
Collections Manager - Open source

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CandyFox wrote:

It says all my maps are in the collection but just to test it out I added a song without adding it to a collection and it didn't change. It doesn't let me create a list of missing beatmaps (yes used *.osdb)
what? (got no response on PM- aka can't reproduce(or rather I can't understand steps to reproduce))

Vendethiel wrote:

Thanks for that. Would love to have the code though :).
Tell me what would you want me to add/fix - I might do it :)
Just wanted to send my thanks for this program you made :)

The order of my collections was annoying me sooo much and no matter what I tried to do in the game, I couldn't reorder them. So I did a search hoping to find some magical solution to the problem and this forum thread came up. I downloaded the program and it fixed the problem in no time.

You're the best :D
I've been using this for quite a while now and it's great! I've just completed a tutorial in Chinese and posted to the Chinese forum.

Thanks for the great app!
Did you use obfuscator? :oops:
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Yes, I did.

Updated because of changed osu!.db format- Please re-download.
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If anyone still really cares(or rather uses this program)- PM me and I'll fix it(should be broken because of osu!.db updates).
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Seems like it's still used by SOME users

Re-based to use same database reader files as in osu!StreamCompanion
or in first post.
resorting of collections does not work. followed instructions properly. No errors, just no changes are made, but are shown in the program. I think osu! sorts the collections automatically based on alphabetical and numberical order now

sadpwner wrote:

I think osu! sorts the collections automatically based on alphabetical and numberical order now
I think that's the case. The sort is forced (lost my custom order too)
This program is amazingly helpful. It's not pretty, but it's amazing. It does exactly what I was going to do by hand.
One way to bypass the auto-sort is to rename every collection and add a prefix Letter to the start of each collection name.
(By default I used numbers but that gave a null error, so use letters)

IF you use up A-Z can then start doing AA AB AC etc.. To keep sorting consistent in this manner there should be a space between the prefix and the actual collection name.

Say you have 3 collections: Double Time, Hard Rock, Hidden
They would initially be in that order but say you want Hidden to come first, you would then rename to:
A Hidden, B Double Time, C Hard Rock

Granted this is a bit of work and doesn't look 'pretty' -- though personally its so uniform i don't find it to look bad either.
Thank you for making this, I have always fancied transferring collection folders

so far I have exported the .osdb file from one computer and loaded it on another computer

Loaded the beatmaps successfully and generated a html list of songs that I am missing

And the split function works too

Will report if there is anything else
Nice app, a quick recommendation: in .txt export I would like to see difficulty in [] (although the link has the right diff in it), I think it is easy to implement and quite convenient.

When i fist saw this I was like: This is exactly what I was looking for (hopefully)

But after reading your post and trying it i was disappointed. Why?
Well I really want to sork out song in osu! to collection but only way it is possible in game is one by one.
I hoped that your program would be able to search in database of the songs I have downloaded and then select there for example all that have TVsize in there name and at the same time put them into one collection of my choice.

What I want to do by explaining this to you is that I would by really happy if something like this would be possible and you have good base of program to maybe do it.

Of course if you think that none but me would use it or you just dont have time for this kind of stuff feel free to not do it. I just want to give it a shot. :)

Thank you!
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Updated to support recent osu!.db changes.
dl link in first post

Changed download link
Createa tutorial, i cannot understand some functions
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NewKey wrote:

Createa tutorial, i cannot understand some functions
Weird timing...

end of this week? (MAYBE?)
oh wow, i'm totally looking forward to that new version o.o
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I did say that it may not be released in previous week.
Here's part of the reason
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Collections Manager.
Share collections with everyone!

Collections Manager(CM) gives you ability to create and manage your collections more easily. It also makes sharing your collections/maps with others easier.

In the first post in this thread t/131103
The program crash'es when osu! folder is not named osu!
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I can't reproduce that, any more details?

//Update v2
- Increased number of beatmaps that can be opened at the same time from 10 to 100(I experienced firsthand how annyoing that limit was)
- When downloading beatmaps using selection, it now makes sure it only opens only one download page per beatmapSet
- Add more logging around osu!.db loading and osu! directory finder.

virustotal is showing false-positive(s) for this program with seems to be caused by providing .dlls from exe.
I included second download link with has all .dlls provided separately.
Could you please return feature "export as html"? Or I'm dumb and just not see it in this release :(
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"list all collections" button is what You are looking for ;)
For me, it shows some beatmaps as being a different difficulty than in game. Maybe like 1 out of 10 beatmaps have different difficulty in the program compared to osu?

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I only use values that osu database is providing, so they must have changed(recalculated) when you opened that map in osu! (at least that's what I assume is happening there)

Nothing I can do here to fix this, but you should be able to avoid this by just leaving your osu! running idle for some time, so it'll recalculate your maps star ratings
Open Source any time soon? I would love to help ya out.
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SlowLogicBoy wrote:

Open Source any time soon? I would love to help ya out.
Sorry, I'm not planning to open source this anytime soon.

Update v3
- Added support for custom osu! Songs directory.
- Collection Editor will now inform you about not working download links when loading "old" .osdb file

Next version will most likely include a way of getting missing map data via osu!api
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Update v4
- Most elements can be now moved around (beatmap image doesn't have to take 1/3 of the all space anymore ;) )
- Added more information about beatmaps to listing with can be filtered/sorted, namely: map state/AR/CS/HP/OD (want something that isn't there yet? Ask!)
- Added confirmation dialog when trying to open more than 100 map download links in the browser at the same time
- Added integrated beatmap downloader
- Fixed some beatmaps appearing with "~!!~"(not downloaded) when version in collection and local copy of map differed, They now appear with "~..~"- it's up to You to decide what to do there(ignore? redownload?)

side note:
-"markers" are going to be replaced with something... less confusing/cryptic soon.

- Fixed beatmap downloader asking for save location every time new maps to download are added .
Great program ^^, but where can I find my osu!collections when I want to import them to the program? I clicked "Load Collection", but I haven't found them yet.

__Phantomhive__ wrote:

Great program ^^, but where can I find my osu!collections when I want to import them to the program? I clicked "Load Collection", but I haven't found them yet.
Mine is in osu! game directory called collections.db,

Also we need some place to store our collections and get them from others :/.
Thanks for replying, but how did you open this Data Base File?
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New version is out!
  1. Markers (~!!~ and ~..~) were replaced by checkboxes
  2. Music player now avoids playing same track twice(or more) in music mode.
  3. Right sidebar is now tabbed. One with what was there usually(map image, details) and second for fast generation of various text collection lists(txt, html, for osu! forums and reddit)
  4. More that I probably forgot about.
In addition Collections Manager is now fully open source. Come and contribute if you can :)

And about me saying that "I won't be releasing source code for this":
Back then code for this was "in a pretty bad shape", thus I didn't want to release it in that state. Now that I took some time to refine and refactor a lot of things I decided it's in a good enough state to be shown to public.

While I was at it, I also "generated" some starter collections that some of you might find usefull:
(all of them contain all ranked/approved beatmaps since 2007 to 12-04-2017)
first - 10 collections, based on song genre img
second - 85(!) based on both song genre and language img
third - 11 collections - each containing all maps from that year img

(webpage for sharing these collections will be a thing.. can't give an exact date yet tough :( )
How do I add songs into a collection? Do I need the folder or the osz?
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Currently the only way to add maps to a collection is through included beatmap listing
After finding maps you wish to add you need to select them and drag&drop them onto collection
And done
Can someone link some their collections for aim, streaming etc. bcs i have a lot of maps but am too lazy to make a collection of my own :D
How can you add songs to a collection?
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uh... look 2 posts above

while I'm there, let me drop this
So I added songs into collections based on stars (i.e. 3.5), and for some reason, the star amount isn't accurate. I have 1.2 stars in my 3.5-star collection. What could this be from?
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