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Zain Sugieres
Yeah I still build statikk on him, it's just more of an old style build for him and new players don't usually build it on him
Non GP mains that only play him because he's getting back into meta don't buy it on him, majority of GP mains still do though. Armor pen GP is the FOTM pick right now but a 50/50 balance of armor pen GP and crit GP is what is popular among GP mains. Magic crits are just always OP

Zain Sugieres wrote:

Yeah I still build statikk on him, it's just more of an old style build for him and new players don't usually build it on him
Lol amen to that. It took me a LONG time for me to stop using it - though, when I stopped playing, I do know at the time that Statikk wasn't part of his core build. But this was a few months ago.

Talking about him makes me wanna play him... I was already a Bronze player as it was, it'd be so much worse now. xD
If you start playing him again and master his gameplay I'm sure you'd be able to climb from Bronze and probably make it up to Gold in under a month. He's one of the only few champs that can completely change teamfights and win the game by himself.
Zain Sugieres
Trundle is pretty strong in the jungle recently, pretty sure someone could climb into higher elo with him.
started maining yasuo lately, i was wondering what i should build on him, as in masteries or ingame items
What lane tho, his build is different depending on which lane you play him.

EneT wrote:

What lane tho, his build is different depending on which lane you play him.
i usually play him mid, though if thats already called top
Triforce rush, CDR boots, double zeal items (PD + shiv) alongside IE and a situational last item (can be tankier or just pure damage) is my favourite way to build gangplank. Gives you a very fast 45% cdr and insane damage both with barrels and with autos/non-barrel Qs. I've kiiinda become a GP onetrick on my main recently!

PlasticMemor wrote:

EneT wrote:

What lane tho, his build is different depending on which lane you play him.
i usually play him mid, though if thats already called top
I shall direct you to

DaddyCoolVipper wrote:

Triforce rush, CDR boots, double zeal items (PD + shiv) alongside IE and a situational last item (can be tankier or just pure damage) is my favourite way to build gangplank. Gives you a very fast 45% cdr and insane damage both with barrels and with autos/non-barrel Qs. I've kiiinda become a GP onetrick on my main recently!
If you go 6 CDR glyphs and 3 CDR per level glyphs on GP you can gain the 45% CDR with just trinity force and Yomuu's and let's you pick something other than CDR boots. This is the better option because boots of swiftness is a way better pick on him and if you need some resistances then ninja tabis or merc treads are still left as an option. Also yomuu's on him right now is pretty damn strong since you basically do true damage to squishies with the armor pen. Everything after yomuu's is situational in my opinion because even without crit he still does 1000+ damage with his barrels; I go IE>Shiv whenever I don't need the survivability from either maw or sterak's gage or if there isn't a bunch of tanks on the enemy team. Playing GP mid, you'll sometimes get an all AD team so Lord Dominik's 3rd item is pretty much a must since you'll be the only one in the team that can actually obliterate those armor stacking tanks.
Isn't Kled's ultimate just a copy of Junkrat's from OW?


EneT wrote:

Isn't Kled's ultimate just a copy of Junkrat's from OW?
You notice that but not how Kled-Skaarl is similar to D.Va-Meka?
I didn't know Junkrat rode his wheel with his allies into the fray.
>Opens League to play a match or two
>"Kled, the Noxian meme champion insight"
>Wait, the Noxian what
>Closes game and goes to bed
I never noticed that actually because I never pay attention to anything in the client; he's also going to be the first champion to ever swear.
Zain Sugieres
Insert overused Graves can't have a cigar meme about Kled swearing
how to play orianna and ezreal i'm trying to learn them and i'm just T R A S H
what am i supposed to build on ezreal muramana is like a dumb item imo???//
Zain Sugieres
Either Bluezreal or normal pussy ass Ezreal
Only way to play Ezreal is blue Ezreal because trinity force + crit Ezreal is for pussy ass bitches that can't land skillshots. Whenever blue Ezreal is not viable in the meta, never play Ezreal because Lucian does his job better whenever Ezreal cannot function as a poke champion; that's why Ezreal was shite during the tank meta.

And muramana dumb? It's like the best item on Ezreal; gives you 1000 mana, the mana refund, gives you around 70+ ad and adds 100+ damage to your Q, E and auto attacks.
Manamune > Iceborn Gauntlet > Blade of the Ruined King > Lord Dominik's > whatever, is the normal build path.

All you need to learn to get good with Ezreal is land your Qs; after laning phase, never get into auto attack range of anyone, even the enemy ADC, just keep poking with your Q and E in whenever you see someone you can kill. Ezreal can delete squishies with around 50-70% health and can 100-0 them if he uses ult so don't be afraid.

For Orianna? I don't know about Orianna, Orianna is for pussies that just like playing supportive mid laners. I ain't into those kind of champions.
Orianna is so fucking team reliant.
I remember reaching Platinum 4 back in Season 3 while maining Orianna, mostly because of Toyz. Fun times.
Zain Sugieres

EneT wrote:

Only way to play Ezreal is blue Ezreal because trinity force + crit Ezreal is for pussy ass bitches that can't land skillshots. Whenever blue Ezreal is not viable in the meta, never play Ezreal because Lucian does his job better whenever Ezreal cannot function as a poke champion; that's why Ezreal was shite during the tank meta.

And muramana dumb? It's like the best item on Ezreal; gives you 1000 mana, the mana refund, gives you around 70+ ad and adds 100+ damage to your Q, E and auto attacks.
Manamune > Iceborn Gauntlet > Blade of the Ruined King > Lord Dominik's > whatever, is the normal build path.

All you need to learn to get good with Ezreal is land your Qs; after laning phase, never get into auto attack range of anyone, even the enemy ADC, just keep poking with your Q and E in whenever you see someone you can kill. Ezreal can delete squishies with around 50-70% health and can 100-0 them if he uses ult so don't be afraid.

For Orianna? I don't know about Orianna, Orianna is for pussies that just like playing supportive mid laners. I ain't into those kind of champions.
You can also buy Manamune after Iceborn if you're snowballing, works as good.

Zain Sugieres
Where did you get that from?

Zain Sugieres wrote:

Where did you get that from? ... pdate.html
It's in the PBE
Zain Sugieres
Oh okay

The skin doesn't look that good tbh and it doesn't really suit Ahri imo
splash is god tier tho
The skin itself is pretty meh but the splashart is really hot tho; hottest splashart thus far imo.
Zain Sugieres
She basically looks like she's taken from No game no life
I don't see it. It has more of a Scott Pilgrim look to me.

Hika wrote:

Orianna is so fucking team reliant.
What kind of bronze are you in? :p

Just because she goes well with wombo combo teams doesn't make her any more team reliant than other mids. IMO, as someone who's been playing her religiously since s2 I can definitely say that I have an easier time breastfeeding retards in soloQ with her than with other mids.
I know you love playing with them balls.
I was always fascinated by the possibilities of fondling balls.
I'm too busy playing Syndra to give a fuck 8^)
or well actually I've quit the game and moved onto real life like the thousandth time now.
Gotta love the enthusiastic people in NA.
Oh league, never change. =)

Zain Sugieres
"u should not argue, he might be french"
Doto 2
What a gong show, who argues in aram? aram must be srs bsns.

I saw a no attack speed Ashe with a muramana, IE, Death's Dance win a 1v1 against a corki with tf, IE, Firecannon in aram so I don't think any troll builds can ever exist in that game mode.
Aram is about teamfights and sustain. Troll builds exist in the same manner as they do in normals. That being said, that guy didn't really have a troll build, they're all just idiots arguing. :p

Zain Sugieres wrote:

"u should not argue, he might be french"
lmao only reason why I quit EU cause my first 10 games had either a polish or French
Due to cancerous, unwanted pro players, GP's pick/ban rate has increased exponentially; he is picked/banned in all my games above D1 and it has made playing on my main account un-enjoyable.
Everyday, every hour and minute, a GP one-trick is suffering from this affliction, but with your help, we can put an end to it, we can make GP great again.
A complaint to Riot everyday about how OP Penplank is is our first step to rehabilitating our wounded GP one-tricks and the spamming of EZ roflstomp champions like Leblanc and Fiora will persuade the meta slaves of solo queue to shift away from GP.
With your help, we can make the sad GP one-tricks, into happy one-tricks.
In return, you'll be seeing much less meta slaves playing Penplank and more one-tricks playing Critplank.
Thank you for listening. #savethegponetricks
Zain Sugieres
Critplank is the only way of going gp
Thank you for your contributions. Thanks to all of your help we have secured a nerf to GP. Farewell meta slaves, only the one-tricks will be willing to play GP now.

The meta affects the lives of one-tricks every day; they are filled with grief and sorrow every time their champ comes into meta. If we want to stop this, please, do not give in and become a meta slave. #deathtoallmetaslaves
Why do people on reddit say they never encounter toxic people in their euw games? Every single time I lose my lane I'm 90% guaranteed to have at least 1 person in the team calling me a boosted animal and flaming me for the rest of the game

I always report them end game but I've never seen the "a player got punished" message lol
Rengar and LB Rework ;; my one shots all gone :< meanwhile full ad jarvan and irelia can still one shot nerds.

Jordan wrote:

Why do people on reddit say they never encounter toxic people in their euw games? Every single time I lose my lane I'm 90% guaranteed to have at least 1 person in the team calling me a boosted animal and flaming me for the rest of the game

I always report them end game but I've never seen the "a player got punished" message lol
Maybe because you are boosted animal. :')
If you feel anyone in the game will affect your gameplay with their negativity then just type /mute all. You play better with no one talking, trust me.

Bearizm wrote:

Rengar and LB Rework ;; my one shots all gone :< meanwhile full ad jarvan and irelia can still one shot nerds.
Because they're braindead champs that have little counterplay. LB is like the champ I pick if GP is banned, I can't be bothered to play TF and I get hit with a cancer lane like Cass because I know that LB is of an equal cancer.

J4, is a one dimensional champ that goes in but can't back out so even if he does kill a squishy he is put in a relatively bad position and Irelia is more of damage over time with a stun that can be counterplayed; top laners like Jax, GP and Fiora do way more damage than her so the only thing that puts Irelia above others is her mobility, not her ability to one shot. Compare that to LB who can one shot the enemy ADC with just Q R thunderlords without needing to land any skillshots and Rengar who one shots the enemy with Q Q and has the ability to run away with movement speed and W heal.
I feel like this game dies a little every time they remove a "non-skillshot" ability or rework a champion with "no counterplay". It's all just to enhance "skill" and get people into more juke situations for no fucking reason.

If a LB is destroying you with 2 spells, you fucking pick MR and farm like the bitch you are. There is no reason to rework an entire champion just because people don't know how to play against it. Let's rework Katarina because she can assassinate someone in the split of a second. Let's totally forget that there are multiple ways to counter her, as there are for LB.

Rengar, on the other hand, just has a badly designed kit and nothing else. You either make him useless or you make him broken beyond imagination, which is from a designer standpoint utter shit.
Actually you're wrong, Riot isn't trying to promote skill anymore. Years ago they tried changing champs to "separate good (X champion) players from the great (X champion) players", instead now they do shit like make Ryze easier, make Taliyah easier and remove the mechanics of Nidalee that really did separate the good from the great like taking away her auto attack reset; now they're basically taking up the slogan of "We don't like big gaps in mechanical skill between players" when years prior it was the complete opposite.

The fact that LB has been the one and only mid lane assassin that has been meta since the end of season 3 is quite a concern. Zed is shit; Ahri is shit; Fizz gets wrecked in lane etc etc. The logical approach would be to buff those champions and nerf LB which is what I think they'll be doing in the Assassin rework. I mained LB for quite a while prior to her becoming meta and during, not gonna lie that I'm a dirty LB abuser but if she's gone and Zed and Ahri are more popular then I'm more up for that; both Zed and Ahri are more fun; two of my most favourite champions and a throwback to my favourite season, season 3, the assassin meta.

The ultimate gut they could possibly do that would make me quit the game is make GP's Q into a skillshot but I don't see that happening since his Q has to be coded as an auto attack for the damage calculations of crit to function properly.

On another note, I've been playing Teemo mid and jungle lately on my smurfs and it's absolutely OP; not even a troll pick, you can definitely climb with that little shit. I got my silver smurf up to plat with just Teemo.

EneT wrote:

Actually you're wrong, Riot isn't trying to promote skill anymore.
I played in the second half of Season 5, and stopped playing now, and this is related to why.

I don't feel like good players are given a chance to shine and carry a game. Most times that doesn't happen for me. I played a lot of mid and ADC. Yes, I lost lane sometimes, but when I do win, it's almost impossible to extend my lead to the other lanes, even in games where I've been at 7/0/0 stomping my lane. Why is this? Because of a number advantage. LoL right now feels like a game where in a 2v1, the team of 2 always wins, no matter how skilled or fed the 1 player is. That doesn't let someone shine, it's suppression, giving the losing team a chance that they don't deserve.

Is this to say "make the game so snowbally that a single kill means the game is done?" No. I played Smite in early Season 2 (and quit because of this), and this happened. First blood decided the game. First blood should NOT decide the game, but if someone wins lane and the other two are even, it should be easier for the one that won lane to extend their lead to teammates.

Another issue: Trolls, toxics and AFKs.

1) Trolls. Should be permabanned. Do I consider 0/3/0 to be trolling? No. However 0/9/1 with 30 CS at 15 minutes? Yes, that's trolling. Ranked should be matching me with teammates and enemies of the same skill level, and 0/9/1, 30 CS is so abysmally below my skill that it qualifies as trolling.
Using Anivia walls to block off teammates? Trolling.
Bard ulti to trap a teammate? Trolling.
Azir wall to push enemies toward a 100hp teammate? Trolling.
I see one every other game. Ranked becomes a gamble where you roll for two things: Will there be a troll, and will he be on my team?
The issue is, as n3ac3y said, "You can get banned for the things you say, but not for the things you do."

2) Toxics. Chat bans aren't good enough. LPQ toxics too. Don't need to say more.

3) AFKs. AFKing is too common because LeaverBuster isn't sensitive enough, AND the LPQ system is subpar. LeaverBuster waits a few minutes before thinking "he could be AFK." It should be one minute before triggering LeaverBuster. If players can't commit to a full game then they should receive penalties, JUST LIKE IN CSGO.

The LPQ timers need to be redone. Instead of having "Just do something else for 20 minutes and we'll put you into the queue," it should be based on cooldowns, JUST LIKE IN CSGO. If someone gets LPQ'ed, they should not be able to hit the queue button for a certain time. Then the second time, they get a longer timer. Then the third time, an even longer timer.

CSGO goes by these cooldowns: 30 minutes, 2 hours, 1 day, 7 days.
Timers I think are good for LoL are: 1 hour, 3 hours, 12 hours, 1 day.

Don't even get me started on the number and cheese of some champions.
Why does it sounds like low elo lol

[ S a k u r a ] wrote:

Why does it sounds like low elo lol
Does low elo mean I don't have a right to share my thoughts?
You can have your thoughts, but they don't necessarily align with what's true. Also, the biggest problem I see here is you being so bloody sensitive about everything. I constantly joke around with my teammates when I'm playing Anivia and no one EVER tried to report me for it or tell me I'm trolling. People I did that to were the sort that understood League as a game, not as a "fuck my mother is going to castrate me if I don't win" challenge. While ranked is indeed supposed to be serious and all about proving your skill, if you die because your Bard trapped you and then you lose the game off that ONE kill, you're either in challenger (and you're not) or you're so low on the ladder it doesn't even matter. Also, going 0-9 with 30cs doesn't mean trolling either, it means the guy is totally inept at playing that champion and has no knowledge of how to come back after the initial loss.

I do agree that toxic people should be shot to death whilst drowning in their own piss, but I honestly don't think how you could improve it apart from reintroducing the community-judging.

As far as afking goes, it also doesn't really work the way you think. Yeah, afkers are not punished enough, I agree, but even if they introduce more severe rules, you as a "good" player won't notice shit. Why? Because most people you play with, you only see once, at BEST twice if you queue up again at the same time, and what does that mean? You only ever get to see them afking once. So, no matter how good the system is, you can't possibly punish someone who afk'd just once in the last 20 or 50 battles, as it may have been an emergency or something beyond his control. That, however, doesn't mean jack shit to you, because you just lost that game and to you his ONE afking meant a whole lot more than it objectively should.

Aurani wrote:

I constantly joke around with my teammates when I'm playing Anivia and no one EVER tried to report me for it or tell me I'm trolling. People I did that to were the sort that understood League as a game, not as a "fuck my mother is going to castrate me if I don't win" challenge.
While ranked is indeed supposed to be serious
What's your point?

Also, going 0-9 with 30cs doesn't mean trolling either, it means the guy is totally inept at playing that champion and has no knowledge of how to come back after the initial loss.
It's trolling. At maximum, any sane person getting stomped in lane would die no more than 4 times. After that 4th death, it's obvious that the player made too many mistakes and should minimize losses, rather than go in and feed more. "Oh, I lost my lane, might as well feed and not try anymore because I don't want my teammates to carry me" is trolling.

I do agree that toxic people should be shot to death whilst drowning in their own piss, but I honestly don't think how you could improve it apart from reintroducing the community-judging.
Bring tribunal back. All I'll say.

As far as afking goes, it also doesn't really work the way you think. Yeah, afkers are not punished enough, I agree, but even if they introduce more severe rules, you as a "good" player won't notice shit. Why? Because most people you play with, you only see once, at BEST twice if you queue up again at the same time, and what does that mean? You only ever get to see them afking once. So, no matter how good the system is, you can't possibly punish someone who afk'd just once in the last 20 or 50 battles, as it may have been an emergency or something beyond his control. That, however, doesn't mean jack shit to you, because you just lost that game and to you his ONE afking meant a whole lot more than it objectively should.
And if you have time for only ONE game each day, a single AFK in a single game means more than you think it does.
His point is that he's a filthy casual.
Zain Sugieres

repr1se wrote:

It's trolling. At maximum, any sane person getting stomped in lane would die no more than 4 times. After that 4th death, it's obvious that the player made too many mistakes and should minimize losses, rather than go in and feed more. "Oh, I lost my lane, might as well feed and not try anymore because I don't want my teammates to carry me" is trolling.
You don't really know if the guy is feeding on purpose if he is just dying. He might be trying to just get farm and try to survive till he gets items to do anything but can't do anything because the enemy is killing him everytime. He doesn't even have to be going in if there is enemy that has at least 1 form of gap closer or long range cc. Players with no knowledge about their champions usually don't know how they should come back and go straight for the farm, it's not trolling but lack of knowledge.
Not only that, but some people are just not all that bright or are simply children who don't view it as seriously as others.

The biggest mistake we do without realising is thinking that our teammates are equal to us, which they are not. You have no idea if that Graves who just towerdived for no damn reason is maybe a bit mentally behind (has an actual illness) or if he's 7 years old. We subconsciously think they're at the same level as us, so it puzzles us when we see them do retarded shit.

So yeah, that 0-9 guy has a plethora of excuses to cover that score apart from being a feeder. :p
I once went 0/6 on lane because I kept getting 2 or 3-man dives as top even though I was really behind and on a losing matchup (Sion vs Fiora). The team played it out and managed to keep the mid/bot advantage and in the mid-late game I just spam-farmed (fiora didn't know how to splitpush) and helped the team as I could, won the game and ended up 6/8 which isn't a really good score but yeah.

Wouldn't have happened if the team instantly assumed I was trolling and got tilted for the rest of the match.
Dyrus is getting PTSD flashbacks to this day.
i will be the one who makes mid kindred work you all will see >:(
I play top Kindred sometimes and that works. Not sure about mid, kindred doesn't have alot of burst.
jk lane kindred can smd
Yorick rework looks cool.
Too bad I don't like Yorick. :)
Zain Sugieres
He will probably get reworked and be played/banned in every game and after that he will just be a rare pick, not as rare as before but still rare.
As are most sterile shitchamps nowadays.

Aurani wrote:

As are most sterile shitchamps nowadays.
haha kindred only works in jungle u scrubs.
Also I've recorded the amount of time I haven't been playing league, which is a few months.
I'm on a rolllll
same and I'm not planning to ever come back

BrokenArrow wrote:

same and I'm not planning to ever come back
thats referring to pre 2016 me 8)
8) u is right

i'm probably gonna end up playing again because i just saw the new yorick and he looks pretty savage in teamfights sooooooooooooooooooooooo
and i think he'd be great with my syndra woo
yorick is probably gonna be a splitpushing machine

Hika wrote:

haha kindred only works in jungle u scrubs.
In bronze game, kindred can be played on toplane and botlane ^^
>Championship Riven getting a different look for those who bought it in s2

Mimir71 wrote:

Hika wrote:

haha kindred only works in jungle u scrubs.
In bronze game, kindred can be played on toplane and botlane ^^

am I the only one seeing something wrong here

Hika wrote:

Mimir71 wrote:

In bronze game, kindred can be played on toplane and botlane ^^

am I the only one seeing something wrong here
bronze mentality
been a tsm fan since i started playing. fuck those fake fans who doubted them >:(

proud 1000th post PogChamp
Add me @ melidian
NA fans hoping their team will pass group stage this year. :)
Zain Sugieres
Watching pro scene in 2016 LUL

Zain Sugieres wrote:

Watching pro scene in 2016 LUL
Korean scene is still good.
But yeah, lcs are boring to watch now.
have u guys seen c9 vs tsm? that shit was hype af. a bit of a clown fiesta from free9's very own fuccboi meteos aka tilted af
Zain Sugieres

Zain Sugieres wrote:

Watching pro scene in 2016 LUL
this lol. I'm only gonna watch Worlds I guess but I won't be nearly as hyped as I was the previous years.
hey d00ds u don't have to bash the people who watch the competitive scene just cuz u don't. You're not special.
b-b-but league is dead! muh overwatch is b-better! you're stupid if you don't like what I do!!
I quitted Overwatch after playing it for 2 months. It got boring and repetitive WAY TOO QUICKLY.

Might get back too it soon though.

Blue Dragon wrote:

b-b-but league is dead! muh overwatch is b-better! you're stupid if you don't like what I do!!
It's quite funny how many people called League "a dead game" due to Overwatch coming out, but now no one even talks about it anymore. Loving the sheep mentality of the general populace of this planet.
Zain Sugieres
Overwatch gets pretty boring after a while tbh because there's no much variety in heroes

Zain Sugieres wrote:

Overwatch gets pretty boring after a while tbh because there's no much variety in heroes
much like league lmao
meanwhile ti6 has 105 picks out of 110 heroes available in captain's mode
because who the fk gets mastery 7 with tk


Navizel wrote:

Zain Sugieres wrote:

Overwatch gets pretty boring after a while tbh because there's no much variety in heroes
much like league lmao
meanwhile ti6 has 105 picks out of 110 heroes available in captain's mode
get out
sure thing bud
this season only 3 of the ~130 champions in league haven't been picked competitively, idk what you're on about
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