
League of Legends

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Zain Sugieres
"We want to remove the ability to oneshot people from Rengar" - Riot Games 2016 LUL
As far as I've understood, they wanted to extend the time it took to assassinate people and make it so they know step-by-step how they got killed, instead of just being deleted in the split of a second. They did achieve that with LB and Kat, but I don't think Talon/Rengo changed at all. I don't think Rengar can ever be balanced, so it'd be great if they just deleted him outright. :^)
Assasins are assasing, they kill because that's their job. At least now they need to effort to get kills and not just appear and BOOM
kat still deletes people what.
Rengar gives me cancer even if he helped me get to Master last season lol

Hika wrote:

kat still deletes people what.
It was worse imo lol
Zain Sugieres
If you want to balance Rengar, you have 2 choices:
Make him a bruiser which will make everyone angry
Nerf his scalings down to shit and make everyone angry

Hika wrote:

kat still deletes people what.
I tested her the day she came out and if we assume you're trying to kill a full hp champion, relatively squishy, 1v1 in the laning phase past 6, it'll take you a lot more to do the same job as the old Kat.

Yeah, Kat is still relatively the same in teamfights as far as her job of "wait for the cc to be gone and then go in" goes (and is probably even better because of all the Es that she can get off), but the regular fights in the lane/ganks should and indeed do offer people more time to see how exactly she got to assassinate them, which is exactly what Riot stated their goal was.

Zain Sugieres wrote:

Make him a bruiser which will make everyone angry
this is actually a pretty bad design choice, considering rengar is promoted as a hunter, not a fighter

Zain Sugieres wrote:

Nerf his scalings down to shit and make everyone angry
so you want her to be the next less reliable irelia (i have to admit that she is a pretty strong pick this year)

assassin's are supposed to be the guys/gals that take down the important targets, and should be a situational/niche pick. they should have little to no aoe cc as well as good scaling. they should also be squishy and be SUPER vurnerable to bruisers/aoe damage dealers
I haven't played this game in 1 or 2 months and frankly just cba because of rank decay. I still can't understand Riot's decisions over the years to constantly choose changing/fucking up their most well made assassin, Ahri, over changing the most annoying ones such as lb and Rengar up until now.
The thing that confused me the most about Riot is what certain teams in their company are doing during the work hours. The fact that it takes 9 fucking months to rework a champion is proof enough that something has to be wrong over there. A company so huge should have more than enough resources to allocate into something as important as making a core part of the game viable again, yet here we see just how detached they are from this world.

I mean it took them 6 fucking years to bring back a special festive map. You can't tell me that it was more profitable to leave the rift as it is than draw more players in by spicing it up a bit for the new and old players alike.
For some reason I have a feeling they're putting as little effort as possible up until the game hits a critical point where they have to intervene just so they could pull out as much money as possible. Situations like these can't make sense otherwise.
Riot never fails to confuse me.
idk I would work for Riot for shit. Hi Rez too. Some Hi-Rez recruiter was really trying hard to give me an internship there and I'm pretty sure my work is worth so much more elsewhere

why would I try to work at Riot when they have no idea what the fuck a balance is
Ended the season plat 4, went 9-1 in flex placements and start plat 1. The message is like "you'll be placed lower than you were last season !!"

EDIT - played vs BillyBoss (lol) and BunnyFuFu. Flex matchmaking is pretty great.

FWIW I managed to win vs Bunny lol - ... b=overview (he's the thresh)
Flex is fucking broken for some reason. Playing vs Challenger players at Plat level is fun. =D
hah fun fact I ended this season with exactly 50% winrate, 110 wins 110 losses
Got placed into Silver 5 after some rather unfortunate placement games against mostly high plat/diamond players with bronzes on my team, but it's fine
What kind of matchmaking was that?!

EneT wrote:

What kind of matchmaking was that?!
better fix it before people's mmr die

gotta love my boyfriend's awesome way of surprises
(also that's the c-word. lool)
okay after the ranked hotfix today my rank got readjusted from Silver 5 to Silver 3, so that's pretty nice considering most people went the other way
Zain Sugieres
BA, that wasn't even anything you better report them and make you challenger wtf
How do I use Talon's E efficiently
you can't cause Riot eats ass
why tf they remove the silence like two seasons ago?
Fucking shit no, I wanted to start at B5 to see just how bad people down there are. Now even if I lose all 10 games I won't be placed below high silver. Fuck this.
aurani pls
I've never been in bronze and I can't and don't even want to try to understand how in the love of god someone could be stuck in there..
That's exactly why I wanted to see it with my own eyes. I got a friend who I pushed into playing ranked and he's genuinely terrible at the game, who lost all 10 out of 10 of his games (don't even ask how) and got placed in Silver 2. So apart from inting (which I was sorta planning on doing to lose those games) I have no idea how people can actually push their acc so low...
>got a 14 day ban 2 days after the day limit for which you wouldnt receive rewards anymore

time to throw i guess
I somehow redownloaded league wish me luck smh
One more feeder, great. :V
fite me 1v1 noob
Zain Sugieres
And so another player joined the forces of the Bronze League
tbh I didn't even start playing yet and I have massive anxiety from cancer

Hika wrote:

fite me 1v1 noob
It'd hardly be a fight ye Silver scrub

What's your ign anyways? Spectating you would be amusing, to say the least.
I'll give that to you when I do decide to play. I've avoided the chance to play so god bless
I could always spectate your earlier games, but sure, if you say so.
You could try playing in my server

Bronze here is the literal elo hell

but idk, since everyone is so bad you could just spam Riven and win everytime
I know someone from real life who's in bronze. He uses a trackpad and wonders why he's in bronze 5. I don't consider him a friend...
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