really lol
14:18 Pentori: as long as ur alternate
14:18 Pentori: u*
14:19 Squigly: ye
14:19 Squigly: i mean i remember a discussion with charles about
14:19 Squigly: hitting those
14:19 Squigly: 1/12 repeating sliders
14:19 Squigly: and truthfully they are just
14:19 Squigly: super easy to break because
14:19 Squigly: slider leniency is not a thing on these sorts of sliders
14:19 Squigly: so if one holds, or presses early or late
14:19 Squigly: combo = gone
14:20 Squigly: so it was a concern with the usage here!
14:20 Squigly: but should be ok :D
14:20 Pentori: 02:52:904 (6) - isnt this the same sound as the sliders u had 1/16 on
14:21 Pentori: literally the same as 02:41:610 (5) -
14:21 Squigly: ye
14:21 Squigly: i see that haha
14:21 Squigly: ill change it
14:21 Squigly: 1/16 u said it was?
14:22 Pentori: yeah
14:23 Pentori: 02:58:904 (2) - 2 more repeats
14:24 Squigly: i
14:24 Squigly: added 1 moreeeeee
14:25 Pentori: 03:04:198 (5) - then here as well
14:25 Squigly: aight i did
14:26 Squigly: i like these changes though
14:26 Squigly: this is a really nice thorough look for once :D
14:26 Pentori: i think this is the same case as before
14:26 Pentori: 03:31:081 (3) -
14:26 Pentori: actually no
14:26 Pentori: this is correct
14:26 Pentori: it just echoes
14:26 Squigly: yeah
14:26 Squigly: remember when i was like
14:26 Squigly: there are about 3 or 4 different versions
14:26 Squigly: xCCCC
14:27 Squigly: when i first mapped this
14:27 Squigly: it was like so bad LOL
14:27 Pentori: 03:31:081 (3) - u might want to nc this
14:27 Pentori: i see an nc here 03:48:223 (1) -
14:27 Pentori: on similar thing
14:28 Squigly: i dunno why i nced that tbh
14:28 Squigly: maybe i should just take away the nc?
14:28 Pentori: sure
14:28 Squigly: : ) ) )
14:29 Pentori: ok now im doubting
14:29 Pentori: 03:30:399 (2) -
14:29 Pentori: when this is 1/12
14:29 Pentori: 03:47:560 (3) -
14:29 Squigly: lol
14:29 Squigly: hmmm
14:29 Squigly: oh wait
14:29 Squigly: did i mess up here hmM M M mm
14:30 Squigly: is it 1/4?
14:30 Pentori: sounds like 1/6
14:30 Pentori: so then 03:30:399 (2) - needs to be same
14:30 Squigly: oh yeah
14:31 Squigly: yeeee
14:31 Squigly: that sounds god
14:31 Squigly: good
14:31 Squigly: catch
14:31 Squigly: my dood
14:31 Squigly: im a bit slow rn because its so late i guess
14:31 Squigly: fK
14:32 Pentori: that would mean
14:32 Pentori: 02:00:248 (4) - is 1/6 as well
14:32 Pentori: which it is
14:32 Pentori: just tried it
14:33 Squigly: yeah
14:33 Squigly: it is
14:33 Pentori: u should map in a similar manner too
14:33 Pentori:
14:33 Squigly: i might have to change the pattern here
14:33 Squigly: i did indeed
14:33 Squigly: or wait
14:33 Squigly: you are right haha
14:33 Squigly: let me do thatt
14:35 Pentori: 1 more repeat 03:51:675 (1) -
14:35 Squigly: rightyo
14:35 Pentori: 05:04:867 (1) - 2 more
14:36 Pentori: wait
14:36 Pentori: no
14:36 Pentori: sound ends
14:37 Squigly: yeah i was listening to that too
14:39 Pentori: jesus
14:39 Pentori: theres more
14:39 Squigly: :-)
14:39 Pentori: do you need to sleep?
14:40 Squigly: nah
14:40 Pentori: i can point out rest in text
14:40 Squigly: its weekend its all good haha
14:40 Pentori: kk
14:40 Pentori: 05:16:322 (2,3,4) -
14:40 Squigly: ill probably stay up a bit more anyways
14:40 Pentori: you mapped as 1/6
14:40 Pentori: which is right
14:40 Pentori: therefore 03:47:427 (1,2,3) - etc are wrong
14:40 Pentori: needs to be 1/6
14:40 Pentori: all the way through
14:40 Pentori: and then a 1/2 starting from 03:48:223 -
14:41 Pentori:
14:42 Squigly: hm
14:42 Squigly: this is strange
14:42 Squigly: the thing u just linked, 5:16 sounds right
14:42 Squigly: but if i do 1/6 on the other previously
14:42 Squigly: doesnt sound right
14:42 Squigly: maybe i should look again
14:43 Squigly: wait
14:43 Squigly: omg
14:43 Squigly: disregard what i said LOL
14:43 Squigly: what i said was silly
14:43 Pentori: ? ok
14:43 Squigly: im sorry haha
14:47 Squigly: alright
14:47 Squigly: i fixed
14:47 Squigly: : ) )
14:47 Pentori: all of them?
14:47 Squigly: oh
14:47 Squigly: wait
14:47 Squigly: i have to gfo find them fuck
14:47 Pentori: 02:00:044 (1,2,3,4,5) -
14:47 Pentori: theyre all the same
14:49 Squigly: you know whats funny
14:49 Squigly: it looks like
14:49 Squigly: i had it mapped to 1/6 before
14:49 Squigly: LOL
14:49 Squigly: holy shit
14:50 Pentori: huh?
14:50 Squigly: like
14:50 Squigly: the inheriting point
14:50 Squigly: was snapped to the 1/6
14:50 Squigly: that it should have been placed on
14:50 Squigly: so it looks like it USED to be right
14:51 Squigly: lol
14:51 Pentori: lol wtf
14:51 Squigly: yeah because of the huge timing overhaul
14:51 Squigly: long while back
14:51 Squigly: xd
14:51 Squigly: ok i changed that one tooooo
14:53 Pentori: keep looking
14:53 Pentori: heaps more
14:53 Pentori: 01:42:589 (2,3,4,5,6,1) -
14:53 Squigly: ok i also changed the one at 1:43
14:53 Pentori: ye
14:53 Squigly: yeah
14:53 Squigly: that one
14:53 Squigly: i also changed one that was a bit later
14:53 Squigly: im just gonna play it through to find them
14:53 Squigly: i think might have been it tho
14:54 Pentori: 05:26:452 (6) - more repeats
14:54 Squigly: yeah the one at 2:00 i did
14:54 Squigly: ok i added
14:54 Pentori: 05:28:923 (1) -
14:54 Pentori: 05:31:746 (1) - blah blah
14:55 Squigly: haha
14:55 Squigly: i just changed that
14:55 Squigly: as u linked it xd
14:56 Pentori: 05:55:812 (1) - wow this looks fkn sick
14:56 Squigly: lol
14:56 Squigly: do u like that part?
14:56 Pentori: yea
14:57 Squigly: when i first mapped the ending i was worried people would be like
14:57 Squigly: omg ez combo op
14:57 Pentori: l0l
14:57 Squigly: but it all feels so nice!
14:57 Squigly: its like
14:57 Squigly: such a satisfying ending!
14:57 Pentori: it looks awesome in gameplay
14:57 Squigly: unless, you miss the last note LOL
14:58 Pentori: 05:55:812 (1) - i would suggest leaving a 1/4 gap tho
14:58 Pentori: right now u have 1 repeat too much
14:58 Pentori:
14:58 Squigly: true
14:58 Squigly: well
14:59 Squigly: actually its the same thought process with the repeating into the sliders
14:59 Squigly: i think maybe it should stay with either 1 or 2 more repeats after the white tick yeah?
14:59 Pentori: sure
14:59 Squigly: : D
14:59 Squigly: that was
15:00 Squigly: probably one of the best looks ive had anyone look at the map
15:00 Squigly: feels good
15:00 Pentori: wats the
15:00 Squigly: that someone can actually see mistakes lol
15:00 Pentori: last timing point for tho
15:00 Pentori: this random one
15:00 Pentori: 06:03:777 -
15:00 Squigly: i would guess its because
15:01 Squigly: it becomes a consistent whirl
15:01 Squigly: but you would need to ask pishi about that for a definite answer
15:01 Squigly: haha
15:01 Pentori: ah ok
15:01 Squigly: yeah actually its for that
15:01 Pentori: yep, makes sense
15:01 Pentori: ok so i'll give you ur bubble
15:01 Pentori: as #1
15:01 Pentori: because i want sheela to recheck
15:02 Squigly: :B
15:02 Pentori: sounds fair?
15:02 Squigly: perhaps
15:02 Squigly: dunno what he would be rechecking
15:02 Pentori: just so that
15:02 Squigly: that was a pretty good look
15:02 Pentori: he agrees with my snapping changes
15:02 Pentori: right now i'm the only one that has made changes to snapping
15:02 Squigly: right
15:02 Pentori: and it hasn't been reviewed by others
15:02 Pentori: so
15:02 Squigly: i still need to get 1 more bn though dont i?
15:03 Pentori: yeah, but sheela bubbled it first
15:03 Squigly: ye i know
15:03 Squigly: just makin sure haha
15:03 Pentori: and when i change snapping, technically it means i'm disagreeing
15:03 Pentori: kk cool
15:03 Pentori: can you update
15:03 Squigly: essentially yeah
15:03 Squigly: yeah i will rn
15:07 Pentori: uh
15:07 Pentori: its
15:07 Squigly: u h
15:08 Pentori: its 1/3 to start with
15:08 Pentori:
15:08 Squigly: wait what
15:08 Pentori: 01:42:589 (2,3,4) -
15:08 Pentori: its 1/3
15:08 Pentori: until 01:42:680 (4) - which should be 1/6
15:09 Squigly: oh
15:09 Pentori: but you have it snapped to the 1/4
15:09 Pentori: kek
15:09 Squigly: im sorryyy
15:09 Squigly: my brainnnn
15:13 Squigly: OK
15:13 Squigly: I HOPE I FIXED IT ALL
15:14 Squigly: xd
15:14 Pentori: 01:42:771 (4) -
15:15 Squigly: suposd to be 1/3 ?
15:15 Squigly: yes
15:15 Squigly: ok
15:15 Pentori: yer
15:16 Squigly: OK
15:16 Pentori: the 1/3 keeps going
15:16 Pentori: 01:43:226 (5) -
15:16 Pentori: isnt correct either
15:17 Squigly: it isnt? :B
15:17 Squigly: sounds p ok i thought
15:17 Pentori: you have it as like
15:17 Pentori: what even is that
15:17 Squigly: hehe
15:17 Pentori: 2/3
15:17 Squigly: ok hold on haha
15:18 Squigly: ok
15:18 Squigly: i made it not a repeat
15:18 Squigly: extended the
15:18 Squigly: other one
15:19 Pentori: 03:47:604 (3,4) - ey wtf
15:19 Pentori: they overlap :c
15:20 Pentori: 05:16:504 (4,5) -
15:20 Squigly: ASKJDHBASKDD
15:20 Squigly: LOL
15:25 Squigly: did i make
15:25 Squigly: any more silly mistakes
15:25 Squigly: xd
15:26 Pentori: im struggling to evaluate this
15:26 Pentori: because you mapped it differently every time lol
15:26 Squigly: oh dear
15:27 Squigly: which aprt
15:27 Squigly: part
15:27 Squigly: or
15:27 Pentori: the 1/3 sections
15:27 Squigly: do you mean the whole map
15:27 Squigly: lol
15:27 Pentori: nono
15:27 Squigly: oo
15:27 Pentori: im just like
15:27 Pentori: trying to see if what you did is ok or not
15:27 Squigly: oh okee
15:27 Squigly: well
15:27 Pentori: maybe you can help
15:27 Pentori: 05:16:504 (4,5) -
15:27 Squigly: i sure do hope i didnt fuck up!
15:27 Squigly: yeah
15:27 Pentori: 05:17:231 (5) - starts on the 1/3
15:28 Squigly: omg
15:28 Squigly: i did
15:28 Pentori: but then
15:28 Pentori: i cant find it
15:29 Pentori: 03:31:081 (4) - you put it on the white tick here
15:30 Squigly: i changed it
15:30 Squigly: the 2nd one
15:30 Squigly: to match the other
15:30 Squigly: i think that would be better yes?
15:30 Pentori: yeah
15:31 Pentori: ok good
15:31 Pentori: update let me see
15:32 Squigly: okee dokee i updateds
15:33 Pentori: wat about the taiko
15:33 Squigly: yo the taiko is like
15:33 Squigly: perfect haha
15:34 Squigly: it was mapped by one of the best
15:34 Squigly: and the best have looked at it
15:34 Squigly: so its
15:34 Squigly: SOLIDDDDDDD
15:34 Squigly: unlike how mine went xd
15:37 Pentori: ok i still
15:37 Pentori: dont understand
15:37 Squigly: :B
15:37 Pentori: 03:31:172 (4) - what the repeat is snapped to
15:37 Pentori: lmfao
15:37 Squigly: its like
15:37 Squigly: a weirder sound of the repeat slider
15:38 Squigly: so i just the back and forth motion
15:38 Pentori: there are sounds on the 1/3s
15:38 Squigly: fuck
15:38 Pentori: 03:31:262 -
15:38 Pentori: 03:31:353 -
15:38 Squigly: dude its so hard to explain like i want to die
15:38 Squigly: LOL
15:38 Squigly: omg
15:38 Squigly: true
15:38 Squigly: wait
15:38 Squigly: ok
15:38 Squigly: hum
15:38 Pentori: is it not just a 1/3 stream????
15:38 Squigly: here im gonna change it
15:38 Squigly: then update it
15:39 Squigly: and let me know what u think after i do
15:39 Pentori: u did this
15:39 Pentori: for the other places too
15:39 Pentori: used this weird af snapping
15:39 Squigly: i k
15:39 Squigly: i will have to change it
15:39 Pentori: ok
15:39 Squigly: im so silly
15:39 Squigly: asizdkjfhbdsf
15:40 Squigly: okok
15:40 Squigly: let me know
15:40 Squigly: if you think the pattern is ok now?
15:40 Squigly: and i can change for the rest of them
15:40 Pentori: yep good
15:41 Squigly: :D
15:41 Squigly: ok
15:41 Squigly: i have to find the others now
15:41 Squigly: there are just ones after this right
15:41 Squigly: like this was the first?
15:41 Squigly: orrrr
15:41 Squigly: i cant remember
15:41 Pentori: the first few are fine
15:41 Pentori: i'll point them out
15:42 Pentori: 03:48:223 (4) -
15:42 Pentori: 05:17:231 (5) -
15:44 Pentori: one last thing, i might want to extend the reverses here too 05:48:490 (3)
15:44 Pentori: u might*
15:44 Squigly: i didnt do it there because of the sound cut off
15:45 Squigly: but i fixed the others!
15:45 Pentori: maybe use another slider? cos theres still a sound
15:45 Squigly: hm
15:45 Pentori: compared to like 05:51:850 (4) -
15:45 Pentori: :d
15:46 Squigly: i dunno
15:46 Squigly: i just feel like it would be
15:46 Squigly: kinda weird
15:46 Pentori: ok
15:46 Squigly: also the thing you compared it too
15:46 Squigly: it ends with a note
15:46 Squigly: so it feels a bit better :D
15:46 Squigly: its all update btw!
15:46 Pentori: good
because i don't want to be the one that dqs this for snapping again
(kill me)

i used my ears to come up with this

01:08:628 (1,2) - should probably be just 1/4 like 01:05:452 (4,5,1,2,3,4) -
01:08:981 (3) - if you listen closely that wub ands on the red tick and has some weird circle on 01:09:216 - so or would be better timelines to represent
01:32:396 (2) - should be on 01:32:407 -
01:35:703 (6) - should be on 01:35:680 -
01:34:953 (3,4) - should be extended the same way, settle for one type of extends to either 1/6 or 1/4 for this part (i recommend extending everything that is on 1/4s to 1/6 just to have the length of a slider and when you have to release your key predictable throughout the section unless there's sounds on these 1/4s)
01:37:032 (3) - should be on 01:37:044 -
01:44:669 (4) - should be on 01:44:680 -
01:45:862 (4) - should end in 01:45:953 -
01:47:498 (2) - this ending point looks arbitrary and weird, are you sure you didn't want it to end in 01:48:044 -
01:48:248 (1) - should start in 01:48:226 -
01:52:135 (4,5) - also may want to use a nc somewhere around that time
01:52:953 (7) - should end in 01:53:135 -
01:53:907 (2) - should start in 01:53:953 - (loooool)
01:54:226 (3,4) - should just be simple like
01:55:680 (1,2) - would extend to 1/6 and 01:56:226 (1,2) - would end on 1/3 that way you can capture all sounds that go on
01:56:771 (1) - should end on 1/3 in 01:56:862 -
01:58:680 (4) - should end in 01:58:862 -
02:45:139 (1,2,3,4) - 02:51:316 (2) - i don't hear 1/6 doubles here so maybe 1/4 sliders fit better
03:19:262 - that u don't have anything to click here is unexpected since you tend to map all weird sounds out.
03:21:535 (3) - should end in 03:21:808 -
03:22:353 (3,4) - should be 1/3
blablabla 03:22:626 (1,2) - if you have a mostly 1/3 part extend sliders to 1/6 or 1/3, these make more sense with the general tempo of the part
03:33:262 (5) - should end on 03:33:444 -
03:35:172 (3) - should end on 03:35:626 -
03:40:524 (7,8) - sounds more accurate like at least the circle does
03:43:976 (2) - the sound it should end on is 1/3
03:48:754 (6) - the sound it should end on is 1/3
03:51:940 (2) - strangely enough this sounds correct i hate kikuo for this stuff
05:20:396 (2) - pretty sure the one who timed it timed it in a way that the sound ends up on the white tick in 05:20:432 -
05:21:325 (1) - sounds better if it was ending on 05:21:775 -
05:22:127 (2) - should start in 05:22:141 - , custom snap its end to 05:22:571 -
05:22:791 (3) - should start in 05:22:806 -
05:23:276 (1,2,3,4) -
05:24:511 (1) - shouldnt this be 1/3 not sure myself
05:40:217 (1,2) - shouldn't these be 1/4?
05:42:334 (1) - maybe end this in 05:42:599 - like all the others?
06:04:936 (1) - not sure if this should be on 06:04:958 -

other stuff
02:10:253 (4,5) - i think these should be the other way around, first slider, then circle so u can click on 02:10:509 -
02:41:610 (5) - 03:04:198 (5) - recommend 1/4 buffer time so that the gaps between objects are the same wutever this applies to everything ok.
02:52:904 (6) - recommending 1/6 buffertime so that gaps stay predictable
05:55:812 (1,1,1) - buffer plz

that's all i could find, recommending doublechecking with more ears
Topic Starter

Okorin wrote:

because i don't want to be the one that dqs this for snapping again
(kill me)

i used my ears to come up with this

01:08:628 (1,2) - should probably be just 1/4 like 01:05:452 (4,5,1,2,3,4) -
01:08:981 (3) - if you listen closely that wub ands on the red tick and has some weird circle on 01:09:216 - so or would be better timelines to represent
01:32:396 (2) - should be on 01:32:407 -
01:35:703 (6) - should be on 01:35:680 -
01:34:953 (3,4) - should be extended the same way, settle for one type of extends to either 1/6 or 1/4 for this part (i recommend extending everything that is on 1/4s to 1/6 just to have the length of a slider and when you have to release your key predictable throughout the section unless there's sounds on these 1/4s)
01:37:032 (3) - should be on 01:37:044 -
01:44:669 (4) - should be on 01:44:680 -
01:45:862 (4) - should end in 01:45:953 -
01:47:498 (2) - this ending point looks arbitrary and weird, are you sure you didn't want it to end in 01:48:044 -
01:48:248 (1) - should start in 01:48:226 -
01:52:135 (4,5) - also may want to use a nc somewhere around that time
01:52:953 (7) - should end in 01:53:135 - I think ill keep it there because it ends on then high pitches note, unless im just delusional and it does indeed end later xd
01:53:907 (2) - should start in 01:53:953 - (loooool)
01:54:226 (3,4) - should just be simple like well i definitely changed it though to better fit
01:55:680 (1,2) - would extend to 1/6 and 01:56:226 (1,2) - would end on 1/3 that way you can capture all sounds that go on i think ill keep it as 1/4 because to me at least, the fade away sound is most noticeable on the 1/4
01:56:771 (1) - should end on 1/3 in 01:56:862 -
01:58:680 (4) - should end in 01:58:862 -
02:45:139 (1,2,3,4) - 02:51:316 (2) - i don't hear 1/6 doubles here so maybe 1/4 sliders fit better it is a similar pattern i did earlier in the song, it doesnt necessarily not fit so i think ill keep it o:
03:19:262 - that u don't have anything to click here is unexpected since you tend to map all weird sounds out. its just vocals, i thought it was a bit of nice effect to keep a pause here :D
03:21:535 (3) - should end in 03:21:808 -
03:22:353 (3,4) - should be 1/3
blablabla 03:22:626 (1,2) - if you have a mostly 1/3 part extend sliders to 1/6 or 1/3, these make more sense with the general tempo of the part
03:33:262 (5) - should end on 03:33:444 -
03:35:172 (3) - should end on 03:35:626 -
03:40:524 (7,8) - sounds more accurate like at least the circle does
03:43:976 (2) - the sound it should end on is 1/3 nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :)
03:48:754 (6) - the sound it should end on is 1/3
03:51:940 (2) - strangely enough this sounds correct i hate kikuo for this stuff
05:20:396 (2) - pretty sure the one who timed it timed it in a way that the sound ends up on the white tick in 05:20:432 -
05:21:325 (1) - sounds better if it was ending on 05:21:775 -
05:22:127 (2) - should start in 05:22:141 - , custom snap its end to 05:22:571 -
05:22:791 (3) - should start in 05:22:806 -
05:23:276 (1,2,3,4) - i changed it to something that seemed to work ok i hope
05:24:511 (1) - shouldnt this be 1/3 not sure myself it seemed ok but i extended it to end on the 1/6
05:40:217 (1,2) - shouldn't these be 1/4? i dont think i would be able to map those 2 noises if it were 1/4 :o
05:42:334 (1) - maybe end this in 05:42:599 - like all the others? apparently that was an error with an unsnapped inheriting point :?
06:04:936 (1) - not sure if this should be on 06:04:958 - the 1/6 sounds a bit too late i think

other stuff
02:10:253 (4,5) - i think these should be the other way around, first slider, then circle so u can click on 02:10:509 - i changed it so the slider was clickable on the noise instead, i hope its better i dunno!
02:41:610 (5) - 03:04:198 (5) - recommend 1/4 buffer time so that the gaps between objects are the same wutever this applies to everything ok. changed
02:52:904 (6) - recommending 1/6 buffertime so that gaps stay predictable its not 1/6 : - )
05:55:812 (1,1,1) - buffer plz these are essentially buffered, and super easy to hit each one so its all good : D

that's all i could find, recommending doublechecking with more ears
lov u dad
we did stuff #1

19:51 Squigly: ITS
19:51 Squigly: SHEELA
19:51 Squigly: BUT ITS FRIDAY
19:51 sheela: oh hEY
19:51 Squigly: OH
19:51 Squigly: HEY
19:51 sheela: friday is like a weekend
19:51 Squigly: well yeah
19:51 Squigly: lol
19:51 Squigly: xd
19:52 sheela: anyway
19:52 sheela: i can recheck your map now
19:52 Squigly: yay
19:52 sheela: pls tell me what you changed with pentori
19:52 Squigly: oh
19:52 Squigly: ok let me find
19:53 Squigly: essentially
19:53 Squigly: it is a singular thing that was changed for the many times they were found
19:56 Squigly: 01:42:589 (2) -
19:56 Squigly: parts like this
19:57 sheela: okok
19:58 sheela: they fit well
19:58 Squigly: yeah
19:58 Squigly: those parts were pretty fucked to map lol
19:58 Squigly: because its distorted to hell
19:58 Squigly: thanks kikuo xd
19:58 sheela: lol
19:58 Squigly: basically the hours we spent
19:58 Squigly: were on that
19:58 sheela: ohmy
19:59 Squigly: but ye thats it and a few minor things that dont change like anything
19:59 sheela: ok
20:00 Squigly: :D
20:00 Squigly: oh and oko helped with some stuff
20:00 Squigly: he was supposed to a long time ago
20:00 Squigly: but i dunno what happened
20:00 sheela: lol
20:00 Squigly: so that was good
20:00 sheela: 03:29:717 (1,1) - is the spacing intentional?
20:01 Squigly: yeah
20:01 Squigly: i think it looks awkward if it is connected tbh
20:02 sheela: i would try to ctrl+j and rotate a bit to make it look like this
20:02 sheela:
20:03 Squigly: i dont really like that though
20:03 Squigly: shoudlnt be anything wrong with the spacing yeah?
20:04 sheela: it would be consistent with the others
20:05 sheela: you also used a sv of 1x instead of 0.8x
20:05 sheela: but that's minor
20:06 Squigly: i connected it a bit more
20:06 Squigly: but i dont want to do it too much
20:06 Squigly: well ill connect it a bit more actually
20:07 Squigly: and yeah now it conflicts with what i wanted with the other slider lol
20:07 sheela: o
20:09 sheela: 05:23:393 (2,3) - i feel that this spacing is too sudden
20:09 Squigly: i changed it a bit
20:10 sheela: 05:22:141 (2) - the slider's end is apparently not snapped
20:10 sheela: with 05:22:571 -
20:10 sheela: you're going to have to edit it in the .osu file code
20:11 Squigly: what do u mean lol
20:11 sheela: i can try to give you the correct line
20:11 Squigly: i just fixed it
20:11 Squigly: or
20:11 Squigly: did i
20:11 sheela: the slider's end is a tiny off
20:11 Squigly: nah i didnt
20:11 sheela: lol
20:12 sheela: here's the code to replace at line 1422
20:13 sheela: actually the last number of that line
20:13 sheela: replace the 186 by 185
20:13 sheela: that should fix the snap
20:13 Squigly: how the fuck am i supposed to know what line is 1422
20:14 sheela: you're using notepad?
20:14 Squigly: yes
20:14 sheela: in that case
20:14 sheela: press ctrl+g
20:15 sheela: and enter 1422
20:16 Squigly: ok i did that
20:16 sheela: ok
20:16 Squigly: but i dont see 186 anywhere
20:16 Squigly: wait wtf
20:16 Squigly: why is it linking me
20:16 Squigly: to not the right
20:16 Squigly: line
20:16 Squigly: when i type the right line LOL
20:16 sheela: wtf
20:17 Squigly: ok yep
20:17 Squigly: i dont fucking know
20:18 Squigly: wait
20:18 sheela: search for the value 322141 instead
20:18 Squigly: ok
20:19 sheela: you should see this line
20:19 sheela: 64,344,322141,2,0,P|4:272|16:176,1,186.666666666667
20:20 Squigly: ok im thereeee
20:20 sheela: the last number, 186.6666blablabla
20:20 Squigly: but
20:20 Squigly: oh yeah
20:20 Squigly: cause i changed it
20:20 Squigly: it didnt have
20:20 Squigly: the same
20:20 Squigly: number
20:20 Squigly: ok but i see now
20:20 Squigly: holy shit
20:20 Squigly: im im dumb as fk
20:20 sheela: lol
20:21 sheela: then everything's good?
20:21 Squigly: ok fixed yeah
20:21 sheela: kk
20:21 sheela: ok i'll play the whole thing before i rebubu
20:22 sheela: can u update to the lastest version?
20:22 Squigly: i did! :D
20:22 sheela: ohohokoko
20:22 Squigly: oko
20:30 sheela: 00:50:981 (5) - i think you should move this out of the overlap, bc right now i really can't see the slider when i play
20:31 Squigly: there is more definitely enough time to see that i can guarantee :B
20:31 Squigly: the overlapping slider full disapears even
20:31 Squigly: the first point is also not on the slider end of the slider overlapping it
20:32 Squigly: which means it isnt as confusing!
20:33 sheela: i think it was because of the hitbursts
20:34 Squigly: idid just change a hitsound tho
20:34 Squigly: that hitsound after that slider was annoying :B
20:34 Squigly: oh
20:34 Squigly: is that an effect?
20:34 sheela: maybe with the default skin
20:34 Squigly: oo
20:34 sheela: but who plays with the default skin anyway
20:35 Squigly: YO
20:35 Squigly: I USED TO
20:35 Squigly: like
20:35 Squigly: i never used a skin until i was passed 10k maybe
20:35 Squigly: past
20:35 Squigly: passed past
20:35 Squigly: who needs english
20:35 sheela: the newcomers would of course use the default skin to play
20:36 Squigly: ye
20:36 Squigly: well
20:36 Squigly: mostly ye
20:36 Squigly: people usualy diverge quickly now it seem
20:36 Squigly: s
20:36 Squigly: with the WORSHIPPING that goes on
20:36 sheela: yeah
20:37 Squigly: my first skin was
20:37 Squigly: amai skin
20:37 Squigly: and i loved it!
20:37 Squigly: it was essentially a copy of a cookiezi skin little did i know
20:37 Squigly: but oh well it was sweet xd
20:37 sheela: mine was like those vocaloid/anime shit skins
20:37 Squigly: LOL
20:37 Squigly: i could never
20:37 Squigly: never use
20:37 Squigly: an innapropriate skin
20:37 sheela: hey, i was a weeb before
20:38 Squigly: especially what if my family members walked in
20:38 Squigly: like
20:38 Squigly: wtf do i say to them
20:38 Squigly: my life is over LOL
20:38 sheela: lool
20:39 sheela: umm
20:39 sheela: you know the code you changed earlier
20:39 Squigly: yeah
20:39 Squigly: is it wrong
20:39 Squigly: did i fuck up
20:39 sheela: you shouldn't have removed the decimals
20:39 Squigly: it didnt look like i did
20:39 Squigly: oh well the thing is
20:39 Squigly: i moved the slider
20:40 Squigly: link it back to meee
20:40 sheela: but the length is still intact right?
20:40 sheela: value 322141
20:41 Squigly: hold on
20:41 Squigly: i just changed it
20:41 Squigly: with the decimal
20:42 Squigly: let me know if gud
20:42 sheela: eyyy that gud
20:42 Squigly: yey
20:42 sheela: all right
20:43 sheela: everything else looks fine
20:43 Squigly: yeyyy
20:43 sheela: let me rebubububub
20:43 Squigly: yeyyyy
Nao Tomori
Let's give it another chance.

~ Approved (Qualified) ~
what the heck
Donphin's Inner Oni

OwO What's this?
grats on qualifying 10 shoes


Raiden wrote:

Donphin's Inner Oni

it has always been Donphin and not Donphin's
00:51:687 (1,2,3) -

00:57:334 (1,2,3) -

05:36:687 (1,1,2) -

please pick a rhythm and stick with it

I also don't know how any BN thought it was okay to rank a map where the mapper barely grasps the concept of what rhythm composition is and lets TONS of important beats and sounds fall onto sliderENDS
Akiyama Mizuki
tfw you agree with Fizz but then you want awesome taiko to be ranked

I Must Decrease
00:51:996 (2) - not only what Fizz said but this is basically just wrongly snapped, beat starts after the slider.
dq mate

Xexxar wrote:

00:51:996 (2) - not only what Fizz said but this is basically just wrongly snapped, beat starts after the slider.
is snapped :^) put the divisor in 1/8
Well it really should be consistent actually. However, there's no reason to be that disrespectul towards the BNs and modders lol.

@Xexxar: I guess it's snapped to the wub, so it's not wrongly snapped.
if this gets disqualified, I'd like to address some stuff in the taiko diff xd

but also squigly may just delete the diff so i'm kind of in a corner
@Squigly: Let's give it another shot. Behave yourself please, else we have to show what credible moderators we can be. I can understand that it took you quite some time to get this qualified, which may lead in being a bit emotional. But that doesn't justify to attack other people. If there are problems, please contact a moderator instead.

Beside that, I want to refer to an old post of mine which is even now still valid. The timing, or by now, the arrangement of notes can be improved. The note 05:55:812 (540) - should be actually at 05:55:735 and the spinner at 05:55:812- to have a more consistent beat-placement for the wubb sounds. 05:52:577 (528,529) - Needs also to be refined as it becomes hard to distinguise what beatplacement you have to follow. Dolphin isn't there anymore, but no problem for us, the modder and Taiko people to fix, as the pattern itself doesn't change a lot, beside fixing some important bar line and snapping issues, which are not rankable, but easy to fix.

Looks like Raiden ninja'd me, as I wanted to mention that some other Taiko guys have to say something about it as well. This will be probably disqualified. But let's wait for now.
Topic Starter
well im back home and the only thing i can really agree with would be what xexxar pointed out, and i say that because those 3 sections are all pretty different but i suppose im just inferior in my RHYTHM comprehension. Also dont get me wrong @ono i am open to dqing if people find something wrong but no thanks when it comes to these personal and really opinionated comments, especially from people i could care less about since i already nullified his opinions in my own views.

so no really, please do show me what i have done wrong though i welcome it haha, just be nice and ill be nice thanks :lol:

i would have edited that into my post if someone didnt cough cough silence meeeee hrmmmmm : B
@squigly: what ono meant is that the bar lines are screwed up in taiko: for example shouldn't show two barlines, the speed at which 05:51:850 (527,528,529) - move is generally unpredictable and can overall be refined as well. not that the timing is wrong, the timing makes no sense with bar lines in taiko so it probably needs a few more lines

since a few people wanted to help refine this we might as well
Topic Starter
yes i wasnt responding on what he was talking about with the taiko, i dont much know what im dealing with when it involves taiko xd
05:52:683 - Check "omit first bar line"
05:55:735 - Add red line with 157,250 BPM and "Omit first bar line" (you must do this also on the standard diff)
05:52:683 - Change sampletset to default "Normal", it was probably left as Soft by accident.
06:04:936 - The note is most likely mistimed. I doubt any artist would emphasize a "last tick" on a blue tick, so I recommend adding a red line at 06:04:936 -
and another one at 06:04:867 - for the bar line omit thingy. This must be also done on the standard difficulty. This would also improve playability on HD, since taiko relies on bar lines to determine the main rhythm. Otherwise it would be incredibily frustrating to have FC'd this and miss on the last note because it did not land on a bar line.


04:24:230 - section starting here needs volume reduction, and progressive increase instead. I'll leave it to you to determine the amount.
diff settings are... standard settings when you create a new map. And for a map this dense and at this difficulty level, it's bad settings. Even with the BPM changes at least OD6 should be used as OD5 is in any case too lenient. HP can be considered to be reduced to 4 since it has more bursts of difficulty than consistent difficulty.

adding to volume:

03:53:799 - starting here volume should go down. The song is becoming quieter, to the point only the musicbox plays.
03:54:344 - would add a green line here with 70%
03:56:020 - 65%
03:58:483 - 60%
03:59:834 - 55%
04:01:275 - 50%
04:02:923 - (45%)
04:05:040 - (40%)

these changes obviously need to include the following red/green lines as well so it doesn't go back up to 80%.

the rest is then covered by Raiden. Stop half-assing everything smh, bad red panda
I can apply what those two said if you have problems following up.
:roll: I don't see this as a bad map, basically everybody thinks its off-timed
;) I don't though :)
i feel taht 04:55:594 (2,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6) -
would be better if it was sliders that keep increasing velocity instead of circles
a few circles can be ok
also this slider end 05:06:504 (1) -
has no music for beat?
Squigly wants me to apply changes for dolphin

I did the barline suggestions along with the volume suggestions

i also added a more different volume for the calm beginning section that goes from 60 to 80% from
00:04:393 - to 00:15:687 -
something that goes from there back to 60 in 00:27:687 -
and a volume increase in 5 % incrments on 00:32:628 - onwards to go back to defaulting to 80.
02:06:589 - to 02:14:605 - also got volume changes to reflect whats happening to song volume in there (back to 60 and back up to 80 in increments)
03:54:344 - as for this part i applied nwolf's suggestions
04:24:230 - builds up in 1% increments on every note from 30% to 80%
05:47:520 - everything onwards from this was normalised to 157.25 BPM 0.75x as that is the bpm where most of the notes (see all wubbs) were probably intended to be at according to the green line that was there.

Disagreeing with ono that skipping 05:55:812 - for a spinnerstart is a good idea, i think with a readable gap, the current placement has way more impact overall. the spinner was moved back by 1/2 due to overlapping, which has the effect that the gaps between all of 05:55:812 (540,1,1) - got more consistent (1/1)
which is pretty neat imo.
The only thing im unsure about is the 2/4 measure at 05:51:850 - and what to do with that but i don't see any other way than to live with these 2 barlines
Topic Starter
something something i fixed some stuff, now stop nitpicking things ;)
[Donphin Inner Oni]
  1. 02:12:723 - the red timing line should have a volume of 75% to match with the other point.
  2. 06:04:936 - probably only from my end, but this timing point is off by 1ms with the timing point in the std diff. it should be instead 06:04:935 -.
Topic Starter

sheela wrote:

[Donphin Inner Oni]
  1. 02:12:723 - the red timing line should have a volume of 75% to match with the other point.
  2. 06:04:936 - probably only from my end, but this timing point is off by 1ms with the timing point in the std diff. it should be instead 06:04:935 -.

fixed all, the timing was all taken from the taiko so i'll change the std version to match it.
~ ✩✩✩✩✩
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