
Iwana - Dr. Nyanpasu-

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No Dap wrote:

oh lol this song

  1. 00:11:625 (3,4) - avoid ending sliders on dominant beat please. it just plays so awkward.
    I suggest this rhythm
  2. 00:14:918 (3) -
    00:17:845 (2) - same as above. ending at dominant beat. players need to click the dominant beat
    oh, well.. i understand this, but im not agree in this case.
    00:11:991 (4) - here where say "nai no~", the slider following this, and is easily to play. Yeah, the tail have the first "natsun", but i dont can make this more complex, and i dont want to change the slider.
    i know all theory, but really, i feel this is fine.

  3. 00:16:198 (2) - this circle can be deleted. it's too much movement for new players heheh, easy is for new players. Normal is for casual players, and hard is common players. if you try this secction in hard, is more dificult... consider the spread between normal-hard also.
  4. 00:24:064 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - too much for normal diff imo. especially considering the easy diff is really simple
    try this?
    I try it, but feels wrong :(, btw, i ask to a bat, and im sure this is fine for a normal. Remember, this matset have a easy diff, so normal not need be all basic rhythms :3
  5. 00:31:751 (1) - spacing? looks the red timing point, the bpm is equal, and now see the next red timing point ... i try compensate this space.
  6. 00:37:371 (1,2,3) - this rhythm doesnt make sense. 00:38:302 (3) - this slider isn't following anything.
    try this

    orz.. i know xD, this was following the "naku ichi ne" before timing secctions was fixed xD... but now not listen good good... but not map this... orz.. made like in hard.
  7. 00:52:076 (1,2,3,4) - passive sliders. plays very awkward.
    this makes more sense
    i want leave this bc the "hajimete mita".
  8. 01:16:014 (2,3) - another slider ending at dominant beat
  9. 01:19:486 (3) - you know what i'm going to say
  10. 01:22:410 (2) - ^ same before xD, but thanks
  11. 01:28:623 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - passive sliders again
  12. 01:33:009 (1,2,3) - lower volumes to follow the fade out effect in the music nice idea, done

ok I have to go to work now :3 bye

little chat with Dake
22:00 ErunamoJAZZ: Dake
22:00 DakeDekaane: Eru
22:00 ErunamoJAZZ: puedo pedirte una opinion respecto a algo con el ritmo
22:00 ErunamoJAZZ: ?
22:00 DakeDekaane: dime
22:01 ErunamoJAZZ: bueno, en un normal hay una parte donde el ritmo que hice sigue la voz, y realmente lo siento más cómodo
22:02 ErunamoJAZZ: y me sugieren cambiarlo:
22:02 ErunamoJAZZ: ->
22:03 ErunamoJAZZ: el argumento que me dan es que es más facil (claramente si), pero lo que tengo en contra es que, el hard es mucho más dificil... xD
22:04 ErunamoJAZZ: aunque no sigue la voz tanto.
22:09 DakeDekaane: mapeaste más para las voces en las dos diffs?
22:10 ErunamoJAZZ: no es mio el mapa
22:10 *ErunamoJAZZ is editing [ Iwana - Dr. Nyanpasu- [EruJazz's Normal]]
22:10 ErunamoJAZZ: ya me fijo
22:11 DakeDekaane: oh
22:11 DakeDekaane: bueno, tu diff tiene más para las voces?
22:11 ErunamoJAZZ: en el hard siguió también la voz
22:11 ErunamoJAZZ: (es lo que más se oye ahí)
22:12 DakeDekaane: deja veo
22:12 ErunamoJAZZ: 00:24:064 (1) -
22:14 DakeDekaane: está bien asi como lo tienes
22:14 DakeDekaane: la otra es primero un slider de 1/2 y luego otro con 1 repeat
22:15 DakeDekaane:
22:15 ErunamoJAZZ: mm.. también podría funcionar...
22:16 DakeDekaane: aunque creoque tus circulos están muy grandes
22:20 DakeDekaane: prueba con 3.5 o 4, se ve menos amontonado
22:21 ErunamoJAZZ: okay
22:22 DakeDekaane: (aunque en la Easy se tendrían que subir un poco también, igual no aumentaría mucho la dificultad)
22:23 ErunamoJAZZ: bueno, yo le digo a CodeS. Puedo guardar log?
22:23 DakeDekaane: como quieras, igual no creo que esto amerite kds
22:23 DakeDekaane: xD
22:24 ErunamoJAZZ: jeje, aun así, es bueno dejar los registros :P

Very thanx!

CodeS, Dake sugiere bajarle un poco el tamaño a los circulos del easy. Fijate también que los volumenes del final no lo puse hasta 5%, sino hasta 20%, aveces ponen problema con eso, así que fijate.
Topic Starter

ErunamoJAZZ wrote:

CodeS, Dake sugiere bajarle un poco el tamaño a los circulos del easy. No veo el porque. Fijate también que los volumenes del final no lo puse hasta 5%, sino hasta 20%, aveces ponen problema con eso, así que fijate. Cambialo en tu diff
Para que le cambiaste el CS a tu diff?, parece una hard ahora.

CodeS wrote:

ErunamoJAZZ wrote:

CodeS, Dake sugiere bajarle un poco el tamaño a los circulos del easy. No veo el porque. Fijate también que los volumenes del final no lo puse hasta 5%, sino hasta 20%, aveces ponen problema con eso, así que fijate. Cambialo en tu diff
Para que le cambiaste el CS a tu diff?, parece una hard ahora.
xD, bueno, yo solo... sigo sugerencias ;w;
puedes cambiarlo a 3 de nuevo pls.
as requested

is the metadata correct? you'd find someone from the metadata queue to confirm it
remove wildscreen support to all diffs please, it's useless
who found the timing for this song? I'm not good at timing but I doubt its accuracy. please found some timing pro to double check it

00:26:991 (3) - the repeat doesn't fit the song well, I suggest to change the rhythm for this slider

[EruJazz's Normal]
00:29:918 (1,1) - the spacing is too small here, please increase the spacing, make it looks like 00:31:751 (1,1) -
no much issues in the diff. but the overall spacing is too huge to be a Normal diff imo, 1.6x is not suitable for this diff. consider to remap the spacing please

01:20:551 (2) - why 1/12 here? I suggest to snap it to 1/4

nothing wrong in the map, but many details can be improved, such as slider shape, spacing and hitsounds
hope you can make this map better, good luck
Topic Starter

wcx19911123 wrote:

as requested

is the metadata correct? you'd find someone from the metadata queue to confirm it It is correct, I've confirmed it with lot of people ingame
remove wildscreen support to all diffs please, it's useless Done
who found the timing for this song? I'm not good at timing but I doubt its accuracy. please found some timing pro to double check it Shiro, as far as I know, He is pro with Timing, If you have any issue for the Timing, he told me you're free to PM Him.

00:26:991 (3) - the repeat doesn't fit the song well, I suggest to change the rhythm for this slider Changed

01:20:551 (2) - why 1/12 here? I suggest to snap it to 1/4 UPS, I SAW NOW, CHANGED

nothing wrong in the map, but many details can be improved, such as slider shape, spacing and hitsounds
hope you can make this map better, good luck Hitsounds are good enough in my opinion, Spacing is correct in Easy, Hard and Insane mostly, and Slider Shape is fine as I don't try to do any crazy slider or overcomplicated slider shape, they''re perfect at how I want them to be, It wouldn't have any effect on gameplay by slighty changing them by now, and I won't add any overcomplicated fancy slider shape that is used these days, I Improved the shape of some of them in the Insane and Hard, but that's it.
Thanks for the Mod
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Updated, fixed some sliders anchors in Easy, Hard and Insane
Changed some sliders shape in the Easy and Insane.

For future BAT's: Some Metada Info p/3471932

wcx19911123 wrote:

as requested

[EruJazz's Normal]
00:29:918 (1,1) - the spacing is too small here, please increase the spacing, make it looks like 00:31:751 (1,1) -
no much issues in the diff. but the overall spacing is too huge to be a Normal diff imo, 1.6x is not suitable for this diff. consider to remap the spacing please
okay, i increase a bit the spacing in 00:29:918 (1,1) -

But no change DS 1.6x. I ask to some people in #modhelp, and, although it may indeed be high, by the how this mapping does not feel jumpy. The reason to have it so avoid overlap (by experience, overlaps can be difficult to read). So... i dont change the spacing.

Very thanks for your mod ^_^
Topic Starter
Updated, Took out the big spinner at the middle, added a bit more of action at the end. Easy is again spot On :3

To Erunamo:

00:16:381 (3) - cambia por slider?
00:24:064 (1,2,3) - eh ???????????????????
00:52:624 (2,3,4) - tanto que me jodes por los sliders silenciados y inicios en rojas y estas usándolos acá, esto juega feo
01:15:466 (1,2) - hazlo con su respectiva parte en la primera mitad de la canción, no veo porque cambiar la estructura cuando la song es igual?
01:20:948 (3) - same
01:25:699 (1,2) - De la nada, un Stack, en la parte final del mapa?
01:33:009 (1,2,3) - considera cambiar todo esto por un spinner, para que todo el mapset tenga concordancia al final.

Updated to all diff: added a bit more of CS of every diff but Insane

^ should fix normal overlfilled problems while maintaining Balance on the mapset

Checa tu dif eru por si algo salio mal.

CodeS wrote:

Updated, Took out the big spinner at the middle, added a bit more of action at the end. Easy is again spot On :3

To Erunamo:

00:16:381 (3) - cambia por slider? hecho.
00:24:064 (1,2,3) - eh ??????????????????? cambiado xD
00:52:624 (2,3,4) - tanto que me jodes por los sliders silenciados y inicios en rojas y estas usándolos acá, esto juega feo no los voy a cambiar, siguen la voz (que es lo que llevo siguiendo todo el mapa xD)
01:15:466 (1,2) - hazlo con su respectiva parte en la primera mitad de la canción, no veo porque cambiar la estructura cuando la song es igual? lol, cambiado.
01:20:948 (3) - same done
01:25:699 (1,2) - De la nada, un Stack, en la parte final del mapa? Es solo uno, y muy facil de seguir por lo ritmico que está.
01:33:009 (1,2,3) - considera cambiar todo esto por un spinner, para que todo el mapset tenga concordancia al final. me niego ;_;

Updated to all diff: added a bit more of CS of every diff but Insane

^ should fix normal overlfilled problems while maintaining Balance on the mapset

Checa tu dif eru por si algo salio mal.

chat log
20:52 CodeS: ya checaste lo que te deje en el nyanpasu?
21:50 ErunamoJAZZ: Hola
21:50 ErunamoJAZZ: no
21:58 ErunamoJAZZ: mm...
21:58 *ErunamoJAZZ is editing [ Iwana - Dr. Nyanpasu- [EruJazz's Normal]]
21:59 ErunamoJAZZ: 00:16:381 (3) - te referís a esto?
22:00 CodeS: veamos
22:01 CodeS: yeah
22:01 ErunamoJAZZ: no sé, no queda muy intenso?
22:02 CodeS: Nah
22:02 CodeS: 2 notas queda mucho mas molesto
22:03 CodeS: has metido partes mucho peores
22:05 CodeS: aunque
22:05 CodeS: no la verdad no se
22:05 CodeS: esa parte queda fea con el cambio
22:05 CodeS: y queda fea con las 2 notas igual
22:06 ErunamoJAZZ: xD
22:06 ErunamoJAZZ: sabes que es feo?
22:06 ErunamoJAZZ: 00:24:064 (1,2,3) -
22:06 CodeS: eso es un asco
22:06 ErunamoJAZZ: porque lo malo es que va bastante bien con la cacnión
22:06 CodeS: es es literalmente pattern de una hard
22:06 ErunamoJAZZ: pero queda dificil de leer
22:07 CodeS: tienes que quitarte la mania de usar reverse 1/2 en Normales
22:07 CodeS: o no quitarla, reducirla
22:08 ErunamoJAZZ: ya se me ocurrió algo
22:09 ErunamoJAZZ:
22:10 CodeS: ugh no
22:10 ErunamoJAZZ: XD
22:11 CodeS: ignora el playfield,
22:11 CodeS:
22:11 CodeS: ya que solo puse los sliders y ya
22:12 CodeS: el problema es que estas intentando mappear mucho la voz
22:13 CodeS: vengo
22:13 ErunamoJAZZ: dale
22:17 CodeS: vpñvo
22:47 ErunamoJAZZ: okay
22:47 ErunamoJAZZ: ya te lo mando
22:48 ErunamoJAZZ: re espacie a 1.5, como para que no tengan excusa.
remove all the red lines and insert this into Timing panel (F6):

add this for hard and "Shinkansen!" to fix SV:
Topic Starter

TicClick wrote:

remove all the red lines and insert this into Timing panel (F6):

add this for hard and "Shinkansen!" to fix SV:
Updated on all diff.
Hi !!! your friend ( you will find who lol...) he wanna I mod this so I decide help you, he is your hero orz


  1. Aibat saying the kiai time are inconsistency, Easy and normal are different Hard and Shinkansen!
  2. Add Tag Nico Nico Douga mostly people will search this, so this will be easy to find
  3. Remove TAg Shiro and odaril, he didn't nothing GD


  1. 00:11:259 (3) - in end, the sampleset isn't should be Drum and audition is auto ? other diff's have and this is only one is different why?
  2. 00:31:015 (2) - missing add whistle in begin and end, I see other diff's have, I think you missing this


  1. 00:26:991 (3) - this should be NC, don't matter the 00:24:064 (1,2) is short, matter is rhythm so the 00:26:991 (3) - should be nc because the rhythm is change also should be consistency to fix your style
  2. 01:03:674 (x) - add note ? like other diff's ? this break look unless for me IMO add note or add spinner begin in 01:02:669 at 01:03:766
  3. 01:31:542 (3) - should be NC, same happen in 00:26:991 (3)
[EruJazz's Normal]

Song Setup:

  1. CS should be 3.5 is better a lot than 3.4 just saying

  1. 00:07:967 (1) - Missing add whistle in repeat and end
  2. 00:16:747 (1) - missing add whistle in begin
  3. 01:21:309 (1) - ^ same

  1. 00:27:540 (2,3,4) - you sure wanna keep this ? this pattern look is complety more hard to play on this normal diff IMO
  2. 00:52:055 (1,2,3,4) - ^ same
  3. 01:03:674 (x) - Same happen in easy, without notes or add rhythm, the hp down quickly
  4. 01:32:090 (2,3,4) - same happen before pattern ( 00:27:540 (2,3,4) )


  1. 00:21:869 (1) - about NC isn't mean because finish hitsound, the rhythm still continue, remove NC
  2. 00:31:747 (3) - (just suggestion) I do like to see this improve flow, do rotate -19º and fix spacing, this will be good flow with 00:32:873 (1) example this pic
  3. 00:47:680 at 00:53:152 - about the Combo color, from you style is different from 00:53:533 at 00:59:015 why? can you fix more consistency ?


  1. 00:31:015 (2) - missing add whistle in end
  2. 00:57:187 (3) - remove whistle I see othe diff's don't have

  1. 00:47:670 at 00:59:015 - combo color still inconsistency from you style, that what I did explain in hard

everthing gameplay is soo good, only problem is, you hard and insane, about that combo color EDIT: should is inconsistency, if you fix to more consistency, your style became more better IMO and Normal, did you ask some testplay on normal? is just bit hard I get first time FC but I worry is newbie player, and Hitsound I suggest recheck all diff's there some missing. I only find that ( I check many time)
only problem is combo color and hitsound and Normal (maybe), after done this, I will put Star, you can call me.
Any question if you don't understand my english ask me in-game so i can explain better
Topic Starter

Pereira006 wrote:

Hi !!! your friend ( you will find who lol...) he wanna I mod this so I decide help you, he is your hero orz


  1. Aibat saying the kiai time are inconsistency, Easy and normal are different Hard and Shinkansen! Fixed
  2. Add Tag Nico Nico Douga mostly people will search this, so this will be easy to find Added nico douga, don't see the point of adding 2 "nico"
  3. Remove TAg Shiro and odaril, he didn't nothing GD Done


  1. 00:11:259 (3) - in end, the sampleset isn't should be Drum and audition is auto ? other diff's have and this is only one is different why? Mistake, Fixed!
  2. 00:31:015 (2) - missing add whistle in begin and end, I see other diff's have, I think you missing this Added


  1. 00:26:991 (3) - this should be NC, don't matter the 00:24:064 (1,2) is short, matter is rhythm so the 00:26:991 (3) - should be nc because the rhythm is change also should be consistency to fix your style Added
  2. 01:03:674 (x) - add note ? like other diff's ? this break look unless for me IMO add note or add spinner begin in 01:02:669 at 01:03:766 this is the reason why Kiai is inconsistent, because this note is sit in a blue tick, I don't think using blue ticks on a Easy is Ok. added the kiai fountain after discussing about it with Shiro
  3. 01:31:542 (3) - should be NC, same happen in 00:26:991 (3) Done



  1. 00:21:869 (1) - about NC isn't mean because finish hitsound, the rhythm still continue, remove NC Removed!
  2. 00:31:747 (3) - (just suggestion) I do like to see this improve flow, do rotate -19º and fix spacing, this will be good flow with 00:32:873 (1) example this pic Done
  3. 00:47:680 at 00:53:152 - about the Combo color, from you style is different from 00:53:533 at 00:59:015 why? can you fix more consistency ? Fixed a bit, but I feel in the second part using 2 / 2 combos doesn''t work as good as the first. changed some a bit.


  1. 00:31:015 (2) - missing add whistle in end Fixed
  2. 00:57:187 (3) - remove whistle I see othe diff's don't have Fixed

  1. 00:47:670 at 00:59:015 - combo color still inconsistency from you style, that what I did explain in hard I Don't think it's inconsistent, It's Kiai, is a much faster part of the song, and I feel 2 - 2 segments fit well on this part, the second part (which you asked me to fix on the hard) could use 3 -3 segments because voice is longer, I'm trying this part to be "different" as it's clearly is, that's why there are more combos there, as in my opinion, they fit well with the vocals.

everthing gameplay is soo good, only problem is, you hard and insane, about that combo color should inconsistency, if you fix to more consistency, your style became more better IMO and Normal, did you ask some testplay on normal? is just bit hard I get first time FC but I worry is newbie player, and Hitsound I suggest recheck all diff's there some missing. I only find that ( I check many time)
only problem is combo color and hitsound and Normal (maybe), after done this, I will put Star, you can call me.
Any question if you don't understand my english ask me in-game so i can explain better

Thanks for Mod ^^
fixed hitsound in all diffs, and fixed CS... :P
respect sections mentioned, bc spread with hard, i really think are fine. Also, are intuitive to play. <- codes, ahí van todas las diffs con las correcciones. Le di triple check a cada una, aun así, fijate por si las moscas.

Very thanks Pereira n.n
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Ok, Not at home right now, will update tomorrow
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  1. I did ask somes bats, about break Easy and normal, that break is very short is hard to newbies players, remove notes 01:00:842 (1) and 01:02:304 (1) for Easy and normal then add break in 00:59:380 at 01:05:228 then remove 3 kiai time, only normal and easy then break became fine so this will help to newbies players


  1. 01:23:501 (1) - remove nc look like you missing there


  1. 00:23:698 (6,1) - Can you fix thid DS 1.00x ? or you wanna keep this anti-spacing ? just to know you missing there or not
  2. 00:52:421 (3) - Should nc ? or is intentional=
  3. 00:57:553 (3) - ^ same
  4. 01:17:654 (1) - ^ same
  5. 01:19:481 (1) - ^ same
Call me when you done this
any question if you don't understand ask me
no need kudosu
is fine for me. You can apply in normal, Codes.
Topic Starter

Pereira006 wrote:


  1. I did ask somes bats, about break Easy and normal, that break is very short is hard to newbies players, remove notes 01:00:842 (1) and 01:02:304 (1) for Easy and normal then add break in 00:59:380 at 01:05:228 then remove 3 kiai time, only normal and easy then break became fine so this will help to newbies players Done!, not removed Kiais tho, to keep them consistent on all diff, asked Shiro


  1. 01:23:501 (1) - remove nc look like you missing there Done


  1. 00:23:698 (6,1) - Can you fix thid DS 1.00x ? or you wanna keep this anti-spacing ? just to know you missing there or not I will keep it, as there is not really a substancial problem on it, there is a NC on the next note which should help with the reading.
  2. 00:52:421 (3) - Should nc ? or is intentional= Nope, This entire segment is said over the same voice in the same speed, there is not much of a variation here to put a NC, contrary to the other NC's in this entire segment which are said in a different tone of voice every 2/3 words. .
  3. 00:57:553 (3) - ^ same Done
  4. 01:17:654 (1) - ^ same don't you mean remove?, because there is a NC already here, anyway, yeah, this should be removed
  5. 01:19:481 (1) - ^ same Contrary to 00:14:552 (3,4) - which is the same part but with a Jump, there is an stack here 01:19:481 (1) - , not putting a NC would be confusing and make it hard to read because there is a big distance in the timeline. , this NC is here to make the slider easier to read.

Call me when you done this
any question if you don't understand ask me
no need kudosu
  1. Yersterday, we talk about NC in kiai time in Hard and insane, now is more consistency by style the mapper.
  2. fix about break in easy and normal, now is better
  3. fix 1 thiming unsnapped
this mapset look good now and pretty funny to play

ready to go ~bubble~

I wish good luck
Topic Starter

Pereira006 wrote:

  1. Yersterday, we talk about NC in kiai time in Hard and insane, now is more consistency by style the mapper.
  2. fix about break in easy and normal, now is better
  3. fix 1 thiming unsnapped
this mapset look good now and pretty funny to play

ready to go ~bubble~

I wish good luck
Thanks :3

Nice :)

Good luck on the qualify!
Timing Check requested by Tari:

/me goes to bed ~.~
Topic Starter
Updated a small vol mistake in one green line.
1 slider missed a drum sampleset when the other diff had it on the Hard.

Timing NOT updated: Checked Ike timing, while it felt ok at first, it gets off later On, dunno why add another line. and the shinkansen line gets off almost at the end too, I updated by mistake. I was waiting for another BAT check to update the fixes before, I got confused by Ike request and updated and popped the bubbled, Updated back to Shiro and TicClik timing.
Deep apologizes to Shiro/TicClick/CodeS/Pereira006 for the misunderstanding/confusion.
My timing was not confirmed by anyone, it was just my attempt (via Tari's request).
  1. missing add whistle and drum in hard
  2. the timing by shiro and ticclick still more better, more correct

it's ok @BeatofIke :D

I wish good luck again
I have to pop this due to missing space in title:
«Dr.にゃんぱすー» → «Dr. にゃんぱすー»
And i'm pretty sure that source should be «Dr. Mario» since original music was from this game, and only got some looped anime voices. Move «non non biyori» to the tags and delete «dr. mario» from it.
And better to snap your preview point to... 00:41:680 - ?
Additional modding:
seems fine
[EruJazz's Normal]
00:31:747 (1) - 00:34:363 (1) - 00:37:345 (1) - i would delete these NCs because music is pretty slow in this part and such a number of NCs doesn't really fits
00:40:512 (1) - bettere t start it 00:40:325 - here and end 00:41:833 - here for better following the music
00:51:141 (2) - why sudden soft-whistle? it sounds strange because music is same but hitsound is another
01:06:690 (1) - 01:09:613 (1) - better to delete these NCs since music doesn't really change on these points
00:43:294 (3) - missing NC due to your way to place it
00:48:400 (1) - 00:49:862 (1) - 00:50:958 (1,1) - these NCs doesn't really follow anything in the music, and it looks just like overspam with NCs, i really suggest to delete them, because they don't fit music (and pattern, when 2 notes+2 notes) at all
00:54:263 (1) - 00:55:725 (1) - 00:57:187 (1) - 00:58:649 (1) - same thing
so, better to place NCs on the big white ticks there because only this will follow the music well
01:05:228 - why don't you use 2/1 slow sliders in this part that will really fit the music better? that 1/2 sound on the background is really too quiet to point at it somehow, so 2/1 slider will fit music much better
00:28:089 (4,2) - maybe stack them? (and move the whole pattern ofc). that will look better
00:35:108 (1) - delete NC
00:38:835 - you have to _start_, not _finish_ slider here because you miss everything that music provides to you, you just ignored that sounds, i don't really undestand, why. place slider here and put note/repeat tail of previous slider 00:38:462 - here?
00:39:580 - you shouldn't place the end of slider here too
00:40:325 - and it will be really good if you place here repeat tail of 00:39:580 - slider that should be here and then put spinner and finish it 00:41:590 - here for example with using 5-10% volume on this point to make end of spinner not that loud
00:47:670 - i explained these NCs in the hard
01:05:228 - and i would use same suggestion as in the hard too

I hope you will fix most of these things beause it will make your map look really solid, otherwise I'm not sure about if it is ready to become one of official maps.
Btw, about NCs: your Easy diff looks pretty clean with it, so, probably, better to keep same NC policy?
Topic Starter

Kyubey wrote:

I have to pop this due to missing space in title:
«Dr.にゃんぱすー» → «Dr. にゃんぱすー»
And i'm pretty sure that source should be «Dr. Mario» since original music was from this game, and only got some looped anime voices. Move «non non biyori» to the tags and delete «dr. mario» from it.
And better to snap your preview point to... 00:41:680 - ?
Changed All metada and normal issues.

Additional modding:

00:43:294 (3) - missing NC due to your way to place it Sorry but no, you're just using strong beats for common combo placement, there is nothing that suggest a NC should be here, it clashes with how I NC too.

00:48:400 (1) - 00:49:862 (1) - 00:50:958 (1,1) - these NCs doesn't really follow anything in the music, and it looks just like overspam with NCs, i really suggest to delete them, because they don't fit music (and pattern, when 2 notes+2 notes) at all
00:54:263 (1) - 00:55:725 (1) - 00:57:187 (1) - 00:58:649 (1) - same thing
so, better to place NCs on the big white ticks there because only this will follow the music well Deleted every one
01:05:228 - why don't you use 2/1 slow sliders in this part that will really fit the music better? that 1/2 sound on the background is really too quiet to point at it somehow, so 2/1 slider will fit music much better Because in my mapping style, the idea of what I want to transfer in this part, a smooth kind of movement, 2/1 doesn't fit, and because that's not how I map things, I feel using this sliders fits better.
00:28:089 (4,2) - maybe stack them? (and move the whole pattern ofc). that will look better No, it ruins the entire symmetry also I don't like how it flows stacked and how it looks.
00:35:108 (1) - delete NC Done
00:38:835 - you have to _start_, not _finish_ slider here because you miss everything that music provides to you, you just ignored that sounds, i don't really undestand, why. place slider here and put note/repeat tail of previous slider 00:38:462 - here?
00:39:580 - you shouldn't place the end of slider here too
00:40:325 - and it will be really good if you place here repeat tail of 00:39:580 - slider that should be here and then put spinner and finish it 00:41:590 - here for example with using 5-10% volume on this point to make end of spinner not that loud Remapped a bit this part, also what spinner?
00:47:670 - i explained these NCs in the hard Done
01:05:228 - and i would use same suggestion as in the hard too same as Hard

I hope you will fix most of these things beause it will make your map look really solid, otherwise I'm not sure about if it is ready to become one of official maps.
Btw, about NCs: your Easy diff looks pretty clean with it, so, probably, better to keep same NC policy?

CodeS wrote:

Changed All metada and normal issues.
I allowed the changes in normal ;)
Re-bubbled, seems fine now.

Consider making the gray color a bit darker so it doesn't bright too much in kiai?

[ Insane]
00:13:637 - As you've been following the instrumental, consider adding a note here?
00:20:771 (1) - This one isn't really a held vocall, so no reason to make a 3/4 slider. A circle is enough.
00:24:796 (5,6) - This is a bit weird, doesn't play bad, but it's a bit inconsistent with 00:28:454 (1,2,3,4,5) - , and personally I like more how the latter plays. idk what you think.
00:26:259 (5,6) - ^
00:53:151 (1) - Remove NC?
01:03:674 (1) - I see this more fitting as a circle, it'll give more impact, imo.
01:13:269 (3,4,1) - Consider fixing the spacing here?
01:18:202 - Same as 00:13:637 -
01:25:329 (1) - Same as 00:20:771 (1) -
01:29:348 (5,6) - Same as 00:24:796 (5,6) -
01:30:810 (5,6) - ^

[ Hard]
00:20:771 (2) - As in Insane
00:24:796 (3,4) - As in Insane.
00:26:259 (3,4) - ^
00:31:015 (2,3) - I know you're following the vocal phrases with each slider, it's not so noticeable, I think putting a circle in 00:31:015 - and beginning (3) in 00:31:381 - would be better, as you'll be following that wind instrument.
01:14:730 (3,4,1) - Consider fixing the spacing here?
01:25:329 (3) - Same as 00:20:771 (2) -
01:29:349 (3,4) - Same as 00:24:796 (3,4) -
01:30:811 (3,4) - ^

[ Normal]
:!: Edit: Disable Widescreen Support.
00:11:991 (4) - Consider having something to hit in 00:12:357 - instead releasing? It'd feel better to play beginning along with the vocal phrases (you've been doing it).
00:52:603 (2,3,4) - Not really important, but I think this would play better being the circle first and then the sliders, as the player will be hitting on strongest beats.
01:00:842 - , 01:02:304 - , 01:03:674 - I'd love to see some circles here. The break feels abrupt.
01:16:557 (2) - As in 00:11:991 (4) -
01:33:004 (1,2) - Put first the 1/2 slider and then the 1/1? as you did in the other parts, like 01:30:080 (1,2) -

[ Easy]
00:16:747 (3) - This slider would look sexier with more pronunciated curves, like 01:08:151 (1) -
01:00:842 - , 01:02:304 - , 01:03:674 - I'd love to see some circles here. The break feels abrupt.
01:08:151 (1) - This could be better being a 2/1 slider, it's the same rhythm as 01:06:690 (2) - so idk why you did it different.


DakeDekaane wrote:

Hi. Hi dake

[ Normal]
:!: Edit: Disable Widescreen Support. Fix... xD
00:11:991 (4) - Consider having something to hit in 00:12:357 - instead releasing? It'd feel better to play beginning along with the vocal phrases (you've been doing it). i'm not agree, i know all that, but i feel this is fine bc vocal "...nai no~" need be a slider imo, but put a note in 00:12:357 - + slider, is unacceptable for a normal, i think.
00:52:603 (2,3,4) - Not really important, but I think this would play better being the circle first and then the sliders, as the player will be hitting on strongest beats. Not changed.
01:00:842 - , 01:02:304 - , 01:03:674 - I'd love to see some circles here. The break feels abrupt. Nope, bc previous bat mod
01:16:557 (2) - As in 00:11:991 (4) - ^
01:33:004 (1,2) - Put first the 1/2 slider and then the 1/1? as you did in the other parts, like 01:30:080 (1,2) - mm... not bc 01:32:273 (3,4) - are both 1/2 sliders, so, 3 1/2 sliders will be very intense for a section not need to be.


Topic Starter

DakeDekaane wrote:


Consider making the gray color a bit darker so it doesn't bright too much in kiai? Done

[ Insane]
00:13:637 - As you've been following the instrumental, consider adding a note here? I don't like how it plays, I preffer having a small break here, mostly because this is coming after a big DS Jump, making another here would be uncomfortable
00:20:771 (1) - This one isn't really a held vocall, so no reason to make a 3/4 slider. A circle is enough The voice extent to almost the blue tick, there is nothing wrong with playing it like 3/4 when it fits and flows nice, try listening to the voice in slow speed.
00:24:796 (5,6) - This is a bit weird, doesn't play bad, but it's a bit inconsistent with 00:28:454 (1,2,3,4,5) - , and personally I like more how the latter plays. idk what you think. I wanted to put the later like the first one you're suggesting to change actually, but I'm also using it as a transition to the slow part, that's why I want the player to focus on the next slider rather than focusing on a posible 3/4, and I preffer how the first sliders plays. that's why both are different.

00:26:259 (5,6) - ^ ^
00:53:151 (1) - Remove NC? "Nyanpasu!" on stack
01:03:674 (1) - I see this more fitting as a circle, it'll give more impact, imo. I disagree
01:13:269 (3,4,1) - Consider fixing the spacing here?
01:18:202 - Same as 00:13:637 -
01:25:329 (1) - Same as 00:20:771 (1) -
01:29:348 (5,6) - Same as 00:24:796 (5,6) -
01:30:810 (5,6) - ^ Sorry but I'm going to disagree with all this, every single one of these changes ruin how fun the map is. Many of these 3/4 are on longer than average voice sections so they fit and play really well (I'm not the kind of mapper who puts 3/4 on places where they don't belong), makes the map as fun as it is. that's why no changes

[ Hard]
00:20:771 (2) - As in Insane Same as Insane
00:24:796 (3,4) - As in Insane. Same as Insane
00:26:259 (3,4) - ^ Same as Insane
00:31:015 (2,3) - I know you're following the vocal phrases with each slider, it's not so noticeable, I think putting a circle in 00:31:015 - and beginning (3) in 00:31:381 - would be better, as you'll be following that wind instrument. =)
01:14:730 (3,4,1) - Consider fixing the spacing here? Done
01:25:329 (3) - Same as 00:20:771 (2) -
01:29:349 (3,4) - Same as 00:24:796 (3,4) -
01:30:811 (3,4) - ^ Already said why

[ Normal]
:!: Edit: Disable Widescreen Support.
00:11:991 (4) - Consider having something to hit in 00:12:357 - instead releasing? It'd feel better to play beginning along with the vocal phrases (you've been doing it).
00:52:603 (2,3,4) - Not really important, but I think this would play better being the circle first and then the sliders, as the player will be hitting on strongest beats.
01:00:842 - , 01:02:304 - , 01:03:674 - I'd love to see some circles here. The break feels abrupt.
01:16:557 (2) - As in 00:11:991 (4) -
01:33:004 (1,2) - Put first the 1/2 slider and then the 1/1? as you did in the other parts, like 01:30:080 (1,2) -

[ Easy]
00:16:747 (3) - This slider would look sexier with more pronunciated curves, like 01:08:151 (1) - Done!
01:00:842 - , 01:02:304 - , 01:03:674 - I'd love to see some circles here. The break feels abrupt. Sorry but no, these were changed on past BAT checks (one of them being for bubbled actually)
01:08:151 (1) - This could be better being a 2/1 slider, it's the same rhythm as 01:06:690 (2) - so idk why you did it different. Avoid being a really monotonous part, also plays well with the next slider both in flow and direction.

Gracias por el mod Dake, pero me estas pidiendo cambiar mucho el mapa, y me estas pidiendo cambiar principalmente los detalles que mas me gustan y le dan personalidad en mi opinion. Gracias por el mod.
lol gratz~~
Topic Starter

DakeDekaane wrote:

As a note. We talked a lot about different changes on the mapset and stuff online.



gratz :D
Asahina Momoko
gratz :)
gratz :)
gratz :)
wtf that spam

Anyways gratz
Kaguya Hourain
Nyan nyan
grats ! nya >///<
Oh wow this song lol
I want to upload this video to BiliBili, can?

ainol wrote:

I want to upload this video to BiliBili, can?
lol, idk... we dont are the owners xDD, ask in nico nico douga.
Browse the website of other countries is very difficult in China, especially Japanese website.
I what all can't do in NicoNico, can you help me ask?
If you can't help me please tell me the SM number of this video.
Finally, thank you to reply to me.
I like the maps beat but some notes you've placed have ruined that but other than that i love it dear to my heart its a good map thats why i put a 1 star cause its almost unplayable for some people and it ruins that idea of a perfect map but lovely work ill say that
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