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switching back to my old shitty computer after playing for 2 weeks on a 1k euro gaming pc is depressing to say the very least :/ I knew good hardware made a difference, but not THAT big of a difference
Neku Okazaki
La Volpe

Neku okazaki wrote:

Mid GP is the only fun champion rn. I've converted into a GP 1-trick the last 2 months.


EneT wrote:

Mid GP is the only fun champion rn. I've converted into a GP 1-trick the last 2 months.

I know I've been away from the game for a few months now, but is he (Gangplank, my favourite champion) really a mid laner now? =/
he can be played mid or top
The top lane meta rn is really bad for him because it has champs like Irelia and Trundle that have really good all in and Fiora's making a rise again so fuck dat. In mid lane, as long as you land triple barrells, GP can kill any mid laner.

I follow the teachings of the great Tobito Flapatito.
Zain Sugieres
A good gp player will win any lane

Unless it's AD Bard top

Too op
Not when you're against people of the same skill level. You either win lane or you play like a bitch and just farm for items but there are exceptions like Irelia and Fiora which have enough mobility to chase you down from the other side of the lane and enough all in to dive you. The reason why I don't like top lane GP is if you're not smurfing, then majority of the time it's just a farm lane; GP obliterates tanks faster than any champion but in order to do so he actually needs the items. Without those items he does no damage to tanks because majority of the time they'll buy a Doran's Shield which decreases AA dmg and GP's Q is coded as an AA. Then when you're not fighting a tank you're fighting something like Irelia. There are really easy matchups like Darius but there're not enough to make me want to play top GP. I only play top GP when smurfing but it's really boring in comparison to mid GP.

In mid the matchups are actually worse than in top lane because nearly every mid champion has kill potential on GP but the thing is you have kill potential on them too and you don't have to deal with dealing no damage to tanks early game. Alot easier to roam bot too and yada yada you just get all the perks from being a mid laner; blue buff, easy roams, earlier levels. A lot easier to get fed early and carry on mid lane GP than on top lane.

TL;DR all you do on top lane GP is farm and maybe get a few lucky kills with your ult
mid lane GP actually does shit around the map and is fun to play
I don't like farm lanes because I was mainly an assassin mid player with the exception of TF who becomes an assassin himself once he has the items

The only thing I like about top lane GP more than mid GP is the lvl 1 easy kill; I don't like how it's easier to land barrels. In top lane all you have to do is double barrel because most matchups are melee but in mid it's more fun because you have to triple barrel to land them and triple barreling is pretty much the most fun thing to consistently do in the game rn.

EneT wrote:

Not when you're against people of the same skill level. You either win lane or you play like a bitch and just farm for items but there are exceptions like Irelia and Fiora which have enough mobility to chase you down from the other side of the lane and enough all in to dive you. The reason why I don't like top lane GP is if you're not smurfing, then majority of the time it's just a farm lane; GP obliterates tanks faster than any champion but in order to do so he actually needs the items. Without those items he does no damage to tanks because majority of the time they'll buy a Doran's Shield which decreases AA dmg and GP's Q is coded as an AA. Then when you're not fighting a tank you're fighting something like Irelia. There are really easy matchups like Darius but there're not enough to make me want to play top GP. I only play top GP when smurfing but it's really boring in comparison to mid GP.

In mid the matchups are actually worse than in top lane because nearly every mid champion has kill potential on GP but the thing is you have kill potential on them too and you don't have to deal with dealing no damage to tanks early game. Alot easier to roam bot too and yada yada you just get all the perks from being a mid laner; blue buff, easy roams, earlier levels. A lot easier to get fed early and carry on mid lane GP than on top lane.

TL;DR all you do on top lane GP is farm and maybe get a few lucky kills with your ult
mid lane GP actually does shit around the map and is fun to play
I don't like farm lanes because I was mainly an assassin mid player with the exception of TF who becomes an assassin himself once he has the items

The only thing I like about top lane GP more than mid GP is the lvl 1 easy kill; I don't like how it's easier to land barrels. In top lane all you have to do is double barrel because most matchups are melee but in mid it's more fun because you have to triple barrel to land them and triple barreling is pretty much the most fun thing to consistently do in the game rn.
Lol I'm an extremely passive player as it is and pretty much every champion I play is top lane anyway. So maining him top lane is just where I'd go with him. Going for the big players isn't really my thing, which might explain why I don't play assassins. Most of my champions are either bruisers or tanks.
He's pretty cheesy mid. Sometimes you get camped hard leading you to lose lane yet you still end up carrying the game and deal the most damage in the game and then...sometimes the enemy mid laner randomly gets 3 kills bot so you just stay mid and play like a bitch for the whole game but still end up winning because your waveclear is too good for them to attempt to take mid and you just help any lane with your ult.

It's the GP life dude.

EneT wrote:

He's pretty cheesy mid. Sometimes you get camped hard leading you to lose lane yet you still end up carrying the game and deal the most damage in the game and then...sometimes the enemy mid laner randomly gets 3 kills bot so you just stay mid and play like a bitch for the whole game but still end up winning because your waveclear is too good for them to attempt to take mid and you just help any lane with your ult.

It's the GP life dude.
Lol like I said, I'm a very passive player so I generally play pretty safe / ward lots anyway. I didn't have a ton of problems with ganks in top lane with Gangplank. Mid's actually my second role but I use Lux and Galio there.
Zain Sugieres
Statikk gp best gp never forget old build
You still build stattik shiv on him if you buy IE after yomuu's. Basically if you don't need the maw of malmortius and they don't have enough tanks then you go IE>shiv.
Zain Sugieres
Yeah I still build statikk on him, it's just more of an old style build for him and new players don't usually build it on him
Non GP mains that only play him because he's getting back into meta don't buy it on him, majority of GP mains still do though. Armor pen GP is the FOTM pick right now but a 50/50 balance of armor pen GP and crit GP is what is popular among GP mains. Magic crits are just always OP

Zain Sugieres wrote:

Yeah I still build statikk on him, it's just more of an old style build for him and new players don't usually build it on him
Lol amen to that. It took me a LONG time for me to stop using it - though, when I stopped playing, I do know at the time that Statikk wasn't part of his core build. But this was a few months ago.

Talking about him makes me wanna play him... I was already a Bronze player as it was, it'd be so much worse now. xD
If you start playing him again and master his gameplay I'm sure you'd be able to climb from Bronze and probably make it up to Gold in under a month. He's one of the only few champs that can completely change teamfights and win the game by himself.
Zain Sugieres
Trundle is pretty strong in the jungle recently, pretty sure someone could climb into higher elo with him.
started maining yasuo lately, i was wondering what i should build on him, as in masteries or ingame items
What lane tho, his build is different depending on which lane you play him.

EneT wrote:

What lane tho, his build is different depending on which lane you play him.
i usually play him mid, though if thats already called top
Triforce rush, CDR boots, double zeal items (PD + shiv) alongside IE and a situational last item (can be tankier or just pure damage) is my favourite way to build gangplank. Gives you a very fast 45% cdr and insane damage both with barrels and with autos/non-barrel Qs. I've kiiinda become a GP onetrick on my main recently!

PlasticMemor wrote:

EneT wrote:

What lane tho, his build is different depending on which lane you play him.
i usually play him mid, though if thats already called top
I shall direct you to

DaddyCoolVipper wrote:

Triforce rush, CDR boots, double zeal items (PD + shiv) alongside IE and a situational last item (can be tankier or just pure damage) is my favourite way to build gangplank. Gives you a very fast 45% cdr and insane damage both with barrels and with autos/non-barrel Qs. I've kiiinda become a GP onetrick on my main recently!
If you go 6 CDR glyphs and 3 CDR per level glyphs on GP you can gain the 45% CDR with just trinity force and Yomuu's and let's you pick something other than CDR boots. This is the better option because boots of swiftness is a way better pick on him and if you need some resistances then ninja tabis or merc treads are still left as an option. Also yomuu's on him right now is pretty damn strong since you basically do true damage to squishies with the armor pen. Everything after yomuu's is situational in my opinion because even without crit he still does 1000+ damage with his barrels; I go IE>Shiv whenever I don't need the survivability from either maw or sterak's gage or if there isn't a bunch of tanks on the enemy team. Playing GP mid, you'll sometimes get an all AD team so Lord Dominik's 3rd item is pretty much a must since you'll be the only one in the team that can actually obliterate those armor stacking tanks.
Isn't Kled's ultimate just a copy of Junkrat's from OW?


EneT wrote:

Isn't Kled's ultimate just a copy of Junkrat's from OW?
You notice that but not how Kled-Skaarl is similar to D.Va-Meka?
I didn't know Junkrat rode his wheel with his allies into the fray.
>Opens League to play a match or two
>"Kled, the Noxian meme champion insight"
>Wait, the Noxian what
>Closes game and goes to bed
I never noticed that actually because I never pay attention to anything in the client; he's also going to be the first champion to ever swear.
Zain Sugieres
Insert overused Graves can't have a cigar meme about Kled swearing
how to play orianna and ezreal i'm trying to learn them and i'm just T R A S H
what am i supposed to build on ezreal muramana is like a dumb item imo???//
Zain Sugieres
Either Bluezreal or normal pussy ass Ezreal
Only way to play Ezreal is blue Ezreal because trinity force + crit Ezreal is for pussy ass bitches that can't land skillshots. Whenever blue Ezreal is not viable in the meta, never play Ezreal because Lucian does his job better whenever Ezreal cannot function as a poke champion; that's why Ezreal was shite during the tank meta.

And muramana dumb? It's like the best item on Ezreal; gives you 1000 mana, the mana refund, gives you around 70+ ad and adds 100+ damage to your Q, E and auto attacks.
Manamune > Iceborn Gauntlet > Blade of the Ruined King > Lord Dominik's > whatever, is the normal build path.

All you need to learn to get good with Ezreal is land your Qs; after laning phase, never get into auto attack range of anyone, even the enemy ADC, just keep poking with your Q and E in whenever you see someone you can kill. Ezreal can delete squishies with around 50-70% health and can 100-0 them if he uses ult so don't be afraid.

For Orianna? I don't know about Orianna, Orianna is for pussies that just like playing supportive mid laners. I ain't into those kind of champions.
Orianna is so fucking team reliant.
I remember reaching Platinum 4 back in Season 3 while maining Orianna, mostly because of Toyz. Fun times.
Zain Sugieres

EneT wrote:

Only way to play Ezreal is blue Ezreal because trinity force + crit Ezreal is for pussy ass bitches that can't land skillshots. Whenever blue Ezreal is not viable in the meta, never play Ezreal because Lucian does his job better whenever Ezreal cannot function as a poke champion; that's why Ezreal was shite during the tank meta.

And muramana dumb? It's like the best item on Ezreal; gives you 1000 mana, the mana refund, gives you around 70+ ad and adds 100+ damage to your Q, E and auto attacks.
Manamune > Iceborn Gauntlet > Blade of the Ruined King > Lord Dominik's > whatever, is the normal build path.

All you need to learn to get good with Ezreal is land your Qs; after laning phase, never get into auto attack range of anyone, even the enemy ADC, just keep poking with your Q and E in whenever you see someone you can kill. Ezreal can delete squishies with around 50-70% health and can 100-0 them if he uses ult so don't be afraid.

For Orianna? I don't know about Orianna, Orianna is for pussies that just like playing supportive mid laners. I ain't into those kind of champions.
You can also buy Manamune after Iceborn if you're snowballing, works as good.

Zain Sugieres
Where did you get that from?

Zain Sugieres wrote:

Where did you get that from? ... pdate.html
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